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We investigated the upper mantle anelastic structure beneath the northern Philippine Sea region, including the Izu-Bonin subduction zone and the Shikoku Basin. We used regional waveform data from 69 events in the Pacific and the Philippine Sea slabs, recorded on F-net and J-array network broadband stations in western Japan. Using the S–P phase pair method, we obtained differential attenuation factors, δt*, which represent the relative whole path Q. We conducted a tomographic inversion using 978 δt* values to invert for a fine-scale (50–100 km) three-dimensional anelastic structure.

The results shows two high-Q regions (QP>1000) which are consistent with the locations of the Pacific and the Philippine Sea slabs. Also there is a low-Q (QP110) area extending to the deeper parts (350–400 km) of the model just beneath the old spreading center and the Kinan Seamount Chain in the Shikoku Basin. A small depth dependence of the laterally averaged QP was found, with values of 266 (0–250 km), 301 (250–400 km), and 413 (400–500 km).  相似文献   

We investigate the seismic structure of the western Philippine Sea using two sets of seismological observations: ScS reverberations, which provide the layering framework for a regional upper mantle model, and observations of frequency-dependent phase delays for direct S waves, surface-reflected phases (sS, SS, sSS), and surface waves (R1, G1), which constrain the velocity and anisotropy structure within the layers. The combined data set, comprising 17 discontinuity amplitudes and layer travel times from the ScS-reverberation stack and more than 1000 frequency-dependent phase delays, was inverted for a path-averaged, radially anisotropic model. Mineralogical estimates of the bulk sound velocity and density are incorporated as complementary constraints. The final model, PHB3, is characterized by a 11.5-km thick crust, an anisotropic lid bounded by a sharp negative G discontinuity at 89 km, an anisotropic low-velocity layer extending to 166 km, a subjacent high-gradient region, and transition-zone discontinuities at depths of 408 km, 520 km and 664 km. The lid is slower than in a comparable model for the Tonga–Hawaii corridor (PA5), but also significantly thicker, requiring a compositional variation between the two regions. We explore the hypothesis that the thickness of the oceanic lid is controlled by the melting depth at the spreading centers during crust formation, and that the thicker crust and lid in the Philippine Sea results from deeper melting owing to a higher potential temperature and perhaps a higher water content in the upper mantle.  相似文献   

环渤海地区的地震层析成像与地壳上地幔结构   总被引:28,自引:8,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
利用环渤海地区的天然地震P波到时资料,采用纬度和经度方向分别为0.5°×0.6°的网格划分,反演了该地区地壳上地幔的三维P波速度结构.初步结果表明,环渤海地区地壳上地幔的速度结构具有明显的横向不均匀性:京津唐地区地壳中上部的速度异常反映了浅表层的地质构造特征,造山带和隆起区对应于高速异常,坳陷区和沉积盆地对应于低速异常;地壳下部出现大规模的低速异常与华北地区广泛存在的高导层相对应,估计与壳内的滑脱层和局部熔融、岩浆活动有关;莫霍面附近的速度异常反映了地壳厚度的变化及壳幔边界附近热状态的差异;上地幔顶部大范围的低速异常可能是上地幔软流层热物质大规模上涌所致.  相似文献   

用布置在亚东—格尔木的164个流动地震台站记录的926个远震事件的24241条射线,进行远震P波层析成像处理,高分辨率的西藏高原上地幔的速度结构图,显示了印度巨厚地幔岩石圈在向高原之下推进的过程中,在高喜马拉雅之下拆分成上、下两层,这是发生的第一次拆沉. 下层从高喜马拉雅以下约以22°的角度向高原北部插入到350km 深;而其上层则向北伸展直到雁石坪,并构成了高原薄的地幔岩石圈. 在雁石坪北(33.7°N),当其与亚洲大陆岩石圈地幔相遇后发生断离并下沉. 再次证实了五道梁(35.27°N)深部低速体的存在,本区内地壳内低速物质可能与上述运动有联系,反映了深层热物质的上涌.  相似文献   

