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中亚昭苏黄土剖面粒度记录的末次冰期以来气候变化历史   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对处于西风区的中亚昭苏黄土进行了粒度分析,重建了末次冰期以来的气候环境变化历史。粒度分析表明,昭苏黄土粉砂粒级含量最高,平均含量接近78%,黏土粒级次之,砂粒含量最低,具有典型的风尘堆积特征。剖面粒径〉63μm含量变化能与格陵兰冰芯进行良好对比,记录了Heinrich事件和Younger Dryas冷事件及D-O旋回等...  相似文献   

川西高原位于高原气候区和季风气候区的过渡位置,该地区的气候特征对于认识青藏高原对周边气候的影响具有重要意义。通过对漳腊黄土剖面的14C年代测试、地层对比,结合粒度-年龄模型建立了剖面的年代序列。测试了粒度、色度、磁化率和碳酸盐等指标,建立了剖面的气候演化序列。结果表明,剖面记录了104 ka以来的气候变化过程。漳腊黄土粒度在MIS(深海氧同位素阶段)3和MIS4阶段的中值粒径接近,分别为17.6 μm和17.7 μm,反映了期间有一次高原隆升。漳腊黄土粒度曲线记录了多个粒度变粗和变细事件,粒度在H(海因里希)2时明显粗于H1,表明受到了高纬气候系统的影响。另外还存在2个明显的粒度变细事件,分别发生在处于MIS3的28~31 ka和42~45 ka,是低纬气候系统影响的结果。漳腊黄土研究结果表明川西高原气候系统影响因素的复杂性。  相似文献   

菲律宾海西部吕宋岛岸外MD98-2188钻孔揭示末次冰期以来发生过数次浊流沉积事件。研究发现浊流沉积层具有密度高、颜色亮度大等物理特征,含有较多粗沉积组分和翼足类化石碎片,说明其来源于浅海沉积物。本文运用AMS 14C测年和浮游有孔虫氧同位素建立精细的年龄模式,发现浊流沉积层段主要与末次盛冰期、冰期Heinrich变冷事件以及氧同位素4期等低海平面时期相对应,推测与千年尺度北半球气候冷期相关的海平面快速上升可能是西菲律宾海浊流沉积的触发原因。这对于认识快速气候变化的环境后果和开展西菲律宾海晚第四纪地层划分对比都有重要意义。  相似文献   

末次冰期苏北平原和东延海区的风尘黄土沉积   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
长江三角洲北翼苏北平原和东延海区,晚更新世晚期顶部地层普遍为一层暗绿色至黄褐色的硬质粘土层。本文通过对苏北平原硬质粘土层与西部丘陵区下蜀黄土的地层对比以及粒度、地球化学、矿物组合、微体古生物和抱粉、石英颗粒表面电子显微镜扫描、14C测年等实验分析的综合研究,讨论了其成因和年代问题,指出该硬质粘土层为末次盛冰期风尘黄土堆积物经次生变化而演变形成,同期的风尘黄土在黄海、东海海底和陆架区也有堆积,为下蜀黄土在东部平原区和海区的延续。  相似文献   

北京西山是中国末次冰期旋回风成黄土与古气候研究的经典地区除风成黄土外,该区各种次生黄土也十分发育,由于后者的堆积速率较大,其环境变化的分辨率更高。次生黄土中S1古土壤由3层古土壤夹两层黄土构成,L1中的古土壤由两层古土壤夹1层黄土组成。经年代测定和古气候分析,S1中的3层古土壤分别可与深海氧同位素5阶段中的3个暖期对比,S1中的两层黄土可与5阶段中的两个次阶段对比。  相似文献   

北京西山是中国末次冰期旋回风成黄土与古气候研究的经典地区。除风成黄土外 ,该区各种次生黄土也十分发育 ,由于后者的堆积速率较大 ,其环境变化的分辨率更高。次生黄土中S1古土壤由 3层古土壤夹两层黄土构成 ,L1中的古土壤由两层古土壤夹 1层黄土组成。经年代测定和古气候分析 ,S1中的 3层古土壤分别可与深海氧同位素 5阶段中的 3个暖期对比 ,S1中的两层黄土可与5阶段中的两个次阶段对比。  相似文献   

