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Scorpaena notata is a small, sedentary scorpaenid species widely distributed in the Mediterranean and adjacent waters of the Atlantic. In the western Mediterranean it inhabits coastal continental shelf bottoms. In the Balearic Islands, these bottoms are characterised by the presence of the facies with red algae, including both Peyssonnelia and mäerl beds. These beds enhance the structural complexity, biodiversity and secondary production of the soft bottoms. Due to the oceanographic conditions of the Islands, the facies with red algae are especially rich in terms of biomass and algal coverage, and are widespread distributed between 40 and 90 m depth, where trawlers exploiting the continental shelf operate. The present work studies the biology of S. notata and its relationship with habitat characteristics. Special attention is focused on the aspects related to fish condition and growth as a tool to assess the importance of the facies with red algae for fish.  相似文献   

The life habits and microhabitat selection of speleophilic gobiid fishes were investigated on the Balearic Island of Ibiza (western Mediterranean Sea). Corcyrogobius liechtensteini (Kolombatović, 1891) was the most frequent species within submarine crevices, cavities and caves. Didogobius splechtnai Ahnelt & Patzner, 1995 co-occurred with C. liechtensteini in several cases but showed a clear spatial separation based on a different microhabitat preference. The microhabitat selection of both species was confirmed by habitat-choice experiments in anaquarium. Corcyrogobius liechtensteini was frequent in depths between 5 m and 25 m and attained abundances of 14.2 individuals · m−2. This species inhabited the ceilings and upper parts of the walls within the caves. D. splechtnai was mainly found between 7 m and 11 m and showed abundances of approximately 2 indivi-duals · m−2. This species occupied the fine sediment bottoms in the innermost parts of crevices and caves. The growth and the maximum age of both species were determined by length-frequency distributions. The overall sex ratio from catches of three different years are given for C. liechtensteini .  相似文献   

Abstract. The relative palatability of 13 algae common in the kelp beds of the west coast of the Cape Peninsula, South Africa, is experimentally investigated with respect to feeding by the sea urchin Parechinus angulosus.
We investigated 2 hypotheses: 1) that this important herbivore would feed selectively on these algae and 2) that Desmarestia firma, one of these algae, would be unattractive to Parechinus on account of the H2S04 in the thallus.
Algal preferences are determined from 3 types of feeding experiment, results of which support our first hypothesis, and allow us to group the algae into 3 arbitrary categories: "preferred", "intermediate", and "non-preferred". To explain these patterns, we measured "relative astringen-cy" of each species (essentially a phenol measurement), and phenol content of 4 species (FOUN-DENIS method). Rates of feeding on single species are negatively correlated with relative astringen-cies (r = 0.76, P = 0.99). The high relative astringency of D. firma is caused by its high (18 % per dry mass) H2S04 content, and it is non-preferred. Our results therefore support our second hypothesis. Other implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. In Revellata Bay Gulf of Calvi, Corsica, France, the sparid fish Sarpa salpa L. is the main macro-consumer of Posidonia oceanica L. D elile leaf. Stomach contents were analysed and 13C/12C isotopic ratios were measured in fish muscle and potential food sources algae, P. oceanica leaf and its epiphytes to determine their relative contribution to the fish diet. S. salpa has an age-related mixed diet: juveniles are plankton feeders, young, sub-adults and adults are herbivorous, and, the older the individuals, the higher the relative contribution of P. oceanica to the diet. Our results and former studies of carbon stocks and fluxes in the P. oceanica bed of Revellata Bay have enabled an estimation of the general impact of S. salpa grazing on infralittoral communities: the studied species consumes 24 g C.m-2 -a-1 from P. oceanica leaf, 4.8 from epiphytes and 13 from epilithic algae. The fish net production and biomass turnover in that zone have been estimated to be 1.2gC.m-2.a-1 and 1.5 a-1, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract. Bacterial (direct and heterotrophic counts, heterotrophic potentials) and organic matter (org C, org N) parameters were studied over 2 years in the surface sediments of 3 stations located on the continental shelf (station A: 15m; station B: 35m) and slope (station C: 910m) in the northwestern Mediterranean Basin.
Although logistic constraints did not allow a satisfactory sampling periodicity in the offshore survey, some seasonal trends were still observable at the deepest station. Variations were quantitatively more important in the two shallow sediments (from 3×102 heterotrophic bacteria – ml-1 in December 1984 to 107 heterotrophic bacteria-ml-1 in March 1986). Epifluorcsccncc direct counts were relatively constant (5×108 cells-ml-1), while heterotrophic potentials (with 14C labelled glucose and glutamic acid) showed a succession of very short pulses over the year. Different concentrations of organic matter (from 0.2% orgC at 15m to 0.8% orgC at 35m) appeared to sustain very similar bacterial numbers. Nevertheless, a certain relation between the seasonal evolution of bacterial and organic matter parameters was discernable. Although depth apparently had no measurable effect on maximal spring bacterial densities, it seemed to lessen the summer and winter decreases in the two shallow stations.  相似文献   

