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福建福安白云山河床侵蚀微地貌特征及成因浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梁诗经 《福建地质》2009,28(3):213-227
福安白云山蟾溪、龙亭溪、长洋溪为花岗岩峡谷溪流,河谷中发育有数量众多、规模巨大、形态各异的石穴、凹槽,成为遐迩闻名的“地学奇观”。调查表明,白云山河床基岩及岸壁上所发育的石穴、凹槽,是更新世以来河床受不同水动力条件影响及大气降水长期侵蚀形成的各类壶穴、垂直冲蚀弧形凹槽等,是发育在晶洞碱长花岗岩中的河床侵蚀微地貌。流水及漩涡流侵蚀,砂、卵石随漩涡流磨蚀是形成壶穴的主要外动力。河床岸壁上垂直冲蚀弧形凹槽主要由大气降水侵蚀而成。白云山地区河床壶穴数量众多、类型齐全,系统地展示了不同水动力条件流水侵蚀作用、壶穴发展及基岩河床演化过程,是宝贵的地质遗迹。  相似文献   

羊永夫 《贵州地质》2017,34(3):199-203
甲青干河河床中遍布有无数大小不等、形态各异、完整度不一的壶穴。曾有学者提出该河床地貌类型系喀斯特河谷"冰臼",而非"壶穴",是第四纪冰川活动形成的。本文从河床基岩岩性、地质构造、水流特征及溶蚀作用等因素,分析了平塘县甲青壶穴群的形成条件,提出了3种形成壶穴的流水运动模式:瀑布模式、阶状跌水模式和急流漩涡模式,并对壶穴的形成及演化过程进行了分析讨论,认为甲青壶穴群是现代河流流水侵蚀和溶蚀作用的产物,与第四纪冰川无关。  相似文献   

我国幅员辽阔,有着雄伟的河山和绚丽多彩的景色。本文将通过新中国邮票介绍国土资源的基础知识,展现我国地貌的概况。一、河谷河谷是一种线状延伸的倾斜凹地,是流水的侵蚀和堆积作用形成的。分为河床、河滩地、谷坡地。在山区,河床由基岩和粗大的冲击物组成。山区的河谷一般狭窄,两岸不规则,坡度较大,多成阶梯状。由于岩性的软硬和地质构造的不同,有些河谷还会受到差别侵蚀,形成瀑布。在平原地区河床宽,坡度小,水流缓,所以泥沙容易沉积而形成"地上河",例如:黄河。河流洪水期淹没的河床以外谷底部分叫做河滩地。这是由于河床受到流水的侧向侵蚀,凹岸后退,凸岸堆积逐步形成的。  相似文献   

福建白云山国家地质公园的蟾溪、龙亭溪、首洋溪和黄兰溪峡谷中的花岗岩、火山岩基岩河床、浅滩及岸壁上发育数量众多、个体巨大、形态各异的壶穴,壶穴类型齐全,系统地展示了河床流水侵蚀作用,壶穴的发生、发展与消亡的演化过程。根据水动力条件、壶穴发育位置及形态特征,对壶穴进行分类,论述壶穴的发育与演化过程,建立壶穴的发育和演化序列。  相似文献   

宁德世界地质公园白水洋园区出露上侏罗统—下白垩统酸-中酸性火山岩,经长期构造变动、风化剥蚀和流水侵蚀,发育火山岩峰丛、石堡、石墙、石柱等山峰、山体,线谷、围谷、峡谷等谷地,以及洞穴、流水侵蚀地貌、水体景观,形成巍峨壮观、风光旖旎的火山岩地貌景观。白水洋火山岩岩性复杂、地貌类型繁多、成因多样,极具科学研究和观赏价值,是研究中生代火山岩区内、外动力地质作用、火山岩地貌发育的理想场所和地学旅游胜地。  相似文献   

