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Summary The performance of evaporation schemes with and approach and their combination within resistance representation of evaporation from bare soil surface is discussed. For this purpose nine schemes, based on different functions of or , on the ratio of the volumetric soil moisture content and its saturated value are used.The quality of the chosen schemes has been evaluated using the results of time integration by the coupled soil moisture and surface temperature prediction model, BARESOIL, using in situ data. A sensitivity analysis was made using two sets of data derived from the volumetric soil moisture content of the top soil layer. One with values below the wilting point (0.17 m3m–3) and the second with values above 0.20m3m–3. Data sets were obtained at the experimental site Rimski anevi, Yugoslavia, from the bare surface of a chernozem soil.With 4 Figures  相似文献   

Stable Isotope Ratios: Hurricane Olivia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions of rains from HurricaneOlivia (1994) in the eastern Pacific were measured. The rains werecollected on 24 and 25 September during airplane flights conducted at anelevation of 3 km. Hurricane Olivia peaked in intensity to a category-4storm between the two dates. Isotope ratios of rains from HurricaneOlivia were markedly lower ( 18O = –13.9to –28.8) than that of rain collected from a thunderstormat an elevation of 2.3 km outside the influence of Olivia (18O = –3.8). A distinct decrease in isotoperatios from the first day to the next ( 18O =–18.4 to –21.9) in Hurricane Olivia wasattributed to decreased updraft velocities and outflow aloft. Thisshifted the isotopic water mass balance so that fewer hydrometeors werelifted and more ice descended to flight level. A decrease in the averagedeuterium excess from the first day to the next (d = 15.5 to 7.1)was attributed to an increase in the relative humidity of the watervapor `source' area. We hypothesize that the `source' region for therain was in the boundary layer near the storm center and that becausethe hurricane was at peak intensity prior to the second day the relative humidity was higher.  相似文献   

Summary The relationships between smoke concentrations, measured at two monitoring stations in Athens by the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) and the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development) methods are studied by using a sample of 738 mean daily values of simultaneous measurements during the period 1984–1986. It is shown that an exponential model, different for each monitoring station, with smoke concentrations in COH (coefficient of haze) as the independent variable and smoke concentrations in gr/m3 as the dependent variable, was the most appropriate for transforming smoke data from COH to gr/m3. Also it is shown that the transformation models can be applied independent of the prevailing meteorological conditions. Finally some tentative conclusions are derived concerning the long term variations of smoke concentrations in gr/m3 for the period 1977–1990 and 1973–1990 at the two monitoring stations respectively. The trend analysis has shown that pollution abatement efforts resulted in an about 10% per year decreasing trend in smoke concentrations, during the period 1986–1990, at these two Athenian stations.With 4 Figures  相似文献   

