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The azimuth of imbrication of minimum magnetic susceptibility axes in the youngest loess from Ukraine defines prevailing wind directions during aeolian sedimentation. It changes along the studied sections. These changes can be directly correlated with the fluctuations of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet. The northern and northeastern winds noted in the loess succession separated by a period when southwestern to southeastern winds were predominant may be correlated with two main phases of ice‐sheet advance during the Last Glacial Maximum. The ice‐sheet advances towards the areas of loess deposition generated katabatic winds that influenced aeolian sedimentation in the periglacial zone. A period of relatively stable wind directions during a younger phase of the Last Glacial Maximum was interrupted by periods with more chaotic wind regime most probably caused by fluctuations of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet during its retreat from the peri‐Baltic part of Europe. These intervals occur where initial soils developed. The distribution of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility axes defined along the periglacial loess sections from central and eastern Europe can serve to constrain fluctuations of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet.  相似文献   

A loess‐palaeosol succession from the last glacial cycle was palaeomagnetically studied in the Rivne abandoned brickyard (western Ukraine). Two samples of undisturbed loess from the same depth of parallel sections display steep negative inclinations. These reversed directions in the loess dated at c. 18 ka may possibly be correlated with the Hilina Pali palaeomagnetic excursion. This is the first occurrence of the Hilina Pali in a loess sediment. Unfortunately, the loess with negative inclination does not form any continuous layer that could be suitable for studies of detailed features of geomagnetic field inversion. Another six samples from an illuvial horizon of the Holocene soil also showed negative inclinations and strongly deviated declinations. This part of the section does not represent, however, any palaeomagnetic excursion. The anomalous magnetization in maghemite‐ and titanomagnetite‐rich sediment results most probably from self‐reversal remagnetization. A new insight into palaeomagnetic excursions noted in loess, especially in its parts affected by pedogenic processes, is recommended.  相似文献   

The analysis of low-field anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) was used to reconstruct the subglacial deposition conditions during the Main Stadial of the Odranian Glaciation (MIS 6) in till deposits from a site in Dębe (central Poland). Based on the AMS parameters, six till beds were identified (intervals 1–6). The declination of the maximum magnetic susceptibility axis (k1) indicates that the ice sheet was moving in from the northwest. The obtained results confirm the thesis about the preferred direction of ice-sheet transgression during the Odranian Glaciation (MIS 6) in this part of Poland. This interpretation is also confirmed by data obtained from measurements of the long axis of clasts, which agree with the orientation of k1. Based on the AMS results, a significant part of the profile was deformed through simple shear and direct interaction of the ice sheet with the underlying sediment (beds 2–5). The lowest part of the till (bed 6) may have been deposited on a southeast-trending slope or post-depositional deformed by uneven loading of the ice cover. The upper part of the profile (especially in interval 1) could be deposited with an impact of pore water.  相似文献   

The magnetic fabric of 306 samples from 51 sites was determined by means of a new, low-field anisotropy technique. The within-site consistency of the magnetic-fabric data was extremely high and was comparable with more tedious standard petrofabric analyses, where available, and with the structural properties of previously defined tectonic zones in North Cornwall. These data confirm the applicability of magnetic-fabric studies to structural problems, particularly in determining the orientation of the strain in the rocks. In areas of low strain, the technique appears applicable where standard petrofabric techniques are too coarse or time-consuming and indicates that direct estimates of both the magnitude and direction of the net strain ellipsoid should be possible in less deformed areas. Magnetic fabric studies therefore confirm the tectonic zonation in this region and provide a rapid method for similar structural evaluations.  相似文献   

