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The contribution of normal spiral galaxies to the high galactic latitude gamma-ray background >100 MeV is examined in the light of the estimates of its flux from the SAS-II measurements. The gamma-ray luminosity of each object is inferred from the known Milky Way value normalized to the corresponding optical quantity. Several possibilities are considered for the responsible physical production mechanism both diffuse and localized; they are then set to evolve with the galactic age according to three well-known evolutionary models. A final space-time integration leads to results which are expressed in the same unit as the measured background. It is seen that the model presented here can play an important role in the region > 100 MeV where the information on the spectral shape of the radiation is still very poor. Experimental tests for future gamma-ray observations are presented.  相似文献   

We present a calculation of the blazar contribution to the extragalactic diffuse γ -ray background (EGRB) in the EGRET energy range. Our model is based on inverse-Compton scattering as the dominant γ -ray production process in the jets of flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) and BL Lac objects, and on the unification scheme of radio-loud AGN. According to this picture, blazars represent the beamed fraction of the Fanaroff–Riley radio galaxies (FR galaxies).
The observed log  N –log  S distribution and redshift distribution of both FSRQs and BL Lacs constrain our model. Depending slightly on the evolutionary behaviour of blazars, we find that unresolved AGN underproduce the intensity of the extragalactic background radiation. With our model only 20–40 per cent of the extragalactic background emission can be explained by unresolved blazars if we integrate to a maximum redshift of Z max=3. For Z max=5, blazars could account for 40–80 per cent of the EGRB. Roughly 70–90 per cent of the AGN contribution to the EGRB would result from BL Lacs. While the systematic uncertainties in our estimate for the FSRQ contribution appear small, in the case of BL Lacs our model parameters are not consistent with the results from studies in other wavelength regimes, and therefore may have larger systematic uncertainties. Thus we end up with two possibilities, depending on whether we underpredict or overpredict the BL Lac contribution: either unresolved AGN cannot account for the entire EGRB, or unresolved BL Lacs produce the observed background.
We predict a significant flattening of the γ -ray log  N –log  S function in the next two decades of flux below the EGRET threshold.  相似文献   

The extragalactic diffuse emission at γ-ray energies has interesting cosmo-logical implications since these photons suffer little or no attenuation during their prop-agation from the site of origin. The emission could originate from either truly diffuse processes or from unresolved point sources such as AGNs, normal galaxies and starburst galaxies. Here, we examine the unresolved point source origin of the extragalactic γ-ray background emission from normal galaxies and starburst galaxies. γ-ray emission from normal galaxies is primarily coming from cosmic-ray interactions with interstellar mat-ter and radiation (~90%) along with a small contribution from discrete point sources (~10%). Starburst galaxies are expected to have enhanced supernovae activity which leads to higher cosmic-ray densities, making starburst galaxies sufficiently luminous at γ-ray energies to be detected by the current γ-ray mission (Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope).  相似文献   

From the new data of the 2–60 keV diffuse X-ray background from HEAO-1 A2, model galactic component is subtracted to give the cosmic component. The greater intensity in the northern galactic hemipshere is shown to be probably due to the motion of the Sun relative to the background (the Compton-Getting effect). The derived degree of anisotropy is δ = (0.45 ± 0.18)% and the velocity is V = (397 ± 159) km/s. These values are consistent with the known anisotropy in the microwave background.  相似文献   

We report a measurement of the background spectrum based on 10000 counts observed in the energy range 2–10 keV. The rocketborne detector system was optimised for cosmic ray noise rejection. A best fit power law spectrum $$\frac{{dN}}{{dE}} = 16E^{ - 1.8} photons{\text{ }}cm^{ - 2} s^{ - 1} sr^{ - 1} keV^{ - 1} .$$ resulted from the analysis. At 10 keV this result is consistent with recently assessed higher energy data. We show therefore that the change in spectral index between 5 and 50 ke V is approximately ?0.2.  相似文献   

