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具身学习打破了传统的离身学习范式,呼吁身体回归学习过程,强调身体、环境和大脑的相互作用。而研学旅行作为将研究性学习和旅行体验有机结合的学习方式,其课程思想与具身学习的中心观点高度契合。文章基于具身学习理论,构建了具身学习视角下的研学旅行活动模式,设计了主题为“走读长江水,品悟三峡情”的宜昌研学旅行活动案例。案例设计以“水”为主线,涵盖了实施水文观测、解读人水关系、识别流水作用三个研学主题,并基于具身学习的视角,进行了研学旅行设计的思考。  相似文献   

具身学习优化乡土地理教学过程,乡土地理教学深化具身学习的发展。本文基于具身学习理论,强调身体与学习环境交互的重要性,通过挖掘乌江流域的乡土地理资源,设计具身学习视角下乡土地理教学案例,以期更好地培养学生的地理学科核心素养。  相似文献   

学科核心素养是学生通过学科学习而逐步形成的正确价值观念、必备品格和关键能力,是外在表现与内在修养的综合。近年来,地理学科核心素养的培养成为研究热点,但从综合“关键能力”“必备品格”与“价值观念”的角度去培养学生核心素养的相关研究不多。本文以具身认知理论为研究视角,基于地理学习过程中的具身体验,利用乡土地理情境,增强学生身心与环境的交互,探索地理学科核心素养的培养路径。  相似文献   

徐文芬 《地理教学》2021,(12):41-43
具身认知理论强调身体、知觉和环境的整合,提倡身心融合的认知方式.初中地理教学常囿于传统教学状态,教学双方都期待改革.本文从现状出发提出初中地理"沉浸式教学"的策略,即变纯粹大脑认知为身心投入的体验式理念;利用互动式学习促师生身心融合的生成性学习;创设情境式教学加强身心体验;提出驱动式问题激发学生潜能;开放式评价构建具身观现代评价体系.  相似文献   

一、创设互动型地理课堂教学情境应遵循的原则互动型课堂教学的情境包括两大类,一是学习资源,二是活动场景。前者指提供丰富的学习资料、学习资源和自主化、协作化的学习环境;后者借助环境氛围、动作表演等使学习内容与相应的情境相结合,有助于学生从整体结构上感知和把握学习内容。创设的情境是为互动型课堂服务,应遵循并突出以下几条原则。  相似文献   

课程思政是高校思想政治教育工作的新理念、新模式,也是确保各类课程与思想政治理论课同向同行,实现协同效应的必然要求。行走在"田野"的课程思政模式,紧扣地理学科特点,通过"创设情境—主题探究—活动体验"三维实践路径,在具身体验中达成"认知—认同—践行"递进式育人目标,实现地理课程学习与思政育人的融合、双赢。  相似文献   

陈杰 《地理教学》2021,(22):31-34,23
本设计以高二等级考学生为授课对象,基于深度学习的要求,借鉴主题式项目化学习设计思路,围绕主题"陆地水"进行单元教学设计.内容包括水体与水循环、径流与径流量、水利开发与水害防治等,着力于陆地水的环境成因与环境意义分析,落脚于人水和谐的水环境营造.  相似文献   

马季青 《地理教学》2014,(12):155-156
网络时代的悄然而至给大学英语教学带来了发展的契机,同时也对大学英语语言学习环境提出了新的要求。随着高新技术不断渗透进教学环节中,学生的学习活动与学习目标均发生了系列变化,单凭课内语言教学显然已无法满足日益增长的教学需求。在这一时代背景下,教师应科学借助网络技术与学习软件,充实英语教学活动,为学生构建科学的语言实践环境,通过校园英语学习平台,使学生的英语语言应用能力在一个良好的语言环境中获得飞快的成长。  相似文献   

情境是学习活动发生的特定环境。本文以人教版七年级地理(上册)“极地地区”为课例,阐释教学主题情境的设计对于深度学习的触发、地理核心素养的落实是至关重要的。从“容·深”、“程·深”、“情·深”三个层面,剖析主题情境对学习内容多维度化、学习主体思维外显化、学习动机内发性等方面产生的积极性效益;并说明其利于学生以地理视角解决基于生活的真实问题,利于学生基于过程的知识的生成与建构,利于学生基于“情”感的深度体验。  相似文献   

华宇 《地理教学》2021,(8):43-45
目前,中学地理实践活动往往局限于校园与课堂之内,可施展的空间和适用的主题都十分有限。在区域地理学习中,学生可进行"知行合一"的机会更加难得。本文以"天兴洲的综合开发方案"为项目主题,在天兴洲野外真实的环境中开展实践调研,拓展学生的活动空间,延展项目式学习的主题范畴,探索基于实践调研开展区域地理教学的有效路径。  相似文献   

