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为了能更好地理解激光雷达技术工作原理与三维信息采集全过程,规避现有激光雷达技术,尤其是机载激光雷达,在实践教学中受场地限制的不利条件,本文依托于中国矿业大学(北京)沙河校区的航空模拟平台,自主研发了一套基于单线激光雷达与行程测距仪集成的三维激光扫描装备,阐述了该装备集成的数学原理,设计了三维数据采集实践教学方法,并进行了三维数据采集的实践体验与数据质量评价。结果表明,该装备采集三维点云的精度优于99%,可为激光雷达技术的实践教学、创新训练及本科毕业设计等环节提供有效的硬件支撑,并可在仓储方量核算等工程应用方面进行推广。  相似文献   

在城区和山区等测区航空摄影时,地表起伏对相片重叠度的影响很大,航线设计时必须考虑.本文首先推导了一个任何情况下都适用的地表起伏对重叠度影响公式.然后,借鉴目前已有的重叠度计算方案,提出了一种基于重叠区边缘的重叠度计算方案,并将它应用于计算相片和立体模型的实际重叠度,以此来敷设航线.最后,基于地表起伏较大的汉口地区DSM...  相似文献   

基于DEM的机载LiDAR航线设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文参照我国航空摄影标准中有关相机的部分,深入研究了基于DEM的机载LiDAR航线设计中的关键技术,并研发出了LiDAR航线设计系统.试验表明,与传统航线设计方式相比,基于DEM的航线设计方式能够设计出更为准确、合理的航线.  相似文献   

王宗跃  马洪超  明洋 《遥感学报》2014,18(6):1217-1222
针对EM(Expectation Maximization)波形分解算法具有多次迭代和大量乘、除、累加等高密集运算的特点,提出一套将EM算法在通用计算图形处理器GPGPU上并行化的方案。针对通用并行计算架构CUDA的存储层次特点,设计总体的并行方案,充分挖掘共享存储器、纹理存储器的高速访存的潜能;根据波形采样值采用字节存储的特征,利用波形采样值的直方图求取中位数,从而降低求噪音阈值的计算复杂度;最后,采用求和规约的并行策略提高EM算法迭代过程中大量累加的计算效率。实验结果表明,当设置合理的并行参数、EM迭代次数大于16次、数据量大于64 M时,与单核CPU处理相比,GPU的加速比达到了8,能够显著地提高全波形分解的效率。  相似文献   

The first ERS-1 satellite launched in May 1991 promises to make a substantial contribution towards the cloud stereoscopy. One of its payload, Along Track Scanning Radiometer (hereafter ATSR) has IR split window channels and scans the earth conically leading to earth views at two view angles (0° and 55°) in two curved swaths registered with respect to each other in image frame. This enables us to construct stereoscopic image of a cloud thereby determining its height geometrically. The present paper describes the utility of ATSR onboard ERS-1 in retrieving cloud height by synthetic stereo imaging over NOAA-AVHRR visible and thermal band observations.  相似文献   

Zhao  Qile  Wang  Chen  Guo  Jing  Yang  Guanglin  Liao  Mi  Ma  Hongyang  Liu  Jingnan 《GPS Solutions》2017,21(3):1179-1190
GPS Solutions - A key limitation for precise orbit determination of BeiDou satellites, particularly for satellites in geostationary orbit (GEO), is the relative weak geometry of ground stations....  相似文献   

饶爱水  刘冰  胡健  王振平  张龙 《测绘科学》2016,41(8):106-110,81
针对某型号箭载接收机仅下传信号发射时刻的小数部分而导致地面设备求解伪距时存在整秒模糊度,以及由于伪距测量时标更新频率小于伪距采样频率导致的地面设备定位精度变差与100ms模糊度问题,该文提出了一种伪距观测量及观测时间的实时修正方法。首先,分析运载火箭、GPS卫星以及地球三者之间的位置关系;然后,计算随火箭飞行高度变化的伪距理论值;最后,根据伪距理论值的不同特性,把运载火箭飞行区域划分为4个区域,并针对不同区域设计了相应的实时修正算法。基于火箭飞行实测数据的实验结果表明,该算法能够解决整秒模糊度、100ms模糊度以及伪距观测值与伪距观测时间不一致等问题,最终定位精度也能够满足试验要求。  相似文献   

Li  Xingxing  Ma  Tengzhou  Xie  Weiliang  Zhang  Keke  Huang  Jiaxin  Ren  Xiaodong 《GPS Solutions》2019,23(2):1-16
GPS Solutions - As parameter estimation and statistical testing are often intimately linked in the processing of observational data, the uncertainties involved in both estimation and testing need...  相似文献   

