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高博雷  张陈蓉  张照旭 《岩土力学》2014,35(11):3191-3198
针对平地p-y曲线对临近边坡桩基的不适用性,开展了砂土中边坡存在对单桩水平抗力影响的室内物理模型试验。依据边坡坡角及边坡到单桩距离的不同,共进行了11次3组试验。采用分段3次多项式对实测桩身应变分布进行拟合,以推算桩身变形和桩侧抗力,有效克服了数据拟合点的奇异。对比无边坡时的试验p-y曲线、美国API规范曲线和双曲线模型,确认了平地p-y曲线的计算表达式。其次获得了边坡条件下的单桩荷载-位移曲线,揭示了边坡坡角和边坡到桩的距离对水平受荷单桩桩身弯矩分布的影响规律。根据试验结果采用折减系数修正浅层桩侧极限抗力,并引入边坡对桩侧初始刚度的削弱表达式,得到边坡条件下水平受荷单桩浅层区域双曲线p-y曲线表达式。最后通过与离心试验结果对比,验证了给出的p-y曲线考虑边坡影响时的合理性。  相似文献   

杨晓峰  张陈蓉  袁聚云 《岩土力学》2015,36(10):2946-2950
冲刷引起桩周土体的损失,研究冲刷效应对桩基水平承载特性的影响非常必要。基于桩前土体楔形受力的应变楔方法可以推导桩侧p-y曲线,进而分析水平受荷桩的受力变形特性,但只适于地表水平的情况。基于冲刷坑坑底以上土体的自重荷载对楔形体的开展范围进行深度等效,建立了冲刷条件下砂土中水平受荷桩的等效应变楔方法。通过与文献对比,验证了该方法的可行性。研究结果表明:冲刷深度增加,冲刷坑底宽度增大及冲刷坡角减小均会降低桩基水平承载性能。与仅考虑冲刷引起的桩侧极限抗力削弱的简化方法相比,本研究得到的桩基最大弯矩偏小。将冲刷坑底以上土层全部剥蚀的做法,忽略了冲刷深度内的土层作用,计算结果会偏于保守。  相似文献   

双层地基水平受荷桩受力变形分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张玲  赵明华  赵衡 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z2):302-305
基于双层地基中的水平受荷桩的特性,对其受力变形进行了分析。将水平受荷桩视为竖直放置的弹性地基梁,基于Winkler弹性地基梁理论,考虑桩土共同工作得到水平受荷桩位移控制微分方程及其幂级数解答,进而根据内力与位移的连续条件得到了由桩顶受力及变形条件表示任一深度处桩身的水平位移、转角、弯矩及剪力的计算矩阵表达式。通过一具体算例将幂级数解计算结果与《公路桥涵地基与基础设计规范》推荐的简化计算公式计算结果进行了比较。结果表明:当第1层地基土的厚度在某一定值时,《规范》简化计算方法所得结果与幂级数解接近;但当层厚不在该值附近时,两个方法计算结果存在差异。  相似文献   

将壁板桩桩身水平位移用有限级数函数表示,地基土体的荷载位移关系用Mindlin点对点的位移解表示,同时考虑桩前水平土阻抗力和桩侧水平摩阻力沿桩周分布的不均匀性,采用双重高斯数值积分法将基于变分原理建立的壁板桩群桩体系的总势能展开为简单的矩阵形式方程,并根据最小势能原理得到水平受荷壁板桩群桩荷载位移关系的显式解答。与三维有限元方法计算结果的对比验证了所提出解答的合理性。  相似文献   

对于承受轴向荷载的水平受荷桩,以往研究大多基于线弹性或弹塑性水平荷载传递模型.为提升轴横受荷桩的计算设计水平,采用轴向荷载传递法计算桩身轴力,考虑桩身轴力引起的P-Δ效应,基于双曲线型水平荷载传递模型考虑桩-土体系变形的非线性特征,对成层土中轴横受荷桩的水平响应进行分析求解,得到了轴横荷载作用下桩身变形和内力的非线性有...  相似文献   

