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The use of barnacles as biomonitors of metal contamination in coastal waters worldwide is reviewed as a critique compilation of the reported studies and presents resume-tables of available data for future reference. The barnacle body reflects both short and long-term metal level environmental variations and the metal bioaccumulation occurs mainly in their granules (relatively inactive pools). The barnacle body is considered as good biomonitoring material and different barnacle species could bioaccumulate metal concentration ranges of 40–153,000 μg/g of Zn, 20–22,230 μg/g de Fe, 1.5–21,800 μg/g of Cu, 5.9–4742 μg/g of Mn, 0.1–1000 μg/g of Pb, 0.7–330 μg/g of Cd, 0.4–99 μg/g of Ni and 0.2–49 μg/g of Cr. However, as the plates (‘shells’) of barnacle exoskeletons can be affected by metal levels in coastal waters, mainly in their composition and morphology, they are not considered good biomonitoring material. Despite this, the use of a specific barnacle species or group of species in a specific region must firstly be carefully validated and the interpretation of the contaminant bioaccumulation levels should involve specific environmental variations of the region, physiological parameters of the barnacle species and the relationship between the potential toxicity of the contaminant for the environment and their significance for the barnacle species. Barnacles, particularly a widespread cosmopolitan species such as Amphibalanus amphitrite, have a great potential as biomonitors of anthropogenic contamination in coastal waters and have been used worldwide, including Europe (United Kingdom, Turkey, Poland, Croatia, Spain and Portugal), Asia (India and China), Oceania (Australia), North America (Florida, Massachusetts and Mexico) and South America (Brazil). The use of barnacle species as biomonitors of metal contamination in coastal waters is considered an important and valuable tool to evaluate and predict the ecological quality of an ecosystem.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheoccurrenceanddistributionofhalophilicvibriosinthecoastalwatersofHongKonghasbeenrePorted(Chanetal.,l986).Theresultsshowedthatvibrioswerepresentduringthesum-mermonthsinHongKongcoastalwatersatconcentrationsof9oto67ooind./cm3,accountingo.4l%~4o%ofthetotalbacterialPOpulationofthe48isolatesexaminedindetail.Theyob-servedV.Paraheamolyticus,V.harvha,V.vulnfficus,V.camPbelliandV.fiuvialis.Becausemanyofthevibri0species,includingsome0ftheisolatesbyChanetal.(1986)fromHongKongwate…  相似文献   

Phaeodactylum tricornutum was grown in filtered natural seawater enriched with nitrate, phosphate, and silicate only (control) or with exudates from itself, from Emiliania huxleyi (a coccolithophore micro-alga), Porphyra spp. (a red macro-alga) or Enteromorpha spp. (a green macro-alga). Cathodic (and anodic) stripping voltammetry (C(A)SV) were used to determine the concentrations of trace metals, both in the medium and in the algae, as well as total Cu-complexing organic ligands in the medium and, among these, some thiols (compounds identified as cysteine- or as glutathione by CSV). Exudates of different marine micro- and macro-algae could cause allelopathic effects in P. tricornutum cultures. Cell yield of P. tricornutum was increasingly promoted by exudates of E. huxleyi >Porphyra >Enteromorpha. Although exudates strongly complex Cu (and probably other metals), their presence promoted Cu uptake. Significant changes of Ni, Cd, Fe, Zn and Mn uptake by P. tricornutum were also observed in the presence of exudates of different algal species. In addition, both intensity of production and nature of exudates released by P. tricornutum were markedly influenced by the presence of exudates of other algae, the allelopathic effects being very specific (variable from one species to another). Allelopathy will probably also occur in the aquatic environment, although to a lesser extent than in cultures, particularly during bloom events and may have effects on both chemical speciation and bioavailability of chemicals to phytoplanktonic species. Such changes might cause the predominance of some species over other species. Therefore, in future in vitro culture studies with the purpose of using them as models of the real environment, more attention should be paid to the role of algal exudates, in order to improve the environmental relevance and significance of the results.  相似文献   

The C-band wind speed retrieval models, CMOD4, CMOD - IFR2, and CMOD5 were applied to retrieval of sea surface wind speeds from ENVISAT (European environmental satellite) ASAR (advanced synthetic aperture radar) data in the coastal waters near Hong Kong during a period from October 2005 to July 2007. The retrieved wind speeds are evaluated by comparing with buoy measurements and the QuikSCAT (quick scatterometer) wind products. The results show that the CMOD4 model gives the best performance at wind speeds lower than 15 m/s. The correlation coefficients with buoy and QuikSCAT winds are 0.781 and 0.896, respectively. The root mean square errors are the same 1.74 m/s. Namely, the CMOD4 model is the best one for sea surface wind speed retrieval from ASAR data in the coastal waters near Hong Kong.  相似文献   