We analyzed teleseismic waveforms recorded by 36 stations near Bohai Sea region and obtained 2 248 high quality receiver functions.The crustal thickness (H) and average crustal vP/vS ratio (κ) as well as the Poisson's ratios beneath 34 stations were estimated using the H-κ stacking method.The results indicate that crustal thicknesses near the Liaoning province range from 30.0 to 35.5 km,and the corresponding vP/vS ratios vary from 1.72 to 1.89 which corresponds to Poisson's ratio with a range from 0.243 to ...  相似文献   




青藏高原东缘上地幔顶部Pn波速度结构及各向异性研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
黎源  雷建设 《地球物理学报》2012,55(11):3615-3624
本研究使用中国地震局地壳应力研究所2010—2011年期间在云南地区布设流动地震台站以及青藏高原周边地区固定地震台站记录到的波形资料,提取了大量高质量Pn波到时资料.联合中国地震台网观测报告,我们获得了一个新的青藏高原东缘上地幔顶部Pn波速度和各向异性结构模型.结果显示,研究区内上地幔顶部存在明显横向不均匀性.古老盆地和稳定地台区如四川盆地、柴达木盆地、拉萨地块和阿拉善块体呈现为明显高波速异常,而祁连山至西秦岭褶皱带和川滇菱形块体北部等为相对弱高波速异常.在龙日坝断裂带以东的松潘—甘孜地块往南沿安宁河—则木河断裂至川滇菱形块体南部显示为一条近南北向明显低波速异常.三江褶皱系、缅甸弧俯冲带以及四川盆地东南等地区为明显低波速异常.地壳强震多发生在高波速异常边缘或高低波速异常过渡带上,表明地壳强震的孕育可能还与地幔构造作用存在一定相关性.青藏高原东构造结的各向异性快波方向呈顺时针旋转分布,与印度—欧亚碰撞密切相关.龙门山断裂带东西两侧的各向异性快波方向发生明显变化,由其西侧松潘—甘孜地块下方的NE向转变为四川盆地下方的近EW向,说明青藏高原物质流动遇四川盆地后分为NE和SW向两支.在川滇地区26°N以南地区上地幔顶部各向异性呈现近NS向与地表GPS观测相一致,但与SKS分裂结果存在较大差异,可能表明地壳与上地幔顶部形变表现为耦合现象,而上地幔顶部至岩石圈内部则存在解耦现象.  相似文献   


利用布设在青藏高原东北缘地区的甘肃宽频带地震台阵记录到的远震P波走时数据,采用小波域参数化和基于L1范数的稀疏约束反演算法的多尺度层析成像方法,得到了该地区400 km深度范围内上地幔的P波速度结构.本文采用的多尺度层析成像方法可以自适应数据非均匀采样的情况,有效降低谱泄漏效应和反问题的多解性,明显提高解的分辨率和可靠性.层析成像结果表明青藏高原东北缘上地幔整体上显示为低速特征,扬子地块上地幔则显示为高速特征,两者之间上地幔存在清晰的块体边界带,该边界带位于东经104°-105°之间并且随深度的增加逐渐东移.该特征暗示了青藏高原上地幔物质向东扩张的机制,但在西秦岭上地幔顶部不存在物质运移的通道.青藏高原东北缘内部也具有明显的分区特征,松潘-甘孜地块上地幔P波速度整体呈低速特征,而柴达木地块的上地幔顶部具有相对高速特征,而在上地幔200 km以下这两个地块间的差别逐渐减小.1654年天水地震和1879年武都地震都发生在扬子地块与青藏高原的碰撞交汇区,其震中下方上地幔显示为高低速转换结构.


