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Using the recent observational data on atomic and molecular hydrogen in the Galaxy, we analyse the dynamics of the interstellar gas in a spiral density wave. Within the framework of Marochniket al.'s (1972) model of the galactic spiral structure, the gas flow is obtained, with self-gravitation and thermal processes taken into account.It is shown that: (1) the self-gravitation of gas does not practically affect the galactic shock if the dominant contribution into the gas density comes from atomic hydrogen; (2) the effects of self-gravitation could be essential for both the gas flow and the stellar spiral wave only if the density contribution of H2 exceeded several times that ofHi, with molecular hydrogen as a continuous medium having the isothermal equation of state; (3) however, regardless of the estimates of H2 abundance in the Galaxy, its reaction to the density wave is weak, since it forms a collisionless system not dragged by the intercloud gas.It has been found that, if we allow for thermal processes in the interstellar medium, new types of gas flow can develop alongside with a previously-known continuous flow and galactic shock. They are: (1) galactic shock with the phase transition leading to the formation of dense cold clouds; (2) a three-phase flow where hot cavities and dense cold clouds coexist with an initial, moderately dense and cold phase; (3) an accretion wave which is a specific type of nonlinear wave with an amplitude of 11/2 orders of magnitude larger than that of the isothermal galactic shock appearing under the same conditions, but without heating and cooling.  相似文献   

A study of the galactic structure has been made by deriving the brightness distribution of the galactic plane at 2.2 m and 4.2 m near infrared region using infrared objects detected by ground-based sky surveys. The infrared brightness distribution shows distinct peaks at every 8–12° galactic longitude and indicates a periodic structure. The one-to-one positional correlation observed between the periodic structure in 2.2 m infrared brightness and the 2.6 mm CO emission line suggests that the near-infrared sources are strongly associated with dense clouds of molecular hydrogen distributed in the galactic plane.  相似文献   

Number-flux relations at -ray energies for active galactic nuclei have been computed, starting from their X-ray luminosity function and making different assumptions on the spectral shape and cosmological evolution of these sources.The radiation resulting from their integrated emission has been computed and compared to the observed intensity and spectrum of the extragalactic -ray diffuse background (0.3–20 MeV), in order to derive quantitative constraints on the evolution and spectral properties of active galactic nuclei at -ray energies.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

A comparison between theGeneral Catalogue of Cool Carbon Stars (CCS) and theAFGL Catalogue has been performed.Eighty-five stars have been found in common between the two lists. Eighty-four stars which were present in Baumert's comparison between CCS and the 2 Sky Survey have no counterpart in the AFGL. Four new tentative identifications are given. The analysis of the two colours diagrams K-[4.2 ] vs. I-K and I-[4.2 ] vs. [4.2 ]-[11 ] led to the conclusion that all the infrared emission from the sources seems to come from a single circumstellar shell.  相似文献   

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Some asymptotic solutions in the restricted problem of three bodies by L. G. Lukjanov.
Some particular solutions of the plane restricted problem of three bodies in the form of Liapunov's series are obtained. These solutions asymptotically approach the Lagrange solutions. Convergence is proved.

We investigate the near-ultraviolet high-resolution LWR spectra of the stars Cas, And, Tau, Gem, Cru, Boo, and Peg, obtained with the aid of the International Ultraviolet Explorer Satellite. We have given here a list of the strongest and most prevalent emission lines in the near-ultraviolet spectra of Boo, KlIIIp, and Peg, M2.5II-III which have the same luminosity class and different spectral type. The near-ultraviolet continuum flux measurements and integrated emission line fluxes of these stars for the 2500–3200 Å region are presented in order to compare the variations in the appearance of the near-ultraviolet flux distribution with the temperature structure of their chromospheres for K and M giant stars. We also discuss differences between observed and calculated fluxes found from the Planck function.  相似文献   