曹家元 《地质学报》2013,87(8):1179-1192
本文通过对雷州半岛北部屋山和下录泥炭沉积剖面,以及泉水河湖相沉积剖面沉积物有机质δ13C分析,重建了我国热带北部地区48~10cal ka BP期间的气候变化历史。通过与3个剖面的烧失量(LOI)、有机质含量(OM)、腐殖化度(HD)、低频磁化率(χlf)、干密度(DD)等气候代用指标的对比分析:δ13 Corg低值指示气候较为暖湿,东亚夏季风较强;δ13 Corg高值则指示气候较为冷干,东亚夏季风较弱。研究表明我国热带北部地区在48~28cal ka BP之间气候较为暖湿。在22cal ka BP(或20cal ka BP)左右,研究区域气候发生急剧变化,其中最干冷的阶段出现在18~16cal ka BP,反映了东亚夏季风的衰弱,可能与末次盛冰期(LGM)的到来有一定关系。12cal ka BP之后该区域气候又逐渐转为暖湿。在48~10cal ka BP之间,3个剖面δ13 Corg值的若干正偏方向的扰动则表明C4植被或者偏正的C3植被的扩张,这些千年尺度的正偏扰动可能与Heinrich事件以及格陵兰冰芯和葫芦洞石笋所检测出来的千年尺度的冷干事件有关。研究还发现,3个研究剖面的δ13 Corg记录反映的我国热带北部气候变化与南半球巴西石笋记录的南美季风变化呈反位相关系,这表明我国热带地区末次冰期的气候变化主要与太阳辐射的变化,以及受太阳辐射驱动的热带辐合带(ITCZ)的迁移有关。ITCZ的迁移可能会引起哈德莱环流经向上分布的不对称,进而改变经向上的水汽传输,使得南北半球低纬度地区气候变化相反。南半球高纬度地区也可能通过"推拉"机制影响到雷州半岛北部地区的气候变化。  相似文献   


毛乌素沙地位于东亚季风边缘区,对于气候变化响应敏感。基于沙地的侵蚀-堆积关系,在侵蚀作用为主的沙地西北部和中部很难找到沉积相对连续且分辨率较高的地层剖面,因此已有的末次冰期古气候环境研究多集中于堆积作用为主的沙地东南缘的萨拉乌苏河河谷地区。本文选取位于沙地腹地,厚度为3.5 m的风成砂-河湖相沉积序列——神水台(SSTG)剖面为研究对象,基于AMS14C和OSL年代数据,推测得出剖面中湖相层的上界和下界分别为约24.2 ka B.P.和42.7 ka B.P.,依据沉积地层和环境代用指标分析结果,针对末次冰期毛乌素沙地湖泊消涨的一般过程进行了探讨。结果表明,自约5万年以来,由神水台(SSTG)剖面指示了两次明显的湖泊主要发育期,时间分别约为42.7~34.3 ka B.P.和31.1~24.2 ka B.P.,期间粘土含量、有机质、红度均表现为低值,为含淡水螺壳化石的典型湖泊相沉积,且与毛乌素沙地已有湖泊发育的年代结果基本一致。在两期湖相层之间的砂层,平均粒径、砂含量表现为峰值,指示了一次明显的湖泊消退的过程,其时间约为34.3~31.1 ka B.P.;在湖相层上下可能均为风力作用为主导的风沙沉积。通过区域对比并初步探讨其可能的驱动机制,结果表明SSTG剖面记录的湖泊消涨过程主要受控于东亚季风强度的变化。


末次间冰期以来沙漠-黄土边界带移动与气候变化   总被引:41,自引:5,他引:41       下载免费PDF全文
位于现代季风区边缘的沙漠-黄土边界带,具有高度不稳定性。末次间冰期以来历经多次北进南退移动和暖湿、冷干变化。依据古风成砂-黄土-古土壤叠覆更替的沉积序列和磁化率等气候代用指标分析,对末次间冰期以来,尤其是特征时期边界带的位置进行了讨论。其中,盛冰期时移动幅度最大,南界可能达30°N左右;末次间冰期和全新世气候鼎盛期最靠西北,南界在古长城以北。全球冰期-间冰期波动导致的气候变化以及东亚冬夏季风强弱变化是控制边界带移动和气候变化的根本因素。  相似文献   

