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Direct measurements of the Earth's magnetic field in Italy since 1640 a.d. have been used to check the remanence directions derived from historically dated volcanic rocks of Etna and Vesuvius. Direct measurements consist of the records of L’Aquila and Pola geomagnetic observatories, the repeat stations of the Italian Magnetic Network and the data base of the Historical Italian Geomagnetic Data Catalogue. All have been relocated to the same reference site (Viterbo — lat. 42.45°N, long. 12.03°E) in order to draw a reference secular variation (SV) curve. The direction of the Earth's field at Viterbo has also been calculated from the historical records (2000-1600) of ref. [Jackson, A., Jonkers, A.R.T., Walker, M.R., 2000. Four centuries of geomagnetic secular variation from historical records. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 358, 957-990] database. The remanence directions from Etna show a general agreement with the trend of the SV curve, although their inclination is usually lower than that from the direct measurement. The directions from Vesuvius are more scattered. Large discrepancies occur at both volcanoes and in some cases have been ascribed in the literature to poor geographic information, making it difficult to identify the flows actually emplaced during the eruptions reported in the chronicles. Closer examination shows that the great majority of the best-defined remanence directions (semi-angle of confidence α95 < 2.5°) deviate significantly from the geomagnetic direction measured at the time of the emplacement, the angle between the two directions being larger than the α95 value. The value of 2.5-3.0° can thus be regarded as a conservative evaluation of the error when dealing with dating Etna and Vesuvius lava flows older than 17th century, even when the accuracy attained in remanence measurements is higher. In default of a SV curve for Italy derived from archaeological artefacts, a further error in dating is introduced when reference is made to SV curves of other countries, even if well-established, as these are from regions too far from Italy (>600 km) to confidently relocate magnetic directions.  相似文献   

An Upper Jurassic dolerite sill from Lomfjord, northeast Spitsbergen, has been submitted to rock- and palaeomagnetic studies. In the cooling stage the original titanomagnetite underwent a high-temperature alteration forming exsolution of ilmenite lamellas. Due to rapid cooling the border zones in part escaped the high-temperature alteration but instead low-temperature oxidation, producing at least a low-temperature metastable magnetic mineral, is fairly pronounced in these parts of the sill. Thermal demagnetization has established that both mineral phases carry the same general magnetization direction suggesting the total remanence (reverse) to be of deuteric origin. Consideration of the cooling rate indicates that the accumulated geomagnetic secular variation may cover a time span of the order of 103 years. The relative pole position is at 61°N, 210°E, a result which is in agreement with some other Mesozoic results from Spitsbergen, but in rather marked disagreement with other published data for the Mesozoic of Europe.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that lavas behave as Bingham liquids, which are characterized by a yield stress σ and a plastic viscosity η. We consider two models describing downslope flows of a Bingham liquid with different aspect ratios A (= flow height/flow width): model 1 with A 1 and model 2 with A ≈ 1. Sufficiently uphill with respect to the front, such flows can be considered as laminar and locally isothermal. For both models, we obtain analytically the steady-state solution of the Navier-Stokes equations and the constitutive equation for a Bingham liquid. We study the flow height and velocity as functions of flow rate, rheological parameters and ground slope. It is found that such flows remain in the Newtonian regime at low yield stresses (σ 103dyne/cm2), but the transition to the Bingham regime also depends on flow rate and occurs at higher values of σ for higher flow rates: for instance, a high aspect ratio flow (model 2) is still very close to the Newtonian regime at σ = 104 dyne/cm2, if the flow rate is greater than 105 g/s. In the Bingham regime, flow heights are generally greater and flow velocities are smaller than in the Newtonian regime; moreover, flow heights are independent of flow rate, so that a change in flow rate results exclusively in a velocity change. After assuming a specific temperature dependence of σ and η between the solidus and the liquidus temperatures of an ideal Bingham liquid (1000°C and 1200 °C respectively), flow heights and velocities are examined as functions of temperature along the flow. Several effects observed in lava flows are predicted by these models and allow a more quantitative insight into the behaviour of lava flows.  相似文献   

