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马衔山北缘断裂带及庄浪河断裂带的地震危险性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以GPS观测资料和部分地质方法所获得的断裂活动性参数为约束,基于弹性半无限空间断裂位错理论,反演获得庄浪河断裂、马衔山北缘断裂带各主要断裂段的现今滑动速率。结果表明,马衔山北缘断裂带的马衔山段左旋走滑较明显,量值达3.91 mm/a,而东、西两段走滑分量不明显,整个马衔山北缘断裂带有较明显的逆冲分量,以东段的内官营段逆冲倾滑最明显,量值达3.0 mm/a;庄浪河断裂有0.5~1.2 mm/a的逆倾滑分量,走滑分量不明显。在此基础上,计算了各个断裂段的地震复发间隔,并运用时间相依的概率模型计算了未来30 a、50 a和100 a的发震概率。  相似文献   

为了对青藏高原东北缘海原断裂带和香山-天景山断裂带的现今走滑及逆冲运动状况进行更加精细的观测研究,我们沿甘肃兰州至宁夏中卫一线布设了1条由12个站点构成的跨断裂GPS加密测线网。该测线网的站点在空间分布上与“中国地壳运动观测网络”的已有站点相互补充,共同构成了1条平均点距约22km的密集型GPS跨断裂剖面。在第1期观测中,考虑到测区周围存在2个“中国地壳运动观测网络”的连续观测基准站(西宁XNIN、盐池YANC),我们尝试采用了各观测组未必同步的“自由观测方式”,而在数据处理中采用了GIPSY先进的“精确单点定位”策略。结果表明,由“中国地壳运动观测网络”的连续基准网作为支撑平台,在局部区域的GPS加密监测中采用灵活的“自由观测方式”和简易的“精确单点定位”数据处理策略,能够在满足精度要求的前提下更加有效地实施  相似文献   

鲜水河断裂带北段GPS测量及其运动特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
鲜水河GPS监测网由18个沿鲜水河断裂带分布的点组成.1991年对该网进行了首次观测,1996和2000年进行了两期整网复测.本利用该网199l和2000年的二期GPS观测资料结合川西地区20世纪70年代以来的常规大地测量资料,计算给出了这一强震活动带现今运动图像:由测区的北西虾拉沱测点到南东的乾宁测点水平位移速率逐渐增大,而断层两盘的相对运动不明显.表明利用短边GPS测量可有效监视活动断裂带两侧一定区域的地壳运动.对比有形变测量资料以来川西地区6级以上地震分布的特点,认为可根据鲜水河断裂带断层两盘的相对运动和跨越断层的地壳整体运动的强弱这两种运动图像来研究区域强震的活动特征.  相似文献   

本文利用1999和2003年的GPS观测数据,通过在欧亚框架下的数据反演,并根据断裂带的活动性质和活动性的强弱,将测区范围内的红河断裂带分为三段(见图3示):北段断裂带、南段断裂带和中间转换区.  相似文献   

借助分布在北天山地区最新GPS点位的运动观测资料, 利用GAMIT/GLOBK数据处理软件获取了北天山地区现今地壳的运动位移场. 以该位移场为基础, 利用弹性半空间位错理论, 估算了研究区内博罗科努—阿其克库杜克断裂和准噶尔盆地南缘断裂两条具有代表性的主要断裂的现今活动速率. 结果表明: 博罗科努—阿其克库杜克右旋走滑断裂东、 西两段滑移速率的差异性不明显, 1944年3月10日乌苏南MS7.2强震发生后, 该断层现今表现为震后微蠕滑运动, 东、 西两段滑动速率均在1—2 mm/a之间; 准噶尔盆地南缘断裂现今滑动速率为(5.6±1.0) mm/a.   相似文献   