福建石牛山水蚀花岗岩石蛋地貌特征及成因研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石牛山主峰出露晚白垩世石牛山组晚期侵入相钾长花岗斑岩,山体浑厚壮观,石蛋千姿百态。石蛋、石堡及崖壁上分布着深浅不一的石脊、石槽及大小不同的石臼、石盆、石穴等微地貌,构成独具特色的“水蚀花岗岩石蛋地貌”。经研究,钾长花岗斑岩是形成水蚀花岗岩石蛋的物质基础,风化剥蚀、大气降水击蚀及其流水侵蚀是形成石脊、石槽、石臼、石盆、石穴的主要外动力地质作用。  相似文献   

驳施雅风“冰臼”“负球状风化”成因论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩同林 《地质论评》2010,56(4):538-542
施雅风院士最近撰文指出笔者等近年来在中国东部发现的若干"冰臼"并非冰川遗迹,而是花岗岩经"负球状风化"而成。然而,他所谓的"负球状风化说"与当地的气候环境条件和客观存在的事实完全相悖。冰臼是地表负地形之一,现今是"堆积区"而不是"侵蚀区",以现代常见的侵蚀作用产生冰臼的所谓"风说"、"壶说"、"风雨说"、"差异风化说"、"负球状风化"等,都是不可能的。这些假说是对过去业己形成冰臼群进行不同成因推断,是对冰臼群成因的最大误解。冰臼只能由大量冰川融水沿冰川裂隙自上向下,以滴水穿石的方式形成滚流水钻,强烈冲击下伏基岩产生。从河流流水动力学特点上看,急流旋涡主要产生水平力为主,而冰臼的形成主要是垂直力才有可能产生,因此河流流水也是无法产生冰臼的。  相似文献   

河流壶穴是一种常见的河床微地貌,是基岩河床下切的方式之一.壶穴的形成受岩性、气候和动力条件等诸多因素影响,形成机制较为复杂.本研究以广东雷州半岛火山凝灰岩河流壶穴为研究对象,对壶穴的岩性特征、形态特征、空间分布特征等展开研究,分析火山凝灰岩河流壶穴的形成机制及地貌过程.结果表明:1)雷州半岛火山凝灰岩壶穴数量多,规模大...  相似文献   

流水下切是指河流河道在基岩中的垂直切割。自20世纪90年代以来,由于对全球尺度的气候、地表过程和构造之间相互作用的认识,以及工程建设和天然资源管理决策的需要,流水下切成为构造地貌学的理论研究前缘。文章从动力学机制、物理侵蚀过程、三大外来变量构造、气候和基准面变化的影响,以及区分这些变量影响的可能性等方面,对流水下切研究的最新进展予以评述。未来流水下切研究要在流水动力学和地球动力学两方面探索更多的科学问题  相似文献   

关于"冰臼"论中若干问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢小康 《广东地质》2002,17(2):11-16
就韩同林先生等先后所撰3篇"商榷"文章中提出的有关问题进行了讨论,认为"冰臼"乃冰川运动之产物.迄今为止,"冰臼"论者仍未提供足够的气候学证据,证明南国在距今(2~3)×106a前有过大规模的冰川运动.而"壶穴"是基岩河床中急流漩涡形成的一种常见的微地貌,是客观存在的.  相似文献   

低坡度基岩弯曲河流在地质构造控制区域广泛存在(床面坡度小于5‰),洪水对基岩弯曲河流的河床淤积与侵蚀具有较大影响,但以往研究对基岩弯曲河流的洪水动力结构认识不足。通过几何概化基岩弯曲河段,考虑Froude相似与边壁粗糙,建立基岩弯曲河道概化模型,分析洪水下的弯道水面线分布、时均流场与湍流结构特性。结果表明:在洪水流量下,弯顶上游出现最小水面横比降、凸岸水流分离、凹岸双环流发育、流速下潜且二次环流强度达到最大,在弯顶下游水面横比降达到最大并出现环流分裂;床面切应力分布于凸岸水流分离以及弯顶上游中心区域,横向动量输移集中于弯顶上游。试验结果为基岩弯曲河道中的床面侵蚀与沿程淤积提供了水动力方面的解释。  相似文献   