The record of the Earth’s magnetic field intensity during the past (paleointensity) carries important information about the geodynamo and the state of the Earth’s interior that is not contained in the record of its paleodirection. To determine what the critical factors in obtaining reliable estimate of paleointensity are, we present new results of a paleointensity study of the 1955 and 1960 Kilauea volcano lava flows, from the Big Island of Hawaii. Rock magnetic measurements on representative hand samples from each flow in conjunction with reflected light microscopy observations show the primary carriers of remanence to be pseudo-single domain titanomagnetite with various titanium contents. Paleointensity samples (small fragments previously embedded into salt pellets) were subjected to the Thellier-Coe experimental procedure. Fourteen temperature steps were distributed over the entire temperature range used (ambient temperature to 570°C). Control heating steps (commonly referred to as partial thermo-remanent magnetization — pTRM checks) were also conducted each third double heating step. Mean field intensity value (36.6 ± 0.7 μT) retrieved from 3 reliable site mean determinations reproduces the expected value within 1.1%. With the knowledge of the rock magnetic characteristics of the samples and the strength of the geomagnetic field during cooling of the lava, our investigation suggests that the Hawaiian lavas can faithfully record the local geomagnetic field and confirms that the Thellier-Coe type techniques are suitable on historical lava flows to yield reliable absolute paleointensity determinations. The variations in direct field measurements and in lab paleofield determinations may reflect local heterogeneities of the lava or influence of very local field anomalies due to the volcanic underlying terrain. These results underscore the importance that a better understanding of intensity results of historical lava flows is still required if reliable paleointensity determinations of older periods, for which we do not know the answer, are sought.  相似文献   

 We use a digital elevation model (DEM) derived from interferometrically processed SIR-C radar data to estimate the thickness of massive trachyte lava flows on the east flank of Karisimbi Volcano, Rwanda. The flows are as long as 12 km and average 40–60 m (up to >140 m) in thickness. By calculating and subtracting a reference surface from the DEM, we derived a map of flow thickness, which we used to calculate the volume (up to 1 km3 for an individual flow, and 1.8 km3 for all the identified flows) and yield strength of several flows (23–124 kPa). Using the DEM we estimated apparent viscosity based on the spacing of large folds (1.2×1012 to 5.5×1012 Pa s for surface viscosity, and 7.5×1010 to 5.2×1011 Pa s for interior viscosity, for a strain interval of 24 h). We use shaded-relief images of the DEM to map basic flow structures such as channels, shear zones, and surface folds, as well as flow boundaries. The flow thickness map also proves invaluable in mapping flows where flow boundaries are indistinct and poorly expressed in the radar backscatter and shaded-relief images. Received: 6 September 1997 / Accepted: 15 May 1998  相似文献   

 We introduce a 3D model for near-vent channelized lava flows. We assume the lava to be an isothermal Newtonian liquid flowing in a rectangular channel down a constant slope. The flow velocity is calculated with an analytical steady-state solution of the Navier-Stokes equation. The surface velocity and the flow rate are calculated as functions of the flow thickness for different flow widths, and the results are compared with those of a 2D model. For typical Etna lava flow parameters, the influence of levees on the flow dynamics is significant when the flow width is less than 25 m. The model predicts the volume flow rate corresponding to the surface velocity, taking into account that both depend on flow thickness. The effusion rate is a critical parameter to evaluate lava flow hazard. We propose a model to calculate the effusion rate given the lava flow width, the topograhic slope, the lava density, the surface flow velocity, and either the lava viscosity or the flow thickness. Received: 20 January 1998 / Accepted: 8 January 1999  相似文献   