使用纵波震相及同台同源纵波和横波震相的走时资料及层析成像反演方法,分别给出了菲律宾海板块(PHP)和南海地区的纵波速度Vpf及同台同源的纵波和横波速度Vp和Vs结构. 结果表明,(1) PHP与欧亚板块(EUAP)的俯冲接触关系随地段而异,在琉球海沟,PHP向EUAP之下俯冲深达400 km;在台湾岛,EUAP先近陡直地俯冲到深度400 km,然后折向PHP之下达到660 km左右;在马尼拉海沟北段,俯冲板片几乎垂直达到660 km附近;在菲律宾海沟,PHP向EUAP之下的俯冲深度超过660 km.(2)南海地区之下是一个深达300~400 km的宽阔低速区,并且大致在莺琼海盆与700 km深处另一低速区曲折相通;在该宽阔低速区内部,有两个小而明显的低速区分别在海口火山和珠江口盆地下方.(3)对Vp和Vs及据其算出的容声速度Vb作分析发现,Vs和Vb的平均扰动量对深度的变化在一些深度范围内是反向的;年龄较大的太平洋板块俯冲体的Vs相对扰动量的平均值大于Vb的,而在较年轻的PHP俯冲体中则正好相反.  相似文献   

Yasuhiko  Ohara 《Island Arc》2006,15(1):119-129
Abstract In order to obtain a general view of the mantle process beneath a back‐arc basin spreading ridge, the diversity of peridotite petrology and tectonic occurrences in two back‐arc basin spreading ridges from the Philippine Sea were examined: the Parece Vela Rift and the Mariana Trough. The Parece Vela Basin spreading ridge (Parece Vela Rift) was a physically fast/intermediate‐spreading ridge, although many tectono‐magmatic features resemble those of slow‐ to ultraslow‐spreading ridges. Two unusual features of the Parece Vela Rift further demonstrate the uniqueness of the ridge: full‐axial development of oceanic core complexes and exposure of mantle peridotite at segment midpoints. The Parece Vela Rift yields a lithological assemblage of residual but still fertile lherzolite/harzburgite, plagioclase‐bearing harzburgite and dunite; similar assemblages are reported from the equatorial Mid‐Atlantic Ridge at the Romanche Fracture Zone and the ultraslow‐spreading ridges from the Indian and Arctic Oceans. The tectono‐magmatic characteristics of the Parece Vela Rift suggest that diffuse porous melt flow and pervasive melt–mantle interaction were the important mantle processes there. Globally, this ‘porous melt flow‐type’ mantle process is likely to occur beneath a segment midpoint of the ridge having a thick lithosphere, typically an ultraslow‐spreading ridge. In contrast, the Mariana Trough is a typical slow‐spreading ridge, exposing mantle peridotite at segment ends. The Mariana Trough yields a lithological assemblage of residual harzburgite and veined harzburgite, a common assemblage among the global abyssal peridotite suite. The tectono‐magmatic characteristics of the Mariana Trough suggest that channeled melt/fluid flow and limited melt–mantle interaction are the important mantle processes there, because of the colder wall‐rock peridotite in the segment end. This ‘channeled melt flow‐type’ mantle process is likely to occur in the shallow lithospheric mantle at the segment ends of any spreading ridges.  相似文献   

环渤海地区Pn波速度结构与各向异性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
环渤海地区位于华北克拉通的中东部,是岩石圈破坏和减薄的主要地区,同时也是我国大陆东部强震的多发区和油气田产区,一直是国内外学者研究的重点区域.本研究利用环渤海地区1980—2015年期间中国地震台网高质量Pn波到时数据,反演得到环渤海地区Pn波速度结构及各向异性.结果显示,环渤海地区上地幔顶部的Pn波速度结构存在明显的横向不均匀性,且与区域地质构造有一定相关性.在地形隆起区,如太行山隆起、燕山隆起、鲁西隆起、胶辽隆起及苏鲁褶皱带地区,呈现为低波速异常,说明这些隆起区下方的上地幔存在热物质上涌,而凹陷地区,如华北盆地、南黄海北部盆地和南黄海南部盆地,则表现为高波速异常,说明这些凹陷地区上地幔顶部岩石圈强度较大.地壳内强震主要发生于低波速异常区和高低波速异常过渡带上,说明华北地区地壳强震的发生有可能受到上地幔深部构造的影响.太行山造山带地区Pn波各向异性快波方向为近NNE向,苏鲁褶皱带区域的Pn波各向异性快波方向为近NE向,与断裂带的走向基本一致,表明在地壳形变剧烈的地区,可能受上地幔顶部的深部动力学影响较大.华北盆地的北部和南部各向异性方向存在差异,可能与岩石圈的厚度及热状态的不均匀性有关.  相似文献   