Abstract. Studies on leaf growth and production were performed in two stands, at depths of 5 m and 22m, in the Posidonia oceanica (L.) D elile bed off Lacco Ameno, Ischia (Gulf of Naples). Experiments were carried out in situ from May 1988 to August 1989 at monthly intervals.
Leaf growth and production profiles differed in the two stands investigated. Growth rates were higher at 5 m, with a peak in autumn (5.8 mg · shoot-1· d-1) and another in March (3.8 mg · shoot-1· d-1). At 22 m the maximum rate occurred in May (3.9 mg · shoot-1· d-1). These differential growth rates resulted in a delayed maximum leaf surface and biomass at the deep stand, where lower irradiance values and different temperature patterns were also found. The biomass of epiphytic algae showed trends similar to those of leaves; however, there were remarkable differences in the values between the two stations and for the two investigated years.
The production data of the present study are compared with those of other reports, and it is shown that growth processes are greatly influenced by physical factors.  相似文献   

Abstract. Results from sediment trap experiments in Bogue Sound, North Carolina, indicate that meiofauna from a wide variety of taxa and benthic habitats are regularly suspended in the subtidal water column. Interstitial species are estimated to account for 10–30 % of the suspended meiofauna. Measurements of suspended nematode concentrations, when compared with wind and current velocity records, suggest that in Bogue Sound, shoaling and breaking waves are more important than tidal currents in controlling meiofauna erosion and deposition. Linear regression analysis indicates that 80% (r = 0.907) of the variation in suspended nematode density is correlated with changes in the mean onshore-offshore component of local wind velocity. Nematode turnover associated with spring and summer coastal wind patterns is estimated to be several hundred animals per m2per day. Once suspended, meiofauna may be carried up to 10 km per day by residual currents in the Sound. Although erosion, transport and deposition of benthic nematodes by wave and current action appears to provide an effective means of dispersal along continental coastlines, the high settling velocity of nematodes suspended in Bogue Sound (on the order of 10-4m s-1) suggests that net downward flux in shelf and slope waters probably prevents their dispersal across ocean basins by surface currents.  相似文献   

Carmen-Pia  Günther 《Marine Ecology》1996,17(1-3):117-130
Abstract. The development of temporary Mytilus edulis beds and their associated macro fauna was studied on an intertidal sand flat in the German Wadden sea during 1986 by comparing mussel beds with bare sandy areas of the same tidal elevation. Macro fauna samples We taken with a 100 cm2 corer (penetration depth 27 cm, mesh size 0.5 mm, 5 parallel samples).
Numbers of taxa and diversity were higher in the mussel beds compared to the sandy areas. The abundance of macro fauna organisms decreased with the age of the mussel bed, whereas the relative abundance of species was not strongly affected. Hydrobia ulvae , oligochaetes, and Heteromastus filiformis dominated the macro fauna inside as well as outside the mussel beds. Among the lower ranks of dominance changes in species composition were observed due to increasing densities of opportunistic polychaetes.
About six weeks after the establishment of the mussel beds a higher abundance of Capitella spp., Polydora ligni, Tharyx marioni , and nemerteans occurred within the mussel beds while other species such as Hydrobia ulvae and Pygospio elegans showed a significantly lower abundance compared to the adjacent flat. Macoma balthica as well as Mya arenaria were not affected by the alteration of a bare sand flat to a mussel bed. O-group Carcinus maenas reached their highest abundance in the mussel beds (over 1000 indiv. m-2). In contrast juvenile Crangon crangon preferred the bare sand flat. After destruction of the mussel beds by an early autumn storm, species abundance and composition was similar to the situation before the mussel beds had become established.  相似文献   

