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黄河悬河的形成是自然营力与人为因素综合作用的产物.悬河的稳定性关乎黄河下游广大人民的生命财产安全.从地学角度出发,论证了影响黄河悬河稳定性的因素:①地质构造控制机制;②河流地貌的影响;③河床质与土体结构;④流动力地质作用;⑤治理工程对悬河稳定性的影响.  相似文献   

黄河下游悬河稳定性因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄河悬河的形成是自然营力与人为因素综合作用的产物。悬河的稳定性关系到黄河下游广大人民的生命财产安全。影响黄河悬河稳定性的因素有:地质构造控制机制,河流地貌的影响,河床质与土体结构,河流动力地质作用和治理工程对悬河稳定性的影响。在此基础上,制定出一系列治理黄河悬河的对策。  相似文献   

黄河悬河的形成演化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以黄河为例,首先分析了悬河的特点:①位于河流的下游;②悬河段无支流补给,流域面积小;③易决堤、易断流;④是自然营力与人为因素综合作用的产物.然后总结出悬河形成的3要素:①丰富的泥沙,上中游携带来丰富的泥沙是悬河形成的物质基础;②开阔的空间,下游开阔低平的地形为悬河的形成提供了必需的空间;③人类活动,筑堤修坝,使悬河的形成成为可能.最后根据悬河在不同演化时期的不同特点,把悬河的演化划分为5个阶段:①幼年期悬河;②青年期悬河;③成年期悬河;④老年期悬河;⑤衰亡期悬河.  相似文献   

黄河下游悬河稳定性环境地学研究   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
罗国煜  刘怀璞 《地质论评》1997,43(4):441-448
本文从地壳、地基和堤坝三系统对黄不可下游悬河做了初步工程地质研究,对悬河的地质背景、河道稳定性的地控制因素和地质工程治理对策有了较系统的认识。明确以稳定现有河道为目标,用地质工程和水利工程相结合的大系统环境治理方法,是消除悬河威胁解决中国这一重要环境岩土工程问题的可行途径。  相似文献   

通过黄河(山东段)悬河稳定性影响因素分析,各河段都有决口失稳的可能。该文从区域地壳稳定性、堤基稳定性、河道稳定性3个方面,采用模糊数学综合评判法进行悬河稳定性评价,对河段可能出现的失稳或决口险点及其可能造成的危害性进行分析和预测,初步确定了10处地质险段。  相似文献   

文中依据我国西北干旱地区广泛发育悬河这一现象,从地表水—地下水转化和河水位—地下水位关系的角度出发,讨论了悬河的定义,划分了松散层上发育的悬河类型;从河床下非饱和带的介质组成和结构、水动力学条件和外界影响等三个方面探讨了悬河的成因。  相似文献   

区域地壳稳定性评价专家系统研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
殷跃平  胡海涛 《地质论评》1996,42(2):174-186
重大工程选址区域地壳稳定性评价专家系统的开发涉及到众多学科。本文运用结构矩阵法建立了综合且优化的专家知识结构模型,探讨了专家知识定量表述的心理物理学实验方法,为专家知识的获取和定量表示提供了基础。运用专家系统工具M.1开发了重大工程选址区域地域壳稳定性评价专家系统(CRUSTAB),含610条规则,200个事实,属于中型专家系统。最后,介绍了该系统在广东核电站选址区域地壳稳定性评价结果。  相似文献   

本文提出了利用专家系统对地基进行模式选择和分析的思想。通过人工智能-专家系统建筑物周围的地基土的各种因素的分析,选择出可以较准确或大致地描述地基的模式,给出一个有关模式影响的系数的向量{Г}。  相似文献   

论两类环境和两类悬河问题的研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
分析认为环境问题有两类 :污染与生态破坏和环境岩土工程问题。悬河问题也有两类 :永久性悬河和暂时性洪水悬河。它们属于 2 1世纪我国将面临的主要环境岩土工程课题。本文就这些问题的基本概念和研究途径作一讨论.  相似文献   

找矿预测专家系统,系统地使用综合地质、地球物理、地球化学信息预测深部岩浆铜镍硫化物矿床,经新疆哈密地区香山岩上使用,设计两个验证钻孔都已打到工业矿体。  相似文献   