中国大陆东南缘地震接收函数与地壳和上地幔结构   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
从2008—2011年,分别在中国大陆东南缘沿海和内陆两条NE向剖面上进行了宽频地震观测,利用记录到的远震波形资料提取得到1446个远震P波接收函数,用H-κ叠加扫描和CCP偏移叠加方法研究了中国大陆东南缘地壳及上地幔过渡带的结构及其变化特征.结合固定台网25个台站的H-κ结果,获得中国大陆东南缘(福建地区)地壳厚度从内陆到沿海逐渐减薄的图像:地壳从闽西北山区的33 km减薄到厦门沿海一带的29 km以下,平均地壳厚度为31.3 km,具有陆地向洋壳过渡的特征;地壳泊松比从内陆到沿海显示出分带特征,闽中西部内陆地区小于0.26,沿海地带高于0.26,且在断裂带的交汇区域表现为相对异常高值.地壳上地幔顶部(0~200 km)的CCP偏移叠加成像结果显示闽江断裂等NW向断裂深切Moho界面,在断裂两侧Moho面急剧抬升或下沉,产状改变,这些特征向内陆地区逐渐变得不明显.闽江等NW向断裂对研究区地壳厚度、地震等有明显控制作用.上地幔尺度(300~700 km)的CCP偏移叠加成像,未见410 km和660 km速度间断面突变和起伏异常,其绝对深度略大于IASP91模型的,上地幔转换带厚度正常(250±5 km),表明中国大陆东南缘上地幔转换带未受欧亚与菲律宾板块碰撞的明显影响,推断中国大陆东南缘及台湾海峡下方不存在俯冲板块,或俯冲前缘未扰动到410 km的深度.  相似文献   

We have produced a P-wave model of the upper mantle beneath Southeast (SE) Asia from reprocessed short period International Seismological Centre (ISC) P and pP data, short period P data of the Annual Bulletin of Chinese Earthquakes (ABCE), and long period PP-P data. We used 3D sensitivity kernels to combine the datasets, and mantle structure was parameterized with an irregular grid. In the best-sampled region our data resolve structure on scale lengths less than 150 km. The smearing of crustal anomalies to larger depths is reduced by a crustal correction using an a priori 3D model. Our tomographic inversions reveal high-velocity roots beneath the Archean Ordos Plateau, the Sichuan Basin, and other continental blocks in SE Asia. Beneath the Himalayan Block we detect high seismic velocities, which we associate with subduction of Indian lithospheric mantle. This structure is visible above the 410 km discontinuity and may not connect to the remnant of the Neo-Tethys oceanic slab in the lower mantle. Our images suggest that only the southwestern part of the Tibetan plateau is underlain by Indian lithosphere and, thus, that the upper mantle beneath northeastern Tibet is primarily of Asian origin. Our imaging also reveals a large-scale high-velocity structure in the transition zone beneath the Yangtze Craton, which could have been produced in multiple subduction episodes. The low P-wave velocities beneath the Hainan Island are most prominent in the upper mantle and transition zone; they may represent counter flow from the surrounding subduction zones, and may not be unrelated to processes beneath eastern Tibet.  相似文献   

In this study, three receiver function stacking methods are used to study the detailed crust and upper mantle structure beneath south-central Alaska. We used teleseismic waveform data recorded by 36 stations in the Broadband Experiment Across the Alaska Range (BEAAR) and 4 permanent stations in Alaska. H − κ stacking method using P-to-S converted wave and its multiply reflected waves between the Earth's surface and the Moho discontinuity is adopted to estimate the crustal thickness (H) and average crustal VP/VS ratio (κ) in this region. The receiver function results for 24 stations show that the crustal thickness under Alaska ranges from 26.0 to 42.6 km with an average value of 33.8 km, and the VP/VS ratio varies from 1.66 to 1.94 with an average value of 1.81 which corresponds to an average Poisson's ratio of 0.277 with a range from 0.216 to 0.320. High Poisson's ratios under some stations are possibly caused by partial melting in the crust and the uppermost mantle. Common converted point (CCP) stacking results of receiver functions along three lines show clear Moho and slab images under this subduction zone. The depths of the slab from our CCP stacking images are consistent with those estimated from the Wadati–Benioff Zone (WBZ). In the area between two stations DH2 (147.8°W, 63.3°N) and DH3 (147.1°W, 63.0°N), a Moho depth offset of about 10 km is found by both the H − κ and CCP stacking techniques. Common depth point (CDP) stacking of receiver functions shows not only the 410-, 520- and 660-km discontinuities, but also significant variations (−30 to 15 km) in the transition zone thickness under the southwest and southeast parts of the study region. The transition zone becomes thinner by 20–30 km, indicating that the temperature there is 150–200 K higher than that of the normal mantle.  相似文献   

