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Summary. Use of paraxially approximated Gaussian beams continues to be actively pursued for construction of synthetic seismograms in complicated environments. How to select the beams in the stack remains a source of difficulty which has primarily been addressed by semi-heuristic considerations. In this paper, the classical example of line-source field reflection from a homogeneous half-space that can sustain a head wave is examined from a plane-wave spectral point of view. The individual beam fields are modelled exactly by the complex source point technique, which emphasizes the complex spectral content of these wave objects. The quality of the paraxial approximation of a typical reflected (Gaussian) beam characterized by different parameters is examined from this perspective, and is compared with uniform and non-uniform asymptotics generated from the exact beam field spectral integral. With this information as background, the reflected field for a real line-source is synthesized by beam superposition. Except for the immediate vicinity of the critical reflection angle, the well-known failure of narrow paraxial beams, no matter how densely stacked, to reproduce the head wave effects is shown to be due to the inadequate spectral content of these beams and not to the failure of beam stacking per se. When the rigorous solutions are used for the narrow-waist beams, even relatively few suffice to yield agreement with the exact solution. This circumstance emphasizes the importance of fully understanding the spectral implications of various beam stacking schemes.  相似文献   

基于高斯两步移动搜索法的沈阳市绿地可达性评价   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
基于高斯两步移动搜索法,进行沈阳市绿地可达性分析。在揭示研究区内绿地可达性空间格局的同时,探索这一新方法的实际应用价值。结果显示:① 沈阳市绿地可达性整体上具有北高南低、东高西低的空间分布特征,4 个高值区与3 个低值区可清晰识别;高值区域主要分布在核心城区的近外围,低值区域主要分布于核心城区与城市的西部及南部远郊。② 沈阳市绿地可达性空间格局十分不平衡,具有较强的空间极化特征,70%以上的街道绿地可达性低于全市平均水平,只有少数街道呈现较高的可达性,人口与绿地的空间不匹配是造成不平衡的主要因素。③ 根据可达性评价结果,提出了实施空间优化策略,促进绿地服务均等化的相关建议。该方法能够较好地揭示城市绿地系统与人口相互作用的规律,未来还应进一步与客观实际结合,使之更加具体化和实用化。  相似文献   

合理的配置公共服务设施对城市的现代化建设至关重要。空间可达性是度量公共服务设施配置是否合理的方法之一。在诸多的研究方法中,高斯两步移动搜索法由于直观且运算简便,因而得到广泛应用。但该方法也有不足之处,本文运用格网GIS方法,以上海市的绿地空间可达性为例,对两步移动搜索法进行模型方法的改进研究,并对高斯两步移动搜索法和格网化的高斯两步移动搜索法进行对比分析,结果表明:后者可降低空间可达性的误差,提高可达性精度,对上海市绿地空间可达性反映更加真实、客观。如果选择合理的数据将其格网化,该方法也可以用于其他公共服务设施的空间可达性研究。  相似文献   

几种常用风沙颗粒测速方法对比   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
沙粒运动速度是风沙颗粒运动学和风沙流(一种特殊的气固两相流)研究中的一个重要参数,受到风沙物理学研究者们的长期关注。风沙颗粒运动速度研究遇到的关键问题是测量方面的困难,目前已经尝试应用了多种测量技术。对几种常用测试手段——光电管测速计、高速摄影、粒子动态分析仪(PDA)和粒子图像测速仪(PIV)的测量结果进行了对比分析。光电管测速计、高速摄影法、以及粒子动态分析仪在研究颗粒速度的分布方面比较有用,而粒子图像测速仪则是一种全场测速技术,是测量特定区域内平均速度场时空变化的有用工具。上述几种测试方法所得的结果既有相似之处,但也存在较大差别。根据这些测速手段所得到的沙粒速度的概率分布特征是相似的,但测量结果所反映的沙粒平均速度与风速、粒径以及其他可能影响因子间的关系存在明显差异。目前的测量技术均不能直接测量贴近层或沙床表面的沙粒速度,而这些数据在研究地表颗粒的起动机制时是相当重要的。虽然用不同的测量技术所得出的沙粒平均速度随高度的变化关系均为幂函数,但这些幂函数的估算结果差别很大。基于对比分析,我们认为,各种测速技术均有其独特的测量原理,各有其优劣,但对其测量结果的可靠性尚无定论。所以,为了充分运用不同的测速技术,需要做大量的工作对其进行验证标定,研发一种可靠的技术来测量风沙流中的沙粒速度仍然是目前风沙物理研究的重要任务。  相似文献   

The velocity of blown sand particles is an important parameter in aeolian movement (a special case of gas particle two-phase flow) and has ever been a topic of interest. At present, several techniques have been applied in measuring velocity of the blown sand particles. This paper reviews the measurement results of several commonly used methods: photoelectric cell method, high-speed photographic method, Particle Dynamics Analyzer (PDA) method and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) method. Photoelectric cell method, high-speed photograph method and PDA method are useful in studying the velocity distribution of particles. PIV is a whole-flow-field technique and a useful tool to study the average velocity field in a target area. These methods got some similar results but considerable differences also exist. They have come to similar conclusions on the velocity distributions at a single height but direct measurement results with respect to the velocity distribution very close to the surface are still scarce except some PDA results. The magnitude of measured mean particle velocity differs greatly. The relationship obtained by different methods between mean particle velocity and wind velocity, particle size and possibly other influencing factors also differs considerably. Although several authors have proposed similar power functions to describe the variation with height of the mean particle velocity, the predicted results have wide differences. Each technique is based on some unique principles, and has its advantages and disad- vantages. To make full use of different techniques, a lot of work needs be done to validate them. Developing a reliable technique to measure the velocity of blown particles is still a necessary task in aeolian research.  相似文献   