In order to trace their feeding habits, stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios (delta15N and delta13C), as well as trace metal concentrations (Zn, Cd, Fe, Cu, Se and Hg) were analysed in the tissues of five commercial shark species from the Celtic Sea: the tope shark Galeorhinus galeus, the black-mouthed catshark Galeus melastomus, the starry smooth hound Mustelus asterias, the spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias and the lesser-spotted dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula. Our results were compared to previously described stomach contents and isotopic composition of potential preys. Isotopic ratio delta15N suggested that tope sharks fed at a higher trophic level (16.7 per thousand in the muscle) than the other species, reflecting its piscivorous diet. The lower values of spiny dogfish (11.6 per thousand in the muscle) might be explained, amongst other things, by either its migratory behaviour or its preference for preys from lower trophic levels. Cd and Hg were correlated with isotopic ratios delta13C and delta15N, and were shown to be diet-related whereas Zn, Fe and Cu seemed much more linked to species-specific metabolism. Although this multidisciplinary approach is revealed as a useful tool for the study of shark ecology, the lack of known trophic fractionation suggests that isotopic data be compared to traditional diet analyses.  相似文献   

深圳香港海域浪潮耦合模型的建立及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姜茜  毛献忠 《海洋学报》2010,32(6):56-63
以河口海岸海洋模型ECOM和第三代海浪模型SWAN为基础,以全球天文潮预报模式TPXO6.2和台风参数模型风场及气压场作为驱动,采用海洋-陆架区-海岸三重嵌套网格,建立了适用于深圳香港水域天文潮-风暴潮-台风浪耦合模型。以0814号台风"黑格比"为算例,进行了耦合模拟计算,计算结果显示,天文潮、风暴潮位和浪高与实测值符合良好,天文潮的均方根误差小于0.15 m,有效波高误差0.9 m,风暴高潮位平均误差0.23 m;并分析了风暴潮位和波浪的相互影响,以及深港水域波浪场的分布,4 m水深考虑风暴潮位影响有效波高提高0.40 m,沿岸波浪增水在0.20 m以内。  相似文献   

肉芝软珊瑚属(Sarcophyton)是珊瑚礁生态系统中常见的软珊瑚,具有极强的药用价值.我国肉芝软珊瑚种类资源十分丰富,但目前国内对此种珊瑚的分类研究处于停滞状态,肉芝软珊瑚外部形态差异较小,难以直接进行种类鉴定.本研究采集海南省三亚市西瑁岛、万宁市甘蔗岛和大洲岛珊瑚礁区的26个肉芝软珊瑚样品,根据骨针形态学初步鉴定,并分析线粒体msh1基因和COI基因序列进行种类鉴定.结果显示:所有采集的26个样品,鉴定为5个种,分别为:Sarcophyton cherbonnieri、Sarcophyton crassum、Sarcophyton trocheliophorum、Sarcophyton glaucum和Sarcophyton ehrenbergi.其中S. cherbonnieri和S. crassum为我国新纪录种.本研究为海南岛附近海域肉芝软珊瑚的鉴定提供参考,并为我国软珊瑚种类鉴定和生物多样性的研究提供基础数据.  相似文献   

During the 2006 Italian Antarctic expedition a diel sampling was performed close to Cape Hallett (Ross Sea) during the Austral summer. Under-ice seawater samples (4 m) were collected every 2 h for 28 h in order to estimate prokaryotic processes' variability and community structure dynamics. Prokaryotic and viral abundances, exoenzymatic activities (β-glucosidase, chitinase, lipase, alkaline phosphatase and leucine aminopeptidase), prokaryotic carbon production (3H-leucine incorporation) and community structure (Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis – DGGE fingerprints) were analysed. Results showed that the diel variability of the prokaryotic activity followed a variation in salinity, probably as a consequence of the periodical thawing of sea ice (driven by solar radiation and air temperature cycles), while negligible variation in viral and prokaryotic abundances occurred. The Bacterial and Archaeal community structures underwent an Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) temporal shift from the beginning to the end of the sampling, while Flavobacteria-specific primers highlighted high variations in this group possibly related to sea ice melting and substrate release.  相似文献   

In this study, we applied the edge-detection method of oil-spill monitoring to extract oil-spill features observed by the ENVISAT Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) images over the coastal waters of Hong Kong and vicinity in northern South China Sea. Two examples in 2007 and 2008 over the coastal waters of the study area show that oil spills can be successfully detected by ASAR images at wind speeds around 4~ 6 m/s independent of wind direction. The study also shows that it could be helpful for evaluating the potential impacts of oil spills on the coastal environment in Hong Kong and vicinity.  相似文献   

