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Mineralium Deposita - In North Western Queensland, Australia, there are numerous small cobalt deposits of which Mount Cobalt is the largest. Recent work has shown that cobalt is also a significant...  相似文献   

The rheology of layered meta-sedimentary rocks, and their orientation and position relative to major fault systems were the key controls on Proterozoic hydrothermal copper mineralization at Mount Isa, Australia. Compositional layering in the host rock partitioned mechanical behavior and strain, leading to selective permeability generation and the focusing of fluid flow. Shale layers preferentially failed by plastic shearing, whereas meta-siltstones remained elastic or failed in tension depending on magnitude of deformation and fluid pressure. Numerical simulations support the hypothesis that the orientation of layering and the proximity to major fault systems controlled fracturing and permeability increase in the Urquhart shale. The dilating shale provided a pathway for an upward-flowing, reduced basement fluid, from which quartz was precipitated during cooling. During a later event, the reactivation of steep structures provided access to surface derived oxidized metal-bearing brine, causing the precipitation of dolomite followed by chalcopyrite ore in the brecciated silicified shale.  相似文献   

Summary Factors affecting the stability of a trial open stope at a depth of 1000 m in fissile foot wall and hanging wall shales are discussed. A combination of systematic support using cable dowels, and reduced disturbance from blasting using low density explosives and single ring firing, allowed successful completion of the stope.  相似文献   

The sulphur isotopic characteristics of ore deposits in the Australian Mount Isa Eastern Succession are not well known, unlike those of the Western Succession. In this study new detailed analyses are provided for recently discovered Eastern Succession mineralisation, such as the Starra and Osborne BIF-hosted Cu-Au ores, the Dugald River sediment-hosted Pb-Zn prospect, and four vein-hosted Cloncurry-style Cu±Au deposits (Hampden, Mt Elliot/Swan, Mt Cobalt, and the Answer Mine). All of the deposits of the Eastern Succession have 34Ssulphide between –8 and +9%., regardless of their genesis. Empirically a moderate (34S range averaging close to 0%. characterises Starra-style Cu-Au and Pegmont Pb-Zn BIF ores, whereas shear and vein-style Cu mineralisation populations are tighter and do not average close to 0%. This is a particularly surprising result for Dugald River, where a larger isotopic variation more typical of stratiform sediment-hosted Pb-Zn ores in the region might have been expected. By comparison, Western Succession stratiform Pb-Zn and vein-style Cu deposits span a huge range of-15 to 51%. Large sulphur isotope ranges typify sulphate evaporite or organic sulphur-rich sedimentary successions. The lack of such variation in the Eastern Succession in turn suggests that primary evaporite sequences there were halite-dominated but sulphate-poor, and/or contained only limited volumes of organic-sulphur-rich sediment. Eastern Succession sequences were therefore less likely hosts for giant stratiform Pb-Zn deposits, because of their paucity of sulphur, although local sulphur sources permitted small deposits such as Dugald River to develop. Sedimentary conditions were more favourable for the development of sulphur-poor synsedimentary hydrothermal systems such as Starra, Osborne, and Pegmont, although sulphur isotope evidence is equivocal about the origin of these. Epigenetic deposits close to the Williams Batholith (Mt Dore, Hampden) owe their clustering around 0%. to their granitic fluid source.  相似文献   

Minor tin, tungsten, tantalum and beryllium mineralization occurs near Mount Isa in pegmatites along the eastern rim of the Queen Elizabeth pluton, a multi-phase pluton in the Proterozoic Sybella Granite batholith of northwest Queensland. The Queen Elizabeth pluton and adjacent metamorphic rocks were explored by Mount Isa Mines Limited during 1980–1983 to assess the tin potential of the area.An orientation study was carried out over an existing tin deposit, using stream-sediment, soil and rock-chip sampling, magnetometer and scintillometer surveys and percussion drilling. This defined the geophysical and geochemical features of the deposit, and indicated that monazite and cassiterite had related distributions and could be used as heavy-mineral tracers. Broader exploration used stream-sediment and rock-chip sampling, and airborne magnetic and gamma-ray spectrometry surveys.The eastern rim of the Queen Elizabeth pluton was found to be enriched in thorium and tin, and an area of approximately 2000 × 400 m with anomalously high tin values in bedrock was delineated in a part of the pluton not previously known to be mineralized. An economic assessment led to relinquishment of the area at that stage. Although no new areas of economic mineralization were found, the study indicated that in this region the thorium gamma-ray response can be used in regional airborne surveys to define areas of prime interest for tin exploration, and that monazite in stream sediments can be used as a heavy-mineral tracer for pegmatitic tin mineralization.  相似文献   