Abstract. A seasonal sampling program of five stations off the Island of Rhodes (SE Aegean Sea) was carried out in 1983–1984. Temperature, salinity, Secchi disk transparency, P-PO4, N-NO3, N-NO2, N-NH3, Si-SiO2, and chl a were measured and phytoplankton species recorded. Cell concentrations and chl a varied seasonally. with the highest values in summer (l.2 times 104 -1--1 total mean cells; 0.13 mgam-3 total mean chl a ) and the lowest in winter (2.3 times 103, 1--1 total mean cells; 0.06 mg.m-- total mean chl a ). A variation in cell abundance among stations was also noted. Quantitative relationships among the recorded taxa showed that diatoms and dinoflagellates were richer in species composition (88 and 58 total species, respectively) than coccolithophores (8 species) and other flagellates (8 species). Comparison of phytoplankton samples from different depths and stations by cluster analysis showed an irregularity or discontinuity in species associations. The SE Aegean Sea was characterized as oligotrophic on the basis of the estimated nutrient and phytoplankton concentration levels.  相似文献   

Hardbottoms are sequence boundaries and condensed sections that offer clues for the interpretation of the incomplete record of Tertiary continental shelf evolution. Seaward of 5 km, 50% of the inner west-central Florida shelf seafloor is flat hardbottom. These lithified surfaces are punctuated by shorefacing, scarped hardbottoms that trend shore-parallel (330°–0°) and vary in relief (up to 4 m). Scarped hardbottoms are the only natural relief on the inner shelf and support a diverse benthic community, the activities of which erode the outcrops, producing undercuts in excess of 1 m. Outcropping hardbottom strata are comprised of distinct, phosphate-rich, mixed carbonate–siliciclastic lithofacies, that range in age from Miocene to Quaternary. Miocene units are dolomite-rich and mark the upper surface of the inner shelf bedrock (Hawthorn Group). Dolomite within these beds (silt-sized, cloudy centered rhombs) fall into two age groups, correlating with highstands at 15 and 5 Ma. This lithofacies is consistent with models that indicate an increased flux of organic matter – resulting from topographically induced upwelling – promoting dolomitization during early burial diagenesis in the sulfate-reduction zone. Quaternary units are calcite-rich and perched atop the shelf bedrock. Samples of these units record a complex diagenetic history and multiple sea-level fluctuations. Based on evidence of primary marine cementation, they are interpreted to be hardground (non-deposition) surfaces, forming as a function of sediment starvation and minimal sediment movement. Decreased highstand magnitude or duration may have resulted in the absence of a significant organic component to Quaternary hardbottoms, which, in turn, may prevent subsequent dolomitization. These outcrops are a potential source for sediments to the inner shelf, not only as habitat for biological sediment production, but also through their destruction. The undercut, shorefacing, scarped hardbottom morphology displayed by west-central Florida hardbottoms is indicative of bio-erosion. Preliminary studies indicate a potential mass of 0.04 kg m−2 yr−1 of siliciclastic sediment is released to the inner shelf.  相似文献   