A model of a first generation intermediate star of 5M , with Z=0 has been considered. The model is at an advanced stage of its evolution and has a double shell burning. It burns helium in the inner shell, and hydrogen, via CNO cycle, in the outer shell. =(log/log) T and T =(log/logT) were computed allowing for the oscillations of the relative mass abundance of the reagents in nuclear reactions. Including =(log/log) T and =(log/logT) of mean molecular weight and the effect of the oscillations of abundances due to nuclear reactions, stability was studied. Contrary to the results of the static calculations, we found that instability due to the excitation mechanism provided by the high temperature sensitivity of energy generation rate propagates up to the surface. Thus the model in question was found to be unstable against radial adiabatic pulsations, in its fundamental mode.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to prove that the system of partial differential equations, which define a set of curvilinear coordinates , , that are orthogonal to the Roche equipotentials (r, , ) incorporating the effects of both rotationaland tidal distortion, does not admit of any formal integrals; and can be solved only numerically in an asymptotic manner. This fact is related with analytic properties of the problem of three bodies, in which represents the potential.  相似文献   

We have produced high-resolution images of the nuclear region of M82 with SpectroCam-10, a mid-infrared instrument at the Palomar 5 m telescope. These images were taken at 11.7 m and 9.8 m with a 1m filter bandpass at the diffraction limit of 0.6 arcsec, making them the highest resolution maps yet available of M82. In addition, we have obtained high-resolution (/=2000) maps of the velocity field of the nuclear disk of M82 in the 12.81 m line emission of [NeII]. In these proceedings we present the 11.7 m image, which will appear together with the 9.8 m map and the [Ne II] spectra in a subsequent paper, now in preparation. This image shows very clearly a bridge structure joining the eastern and western clusters.  相似文献   

Hong Wei Li 《Solar physics》1986,104(1):131-136
The variations of the growth rates of ECM at first four harmonics in X-, Z-, and O-modes excited by a hollow beam distribution of weakly relativistic electrons with a parameter p / e are presented in this paper. The results show that the second harmonic of ECM in X-mode dominates the instability if < 1, and if 1.2 , 2 or 2.2 3 the third or fourth harmonic will dominate. The second and third harmonics of Z-mode waves grow faster only if 2 2.2 and 3 3.2, respectively, so it would not be a competition in most cases. It is suggested that the ECM emission at these harmonics in X-mode is a possible mechanism to produce solar spike emissions with high brightness temperature at shorter and longer decimetric wavelengths.Proceedings of the Workshop on Radio Continua during Solar Flares, held at Duino (Trieste), Italy, 27–31 May, 1985.On leave from the Department of Astronomy, Nanjing University, Nanjing, The People's Republic of China.  相似文献   

In the first part of this paper [Marchal, Yoshida, Sun Yi-Sui 1985] we have analyzed three-body systems satisfying the condition rkR where k is a suitable constant, r the mutual distance of the two masses of the binary and R the distance between the center of mass of the binary and the third mass.That condition rkR puts limits on the acceleration of the third mass and these limits allow us to determine the corresponding escape velocities.In this second part we look for initial conditions under which the inequality rkR will remain forever satisfied and we develop the corresponding tests of escape and their applications.This leads to a major improvement of the knowledge of the nature of three-body motions especially in the vicinity of triple close approaches.The region of bounded motions is much smaller than was generally expected and numerical computations of particular solutions show that we approach very near to the true limit.  相似文献   

From theH filtergram observations obtained at Ganyu station, identification and statistic works made for Ellerman bombs, it is found that they often occur in the superpenumbra area of a mature sunspot. We suggest a plasmoid model to account for the basic properties of a typical bomb: lifetime 11 min, diameter 5 × 107 cm, accompanying jet velocity 40 km/s, total energy 1027 erg,Te 104 K. First, a numerical simulation is made to prove that plasmoids can be lifted from the solar convective zone by magnetic buoyancy. Between the plasmoid and its surroundings a strong current sheet builds up in which a peculiar MHD (with plasma ponderamotive force) - resistive instability takes place. After the magnetic reconnection has begun, a local explosive instability ensues whose growth rate is so high that it allows the exhaustion of the high temperature particles from the sheet in a short period. In this way, the temperature of a bomb may be kept unchanged or only rise slightly.  相似文献   