We investigate numerically the contribution to the cosmic gamma-ray background from cosmic-ray ions and electrons accelerated at intergalactic shocks associated with cosmological structure formation. We show that the kinetic energy of accretion flows in the low-redshift intergalactic medium is thermalized primarily through moderately strong shocks, which allow for an efficient conversion of shock ram pressure into cosmic-ray pressure. Cosmic rays accelerated at these shocks produce a diffuse gamma-ray flux which is dominated by inverse Compton emission from electrons scattering off cosmic microwave background photons. Decay of neutral π mesons generated in p–p inelastic collisions of the ionic cosmic-ray component with the thermal gas contribute about 30 per cent of the computed emission. Based on experimental upper limits on the photon flux above 100 MeV from nearby clusters we constrain the efficiency of conversion of shock ram pressure into relativistic CR electrons to  ≲1 per cent  . Thus, we find that cosmic rays of cosmological origin can generate an overall significant fraction of order 20 per cent and no more than 30 per cent of the measured gamma-ray background.  相似文献   

We consider the contribution to the Galactic diffuse γ-ray emission from unresolved γ-ray pulsars. Based on the thick outer gap model, Monte Carlo methods are used to simulate the properties (period, distance, magnetic field, etc.) of the Galactic population of rotation-powered pulsars the gamma-ray flux of which is lower than the threshold sensitivity of the EGRET detector on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory . Furthermore, the contribution to the Galactic diffuse γ-ray spectrum from the unresolved γ-ray pulsars is calculated. Our results indicate that the unresolved γ-ray pulsars contribute ∼5 to ∼10 per cent to the measured Galactic diffuse γ-ray emission if the birth rate of neutron stars in the Galaxy is 1 to 2 per century, and that these pulsars contribute significantly to the observed Galactic diffuse γ-ray emission above 1 GeV. Comparing the model spectrum with the observed spectrum, we show that the unresolved γ-ray pulsars contribute very little to the diffuse emission at lower energies but can account for ∼50 per cent of the observed spectrum above 1 GeV if the product of the birth rate of neutron stars and the γ-ray beaming fraction is about unity. Such a large pulsar contribution can explain the difference (∼60 per cent) between the intensity of the Galactic diffuse emission as measured by EGRET above 1 GeV and model predictions based on cosmic ray–matter interaction only.  相似文献   

Observations in the submillimetre (submm) waveband have recently revealed a new population of luminous sources. These are proposed to lie at high redshift and to be optically faint because of their high intrinsic dust obscuration. The presence of dust has been previously invoked in optical galaxy count models which use the Bruzual & Charlot evolution models with an exponential τ =9 Gyr star formation rate (SFR) for spirals, and these fit the count data well from U to K . We now show that by using either a 1/ λ or Calzetti absorption law for the dust and re-distributing the evolved spiral galaxy ultraviolet (UV) radiation into the far-infrared (FIR), these models can account for all of the 'faint' ( 1 mJy) 850-μm galaxy counts, but fail to fit 'bright' ( 2 mJy) sources, indicating that another explanation for the submm counts may apply at brighter fluxes, e.g., quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) or ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs). We find that the main contribution to the faint, submm number counts is in the redshift range 0.5< z <3, peaking at z ≈1.8. The above model, using either dust law, can also explain a significant proportion of the extragalactic background at 850 μm, as well as producing a reasonable fit to the bright 60-μm IRAS counts.  相似文献   

We argue that gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) may be the origin of the cosmic gamma-ray background radiation observed in the GeV range. It has theoretically been discussed that protons may carry a much larger amount of energy than electrons in GRBs, and this large energy can be radiated in the TeV range by synchrotron radiation of ultra-high-energy protons ( 1020 eV). The possible detection of GRBs above 10 TeV suggested by the Tibet and HEGRA groups also supports this idea. If this is the case, most of TeV gamma-rays from GRBs are absorbed in intergalactic fields and eventually form GeV gamma-ray background, whose flux is in good agreement with the recent observation.  相似文献   

