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In summer and winter, 1987,and in spring and autumn, 1988, the concentrations and size distribution of marine aerosols were measured over the East China Sea and the South Japan Sea. This paper deals with the study on the seasonal variation of the marine aerosols with the meteorological parameters, the differences and the relations between the marine and continental aerosols. The results show that the marine aerosol concentrations and size distribution over the East China Sea have distinct seasonal change characteristics, which may be attributed to the East Asian atmospheric circulation. The size distribution is discussed by using a three-parameter size distribution model.  相似文献   

中国近海及其邻近海域海气热通量的模式计算   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
应用美国宇航局Goddard地球观测系统四维资料同化系统计算和分析了近海海域感热通量和潜热通量的季节性变化规律和地理分布特征.结果表明,近海各季感热通量冬、秋季较大,春、夏季较小.其地理分布特点是冬季感热通量的分布随纬度变化十分明显,纬度越高感热通量越大,且等值线分布密集.在台湾以东、日本以南海域,感热通量等值线呈西南一东北走向.在南海海域,感热通量比周围海域略低,感热通量等值线在该海域呈一低值倒槽分布;潜热通量冬、秋季在台湾东北部、日本南部和东南部海域形成最大值区,等值线呈西南东北走向.春、夏季在黄海海域存在潜热通量的极小值区,同时春季在日本南部海域存在潜热通量的极大值区或最大值区.因为台湾以东、日本以南海域正好是黑潮流经的区域,所以此海域的热通量与黑潮有密切关系.  相似文献   

1 IwrRODUcrIONIt is necessary to understand disastrous weather systems as the activities of exploitingand uti1izing marine resources, especialIy for the needs of navigation and oil-gas prospecting.Typhoon is the most frequent and dangerous disastrous weather system in summer-autumnseason in the Nolthwest Pacific Ocean. The explosive cyclogenesis developing quickly overocean is the most terrible weather system in winteL The explosive cycnogenesis grows fastwith high intensity of violent wi…  相似文献   

The role of surfactant organic matter in marine aerosol production has been studied under conditions in which there is a large coverage of whitecaps on the sea surface. To improve the knowledge of matter exchange and pollutant recycling from the sea surface into the atmosphere, a spray drop adsorption model (SDAM) was developed and the validity of the proposed model verified by the following experimental results: (1) an increase of surfactant matter on the sea surface during rough sea conditions (‘surface wave concentration'); (2) an (hyperbolic-like) increase of the enrichment ratio (ER) of surfactant fluorescent organic matter (SFOM), made up predominantly by humic substances (HS), as the particle size decrease; (3) a similar behaviour for elements with pollutant properties, and which are known to interact with HS and other surfactant materials, considered pollution tracers. An additional laboratory experiment, based on the adsorption model conditions, gives enrichment ratio greater than unity for K and Ca. The first results on marine aerosols trapped in marine clouds (at 1000 m above sea level and at 100 km from the coast) seem to further support the proposed model and its ability to predict the transition from saline to almost entirely organic particles for the smaller fractions of marine aerosols. The possible contribution of these particles to the recycling and to the long range transport of pollutants via marine aerosols has been considered.  相似文献   

中国近海大气气溶胶的时间和地理分布特征   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:21  
刘毅  周明煜 《海洋学报》1999,21(1):32-40
通过对中国近海10个航次气溶胶观测资料的统计分析得出:(1)从黄海、东海至日本以南海域气溶胶中地壳元素年平均浓度明显减小,在春季尘暴多发期间地壳元素浓度离到岸距离接指数规律递减.污染元素气溶胶浓度分布与陆源排放量和离岸距离有一定关系.(2)海上陆源气溶胶浓度的季节分布为:春季最大,秋冬次之,夏季最小.受日本排放源的影响,日本以南海域污染元素浓度最大值出现在冬季.(3)Se元素浓度与海洋源密切相关.海盐元素从黄海、东海至日本以南海域浓度逐渐增加,主要受周围海况影响,与风速呈现一定程度的正相关.影响近海气溶胶浓度的主要因素有陆源气溶胶排放量、降水分布和大尺度天气形势.  相似文献   