Heinrich事件和末次冰期气候的不稳定性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对北大西洋深海沉积物的研究表明:末次冰期北大西洋沉积物记录中有多次洋面温度降低、有孔虫含量减少、盐度降低和粗颗粒的碳酸盐碎屑快速堆积的现象,这些时间跨度上千年或几百年的气候快速波动被称为Heinrich事件[1-4],很难用古气候的米兰科维奇理论来解释。最近对末次冰期中国马兰黄土堆积的调查发现,在末次冰期之中东亚冬季风也有多次加强,它与北大西洋沉积物中的Heinrich事件对应很好,暗示着东亚季风的变迁更直接受控于北半球冰量的变化,而不是过去人们认为的东亚古季风气候变化与地球轨道变化引起太阳辐射变化直接相关。   相似文献   


末次冰消期以来的气候突变事件的时空变化特征及其区域响应是古气候环境变化研究的重要内容,然而亚洲中部干旱区末次冰消期以来的气候突变记录较少,尤其缺少末次冰消期期间快速转暖过程的区域响应。本研究通过对位于亚洲中部干旱区的新疆西天山中部亚高山湖泊赛里木湖湖心采得的长300 cm的SLM2009钻孔沉积物的碳酸盐含量和粒度变化特征的分析,在14个AMS14C测年数据的基础上,探讨了末次冰消期约23.4 cal.ka B.P.以来亚洲中部干旱区的气候突变事件记录及其区域响应过程。结果表明:赛里木湖湖心钻孔沉积物完整记录了H1(17.5~15.2 cal.ka B.P.)、YD(12.6~11.7 cal.ka B.P.)冷事件以及B-A(15.2~12.9 cal.ka B.P.)暖事件等末次冰消期气候突变事件以及全新世以来的10.5 ka、8.2 ka、5.5 ka、4.2 ka、2.8 ka和小冰期冷事件,这与亚洲中部干旱区已有的气候突变事件记录相吻合,表明末次冰消期以来亚洲中部干旱区具有相似的气候突变演化模式。同时这些气候突变事件与高纬冰芯以及低纬石笋氧同位素记录的一致性则表明气候突变具有全球性影响,受相同的成因机制因素控制。


High‐resolution palaeorecords of climate are critical to improving current understanding of climate variability, its sensitivity and impact on the environment in the past and in the future. Sediments from the Cariaco Basin off the coast of Venezuela have proven to be sensitive recorders of tropical palaeoclimate variability down to an annual scale. However, the fingerprint of climate and sea level in the sediments of the last glacial period is still not completely understood. In this study, lamination analysis of sediments from the Cariaco Basin is extended to the last glacial period. Detailed sedimentological and geochemical analysis (laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry) reveals couplets of light‐coloured, terrigenous‐rich and dark‐coloured, biogenic opal‐rich laminae, which are interpreted to reflect the seasonal migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. In addition, a previously undescribed, nearly pure terrigenous lamina type is observed, which is referred to hereafter as a ‘C‐layer’. The C‐layers in the sedimentary sequence are interpreted as flood layers that originate from local rivers. The occurrence of these C‐layers is investigated for two core locations in the Cariaco Basin over the last 110 kyr by continuous X‐ray fluorescence scanning. Dansgaard–Oeschger oscillations are most clearly traced by proxies reflecting productivity and marine organic matter content of the sediment. In contrast, the abundance of terrigenous material differs at times between the two sites. On an interglacial to glacial timescale, the ability to record events causing C‐layers is likely to be influenced by changes in sea level and source proximity. On a millennial scale, both sediment cores contain more C‐layers during warmer interstadials compared with colder stadials during Marine Isotope Stage 3. This finding implies that interstadials were not only wetter than stadials, but probably also characterized by increased rainfall variability, leading to an enhanced frequency of flooding events in the hinterland of the Cariaco Basin.  相似文献   

Although there is evidence from molecular studies for the existence of central European last glacial refugia for temperate species, there is still a great lack of direct fossil records to confirm this theory. Here we bring such evidence in the form of fossil shells from twenty strictly forest land snail species, which were recorded in radiocarbon-dated late glacial or older mollusc assemblages of nine non-interrupted mollusc successions situated in the Western Carpathians, and one in the Bohemian Massif. We proposed that molluscs survived the last glacial period in central Europe in isolated small patches of broadleaf forest, which we unequivocally demonstrate for two sites of last glacial maximum age.  相似文献   