A method is proposed to estimate the contribution from Seyfert galaxies and quasars to the diffuse 1 MeV background. First of all, we calculate the contribution from these active galactic nuclei (AGNs) to the 2 keV background using traditional methods. We then choose a suitable spectral X-ray index, which is found to be universal, to find the 1 MeV contribution from these AGNs by extrapolation. Results show that quasars generate about 40% of the 1 MeV background while Seyfert galaxies produce more than 40% taking into account the Penrose Compton Scattering gamma ray emissions. These results indicate that the 1 MeV background is likely to be generated by discrete objects.  相似文献   

The extragalactic background radiation produced by distant galaxies emitting in the far infrared limits the sensitivity of telescopes operating in this range due to confusion. We have constructed a model of the infrared background based on numerical simulations of the large-scale structure of the Universe and the evolution of dark matter halos. The predictions of this model agree well with the existing data on source counts. We have constructed maps of a sky field with an area of 1 deg2 directly from our simulated observations and measured the confusion limit. At wavelengths 100–300 μm the confusion limit for a 10-m telescope has been shown to be at least an order of magnitude lower than that for a 3.5-m one. A spectral analysis of the simulated infrared background maps clearly reveals the large-scale structure of the Universe. The two-dimensional power spectrum of these maps has turned out to be close to that measured by space observatories in the infrared. However, the fluctuations in the number of intensity peaks observed in the simulated field show no clear correlation with superclusters of galaxies; the large-scale structure has virtually no effect on the confusion limit.  相似文献   

The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe ( WMAP ) has measured lower amplitudes for the temperature quadrupole and octopole anisotropies than expected in the best fitting (concordance) Λ-dominated cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmology. Some authors have argued that this discrepancy may require new physics. However, the statistical significance of this result is not clear. Some authors have applied frequentist arguments and claim that the discrepancy would occur by chance about 1 time in 700, if the concordance model is correct. Other authors have used Bayesian arguments to claim that the data show marginal evidence for new physics. I investigate these confusing and apparently conflicting claims in this Letter using a frequentist analysis and a simplified Bayesian analysis. On either analysis, I conclude that the WMAP results are consistent with the concordance ΛCDM model.  相似文献   

Starting from the assumption that the radiation source at the origin of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) could not have a luminosity larger than the maximum energy in ordinary matter divided by the minimum time allowed by causality, one arrives at an expression that gives the energy density of CMB as a function of the main cosmological parameters. Also, by defining a radiation charge as the hypothetical charge that opposes the congregation of a cloud of particles around a source of electromagnetic radiation, on arrives at another expression for the energy density of CMB that agrees exactly with the measured value for a value of the Hubble constant equal to 72.09 km s−1 Mpc−1. Both expressions are independent of the redshift.  相似文献   

By employing an improved simulation of the evolution of black holes(BHs)based on the merger tree of dark matter halos,we explore the relationship between the central BH mass Mbh and velocity dispersion σflat high redshift z≥6 and quantify the mini-QSO's(with BH mass M=200-105M)contribution to cosmic reionization.The simulation demonstrates how seed BHs migrate onto the MBH-σ* relation by merging with each other and accreting gas at z≥6:1.The correlation between BHs and their host halos increases as the BHs ...  相似文献   

The positions of 46 γ-ray burst sources on the sky are used to show that the majority of these objects either originate in very distant regions with redshifts ?30000 km s?1 or within ?0.5β of the Sun; where β is the scale-height of the parent population perpendicular to the galactic disc. An origin of the majority of γ-ray bursts in the more distant parts of the galactic disc, the galactic nuclear bulge, the Virgo supercluster, in galaxies withm pg<18 and rich in Abell clusters of distance classes 0 to 4 is excluded by the data.  相似文献   

We discuss possible distortions of the ionization history of the Universe in a model with small-scale baryonic clouds. The corresponding scales of the clouds are much smaller than the typical galactic mass-scales. These clouds are considered in a framework of the cosmological model with isocurvature and adiabatic perturbations. In this model the baryonic clouds do not influence the cosmic microwave background anisotropy formation directly as additional sources of perturbations, but they can change the kinetics of the hydrogen recombination . We also study the corresponding distortions of the anisotropy and polarization power spectra in connection with the launched MAP and future Planck missions.  相似文献   

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