1998年南极中山站海洋气溶胶的化学组成及其来源判别   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从1998年3月7日至1999年3月2日历时12个月,在南极中山站连续采集52个海洋气溶胶样品,提供全部样品的13种化学元素铜、铅、锌、镉、铁、铝、锰、铬、钒、钾、钠、钙、镁含量的实测值.研究表明中山站气溶胶化学成分的含量具有季节性变化的特征.通过富集因子、相关分析、因子分析等方法判别中山站气溶胶化学成分的来源.  相似文献   

海洋表层气泡运动规律的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了海洋表层气泡运动和半径变化的数学模型,通过计算发现一定深度的气泡存在一个临界半径;在一定初始深度气泡的半径小于临界半径时不能到达水面,随着时间的增长,气泡半径逐渐变小,直至最终溶解;气泡的半径大于临界半径时,气泡随着时间的增长,半径逐渐增大,直至达到水面破碎;气泡的初始深度不同,其临界半径也不同;半径在临界点附近的气泡的存活时间最长.对海洋表层气泡运动规律的研究对了解海洋表层气泡的分布规律有重要意义.  相似文献   

Metabolism (respiration and ammonia excretion rates) and chemical composition data [water content, ash, carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and C:N ratios] of a total of between 6–32 species of pteropods (thecosomes and gymnosomes) and heteropods from ≤500 m depth of the world’s oceans were compiled. Among the independent variables designated (body mass, habitat temperature, sampling depth, taxon), body mass and habitat temperature were significant predictors of metabolism, attributing to 85 % of the variance in respiration rates and 69 % of the variance in ammonia excretion rates. Atomic O:N ratios (respiration:ammonia excretion) ranged from 7.0 to 100 (median 14.5), and no appreciable effects of the variables were detected. A significant negative correlation of C and N compositions and habitat temperature was seen only in the thecosomes. As judged by the concomitant increase in C:N ratios with increasing habitat temperature, a greater deposition of inorganic C (as CaCO3–C) in the shell of the warmer-living species was suggested. Compared with other zooplankton (copepods, chaetognaths, and euphausiids), the thecosomes were characterized by higher respiration rates per unit body N and larger ash content by having possession of calcareous shells. Because of the shells, C and N composition expressed as % of dry mass of the thecosomes were lower than those of the other zooplankton taxa.  相似文献   

Characterization of the proteinaceous matter in marine aerosols   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Marine aerosols play a dominant role in the transfer of oceanic material to the atmosphere. Most marine aerosol originates when air bubbles burst at the sea surface ejecting material from the sea surface microlayer and bubble surface layers into the air. Concentrations of chemical compounds in these surface layers often differ from their concentrations in bulk water. We examined the enrichment of aerosols with proteinaceous matter and attempted to characterize the physical nature and sources of this matter. We measured concentrations of dissolved free (DFAA), dissolved combined (DCAA), and particulate (PAA) amino acids, transparent stainable particles (TSP), and bacteria and virus-like particles as carriers of protein, in natural and simulated aerosols. We also evaluated D/L ratios certain amino acids in all amino acid fractions.DFAA and DCAA enriched the aerosols we sampled by 1.2–20 times compared to bulk seawater; PAA enrichment was usually higher (up to 50-fold). Aerosols contained particles typical of seawater, e.g., microorganisms, organic debris, inorganic particles with adsorbed organic matter, but also a large number of semitransparent gel-like particles, which all contained amino acids. Some of these particles were probably scavenged from bulk water, but new particles produced as bubbles burst at the surface comprised at least 10% of total proteinaceous matter in the aerosol. D/L ratios of certain amino acid suggested that the particles were most likely made from dissolved polymers secreted by phytoplankton that were concentrated on bubble surfaces and in the microlayer. Examination with Alcian Blue (a dye that targets carbohydrates) and Coomassie Blue (a dye that targets proteins) showed that most TSP in the aerosols contained both proteins and polysaccharides. Microorganisms enriched the aerosols by up to two orders of magnitude, but contributed less than 4% to the total protein pool.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThebulktransfermethodanddirectmeasurementorgradientmeasurementmethodareusuallyusedforthefluxobservationandcalculation.ThesemethodsprovidethefluxvaluesonlyinthelOCationwherethemeasurementsarecarriedout.Inrecentyearsscientistsbegantousemodelcombinedwithremotesensingdataforcalculationofflux.Itsmainpropertyistoobtainthefluxdistributionoverawideareasimultaneouslyandunderstandthegeographicaldistributioncharacterisiticsoffluxconvenientlyanddirectly.Inthispaper,wewillcalculatethegeog…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheHaitanIslandislocatedalongthecoastinthemiddlesectionofFujianProvince.ItfacestheTaiwanStraitoneast,bordersontheHaitanStraitonwest,andholdsthestrategicpassageoftheFuqingBay.ThegeographicalPOsitionoftheislandissituatedbetween25'33,--25"40'Nand119o41,--119"52'E.Coveringanareaof251.4km2,itisamongthelargestislandsinFujianProvince.BasedondataofacomprehensiveinvestigationintheseaareaoftheHaitanIslandduringMay1990andJune1993,thegeochemicalcharacteristicsofCo,,,N,P,Fe,Al,T…  相似文献   