Abstract. We estimated the abundances of the three common littoral echinoid species Paracentrotus lividus, Arbacia lixula and Sphaerechinus granularis in a littoral zone between 0 and 10m depth on the Catalan shores NE Spain. Densities of each species were estimated from a total number of 11 571× 1 m2 sampling units deployed at 152 sites along the 13 zones into which the coast was divided. The surface area available in each of these zones was estimated at the scale of the sampling unit 1 m2 taking into account the fractal dimension of the shore. The stocks individuals > 2cm test diameter of these species for the whole Catalan shore ≅ 300 km, straight-line distance were estimated to be about 279.1 × 106 individuals for P. lividus , 28.9 × 106 individuals for A. lixula and 10.9 × 106 individuals for S. granularis. These sea-urchins are key species in the regulation of algal communities and some of them P. lividus. S. granularis are of commercial interest. This information will provide a tool for the future monitoring and management of this resource, which now faces diverse pressures of human origin.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the water-column of the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea) flocculent, amorphous aggregates known as marine snow reach maximum density and dimensions up to 20cm in diameter during summer months. Sampling of these fragile macro-aggregates was carried out by SCUBA-divers.
A large detrital component was found to be embedded in an organic matrix together with a large array of intact phytoplankton species. Heterotrophic bacterial density ranged from 2–65 × 108 cells-g-1 (marine snow dry wt) and is therefore of the same order of magnitude as in the surface layer of the sediments of the Gulf. In terms of biomass, bacteria reached only 30–95% of heterotrophic microflagellates.
A mean abundance of marine snow of 5g (marine snow dry wt) m-3 was obtained for the water-column above the pyenolinc. At this boundary layer, however, a mean abundance of about 10g (marine snow dry wt) m-3 led to the formation of a distinct, 10-50cm thick layer. Based on these data and sedimentation rates of marine snow to the pyenoclinc (38 g [marine snow dry wt] m-2 d-1) the potential ecological significance of these macro-aggregates for the pelagic system of the Gulf of Trieste is discussed.  相似文献   

Three recurring regional patterns of extratropical baroclinic development associated with synoptic‐scale collapses of Northern Hemisphere available potential energy (APE) are identified using a 1979–95 time series derived from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis. A time series of the intraseasonal signal (from 1.6 to 180 days) of APE is used to discern an average cycle of approximately 3 days in the APE generation rate d A /d t (referred to as APE depletion rate if negative). An APE depletion event is defined as a fall and subsequent rise in the time series of d A /d t associated with this cycle. We define synoptic‐scale APE collapses as APE depletion events with maximum depletion rates (d A /d t min) and maximum APE falls (Δ A min) of less than −0.145× 106 J m−2 day−1 and −0.280×106 J m−2, respectively. All are cold season (15 October–15 April) events. APE collapses were classified based on the evolution of regional synoptic patterns during the 2 days centered at the time of d A /d t min . All are accompanied by deep tropospheric warming. The west Pacific warm surge (Type A) is driven by cyclogenesis over Japan and anticyclogenesis over the west‐central North Pacific. The Bering warm surge (Type B) is associated with an intense southerly flow across the Bering Strait brought on by cyclogenesis near the Kamchatka Peninsula and an intense anticyclone over Alaska. The Atlantic Canada warm surge (Type C) is characterized by an onshore flow of warm air ahead of a continental storm track over eastern North America.  相似文献   

Natural gas seepages occur on the United Kingdom's continental shelf and although published reports suggest that they are very rare, the petroleum industry has identified, but not publicly reported, many more. There is also very little data on the flux of gas from seabed seepages, and even less on the contribution of seepages to atmospheric concentrations of gases such as methane.

Potential gas source rocks include Quaternary and Tertiary peats as well as petroliferous source rocks such as the Carboniferous Coal Measures and the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridge Clays. There are also other organic-rich sediments which are potential source rocks. Together these cover a considerable part of the U.K. continental shelf.

Analogue seismic reflection (pinger) profiles acquired during the British Geological Survey's regional mapping programme have been reviewed to identify water column targets including fish and plumes of gas bubbles. The ability to distinguish targets is critical to an assessment of the distribution of gas seepages. Both theoretical predictions of target identity and the habits of shoaling fish have been investigated in order to identify a method of distinction.

