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上扬子区早奥陶世的岩石地层系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
傅锟  梅冥相 《贵州地质》1990,7(1):27-34
以沉积岩石学特征以及沉积相特征为依据,在前人生物地层研究的基础上,对上扬子区早奥陶世的岩石地层系统、岩石地层分区及其相解释进行论述和介绍.  相似文献   

浙赣边区晚奥陶世地层之新见   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
浙赣两省交界的三山地区(江山、常山、玉山)晚奥陶世Ashgill中期的海相沉积主要包括3种岩相:碳酸盐岩相的三衢山组、碎屑岩相的长坞组以及碳酸盐岩和碎屑岩交互相的下镇组;这3种类型的地层在研究区内的横向分布存在一定规律,即从西南至东北大致为下镇组、三衢山组和长坞组。经详细的生物地层和岩石地层研究,建议取消“大桥灰岩”一名,用“下镇组”代替;整合于三衢山组之上的“文昌组”不宜归为Ashgill晚期,仍属Ashgill中期的沉积。通过系统的生态地层分析,对研究区内各种岩相地层之间的对比也提出了新的意见。  相似文献   

研究了华南上扬子区5条出露完好的下、中奥陶统剖面的生物地层,识别出了研究区下奥陶统至上奥陶统底部8个几丁虫带及2个几丁虫亚带,由下至上分别是Lagenochitina pestovoensis带,Euconochitina symmetrica带,未命名带1,Desmochitina maotaiensis带,Sagenachitina dapingensis带,Lagenochitina esthonica elongate带,未命名带2,Laufeldochitina stentor带,Cyathochitinasp.3亚带及Armoricochitina granulifera亚带。这些化石带与区内同期笔石带、牙形类带以及区外主要块体同期几丁虫带可以进行对比。  相似文献   

上扬子区震旦系层序地层划分   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
上扬子区的震旦系包括陡山沱组和灯影组,前者包含较多的黑色页岩,而后者则以大套白云岩为特征。从岩相序列到米级旋回,从沉积相序列到三级层序,可将浅水台地背景的震旦系划分为5个三级层序,这些三级层序均以总体向上变浅的沉积相序列为特征;该5个三级层序组成一个二级层序,陡山沱组较多的黑色页岩到灯影组大套白云岩所组成的向上变浅序列是该二级层序的主要特点,从而表明二级层序与三级层序具有相似的相序组构。以各个主要剖面点的层序划分为基础,依据地层记录中的两种相变面和两种穿时性,可以建立研究区域震旦系层序地层格架。层序地层格架表明,包含较多的深水黑色页岩系的陡山沱组,代表了大冰期之后的海侵作用的特点;与寒武系的变化特征不同,而原生沉积组构保存较为完好的灯影组白云岩,自北西而南东沉积环境由浅变深的沉积背景中均为白云岩,这种变化特点可能意味着前寒武纪末期特殊的白云石化作用特征,同时也意味着许多有待于进一步研究的沉积学问题。  相似文献   

上扬子区志留纪层序地层特征   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
在稳定的上扬子地区,对志留系(439~409Ma)进行了露头层序地层研究,建立了2个二级层序(不完整)和9个三级层序(OS1- OS9),每个三级层序的时限约3.3Ma, OS1由龙马溪组和香树园组构成。雷家屯组包括2个三级层序。OS4由马脚冲组和溶溪组构成。秀山组和回星哨组构成OS5和OS6层序。OS7位于关底组下部。由关底组上部和妙高组下部组成OS8。OS9由妙高组上部和玉龙寺组构成。OS1和OS7为Ⅰ型层序,其余为Ⅱ型层序。三级层序均发育TST和HST,而缺乏LST和SMST。层序的发育与全球海平面变化有密切关系。加里东运动造成的扬子地台持续上升及差异升降对二级层序的组成具有明显的影响。  相似文献   

