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基于复杂系统统计力学的地震物理预测模型——图像信息学(Pattern Informatics,PI)算法近年来得到了较大发展.利用此方法对1988年以来川滇地区进行了回溯性预测检验,探讨了将其应用于中国大陆时间相依的地震危险性分析的可能性.使用1970~2007年ML3.0级以上区域地震目录,针对Ms5.5级及以上预测“目标震级”,采用15a尺度的地震目录滑动时间窗、均为5a尺度的地震活动“异常学习”时段和“预测时间窗”进行PI算法计算.对PI算法预测效果使用ROC检验方法进行了统计检验,结果表明,PI算法预测效果不但明显优于随机预测,同时优于基于地震丛集理论进行地震数目统计的地震相对强度(RelativeIntensity,RI)算法.当将“预测时间窗”缩短为3和1a时间尺度时,PI算法的预测效果虽仍优于随机预测,但相对5a“预测时间窗”明显下降.对于1a尺度“预测时间窗”,PI算法预测效果与RI算法基本相当,这表明,在此时间尺度下,地震活动的丛集属性占主导地位. 相似文献
使用多方法组合模式对川滇地区近年来的强震进行回溯性检验,并尝试给出川滇地区组合预测的最佳参数模型。首先采用图像信息(PI)法进行全面扫描,从长期尺度上找出地震活动异常的地区;然后采用加卸载响应比(LURR)、态矢量(SV)法进一步估计地震发生的中短期可能;在此基础上使用矩张量加速释放(AMR)法估算地震发生的相关信息。震例研究显示,川滇地区2012-01-01—2014-12-31期间共发生M5.5地震13次,除2013年8月31日云南中甸地震外,其余12次地震均发生在组合方法最终划定的危险区内,且时间、震级也基本一致。这一研究结果表明,相对于单一算法,将不同前兆方法适当组合能够更加明确地为未来地震危险性评估提供信息和约束。 相似文献
川滇地区地处我国南北地震带南段,近百年来地震活动性持续较高,该地区未来强震预测研究备受关注.本文根据该区域百年时间内发生的30次MS>6.5历史地震,结合区域地质背景及GPS观测数据等,建立区域有限元准三维弹性模型,通过反演给定区域特定时刻合理的初始应力场.在此基础上,综合考虑地震孕育阶段和震后调整阶段的动力学过程,以库仑-摩尔破裂准则作为判断地震发生的条件,模拟单次地震过程和历史地震序列的发展过程.同时,对于数值模拟中的不确定性成分,通过大量Monte Carlo随机试验得到5000种初始应力场模型,确保所有模型均能重现历史地震的发震过程,最终得到现今应力场状态,并据此计算地震危险性系数,将不同模型的计算结果进行概率统计,初步得到研究区域2017年九寨沟地震后的地震危险性概率分布.结果显示历史地震破裂区的危险性概率大幅降低,相对安全;而龙门山断裂带东北段发震概率高达30%,主要是受2008年汶川地震震后应力扰动的影响;龙门山断裂带西南段(包括汶川地震破裂区与芦山地震破裂区的中间区域)与鲜水河断裂带交界处发震概率约为15%~20%;另外滇西南龙陵瑞丽断裂带及澜沧江断裂带附近发震概率约为10%~15%,近年来滇西南地区小震频发,该地区地震危险性同样值得注意. 相似文献
川滇菱形块体及其边界断裂带(21°~33°N,96°~108°E)是中国大陆地震活动最强烈的地区之一,该地区发生的一系列大地震造成了巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失。文中分别应用基于地震空间相关性和地壳形变场的预测方法分析了该地区未来的地震危险性。由Kagan等(1994)提出的基于地震空间相关性的方法,假定未来发生地震的概率与历史发生地震的频度成正比,根据历史地震目录建立统计学模型估计未来发生地震的概率。回溯性检验表明,这种方法对于评估地震复发周期较短的断裂带的地震危险性有较高的有效性,但对于地震复发周期较长的断裂带,如龙门山断裂带,很难给出一个理想的预期。由Shen等(2007)提出的基于地壳形变场的方法,假定长期地震危险性与地壳构造应变率成正比,根据由GPS观测获得的应变率场建立统计学模型评估未来的地震危险性。回溯性检验表明,川滇地区过去30a间发生的地震与区域应变率的大小没有明显的对应关系,但过去500a间发生的地震与应变率场有很高的相关性,表明由10a时间尺度的大地测量资料得到的地壳应变场可以很好地反映数百a时间尺度的地震危险性。 相似文献
川滇地区是我国地震危险性较高的地区之一.本文基于对特大强震的风险性考虑,使用全球地震模型OpenQuake软件,建立了川滇地区地震危险性预测新模型.首先根据构造特征划分多个震源分区,并整理出这些震源分区内断层活动特征与滑动速率;基于震源分区和断层模型,使用GPS应变率转换成的锥形古登堡-里克特关系作为整个区域的地震积累率,并允许超过历史最大震级的特大地震的出现,结合活动断层滑动速率所积累的地震发生率,给出震源分区内断层地震源和背景地震源的地震发生率的比率分配关系;在活动断层分段上,保留了大型断裂或其主要部分,没有根据小的阶区来对断层进行详细分段,以便分配特大地震发生率;并使用地震率平滑方法分配背景地震发生率.最后在OpenQuake中加入地震动预测方程,计算出了川滇地区的PGA分布图,为区域地震危险性提供科学依据. 相似文献