本文首先沿走向将鲜水河断裂带划分为炉霍、道孚、乾宁、康定和磨西五个断裂段,利用沿断裂带布设的跨断层短基线、短水准场地测量资料计算了近场的断层活动参数,利用覆盖断裂带相对较大区域的重力、GPS观测资料计算了重力场动态变化、GPS速度场.基于重力场动态变化和GPS速度场采用蚁群算法和粒子群算法(具有全局优化的优势)分别反演计算了五个断裂段断层活动参数,将结果中的走滑分量作为五个断裂段的现今走滑速率.通过对以上三类现今走滑速率及五个断裂段的地质平均滑动速率进行融合与对比分析,将重力资料反演计算结果作为断裂带整体走滑速率,与跨断层短基线、短水准测量计算的断层滑动速率结果进行对比分析,初步判定了各跨断层短基线、短水准场地所跨断裂的性质,最终给出了五个断裂段的现今整体左旋走滑速率和部分分支断裂左旋走滑速率,结果为:①炉霍段为9.13 mm·a-1,虾拉沱区域西支断裂为2.46 mm·a-1,东支断裂为5.84 mm·a-1.②道孚段为8.57 mm·a-1,东南段沟普区域西支断裂为1.78 mm·a-1,东支断裂为6.79 mm·a-1.③乾宁段为7.67 mm·a-1.④康定段为6.14 mm·a-1.⑤磨西段为4.41 mm·a-1.本文还定性讨论了断裂带两侧重力、GPS测点覆盖范围内活动地块的三维弹塑性变形和古地震、历史地震造成的永久位错.


利用近年来中外几个研究单位在青藏高原的GPS观测结果,根据印度板块向欧亚大陆 俯冲模型,采用二层弹性自重半空间内断层运动的位错模型,对印度板块向欧亚大陆俯冲的 速率进行了反演,给出了在大地测量观测结果约束下的现今印度板块向欧亚大陆俯冲的速率 . 反演结果表明,现今印度板块约以8.1°的倾角、21.8 mm/a的速率向欧亚大陆俯冲. 本文 结果与从地质推断的在过去2~3Ma时期内,印度板块向欧亚大陆俯冲速率平均为18mm/a,有 较好的一致性,表明在较长时间内,印度板块向欧亚大陆俯冲的速率仍然是稳定的.  相似文献   

断裂晚第四纪滑动速率及现今GPS观测揭示了青藏高原向北扩展与高原边缘隆升的运动特征.主要断裂晚第四纪滑动速率及跨断裂GPS应变速率的结果表明,青藏高原北部边缘的断裂以低滑动速率(<10 mm/a)为主,特别是两条边界断裂:阿尔金断裂和海原—祁连山断裂.两条主要边界断裂上的滑动速率分布显示了断裂间滑动速率转换及调整特征.阿尔金断裂自95°E以西的8~12 mm/a稳定滑动速率,向东逐渐降低到最东端的约1~2 mm/a,而海原断裂自哈拉湖一带开始发育后滑动速率为1~2 mm/a,到祁连一带(101°E以东)增大到相对稳定的4~5 mm/a,直到过海原后转向六盘山一带,滑动速率降低到1~3 mm/a,甚至更低.滑动速率的变化及分布特征显示,阿尔金断裂滑动主要是通过祁连山内部隆起及两侧新生代盆地变形引起的缩短来吸收的,海原—祁连山断裂的低滑动速率及沿断裂运动学特征表明断裂尾端的陇西盆地变形及六盘山的隆起是断裂左旋走滑速率的主要吸收方式.这一变形特征表明,青藏高原北部边缘的变形模式是一种分布式的连续变形,变形发生自高原内部,边界断裂的走滑被高原内部变形所吸收.  相似文献   

介绍中美合作建立的川滇GPS地壳形变监测网的布设和观测情况。利用GAMIT和GLOBK软件分别对已完成的两期观测数据进行了处理,基线相对精度优于0.1ppm。对两期观测主部分基线结果作了比较,得出一些有益的结论。  相似文献   

GPS数据表明,跨安地斯山脉的现代地壳缩短为30-40mm/a,而地质资料证明集中在安地斯山脉下冲断带的壳缩短要小得多(<15mm/a),我们使用地球动力学模型(包含随时间尺度变化的地壳形变)对大地测量与地质方法测得的地壳缩短进行了平差,GPS速度反映安地斯山脉的永久形变也包括弹性形变,后者在将来的地震中会得到恢复,而较小的地质速率则只反映永久性形变。三维粘弹性模型预测,跨安地斯山脉的近乎均匀的短期速度梯度与GPS结果相似,集中在安地斯山脉下冲断带的长期地壳与地质观测结果一致。  相似文献   