扬子克拉通西北缘成冰系沉积学研究相对较少,大巴山城口地区更为薄弱,特别是成冰系木座组/明月组和代安河组是否存在冰川沉积缺乏详细的沉积学解释,制约了对扬子克拉通成冰纪沉积演化过程的理解,也不利于该时期地层格架的厘定和区域对比。本文选择城口地区四个典型成冰系剖面开展精细地层学和沉积学解剖,识别出了发育冰川擦痕砾石、坠石和冰下软沉积变形等冰川沉积标志,证明代安河组和木座组/明月组为冰川成因,并划分出陆相冰川、冰缘和海相冰川等沉积相类型。进而依据岩石组合、沉积特征、上下地层结构、地化指标(如化学蚀变指数等)和碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄等特征将代安河组二分,一段对比古城组,二段对比大塘坡组,木座组/明月组对比南沱组。在此基础上开展了区域对比,重新厘定扬子克拉通西北缘成冰系的地层格架,认为其可与相邻神农架以及扬子克拉通东南缘对比。恢复了城口—神农架地区成冰系沉积演化过程:斯图特冰期发育着由冰海至陆地再至冰海的冰川进退旋回,随后间冰期的广泛海侵形成了碳质粉砂质泥岩为代表的潟湖环境;随着全球气温再次下降引发马雷诺冰期,经历了多次从冰海近缘至冰海远缘的冰川沉积动态演化过程,并伴随有冰盖打开最终至成冰纪结束。研...  相似文献   

上扬子地台下古生界层序地层序列   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究区主要集中于上扬子地台东缘的湘黔交界一带,属于被动大陆边缘的性质,并具有台地、台地边缘、缓坡到盆地的构造古地理分带。其中寒武系以台地边缘和缓坡带为主,位于湘西凤凰一带;奥陶系包括台地、台地边缘、缓坡及盆地,位于湘西北桃园至桃江及湖北宜昌;志留系包...  相似文献   

青龙山位于鄂尔多斯盆地西缘。属华北地层区,陕甘宁盆缘分区,平凉—永寿小区(图1)。鄂尔多斯西缘早奥陶世地层发育。北部的桌子山,在五十—七十年代先后有关士聪、张日东、穆恩之和卢衍豪等,对该区早奥陶世地层、古生物进行研究,分为:三道  相似文献   

童潜明 《地质论评》2017,63(2):337-346
通过十多年来反复观测到的洞庭湖周边近岸岗地的巨砾和网纹红土中孤立镶嵌的包括巨砾级的砾石,以及浏阳市大围山花岗岩岩面上无以数计的臼状圆穴,用排他法进行研究;结合前人对洞庭湖区第四纪的气候信息研究。认为湖南有第四纪山岳冰川活动,支持中国东部中低山区有第四纪冰川活动的认识。  相似文献   

基于成因-环境原则和多指标综合原则,依据昆仑山垭口地区的冰川地貌特征、冰碛物特征和孢粉信息,重建了该地区古环境演化历史。其中,冰碛物中的石英砂扫描电镜结果揭示了冰川、流水、风等地质营力对冰碛物的影响,孢粉分析结果在一定程度上可以恢复当时的植被类型。根据垭口冰碛ESR年龄280 ka B.P.和冰碛剖面特征,将其时代暂定为300~260 ka B.P.;根据纳赤台地区的冰川地貌和沉积物特征,确定纳赤台后沟沉积为冰水扇沉积,纳赤台冰期为600~400 ka B.P.;根据玉虚峰U形谷两道侧碛垄的ESR和OSL年龄将其时代暂定为末次冰期早-中期。结合前人的研究成果,将昆仑山垭口地区的冰期序列厘定为望昆冰期(700~500 ka B.P.)、纳赤台冰期(600~400 ka B.P.)、垭口冰期(300~260 ka B.P.)、玉虚峰冰期(115~44 ka B.P.)、本头山冰期(20~13 ka B.P.)。  相似文献   

Trace fossils are described here from the Adigrat Sandstone formation of hitherto uncertain Palaeozoic-Mesozoic age in south-central Eritrea. The formation is subdivided into a lower unit, the Adi MaEkheno Member, and an upper informal unit, Member 2. The formation was deposited on the locally mudcracked top of the glacigenic Edaga Arbi Beds, suggesting that these two rock units were formed in a very short time interval. The Adi MaEkheno Member and the lower part of Member 2 contain trace fossils Arthrophycus alleghaniensis (Harlan), Arthrophycus ?brongniartii (Harlan), Didymaulichnus lyelli (Rouault), Palaeophycus tubularis Hall, Taenidium isp., thin winding ridges, winding ridges and furrows, simple cylinders, and ‘stellate’ forms. A. alleghaniensis is distinctively of Ordovician–Silurian (?Early Devonian) age. The trace fossil association belongs to the Cruziana ichnofacies that indicates a shallow marine environment between the normal and storm wave bases. The trace fossil data and stratigraphic relationships indicate that the Adigrat Sandstone formation and the Edaga Arbi Beds in Eritrea are Ordovician–Silurian in age. The Edaga Arbi Beds are correlated with other Upper Ordovician (Hirnantian) glacial units in northern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, lending these beds the status of a marker unit in the Lower Palaeozoic stratigraphy of the Horn of Africa. The Jurassic “Adigrat Sandstone” in central-west and eastern Ethiopia cannot be correlated with the Adigrat Sandstone formation in its type area and in Eritrea.  相似文献   