The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) is often controlled by both ferromagnetic (sensu lato) and paramagnetic minerals. The anisotropy of magnetic remanence (AMR) is solely controlled by ferromagnetic minerals. Jelínek (Trav. Geophys. 37 (1993)) introduced a tensor derived from the isothermal AMR whose normalized form equals the normalized susceptibility tensor provided that the ferromagnetic fraction is represented by multi-domain magnetite. The present paper shows the close correlation between these tensors for a collection of strongly magnetic specimens containing multi-domain magnetite. In addition, acceptable correlation between the tensors was also found for a collection of specimens containing single-domain magnetite. A new method is developed for the AMS resolution into ferromagnetic and paramagnetic components using the AMR. Some examples are presented of this resolution in mafic microgranular enclaves in granodiorite and in gneisses of the KTB borehole.  相似文献   

《Quaternary International》1999,53(1):103-110
The magnetic enhancement of paleosol is observed in the Chinese loess. The origin of this magnetic enhancement is still very uncertain. It is, however, a key problem in correctly understanding the paleoclimatic significance of changes of magnetic susceptibility and in transferring the magnetic signals to paleoclimatic parameters. Two main models have been proposed to explain the mechanism of magnetic enhancement in paleosols: a depositional model and a pedogenic model. Together with composition and concentration, grain size distribution of magnetic minerals also plays an important role to the magnetic enhancement of paleosols. Systematic susceptibility measurements were carried out on the samples of the upper part (S0 to top of L2) of three loess sections from Jixian, Xifeng, and Xining, along an east–west transect in the loess plateau, China. The samples with the highest value of magnetic susceptibility in S1 and the lowest value in L2 of each section were selected as the representatives. These representatives were separated into different grain size fractions based on Stokes’ law for coarse grains and by centrifuge for fine grains. Measurements of magnetic susceptibility and mass have been carried out on these fractions. Results show that for the loesses magnetic susceptibility changes little in the fractions with different grain size and for the paleosols it increases with decreasing grain size. The magnitude of changes is bigger in the east (Jixian and Xifeng) than that in the west (Xining). The fraction with the finest particle size in paleosols does not show very high magnetic susceptibility values. A new approach is used to estimate the contribution of each fraction to total magnetic susceptibility. The contribution comes mainly from coarse grains (>10 μm) for loess samples. It reaches about 90%. The main contribution comes, however, from the particles with medium size (10–0.2 μm). The very fine grained particle (<0.3 μm), which is considered to be with the pedogenic origin, contributes little to the bulk magnetic susceptibility, no more than 3% because of their very little amount. This approach provides a sounder basis for the study of the origin of the magnetic susceptibility enhancement in paleosols and of the paleoclimatic significance of magnetic susceptibility of loess and paleosols.  相似文献   

The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of single crystals of biotite, muscovite and chlorite has been measured in order to provide accurate values of the magnetic anisotropy properties for these common rock-forming minerals. The low-field AMS and the high-field paramagnetic susceptibility are defined. For the high-field values, it is necessary to combine the paramagnetic deviatoric tensor obtained from the high-field torque magnetometer with the paramagnetic bulk susceptibility measured from magnetization curves of the crystals. This leads to the full paramagnetic susceptibility ellipsoid due to the anisotropic distribution of iron cations in the silicate lattice. The ellipsoid of paramagnetic susceptibility, which was obtained for the three phyllosilicates, is highly oblate in shape and the minimum susceptibility direction is subparallel to the crystallographic c-axes. The anisotropy of the susceptibility within the basal plane of the biotite has been evaluated and found to be isotropic within the accuracy of the instrumental measurements. The degree of anisotropy of biotite and chlorite is compatible with previously reported values while for muscovite the smaller than previously published values. The shape of the chlorite AMS ellipsoid for all the samples is near-perfect oblate in contrast with a wide distribution of oblate and prolate values reported in earlier studies. Reliable values are important for deriving models of the magnetic anisotropy where it reflects mineral fabrics and deformation of rocks.  相似文献   

