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Palygorskite is a natural clay mineral characterized by a porous crystalline structure containing tetrahedral layers alloyed together by longitudinal sideline chains. Due to its sorptive and rheological properties, palygorskite is widely used in different industrial fields. In particular, palygorskite clays depict a high susceptibility to ion exchange, large special surface area, considerable porosity and thermal stability. The structural formula of the iron-rich palygorskite is established as: (Si 7.66 Al 0.34) (Al 1.08 Fe 0.81 Mg 1.99 Ti 0.05-1.07) 02 0(OH)2(OH2)4. The SEM images (Figure 1) reveal the fibers of high-iron palygorskite have the short-stick shape and the fibers can occur as the bundles of agglomerate needle-like structures. The interspaces of the structures increase the special surface area evidently. Compared to the iron-rich sample, the low-iron palygorskite fibers present as the compact stack without many interspaces and some fibers are flexural in shape. Tunnel-like rectangular microspores with the channels approximately 3.7-5.4 A in the crystal structure should also be considered. The iron-rich palygorskite has a normally higher special surface area (180-200 m^2/g) than other palygorskites (110-130 m^2/g) and the pore size is distributed from micropore (〈2 nm) to macropore (〉 100 nm), which could extend the range of the adsorbate size. After acid leaching, the special surface area will increase up to 250-300 m^2/g. Previous studies proposed maximum sorption values of 37.2 mg/g for lead, 17.4 mg/g for copper, 7.11 mg/g for zinc and 5.83 mg/g for cadmium at pH 5-6. For excellent adsorption capacity of organic molecules, the clay has been applied in treatment of dye wastewater, decoloring edible oils and absorption of odorant molecules recently.  相似文献   

Siberian Traps Large Igneous Province (STLIP) is one of the most voluminous volcanic provinces on Earth. The dominant erupted rocks are low-Ti basalts, which make up 80% by volume of the classical Noril’sk lava sequence. In the west Siberian basin and Maymecha-Kotuy area, the low-Ti basalts make up about 99% and 50% by volume, respectively. Dolerite sills in the Angara-Taseevskaya Syncline at the southeastern STLIP exhibit trace element patterns and Sr isotope ratios typical of the low-Ti basalts of the Noril’sk sequence. The most Mg-rich (MgO 9.5–11 wt%) and hence least differentiated dolerites are characterized by trace element patterns with Ta-Nb depletion, low Ce/Pb and high Sr/Pr. These trace element features are similar to water-saturated, mantle wedge-derived island arc basalts. These imply an important role of subduction fluid-derived trace elements in the source of melting beneath the Angara-Taseevskaya Syncline and other regions of the STLIP. Less magnesium rocks (MgO 3.8–6.1 wt%) with less prominent Ta-Nb depletion, higher Ce/Pb and lower Sr/Pr could be produced via olivine-plagioclase fractionation of primary high-magnesium melts.  相似文献   

We examined 14 subaerially deposited speleothems retrieved from submerged caves in the northeastern Yucatán Peninsula (Mexico). These speleothems grew during the Middle to Late Quaternary and were dated by 230Th-U techniques to provide upper depth limits for past sea levels. We report the first relative sea-level limits for Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 11 and 6, and present new evidence for sea-level oscillations during MIS 5 and early MIS 1. For the latter periods, the origin of growth interruptions is evaluated by combining petrographic methods with trace element analyses. The MIS 5c sea-level highstand probably occurred between 103.94 ± 0.58 ka and 96.82 ± 0.42 ka and must have exceeded -10.8 m (relative to present-day local sea level). The minimum average rate of sea-level fall over a 9.4 ka-long period during the MIS 5e/5d transition is calculated from stalagmite and published coral data at 1.74 ± 0.37 m/ka. For the early Holocene, previous discrepancies with respect to a potential multimetre oscillation of local sea level were found to be challenging to reconcile with the existing speleothem data from the area.  相似文献   

The Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, has typically been considered a tectonically stable region with little significant seismic activity. The region though, is one that is regularly affected by hurricanes. A detailed survey of ca 100 km of the eastern Yucatán and Cozumel coast identified the presence of ridges containing individual boulders measuring >1 m in length. The boulder ridges reach 5 m in height and their origin is associated with extreme wave event activity. Previously modelled tsunami waves from known seismically active zones in the region (Muertos Thrust Belt and South Caribbean Deformed Belt) are not of sufficient scale in the area of the Yucatán Peninsula to have produced the boulder ridges recorded in this study. The occurrence of hurricanes in this region is more common, but two of the most destructive (Hurricane Gilbert 1988 and Hurricane Wilma 2005) produced coastal waves too small to have created the ridges recorded here. In this paper, a new tsunami model with a source area located on the Motagua/Swan Island Fault System has been generated that indicates a tsunami event may have caused the extreme wave events that resulted in the deposition of the boulder ridges.  相似文献   

Tropical cyclones (TCs) are large-scale natural disturbances that generate strong winds and heavy rainfall, impacting coastal and inland environments. TCs also influence biogeochemical and hydrological cycles controlling aquatic primary productivity in tropical and subtropical coastal ecosystems. We assessed TC landfall activity and identified sites along the Mexican east and west coasts with high frequency in the period 1970–2010 and evaluated TCs with significant precipitation. Changes in chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentrations before and after storm impacts were estimated using remotely sensed ocean color. There were 1,065 named TCs with a wide diversity in tracks. Three states with the highest number of landfalls were identified: Baja California Sur and Sinaloa on the west coast and Quintana Roo on the east coast. While a relative increase in Chl-a values following TC landfalls in the Baja California and Yucatán Peninsula regions appeared to be strongly linked to TC strength, the intensity of precipitation, the spatial scales of the two peninsulas, and the relative movement of TCs appeared to have contributed to Chl-a variability. Satellite estimates of Chl-a in the nearshore coastal waters following TC passage were likely enhanced by coastal morphology and water discharge along with constituents such as suspended particulate, colored dissolved organic matter and nutrients from rivers, tributaries, and groundwater.  相似文献   

While there are numerous thick loess–palaeosol sequences preserved across the Carpathian Basin, well dated sites that provide terrestrial palaeoenvironmental records extending beyond last glacial–interglacial cycle are scarce. Robust chronologies are essential for correlations of loess with other long-term Quaternary records and to further understanding of the palaeoenvironment and climate of this important region beyond the last 125 ka. Here a new geochronology based on 13 post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence ages focused on the lower part of the loess–palaeosol sequence at Erdut is presented. The results show that the lower part of the Erdut profile spans the penultimate glacial cycle (MIS 7 to MIS 5). The considerable sediments overlaying the investigated part of the profile suggest that this section spans two glacial cycles, rather than the previously suggested one. The most likely source of the discrepancy is the use of uncorrected infrared stimulated luminescence signal, which can cause age underestimation if not accounted for. This study demonstrates the need to revisit sites such as Erdut, re-date them using updated measurement protocols, and update existing palaeoenvironmental interpretations.  相似文献   

Bioremediation of industrial effluents containing heavy metals has been demonstrated in recent years. In contrast to other metals, the recover of oxyanions particularly rhenium via biosorption by microorganisms has not been investigated yet and there is n…  相似文献   

The most important Brazilian kaolin district is located in the Amazon region. The beneficiation of this kaolin produces great volumes of wastes, mainly composed of coarse-grained kaolinite not suitable for the paper industry but still very fine and ideal for several other purposes. About 1000 M ton kaolinite-rich wastes are produced annually. The sludge is disposed on artificial sedimentary lakes that occupy extensive areas, with huge impacts on the environment due to extensive deforested areas needed for their construction. This work is indeed to present the different studies that have been carried out in order to characterize and find proper applications of such wastes and transformed products. Possible applications include: (1) production of high-reactivity metakaolinite and fine-grained silica for construction materials; (2) alumina for different applications (ceramic and adsorbents). Methods used include: drying and calcination of the kaolin-residue, Al-extraction for low-granulometry alumina and silica (here named as sioclay) production. Start- and transformed materials were characterized by means of XRF, XRD, DTS-TG-DSC, FTIR, SEM-EDS, BET, among others. Technological assays were also carried out for ceramic purposes. The mineralogy is dominated by kaolinite, quartz and trace amounts of anatase, rutile, hematite and goethite. Total chemical analyses of all worked materials also reflect the theoretical composition of kaolinite. Both metakaolinite and sioclay do not exhibit X-ray diffraction patterns and present a very small grain size. Metakaolinite, alumina and sioclay exhibit increasingly values of specific area. For the ceramic products, sintering increases its mechanical resistance. Adsorption tests of different metals on kaolin-transformed products were carried out in a batch reactor. Tests will be presented for As, which is a toxic and carcinogenic metalloid. Results for As (V) adsorption carried out in this investigation reveal the ability of sioclay〉alumina〉metakaolin to remove this element by sorption from the solution.  相似文献   