发震断层的形变是断层活动的重要参数之一,对认识断层性质、震源机理有重要作用。文中以逆冲性质为主的汶川地震为例,采用符合地表水平形变特征的Biharmonic样条插值对GPS水平形变矢量插值,然后再分解为EW和SN向分量。利用可靠的GPS观测值对InSAR参考点进行校正,统一两者的坐标系。通过对汶川地震视线向形变场剖面与GPS对比分析发现,断层上盘GPS与InSAR观测参考点相差9.93cm,而下盘则为-11.49cm。在此研究基础上,通过GPS水平形变场与InSAR视线向形变场联合解算,获取了汶川地震垂直连续形变场。结果表明,断层两侧垂直形变衰减较快,横跨断裂带形变量30cm的宽度不超过50km;沿发震断层附近垂直形变高值区分布不均匀,主要集中分布在发震断裂的汶川县城至都江堰段、茶坪—北川—南坝段和青川段。这3段各有特色,南段断层两侧垂直形变极不对称,主要以上盘剧烈抬升为主,最大抬升区域在映秀镇至连山坪一带,抬升量达到5.5m。中段表现为较强的反对称性,断层一侧抬升另一侧沉降。该段上盘最大抬升区域在茶坪东侧,抬升量为255cm,下盘最大沉降量在永庆,沉降量为-215cm。北端垂直形变相对较小,主要分布在青川北侧,呈对称分布,在发震断层最北端,最大抬升量为120cm。  相似文献   

文中收集了1999—2015年天山地震带及其周边地区的GNSS数据,计算得到了速度场结果,并利用弹性块体模型计算了研究区域内各块体的闭锁深度和主要断层的滑动速率.研究结果表明:南天山断裂带西段的迈丹断裂的缩短速率处于高值状态,达(-6.3±1.9)mm/a,高于南天山东段;北天山断裂带西段的缩短速率同样高于东段.利用主...  相似文献   

冷龙岭活动断裂的滑动速率研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
根据对冷龙岭断裂重点地段的野外调查,研究了该断裂的几何特征及浮雕劝速率。结果表明:该断裂为一条全新世活动断层,由一组近于平行的次级断裂所组成。按总体特征可将该断裂分为3段,中更新世以来各时代的断裂平均滑动速率分别为:中更新世:2.14~4.64mm/a,晚更新世:2.86~4.07mm/a,全新世:3.35~4.62mm/a,全新世以来该断裂平均垂直滑动速率为0.38mm/a。  相似文献   

The northwestern section of the Zhangjiakou-Bohai fault zone starts in the west of Zhangjiakou, extending southeast through Huailai, Shunyi and Tianjin and entering into the Bohai Sea, with a width up to several tens of kilometers, narrow in the west and wide in the east. The Neogene-Quaternary has extended in the northwest and southeast direction, forming a large regional active structure. There are many earthquakes of magnitude 7 or above in the history on the Zhangjiakou-Bohai fault zone and it is also a strong earthquake activity zone in eastern China. Therefore, the modern tectonic activities of this fault zone have an important impact on regional seismic hazard, and are of great significance for earthquake prediction and disaster reduction. In this paper, using the mobile GPS station observation data of 1999, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015, and with the rigid-linear elastic block motion model equation proposed by LI Yan-xing, the horizontal deformation rate and strain rate of the Zhangjiakou-Bohai fault zone of the five adjacent periods of 1999-2007, 2007-2009, 2009-2011, 2011-2013 and 2013-2015 were calculated, the tectonic activity characteristics and evolution of the fault zone were studied. The results show that in the five periods, the average deformation rate of the Zhangjiakou-Bohai fault zone is 1. 74mm/a, the left-lateral strike-slip rate is 1.59mm/a, and the compression rate is -0.59mm/a. The Zhangjiakou-Bohai fault zone is characterized by left-lateral strike-slip and compression on the whole, and the left-lateral strike-slip rate is greater than the compression rate at each period. The strike-slip rate is significantly greater than the compression rate, indicating that the activity of Zhangjiakou-Bohai fault zone is dominated by left-lateral strike-slip faulting with compression. The minimum principal strain rate of the Zhangjiakou-Bohai fault zone in the five periods varies from -12.06×10-9/a to -4.62×10-9/a, and the average minimum principal strain axis direction is N63.9°E, with little change in direction. The maximum principal strain rate varies from 1.55×10-9/a to 5.99×10-9/a, and the average maximum principal strain axis direction is N333.9°W, the direction does not change much. The strike of the Zhangjiakou-Bohai fault zone is NWW(the overall strike is calculated by N300°W), and the normal strain rate of the fault zone is -5.87×10-9/a(being compressional), and the shear strain rate is 12.70×10-9/a. The shear strain rate on the fault zone is about twice the value of the normal strain rate, and the shear strain rate of the fault zone is greater than the normal strain rate, which indicates the shear stress of the 5 periods of 1999-2007, 2007-2009, 2009-2011, 2011-2013 and 2013-2015 is relatively significant, suggesting that the fault plain is dominated by left-lateral shear stress. This suggests that the Japan 3·11 earthquake has little effect on the deformation strain of the Zhangjiakou-Bohai fault zone, and it does not change the nature of activity of the fault zone. The tectonic activity is still inheriting. Since the tectonic activity of the Zhangjiakou-Bohai fault zone has gradually decreased after the Japan 3·11 earthquake, the deformation strain evolution trend has gradually returned to a unified consistent state. Therefore, the deformation strain state of the Zhangjiakou-Bohai fault zone does not have the condition for strong earthquakes.  相似文献   