Recent high resolution near infrared (HST-NICMOS) and mm-interferometric imaging have revealed dense gas and dust accretion disks in nearby ultra-luminous galactic nuclei. In the best studied ultraluminousIR galaxy, Arp 220, the 2m imaging shows dust disks in both of the merging galactic nuclei and mm-CO line imaging indicates molecular gasmasses 109M for each disk. The two gas disks in Arp 220 are counterrotating and their dynamical masses are 2×109 M , that is, only slightly largerthan the gas masses. These disks have radii 100 pc and thickness 10-50 pc. The high brightness temperatures of the CO lines indicatethat the gas in the disks has area filling factors 25-50% and mean densitiesof 104 cm-3. Within these nuclear disks, the rate of massive star formation is undoubtedly prodigious and, given the high viscosity of the gas, there will also be high radial accretion rates, perhaps 10 M yr -1. If this inflow persists to very small radii, it is enough to feed even the highest luminosity AGNs.  相似文献   

An exact solution of Einstein's equation is stated in which the density (), pressure (p), scale factorS and metric coefficients are functions of only one dimensionless self-similar variable,ct/R, wheret is cosmic time andR is a co-moving radial coordinate. The solution represents a cosmology that begins as a static sphere having R –2 and evolves into an expanding model which is pressure-free and has a hierarchical type of density law ( R , approximately, with =a number, 02). It is suggested that this model should supersede the previous models of Wesson and other workers, since it appears to be the simplest cosmology for a hierarchy.  相似文献   

Wavelength shifts converted to velocities between solar lines observed at disc center and laboratory wavelengths of Fei, Feii, Tii, Nii, and Fei lines in the near infrared are plotted as a function of the logarithm of their solar equivalent width in milliångstroms. The need for wavelengths based on the wavelength standards is stressed. A comparison of photographic Fei solar wavelength is shown to agree, on the average, with Fourier Transform Spectrometer solar wavelengths within less than 0.5 milliångstroms. Using Balthasar's limb effect tables we convert the disc center velocities to limb velocities and find, though the scatter is large, that there is little evidence for a super-gravitational red shift.  相似文献   

We present an improved version of the method of photometric mode identification based upon the inclusion of non-adiabatic eigenfunctions determined in the stellar atmosphere, according to the formalism recently proposed by Dupret et al. (2002).We apply our method to Cephei, Slowly Pulsating B, Scuti and Doradus stars. Besides identifying the degree of the pulsatingstars, our method is also a tool for improving the knowledge of stellar interiors and atmospheres, by imposing constraints on the metallicity for Cephei and SPBs, the characteristics of the superficial convection zone for Scuti and Doradus starsand the limb-darkening law.  相似文献   

Dense molecular clouds within the Taurus and NGC 2264 regions have undergone gravitational collapse and fragmentation to form groups of low mass (1M ) T-Tauri stars which are still embedded within the clouds and which are kinematically associated with them. Molecular column densities on the order of 1014 cm–2 are inferred from the emission lines of OH and NH3. Emission line widths are 2 km s–1 and the antenna beamwidths include linear extents of order 0.1 pc. The OH emission appears to be in a condition of local thermodynamic equilibrium, and it cannot arise from circumstellar sheils similar to those surrounding the masing infrared stars. The OH and NH3 emission occurs in clouds of 1 pc in extent with optical depths of 0.1 to 1.0 and excitation temperatures of the order of 10 K. The molecular clouds have radii of 0.5 pc, molecular hydrogen densities of 4000 cm–3, masses of 100 solar masses, and kinetic temperatures of 20 K. The observed data are not inconsistent with the molecular clouds being in a state of hydrostatic equilibrium.Paper presented at the Conference on Protostars and Planets, held at the Planetary Science Institute, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, between January 3 and 7, 1978.  相似文献   

We compare the results of two distinct methods for deriving photospheric vector magnetic fields from the Zeeman effect as observed in the Fe I line at 6302.5 A at high spectral resolution (45 mA.). One method ignores magneto-optical effects but allows for an absolute determination of B from the integral properties of the Stokes profiles, under the assumption of weak field strength. The other method is an iterative least-squares fitting technique developed by Lites and Skumanich which fits the observed Stokes profiles to the profiles predicted by the Unno-Rachkovsky solution to the radiative transfer equation. We find empirically that for sunspot fields above 1500 gauss the two methods agree in derived azimuthal and inclination angles to within ± 20 degs., Furthermore, for such fields, the estimate of the line of sight field and the transverse field derived using the two methods agree to within ± 500 gauss. In weak field strength regions the integral method can be used with little error and computational load in the estimation of the line of sight field, the transverse field and the inclination angle but the disagreement in derived azimuthal angle is considerable ( ± 90 degs.).  相似文献   

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