采用室内培养实验方法,研究了褐藻海黍子(Sargassum muticum)和红藻脆江蓠(Gracilaria chouae)在不同质量浓度的锌和镉溶液里15 d,藻体的生长和体内金属离子含量的变化。结果表明:两种藻的生长速率与暴露溶液金属质量浓度呈负相关,藻体内积累金属离子的量和溶液的金属质量浓度呈正相关,藻体内金属离子的含量均在培养3 d后显著增加,且随着培养时间的延长而持续增加。海黍子和脆江蓠对重金属Zn~(2+)的富集能力明显高于对Cd~(2+)的富集能力,在相同条件下,海黍子对重金属Zn~(2+),Cd~(2+)的积累量明显高于脆江蓠。以上研究结果对利用藻类修复重金属污染的海洋水体能起到一定的指导和参考作用。  相似文献   

香港近岸海域营养盐结构特征及其对浮游植物生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文利用2000年3月至2001年5月在香港近岸牛尾海海域(Porter Shelter, Hong Kong)14个航次的现场调查数据, 对水体中营养盐组成结构和叶绿素a含量进行了分析研究。结果表明, 该海域表层和底层水体中溶解无机氮(DIN, 包括NO3?-N+NO2?-N, NH4+-N)平均浓度范围分别为1.24—9.72mol/L及1.30—7.49mol/L, 均表现为冬季最高、秋季最低。不同季节表层水体中PO43?-P浓度范围为0.14—0.46mol/L, 夏季平均浓度最底; 底层 PO43?-P浓度变化不大, 但夏季仍低于其他季节。不同季节表层和底层水体中SiO32?-Si的变化趋势基本相似, 平均浓度范围分别为7.80—18.47mol/L 和8.13—16.87mol/L, 均在冬季最高, 其它季节差别不大。叶绿素 a分析结果显示, 表层水体高生物量大多出现在夏末秋初季节(如8月份), 春季(4月份)次之; 底层水体叶绿素 a秋季最高, 夏季次之。进一步分析了该海域营养盐对浮游植物生长的可能限制因子, 结果表明表层水体春季呈现氮–磷协同限制的可能性、夏季磷限制较明显, 秋季表现为显著的氮限制。底层水体春、夏季呈现氮–磷协同限制的趋势, 秋季也表现为明显的氮限制。冬季磷酸盐浓度相对氮、硅的含量较低, 但各种营养盐相对于浮游植物生长的最低阈值都比较丰富, 所以, 冬季表、底层水体中营养盐对浮游植物的生长均不形成限制因素。另外, 除了夏季表层水体外, 其它季节该水域浮游植物生长受溶解无机硅限制的可能性较少。  相似文献   

Epibenthic fishes were collected with daytime beam trawl tows (n = 1713) in three shallow (<10 m) habitats of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), Zostera marina (eelgrass), Laminaria longicruris (kelp), Phyllophora sp. (algae), and unvegetated sandy/mud areas. We divided the Maine coast into three broad zones based upon geological features and sampled over five consecutive years; during April–November 2000 in the mid coast, in 2001 and 2002 along the south coast and in 2003 and 2004 along the eastern Maine coast. We quantified habitat use by eight economically important fish species (Gadus morhua, Microgadus tomcod, Pollachius virens, Urophycis chuss, Urophycis tenuis, Osmerus mordax, Tautogolabrus adspersus, and Pseudopleuronectes americanus) and 10 other common epibenthic species (n = 18 571). We identified the physical and biological variables most important in discriminating between habitats with and without individual fish species. Logistic regression models based on nearshore habitat characteristics were developed to predict the distribution of these species along the three zones representing broad geological regions of the Maine coast. Logistic regression models correctly classified individual fish species 58.7–97.1% of the time based on the temporal and physical habitat variables (month, temperature, salinity, and depth) and the presence–absence of submerged aquatic vegetation (Zostera, Laminaria, or Phyllophora). Overall fish presence and economically important fish presence were correctly classified 61.1–79.8% and 66.0–73.6% of the time, respectively. The Maine shallow water fish community was composed primarily of young-of-the-year and juvenile fishes with all habitats functioning as facultative nursery areas. Presence of most fish species was positively associated with Zostera, Laminaria, and to a lesser extent, Phyllophora. This study provides direct evidence of shallow waters of the Gulf of Maine as critical facultative nursery habitat for juvenile G. morhua, M. tomcod, P. virens, U. tenuis, U. chuss, T. adspersus, O. mordax and P. americanus, and many ecologically important species.  相似文献   