Sakhalin has been affected by several phases of Cretaceous and Tertiary deformation due to the complex interaction of plates in the northwest Pacific region. A detailed understanding of the strain is important because it will provide constraints on plate-scale processes that control the formation and deformation of marginal sedimentary basins. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) data were obtained from fine-grained mudstones and siltstones from 22 localities in Sakhalin in order to provide information concerning tectonic strain. AMS data reliably record ancient strain tensor orientations before significant deformation of the sediments occurred. Paleomagnetically determined vertical-axis rotations of crustal rocks allow rotation of the fabrics back to their original orientation. Results from southwest Sakhalin indicate a N035°E-directed net tectonic transport from the mid-Paleocene to the early Miocene, which is consistent with the present-day relative motion between the Okhotsk Sea and Eurasian plates. Reconstruction of early–late Miocene AMS fabrics in east Sakhalin indicates a tectonic transport direction of N040°E. In west Sakhalin, the transport direction appears to have remained relatively consistent from the Oligocene to the late Miocene, but it has a different attitude of N080°E. This suggests local deflection of the stress and strain fields, which was probably associated with opening of the northern Tatar Strait. A northward-directed tectonic transport is observed in Miocene sediments in southeast Sakhalin, mid-Eocene sediments in east Sakhalin, and in Late Cretaceous rocks of west and northern Sakhalin, which may be associated with northwestward motion and subduction of the Pacific Plate in the Tertiary period. The boundaries of the separate regions defined by the AMS data are consistent with present-day plate models and, therefore, provide meaningful constraints on the tectonic evolution of Sakhalin.  相似文献   

The Badenian (Middle Miocene) Ca-sulphate deposits of the fore-Carpathian basin – including the shelf and adjacent salt depocentre – have undergone varying degrees of diagenetic change: they are preserved mainly as primary gypsum in the peripheral part of the platform, whereas toward the centre of the basin, where great subsidence occurred during the Miocene, they have been totally transformed into anhydrite. The facies variation and sequence of Badenian anhydrites reflect different genetic patterns of two members of the Ca-sulphate formation. In the lower member (restricted to the platform), anhydrite formed mainly by synsedimentary anhydritization (via nodule formation), whereas in the upper member (distributed throughout the platform and depocentre) the various gypsum/anhydrite lithofacies display a continuum of distinctive anhydrite type-fabrics. These fabrics are based on petrographic features and show from the centre to the margin: (1) syndepositional, interstitial growth of displacive anhydrite; (2) early diagenetic, displacive to replacive (by replacement of former gypsum) anhydrite formation near the depositional surface; (3) early diagenetic, displacive to replacive anhydrite formation during shallow burial; and (4) late-diagenetic (and only partial) replacement of gypsum at deeper burial. The cross-shelf lateral relations of anhydrite lithofacies and fabrics suggest that the diagenesis developed as a diachronous process. These fabrics of the upper member reflect both palaeogeographic (linked to different parts of the basin) and burial controls. Anhydrite growth started very early in the basin centre, presumably related to high-salinity pore fluids; anhydritization prograded updip toward the shelf (landward in a generalized cross-section through the basin). The intensity of gypsum replacement by anhydrite was progressively attenuated landward by a decrease in the salinity of the pore fluids. In each part of the basin, the anhydrite fabric was also controlled by the texture and degree of lithification of the fine-grained primary gypsum lithofacies. Recrystallization of these anhydrite fabrics during late diagenesis, linked to deeper burial conditions, is insignificant, allowing reconstruction of the original anhydritization pattern.  相似文献   