A distinct feature of the world-class Mount Isa copper system is the presence of a massive silica body enveloping the chalcopyrite ore body in the Urquhart shale. Because silicification may be genetically linked to the copper mineralization, it is important to understand its formation. It can be shown by numerical simulations of reactive transport processes that both hydraulic head and buoyancy driven flow are capable of generating silicification patterns similar to the field example. Considering the physical conditions required to form the observed patterns we suggest, however, that head-driven flow rather than free thermal convection produced the silica body. Free convection requires very special conditions and only one of several possible scenarios reproduces the observed silicification whereas any of the tested forced flux scenario is capable of doing so.  相似文献   

This study is a search for a genetic relationship between Pb sulphide ore and igneous rocks in the region of Mount Isa, Queensland. The approach involves derivation of Pb isotope initial ratios by the whole-rock isochron method, and comparison of the initial ratios (Pb206/Pb204, Pb207/Pb204 and Pb208/Pb204) with the isotopic composition of the ore Pb. Data are reported for four igneous units; Kalkadoon granodiorite, Kalkadoon adamellite, Sybella granite and Eastern Creek volcanics. The results display considerable scatter for each of the units, and reveal the effects of recent surficial loss of U. The positioning of isochrons is aided by previous Rb-Sr geochronological data wherever possible. Comparison of initial ratios and ore Pb suggests that none of the igneous rock units is co-genetic with the ore deposit. Both phases of the Sybella Granite are more radiogenic and are apparently younger than the ore Pb. The Kalkadoon Granite is possibly related to the ore through some post-emplacement process of extraction and transport of Pb (e.g. by erosion or by anatectic magma generation) to the present site of the orebodies.  相似文献   

Dolomites associated with copper mineralization have higher Fe contents and lower Mn/Fe ratios than their unmineralized equivalents. Over a wide stratigraphic interval and range of original depositional environments, copper-associated dolomite in the Proterozoic Mount Isa Inlier of NW Queensland has Mn/Fe0.11. Vein dolomite has a higher Fe content than its corresponding matrix; nevertheless the Mn/Fe ratio of the matrix is a good guide to the maximum Mn/Fe ratio for a dolomitic vein. Thus the simple determination of the Fe and Mn component in the dolomite of a rock gives information about the possible association with copper mineralization even when the rock itself is completely barren.  相似文献   

The water-laid tuff beds in the mine sequence at Mount Isa, Queensland, yield anomalous whole-rock isochron results. The RbSr “age” is significantly younger than expected, the apparent initial ratio is high, and the scatter about the regression line is significantly greater than experimental. In the UThPb system, the scatter is greater, the “age” is even lower, and the initial ratios approximate to the ore values. The results are interpreted in terms of continued mobility of minor elements in the water-rich sediments while deep-burial conditions persist.  相似文献   

Summary The 3000 Orebody is one of two orebodies in the Deep Copper Mine at Mount Isa, Australia. Owing to concerns about potential shaft pillar instabilities, an integrated seismic system was introduced to monitor seismic activity associated with pillar and country rock deformation. Coupled with numerical modelling of the stress regime, the system may assist in the characterization of rock mass damage resulting from mining, and perhaps the identification of near- and far-field geological structures that affect stope performance. A study was undertaken to quantify the seismicity and to determine potential applications of the seismic technology. The relation between geological structure and seismicity is strong, suggesting good prospects for the use of the system in the ground-control activities noted above. The induction of seismicity, which involves small magnitude events, is associated with reduction of normal stress on planes of weakness, suggesting that stress path may be an important factor in the level of seismicity observed in hard rock mines.  相似文献   