New species of a gecko of the genus Euleptes is described here—E. klembarai. The material comes from the middle Miocene (Astaracian, MN 6) of Slovakia, more precisely from the well-known locality called Zapfe`s fissure fillings (Devínska Nová Ves, Bratislava). The fossil material consists of isolated left maxilla, right dentary, right pterygoid and cervical and dorsal vertebrae. The currently known fossil record suggests that isolation of environment of the Zapfe`s fissure site, created a refugium for the genus Euleptes in Central Europe (today, this taxon still inhabits southern part of Europe and North Africa—E. europea), probably resulting from the island geography of this area during the middle Miocene. The isolation of this territory might have facilitated allopatric speciation.  相似文献   

A new biostratigraphic correlation for Late Cretaceous and Palaeocene strata of the Côte d’Ivoire–Ghana continental margin has been developed from the identification of significant dinoflagellate cyst events in ODP Hole 959D. The Late Cretaceous stage boundaries are mostly consistent with previous studies. However, the Maastrichtian/Danian boundary is placed much lower than previously recognized on the basis of the first occurrences of Carpatella cornuta and Damassadinium californicum. The base of the Selandian is recognized from the last occurrence of Cerodinium diebelii and the first occurrence of Adnatosphaeridium multispinosum. The base of the Thanetian is recognized from the first occurrence of Areoligera gippingensis. The rarity of the age-marker taxa is the main reason for different age determinations among studies of the same section.  相似文献   

The Araçuaí orogen of southeastern Brazil together with the West Congo belt of central West Africa form the Araçuaí–West Congo orogen generated during closure of a terminal segment of the Neoproterozoic Adamastor Ocean. Corresponding to an embayment in the São Francisco–Congo Craton, this portion of the Adamastor was only partially floored by oceanic crust. The convergence of its margins led to the development of the Rio Doce magmatic arc between 630 Ma and 580 Ma. The Rio Doce magmatic arc terminates in the northern portion of the Araçuaí orogen. Granitic plutons exposed in the northern extremity of the arc provide a rare opportunity to study magmatism at arc terminations, and to understand the interplay between calc-alkaline magma production and crustal recycling. The plutons forming the terminus of the arc consist of granodiorites, tonalites and monzogranites similar to a magnesian, slightly peraluminous, calcic- (68%) to calc-alkaline (24%), with minor alkali-calcic (8%) facies, medium- to high-K magmatic series. Although marked by negative Nb–Ta, Sr and Ti anomalies, typically associated with subduction-related magmas, the combined Sr, Nd and Hf isotopic data characterize a crustal signature related to anatexis of metamorphosed igneous and sedimentary rocks, rather than fractional crystallization of mantle-derived magmas. Zircon U–Pb ages characterizes two groups of granitoids. The older group, crystallized between 630 and 590 Ma, experienced a migmatization event at ca. 585 Ma. The younger granitoids, emplaced between 570 and 590 Ma, do not show any evidence for migmatization. Most of the investigated samples show good correlation with the experimental compositional field of amphibolite dehydration-melting, with some samples plotting into the field of greywacke dehydration-melting. The studied rocks are not typical I-type or S-type granites, being particularly similar to transitional I/S-type granitoids described in the Ordovician Famatinian arc (NW Argentina). We suggest a hybrid model involving dehydration-melting of meta-igneous (amphibolites) and metasedimentary (greywackes) rocks for magma production in the northern termination of the Rio Doce arc. The real contribution of each end-member is, however, a challenging work still to be done.  相似文献   