Uncertainties in paleoenvironmental interpretations for traditional chemical analysis of bulk samples result from different grain-size sub-populations of sediments containing variable distributions of elements and minerals. Therefore, it is important to understand the elemental and mineral distribution in different grain sizes in determining the quantitative relationship between chemical weathering and climatic change. We sieved a series of Xiashu loess samples into three sub-populations of different grain sizes (<2, 2–45 and >45 μm, respectively), and then analyzed each population for rubidium (Rb), strontium (Sr), rare earth elements and magnetic susceptibility. In comparison with elemental concentrations of bulk samples, clay mineralogy and illitic crystallinity, our results show that distinct elemental distributions and magnetic susceptibilities for different grain-size sub-populations are controlled by sorting and/or chemical weathering, although we also suggest that the Xiashu loess may have the same provenance as the Central Chinese Loess. Maximum concentrations of Rb and fine-grained magnetic minerals in the less than 2 μm sub-population, coupled with our finding of maximum Sr in the larger than 45 μm fraction, indicate that Sr was lost during chemical weathering. Grain-size sub-population analysis is, therefore, an effective method for extracting paleoenvironmental information, because individual sub-populations show minimal variations in initial Rb/Sr ratios compared to bulk analysis of all sizes together. Furthermore, a negative correlation between Rb/Sr ratios and Sr concentrations for the <2 μm fraction (R2 = 0.97) may indicate that clay is a sensitive indicator of intensity of chemical weathering and is an ideal sub-population for determining Rb/Sr ratios, but not for magnetic susceptibility.  相似文献   

The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility is a well-known geological proxy in revealing the directional tectonic and sedimentological features of rocks, although it can be ambiguous in situations where these two factors co-occur. This paper demonstrates the usefulness of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility in determining palaeotransport directions in turbiditic rocks that underwent subsequent thrusting and folding. This study demonstrates that the magnetic lineation is largely unsuitable as a palaeocurrent direction proxy, and suggests that the imbrication of magnetic foliation is better in such cases. Moreover, the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility results were analyzed in reference to a joint and fold study within the framework of the regional structural geology. Magnetic fabric investigations were conducted in the eastern part of the Outer Western Carpathians (south-east Poland). During the study, a total of 191 oriented palaeomagnetic samples were collected from three outcrops (Nasiczne, Dwernik and Hoczew) in the Krosno Beds, Silesian Unit. For the purpose of sedimentological analysis, 121 m of turbidite successions were documented and 126 directional sedimentary structures were measured. The magnetic anisotropy of sandstones revealed typical sedimentary fabrics, often overprinted by variably intense tectonic deformation. Oblate susceptibility ellipsoids from Nasiczne showed tilt coherent with the palaeoflow direction, whereas the rocks from Dwernik and Hoczew contained triaxial magnetic fabric developed during compressional palaeostress. This paper suggests that medium-grained and coarse-grained sandstones, preferably with high mica content, are the most suitable for palaeotransport reconstructions among the studied lithologies.  相似文献   

The magnetic susceptibility of loess-palaeosol sequences in southern Poland and western Ukraine varies mainly with the degree of decomposition of detrital magnetite grains conditioned by palaeoclimate. Relatively high susceptibility values were observed in the unweathered loess horizons and in accumulation horizons of the non-gleyed soils which contain relatively high amounts of paramagnetic fraction and pedogenic (?) magnetite. The susceptibility curves characteristic for Polish and western Ukrainian loess-palaeosol sequences may be directly correlated with oxygen-isotope fluctuations in deep-sea sediments. This correlation is more complex than that for the Chinese or Alaskan loess-palaeosol sequences. The major causes of the complexities are the relatively small thicknesses of the investigated sections (especially their older horizons) and the heterogeneity of geochemical processes that affected loess surface in the interglacial and interstadial times.  相似文献   

Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) data are used as a tool to determine strain variations in different parts of the Banded Iron Formations (BIFs) of the Bonai Synclinorium, eastern India. AMS data of 88 cylindrical cores drilled from 29 samples collected from the limb and hinge parts of mesoscopic scale folds as well as different parts of the entire synclinorium are presented. It is found that the samples from limbs of small-scale folds and also from limbs of the regional scale synclinorium have higher degrees of anisotropy than the hinges. This is inferred to indicate that the limbs accommodated higher strain than the hinges. AMS orientation data are analysed in conjunction with field data. It is concluded that the magnetic fabric developed in the limbs as well as hinges of the BIFs of the study area is related to deformation and is not a manifestation of sedimentary fabric.  相似文献   