Learning by Doing: Implementing Community Service-based Learning   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):144-152

Community-based Learning (CSBL) is based on the idea that learning is facilitated when the classroom is linked with real-world experience. This paper presents an overview of the pedagogical basis of community service-based learning (CSBL) and compares CSBL projects carried out in two very different settings. The findings indicate that in order to implement CSBL successfully, instructors need to plan ahead, develop partnerships with community organizations, and allow community groups to guide student projects. It is also important to recognize that the full benefits of CSBL are only gained when students, community members, and instructors spend time reflecting on the CSBL experience.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):190-200

This study determines the impact of problem-based learning on a preuniversity geography class. Learning activities include problem analysis, information collection, an examination of concepts, oral presentations, and group summaries in relation to current and perennial geographical issues of local and/or global concern. Assessment for learning and assessment of learning were done by the teacher, classmates, and students themselves. Results showed that students could analyze problem statements and present their understanding systematically but varied considerably in organization, argument, and quality of thinking. To seek improvements, teachers should become more active facilitators while encouraging students to learn as problem solvers. Teacher training and school-based support are needed for creating a collaborative inquiry-oriented atmosphere in the classroom.  相似文献   

This commentary is a response to Larsen and Harrington's article titled “Developing a Learning Progression for Place” (2018). The commentary includes a discussion of the benefits to other content areas that research on student learning of place can provide. The commentary also describes the coherence that learning progressions can bring to research on student learning of complex, interdisciplinary domains of study.  相似文献   

在日常教学活动中,学生学习效率不高的情况较为普遍,其主要原因之一是教师对学生学习目标的呈现和引导不够明确。特别是在防止“新冠肺炎疫情”蔓延期间,师生不便面对面交流,线上线下混合式居家学习在全国广泛开展起来,为了更好地提高学生的学习效率,教师们尤其需要为学生呈现更加科学、明确、具体的学习目标。本文结合《普通高中地理课程标准(2017年版)》中课程目标的要求,再次阐释学习目标的概念及制定方法。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):196-206

To effectively use journals and other writing for learning tasks as critical thinking and learning tools, geographic educators need to draw from the education literature on concept learning. Using the literature on concept learning and critical thinking, geographic educators can construct different kinds of journal assignments that give students opportunities to personalize and understand concepts. I demonstrate that students, regardless of their sex, level of education, or previous coursework in geography, found journal assignments helpful in understanding human geographic concepts.  相似文献   

Wisdom is at once one of the most elusive and most valued kinds of knowledge. Empirical research shows that, indeed, across cultures, people hope that life experience will eventually make them wiser. The problem is that, to date, the academic study of wisdom and of the processes by which it can be learned has been dominated by psychologists. The first part of the article reviews the state-of-the-art psychological scholarship on wisdom to show how that conceptualization lacks geographical sensitivity and therefore misses some of the crucial geographical mechanisms by which people become wiser. The second part of the article singles out and focuses on one such mechanism, namely, the learning of wisdom through geographical dislocations. By drawing on insights from the study of international migration, exile, and transculturation in postcolonial contexts, the final part of the article suggests specific learning processes that might strengthen the hypothesis that geographical dislocations and the attendant cross-cultural experiences they generate are often conducive to wisdom.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):145-153

Experiences in designing, offering, and evaluating joint senior undergraduate course assignments in resource and environmental management on two different occasions, which connected students in two universities in British Columbia and Ontario, are documented. The shared assignments provided students with experience in group work and consensual decision making, and allowed them to use a mix of information technologies (e-mail, chat rooms, the Web, video conferencing). The undergraduate students rated very highly the experience with information technology but found some aspects of a collaborative learning approach to be challenging. The course was less successful than had been anticipated in highlighting different regional perceptions and perspectives regarding resource and environmental problems and solutions. Clarification of objectives and expectations, more attention to allocation of time, and consideration of computer access and assistance would improve the effectiveness of the courses.  相似文献   

Developing a Learning Progression for Place   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The concept and characteristics of place within geography education are surveyed in the context of learning progressions. Beginning with place's history and relevance in geographic thought, this review moves on to discuss connections between space and place. From a geographic education perspective, place-based instruction and place characteristics are threaded with ideas of landscape and human encounter with or perception of place. Grade level standards can be problematic when dealing with a complex subject, such as place. Borrowing from educators in the sciences, this review reflects on the challenge of building one or more learning progressions for K–12 education on place.  相似文献   

探究学习作为新世纪基础教育新课程改革的重要组成部分,是对传统学习方式的一次深刻变革.但对探究学习的理解、设计、实施以及评价等方面,都面临着不少困惑.本文以<隆教湾古火山口探究学习>课题为例,在探究学习活动中取得学生学习的方式改变和能力培养、教师知识的完备和能力提高.  相似文献   

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