Matthias Kuhle   《Tectonophysics》2007,445(1-2):116
Since 1973 new data were obtained on the maximum extent of glaciation in High Asia. Evidence for an ice sheet covering Tibet during the Last Glacial Period means a radical rethinking about glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere. The ice sheet's subtropical latitude, vast size (2.4 million km2) and high elevation (6000 m asl) are supposed to have resulted in a substantial, albedo-induced cooling of the Earth's atmosphere and the disruption of summer monsoon circulation. Moraines were found to reach down to 460 m asl on the southern flank of the Himalayas and to 2300 m asl on the northern slope of the Tibetan Plateau, in the Qilian Shan region. On the northern slopes of the Karakoram, Aghil and Kuen-Lun mountains, moraines occur as far down as 1900 m asl. In southern Tibet radiographic analyses of erratics suggest a former ice thickness of at least 1200 m. Glacial polish and roches moutonnées in the Himalayas and Karakoram suggest former glaciers as thick as 1200–2700 m. On the basis of this evidence, a 1100–1600 m lower equilibrium line (ELA) has been reconstructed, resulting in an ice sheet of 2.4 million km2, covering almost all of Tibet. Radiometric ages, obtained by different methods, classify this glaciation as isotope stage 3–2 in age (Würmian = last glacial period). With the help of 13 climate measuring stations, radiation- and radiation balance measurements have been carried out between 3800 and 6650 m asl in Tibet. They indicate that the subtropical global radiation reaches its highest energies on the High Plateau, thus making Tibet today's most important heating surface of the atmosphere. At glacial times 70% of those energies were reflected into space by the snow and firn of the 2.4 million km2 extended glacier area covering the upland. As a result, 32% of the entire global cooling during the ice ages, determined by the albedo, were brought about by this area — now the most significant cooling surface. The uplift of Tibet to a high altitude about 2.75 Ma ago, coincides with the commencement of the Quaternary Ice Ages. When the Plateau was lifted above the snowline (= ELA) and glaciated, this cooling effect gave rise to the global depression of the snowline and to the first Ice Age. The interglacial periods are explained by the glacial-isostatic lowering of Tibet by 650 m, having the effect that the initial Tibet ice – which had evoked the build-up of the much more extended lowland ices – could completely melt away in a period of positive radiation anomalies. The next ice age begins, when – because of the glacial-isostatic reverse uplift – the surface of the Plateau has again reached the snowline. This explains, why the orbital variations (Milankovic-theory) could only have a modifying effect on the Quaternary climate dynamic, but were not primarily time-giving: as long as Tibet does not glaciate automatically by rising above the snowline, the depression in temperature is not sufficient for initiating a worldwide ice age; if Tibet is glaciated, but not yet lowered isostatically, a warming-up by 4 °C might be able to cause an important loss in surface but no deglaciation, so that its cooling effect remains in a maximum intensity. Only a glaciation of the Plateau lowered by isostasy, can be removed through a sufficiently strong warming phase, so that interglacial climate conditions are prevailing until a renewed uplift of Tibet sets in up to the altitude of glaciation.An average ice thickness for all of Tibet of approximately 1000 m would imply that 2.2 million km3 of water were stored in the Tibetan ice sheet. This would correspond to a lowering in sea level of about 5.4 m.  相似文献   

In this paper, nine sediment sequences in the inner desert, desert-loess transitional zone (agro-pastoral transitional zone) and the northern margin of the Loess Plateau were investigated to study the sediments of Mu Us (Maowusu) and Otindaq (Hunshandake) sandy land in northern China since the last glaciation. All of these sequences consisted of the upper Holocene dark paleosol and the lower aeolian sand formed during the last glacial stage. The Mu Us and Otindaq sandy land became the active desert since the last glaciation and covered a larger sandy area than at present. Mu Us sandy land began to show a landform of sandy desert and expanded southward towards the northern boundaries of the Loess Plateau. The Holocene was characterized by the advent of warmer and wetter climatic conditions in northern China, resulting in the rapid growth of surface vegetation and Mu Us and Otindaq sandy land became a steppe. The thickness of surface soil reached up to as much as 50–80 cm. Thick paleosol covered the drift sands, and served as a protective layer for the steppe and farmland. Although the last glacial cycle is far away, paleo-aeolian sands formed during that period are still the material sources of regional desertification. Unreasonable cultivation destroying the Holocene paleosol, combined with dry climate and strong wind would result in activation of paleo- aeolian sand leading to the desertification of the study areas.  相似文献   