Some fabrics of ferromagnetic minerals of metamorphic rocks have been studied by means of the magnetic susceptibility anisotropy; amphibolites from West Moravian crystallinicum were used as an example. These studies have shown that besides the differences in metamorphism and tectonics of the two main fabric units of that area (Moldanubicum, Moravicum) there exist differences in the content and fabric of ferromagnetic minerals as well.The fabric of ferromagnetic minerals in amphibolites of Moravicum originated probably simultaneously with the fabric of rock-forming minerals. On the other hand some of the ferromagnetic minerals in amphibolites from Moldanubicum are younger and their fabric originated later. The different character of the premetamorphic material of ortho-amphibolites has also been reflected in the intensity and the type of preferred orientation of ferromagnetic minerals.The results of our research show that the amphibolites of West Moravian crystallinicum can be put into different petrogenetic and geological-structural units through studies of their magnetic anisotropy.
Zusammenfassung Einige Gefüge der ferromagnetischen Mineralien der metamorphen Gesteine wurden am Beispiel der Amphibolite des westmÄhrischen Kristallins mit Hilfe der Anisotropie der magnetischen SuszeptibilitÄt untersucht. Es wurde festgestellt, da\ au\er den Unterschieden in Metamorphose und Tektonik der beiden geologischen Haupteinheiten dieses Gebietes (d. h. Moldanubikum und Moravikum) auch Unterschiede im Gehalt und im Gefüge der ferromagnetischen Mineralien deutlich sind.Das Gefüge der ferromagnetischen Mineralien in den Amphiboliten des Moravikums ist wahrscheinlich gleichzeitig mit dem Gefüge der gesteinsbildenden Mineralien entstanden, wÄhrend im Moldanubikum ein Teil der ferromagnetischen Mineralien offensichtlich jünger ist und ihr Gefüge spÄter entstand. Der andere Charakter des prÄmetamorphen Materials in den Orthoamphiboliten kommt auch in der IntensitÄt und im Typ der Vorzugsorientierung der ferromagnetischen Mineralien zum Ausdruck.Aus den Ergebnissen ergibt sich, da\ die Kenntnis der magnetischen Anisotropie die Einordnung der Amphibolite zu unterschiedlichen petrogenetischen und geologisch-strukturellen Einheiten im westmÄhrischen Kristallin ermöglicht.

Résumé Plusieurs «Gefüge» des minéraux ferromagnétiques des roches métamorphiques ont été étudiées à l'aide de l'anisotropie de la susceptibilité magnétique sur l'exemple d'amphibolites du cristallin de la Moravie de l'Ouest. On a constaté qu'à part des différences de métamorphisme et de tectonique des deux unités principales de cette région (Moldanubique et Moravique), il y a aussi des différences dans le volume et la «Gefüge» des minéraux ferromagnétiques.On a constaté que la «Gefüge» des mineraux ferromagnétiques dans des amphibolites du Moravique s'était produite probablement en mÊme temps que la structure des minéraux formant les roches, tandis qu'une partie des minéraux ferromagnétiques dans le Moldanubique pourrait Être plus jeune, sa «Gefüge » s'étant produite plus tard. Un caractère différent des matériaux prémetamorphiques dans les orthoamphibolites, s'est révélé, en mÊme temps, par l'intensité et le genre de l'orientation dominante de minéraux ferromagnétiques.Des résultats on peut déduire qu'à l'aide d'une étude de l'anisotropie magnétique, il est possible de classer les amphibolites dans les différents ensembles de petrogénese et de structures géologiques.

- . , ( ) . , , , . . , - - .