Data from seabed seepages and measurements of seepage rates have been used to establish likely ranges of gas flux rates and the sizes of gas bubbles. The likelihood that a rising bubble will survive and escape into the atmosphere is determined primarily by bubble size and water depth; methane, the principal constituent of seepage gas, is relatively unreactive and sparingly soluble.

The studies have enabled a new estimate of the distribution of gas seepages on the U.K. continental shelf, and of the contribution to atmospheric methane levels. The results suggest that natural gas seepages are significantly more important as a source of methane than had hitherto been established. It is estimated that between 120,000 and 3.5 mtonnes of methane per year come from a continental shelf area of about 600,000 km2. This represents between 2% and 40% of the total United Kingdom methane emission. It is suggested that similar contributions arise from other continental shelf areas worldwide, and that geological sources of atmospheric methane are more significant than is generally acknowledged.  相似文献   

Abstract. Dark respiration rates, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) fluxes and nitrification rates were measured at two sites in the microtidal Sacca di Goro lagoon in September 2000. DIN fluxes correlated with the biomass of the dominant macrofauna species (the amphipod Corophium spp. at station Giralda and the polychaete Neanthes spp. at station Faro). Respiration (> 6 mmol O2 m−2h−1) and ammonium fluxes (> 80μmol N m−2h−1) were higher at station Giralda despite the lower organic matter content (4.5 %) and lower macrofauna biomass (4 g AFDW m−2). At both sites ammonium fluxes were significantly correlated with the biomass of the benthic infauna, but Corophium stimulated ammonium NH4+ fluxes 3-fold compared to Neanthes. The amphipod also enhanced nitrification rates (> 300 μmol N m−2h−1) due to the high density of its burrows, the higher NH4+ regeneration rates and the enhanced oxygen supply to the bacteria.  相似文献   

基于热探针法原理,测试了在杭州湾以东陆架区取得的28个海底表层柱状样0.2、1.0和1.8 m处的导热系数,结合激光粒度分析结果,比较了研究区6种土导热系数的大小,发现含砂量大于10%的粗粒土拥有较大的导热系数。土质类型相同时,含水量和干密度对其导热系数影响显著。杭州湾沉积区、混合沉积区,陆架砂质沉积区表层土导热系数的平均值分别是:1.25、1.45 和1.46 W·m-1·K-1,呈现出由近岸向外海增大的趋势。而土样导热系数在垂向的变化表明:水深、埋深等空间分布因素对海洋土的热物性没有直接影响。  相似文献   

Irregular sea urchins such as the spatangoid Spatangus purpureus are important bioturbators that contribute to natural biogenic disturbance and the functioning of biogeochemical cycles in soft sediments. In the coastal waters of the Balearic Islands S. purpureus occurs in soft red algal beds, and can reach high densities. The diet of S. purpureus is unknown and it is particularly difficult to analyze the stomach contents of this group; therefore, we analyzed the fatty acid (FA) composition of the gonads and potential food resources in order to assess the trophic relationships of this species. The FA profiles of the gonads of S. purpureus agree well with the FA composition of the potential trophic resources (algae and sediment) and reveals changes between localities with different available resources. Three polyunsaturated FAs mainly contributes in the composition in the S. purpureus gonads: eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5n-3) and arachidonic acid (C20:4n-6), both abundant in the macroalgal material, and palmitoleic acid (C16:1n-7), which is characteristic of sediment samples. Trophic markers of bacterial input and carnivorous feeding were significantly more abundant in sea urchins caught on bottoms with less vegetation. The current study demonstrates that the FA content of S. purpureus gonads is a useful marker of diet, as differences in the profiles reflected the variations in detritus composition. The results of this study show that this species has omnivorous feeding behavior; however, viewed in conjunction with available abundance data the results suggest that phytodetritus found within algal beds is an important carbon source for this species.  相似文献   