孔令刚  肖方初  樊继营  陈云敏 《岩土力学》2019,40(12):4659-4667
水平偏心受荷群桩同时发生水平移动和绕承台中心的转动,使基桩的运动方向各不相同,因此基桩的运动方向成为影响群桩效应的一个关键因素。研究发现:水平偏心受荷的两根桩,前桩运动方向与两桩连线夹角0o≤η≤90o,后桩夹角?90o≤θ≤90o;量化两桩间桩?土?桩相互作用的折减系数与η和θ密切相关,η和θ组合存在一个范围,在该范围内两桩不存在相互作用;当两桩存在相互作用时,相互作用对后桩的影响往往大于对前桩的影响。通过将定量描述水平受荷群桩群桩效应的p乘子概念拓展到水平偏心受荷群桩,综合运用理论分析、试验和数值计算成果,提出了折减系数计算公式,进而给出了广义p乘子经验计算公式。通过试验案例验证了该计算公式的合理性。  相似文献   

杨明辉  冯超博  赵明华  罗宏 《岩土力学》2018,39(4):1271-1280
由于坡度效应的存在,常规方法并不适用于斜坡上水平受荷桩的计算,首先开展了斜坡上基桩的横向加载破坏试验,以确定斜坡上基桩的破坏模式。在此基础上,沿坡体方向对破坏土楔体进行斜向单元划分,提出了考虑坡度效应的土体应变楔模型,对于其中的关键参数应变楔深度与应变楔土体应变采用迭代求解。迭代过程中,建立基桩横向受荷的桩-土相互作用方程并用有限杆单元法求解,当求解得到的桩身地面处位移与应变楔模型中地面处土体位移之差小于某一允许值时,得到的基桩的水平位移及内力即为最终解答。通过与试验测试数据的对比,验证了该方法的合理性。最后,将土体破坏深度与边坡斜率的比值定义为陡坡效应影响范围,并对其影响因素进行了对比分析。结果表明,陡坡效应的影响范围受土体强度参数及基桩尺寸等多因素影响,其随着桩径的增加而减小,且随土体强度的增强而减小。  相似文献   

杨晓峰  张陈蓉  黄茂松  袁聚云 《岩土力学》2016,37(10):2877-2885
提出了砂土中水平受荷单桩的修正应变楔方法。从3个方面对应变楔模型进行了修正,首先假设三维被动土楔后桩身的水平位移呈非线性变化,从而使得楔形体内的水平应变不再是一常量,而是沿深度变化。其次引入了两个双曲线型的模型分别用以模拟楔形体中土体的水平应力增量-应变关系和桩-土界面处桩侧剪应力-位移关系。然后通过算例验证了修正方法的有效性,模拟结果与实测结果吻合较好。最后分析了各个修正因素对计算结果影响,结果显示,非线性位移假设的引入对原应变楔模型计算的水平承载力偏高有明显地改善,新的水平应力增量-应变关系和桩侧剪应力-位移关系的引入使得应变楔方法更加简便有效。  相似文献   

为探讨均质砂土地基中桩顶水平简谐荷载H(t)与扭矩T联合作用下的单桩承载特性,基于改进的有限杆单元法,考虑桩周土的刚度贡献及H(t)-T的耦合作用,建立出桩身综合刚度矩阵,再利用MATLAB求解桩身的内力、位移,进而通过参数分析获得桩身长径比(L/D)、桩土刚度比(Ep/Es)、H(t)的无量纲频率a0与幅值Q0以及桩底边界条件等对H(t)-T联合受荷桩内力、位移的影响曲线,研究表明:随入土深度增加,桩身弯矩先增大后急剧减小,而扭矩和变形急剧减小直至为0,即存在一有效桩长ld,ld与桩身内力、位移受Ep/Es的影响较大。当Ep/Es从1500增至3 500时,ld从27.3D增至44.1D,且桩身弯矩最大值相对增大23.5%,而地面处桩身水平位移与扭转角分别减小19.0%及26.0%;减小H(t)的无量纲频率a0或增大幅值Q<...  相似文献   