The well calibrated Brewer spectrophotometer 17 (Sci-Tec Instruments Inc., Canada) stayed at the Meteorological Observatory Hohenpeissenberg (MOHP) from August 27 until September 1, 1984, in order to check and recalibrate Brewer 10, which had some stability problems. Brewer 17 was initially calibrated in July 1983, the validity of this calibration was repeatedly verified before and after the stay at the MOHP (Kerr et al., 1985; Kerr, 1984). The instrument proved itself to be very stable and appropriate as travellings standard instrument.As Dobson 104 didn't seem to be well calibrated at that time, the occasion was taken to perform also a Dobson recalibration. The methods normally used were not satisfactory, but a different method, presuming Effective Absorption Coefficients (EAC), presented by Kerr et al. at the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium 1984 in Greece, yielded encouraging results. Before recalibration Dobson 104 showed a difference of 2–3% in comparison to Brewer 10-, Brewer 17- and TOMS- (on satellite Nimbus 7) measurements, whereas the agreement with the Brewers after EAC-calibration was good (X rel < 1%). The different Dobson calibration methods are compared and the results of the Dobson 104 and Brewer 10 recalibrations are presented.
Zusammenfassung Vom 27. August bis 1. September 1984 befand sich das Brewer Standard Spektrophotometer 17 (Sci-Tec Instruments Inc., Canada) am Meteorologischen Observatorium Hohenpeißenberg (MOHP), um den nicht sehr stabilen Brewer 10 zu überprüfen und neu zu kalibrieren. Der Brewer 17 wurde erstmals im Juli 1983 kalibriert, die Gültigkeit dieser Eichung wurde mehrfach vor und einmal nach dem Aufenthalt am MOHP bestätigt (Kerr et al., 1985; Kerr, 1984). Das Instrument erwies sich als sehr stabil und geeignet als transportables Standardinstrument.Da der Dobson 104 zum damaligen Zeipunkt ebenfalls nicht gut kalibriert schien, wurde die Gelegenheit einer Dobson-Neukalibrierung wahrgenommen. Die normalerweise benutzten Methoden waren nicht zufriedenstellend im Gegensatz zu einer Methode, die von Effektiven Absorption Coeffizienten (EAC) ausgeht. Diese von Kerr et al. auf dem Quadrennial Ozon Symposium 1984 in Griechenland vorgestellte Methode lieferte hier ermutigende Ergebnisse. Vor der Neueichung zeigte der Dobson 104 eine Differenz von etwa 2–3% im Vergleich mit Brewer 10-, Brewer 17- und TOMS- (auf dem Nimbus-7-Satelliten) Messungen, während die Übereinstimmung mit den Brewer-Geräten nach der EAC-Kalibrierung gut war (X rel < 1%). Die verschiedenen Dobson-Kalibrierungsmethoden werden verglichen und Ergebnisse der Dobson 104- und Brewer 10-Neukalibrierungen werden vorgestellt.

A mass-flux approach is applied to observational data obtained in a convective boundary layer topped with stratocumulus clouds. The observational data were obtained from aircraft measurements during the Atlantic Stratocumulus Transition Experiment (ASTEX). A conditional sampling method is used to calculate average updraft and downdraft values. The vertical fluxes calculated with the mass-flux approach are found to be proportional to the real (measured) fluxes, with a proportionality factor being about 0.6. This value is predicted by theory for two variables having a joint Gaussian distribution function; proportionality factor = 2-1 0.637. The horizontal fractional entrainment and detrainment rates calculated from the data ( 1–2 × 10-2 m-1) are an order of magnitude higher than the rates obtained by large eddy simulations for cumulus convection ( 2–3 × 10-3 m-1) and two orders of magnitude higher than those used in modelling cumulus convection with a mass-flux scheme in an operational weather forecast model ( 3 × 10-4 m-1). A numerical mass-flux model for the thermodynamics was developed and showed that results are in good agreement when compared with measured profiles of the liquid water content.  相似文献   

Wintertime observations of mesoscale cellular convection (MCC) over the East China Sea have resulted in criteria that have a remarkable similarity to those reported by Woodcock (1975) in the study of thermals and gull flight behavior. It has been determined that the surface wind speed (V) and the air-sea temperature difference (T) prescribe unique and compatible conditons for both the occurrence of MCC and soaring by sea gulls. Specifically, the onset of MCC when V is between 5 and 9 m s–1 is inversely proportional to T in the range 5 to 7 °C. Elsewhere, the onset of MCC occurs under conditions of direct proportionality between V and T. Necessary conditions for the occurrence of MCC due to heating from below are T 5 °C and V 5 m s–1. The boundaries of the convective regime for MCC are discussed and interpreted in accordance with the regime for sea-gull soaring and similarity concepts.  相似文献   