Abstract. The influence of corallivores on coral community structure of eastern Pacific reefs has been considered less important then that of abiotic oceanographic factors. The data that support this assumption, however, are only available for Central American reefs. To assess the role of predation on hermatypic corals in a different regional reef environment, the abundance, spatial distribution and consumption rate of three corallivores: the echinoid Eucidaris thouarsii (Valenciennes), the asteroid Acanthaster planci (Linnaeus) and the teleostean fish Arothron meleagris (Bloch & Schneider), were estimated at Cabo Pulmo reef, Gulf of California, México (23°25' N, 109°25' W). Statistically, the abundances of the species did not change in any sections of the reef (mean values: E. thouarsii , 0.17 indiv. · m−2; A. planci , 1.9 indiv. · m−2; A. meleagris , 39 indiv. · ha−1). The average daily individual consumption rates of coral were calculated at 1.83 g CaCO3· m−2 for E. thouarsii , 118.4 cm2 for A. planci , and 16.38 g CaCO3· m−2 for A. meleagris , and were lower than those reported for Central American reefs. Considering the mean estimated carbonate production (7.9 kg CaCO3· m−2· a−1), corallivores eliminate less than 4% of the coral standing stock of Cabo Pulmo reef. The low corallivore population density and consumption rates, together with high local coral cover, indicate that corallivores are not key factors determining scleractinian abundance in this marginal reef.  相似文献   

Sedimentary marine systems are often highly productive and perform important nutrient regeneration functions as they efficiently decompose organic material. In recent years the role of habitat effects and of species composition in ecosystem functioning has become of interest. Estuarine environments are frequently subject to considerable anthropogenic pressures whilst supporting a variety of habitats ranging from well sorted soft muds through biogenically stable sediments to highly mobile coarse sands. There is therefore considerable spatial complexity in habitat type and faunal composition. This study set out to observe the effects of altering the topographical habitat features of an estuarine mudflat on a range of porewater nutrient concentrations (NH4+, NO3, NO2, PO43− and SiO) collected from four depths (3, 5, 9, and 12 cm) and on faunal composition. Two treatments (Shelled Nets and Net Controls) were used to alter the topography from simple mud to a mussel shell crumble and were compared to un-manipulated Control areas. Sediment granulometry and organic matter content analyses alongside biological traits analysis of the fauna were also conducted.
Differences were observed in porewater nutrient concentrations between the Control and both netted treatments at 5 cm depth only; the species diversity and abundance were also different in the netted treatments compared to the Controls, although no difference between the two manipulated treatments were observed. The changes in faunal composition were attributed solely to the altered topography and the observed nutrient changes were attributed to the faunal alteration rather than the topographical manipulation.  相似文献   

Abstract. A bionomic study and cartography of the benthos of Medes Islands (NE Spanish coast, Catalan Costa Brava) is presented. From 1977 to 1980 the fauna and flora of the meso- and macrobenthos were sampled by a triple sampling procedure: standard, visual and photographic samples were simultaneously taken along underwater transects, yielding 124 punctual inventories, 176 visual inventories and some 1000 photographic "samples". These, together with the floristic and faunistic study of each algal and invertebrate group, served as the basis for the bionomic survey of the islands' bottoms. In a first approach, the hard substrata of the infra- and circalittoral Stages were studied, along with the Posidonia meadows, and their communities diagrammatically sketched along representative transects. Further work focused on the submarine caves and tunnels of the area, the supra- and mediolittoral communities and the coastal detritic soft bottoms. The bionomic survey of the Medes Islands has emphasized, with minor differences, the basic similarity between the archipelago's benthic communities and those described elsewhere in the Northwestern Mediterranean. The identified communities or groups of communities are the trottoir, the photophilic algae, the sciaphilic algae (precoralligenous), the coralligenous and cave communities on hard substrata, as well as the Posidonia meadow and the coastal detritic community on soft substrata. These have been used as the basic macro-units in the bionomic cartography of the islands, which has been plotted on a 1:2000 map. Their distribution, over a surface area of some 2 km2 and to a depth of up to 60–70 m, follows that of the heterogeneous substrate, its slope and the hydrodynamical and illumination conditions of the area.  相似文献   

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