青藏高原上地幔速度结构及其动力学性质   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用地震层析成像结果分析了中国西部地区的上地幔速度结构,发现青藏高原北部至东南边缘上地幔顶部速度普遍偏低;随着深度的增加,低速区主要分布在羌塘、松潘—甘孜和云南西部地区,而印度大陆、塔里木、柴达木、鄂尔多斯和四川盆地均显示出较高的速度.上述速度分布与青藏高原及周边地区的岩石层结构和深部动力性质密切相关:其中羌塘地区的低速异常反映了青藏北部的地幔上涌和局部熔融,起因于印度大陆岩石层的向北俯冲;松潘—甘孜地区的低速异常与青藏东部的深层物质流动及四川盆地刚性岩石层的阻挡有关;而滇西地区的低速异常可能受到印缅块体向东俯冲作用的影响.以上三个区域构成青藏高原和周边地区的主要地幔异常区.相比之下,印度大陆、塔里木、柴达木、鄂尔多斯和四川盆地的高速异常反映了大陆构造稳定地区的岩石层地幔特点.根据速度变化推测,地幔上涌和韧性变形并非贯穿整个青藏高原,而是主要集中在羌塘、松潘—甘孜和滇西地区,上述构造效应不仅导致岩石层厚度减薄且引发了火山和岩浆活动.  相似文献   

南北地震带北段的远震P波层析成像研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

本文利用“中国地震科学台阵”探测项目在南北地震带北段布设的678个流动地震台站在2013年10月至2015年4月期间记录到的远震波形数据,经过波形互相关拾取到473个远震事件共130309条P波走时残差数据,通过远震层析成像研究获得了该区(30°N-44°N,96°E-110°E)下方0.5°×0.5°的P波速度扰动图像.结果显示,研究区下方P波速度结构显示强烈的不均一性和显著的分区、分块特征.岩石圈速度结构具有显著的东西差异:祁连、西秦岭和松潘甘孜地块组成的青藏东北缘地区显示明显的低速异常,而属于克拉通性质的鄂尔多斯地块和四川盆地则显示高速异常,表明东部克拉通块体对青藏高原物质的东向挤出起到了强烈的阻挡作用.阿拉善地块显示出弱高速和局部弱低速的异常并存的特征.阿拉善地块西部显示低速异常,而东部与鄂尔多斯相邻的地区显示高速异常,可能表明该地区的岩石圈的变形主要受到青藏高原东北缘的挤压作用.在鄂尔多斯和四川盆地之间的秦岭下方100~250 km深度上表现为明显的低速异常,表明该处可能存在软流圈物质的运移通道.鄂尔多斯北部的河套裂陷盆地下方在100~500 km深度内低速异常表现明显,说明该区有深部热物质上涌且至少来源于地幔过渡带.青藏东北缘上地幔显示低速异常且地幔过渡带中出现明显的高速异常,这种结构模式暗示了在青藏高原东北缘可能发生了岩石圈拆沉作用,而高速异常体可能是拆沉的岩石圈地幔.