A grain-size fraction/population of sediment can reflect a specific transport process. Use of this potential grain-size fraction is more meaningful than that of a single grain-size value for analysis of grain-size fractionation over space, so identifying the potential grain-size fraction is key in analyzes of grain-size fractionation. Our aim was to test the applicability of Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis for sediment grain-size fractionation. We performed EOF analysis on grain-size data of aeolian sediment to identify the potential grain-size fraction and detect its grain-size fractionation over space. Two other methods, the grain-size-class standard deviation (GSC-std) method and end-member analysis (EMA) were conducted for comparison. The results show that the EOF method is not only able to identify the potential grain-size fraction, but also to simultaneously determine the spatial change of the potential grain-size fraction. The GSC-std method provides the potential grain-size fraction, but fails to exhibit its spatial change at the same time. EMA end members resemble a grain-size distribution that differs from the potential grain-size fraction; thus, the EMA method fails to identify the potential grain-size fraction directly. Our results suggest that EOF analysis is suitable for detecting grain-size fractionation over space.  相似文献   


Headcut erosion has been recognized as one of the main processes involved in gully development in the dry-hot valley region of southwest China. To examine the effect of initial step height on headcut erosion processes, three headcuts were constructed ranging in height from 0.75 to 1.25 m on an active bank gully head, and a series of scouring experiments were conducted under a flow discharge of 120 L min?1. The morphological evolutions of the plunge pools and soil loss volume were estimated by three-dimensional photo-reconstruction methods (3D-PR). As the step height increased, the experimental results showed that: (1) the transformed potential energy and shear stress would increase by approximately 4.89 J s?1 and 26.4 Pa on average when the step height increased 0.25 m; (2) the mean depth and width of the plunge pool exhibited obvious growth, and the morphology of the cross-section developed from approximately V-shaped to U-shaped; and (3) soil loss volume increased logarithmically, with total soil loss volumes of 0.076, 0.105 and 0.116 m3, respectively. Although the significant effects of the initial step height on headcut erosion were verified, further quantitative studies are required to quantify the mechanism of headcut erosion, especially for plunge pool erosion.  相似文献   

This article attempts to investigate the measure effect of rubble roadbed engineering in permafrost regions of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. As a case study, Chaidaer-Muli Railway is used to evaluate the measure effect of rubble roadbed engineering in permafrost regions. The AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) method is thus employed to establish the evaluation indicator system. The evaluation factor is selected by analyzing the mutual relation between the permafrost environment and roadbed engineering. Thus, a hierarchical structure model is established based on the selected evaluation indices. Each factor is weighted to determine the status in the evaluation system, and grading standards are built for providing a basis for the evaluation. Then, the fuzzy mathematical method is introduced to evaluate the measure effect of rubble roadbed engineering in permafrost regions along the Chadaer-Muli Railway. Results show that most of the permafrost roadbed is in a preferable condition(b) along the Chaidaer-Muli Railway due to rubble engineering measures. This proportion reaches to 86.1%. The proportion in good(a), general(c) and poor states(d) are 0.0%, 7.5% and 6.4%, respectively, in all the evaluation sections along the Chaidaer-Muli Railway. Ground-temperature monitoring results are generally consistent with AHP-FUZZY evaluation results. This means that the AHP-FUZZY method can be applied to evaluate the effect of rubble roadbed engineering measures in permafrost regions. The effect evaluation of engineering measures will provide timely and effective feedback information for further engineering design. The series of engineering measures will more effectively protect permafrost stability.  相似文献   

刘晶  何伦志 《干旱区地理》2019,42(6):1478-1485
在“一带一路”与新型城镇化两大体系融合的背景下,新疆作为丝绸之路经济带核心区,其城镇化的健康发展不仅关系着新疆社会稳定、长治久安与经济的可持续发展,同时对“一带一路”建设起到支撑作用。影响新型城镇化发展的因素众多,采用LASSO方法从可能影响新疆新型城镇化发展的经济贸易、基础设施、社会保障、政府制度、教育科技、医疗卫生、金融发展、人民生活、人口就业、民族文化、资源环境、能源消耗以及兵团建设13个方面选取64个驱动因子进行量化分析,依据模型压缩系数实现指标精简。对各因素的影响效果进行分析,从基础设施建设、兵地融合、参与“一带一路”建设、对口援疆以及水资源利用方面给出推进丝绸之路经济带核心区新型城镇化发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   

李倢 《地理研究》2008,27(3):659-671
近年来,随着城市竞争力概念的兴起,城市排序及城市排行榜成为各界瞩目的焦点。本文首先指出盲目追求城市排名的危害,之后从理论角度论述造成城市简单排序误区的根本原因在于对城市所属区域以及城市体系的忽视,提出应在对各城市进行定量评估的基础上,将城市发展优势与地域空间以及城市体系相结合,在地域空间中确定各城市功能定位。并以我国三大都市密集地区为实例,运用因子分析法对各城市发展优势进行定量评估。以实例阐明城市发展优势应在所属地域空间与其城市体系紧密结合,对城市简单排序提出了反驳。通过三大都市密集地区之间不同城市体系结构及其变化的比较研究,对城市集群的形成及其发展理论做了积极的探索。  相似文献   

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