The Tono sandstone-type uranium mine area, middle Honsyu, Japan is composed of Miocene lacustrine sedimentary rocks in the lower part (18–22 Ma) and marine facies in the upper part (15–16 Ma). Calcite and pyrite occur as dominant diagenetic alteration products in these Neogene sedimentary rocks. The characteristics of calcite and pyrite differ significantly between lacustrine and marine facies. Abundant pyrite, calcite, organic matter, and small amounts of marcasite or pyrrhotite occur in the lacustrine facies, whereas small amounts of calcite and framboidal pyrite, organic matter and no marcasite or pyrrhotite are found within the marine units. The δ13C values of calcite in the lacustrine deposits are low (−19 to −6‰ PDB) but those in marine formation are high (−11 to +3‰). This implies that the contribution of marine carbonate is larger in upper marine sedimentary rocks, and carbon in calcite in the lower lacustrine formation was derived both from oxidation of organic matter and from dissolved marine inorganic carbon. The δ34S values of framboidal pyrite in the upper marine formation are low (−14 to −8‰ CDT), indicating a small extent of bacterial seawater sulfate reduction, whereas those of euhedral-subhedral pyrite in the lower lignite-bearing arkose sandstone are high (+10 to +43‰), implying a large extent of closed-system bacterial seawater sulfate reduction. The δ34S and δ13C data which deviate from a negative correlation line toward higher δ13C values suggest methanogenic CO2 production. During diagenesis of the lacustrine unit, large amounts of euhedral-subhedral pyrite were formed, facilitated by extensive bacterial reduction of seawater sulfate with concomitant oxidation of organic matter, and by hydrolysis reactions of organic matter, producing CH4 and CO2. Uranium minerals (coffinite and uraninite) were also formed at this stage by the reduction of U6+ to U4+. The conditions of diagenetic alteration within the lacustrine deposits and uranium mineralization is characterized by low Eh in which nearly equal concentrations of CH4 and HCO3 existed and reduced sulfur species (H2S, HS) are predominant among aqueous sulfur species, whereas diagenetic alteration of the marine formations was characterized by a predominance of SO4 2− among dissolved sulfur species. Modern groundwater in the lacustrine formation has a low Eh value (−335 mV). Estimated and measured low Eh values of modern and ancient interstitial waters in lacustrine environments indicate that a reducing environment in which U4+ is stable has been maintained since precipitation of uranium minerals. Received: 9 February 1996 / Accepted: 11 April 1997  相似文献   

Twenty eight electron microprobe analyses of freibergite from the Mount Isa (Queensland) Pb-Zn-Ag stratiform orebody, range in silver content from 18.4 to 42.5 wt. % Ag. These values significantly extend the tetrahedrite-freibergite series. The compositional range based on twenty-one complete analyses is indicated by the formula (Ag,Cu)9.21–11.44(Fe,Zn)1.59–2.31(Sb,As)3.87–4.43S13.0. As far as could be determined, Mount Isa freibergite is homogeneous and no marked compositional changes were detected either across individual grains, or in different grains of the same electron microprobe sample. The linear, atom for atom, replacement of copper by silver reported for lower silver bearing tetrahedrites continues in Mount Isa freibergite. A maximum silver content of about 51 wt. % Ag is predicted. X-ray investigations indicate however that in contrast to the structural expansion with increasing silver content reported for argentian tetrahedrite, Mount Isa freibergite contracts with increase in silver. The extrapolated lattice parameter for the theoretical freibergite (Ag10(Fe,Zn)2Sb4S13) end member is of the same order as tetrahedrite.  相似文献   

雷新勇 《矿床地质》1994,13(4):322-330
本文通过试验路研究,提出交通事故多发段沥青路面抗滑表层做法的一些具体意见,包括结构类型、材料要求和施工要点。试验路观测表明,抗滑表层对减少交通事故有明显作用,供应用参考。  相似文献   

This study, dealing with the stable isotope (C, O, and S) geochemistry of F-Pb-Zn deposits, is part of an integrated metallogenetic study of the Valle de Tena (Central Pyrenees). The objective of this work is to place constraints on the origin of the mineralizing solutions and sources of sulphur and metals. Two types of mineralization have been identified: (1) stratabound ores linked to an emersion episode that occurred during the Namurian to Westfalian transition (Portalet mines), and (2) low-temperature hydrothermal veins related to post-Hercynian extensional tectonics (Yenefrito and Lanuza mines, and Tebarray occurrences). Stable isotopic study indicates that the source of mineralizing components was the local Upper Palaeozoic country rocks in the case of the stratabound Portalet deposit (biogenic sulphides and connate waters, modified by some meteoric input through a karst surface). In the case of vein deposits, stable isotopes point toward either modified connate water or marine water as the mineralizing fluid, with sulphur and metals derived from a mixture, in different proportions, of regional igneous and (meta)sedimentary country rocks. Received: 6 November 1995 / Accepted: 6 September 1996  相似文献   