共生藻属( Symbiodinium)主要指一类与无脊椎动物或原生生物共生的甲藻,是热带和亚热带海洋生态系统常见物种.本研究从中国沿海和一艘停靠在厦门港的货轮压舱水中分离出了4株贪食共生藻(Symbiodinium voratum).贪食共生藻运动细胞较小(长9.7±1.3 μm,宽8.7±0.9 μm) ,能够产生不...  相似文献   

中国近海5个黑鲷地理群体的遗传变异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为有效保护和利用黑鲷(Acanthopagrus schlegeli)资源,本研究测定了中国近海5个群体(北方海域的营口与崂山群体,南方海域的闽清、大亚湾、东兴群体)各10尾黑鲷线粒体控制区5′端722bp序列以分析其遗传多样性和遗传结构。结果发现42个单倍型,56个多态位点;群体单倍型多样性为0.978~1.000,群体核苷酸多样性为0.0067~0.0116。中性检测和核苷酸不对称分布分析表明,中国近海黑鲷在晚更新世(165~41kaBP)曾经历过种群的快速扩张。北方群体与南方群体之间的Fst值为0.1145(P=0.00),表明存在中等程度的分化,建议将中国近海黑鲷作为两个管理单位。  相似文献   

根据秋(2016年10月)、冬(2017年1月)、春(2017年5月)和夏(2017年8月)4个季节在山东近海的底拖网调查数据,对高眼鲽(Cleisthenes herzensteini)种群结构和资源分布的季节差异进行研究。结果表明,高眼鲽的平均体长在秋、冬季较大,而平均体质量则在夏、秋季较大。当体长大于15 cm时,体质量呈现较大的季节变化,体质量增长率在夏季最大。采用von Bertalanffy生长方程表示其生长特性,生长参数L为37.85 cm、K为0.28、t0为−0.57。通过Pauly经验公式求得高眼鲽的自然死亡系数为0.54。体长转换的渔获曲线求得总死亡系数为1.69,进而求得现阶段的捕捞死亡系数为1.15,开发率高达68.05%,并求得开捕年龄为1.48龄,开捕体长为12.68 cm。年龄组成为1~5龄,其中1龄与2龄个体分别占总数的45.15%与40.23%。各季节中,只有夏季样品的雌雄性比与1∶1差异显著(p<0.05),且雌性的数量显著多于雄性。50%性成熟体长为22.35 cm,性成熟比例和平均性成熟系数最高的季节出现在夏季。高眼鲽主要分布在底层水温为6.45~19.06℃、底层盐度为31.82~33.10和50 m等深线以深的海域,其平均渔获量在秋季远多于其他季节,在冬季陡然下降,随后缓慢上升。山东近海高眼鲽显现出体长分布狭窄、饵料条件恶化、产卵期延迟和过度捕捞等现象,休渔期前后资源量变化剧烈。  相似文献   

On 19 January 1996, the North Cape oil barge ran aground near Moonstone Beach, RI, and spilled over 2700 metric tons of No. 2 fuel oil during a severe winter storm. High winds and rough seas drove the oil into the water column, and the oil spread throughout Block Island Sound and into several coastal salt ponds. Over 50 water samples were collected from Point Judith Pond (PJP) and the southern coast of Rhode Island for four months after the spill and analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs). These analyses revealed that at least 60 km2 of coastal waters were impacted from the spill. Maximum concentrations of sigmaPAHs and TPHs were 115 and 3940 microg l(-1), respectively. The percentage of sigmaPAHs relative to the TPHs for all samples varied from 0.2 to 43%, showing that there was no clear relationship between sigmaPAHs and TPHs for the whole dataset and likely resulting from spatial and temporal partitioning over the course of the spill. However, within the dataset, there were stronger correlations for distinct samples collected at similar locations and times. In PJP, water column concentrations of individual PAHs decreased at rates of 0.08-0.24 day(-1) and lower-molecular weight PAHs were removed faster than higher-molecular weight PAHs.  相似文献   