This article presents a method for the nonlinear analysis of laterally loaded rigid piles in cohesive soil. The method considers the force and the moment equilibrium to derive the system equations for a rigid pile under a lateral eccentric load. The system equations are then solved using an iteration scheme to obtain the response of the pile. The method considers the nonlinear variation of the ultimate lateral soil resistance with depth and uses a new closed‐form expression proposed in this article to determine the lateral bearing factor. The method also considers the horizontal shear resistance at the pile base, and a bilinear relationship between the shear resistance and the displacement is used. For simplicity, the modulus of horizontal subgrade reaction is assumed to be constant with depth, which is applicable to piles in overconsolidated clay. The nonlinearity of the modulus of horizontal subgrade reaction with pile displacement at ground surface is also considered. The validity of the developed method is demonstrated by comparing its results with those of 3D finite element analysis. The applications of the developed method to analyze five field test piles also show good agreement between the predictions and the experimental results. The developed method offers an alternative approach for simple and effective analysis of laterally loaded rigid piles in cohesive soil. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a method is developed for nonlinear analysis of laterally loaded rigid piles in cohesionless soil. The method assumes that both the ultimate soil resistance and the modulus of horizontal subgrade reaction increase linearly with depth. By considering the force and moment equilibrium, the system equations are derived for a rigid pile under a lateral eccentric load. An iteration scheme containing three main steps is then proposed to solve the system equations to obtain the response of the pile. To determine the ultimate soil resistance and the modulus of horizontal subgrade reaction required in the analysis, related expressions are selected by reviewing and assessing the existing methods. The degradation of the modulus of horizontal subgrade reaction with pile displacement at ground surface is also considered. The developed method is validated by comparing its results with those of centrifugal tests and three-dimensional finite element analysis. Applications of the developed method to laboratory model and field test piles also show good agreement between the predictions and the experimental results.  相似文献   

A semi‐analytical method for calculating the response of single piles and pile groups subjected to lateral loading is developed in this paper. Displacements anywhere in the soil domain are tied to the displacements of the piles through decay functions. The principle of virtual work and the calculus of variations are used to derive the governing differential equations that describe the response of the piles and soil. The eigenvalue method and the finite difference technique are used to solve the system of coupled differential equations for the piles and soil, respectively. The proposed method takes into account the soil surface displacement along and perpendicular to the loading direction and produces displacement fields that are very close to those produced by the finite element method but at lower computational effort. Compared with the previous method that considered only the soil displacement along the loading direction, accounting for the multi‐directional soil displacement field produces responses for the piles and soil that are closer to those approximated by the finite element method. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

王成  邓安福  李晓红 《岩土力学》2004,25(Z2):296-300
利用三维有限元、无限元和界面单元相耦合的方法对短桩桩土共同作用全过程进行数值模拟,计算了短桩桩土体系中土体对桩身的抗力分布及桩前土体隆起位移和桩后土体与桩分离大小等,较详细地探讨了短桩桩土共同作用机理.  相似文献   

In spite of extensive studies on laterally loaded piles carried out over years, none of them offers an expedite approach as to gaining the nonlinear response and its associated depth of mobilization of limiting force along each pile in a group. To serve such a need, elastic–plastic solutions for free‐head, laterally loaded piles were developed recently by the author. They allow the response to be readily computed from elastic state right up to failure, by assigning a series of slip depths, and a limiting force profile. In this paper, equivalent solutions for fixed‐head (FixH) single piles were developed. They are subsequently extended to cater for response of pile groups by incorporating p‐multipliers. The newly established solutions were substantiated by existing numerical solutions for piles and pile groups. They offer satisfactory prediction of the nonlinear response of all the 6 single piles and 24 pile groups investigated so far after properly considering the impact of semi‐FixH restraints. They also offer the extent to ultimate state of pile groups via the evaluated slip depths. The study allows ad hoc guidelines to be established for determining input parameters for the solutions. The solutions are tailored for routine prediction of the nonlinear interaction of laterally loaded FixH piles and capped pile groups. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a modified strain wedge model for the nonlinear analysis of laterally loaded single piles in sandy soils by using the Duncan–Chang model as well as the Mohr–Coulomb model to describe the stress–strain behavior of soils in the strain wedge. The input soil property for sandy soils only needs a relative density which can be easily estimated from in situ tests. The strain wedge depth is calculated by an iterative process and the subgrade reaction modulus below the strain wedge is assumed to increase linearly with depth, though it does not change with the lateral load applied to the pile. Seven case histories are used to verify the applicability of the proposed method. The results show the following: (1) good agreements are found between the predicted and the measured results of full scale tested piles; (2) the predicted deflections and moments using the Duncan–Chang model are almost the same as those using the Mohr–Coulomb model; and (3) the size effect of the pile diameter or width on the subgrade reaction modulus should be considered.  相似文献   

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