Desiccation of starch-water slurries is a useful analog for the production of polygonal fractures/columnar joints in cooling lava flows. When left to dry completely, a simple mixture of 1:1 starch and water will produce columns that appear remarkably similar to natural columnar joints formed in cooled lava flows. Columns form when the accumulation of isotropic stress exceeds the tensile strength of a material, at which point a fracture forms and advances through the material perpendicular to the desiccating surface. Individual fractures will initially form orthogonal to the desiccation surface but will quickly evolve into a hexagonal fracture network that advances incrementally through the material. However, some fracture patterns found within natural lava flows are not hexagonal (Lodge and Lescinsky, 2009-this issue), but rather have fracture lengths that are much longer than the distance to adjacent fractures. These fractures are commonly found at lava flows that have interacted with glacial ice during emplacement. The purpose of this study is to utilize starch analog experiments to better understand the formation of these fractures and the stress regimes responsible for their non-hexagonal patterns.To simulate anisotropic conditions during cooling, the starch slurry was poured into a container with a movable wall that was attached to a screw-type jack. The jack was then set to slowly extend or retract while the slurry desiccated. This resulted in either a decrease or increase in the chamber cross-sectional area thus creating compressional or extensional regimes. Decreasing chamber area (DCA) experiments resulted in fractures with larger lengths parallel to the direction of wall movement (also direction of compression). It also caused localized thrust faulting and curved column development. Increasing chamber area (ICA) experiments produced a zone of horizontal column development along the expanding margin (produced when the wall detached from the sample). Within this zone vertical fracture traces were observed that extended beyond individual columns.The viscoelastic rheology of both starch-water slurries and cooling lava flows aid in the production of these long and continuous fractures. During desiccation/cooling, the total strain in the material is divided into elastic strain (stress accumulating) and viscous strain (stress relaxing). During isotropic conditions, the viscous component is also isotropic therefore stress is relaxed equally in all directions. However, if there is an existing viscous strain, such as in the DCA and ICA experiments, stress can be preferentially relaxed in a single direction resulting in fracture development with preferred orientations.  相似文献   

Here, we use observations of active flows along with detailed morphometric field measurements of more than 70 tumuli on flows at Mount Etna (Italy), Kilauea, and Hualalai (US) volcanoes to constrain a previously published model that estimates the pressure needed to form tumuli. In an attempt to discover the nature and magnitude of pressure variations within active lava flow interiors, we then consider how tumuli differ from idealized circular plates. We incorporate observations of active tumuli and find that they may grow asymmetrically yet produce a symmetrical tumulus and can form where the flow path significantly changes direction. Bending models of clamped edges provide the most reasonable head estimates for the tumuli in our study. Tumulus formation requires the proper combination of cooling and effusion rate. If cooling is too extensive and effusion rate too low, the crust will provide too much resistance to bending. If cooling is too limited and effusion rates too high, crusts will not develop or have insufficient strength to resist fracture and subsequent breakouts. We do not find it surprising that tumuli are rarely found over well-established lava tubes that typically have rigid, walls/overlying crusts that exceed 2 m in thickness and provide too much resistance to bending. Silicic flows lack tumuli because the viscosity gradients within the flow are insufficient to concentrate stress in a localized area.  相似文献   

 A basaltic andesite lava flow from Porri Volcano (Salina, Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) is composed of two different magmas. Magma A (51 vol.% of crystals) has a dacitic glass composition, and magma B (18 vol.% of crystals), a basaltic glass composition. Magma B is hosted in A and consists of sub-spherical enclaves and boudin-like, banding and rolling structures (RS). Four types of RS have been recognized: σ–type;δ–type; complex σ-δ–types and transitional structures between sub-spherical enclaves and rolling structures. An analysis of the RS has been performed in order to reconstruct the flow kinematics and the mechanism of flow emplacement. Rolling structures have been selected in three sites located at different distances from the vent. In all sites most RS show the same sense of shear. Kinematic analysis of RS allows the degree of flow non-coaxiality to be determined. The non-coaxiality is expressed by the kinematic vorticity number Wk, a measure of the ratio Sr between pure shear strain rate and simple shear strain rate. The values of Wk calculated from the measured shapes of microscopic RS increase with increasing distance from the vent, from approximately 0.5 to 0.9. Results of the structural analysis reveal that the RS formed during the early–intermediate stage of flow emplacement. They represent originally sub-spherical enclaves deformed at low shear strain. At higher strain, RS deformed to give boudin-like and stretched banding structures. Results of the kinematic analysis suggest that high viscosity lava flows are heterogeneous non-ideal shear flows in which the degree of non-coaxiality increases with the distance from the vent. In the vent area, deformation is intermediate between simple shear and pure shear. Farther from the vent, deformation approaches ideal simple shear. Lateral extension processes occur only in the near-vent zone, where they develop in response to the lateral push of magma extruded from the vent. Lateral shortening processes develop in the distal zone and record the gravity-driven movement of the lava. The lava flow advanced by two main mechanisms, lateral translation and rolling motion. Lateral translation equals rolling near the vent, while rolling motion prevailed in the distal zones. Received: 6 November 1997 / Accepted: 29 November 1997  相似文献   