海陆回波分类是机载激光测深中的一项波形预处理步骤,关系着后续信号检测和点云生成的精度。针对现有海陆回波分类方法不适用于单频机载激光测深系统且自动化程度不高的问题,本文提出一种单频机载激光测深海陆回波自动分类方法:首先,通过首末回波信号检测及点位计算获得回波的点云高程特征;然后,采用高程直方图拟合的方式确定平均水面位置,依据点云高程特征判定大部分回波的海陆属性,对余下的未定回波,仅保留其中的最强信号并统一处理为单信号回波,同时提取波形的信号特征和能量分布特征,依据点云高程特征的相似性自动建立训练样本集;最后,利用支持向量机分类器实现未定回波的分类。采用国产系统Mapper5000采集的实测数据进行试验,结果表明基于首末回波点云的初分类可快速、准确地对远离海陆交界处的回波进行分类,基于波形特征的未定回波分类可在自动建立的训练样本集支持下实现海陆交界处未定回波的高精度分类。与传统方法相比,本文方法无须近红外通道波形和人工样本的辅助就可以达到较高的分类精度,其中总体分类精度可达99.82%,海陆交界处分类精度可达91.59%。  相似文献   

GNSS-R信号在面向复杂场景的陆表遥感应用中存在信噪比(SNR)低和有效信息难以辨别提取的问题,严重制约了其在陆表遥感领域的应用拓展。为从海量低信噪比的星载GNSS-R陆表数据中快速区分杂波信号和有效信息,本文通过统计归纳分析,基于星载时延多普勒图(DDM)相关峰的显著程度评定,提出了一种DDM波形分类方法。随后,利用该方法对UK TechDemoSat-1(TDS-1)星载陆表观测数据进行了波形分类。最后,比较了分类后波形对应的SNR情况,同时结合典型地物类型对分类结果进行了相关性分析,证实了波形分类方法的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

Due to its measurement principle, light detection and ranging (lidar) is particularly suited to estimate the horizontal as well as vertical distribution of forest structure. Quantification and characterization of forest structure is important for the understanding of the forest ecosystem functioning and, moreover, will help to assess carbon sequestration within forests. The relationship between the signal recorded by a lidar system and the canopy structure of a forest can be accurately characterized by physically based radiative transfer models (RTMs). A three-dimensional RTM is capable of representing the complex forest canopy structure as well as the involved physical processes of the lidar pulse interactions with the vegetation. Consequently, the inversion of such an RTM presents a novel concept to retrieve biophysical forest parameters that exploits the full lidar signal and underlying physical processes. A synthetic dataset and data acquired in the Swiss National Park (SNP) successfully demonstrated the feasibility and the potential of RTM inversion to retrieve forest structure from large-footprint lidar waveform data. The SNP lidar data consist of waveforms generated from the aggregation of small-footprint lidar returns. Derived forest biophysical parameters, such as fractional cover, leaf area index, maximum tree height, and the vertical crown extension, were able to describe the horizontal and vertical forest canopy structure.  相似文献   

利用星载激光雷达的大光斑全波形数据估测植被结构参数、监测森林生态已受到广泛关注。为了更准确地理解森林植被的结构参数和光学特性对激光雷达回波波形的影响,利用实测森林植被数据提取植被空间分布的统计规律,考虑地形坡度变化和植被冠层反射特性的影响,生成参数化的森林植被空间轮廓反射模型,结合星载激光雷达的回波理论,建立了面向植被的星载激光雷达波形仿真器。由大兴安岭地区的实测植被数据提取的统计规律生成的森林目标仿真波形与地球科学激光测高仪系统(Geoscience Laser Altimeter System,GLAS)真实回波波形具有较好的一致性,平均相关系数R2达到0.91。通过波形仿真分析发现,光斑尺寸减小有利于大坡度地形的森林信息反演,研究成果对中国未来研制星载激光雷达载荷的系统参数设计具有参考意义。  相似文献   

Intersatellite laser ranging instrument for the GRACE follow-on mission   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) has demonstrated that low–low satellite-to-satellite tracking enables monitoring the time variations of the Earth’s gravity field on a global scale, in particular those caused by mass-transport within the hydrosphere. Due to the importance of long-term continued monitoring of the variations of the Earth’s gravitational field and the limited lifetime of GRACE, a follow-on mission is currently planned to be launched in 2017. In order to minimise risk and the time to launch, the follow-on mission will be basically a rebuild of GRACE with microwave ranging as the primary instrument for measuring changes of the intersatellite distance. Laser interferometry has been proposed as a method to achieve improved ranging precision for future GRACE-like missions and is therefore foreseen to be included as demonstrator experiment in the follow-on mission now under development. This paper presents the top-level architecture of an interferometric laser ranging system designed to demonstrate the technology which can also operate in parallel with the microwave ranging system of the GRACE follow-on mission.  相似文献   