Summary The integral aerosol optical depths (k ) at the hour of 08:20 Local Standard Time (LST), are compared with those calculated previously at 11:20 and 14:20 LST, for clear days during summer in Athens over the period 1962–1988. The mean values at 08:20 LST were consistently lower than the values at 11:20 and 14:20 LST. The influence of the vertical wind profile on the values ofk was also investigated. A comparison was made of the wind profiles at 02:00 and 14:00 LST, for days in which the 11:20 and 14:20 LST values ofk were 0.200 andk 0.350, respectively. The corresponding bulk wind shear s was also found for the period 1980–1988. The most significant results occurred with the first category of days. The resultant wind velocities from the surface to the 900 hPa level, in each hour were higher by 2–4 m·s–1 with respect to the corresponding values for the second category. At 02:00 LST the bulk wind shear showed a considerable difference (1.8) between the two categories of days in the surface to 700 hPa layer at 02:00 LST. Finally, the associated weather conditions that appear to initiate a period of low values ofk (k 0.200) at 11:20 and 14:20 LST were examined for the period 1980–1988. Fifteen such cases were identified and it was found that they all occurred after the passage of weak cold fronts.With 6 Figures  相似文献   

A review of flux-profile relationships   总被引:33,自引:5,他引:33  
Flux-profile relationships in the constant flux layer are reviewed. The preferred relationships are found to be those of Dyer and Hicks (1970), namely, H = W =(1–16(z/L))–1/2, M =(1–16(z/L))–1/4 for the unstable region, and H = W = M = 1+5(z/L) for the stable region.The carefully determined results of Businger et al. (1971) remain a difficulty which calls for considerable clarification.  相似文献   

Summary Interannual modes are described in terms of three-month running mean anomaly winds (u,v), outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), and sea surface temperature (T * ). Normal atmospheric monsoon circulations are defined by long-term average winds (u n,v n) computed every month from January to December. Daily winds are grouped into three frequency bands, i.e., 30–60 day filtered winds (u L,v L); 7–20 day filtered winds (u M,v M); and 2–6 day filtered winds (u S,v S). Three-month running mean anomaly kinetic energy (signified asK L , K M , andK S , respectively) is then introduced as a measure of interannual variation of equatorial disturbance activity. Interestingly, all of theseK L , K M , andK S perturbations propagate slowly eastward with same phase speed (0.3 ms–1) as ENSO modes. Associated with this eastward propagation is a positive (negative) correlation between interannual disturbance activity (K L , K M , K S ) and interannualu (OLR) modes. Namely, (K L , K M , K S ) becomes more pronounced than usual nearly simultaneously with the arrival of westerlyu and negativeOLR (above normal convection) perturbutions. In these disturbed areas with (K L , K M , K S >0), upper ocean mixing tends to increase, resulting in decreased sea surface temperature, i.e.T * 0. Thus, groups (not individual) of equatorial disturbances appear to play an important role in determiningT * variations on interannual time scales. HighestT * occurs about 3 months prior to the lowestOLR (convection) due primarily to radiational effects. This favors the eastward propagation of ENSO modes. The interannualT * variations are also controlled by the prevailing monsoonal zonal windsu n, as well as the zonal advection of sea surface temperature on interannual time scales. Over the central Pacific, all of the above mentioned physical processes contribute to the intensification of eastward propagating ENSO modes. Over the Indian Ocean, on the other hand, some of the physical processes become insignificant, or even compensated for by other processes. This results in less pronounced ENSO modes over the Indian Ocean.With 10 FiguresContribution No. 89-6, Department of Meteorology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii.  相似文献   