The Tertiary Taylor Creek Rhyolite of southwest New Mexico comprises at least 20 lava domes and flows. Each of the lavas was erupted from its own vent, and the vents are distributed throughout a 20 km by 50 km area. The volume of the rhyolite and genetically associated pyroclastic deposits is at least 100 km3 (denserock equivalent). The rhyolite contains 15%–35% quartz, sanidine, plagioclase, ±biotite, ±hornblende phenocrysts. Quartz and sanidine account for about 98% of the phenocrysts and are present in roughly equal amounts. With rare exceptions, the groundmass consists of intergrowths of fine-grained silica and alkali feldspar. Whole-rock major-element composition varies little, and the rhyolite is metaluminous to weakly peraluminous; mean SiO2 content is about 77.5±0.3%. Similarly, major-element compositions of the two feldsparphenocryst species also are nearly constant. However, whole-rock concentrations of some trace-elements vary as much as several hundred percent. Initial radiometric age determinations, all K–Ar and fission track, suggest that the rhyolite lava field grew during a period of at least 2 m.y. Subsequent 40Ar/39Ar ages indicate that the period of growth was no more than 100 000 years. The time-space-composition relations thus suggest that the Taylor Creek Rhyolite was erupted from a single magma reservoir whose average width was at least 30 km, comparable in size to several penecontemporaneous nearby calderas. However, this rhyolite apparently is not related to a caldera structure. Possibly, the Taylor Creek Phyolite magma body never became sufficiently volatile rich to produce a large-volume pyroclastic eruption and associated caldera collapse, but instead leaked repeatedly to feed many relatively small domes and flows.The new 40Ar/39Ar ages do not resolve preexisting unknown relative-age relations among the domes and flows of the lava field. Nonetheless, the indicated geologically brief period during which Taylor Creek Rhyolite magma was erupted imposes useful constraints for future evaluation of possible models for petrogenesis and the origin of trace-element characteristics of the system.  相似文献   

 The massive unit of a lava flow from Porri volcano (Salina, Aeolian Islands) displays many unusual structures related to the physical interaction between two different magmas. The magma A represents approximately 80% of the exposed lava surface; it has a crystal content of 51 vol.% and a dacitic glass composition (SiO2=63–64 wt.%). The magma B has a basaltic-andesite glass composition (SiO2=54–55 wt.%) and a crystal content of approximately 18 vol.%. It occurs as pillow-like enclaves, banding, boudin-like and rolling structures which are hosted in magma A. Structural analysis suggests that banding and boudin-like structures are the result of the deformation of enclaves at different shear strain. The linear correlation between strain and stratigraphic height of the measured elements indicates a single mode of deformation. We deduce that the component B deformed according to a simple shear model. Glass analyses of the A–B boundary indicate that A and B liquids mix together at high shear strain, whereas only mingling occurs at low shear strain. This suggests that the amount of deformation (i.e. forced convection) plays an important role in the formation of hybrid magmas. High shear strain may induce stretching, shearing and rolling of fluids which promote both forced convection and dynamical diffusion processes. These processes allow mixing of magmas with large differences in their physical properties. Received: 15 July 1995 / Accepted: 30 May 1996  相似文献   

卫星传输大震速报系统的软件包由数据采集和检测定位两个模块组成,数据采集模块可以实现波形数据的实时接收、保存、波形回放、人机结合提取震相参数、系统时钟的校准、对系统运行进行监视以及报警功能;检测定位模块可以实现大震速报的事件检测和参数计算。本文介绍了数据采集模块内各种功能的实现方法和可以改进的地方,供以后在似工作的人员参考。  相似文献   