Strike-slip fault plays an important role in the process of tectonic deformation since Cenozoic in Asia. The role of strike-slip fault in the process of mountain building and continental deformation has always been an important issue of universal concern to the earth science community. Junggar Basin is located in the hinterland of Central Asia, bordering on the north the Altay region and the Baikal rift system, which are prone to devastating earthquakes, the Tianshan orogenic belt and the Tibet Plateau on the south, and the rigid blocks, such as Erdos, the South China, the North China Plain and Amur, on the east. Affected by the effect of the Indian-Eurasian collision on the south of the basin and at the same time, driven by the southward push of the Mongolian-Siberian plate, the active structures in the periphery of the basin show a relatively strong activity. The main deformation patterns are represented by the large-scale NNW-trending right-lateral strike-slip faults dominated by right-lateral shearing, the NNE-trending left-lateral strike-slip faults dominated by left-lateral shearing, and the thrust-nappe structure systems distributed in piedmont of Tianshan in the south of the basin. There are three near-parallel-distributed left-lateral strike-slip faults in the west edge of the basin, from the east to the west, they are:the Daerbute Fault, the Toli Fault and the Dongbielieke Fault. This paper focuses on the Dongbielieke Fault in the western Junggar region. The Dongbielieke Fault is a Holocene active fault, located at the key position of the western Junggar orogenic belt. The total length of the fault is 120km, striking NE. Since the late Quaternary, the continuous activity of the Dongbielieke Fault has caused obvious left-lateral displacement at all geomorphologic units along the fault, and a linear continuous straight steep scarp was formed on the eastern side of the Tacheng Basin. According to the strike and the movement of fault, the fault can be divided into three segments, namely, the north, middle and south segment. In order to obtain a more accurate magnitude of the left-lateral strike-slip displacement and the accumulative left-lateral strike-slip displacement of different geomorphic surfaces, we chose the Ahebiedou River in the southern segment and used the UAV to take three-dimensional photographs to obtain the digital elevation model(the accuracy is 10cm). And on this basis, the amount of left-lateral strike-slip displacement of various geological masses and geomorphic surfaces(lines)since their formation is obtained. The maximum left-lateral displacement of the terrace T5 is(30.7±2.1)m and the minimum left-lateral displacement is(20.1±1.3)m; the left-lateral displacement of the terrace T4 is(12±0.9)m, and the left-lateral displacement of the terrace T2 is(8.7±0.6)m. OSL dating samples from the surface of different level terraces(T5, T4, T2 and T1)are collected, processed and measured, and the ages of the terraces of various levels are obtained. By measuring the amount of left-lateral displacements since the Late Quaternary of the Dongbielieke Fault and combining the dating results of the various geomorphic surfaces, the displacements and slip rates of the fault on each level of the terraces since the formation of the T5 terrace are calculated. Using the maximum displacement of(30.7±2.1)m of the T5 terrace and the age of the geomorphic surface on the west bank of the river, we obtained the slip rate of(0.7±0.11)mm/a; similarly, using the minimum displacement of(20.1±1.3)m and the age of the geomorphic surface of the east bank, we obtained the slip rate of(0.46±0.07)mm/a. T5 terrace is developed on both banks of the river and on both walls of the fault. After the terraces are offset by faulting, the terraces on foot wall in the left bank of the river are far away from the river, and the erosion basically stops. After that, the river mainly cuts the terraces on the east bank. Therefore, the west bank retains a more accurate displacement of the geomorphic surface(Gold et al., 2009), so the left-lateral slip rate of the T5 terrace is taken as(0.7±0.11)mm/a. The left-lateral slip rate calculated for T4 and T2 terraces is similar, with an average value of(0.91±0.18)mm/a. In the evolution process of river terraces, the lateral erosion of high-level terrace is much larger than that of low-level terrace, so the slip rate of T4 and T2 terraces is closer to the true value. The left-lateral slip rate of the Dongbielieke Fault since the late Quaternary is(0.91±0.18)m/a. Compared with the GPS slip rate in the western Junggar area, it is considered that the NE-trending strike-slip motion in this area is dominated by the Dongbielieke Fault, which absorbs a large amount of residual deformation while maintaining a relatively high left-lateral slip rate.  相似文献   