Current inventories of terpenes released from vegetation consider only the short-term influences of light and temperature on emissions to simulate temporal variation during the year. We studied whole canopy emissions from young Pinus pinea during a 15-month enclosure in greenhouse chambers and examined data for other long-term influences. Mean daytime emission rates strongly increased during spring, reached an annual maximum of 200 pmol m–2 total needle area s–1 (1.1 g g–1 leaf dry weight h–1) between mid June and mid August, strongly declined in fall and reached an annual minimum of 1 pmol m–2 s–1 (0.006 g g–1 h–1) between January and February. Normalization to standard temperature and light conditions did not change the annual time course of emissions, but reduced summer to winter ratio from a factor of 200 to about 45. Seasonal variation was characterized also by changes in terpene composition: among the six main compounds, three (t--ocimene, linalool, 1.8-cineol) were exclusively emitted during sunlit hours in the main vegetation period, whereas the other (limonene, -pinene, myrcene) were emitted day and night and throughout the seasons. The results suggest that different terpene sources in P. pinea foliage exist and that a great part of the annual emission course observed here results from seasonal influences on these sources. A global model to simulate plant emissions is proposed, which accounts for seasonal influences on emissions in addition to the short-term effects of temperature and light. The model is tested on field data and discussed for its general application.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of the Alpine orography on prototype cold fronts approaching from the west is investigated by three-dimensional numerical model simulations. The numerical experiments cover a range of parameter constellations which govern the prefrontal environment of the front. Especially, the appearance and intensity of prefrontal northern Alpine foehn varies from case to case.The behaviour of a cold front north of the Alps depends much on the prefrontal condition it encounters. It is found that prefrontal foehn can either accelerate or retard the approaching front.An important feature is the pressure depression along the northern Alpine rim that results from the southerly foehn flow. In cases where this depression compensates the eastward directed pressure gradient associated with the largescale flow, the front tends to accelerate and the foehn breaks down as soon as the front passes. In contrast, the foehn prevents the front from a rapid eastward propagation if it is connected with a strong southerly wind component.No-foehn experiments are performed for comparison, where either the mountains are removed, or the static stability is set to neutral. Also shown are effects of different crossfrontal temperature contrasts.List of Symbols c F propagation speed of a front - x, y horizontal grid spacing (cartesian system) - , horizontal grid spacing (geographic system) - t time step - z vertical grid spacing (cartesian system) - cross-frontal potential temperature difference - i potential temperature step at an inversion - E turbulent kinetic energy - f Coriolis parameter - FGP frontogenesis parameter (see section 2.2) - g gravity acceleration (g=9.81 m s–2) - vertical gradient of potential temperature - h terrain elevation (above MSL) - h i height of an inversion (h i =1000 m MSL) - H height of model lid (H=9000 m MSL) - K M exchange coefficient of momentum - K H exchange coefficient of heat and moisture - longitude - N Brunt-Väisäla-frequency - p pressure - Exner function (=T/) - latitude - q v specific humidity - R d gas constant of dry air (R d =287.06 J kg–1 K–1) - density of dry air - t time - T temperature - potential temperature - TFP thermal front parameter (see section 2.2) - u, v, w cartesian wind components - u g ,v g geostrophic wind components - horizontal wind vector - x, y, z cartesian coordinates Abbreviations GND (above) ground level - MSL (above) mean sea level - UTC universal time coordinated With 20 Figures  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung An einem Material von 100 Fällen eindeutig gesicherten Herztodes, die im Institut für Gerichtliche und Soziale Medizin in Frankfurt am Main aus einem bestimmten Bereich — Raum Frankfurt am Main — und einer bestimmten zeit—Kalenderjahre 1948 bis 1950—zur Autopsie gelangten, einerseits und den bioklimatischen Daten für den gleichen Raum und die gleiche Zeit anderseits, wurde der Zusammenhang von Herztodesfällen und Wettervorgängen mit der Wahrscheinlichkeitsüberlegung, dem Wahrscheinlichkeitsintegral und formalstatistischen Methoden überprüft. Die Auswertung ergab, daß eine starke Abhängigkeit des Herztodes vom Wettergeschehen besteht. Die Häufung der Herztodesfälle konnte für die Sammelgruppe Wetterstörungen, für labiles Aufgleiten, Warmfront mit Aufgleiten und Kaltfront mit Turbulenz ebenso eindeutig gesichert werden, wie die Verminderung der Herztodesfälle in störungsfreien Zeiten. Die hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Beziehung besteht ferner für Kaltfront mit Aufgleiten und in geringerem Maße auch für Föhndurchbruch. Während bei Okklusion das Material zu einem abschließenden Urteil zu gering war, konnte bei allen übrigen Wetterlagen eine Beziehung zum plötzlichen Herztod nicht nachgewiesen werden. Auch für die Gruppen, bei denen eine enge Beziehung statistisch gesichert werden konnte, sei betont, daß die Wettervorgänge nicht die alleinige Ursache des plötzlichen Herztodes, sondern nur ein auslösendes Moment bei schon vorher schwer geschädigten Herzen darstellen.
Summary On the basis of 100 ascertained cases of cardiac death from a certain region—province Frankfort on-the-Main—and a certain period—calendar years 1948 to 1950—, submitted to autopsy in the Institute for Legal and Social Medicine at Frankfort on-the-Main, and of bioclimatic data from the same region and period, the relation between cardiac death and meteorological phenomena was examined by means of probability considerations, the probability integral, and methods of formal statistics. Evaluation of this material showed cardiac death to be strongly dependent on weather conditions. Increase of frequency of cardiac death could be established without any doubt for the collective groups weather disturbances, unstable ascending motion, warm front with ascending motion, cold front with turbulence, whereas decrease of frequency was found in undisturbed periods. Furthermore, high probability of an existing relation was found for cold front with ascending motion and, to a lesser degree, also for foehn invasion. As to occlusion no definite conclusions could be drawn for scarcity of observations. For all the other weather types no relation to sudden cardiac death could be proved. Meteorological phenomena are by no means the only cause of sudden cardiac death, not even for the groups in which a close relation could be established statistically. They have but an initiatory effect in case of prior severe heart diseases.