We have sampled a sequence of 107 lava flows in the Waianae series on Oahu, Hawaii, in two separate stretches. The first (51 flows) at Kaena Point extends from sea level to an altitude of 190 m, and the second (56 flows) follows the Satellite Tracking Station road from 218 m to 360 m above sea level. Thermal and af demagnetization yield very similar results, and reveal only normal polarities. K/Ar dating at five different horizons combined with the paleomagnetic results indicate that the sequence was emplaced entirely in the normal polarity interval between the Upper Mammoth and the Lower Kaena polarity transitions (3.22–3.11 Ma). Some of the flows are serially correlated. Filtering does not, however, drastically affect the final results. Inclinations are shallower than those expected from a centered dipole field. Although large (13°), the inclination anomaly is consistent with results from other sites at the same latitude. The scatter of the VGPs about the geographic pole is consistent with available data from other regions at similar latitudes. The scatter of the directions is also consistent with the predictions of recent statistical models of paleosecular variation. Therefore, these results do not support the hypothesis of a Pacific dipole window.  相似文献   

To understand how large submarine lava terraces form and why they are not commonly observed on land, we developed an isoviscous gravity flow model on an inclined surface to simulate the evolution and emplacement of lava flows under submarine conditions. By solving this preliminary model using a finite difference method, we are able to quantify how lava viscosity, pre-existing topographic slope, effusion rate, and lava volume affect meso-scale lava morphology. Our simulations show that, in general, high lava viscosity, gentle regional slope, and low effusion rate favor the formation of large terraces, but environmental conditions also play an important role. A gravity flow spreads more slowly underwater than subaerially. We also conclude that for low viscosity basaltic lava, the cooling of the lava body is one of the most critical factors that affect its shape. This study shows that the isoviscous model, though oversimplified, provides a quantitative tool to relate lava morphology to eruption characteristics. To gain a better understanding of the controls on submarine lava terrace formation, future models must take into account the temporal and spatial variation of lava viscosity, especially the effects of a brittle outer shell.  相似文献   

UAVs-SfM (unmanned aerial vehicles-structure-from-motion) systems can generate high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) topographic models of aeolian landforms. To explore the optimization of UAVs-SfM for use in aeolian landform morphodynamics, this study tested flight parameters for two contrasting aeolian landform areas (free dune and blowout) to assess the 3D reconstruction accuracy of the UAV survey compared with field point measurements using differential RTK-GPS (real-time kinematic-global positioning system). The results reveal the optimum UAVs-SfM flight set-up at the free-dune site was: flying height = 74 m, camera tilt angle = −90°, photograph overlap ratio = 85%/70% (heading/sideways). The horizontal/vertical location error was around 0.028–0.055 m and 0.053–0.069 m, respectively, and a point cloud density of 463/m3 was found to generate a clear texture using these flying parameters. For the < 20 m deep blowout the optimum set-up with highest accuracy and the lowest cliff texture distortion was: flying height = 74 m combined camera tilt angle = −90° and −60°, photograph overlap ratio = 85%/70% (heading/sideways), and an evenly distributed GCPs (ground control points) density of 42/km2 using these flying parameters. When the depth of the blowouts exceeded 40 m, the optimum flight/survey parameters changed slightly to account for more challenging cliff texture generation: flying height = 80 m (with −90° and −60°combined camera tilt angle), GCPs density = 63/km2 to generate horizontal and vertical location error of 0.024 m and 0.050 m, respectively, and point cloud density of 2597.11/m3. The main external factors that affect the successful 3D reconstruction of aeolian landforms using UAVs-SfM are the weather conditions, manipulation errors, and instrument system errors. The UAVs-SfM topographic monitoring results demonstrate that UAVs provide a viable and robust means for aeolian landform morphodynamics monitoring. Importantly, the rapid and high precision 3D reconstruction processes were significantly advanced using the optimal flight parameters reported here. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An explosive eruption occurred at the summit of Bezymianny volcano (Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia) on 11 January 2005 which was initially detected from seismic observations by the Kamchatka Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT). This prompted the acquisition of 17 Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) satellite images of the volcano over the following 10 months. Visible and infrared data from ASTER revealed significant changes to the morphology of the summit lava dome, later seen with field based thermal infrared (TIR) camera surveys in August 2005. The morphology of the summit lava dome was observed to have changed from previous year’s observations and historical accounts. In August 2005 the dome contained a new crater and two small lava lobes. Stepped scarps within the new summit crater suggest a partial collapse mechanism of formation, rather than a purely explosive origin. Hot pyroclastic deposits were also observed to have pooled in the moat between the current lava dome and the 1956 crater wall. The visual and thermal data revealed a complex eruption sequence of explosion(s), viscous lava extrusion, and finally the formation of the collapse crater. Based on this sequence, the conduit could have become blocked/pressurized, which could signify the start of a new behavioural phase for the volcano and lead to the potential of larger eruptions in the future.  相似文献   