兰州马衔山北缘断裂带的新活动特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
通过详细地质填图研究获得了兰州马衔山北缘断裂带的几何学、新活动性、断错微地貌及滑动速率等的定量资料。马衔山北缘断裂为一条历史悠久的区域性活动断裂 ,其几何形态较简单 ,总体走向N6 0°W ,全长约 115 .5km。根据断裂分叉、拐弯及不连续阶区等几何特征和活动性的差异 ,大致可以将该断裂划分为 4条次级断层段 ,自东向西分别称为内官营段、马衔山段、七道梁段和雾宿山段。断裂的新活动具分段性 ,其中的内官营段为具逆断特性的晚更新世活动段 ,而马衔山段、七道梁段和雾宿山段均为全新世活动段。该断裂早期具逆断特性 ,大约自中更新世以来以左旋走滑为主兼具倾滑运动分量 ,形成了一系列山脊、冲沟、阶地等的左旋断错 ,断距几米至几百米。沿断裂带的水平位移具分组现象 ,可能反映了断裂的黏滑活动特性。根据Ⅰ ,Ⅱ级阶地的左旋断错值及其年代 ,得到了马衔山北缘断裂带晚更新世以来的平均水平滑动速率约为 3.73mm/a。同时沿断裂带还保存有断崖和断坎等 ,其中Ⅰ级阶地上的断坎高 1~ 1.5m左右  相似文献   

滨海附近地区GPS和断层形变与地震关系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
简要介绍了环勃海及华北部分地区跨断层形变资料的分析结果,同时介绍了1992年至1995年首都圈两期GPS测量资料处理分析的初步结果。通过比较,二者所显示的地壳活动趋势存在性质上的差异,主要是因观测时段的不一致而引起;在同时段资料的对比分析中,因测点和断层空间分布差异的存在,有44.8%的流动资料难以判定其与GPS资料的一致性,但在可判定的33项资料中,有89%是一致的,证明二者从不同的侧面反映了近  相似文献   

余丰晏  刘代芹 《高原地震》2009,21(2):9-17,8
利用GPS与水准测量相结合对某水库大坝表面变形进行了多期监测,采集了大量的观测数据。通过内业计算、严密平差得到该水库的各个变形点的三维坐标,并与上期资料相比较获取坝点的形变量,最终通过计算、分析给出水库中坝、东坝及西坝3个坝体的稳定性参数。  相似文献   

阐述了通过走滑活动断裂断错冲沟形成变形角研究冲沟形成年代,进而探讨断裂活动特征的方法。并以天桥沟-黄羊川断裂东段为例,对变形角大小和冲沟形成年代及冲沟水平断错距之间的关系进行了探讨,结果表明它们之间关系密切。最后论述了变形角用于走滑活动断裂研究的可能性及意义。  相似文献   

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