The magnetic susceptibility anisotropy of 181 samples from the Chelmsford Formation, the Onaping Formation and the norite of the Sudbury Basin has been measured. Magnetic foliation planes are almost exactly parallel to the planar structural elements (slaty cleavage and foliation) that are axial planar to the Basin. Magnetic lineations, where present, are parallel to linear structural elements (mineral elongation lineations). The shapes of the susceptibility ellipsoids of individual samples and the grouping of their principal axes are used to classify each site according to one of nine possible anisotropy types. In the Chelmsford Formation there is dominantly one anisotropy type, but several are present in the norite. At each site there is a variation in shape of the anisotropy ellipsoids, which can be interpreted using magnetic susceptibility axial ratio plots analogous to the deformation plots used by structural geologists. Using this technique the measured anisotropy patterns are interpreted in terms of progressive modification of original predeformation magnetic fabrics by various types of strain. In the norite the shape of the susceptibility ellipsoid and the anisotropy type vary systematically with distance from the Grenville Front.  相似文献   

The authors measured the magnetic susceptibility anisotropy of approximately 400 specimens cut from oriented samples of greywacke taken at forty sites in a 1500 square-mile area in the Diablo Range, Central California.The magnetic fabric was judged to be of primary style at thirteen sites and to indicate that the direction of sediment transport was along an axis aligned N 60 E, with little variation in alignment over the area of the study. Rocks at the remaining sites were thought to have suffered slight but variable deformation, prior to folding, by a stress acting along an east-west axis.The rocks at five sites were metagreywackes. Although the metamorphism of these is believed to be the result of great pressure, there was no obvious effect of this pressure on the magnetic fabric.
Zusammenfassung An ungefÄhr 400 Proben aus orientiert entnommenen Grauwacke-Handstücken von 40 LokalitÄten der Franciscan Formation (Diablo Range, Mittel-Kalifornien) wurde die Anisotropie der magnetischen SuszeptibilitÄt gemessen.Bei 13 LokalitÄten des Untersuchungsgebietes konnte ein kaum deformiertes primÄres magnetisches Gefüge festgestellt werden, das auf einen parallel N 60 E gerichteten Sedimenttransport mit geringer regionaler Variation der Einregelungsrichtung schlie\en lÄ\t. Die Gesteine der übrigen Aufschlüsse erfuhren vermutlich vor der Faltung eine geringe, aber unterschiedliche Deformation durch eine E-W gerichtete, horizontale Stresswirkung.Obwohl die Gesteine von 5 LokalitÄten Meta-Grauwacken sind, die nach allgemeiner Ansicht bei hohem Druck metamorphisiert wurden, konnte kein eindeutiger Einflu\ dieses Druckes auf das magnetische Gefüge festgestellt werden.

Résumé Les auteurs mesurèrent l'anisotropie de susceptibilité magnétique dans à peu près 400 carottes orientées prises dans des blocs de grauwacke, prélevées à 40 sites sur une étendue de 4000 km2 du Diablo Range de la Californie Centrale.On a estimé que la fabrique magnétique était d'un caractère primaire à treize de ces sites, et qu'elle suggérait que le transport du sédiment suivait l'axe d'orientation N 60 E, sans grande variation d'alignement dans toute l'étendue etudiée.Les roches des autres sites paraissaient avoir subi avant d'Être plissées des déformations peu importantes, mais variables, causées par un effort dans un axe orienté est-ouest.Les roches de cinq sites étaient des metagrauwackes. Bien que le métamorphisme de celles-ci résulte, à ce qu'il nous semble, d'une pression intense, la fabrique magnetique restait apparemment inchangée par cette pression.

400 40 [ Franciscan (Diablo Range, ). 13 , , N 60 E . , -, , W. 5 - , , .