利用2012年1~6月川滇地区(21°~34°N, 97°~108°E)99个测震数字地震台的连续波形资料, 采用背景噪声层析成像方法反演了2012年4月11日苏门答腊8.6级地震前后川滇地区的波速变化, 同时研究了该地震前后川滇地区地震活动的变化特征。 结果表明, 川滇地区波速结构呈现龙门山断裂带南段至元谋—绿汁江断裂带和安宁河断裂带波速降低而两侧波速升高的特点。 同时, 波速变化与地震活动性变化具有明显的相关性: 在宁蒗—木里和乐山—雅安一带波速增高显著, 地震活动速率也增加; 在龙门山断裂带南段至安宁河断裂带上则表现为明显的波速降低, 而安宁河断裂带也是地震活动速率降低区域。 这表明本研究得到的波速变化的结果有一定的可信度, 也为背景噪声方法应用到地震预测提供了一种可能的途径。 相似文献
充分展示了NS,K,R,M等值线图的预测效能。这种图定量、直观。利用他捕捉到了一些有效的前兆现象,其中最主要的是:①MS≥7.0地震前3年震中附近ML≥3.5地震频数显著增加;②MS≥7.0地震前1年研究区ML≥2.0地震频数降半;③MS≥6.0地震后地震活动数年不衰的地区是未来MS≥7.0地震发生的可能地点;④孟连—普洱及其附近地区余震中心偏离主震震中逼近未来强震震中;⑤普洱地区地震活动性低,次年发生MS≥6.0地震的可能性较小。文中用广义地震成核模型对现象①进行了物理解释。 相似文献
为进一步跟踪川滇地区未来1~3 a的7级震情, 基于《中国震例》(1966—2012年)系统分析了川滇地区强震( MS≥6.0)前地下流体前兆异常特征, 并结合相关研究成果, 深入分析了该地区前兆信息特征, 结果表明, 该地区强震前地下流体异常具有长趋势变化特征, 且震级越大趋势性越显著, 空间上由外围沿构造带逐渐向震区收缩; 水氡、 水位异常具有时间上的配套性、 月频次加速性及空间上的群体性与分化迁移等特征。 通过拟合发现, 震级与异常数量之间存在指数关系, 并据此尝试给出了川滇地区流体异常预测指标, 希翼为今后该地区未来强震预测预报提供一定的科学依据。 相似文献
基于川滇地区2011-2014年的重力复测资料,系统分析了区域重力场时-空动态变化及其与2012年云南彝良MS5.7、2013年四川芦山MS7.0、2014年云南鲁甸MS6.5和四川康定MS6.3地震发生的关系.结合GPS、水准观测成果和区域地质构造动力环境,进一步研究了区域重力场变化的时空分布特征及其机理,讨论了近期区域重力场动态变化的强震危险含义.结果表明:①重力变化与川滇地区断裂构造活动存在密切空间联系,重力变化较好地反映了伴随活动断层的物质迁移和构造变形引起的地表重力变化效应.②重力资料对测区内2012年以来发生的4次MS5.7以上强震均有较好反映,地震前震中区及其附近观测到明显的区域性重力异常及重力变化高梯度带,可能是地震孕育过程中观测到的重力前兆信息.③区域重力场动态演化大体反映了青藏高原物质东流的动态效应,龙门山断裂带地壳受挤压隆起、面压缩率和重力上升变化的特征最为显著.④重力场的空间分布及其随时间变化与地壳垂直与水平运动及地质构造活动等观测结果有一定的对应关系,强震易发生在重力变化四象限分布中心地带或正、负异常区过渡的高梯度带上,研究区的一些重力异常部位仍存在中-长期大震危险背景. 相似文献
Pattern informatics (PI) model is one of the recently developed predictive models of earthquake phys- ics based on the statistical mechanics of complex systems. In this paper, retrospective forecast test of the PI model was conducted for the earthquakes in Sichuan-Yunnan region since 1988, exploring the possibility to apply this model to the estimation of time-dependent seismic hazard in continental China. Regional earthquake catalogue down to ML3.0 from 1970 to 2007 was used. The ‘target magnitude’ for the forecast test was MS5.5. Fifteen-year long ‘sliding time window’ was used in the PI calculation, with ‘anomaly training time window’ being 5 years and ‘forecast time window’ being 5 years, respectively. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) test was conducted for the evaluation of the forecast result, showing that the PI forecast outperforms not only random guess but also the simple number counting approach based on the clustering hypothesis of earthquakes (the RI forecast). If the ‘forecast time window’ was shortened to 3 years and 1 year, respectively, the forecast capability of the PI model de- creased significantly, albeit outperformed random forecast. For the one year ‘forecast time window’, the PI result was almost comparable to the RI result, indicating that clustering properties play a more important role at this time scale. 相似文献
为考察基于地震统计物理的图像信息学PI算法是否适用于兴都库什、帕米尔和新疆中南部地区的强震预测,并考察地震活动特征,将兴都库什—帕米尔—新疆中南部地区作为一个研究区整体,对该地区1995~2009年的MS6.5以上强震进行了回溯性预测研究。设定截止震级Mc为完整性震级MW4.9,空间网格间距为0.4°×0.4,°时间滑动步长为120天,选取10年尺度的"异常学习时间窗"和3年尺度的"预测时间窗",分别对5个时间段进行计算。利用ROC图表法作为统计检验工具,使用R I算法作为预测结果参照的"零假设"。计算结果表明,PI算法远优于随机预测,可适用于该地区MS6.5以上强震的预测,但PI与RI算法的预测效果差距不大。这一方面说明该地区强震活动可能具有丛集性特征,另一方面,背景地震活动的非平稳性可能是造成PI算法与RI算法效果接近的原因。 相似文献
系统分析了川滇地区地下流体中短期异常特征,给出有效识别这些前兆的方法,并用R值评分进行了效能评价。应用“九五”攻关对地下流体前兆的信息特征的研究结果,分析了川滇地区前兆的信息在时间上的阶段性、加速性及空间分布上的群体性和配套性特征,对四川和云南地区前兆的共性和差异性进行了分析,进而给出适合川滇地区的三要素预报指标体系。 相似文献
图像信息学(PI)算法已经成为了地震较活跃地区研究中长期地震危险趋势的重要算法,近年来已被应用于多个国家和地区的地震预测工作中.为进一步探索PI算法在地震活动相对较弱地区的预测效能以及其对地区性差异的依赖情况,本文以山东及邻区为研究区,通过遍历计算模型中网格大小、预测时间窗起点及长度三种参数下的预测结果,并以定量检验算法效能的"ROC值"为统计检验方法,在目标震级ML4.0、ML4.5、ML5.0情况下分别分析不同参数组合下的预测结果,得到了针对本研究区PI算法对几种参数的依赖关系.进一步选取优势参数分布中的参数组合,以回溯性和"向前"预测两种情况分别给出了在相应预测时间窗口内发生目标地震的"热点"分布,最后针对算法的技术及物理问题进行了讨论.本工作探索了不同计算参数对算法预测效能的影响以及PI算法在地震活动相对较弱地区的适用性,简要讨论了不同震级范围表现出来的自相似特征对算法的影响,可为将算法引入到山东地区的地震危险性研究工作提供参考. 相似文献
In this study, the spatial distributions of seismicity and seismic hazard were assessed for Turkey and its surrounding area.
For this purpose, earthquakes that occurred between 1964 and 2004 with magnitudes of M ≥ 4 were used in the region (30–42°N and 20–45°E). For the estimation of seismicity parameters and its mapping, Turkey and
surrounding area are divided into 1,275 circular subregions. The b-value from the Gutenberg–Richter frequency–magnitude distributions is calculated by the classic way and the new alternative
method both using the least-squares approach. The a-value in the Gutenberg–Richter frequency–magnitude distributions is taken as a constant value in the new alternative method.