In recent years the Late Cretaceous (Santonian) terrestrial vertebrate locality at Iharkút (western Hungary) has yielded well-preserved remains of lizard taxa besides the remains of fishes, amphibians, turtles, crocodiles, pterosaurs and dinosaurs. Previously the polyglyphanodontine lizard Bicuspidon aff. hatzegiensis has been reported from Iharkút. However, recent excavations at this site produced more lacertilian remains including new polyglyphanodontine material, namely a maxilla and two dentaries which suggest the presence of a new genus in the Iharkút fauna. This previously unknown lizard (described here as Distortodon rhomboideus n. g. n. sp.) is distinct from other polyglyphanodontines such as Bicuspidon, Paraglyphanodon, Polyglyphanodon, Dicothodon and Peneteius. It differs from these genera mainly in having the lingual cusp situated more distally compared to the labial one on its bicuspid teeth located in the distal part of the tooth row, thus the crowns having a unique rhomboidal shape in occlusal view. Distortodon rhomboideus further strengthens the dominance of borioteiioid lizards in the Iharkút fauna. The growing presence of borioteiioids in European localities supports previous theories which suggest some paleobiogeographic connections between the western Tethyan archipelago and North America in the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

High-pressure (HP) rocks are critical for palinspastic restorations because they mark inferred subducted/extruded oceanic crust; knowledge of their geometric, geodynamic, and age relationships provide essential constraints on palaeogeographic reconstructions. The westernmost HP belt (Ixcamilpa) in the Acatlán Complex of southern Mexico has been inferred to be a mid-Late Ordovician backarc basin on the southern Iapetan margin that was subducted beneath eastern Laurentia and extruded up the subduction zone during the Early Silurian. Re-examination of Ixcamilpa HP rocks has revealed that they comprise lower Palaeozoic rift-passive margin protoliths and occur in a W-vergent klippe (not a suture) formed during polyphase deformation. Peak metamorphic mineral assemblages of blueschist-amphibole eclogite facies underwent retrogression through epidote amphibolite to greenschist facies. 40Ar/39Ar dating of various rocks yielded plateau ages of 344–339 Ma for calcic amphibole, 318 ± 4 Ma for glaucophane, and 329–325 ± 2 Ma for muscovite (excess argon), which clearly indicate a Carboniferous tectonothermal event. We interpret the 20 million years range in amphibole ages as reflecting progressive unroofing. The terminal stage of progressive thrusting placed the HP rocks above the middle Mississippian Zumpango Unit, during which a single penetrative sub-greenschist fabric was produced. Subsequent Permian or Laramide deformation refolded all the rocks about NE-trending upright folds. We postulate that the root zone of the HP nappe lies to the east in the median HP belt, which has a structure consistent with an extrusion zone. Inasmuch as similar units of the Acatlán Complex bound this HP root zone on either side, it is inferred to have been extruded into the upper plate above the subduction zone, and thus is not an oceanic suture. Our new data provide constraints for a Carboniferous palaeogeographic reconstruction, whereby subduction erosion of passive margin rocks took place along the western margin of Pangea and were subsequently extruded into the upper (Acatlán) plate.  相似文献   

This paper describes the petrology and geochemistry of rocks from the Yap Trench acquired by three dives of the Jiaolong research submarine. Combining the geophysical data and submersible observations, this paper describes the geomorphology, shallow structures, and sedimentology of the Yap Trench and further discusses the tectonics and activities of this region. Two obvious slope breaks are found on the landward slope, and horsts and grabens with small fault offsets are observed in the ocean-ward slope of the trench. Peridotites sampled from the Yap Trench inner wall are highly depleted subduction-related mantle residues. Volcanic rocks in the northern segment of the trench have subduction-related characteristics that Yap fore-arc rocks underwent metasomatism during Cenozoic subduction. The rocks with remarkable lithologic difference from lithospheric mantle and upper crust sampled in the break slopes suggest that the slope break area may represent a lithologic boundary or transition zone. The landward slope of the Yap Trench was removed by subduction erosion as a result of collision with the Caroline Ridge. The bending of the down-going plate caused normal faults, horsts, and grabens with little or no sediments indicating that the Caroline Ridge is subducting beneath the Yap arc along the trench even though the convergence rate is very slow.  相似文献   

Ascalochrysa megaptera gen. et sp. nov. is described from the Yixian Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of China. It is treated as belonging to the new family Ascalochrysidae fam. nov., closely related to Mesochrysopidae but easily distinguished from it in the hindwing venation features: e.g., numerous subcostal crossveins; branches of Rs widely, irregularly spaced and deeply branched; crossvenation rich, irregular; convex vein-like fold (‘M5’) before concave CuA present. The presence of well-developed ‘M5’ in the hind wing is interpreted to be plesiomorphic condition within the order. Ascalochrysidae are considered the sister group of Mesochrysopidae (s.l.).  相似文献   