Besides granites of the ilmenite series, in which the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) is mainly controlled by paramagnetic minerals, the AMS of igneous rocks is commonly interpreted as the result of the shape-preferred orientation of unequant ferromagnetic grains. In a few instances, the anisotropy due to the distribution of ferromagnetic grains, irrespective of their shape, has also been proposed as an important AMS source. Former analytical models that consider infinite geometry of identical and uniformly magnetized and coaxial particles confirm that shape fabric may be overcome by dipolar contributions if neighboring grains are close enough to each other to magnetically interact. On these bases we present and experimentally validate a two-grain macroscopic numerical model in which each grain carries its own magnetic anisotropy, volume, orientation and location in space. Compared with analytical predictions and available experiments, our results allow to list and quantify the factors that affect the effects of magnetic interactions. In particular, we discuss the effects of (i) the infinite geometry used in the analytical models, (ii) the intrinsic shape anisotropy of the grains, (iii) the relative orientation in space of the grains, and (iv) the spatial distribution of grains with a particular focus on the inter-grain distance distribution. Using documented case studies, these findings are summarized and discussed in the framework of the generalized total AMS tensor recently introduced by Cañon-Tapia (Cañon-Tapia, E., 2001. Factors affecting the relative importance of shape and distribution anisotropy in rocks: theory and experiments. Tectonophysics, 340, 117–131.). The most important result of our work is that analytical models far overestimate the role of magnetic interaction in rock fabric quantification. Considering natural rocks as an assemblage of interacting and non-interacting grains, and that the effects of interaction are reduced by (i) the finite geometry of the interacting clusters, (ii) the relative orientation between interacting grains, (iii) their heterogeneity in orientation, shape and bulk susceptibility, and (iv) their inter-distance distribution, we reconcile analytical models and experiments with real case studies that minimize the role of magnetic interaction onto the measured AMS. Limitations of our results are discussed and guidelines are provided for the use of AMS in geological interpretation of igneous rock fabrics where magnetic interactions are likely to occur.  相似文献   

Magnetic susceptibility anisotropy analyses have been carried out on 300 samples of rock from various metamorphosed regions of Normandy and Brittany, within the northern half of the Armorican massif, to test the ability of the magnetic fabric method (in a relatively complex region where structures have been well charted) to delineate regional structures. The two major structural directions to emerge from the study were a ENE—WSW striking magnetic foliation plane, conforming to a Variscan direction of the Bocaine syncline in the Granville region of Normandy and a ESE—WNW striking magnetic foliation plane conforming to the Armorican direction in the Chateaulin syncline region of Brittany. The magnetic fabric of sites elsewhere confirmed localised structures and minor synclinal structures.

The major advantages of the technique of studying magnetic fabric over petrofabric are the speed at which magnetic fabric can be measured (2 minutes per sample compared with up to 24 h using X-ray goniometry techniques) and the sensitivity of the magnetic fabric to very slight stresses.  相似文献   

洪勃  李喜安  王力  孙建强  简涛  孟杰 《中国地质》2021,48(3):900-910
土颗粒的形状及其空间方位的择优取向是导致宏观土体各向异性的重要原因之一.以具有明显各向异性的晚更新世马兰黄土为研究对象,借助Quanta FEG型电子显微镜扫描照片所包含的相关信息,揭示其微结构在水平向和垂直向上的差异,并对该微观结构的各向异性成因进行了分析.发现:(1)水平向和垂直向切片中颗粒的圆形度R0具有正态分布...  相似文献   

Contamination of soils with heavy metals is an issue all industrial and urban regions have to deal with. Generally, chemical methods are chosen to monitor soil pollution but measurements of magnetic susceptibility proved to yield additional information at low cost and consuming less time. We measured the magnetic susceptibility of soils which had been analysed chemically during the soil surveys of three Austrian provinces. Each anomaly of susceptibility either coincided with geogenic anomalies or indicated anthropogenic input of pollutants. Regional comparisons of susceptibility with chemical analyses revealed that susceptibility can be used as an indicator for the contents of individual pollutants in soils. This calibration of susceptibility has been successfully applied to an industrial region as well as to an urban environment. Two powerful applications of susceptibility measurements of soils are shown: the identification of polluted areas, and the detailed mapping of these areas to reveal the extent of pollution.  相似文献   

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