恒星跟踪与人卫激光测距仪望远镜指向修正   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
望远镜的指向精度是人卫激光测距系统的一项重要指标 ,利用对恒星的观测可以修正望远镜的指向精度。本文介绍了在人卫激光测距观测中采用球谐函数模型对望远镜指向进行修正的一种方法 ,并用实际观测值验证了该方法的有效性  相似文献   

Saturation radiance (SR) is one of the important parameters required while designing a sensor and it depends on application requirements as well as sensor requirements. This study describes the procedures for computation of SR values using theoretical calculations of earthatmosphere radiances as well as radiances observed by existing satellites such as IRS-1A/1B LISS-I, Landsat TM and SPOT sensors. A possible set of saturation radiances for IRS-1C LISS-III, WIFS and PAN sensors has been suggested.  相似文献   

本文提出一种利用脉冲扩程的测距装置。它不仅保持了普通脉冲式测距仪的优点,而且还提高了测距精度。文章主要是论述利用微电子技术扩展距离的工作原理,并概要地介绍模拟实验装置。  相似文献   

超站仪是全站仪和GPS接收机的一体化仪器,在CORS网络的支持下,可以实时得到仪器的厘米级精度坐标,通过距离交会,可以实现无定向点设站。文中对该方法做了分析,并进行精度评定。通过实验得出实测结果与理论分析一致,表明文中方法能够满足目前的应用部门对测量的精度要求,且算法简单,方便易行,能极大地提高作业效率,具有一定的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

Large footprint waveform LiDAR sensors have been widely used for numerous airborne studies. Ground peak identification in a large footprint waveform is a significant bottleneck in exploring full usage of the waveform datasets. In the current study, an accurate and computationally efficient algorithm was developed for ground peak identification, called Filtering and Clustering Algorithm (FICA). The method was evaluated on Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS) waveform datasets acquired over Central NY. FICA incorporates a set of multi-scale second derivative filters and a k-means clustering algorithm in order to avoid detecting false ground peaks. FICA was tested in five different land cover types (deciduous trees, coniferous trees, shrub, grass and developed area) and showed more accurate results when compared to existing algorithms. More specifically, compared with Gaussian decomposition, the RMSE ground peak identification by FICA was 2.82 m (5.29 m for GD) in deciduous plots, 3.25 m (4.57 m for GD) in coniferous plots, 2.63 m (2.83 m for GD) in shrub plots, 0.82 m (0.93 m for GD) in grass plots, and 0.70 m (0.51 m for GD) in plots of developed areas. FICA performance was also relatively consistent under various slope and canopy coverage (CC) conditions. In addition, FICA showed better computational efficiency compared to existing methods. FICA’s major computational and accuracy advantage is a result of the adopted multi-scale signal processing procedures that concentrate on local portions of the signal as opposed to the Gaussian decomposition that uses a curve-fitting strategy applied in the entire signal. The FICA algorithm is a good candidate for large-scale implementation on future space-borne waveform LiDAR sensors.  相似文献   

针对城市地下管井测量外业数据采集和处理非智能化、非数字化、费时费力、测量结果数据精度不准确等问题,文中以图像处理技术原理、摄影测量学原理、传感器技术原理为理论基础,研制出一种摄影测量仪。该仪器由CCD镜头相机、激光器、光源笔、PDA、云台,以及绝缘探测杆组成。利用Java语言以Android Studio2.2为开发平台开发出摄影测量解算程序。在地上便可测量,改变测量人员必须下井测量的传统工作模式,降低了作业危险和困难程度,经对6种18口地下井进行测量验证,直径测量相对误差为2.69%,长度测量相对误差为2.94%,宽度测量相对误差为2.47%,符合国家城市地下管线探测技术规程的精度要求。该仪器在城市工程测量以及相关领域具有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

联合作战条件下,战役、战术之间的界限越来越模糊,战术行动在一定情况下具有战略价值。在作战模拟领域,战术模拟系统向上与战略、战役模拟系统对接,为战略、战役推演提供支撑,向下支持单武器的对抗模拟。一致、准确的环境模型是保证战术模拟系统正常运行的基础;战术模拟系统的这种变化对环境模型的建模范围、建模精度提出了更高的要求。坐标系是环境建模的基础,分析了现有模拟系统中坐标系的不足及其对战术模拟的影响;从现代战术模拟的特点出发分析了战术模拟对坐标系的需求;在此基础上,设计了能够满足现代战术模拟要求的坐标系。  相似文献   

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