杨峰  黄金莉  杨挺 《地球物理学报》2010,53(8):1806-1816
本文选用首都圈数字地震台网2003年9月~2005年12月记录的300多个远震事件的波形资料,采用分频带多道互相关方法得到三个不同频段的P波相对走时数据共18499个,计算了每个频段的走时灵敏度核,应用有限频率层析成像反演得到首都圈地区的上地幔三维P波速度结构模型.利用检测板估计了反演结果的分辨率,并与射线层析成像方法的结果进行了比较,说明了反演结果的可靠性.研究结果表明,各构造单元具有明显不同的速度结构特征,其差异可到150 km深:燕山隆起区表现高速;太行山隆起区整体以低速为主并存在小范围高速块体;华北盆地、渤海湾下浅层上地幔中存在大范围的强低速异常,其顶面在50~70 km,可视为软流圈顶面的埋深,这一结果说明华北盆地、渤海湾下岩石圈明显减薄;张家口—蓬莱断裂带是上地幔浅部速度结构的变异带,也是岩石圈减薄的边界带,区内大部分强震都发生在该构造带上,由此看来该带上强震的发生不仅与地壳结构的不均匀性有关,还可能有较深的构造背景.  相似文献   

We determine the three-dimensional shear wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle in China using Green's functions obtained from seismic ambient noise cross-correlation.The data we use are from the China National Seismic Network,global and regional networks and PASSCAL stations in the region.We first acquire cross-correlation seismograms between all possible station pairs.We then measure the Rayleigh wave group and phase dispersion curves using a frequency-time analysis method from 8 s to 60 s.After that,Rayleigh wave group and phase velocity dispersion maps on 1° by 1° spatial grids are obtained at different periods.Finally,we invert these maps for the 3-D shear wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath China at each grid node.The inversion results show large-scale structures that correlate well with surface geology.Near the surface,velocities in major basins are anomalously slow,consistent with the thick sediments.East-west contrasts are striking in Moho depth.There is also a fast mid-to-lower crust and mantle lithosphere beneath the major basins surrounding the Tibetan plateau (TP) and Tianshan (Junggar,Tarim,Ordos,and Sichuan).These strong blocks,therefore,appear to play an important role in confining the deformation of the TP and constraining its geometry to form its current triangular shape.In northwest TP in Qiangtang,slow anomalies extend from the crust to the mantle lithosphere.Meanwhile,widespread,a prominent low-velocity zone is observed in the middle crust beneath most of the central,eastern and southeastern Tibetan plateau,consistent with a weak (and perhaps mobile) middle crust.  相似文献   

地震体波走时层析成像是以地震体波到时作为观测数据,反演地下介质的地震波传播速度分布的一种反演技术方法.基于弱各向异性介质的假定,通过在走时反演方程中引入各向异性参数,可以同时进行介质的速度扰动和各向异性属性的联合反演.对三维介质的各向异性分析,有利于对区域结构构造演化、深部物质变形、动力学模式等问题的进一步解释.本文基...  相似文献   

利用155个宽频带流动地震仪记录的连续地震波形数据,通过有限频层析成像技术,反演获得了华南地区上地幔的高分辨率P波三维速度模型.结果显示,大致以江南造山带为界,研究区域南部的华夏块体的大部分区域上地幔存在一个清晰的低速异常构造,而研究区北部的扬子克拉通的大部分区域上地幔则存在高速异常结构,并且这些速度异常体都向下延伸到地幔转换带.一个重要的结果是在(27°N,118°E)处观测到通过410-km界面的上涌流,并且在上升的过程中逐渐向西和向北扩展,显示为华夏块体深部200~400 km深度的大范围低速异常,可能为华夏块体广泛分布的新生代岩浆活动提供深部来源.更重要的是华夏块体通过410-km界面上涌流在上涌的过程中向北延伸,越过江南造山带"侵入"到扬子克拉通的南部地区,造成了扬子克拉通较厚的岩石圈对应的高速异常体向南倾斜的假象.最后,位于117°E(郯庐断裂的南端)以东的扬子克拉通岩石圈已经被"活化",即被来自南部热的软流圈物质替而代之.同时,推断在华夏块体下方地幔转换带内低速异常体可能是与海南地幔柱有关.海南地幔柱和(27°N,118°E)410-km界面上涌流的关系还有待于今后更大范围地震台阵反演研究进行验证.  相似文献   

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