In this study, magnetic techniques were used to characterize the surface soil from different geomorphologies (i.e., sand desert, oasis, Gobi, and dry lake) in Central Asia. Results demonstrate that the main magnetic minerals in the surface soil are magnetite, maghaemite and haematite with some paramagnetic materials. Cross plots of M rs/M s versus B cr/B c and χfd% versus χarm/saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM) indicate that the main magnetic grain sizes in surface soil are pseudo single domain (PSD) and multidomain (MD). The samples from West China (i.e., Tarim basin and Junggar basin) are dominated by magnetic minerals with larger grain size, while those from North China (i.e., Alxa plateau, Erdos plateau, and Mongolia plateau) are dominated by fine magnetic minerals. The similarity in magnetic mineral constitutions between the Chinese loess and the surface soils from Central Asia implies that the loess originated from a vast area of arid, semi-arid regions of Central Asia. The low value of concentration-dependent magnetic parameters indicates that the low concentration of magnetic minerals in the surface soils from Central Asia and the magnetic enhancement from the pedogenic take place in both the loess and the paleosols, although the progress is stronger in the latter. Translated from Quaternary Sciences, 2006, 26(6): 937–946 [译自: 第四纪研究]  相似文献   

We present new palynological information from the anoxic Cariaco Basin, off Venezuela, that provides insight into the response of northernmost South American vegetation to rapid climate changes between 68 and 28 ka, specifically during North Atlantic Heinrich events (HEs) and Dansgaard/Oeschger cycles. We defined three different vegetation modes: (1) an interstadial mode characterized by the highest pollen concentration and the maximum extension of semi-deciduous and evergreen forests; (2) a stadial mode characterized by increases of salt marshes, herbs, and montane forests; and (3) a Heinrich event mode characterized by the lowest pollen concentrations, abrupt increases of salt marshes, and decreased forest abundance. Similarly, indices of C4/C3 plants show increases during stadials with clear peaks during the onset of HEs, though grasslands did not become dominant during these periods. We alternatively propose that these expansions of C4 plants are associated with the expansion of coastal salt marshes. Our vegetation record suggests the prevalence of humid conditions during interstadials, dry and cold conditions during stadials, and dry and cold conditions together with changes in sea level during HEs. This new palynological evidence supports previous interpretations that main environmental changes in northernmost South America were driven by latitudinal displacements of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and sea-level changes.  相似文献   

气候变化和人类活动对中亚地区水文环境的影响评估   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中亚地区是我国天气的上游区,生态环境异常脆弱,必须要保证该地区生态环境和资源安全,水资源安全首当其冲.研究和评估气候变化和人类活动对中亚地区水文环境的影响,具有重要的战略意义.近百年来中亚地区气候有暖湿化趋势,气温增温持续时间较长且增温幅度较大,近50a增暖更加明显(0.47℃·(10a)-1),其中冬季增温最快,预估未来会延续变暖的态势;同时20世纪80年代之后降水量持续波动上升.气候变化对该地区水资源的时空分布及湖泊变迁造成了重大影响,人类活动加剧了水资源短缺,近50a来锡尔河和阿姆河入咸海径流量均呈减少的趋势,20世纪70年代之后拦水蓄水水库等水利工程的建设,加上灌溉用水的增加,导致两河入咸海水量骤减;而1987年之后两河入咸海水量回升,主要是气温回暖、降水增多,加速了常年积雪和冰川融化,使得进入河道的径流量增加.同时,湖泊水位下降,面积收缩,水质恶化.中亚水资源问题主要是跨国水资源分配和水环境恶化问题,要做好水资源评估和用水规划工作,建立覆盖全区域的水资源环境监测网络.中亚国家需要共同参与制定一套完整的、综合考虑人口、社会经济、生态环境等因素的水资源管理政治立法决策体系,构建中亚各国人水和谐、互利共存的水资源新秩序,以水资源可持续利用来支持经济与社会的可持续发展.  相似文献   

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