Investigation of the Upper Carboniferous to Lower Permian sedimentary strata of central Spitsbergen shows that this highly cyclic rock succession is composed of four long-term transgressive–regressive cycles. These long-term cycles are themselves composed of stacked higher order cycles. Transgressive phases are characterized by increasing accommodation space, and include a basal transgressive part of marked retrogradation of facies belts and thickening-upward component cycles. Regressive phases are characterized by decreasing accommodation space, displayed by progradation of facies belts, overall shallowing and increased restriction of the depositional environment, influx of coarse terrigenous sediments and increasing evidence of exposure and/or non-deposition. The oldest transgressive–regressive sequence identified, Sequence 1, is of Serpukhovian to Bashkirian age and represents a syn-rift sequence. Also composed of syn-rift sediments is the transgressive–regressive Moscovian to mid-Gzhelian-aged Sequence 2. The late Gzhelian to late Asselian Sequence 3 is mainly a post-rift sequence. The youngest sequence, Sequence 4, is of Sakmarian to possible Artinskian age, and is also composed of post-rift sediments. The individual transgressive–regressive cycles are defined as second-order cycles, based on lithological signatures, lateral extent of bounding unconformities, and the actual time period the cycles span. Local tectonic activity is believed to control to some extent the development of short-term cycles in the syn-rift succession. However, cyclicity within the long-term cycles is mainly controlled by eustatic sea-level fluctuations, and therefore enables them to be correlated to other Circum-Arctic regions. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotopic stage 5/4 boundary in deep-sea sediments marks a prominent interval of northern hemisphere ice-sheet growth that lasted about 10,000 yr. During much of this rapid ice growth, the North Atlantic Ocean from at least 40°N to 60°N maintained warm sea-surface temperatures, within 1° to 2°C of today's subpolar ocean. This oceanic warmth provided a local source of moisture for ice-sheet accretion on the adjacent continents. The unusually strong thermal gradient off the east coast of North America (an “interglacial” ocean alongside a “glacial” land mass) also should have directed low-pressure storms from warm southern latitudes north-ward toward the Laurentide Ice Sheet. In addition, minimal calving of ice into the North Atlantic occurred during most of the stage 5/4 transition, indicative of ice retention within the continents. Diminished summer and autumn insolation, a warm subpolar ocean, and minimal calving of ice are conducive to rapid and extensive episodes of northern hemisphere ice-sheet growth.  相似文献   

本文首次报道了北祁连冷龙岭地区上奥陶统扣门子组牙形石,共识别鉴定出牙形石5属,9种,其中3个未定种,根据牙形石的分布规律,建立了1个牙形石组合:Aphelognathus grandis - Panderodus gracilis组合。笔者通过对研究区牙形石组合与国内外其他地区相同层位的牙形石带对比,并结合扣门子组其它古生物化石资料,将北祁连冷龙岭地区扣门子组的时代重新厘定为晚奥陶世桑比期—赫南特期中期,相当于中国地层年表的艾家山期晚期—钱塘江期中期。  相似文献   

A. G. PLINT 《Sedimentology》1984,31(2):213-225
The Lower Headon and Upper Barton Beds of Hampshire, southern England, consist of fine sands, silts and clays, often fossiliferous, with lignitic and carbonate horizons. They accumulated in a coastal environment following deposition of the marine Lower and Middle Barton Beds. A variety of distinctive facies can be defined on faunal and lithological grounds, and these permit palaeoenvironments to be defined with some precision. Littoral marine, barrier island shoreface, storm washover and barrier flat, brackish lagoon, distributary channel and floodplain lake environments are recognized. The evidence suggests that a barrier island or spit developed offshore, enclosing a sheltered inshore region of lagoons in which deposition of relatively fine-grained sediments took place. Lagoonal sediments show a general trend towards reduction of salinity with time. With the eventual exclusion of marine influence, the area underwent a gradual transition to river-dominated sedimentation in shallow flood-plain lakes. While the sequence as a whole shows a progressive reduction in salinity, several brief periods of increased salinity are recognized and these reflect the very low topography of the region and its susceptibility to marine incursion.  相似文献   