Ijolites from the type locality at Iivaara, Finland, form a continuous series of magmatic rocks ranging from urtites to melteigites. Both Ni and Cr, but also the large ion lithophile light-rare-earth elements, Zr, Hf, Nb, Rb, Sr and Ba are low in concentration. The Nd contents equal those of the neighboring fenites, Sr is distinctly less abundant, and there is no significant Eu anomaly. The 143Nd/144Nd and 87Sr/86Sr of the ijolites demonstrate a systematic covariation between the data of carbonaties from the Kola Alkaline Province (Sr – 13.8, Nd + 5.6) and those of the fenites at Iivaara (Sr + 132.9, Nd – 24.7) with Sr varying from +0.3 to +23.9 and Nd varying from-9.2 to-19.3. The trace element abundances and the isotopic data give evidence for a crystallization of the rocks from a liquid generated by melting (rheomorphism) of high-grade fenitized country rocks rather than from a primary mantle-derived magma which was contaminated at crustal levels. The fenitization of wall rocks preceding the ijolite magma formation was clement selective. Mixing of elements during the fenitization process between the designated components carbonatite (or derivative fenitizing fluid) and wall rock should have been dynamical depending on the stability of the wall rock mineral assemblages in contact with the fenitizing fluids, the migration velocity of these fluids, and their capacity of the respective elements. Such dynamical mixing explains best the variation of the isotope ratios withont systematic covariation of the respective element concentrations.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1363-1381

The mechanism of deformation associated with the Cenozoic collision of India with Asia along the eastern boundary remains a poorly understood aspect of the tectonic evolution of the southwestern South China Block (SCB). Consequently, we carried out a palaeomagnetic investigation of Palaeogene red beds of the Dayao area of Yunnan Province in order to contribute to understanding the Palaeogene evolution of the SCB. A characteristic higher temperature magnetic component (HTC), with an unblocking temperature from 660°C to 680°C, was determined by principal component analysis (PCA), and positive fold tests indicated that the remanence was a primary magnetization. The mean direction of the HTC from the Dayao area is Ds = 27.8° Is = 33.1° κ = 64.8, α95 = 4.3° after tilt correction. Compared with other palaeomagnetic results from the SCB, our data suggest that the central part of the Chuan–Dian Fragment (CDF) experienced approximately 16.3 ± 4.7° clockwise rotation with respect to East Asia. Rotation of the CDF occurred along the left-lateral Xianshuihe–Xiaojiang Fault Systems (XSF-XJF), which exhibit an arc-shaped curve centred on the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis. The XSF-XJF was approximated by a circle centred on a Euler pole at Lat. = 26.5° N, Lon. = 97.2° E (α95 = 0.2°), based on 11 reference points selected from the fault system. The clockwise rotation of the CDF resulted in left-lateral shearing along the XSF-XJF system, with a left-lateral displacement of ~200 km. The nature of diverse intense local deformation along the Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang left-lateral strike-slip fault systems is also discussed.  相似文献   

The geochemistry of the metavolcanic rocks from the Granjeno Schist in northeastern Mexico indicates an origin in different tectonic environments: mid‐ocean ridge and ocean island. High ratios of Hf/Th and Th/Nb (4.4–14 and 0.08–0.15), low ratios of LaN/YbN and LaN/SmN (0.74–1.7 and 0.60–1.4) and depleted LREE patterns in metabasalt display mid‐ocean ridge characteristics. In contrast, the pattern of trace‐element ratios and REEs in metabasalt and metapillow lava 60 km to the west indicates a magma source with ocean‐island basalt characteristics. Both areas were metamorphosed during the Late Carboniferous (300 ± 4 Ma). Estimated metamorphic conditions deduced from white mica and chlorite compositions, distinguish greenschist facies (350 °C and 4 kbar) for the mid‐ocean ridge basalt, and prehnite–pumpellyite facies (250 °C and 2.5 kbar) for the ocean‐island‐type basalt. This metamorphism took place at an active continental margin during Pennsylvanian time. Our new tectonic model, which differs from earlier models, suggests that the origin of the Granjeno Schist is related to a subduction zone located at the western margin of Pangaea, active after Laurentia–Gondwana collision. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mineralogy and Petrology - Uranium–lead isotopes and trace elements of titanite from the Chengchao iron skarn deposit (Daye district, Eastern China), located along the contact zones between...  相似文献   

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