The world׳s oceans are currently undergoing an unprecedented period of industrialisation, made possible by advances in technology and driven by our growing need for food, energy and resources. This is placing the oceans are under intense pressure, and the ability of existing marine governance frameworks to sustainably manage the marine environment is increasingly being called into question. Emerging industries are challenging all aspects of these frameworks, raising questions regarding ownership and rights of the sea and its resources, management of environmental impacts, and management of ocean space. This paper uses the emerging marine renewable energy (MRE) industry, particularly in the United Kingdom (UK), as a case study to introduce and explore some of the key challenges. The paper concludes that the challenges are likely to be extensive and argues for development of a comprehensive legal research agenda to advance both MRE technologies and marine governance frameworks.  相似文献   

By example of a testing area in the northern Caspian Sea, a case study has been conducted to examine the feasibility of indication of near-bottom water transport from the data of ocean color scanners (OCS) for the basins whose bottom is shallower than the lower limit of the water-leaving radiance origination layer. The testing area has provided the desirable diversity of radiance origination conditions owing to an isolated underwater ridge. Based on the archived materials of the OCS SeaWiFS for 2000–2004, statistics of spectral normalized water-leaving radiances of the testing area have been computed. Hypothetically, the displacements of a radiance maximum in reference to the ridge were due to different mechanisms of interaction of water motions with bottom relief and bottom sediments. The correspondence between the patterns of radiance maximum displacements and the current notions of general water transport in the vicinity of the testing area has been established. Hopefully, the archived data of OCSs can be useful for revealing the patterns of seasonal and interannual variability of the near-bottom water transport at shallows with favorable bottom properties.  相似文献   

On the basis of numerical simulation of the mean circulation and relevant thermal-salinity fields in June with a three-dimensional ocean model (ECOM-si), the model outputs are used as first guess of initial fields for numerical integration of the model equations and the numerical results are applied to investigating the dynamical responses of the Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea (HECS) in the course of a weak land-to-sea cyclone‘s passage over the Huanghai Sea on 15-16 June 1999. Predominance of the dynamic impact of cyclone over the thermal one in June in the HECS is justified using observations and model simulations.The cyclone and its surrounding weather system, i.e,, subtropical high ridge to its south could influence current and thermal fields in the Bohai Sea, the Huanghai Sea and the northern East China Sea even though the intensity of cyclone was rather weak. The response of oceanic currents to the wind stresses driven by the cyclone and its southern subtropical high were strongly characterized by the wind drift with its extent of equivalent scale of cyclone in the horizontal and of Ekman layer in the vertical. The sea response at a given site was closely related to the transient local wind speed and direction,especially was sensitive to the local wind direction,which is demonstrated at three points locating at the southern and western Huanghai Sea and the northern East China Sea. So the sea responses at locations differed considerably from one another. Current responded to the wind stress in a simple way:directly to the wind-driven current and subsequent gradient current and slope current, etc., whereas sea temperature responded to the wind stress in two ways: directly to the cyclone-induced cooling and indirectly to water movements both in the horizontal and the vertical by the cyclone‘ s wind stress. So the sea temperature variation under the influence of cyclone was more complicate than the current. The HECS in response to the cyclone and its ambient weather system was likely to be a fast process and such a response could last at least for more than 1d. Current increased with the duration of wind stress exerted on the surface and decreased with the increasing depth. Affected by the cyclone, the maximum sea surface temperature decreased by almost 1.6℃ during the 24h cyclone.  相似文献   