Résumé Disposant d'un matériel médical de 100 cas de mort cardiaque qui ont fait l'objet d'autopsies à l'Institut de médecine légale et sociale de Francfort sur le Mein (région de Francfort et période de 1948 à 1950), et disposant d'autre part pour la même région et pour la même période d'observations bioclimatologiques, l'auteur a étudié la relation de ces décès avec les phénomènes météorologiques à l'aide des méthodes modernes de statistique, de l'intégrale de probabilité etc. Le résultat montre une étroite dépendance centre les cas de mort cardiaque et les conditions météorologiques. On a pu vérifier sans doute possible l'augmentation des décès lors de «perturbations», d'«ascendances labiles», de «fronts chauds avec glissement ascendant», de «fronts froids avec turbulence», de même que leur diminution lors de périodes non troublées. La forte corrélation subsiste avec les «fronts froids avec ascendance» et à un moindre degré avec «l'invasion du foehn». Tandis que pour les «occlusions» le matériel disponible était trop restreint pour aboutir à une conclusion, l'examen des situations autres que les précédentes n'a pas conduit à une relation intime. Il convient de remarquer que pour tous les groupes de météores ayant donné une corrélation statistique très nette, les phénomènes météorologiques n'ont joué qu'un rôle déclancheur chez des malades déjà gravement atteints.

Mit 2 Textabbildungen.  相似文献   

The total ozone content in the atmosphere was determined from the multichannel photometer observations of direct solar radiation made in the urban environment at Pune (18° 32 N, 73° 51E, 559 m ASL) and Sinhagad hill station (18° 22N, 73° 45E, 1305 m ASL) during March 1980-February 1982. The total ozone content of the atmosphere was computed making use of the differential absorption of solar radiation due to ozone at 0.4 and 0.6 m wavelengths in the Chappuis band. The values of the ozone data obtained from the photometer observations at Pune and Sinhagad were compared with the corresponding ozone data obtained from the Dobson spectrophotometer located at Pune. Values of ozone obtained by the photometric method were found to be smaller by 8–18% than the Dobson values when Vigroux's absorption coefficients were used. Similarly, when the absorption coefficients of Inn and Tanaka (1953) were used, the ozone values obtained by the photometric method were smaller by 4–14% than the Dobson values. The ozone values at the hill station obtained from the photometric method were in better agreement (5%) with the Dobson values.  相似文献   