Suspended sediment dynamics and morphodynamics in the Yellow River, China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Yellow River in China carries large amounts of sediments in suspension at concentrations up to several hundreds of kilograms per cubic metre; the sediment is composed mainly of silt. These high sediment concentrations influence the hydrodynamics (flow velocity and turbulence) which, in turn, determine the sediment concentration profile, whereas both the high sediment concentrations and pseudo-cohesive properties of silt determine the morphodynamics of the Yellow River. The effect of sediment on the hydrodynamics is analysed using the Richardson number and the Reynolds number to provide a framework to differentiate between various flow regimes in the Yellow River, which is calibrated and validated with Yellow River data. The flow may be sub-saturated (stable flow), super-saturated (unstable flow characterized by high deposition rates, caused by collapse of turbulence), or hyperconcentrated sub-saturated (stable flow because of hindered settling effects), depending on the Richardson number. Independent of this, the flow may be turbulent, transitional or laminar, depending on the Reynolds number. Analysis of these flow types improves understanding of the flow regimes and morphodynamics of the Yellow River. The morphodynamics of the Yellow River are also affected by pseudo-cohesive behaviour caused by shear dilatance, which results in increasing critical shear stress for erosion at decreasing grain-size. This pseudo-cohesive behaviour may be partly responsible not only for the high deposition rates which characterize the lower Yellow River, but also for mass erosion during river floods.  相似文献   

高建飞  丁悌平  田世洪  王怀柏  李明 《地质学报》2011,85(10):1613-1628
2005年7月沿黄河干流及4条主要支流系统采集了28个水样,对水及悬浮物的化学组成、矿物组成、水化学成分和硅同位素组成进行了综合分析.黄河水中悬浮物在不同站点的浓度差异悬殊,由8.8~302120mg/L不等,与黄河两岸人类活动(水库、牧场、农田)和自然环境变化(流域岩性、植被覆盖程度)关系密切.悬浮物中SiO2含量介...  相似文献   

黄河源区河流阶地特征及源区黄河的形成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
提要:本文通过对黄河源区河流阶地的系统测量和研究,认为黄河源区黄河阶地主要由堆积阶地组成,少量侵蚀阶地,阶地拔河高度低,阶面比较开阔平坦。黄河自源头至入扎陵湖段仅发育一级河流阶地,从鄂陵湖出水口至黄河乡段发育两级河流阶地,从黄河乡以下至久治县东段发育三级河流阶地。结合ESR测年结果,黄河源区河流阶地形成的时间主要为中更新世晚期—全新世,T1河流阶地的形成时代约为1万年;T2河流阶地的形成时代为5.8~1.9万年;T3河流阶地的形成时代为16.1~2.5万年。河流阶地研究表明,黄河在源区形成较晚,可能为晚更新世晚期。  相似文献   

黄河断流后三角洲(水上平原)的滑塌构造研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
钟建华  李理 《沉积学报》2000,18(1):7-12
黄河断流后三角洲 (水上平原 )上的滑塌构造非常发育,在分流河道中几乎随处可见,它们主要发育在边滩、心滩外缘、周缘或内部的水道中,还可以发育在河床上。滑塌作用形成了三种产物:滑塌壁或滑塌缝 滑塌体和滑塌碎块及滑塌变形基底。滑塌壁或滑塌缝按力学机制可能分为两种类型 一种是张性 另一种是剪性。滑塌壁或滑塌缝的规模不一,大者长度可超过十余米,甚至二十余米,小者长度只有 3~ 5cm 滑塌体规模差别也较大,大者高度可超过 1m,长度可达 3~ 4m 小者高度和长度仅数cm。通过观察发现,滑塌构造的产生与波浪的掏洗和流水冲蚀有关,与地震和斜坡滑动关系不大。黄河断流后在某些低洼河道积水成“湖”,“湖”水在风的作用下形成波浪。波浪不断拍击导致边滩、心滩产生滑塌,形成一系列相应的滑塌构造 再者,黄河断流后边滩、心滩广泛暴露,黄河三角洲地区降雨后使边滩、心滩和河床上汇集成径流,径流的冲蚀也可以形成一系列滑塌构造。有的滑塌构造被风成砂埋藏后很容易被何存下来,而充填滑塌缝之间的风成砂经成岩作用之后则有可能转变成砂岩岩墙。  相似文献   

根据1997年实施的黄河下游窄河段挖河固堤启动工程的观测资料,分析了挖河对河道冲淤变化及水面线调整的影响。研究表明,在一定的时段和一定河段内,挖河对于减少河道淤积及降低洪水位都有较好效果。对挖沙减淤效果的基本概念也作了讨论。  相似文献   

黄河下游游荡性河道河势调整关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过黄河下游游荡性河道典型河段河势观测资料,统计分析了河势的调整关系。研究表明,尽管游荡性河道河势多变不定,但主流线在河宽方向的摆动位置仍有一定的统计规律可循;主流线弦高与弦长之间的调整符合弓形参数间的一般函数关系;随主流线长度增加,弯曲半径不会无限制减小,将会趋于某一相对稳定状态;弯曲系数与主流线长度、弯曲半径之间的统计关系表征了黄河下游游荡性河道河势易出现陡湾且易坐小湾坐陡湾的特性;弯曲半径与河面宽之间具有一定的相关趋势,河面越宽,弯曲半径增加的可能性越大。  相似文献   