Locally enhanced turbulent mixing over rough bottom bathymetry is one of the candidates that might make up for the lack of diapycnal diffusivity in maintaining the global overturning circulation. In the present study, using a two-dimensional vertical numerical model for the Brazil Basin, we numerically examine the intensity and vertical structure of tide-induced mixing over multi-beam bottom bathymetry via the comparison with those over somewhat smoothed bottom bathymetry. Note that even this smoothed bottom bathymetry is finer than in commonly used datasets. In comparison to the response over the smoothed bottom bathymetry, energy dissipation rates are enhanced within a few hundred meters over the multi-beam bottom bathymetry. In spite of several limitations of the two-dimensional vertical numerical model, the magnitude and vertical distribution of the calculated dissipation rates agree well with those from microstructure measurements. We find that tidal interaction with fine-scale (≤2 km) bottom bathymetry efficiently generates high wavenumber internal waves, which are subject to local energy dissipation and hence strongly control the abyssal mixing; the most important finding is that the intensity and vertical decay scale of abyssal mixing are in a trade-off relationship with each other, which is not taken into account in the existing parameterizations.  相似文献   

The ocean captures a large part of the anthropogenic carbon dioxide emitted to the atmosphere. As a result of the increase in CO2 partial pressure the ocean pH is lowered as compared to pre-industrial times and a further decline is expected. Ocean acidification has been proposed to pose a major threat for marine organisms, particularly shell-forming and calcifying organisms. Here we show, on the basis of meta-analysis of available experimental assessments, differences in organism responses to elevated pCO2 and propose that marine biota may be more resistant to ocean acidification than expected. Calcification is most sensitive to ocean acidification while it is questionable if marine functional diversity is impacted significantly along the ranges of acidification predicted for the 21st century. Active biological processes and small-scale temporal and spatial variability in ocean pH may render marine biota far more resistant to ocean acidification than hitherto believed.  相似文献   

《Ocean Engineering》1999,26(5):463-483
Marine clay deposits are encountered in the coastal regions of the world. They are soft in consistency with low shear strength and are highly compressible. The properties of these deposits are complex and diverse, and they mainly depend on the minerals present and microstructural arrangement of constituent particles. In the present investigation, the physico-chemical properties of the sediment samples obtained from marine deposits of east and west metropolitan coastal cities of India are discussed, and the test results obtained are compared with the synthetic samples such as bentonite and kaolinite. Mineralogical and fabric studies were carried out using scanning electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction techniques. Several consolidation and strength tests were carried out to study the engineering behaviour of these deposits. The strength and compressibility (Cc) values of these deposits varies from 27 to 45 kN/m2 and 0.37 to 0.81 respectively. XRD studies confirm the presence of highly compressible clay minerals such as smectite, vermiculite, chlorite and traces of the low swelling mineral, kaolinite. The fabric studies indicate that the constituent particles were arranged in an open network, or flocculated structure resulting in a high void ratio.  相似文献   

Marine clay deposits are encountered in the coastal regions of the world. They are soft in consistency with low shear strength and are highly compressible. The properties of these deposits are complex and diverse, and they mainly depend on the minerals present and microstructural arrangement of constituent particles. In the present investigation, the physico-chemical properties of the sediment samples obtained from marine deposits of east and west metropolitan coastal cities of India are discussed, and the test results obtained are compared with the synthetic samples such as bentonite and kaolinite. Mineralogical and fabric studies were carried out using scanning electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction techniques. Several consolidation and strength tests were carried out to study the engineering behaviour of these deposits. The strength and compressibility (Cc) values of these deposits varies from 27 to 45 kN/m2 and 0.37 to 0.81 respectively. XRD studies confirm the presence of highly compressible clay minerals such as smectite, vermiculite, chlorite and traces of the low swelling mineral, kaolinite. The fabric studies indicate that the constituent particles were arranged in an open network, or flocculated structure resulting in a high void ratio.  相似文献   

21世纪被称为"海洋世纪",但由于人类复杂的生产活动,大量的垃圾正有意或无意的被投放入海洋环境中,这将导致全球范围内近岸污染,包括生态环境恶化,生物资源锐减等问题。本研究以天津高沙岭、上海南汇嘴和深圳大铲湾三地的海滩为研究区域,通过对三个海滩垃圾的种类、时空特征及相关性进行统计分析,以期了解中国近海不同海滩的海滩垃圾分布特征,为我国海洋垃圾监测和调查、监督和管理等起到一定的指导作用。结果显示,海滩垃圾不同种类间数量差异较大,三年间垃圾数量大体呈逐年增加的趋势,且不同的海滩,垃圾数量和种类都存在明显差异。  相似文献   

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