The largest natrocarbonatite lava flow eruption ever documented at Oldoinyo Lengai, NW Tanzania, occurred from March 25 to April 5, 2006, in two main phases. It was associated with hornito collapse, rapid extrusion of lava covering a third of the crater and emplacement of a 3-km long compound rubbly pahoehoe to blocky aa-like flow on the W flank. The eruption was followed by rapid enlargement of a pit crater. The erupted natrocarbonatite lava has high silica content (3% SiO2). The eruption chronology is reconstructed from eyewitness and news media reports and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite data, which provide the most reliable evidence to constrain the eruption’s onset and variations in activity. The eruption products were mapped in the field and the total erupted lava volume estimated at 9.2 ± 3.0 × 105 m3. The event chronology and field evidence are consistent with vent construct instability causing magma mixing and rapid extrusion from shallow reservoirs. It provides new insights into and highlights the evolution of the shallow magmatic system at this unique natrocarbonatite volcano.  相似文献   

Prolonged and heavy exposure to particles of respirable, crystalline silica-rich volcanic ash could potentially cause chronic, fibrotic disease, such as silicosis, in individuals living in areas of frequent ash fall. Here, we show that the rhyolitic ash erupted from Chaitén volcano, Chile, in its dome-forming phase, contains increased levels of the silica polymorph cristobalite, compared to its initial plinian eruption. Ash erupted during the initial, explosive phase (2–5 May 2008) contained approximately 2 wt.% cristobalite, whereas ash generated after dome growth began (from 21 May 2008) contains 13–19 wt.%. The work suggests that active obsidian domes crystallise substantial quantities of cristobalite on time-scales of days to months, probably through vapour-phase crystallisation on the walls of degassing pathways, rather than through spherulitic growth in glassy obsidian. The ash is fine-grained (9.7–17.7 vol.% <4 μm in diameter, the respirable range) and the particles are mostly angular. Sparse, fibre-like particles were confirmed to be feldspar or glass.  相似文献   

Various evidences for a standing non-dipole field, stable with respect to reversals and thus leading to non-antidopal normal and reverse stable directions, suggest to reconsider the effect in the paleofield-remanence relationship of filtering due to lock-in time of natural remanence. Time averaging of non-antipodal stable directions leads to records that mimic the prediction of the low-order zonal harmonic model. A number of published sedimentary and intrusive records may be interpreted as such a by-product of the field behavior outside the transition itself, thus accounting for their discrepancies with volcanic records.  相似文献   

Statistical analysis of the magnetic fabric of samples from several successive lava flows emplaced under similar conditions can allow determination of the mean flow direction when magnetic fabric data from individual flows do not lead to reliable results. A difference between the obtained flow direction and the present dip direction indicates that the flows were tilted after emplacement. For 2 successive series of flows on the Jeanne d’Arc Peninsula presently NNW dipping, this method shows lava emplacement along a SSW–NNE direction. This indicates a gentle tilting acquired during a period of weak deformation in the whole archipelago. Additionally, the magnetic fabric data allow the reconstruction of the different conditions of emplacement of these two series of lava flows and of formation of the local thick conglomerate interbedded between these series.  相似文献   

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