A certain number of studies have been carried out in recent years that aim at developing and applying a model capable of assessing water erosion of soil. Some of these have tried to quantitatively evaluate the volumes of soil loss, while others have focused their efforts on the recognition of the areas most prone to water erosion processes. This article presents the results of a research whose objective was that of evaluating water erosion susceptibility in a Sicilian watershed: the Naro river basin. A geomorphological study was carried out to recognize the water erosion landforms and define a set of parameters expressing both the intensity of hydraulic forces and the resistance of rocks/soils. The landforms were mapped and classified according to the dominant process in landsurfaces affected by diffuse or linear water erosion. A GIS layer was obtained by combining six determining factors (bedrock lithology, land use, soil texture, plan curvature, stream power index and slope-length factor) in unique conditions units. A geostatistical multivariate approach was applied by analysing the relationships between the spatial distributions of the erosion landforms and the unique condition units. Particularly, the density of eroded area for each combination of determining factors has been calculated: such function corresponds, in fact, to the conditional probability of erosion landforms to develop, under the same geoenvironmental conditions. In light of the obtained results, a general geomorphologic model for water erosion in the Naro river basin can be depicted: cultivated areas in clayey slopes, having fine-medium soil texture, are the most prone to be eroded; linear or diffuse water erosion processes dominate where the topography is favourable to a convergent or divergent runoff, respectively. For each of the two erosion process types, a susceptibility map was produced and submitted to a validation procedure based on a spatial random partition strategy. Both the success of the validation procedure of the susceptibility models and the geomorphological coherence of the relationships between factors and process that such models suggest, confirm the reliability of the method and the goodness of the predictions.  相似文献   

张之淦 《中国岩溶》2009,28(4):332-339
用洞穴双旋回演化理论和系统科学思想指导,定性和半定量地讨论了贵州省大方县九洞天伏流大厅的起源。分析研究认为:(1)洪水拥有超过平水期水流几个数量级的动能和溶蚀能力,使季节变化带成为垂直剖面中岩溶发育最为强烈的部位。(2)伏流大厅的形成过程至少是3个子过程耦合作用的结果,即①水流的剥蚀;②崩塌;③化学沉积生长。(3)水流运动的驱动力由重力和地转偏向力耦合而成。在重力驱动下水流对大厅左右壁的剥蚀强度相等,但由于地转偏向力的参与,在北半球驱使剥蚀向右偏蚀。(4)九洞天伏流有明显的右偏蚀形态证据:①左壁化学沉积发育,右壁基岩裸露;②右壁岩块脱落多于左壁;③靠近左壁有一条高角度裂缝状的充水溶洞。(5)地转偏向力在九洞天伏流大厅的形成中扮演着重要角色。伏流的巨大流量能够产生比中小地下河大10至100倍的地转偏向力,使九洞天伏流右偏蚀特别强烈。在洪峰水流的溶蚀和侵蚀下,优先在右壁产生边槽,致使卸荷过程和岩块脱落由左向右不断横向发展,导致大跨度的地下河大厅以及伴生的地表地貌形态生成。(6)对于高角度裂缝状洞穴和缓倾角层面洞穴两种情况,伏流右偏蚀过程有一些差别。对于缓倾斜层面洞穴,当基准面缓慢下降时,形成沿层面倾斜的底板。丰鱼岩就是一个很好的实例。   相似文献   

Chemical relationships among surface waters, soils and rocks were investigated in the drainage basin of the North Fork of the Shoshone River in northwestern Wyoming. The area is underlain entirely by andesitic volcanic rocks. Smectite is the only clay mineral forming in soils over much of the area, although minor kaolinite occurs in a few areas of higher-than-average rainfall.Mass-balance calculations relating stream water chemistry to rock alteration indicate that controls on the chemistry of surface waters take place not in the soil zone but in the altered rock zone. The dominant weathering process which controls the water chemistry is slight alteration of large volumes of rock, rather than development of chemical equilibria involving secondary phases in the soil zone. The altered rock is enriched in feldspars and depleted in ferromagnesian minerals compared to fresh rock. The high rate of physical erosion of the area is enough to remove the residue, reexpose the bedrock, and continue the weathering process.  相似文献   