The chemical and isotopic characteristics of the water and suspended particulate materials(SPM)in the Yellow River were investigated on the samples collected from 29 hydrological monitoring stations in the mainstem and several major tributaries during 2004 to 2007.TheδD andδ~(18)O values of the Yellow River water vary in large ranges from-32‰to-91‰and from-3.1‰to-12.5‰,respectively.The characters of H and O isotope variations indicate that the major sources of the Yellow River water are meteoric water and snow melting water,and water cycle in the Yellow River basin is affected strongly by evaporation process and human activity.The average SPM content(9.635g/L)of the Yellow River is the highest among the world large rivers.Compared with the Yangtze River,the Yellow River SPM has much lower clay content and significantly higher contents of clastic silicates and carbonates.In comparison to the upper crust rocks,the Yellow River SPM contains less SiO_2,CaO,K_2O and Na_2O,but more TFe_2O_3,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn,Pb and Cd.The abnormal high Cd contents found in some sample may be related to local industrial activity.The REE contents and distribution pattern of the Yellow River SPM are very close to the average value of the global shale.The averageδ~(30)Si_(SPM)in the Yellow River(-0.11‰)is slightly higher than the average value(-0.22‰)of the Yangtze River SPM.The major factors controlling theδ~(30)Si_(SPM)of the Yellow River are the soil supply,the isotopic composition of the soil and the climate conditions.The TDS in the Yellow River are the highest among those of world large rivers.Fair correlations are observed among Cl~-,Na~+,K~+,and Mg~(2+)contents of the Yellow River water,indicating the effect of evaporation.The Ca~(2+)and Sr~(2+)concentrations show good correlation to the SO_4~(2-)concentration rather than HCO_3~-concentration,reflecting its origin from evaporates.The NO_3~-contents are affected by farmland fertilization.The Cu,Zn and Cd contents in dissolved load of the Yellow River water are all higher than those of average world large rivers,reflecting the effect of human activity.The dissolved load in the Yellow River water generally shows a REE distribution pattern parallel to those for the Yangtze River and the Xijiang River.Theδ~(30)Si values of the dissolved silicon vary in a range from 0.4‰to 2.9‰,averaging1.34‰.The major processes controlling the D_(Si)andδ~(30)Si_(Diss)of the Yellow River water are the weathering process of silicate rocks,growth of phytolith in plants,evaporation,dissolution of phytolith in soil,growth of fresh water diatom,adsorption and desorption of aqueous monosilicic acid on iron oxide and human activities.The averageδ~(30)Si_(Diss)value of the Yellow River is significantly lower than that of the Nile River,Yangtze River and Siberia rivers,but higher than those of other rivers,reflecting their differences in chemical weathering and biological activity.Theδ~(34)S_(SO4)values of the Yellow River water range from-3.8‰to 14.1‰,averaging 7.97‰.There is some correlation between SO_4~(2-)content andδ~(34)S_(SO4).The factors controlling theδ~(34)S_(SO4)of the Yellow River water are the SO_4 in the meteoric water,the SO_4 from gypsum or anhydrite in evaporite rocks,oxidation and dissolution of sulfides in the mineral deposits,magmatic rocks and sedimentary rocks,the sulfate reduction and precipitation process and the sulfate from fertilizer.The~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios of all samplesrange from 0.71041 to 0.71237,averaging 0.71128.The variations in the~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratio and Sr concentration of river water are primarily caused by mixing of waters of various origins with different~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios and Sr contents resulting from water-rock interaction with different rock types.  相似文献   

系统地采集黄河内蒙古段上覆水、悬浮物和底泥样品,分析其中重金属元素的含量。采用地质累积指数法和潜在生态危害系数法,研究了黄河干流内蒙古段的上覆水、悬浮物和底泥的重金属沿程分布特征、污染程度和生态风险。分析结果显示:除了As元素,悬浮物中重金属元素含量总体上高于底泥中的含量。地质累积指数法评价结果表明:悬浮物和底泥属于无污染—中度污染,悬浮物总体上比底泥污染严重;潜在生态危害系数法评价结果表明:底泥和悬浮物中重金属的生态危害总体上属轻微状态;因此,生态风险指数法和地质累积指数评价结果基本一致。  相似文献   

黄河下游河道的冻裂研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
钟建华  王洪宝 《沉积学报》2002,20(4):650-655
黄河下游河道在冬季冰封雪冻,使得河道上发育了大量的冰冻裂痕(简称‘冻裂'),形貌独特,引人注目.黄河下游的冻裂共有八种形态:缝隙状、豆荚状、直线状、三联状、锯齿状、网状、螺旋状及树枝状.后两种冻裂仅产在薄层淤泥中;其余的均产在粉砂中,与一般的干裂发育载体迥然不同,这也是冻裂的一个特殊之处.另一种发育在粉砂层中的冻裂-冰冻裂理也很特殊.冻裂的形成无疑与冰作用有关.冰融水劈的交替作用是其具体的动力学过程。  相似文献   

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