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Fuzziness is an internal property of spatial objects.How to model fuzziness of a spatial object is a main task of next generation GIS.This paper proposes basic fuzzy spatial object types based on fuzzy topology.These object types are the natural extension of current nonfuzzy spatial object types.A fuzzy cell complex structure is defined for modeling fuzzy regions,lines and points.Furthermore,fuzzy topological relations between these fuzzy spatial objects are formalized based on the 9intersection approach.This model can be implemented for GIS applications due to its scientific theory basis.  相似文献   

地形TIN中地理实体表达与LOD技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王殷行 《测绘科学》2009,34(4):53-54,26
现有的LOD技术确保了3维地表的实时绘制,但其不能解决以地理实体为结构进行组织、具有实体表达能力的高精度、大规模地形TIN的3维可视化实时响应问题,仍经常发生场景滞涩、跳跃等现象。为此,本文从面向对象的角度出发,对地形TIN按实体进行组织,建立了OTIN,设计出实体包围球、高程误差队列等结构,可以确保以实体为单位的大规模地形TIN的实时绘制。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionCategoricalmapsrepresentanimportanttypeofdataincorporatedinGISs,whichdepictspatialdis tributionsinformofexhaustive,non_overlappingarealunitsseparatedbyboundarylines.Anassump tionunderlyingconventionalcategoricalmappingistheobject_basedview…  相似文献   

This paper presents a study on the modeling of fuzzy topological relations between uncertain objects in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Based on the recently developed concept of computational fuzzy topological space, topological relations between simple fuzzy spatial objects are modeled. The fuzzy spatial objects here cover simple fuzzy region, simple fuzzy line segment and fuzzy point. To compute the topological relations between the simple spatial objects, intersection concepts and integration methods are applied and a computational 9-intersection model are proposed and developed. There are different types of intersection, and we have proposed different integration methods for computation in different cases. For example, surface integration method is applied to the case of the fuzzy region-to-fuzzy region relation, while the line integration method is used in the case of fuzzy line segment-to-fuzzy line segment relation. Moreover, this study has discovered that there are (a) sixteen topological relations between simple fuzzy region to line segment; (b) forty-six topological relations between simple fuzzy line segments; (c) three topological relations between simple fuzzy region to fuzzy point; and (d) three topological relations between simple fuzzy line segment to fuzzy point.  相似文献   


Collision detection is an important component in simulation applications which are based on virtual geographic information system (VGIS). In this paper, an effective collision detection algorithm for multiple objects in VGIS, VGIS-COLLIDE, is presented. The algorithm firstly integrates existing quadtree, which is the global hierarchical structure of VGIS, with axis-aligned bounding box of object to perform the broad-phase of collision detection. After that, exact collision detection between two objects which have passed the broad-phase of collision detection is performed. The algorithm makes no assumption about input primitives or object's motion and is directly applicable to all triangulated models. It can be applicable to both rigid and deformable objects without preprocessing. The performance of the algorithm has been demonstrated in several environments consisting of a high number of objects with hundreds of thousands of triangles.  相似文献   

From fields to objects: A review of geographic boundary analysis   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Geographic boundary analysis is a relatively new approach unfamiliar to many spatial analysts. It is best viewed as a technique for defining objects – geographic boundaries – on spatial fields, and for evaluating the statistical significance of characteristics of those boundary objects. This is accomplished using null spatial models representative of the spatial processes expected in the absence of boundary-generating phenomena. Close ties to the object-field dialectic eminently suit boundary analysis to GIS data. The majority of existing spatial methods are field-based in that they describe, estimate, or predict how attributes (variables defining the field) vary through geographic space. Such methods are appropriate for field representations but not object representations. As the object-field paradigm gains currency in geographic information science, appropriate techniques for the statistical analysis of objects are required. The methods reviewed in this paper are a promising foundation. Geographic boundary analysis is clearly a valuable addition to the spatial statistical toolbox.? This paper presents the philosophy of, and motivations for geographic boundary analysis. It defines commonly used statistics for quantifying boundaries and their characteristics, as well as simulation procedures for evaluating their significance. We review applications of these techniques, with the objective of making this promising approach accessible to the GIS-spatial analysis community. We also describe the implementation of these methods within geographic boundary analysis software: GEM. Received: 22 March 1999 / Accepted: 7 September 1999  相似文献   

In the automation of identification of landscape features the vagueness arises from the fact that the attributes and parameters that make up a landscape vary over space and scale. In most of existing studies, these two kinds of vagueness are studied separately. This paper investigates their combination in identification of coast landscape units. Fuzzy set theory is used to describe the vagueness of geomorphic features due to the continuity in space. The vagueness resulted from the scale of measurement is evaluated by statistic indicators. The differences of fuzzy objects derived from data at differing resolutions (in size from 3×3 cells to 25×25 cells) are studied in order to examine these higher-order uncertainties.  相似文献   

张辉  唐新明  杨平  吴侃 《测绘科学》2008,33(2):75-77
本文将从地理认知的角度上分析并选择一个适合于在GIS中应用9-Intersection模型的模糊空间对象的边界定义,并构建一个能够采用9-Intersection模型精确判断模糊空间对象之间拓扑关系的模糊拓扑空间(CITfts),并进行相应的证明,最后建立简单模糊区域,采用empty/no-empty算子给出模糊空间对象之间的拓扑关系的表达形式。  相似文献   