秦皇岛近海褐潮高发区浮游植物的碱性磷酸酶活性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
碱性磷酸酶(Alkaline phosphatase,AP)是浮游植物在磷胁迫状态下表达的一种水解有机磷源的胞外酶,可用于指示海区浮游植物的磷胁迫状态。本研究于2013年7月,对秦皇岛近海抑食金球藻(Aureococcus anophagefferens)褐潮发生期间浮游植物的碱性磷酸酶活性(AP activity,APA)进行研究,结合其他理化参数,分析藻华发生时浮游植物的磷营养状态及其对海水中磷源的水解与利用情况。结果表明,褐潮发生时,抑食金球藻细胞密度高达108个/L,溶解有机磷(Dissolved organic phosphorus,DOP)成为浮游植物生长利用的主要磷源。抑食金球藻的细胞密度受到海水中NO3–、DOP、溶解无机磷(Dissolved inorganic phosphorus,DIP)浓度等的显著影响。浮游植物大量表达AP水解DOP,平均APA高达217.72 nmol/(μg·h)±90.86 nmol/(μg·h)(350.44 nmol/(L·h)±130.57 nmol/(L·h)),且APA随浮游植物生物量增大而显著增加。该结果表明抑食金球藻褐潮发生时,海区遭受严峻的磷胁迫甚至限制。磷源,尤其是有机磷源的可利用性可能在秦皇岛海区抑食金球藻褐潮的发生和维持中起关键作用。  相似文献   

作者根据长期调查研究,分析了大黄鱼(Larimichthys crocea)和日本带鱼(Trichiurus japonicus)群体数量变动的因果关系,并提出了加强我国海洋渔业资源科学监管的建议:(1)正确划分大黄鱼和带鱼地理种群及其产卵群体,为资源繁殖保护提供参考依据;(2)修订若干《渔业法》条款,重新审定《官井洋大黄鱼繁殖保护区管理规定》;(3)充分合理开发利用闽东渔场近海岛屿周边海域,并且采用抗风浪升降式圆柱形深水养殖网箱养殖大黄鱼;建立内湾性官井洋大黄鱼海洋牧场渔业基地,并新建中国著名舟山渔场大黄鱼繁殖保护区;(4)继续加强大黄鱼原种场建设,大力开展大黄鱼良种选育研究,每年提供大批量野生大黄鱼人工培育的原种子一代幼鱼进行增殖放流;(5)巩固和扩大伏季休渔效果,全年禁止违法而严重损害带鱼幼鱼资源的各种张网作业;(6)以法治渔,加快制定符合于我国实情的海洋渔业科学监管的有效措施.  相似文献   

为了研究南海大斑石鲈(Pomadasys maculatus)不同地理群体的遗传多样性情况,作者测定了东兴、乌石、潭门、闸坡4个群体共计61尾大斑石鲈控制区的993 bp序列。检测出变异位点35个,单倍型47种,平均单倍型多样性指数为0.9884,核苷酸多样性指数为0.0076,总体表现出高单倍型多样性和低核苷酸多样性的特点,其中潭门群体核苷酸多样性相对较高(0.00879)。中性检验结果显示Fu’s Fs值均为显著负值–5.34(P=0.03),核苷酸不配对分布没有显著偏离群体扩张模型呈现出单峰(SSD值和Rg指数较小),表明大斑石鲈在历史上经历过种群扩张,推测扩张时间约4.74万~1.18万年间。群体间(0.0065~0.0089)与群体内遗传距离(0.0066~0.0089)处于同一水平,总遗传分化指数Fst为–0.0057(P0.05),群体间基因流Nm=33.76。不同组群划分方式的分子方差分析均表明群体内遗传差异显著大于群体间,遗传变异主要来源于群体内部。南海海域大斑石鲈群体遗传多样性匮乏,群体间不存在显著的遗传分化,可划归一个管理保护单元,潭门群体建议优先给予保护。  相似文献   

基于线粒体控制区序列和SLAF-seq,对重要药源生物多室草苔虫的群体遗传分化水平开展了研究。控制区序列中检测到8个单倍型,单倍型多样性(h)和核苷酸多样性(π)分别为0.130 7和0.000 7,单倍型网络图和NJ系统进化树的结构都较简单,无明显拓扑结构。中性检验和核苷酸不配对分析结果均表明多室草苔虫未经历过大规模群体扩张。Fst和AMOVA分析显示遗传变异主要来自于群体内。SLAF建库共开发得到214 409个SLAF标签,其中多态性SLAF标签23 437个,共开发出99 432个SNP位点。群体间的遗传距离较小,且低于群体内的遗传距离。基于SNP所做的系统发育树和群体遗传结构分析表明,各群体之间没有显著的遗传结构。综上所述,我国沿海多室草苔虫的遗传多样性水平较低,不同地理群体之间不存在显著的遗传结构。多室草苔虫较强的扩散能力是造成上述结果的主要原因。另外,本研究还验证和讨论了SLAF-seq应用在海洋生物群体遗传分化研究中的可行性和优势。  相似文献   

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