Variations in ice winter severity in the Western Baltic between 1501 and 1995 were investigated using an index time series derived from classified values of accumulated areal ice volume along the German Baltic coast, the time series back to 1701, having been extended to the beginning of the 16th century. When compared with the 1501–1995 mean, the Gaussian lowpass-filtered time series of the ice winter index numerals with a 40-year cutoff period shows increased severity (strong phases) in 1554–1576, 1593–1630, 1655–1710, and 1763–1860, while periods of decreased severity occurred in 1501–1553, 1577–1592, 1631–1654, 1711–1762, and from 1861 to the present. During the latter part of the Little Ice Age, especially during the 1655–1710 and 1763–1860 phases, the lowpass-filtered time series lay more than half a standard deviation above the arithmetic mean of the reference period 1901–1960, representing the present regime, for more than three decades. Between 1501 and 1860, the ice winter severity in the Western Baltic fluctuated around a level 55% higher than that during the present period. Using the contingency table published by Koslowski and Loewe, the frequency of events of weak westerly flow above the northeastern North Atlantic during the Little Ice Age was estimated. The calculated values of weak westerly flow expected per decade suggest that strong phases of increased ice winter severity were characterized by frequent blocking situations (weak westerly flow), and that, contrarily, the weak phases of reduced ice winter severity between about 1575 and 1860 may be regarded as phases of increased zonal circulation.  相似文献   

Daily mean values of the Priestley-Taylor coefficient, ¯, are derived from a simple model of the daily growth of a convective boundary layer. For a particular control set of driving environmental variables, ¯ is related to the prescribed bulk surface resistance, rS by 1/¯ = 1/0 + mrS for parameters 0 and m. The dependence of the parameters 0 and m on weather is explored and a potential use of this linear relation to provide information about regional values of rS is indicated.  相似文献   

Summary A numerical model was used to study the behaviour of prototype cold fronts as they approach the Alps. Two fronts with different orientations relative to the Alpine range have been considered. One front approaches from west, a second one from northwest. The first front is connected with southwesterly large-scale air-flow producing pre-frontal foehn, whereas the second front is associated with westerly largescale flow leading to weak blocking north of the Alps.Model simulations with fully represented orography and parameterized water phase conversions have been compared with control runs where either the orography was cut off or the phase conversions were omitted. The results show a strong orographic influence in case of pre-frontal foehn which warms the pre-frontal air and increases the cross-frontal temperature contrast leading to an acceleration of the front along the northern Alpine rim. The latent heat effect was found to depend much on the position of precipitation relative to the surface front line. In case of pre-frontal foehn precipitation only falls behind the surface front line into the intruding cold air where it partly evaporates. In contrary, precipitation already appears ahead of the front in the case of blocking. Thus, the cooling effect of evaporating rain increases the cross-frontal temperature difference only in the first case causing an additional acceleration of the front.List of symbols C pd specific heat capacity of dry air at constant pressure (C pd =1004.71 J kg–1 K–1) - C pv specific heat capacity of water vapour at constant pressure (C pv =1845.96 J kg–1 K–1) - C f propagation speed of a front - x, y horizontal grid spacing (cartesian system) - , horizontal grid spacing (geographic system) - t time step - E turbulent kinetic energy - f Coriolis parameter - g gravity acceleration (g=9.81 ms–1) - h terrain elevation - H height of model lid (H=9000 m) - k Karman constant (k=0.4) - K Mh horizontal exchange coefficient of momentum - K Hh horizontal exchange coefficient of heat and moisture - K Mz vertical exchange coefficient of momentum - K Hz vertical exchange coefficient of heat and moisture - l mixing length - l c specific condensation heat (l c =2500.61 kJ kg–1) - l f specific freezing heat (l f =333.56 kJ kg–1) - l s specific sublimation heat (l s =2834.17 kJ kg–1) - longitude - m 1,m 2,m 3 metric coefficients - p pressure - Exner function - Pr Prandtl number - latitude - M profile function - q v specific humidity - q c specific content of cloud droplets - q i specific content of cloud ice particles - q R specific content of rain drops - q S specific content of snow - R d gas constant of dry air (R d =287.06 J kg–1 K–1) - R v gas constant of water vapour (R v =461.51 J kg–1 K–1) - r E radius of earth (r E =6371 km) - Ri F flux Richardson number - density of dry air - t time - T temperature - dia period of diastrophy - potential temperature - v virtual potential temperature - e equivalent potential temperature - U relative humidity - u, v, w cartesian wind components - u F ,v F front-normal and front-parallel wind components - x, y, z cartesian coordinates - w * transformed vertical wind component - W R speed of falling rain - W S speed of falling snow - z * transformed vertical coordinate Abbreviations GND (above) ground level - MSL (above) mean sea level With 12 Figures  相似文献   