位置不确定性与属性不确定性的场模型   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
张景雄  杜道生 《测绘学报》1999,28(3):244-250
不确定性是自地理信息系统发展与应用以来一个引起关注的课题。位置不确定性与属性不确定常常不加区分地被看作是可以单个讨论的问题。本文将借助场的概念和模型使二者得以统一的描述和分析;对于明确定义的离散目标,二者虽然可分别讨论,但却在数学上有着联合的基础;对于非明确定义的地理现象,二者以连续体的形式而存在,位置不确定性可以作为属性不确定性的空间映射而提取出来。  相似文献   

殷红梅  苏山舞 《测绘科学》2006,31(5):126-128
本文总结了GIS空间数据模型的发展历程,通过对比分析当前主流的GIS数据模型的优缺点,指出对象关系型数据模型能够更好地组织和管理地理数据。并探索将对象关系型数据模型应用到国家基础地理信息数据管理和利用中,提出全国1∶100万数据库模型,并以政区为例证明该模型可以对空间数据进行有效地组织管理。  相似文献   

针对同时承担地理国情普查和地名普查的部分测绘部门工作效率不高的现状,该文论述了地理国情普查与地名普查的特点、目的与内容,对两者之间的关系进行了对比分析。两者都具有空间性和时态性,普查对象相同,成果形式也有一定共性。地理国情普查与地名普查内容有一定程度交叉,但两者在目的、周期、所用底图、内容、技术及分类和成果形式上具有差异性。建议两者取得成果数据应相互核对、利用、借鉴,达到集成创新,实现测绘地理信息事业顺利转型。  相似文献   

邓敏  刘启亮  徐锐  徐枫 《测绘科学》2010,35(3):58-61
空间方位是一类重要的空间关系,它不同于目前研究较多的方向关系。空间方位关系描述的是三个目标间的空间关系,它的理论基础是基于射影几何中的三点共线不变性。本文首先阐述了空间方位的基本定义、表达基础以及它与拓扑关系、方向关系的区别。然后,重点回顾了6种较为有代表性的方位关系描述模型,指出了这些模型的适用性,并对这些模型进行了比较分析。最后,简要地分析了空间方位关系在GIS中的应用前景以及有待进一步研究的若干问题。  相似文献   

随着空间地理信息以及各种新型地图产品在各个领域的广泛应用,人们发现不同时期,应用需求对空间地理信息组织表达的要求是不同的,不同领域和部门对地理信息的组织表达方式也是不同的。但是,目前空间地理信息的共享和互操作、空间地理信息的多尺度分析与表达等,都要求空间地理信息的组织与表达要科学、合理和规范,否则难以满足测绘信息服务化及信息化测绘体系的建设。本文以交通类信息组织表达为例,详尽阐述当前空间地理信息组织表达的现状,分析其原因,并提出了解决这一问题的思路和方法,为今后信息化测绘体系建设、数据库数据组织和地理信息表达,提供理论和方法借鉴。  相似文献   

董春  白少云  叶剑 《测绘科学》2015,40(7):54-57
地理国情监测除获取基础地理信息之外,更加关注社会专题信息,因此,需要将基础地理信息与社会专题信息进行有效整合。该文根据最新的地理格网国家标准文件,按照区域内的具体情况和统计分析要求,制作地理格网文件,并以川西城市群人口数据为例,生成了人口格网化专题地图,为接下来的综合地理国情信息的统计分析与评估给予了一定的启示,促进了地理国情监测工作的开展。  相似文献   

邵小东  郭继发 《测绘工程》2014,23(12):17-20
总结形式化理论与地理信息系统的应用情况,阐述形式化描述方法在空间拓扑关系、距离关系与方向关系等方面的应用。文中提出形式化方法在地理信息系统问题框架描述与多系统接口描述中的应用,即通过形式化方法精确一致的规格化描述定义,促进对地理信息领域问题的更好理解,促进信息融合,提高地理信息系统开发质量。  相似文献   

Virtual globes (VGs) allow Internet users to view geographic data of heterogeneous quality created by other users. This article presents a new approach for collecting and visualizing information about the perceived quality of 3D data in VGs. It aims at improving users' awareness of the quality of 3D objects. Instead of relying on the existing metadata or on formal accuracy assessments that are often impossible in practice, we propose a crowd-sourced quality recommender system based on the five-star visualization method successful in other types of Web applications. Four alternative five-star visualizations were implemented in a Google Earth-based prototype and tested through a formal user evaluation. These tests helped identifying the most effective method for a 3D environment. Results indicate that while most websites use a visualization approach that shows a ‘number of stars’, this method was the least preferred by participants. Instead, participants ranked the ‘number within a star’ method highest as it allowed reducing the visual clutter in urban settings, suggesting that 3D environments such as VGs require different design approaches than 2D or non-geographic applications. Results also confirmed that expert and non-expert users in geographic data share similar preferences for the most and least preferred visualization methods.  相似文献   

The methods of deformation analysis and modeling at single point are realized easily now,but available approaches do not make full use of the information from monitoring points and can not reveal integrated deformation regularity of a deformable body.This paper presents a fuzzy clusetering method to analyze the correlative relations of multiple points in space,and then the spatial model for a practical dangerous rockmass in the area of Three Gorges,Yangtze River is established,in which the correlation of six points in space is analyzed by geological investigation and fuzzy set theory.  相似文献   

The methods of deformation analysis and modeling at single point are realized easily now, but available approaches do not make full use of the information from monitoring points and can not reveal integrated deformation regularity of a deformable body. This paper presents a fuzzy clusetering method to analyze the correlative relations of multiple points in space, and then the spatial model for a practical dangerous rockmass in the area of Three Gorges, Yangtze River is established, in which the correlation of six points in space is analyzed by geological investigation and fuzzy set theory.  相似文献   

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