Aspects of riverbed evolution including bank erosion in the Ural River basin have been considered in this paper. The natural morphodynamic types of riverbeds have been described. The spatial features of their genesis have been characterized within the Ural River basin. To study the riverbed processes, decoding of remote sensing data of the water surface has been used. The risks for the infrastructure facilities and for the residential districts have been analyzed in terms of the bank erosion in the Ural River basin. The issues concerning the border between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan due to riverbed reconfiguration of the Ural River have been outlined. Maps of the development of bank erosion in the Ural River basin have been created. A way to solve the problem of riverbed evolution along the border area has been proposed by organizing an Intergovernmental Specially Protected Natural Zone.


典型窝崩三维数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
窝崩是冲积河流常见的一种崩岸类型,具有发展速度快、破坏力强等特点,且不易成功模拟。以长江下游扬中河段指南村窝崩为例,基于窝崩机理及其力学模式,采用考虑回流区紊动影响的挟沙力公式模拟窝塘内泥沙输移,初步建立了窝崩三维数值模拟方法。研究结果表明:窝崩发生初期窝塘内局部水流具有底层流速大于上层流速的特征,这为窝塘底部及坡脚淘刷提供了动力条件;窝塘内回流区水流挟沙力的计算对窝崩形态模拟结果存在显著影响,考虑回流区紊动影响的泥沙输移特性后,模拟结果与实测结果基本吻合,可较好地模拟窝崩的快速发展过程。研究成果可为窝崩机理的深入认识和窝崩治理提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

窝崩是冲积河流常见的一种崩岸类型,具有发展速度快、破坏力强等特点,且不易成功模拟。以长江下游扬中河段指南村窝崩为例,基于窝崩机理及其力学模式,采用考虑回流区紊动影响的挟沙力公式模拟窝塘内泥沙输移,初步建立了窝崩三维数值模拟方法。研究结果表明:窝崩发生初期窝塘内局部水流具有底层流速大于上层流速的特征,这为窝塘底部及坡脚淘刷提供了动力条件;窝塘内回流区水流挟沙力的计算对窝崩形态模拟结果存在显著影响,考虑回流区紊动影响的泥沙输移特性后,模拟结果与实测结果基本吻合,可较好地模拟窝崩的快速发展过程。研究成果可为窝崩机理的深入认识和窝崩治理提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

Characterizing stream erosion in any steep mountain landscape is arduous, but the challenge level increases when the stream flows through a glaciated catchment frequently modified by hillslope debris.Glacial landforms and stochastic mass wasting in alpine systems may interfere with sediment delivery to downstream sites where detrital sediments are often collected to represent upstream bedrock sources.To use detrital sediments as indicators of erosion, we need to understand potential sediment accumulation in flat glaciated reaches or behind rockfall barriers. This study investigates the stream channel in Garnet Canyon, a glaciated catchment located in the central Teton Range, to describe hillslope coupled channel morphology and the subsequent effects on sediment transport throughout the catchment.Stream cross-section surveys and sediment size measurements of the surface bedload were collected in the field within a glacially flattened segment of Garnet Canyon. Calculations of shear stress conditions allowed evaluation of the importance of mineral densities on potential grain entrainment. The length of the Garnet Canyon stream observed in this study was coupled with hillslope deposits. Critical shear stresses were sufficient to move gravel-sized sediments through all sections when calculated with quartz mineral density and through most sections when applying apatite mineral density. These results verify the application of detrital sediments to evaluate erosion rates or spatial bedrock sources because snowmelt stream flow efficiently moves entrained sediment past glacially reduced slopes and potential talus barriers.  相似文献   

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