Horizontal u and vertical w velocity fluctuations have been measured together with temperature fluctuations in the atmospheric surface layer, at a small height above a wheat crop canopy. Marginal probability density functions are presented for both individual fluctuations u, w, and for the instantaneous Reynolds stress uw, and heat fluxes w and u. Probability density functions of the velocity fluctuations deviate less significantly from the Gaussian form than the probability density of temperature. There appears to be closer similarity between statistics of the instantaneous heat fluxes than between the momentum flux and either of the heat fluxes investigated. The mean momentum flux receives equal contributions from the events referred to as ejections and sweeps in laboratory boundary layers. Sweeps provide the largest contribution to the heat fluxes.  相似文献   

Summary A simple parameterization for the estimation of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) and momentum flux profiles under near-neutral stratification based on sodar measurements of the vertical velocity variance has been tested using data from the LINEX-2000 experiment. Measurements included operation of a phased-array Doppler sodar DSDPA.90 and of a sonic anemometer USA-1 mounted at a meteorological tower at a height of 90m. Good agreement has been found between the TKE and momentum flux values derived from the sonic and sodar data (with correlation coefficients r>0.90 and a slope of the regression lines of about 1.01.1) suggesting the possible use of sodar measurements of w 2 to derive turbulence parameter profiles above the tower range.  相似文献   

Summary In a project ALPEX-Simulation, sponsored by the Österreichischer Fond zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF), all eight cases of ALPEX-SOP cyclones were numerically simulated with a fine mesh isentropic model of the atmosphere. These numerical simulations in six-hourly intervals allow a deeper insight into the synoptics and dynamics of the cyclogeneses in the Western Mediterranean, especially into the genesis of the two basic types of cyclones: the so-called Überströmungs-type and Vorderseiten-type. In the first phase of cyclogenesis of the Überströmungs-type, the blocking and flow splitting of the cold air due to the Alps and the canalization between the Alps and the Massif Central are important. Cold air flows cyclonically around the western part of the Alps, creating a vorticity maximum at the south western edge of the Alpine, bow and leads also to an enhanced PV. In connection with warm air in the Mediterranean, a strong baroclinic zone is generated. The interaction between the arriving PV maximum in the upper troposphere and the enhanced PV at the bottom leads to cyclogenesis in the Western Mediterranean. In the case of the Vorderseiten-type warm air advection dominates with the exception of a shallow layer of cold air in the inner Po-Valley, which is shielded by the Alpine ridge. A well-pronounced PV maximum builds up and couples with the PV maximum arriving at upper levels, even before the cold air, coming from the north-west, has surrounded the Alps. The cold air only intensifies the development by raising the baroclinity. Therefore, the Vorderseiten-cyclogenesis is an orographically modified cyclogenesis, in the course of which the cyclonic development is triggered by the Alps, whereas the Überströmungs-cyclogenesis is an orographically induced cyclogenesis i.e. a true lee cyclogenesis.With 14 FiguresDied in a tragic traffic accident on June 6, 1993.  相似文献   

The standard E – model generates aplanetary boundary layerthat appears to be much too deep. The cause of theproblem is traced to the equation for the dissipationrate () of turbulent kinetic energy (E), specifically theparameterization of dissipation production anddestruction. In the context of atmosphericboundary-layer modelling, we argue that a part of thedissipation production should be modelled as the inputto the spectral cascade from the energy-containingpart of the spectrum, with a characteristic length , while the equilibrium imbalancebetween local production and destruction ofdissipation is modelled as proportional toE2/E, as in the standard model. Wepropose an E – – turbulence closurescheme, in which both the mixing length, m, and are prescribed. The importance ofthe equation is diminished, though itstill determines the dissipation rate in the Eequation.  相似文献   

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