The b-values calculated by the new method were mapped. These results obtained from both methods are compared. The b-value shows different distributions along Turkey for both techniques. The b-values map prepared with new technique presents a better consistency with regional tectonics, earthquake activities, and
epicenter distributions. Finally, the return period and occurrence hazard probability of M ≥ 6.5 earthquakes in 75 years were calculated by using the Poisson model for both techniques. The return period and occurrence
hazard probability maps determined from both techniques showed a better consistency with each other. Moreover, maps of the
occurrence hazard probability and return period showed better consistency with the b-parameter seismicity maps calculated from the new method. The occurrence hazard probability and return period of M ≥ 6.5 earthquakes were calculated as 90–99% and 5–10 years, respectively, from the Poisson model in the western part of the
studying region. 相似文献
The paper describes firstly the principles and scientific train of thought involved in determining the significant seismic monitoring and protection regions (SSMPR) in China. The principles include the gradation principle, i.e. the national level SSMPR and the provincial level SSMPR, the principle of highlighting priorities, namely, the area of an SSMPR should be a fraction of the total area of the country or of the respective province, but the earthquake losses incurred in SSMPR should be a major proportion of the national or provincial ones. The scientific train of thought adopted is to determine the SSMPR on the basis of seismic hazard assessment and loss estimation. Secondly, it reviews the achievements in determining the SSMPRs for the period from 1996 to 2005. The result shows that 10 strong earthquakes occurred during that period in the areas with earthquake monitoring and prediction capability available on the Chinese continent, 8 of which occurred in SSMPRs with the economic loss and death toll accounting for 67% and 92% of the total loss on the Chinese mainland. Lastly, the paper introduces preparatory research for determining the SSMPR for the period from 2006 to 2020, including decade-scale mid-and long-range seismic risk assessment based on seismology, seismogeology, geodesy, earthquake engineering, sociology and stochastics and so on, and the national seismic risk probability map, the seismic hazard (intensity) map, earthquake disaster losses map and the comprehensive seismic risk index, etc. obtained for the period of 2006 to 2020. 相似文献
Earthquake Researeh in Ch一na461 .METHODLet R be some value measured or estimated as a sequenee ina’‘Past”time interval(一丁,O)(I)万‘月,=(RI,…,R。),R,之R。,R=nlaX l二f匕11(RI,…,R,,) Values(l)eould have an arbitrary Physieal nature.BelowweshalleonsiderEq.(l)asearthquakemagnitudes in a given seismic aetive region or logarithms of seismie Peak ground aeeelerations at习given site.Ro isa而nimum eutoff value;it 15 defined by Possibilities of registration systems or wasehosen as the … 相似文献
We present a model that describes the decay of beam generated Langmuir waves into ion-acoustic waves in the topside ionosphere. This calculation is done within the frame of the weak turbulence approximation. We study the spectral signature of such a process as seen by a VHF incoherent scatter radar. An incoherent scatter (IS) spectrum is characterized by two maxima at k radar and −k radar, the right and left ion lines respectively. It is shown that, for reasonable beam parameters, the parametric decay of beam-generated Langmuir waves can enhance either the right, the left or both ion lines simultaneously. The shape of the spectrum can change drastically on time scale of about 0.1 to 1 s. The role of the beam parameter as well as the ionospheric parameters is also investigated. For a given beam number density, the beam energy or the background density are important to trigger either the left or the right ion line. A large energy spread of the beam or low electron collision frequencies can explain the simultaneous observations of the left and the right ion line. The importance of the electron collision frequency can explain the altitude distribution of the coherent echoes observed by incoherent scatter radars. 相似文献
Five years of hydrogeological monitoring and field activities performed in the complex hydrogeological system of the Acque Albule basin (AAB) were conducted to define the hydrogeological setting, the relationship between deep and shallow aquifers and a conceptual groundwater flow model of this exploited area using conventional quantitative techniques. The basin, which is located close to Rome (Italy) on the west side of the Apennine chain and just north of the Colli Albani volcano, subsided after development of a north–south fault system (about 115 000 y bp). The AAB experiences intense hydrothermal activity, which has produced a large travertine deposit (80‐m thick). The travertine deposit constitutes a fractured aquifer that is the final destination of more than 5 m 3 s ‐1 of water and is strongly dewatered by quarry activities. The complex hydrogeology of this basin was investigated, revealing two main hydraulically connected aquifers, one thermalised and partly confined into the limestone bedrock and one unconfined in the travertine. The two aquifers are separated by a non‐continuous clayey aquiclude. The hydrogeological survey and geological characterisation contributed to the development of the groundwater flow conceptual model. Analysis and comparison of the monitored levels highlighted the pattern of flow between the deep and shallow parts of the flow system. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献