Thirteen samples from three cores and boreholes are examined using micromorphology to test existing interpretations of Late Quaternary sedimentary sequences from the Norwegian Channel, North Sea Fan and the North Sea Plateau. Previous studies have interpreted these sediments using arbitrary parameters as reflecting Late Weichselian subglacial and glacimarine conditions associated with the Scandinavian Ice Sheet and Norwegian Channel ice stream. This study develops existing micromorphological criteria to interpret the samples as reflecting specific processes of subglacial deformation and proximal and distal glacimarine sedimentation during and subsequent to the Last Glacial Maximum. The study concludes by outlining diagnostic criteria for the identification of these sediment types from core and borehole samples of other Quaternary sediments.  相似文献   

Sixteen occurrences of fossils of Ordovician land plants are recorded from Kazakhstan. These plant remains occur together with a fauna which dates the beds as Upper Ordovician (Caradocian). The fragmentary specimens belong to at least three ancient types of land flora: Psilopsida, Lycopsida, and Sphenopsida. Additional material may belong to the Pteropsida. New genera and species of Lycopsida and Sphenopsida are recognized. The author suggests that conclusions regarding the existence of three consecutive Devonian faunas and regarding the Psilopsida as ancestors of land plants are open to criticism in light of these recent discoveries of varied pre-Devonian floras. — H.C. Kent.  相似文献   

A. Delabroye  M. Vecoli 《Earth》2010,98(3-4):269-282
This paper proposes a global review of Hirnantian event stratigraphy. The Hirnantian GSSP in south China is tentatively correlated with latest Ordovician strata from the peri-Gondwanan “glacial” regions. Problems of biostratigraphical correlation are highlighted. At a worldwide scale, the major biostratigraphically useful fossil groups (graptolites, chitinozoans, brachiopods, conodonts, acritarchs) are analysed and their limits for global correlation of the uppermost Ordovician are discussed. Palaeobiogeographical disparities are invoked as the primary cause of the difficulty in establishing an effective Late Ordovician global biostratigraphical scheme. As an alternative correlative tool, the HICE (Hirnantian Isotopic Curve Excursion) event is often put forward in the literature. However, carbon isotope chemostratigraphy shows, like biostratigraphy, some limits to the present state of knowledge. No good independent biostratigraphical control of the HICE exists in both shallow carbonate deposits and deeper shaly ones. Recent studies have also demonstrated inconsistencies between carbon isotopic signals obtained from organic (δ13Corg) and inorganic (δ13Ccarb) carbon species, further complicating the use of the HICE as an isochronous benchmark.All of these difficulties for Hirnantian event stratigraphy are discussed in detail in order to enable them to be overcome in the future. Precise Late Ordovician and early Silurian event stratigraphies are essential for the understanding of the mechanisms linked to the first of the “Big Five” extinctions.  相似文献   

High-resolution seismic and bathymetric data offshore southeast Ireland and LIDaR data in County Waterford are presented that partially overlap previous studies. The observed Quaternary stratigraphic succession offshore southeast Ireland (between Dungarvan and Kilmore Quay) records a sequence of depositional and erosional events that supports regional glacial models derived from nearby coastal sediment stratigraphies and landforms. A regionally widespread, acoustically massive facies interpreted as the ‘Irish Sea Till’ infills an uneven, channelized bedrock surface overlying irregular mounds and deposits in bedrock lows that are probably earlier Pleistocene diamicts. The till is truncated and overlain by a thin, stratified facies, suggesting the development of a regional palaeolake following ice recession of the Irish Sea Ice Stream. A north–south oriented seabed ridge to the north is interpreted as an esker, representing southward flowing subglacial drainage associated with a restricted ice sheet advance of the Irish Ice Sheet onto the Celtic Sea shelf. Onshore topographic data reveal streamlined bedforms that corroborate a southerly advance of ice onto the shelf across County Waterford. The combined evidence supports previous palaeoglaciological models. Significantly, for the first time, this study defines a southern limit for a Late Midlandian Irish Ice Sheet advance onto the Celtic Sea shelf. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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