A swarm of Caledonian microtonalite sheets is host to W-Sn mineralization in SE Ireland. Many but not all mineralized sheets are within a regional shear zone which, however, does not appear to have been a major control on mineralization. Scheelite and arsenopyrite are the dominant minerals within and adjacent veins in greisened tonalite. No wolframite occurs. The intrusions are affected by two alterations, a pervasive one and another which is spatially associated with veins. Both are associated with high metal values. Veining is confined to microtonalite sheets and was initiated at least partly by hydraulic fracturing of the intrusions. Stable isotope analyses indicate that mineral deposition occurred over narrow time and temperature intervals from a hydrothermal fluid of magmatic origin. Methane is important in fluid inclusions in quartz veins and the low oxygen fugacity of the mineralizing fluid was probably critical in concentrating metals and in suppressing wolframite formation.  相似文献   

Quantitative mineral data from the lead-zinc bearing sediments at Mount Isa were studied using linear correlation analysis and R-mode cluster analysis. Pyrrhotite was found to be preferentially associated with galena and sphalerite. It is postulated that during sedimentation, formation of lead and zinc sulphides depleted an already limited sulphur supply to the point where the field of FeS stability was entered. The primary iron monosulphide formed was, or has since become, pyrrhotite. This hypothesis is in contrast to the widely held opinion that pyrrhotite in stratiform ores formed by metamorphic decomposition of pyrite. Empirical support for the sedimentary formation of pyrrhotite is provided by textural and qualitative mineralogical data from Mount Isa and other stratiform lead-zinc deposits.  相似文献   

The Mount Gunson copper deposits occur in essentially unmetamorphosed gently-folded Upper Proterozoic sediments, far from any known igneous intrusions. They consist of a number of small ore bodies which can be divided into two groups on the basis of differences in location, texture and mineralogy. The groups are here termed the off-lagoon deposits, which are extensively oxidized and occur in low hills to the west of Pernatty Lagoon, and the lagoon deposits, which are not significantly oxidized and occur in basins of permeable bedrock under the lagoon floor. The topography and drainage of this region appear to have altered little since the Tertiary. This paper presents the results of a sulphur isotope ratio study of sulphide minerals, groundwaters and gypsum samples from the mineralized areas. The isotope ratios recorded for the lagoon sulphides provide an example of the pattern predicted for metal sulphide precipitation due to bacterial reduction of sulphate in an environment with limited replenishment of sulphate. This finding is in accord with the suggestion that the copper sulphides were precipitated during recent geological times in groundwater traps in the permeable bedrock under the lagoon. However, sulphate from groundwater and gypsum in the lagoon is not enriched in the S34 isotope, and hence it is concluded that no significant bacterial reduction of sulphate is occurring in the areas examined at the present time. The isotope ratios recorded for the off-lagoon sulphides, in contrast, fall in a narrower range. They can be interpreted to reflect metal sulphide precipitation by bacterial reduction of sulphate in a fairly open system, with considerable replenishment of sulphate, but they provide no information concerning the time of this precipitation. Mineralogical studies of the sulphide samples show that individual samples contain a mixture of sulphide minerals and that one mineral is usually dominant. It appears, for samples with co-existing chalcopyrite and djurleite, that S34 is preferentially enriched in the chalcopyrite.
Zusammenfassung Die Mount Gunson-Kupferlagerstätten finden sich in im wesentlichen nicht metamorphisierten, schwach gefalteten ober-proterozoischen Sedimenten, weit entfernt von irgendwelchen bekannten Intrusiven. Sie bestehen aus einer Reihe kleiner Erzkörper, die sich auf Grund ihrer Unterschiede in bezug auf ihren Fundort, ihr Gefüge und ihre Mineralogie in zwei Gruppen unterteilen lassen. Diese beiden Gruppen werden hier als Off-Lagoon-Lagerstätten, die weitgehend oxidiert sind und in niedrigen Hügeln westlich von der Pernatty Lagoon vorkommen, beziehungsweise als Lagoon-Lagerstätten, die nicht significant oxidiert sind und in Becken permeablen Gesteins unter dem Lagunenboden gefunden werden, bezeichnet. Die Topographie und die Abflußverhältnisse scheinen sich in dieser Region seit dem Tertiär nur wenig verändert zu haben. Diese Arbeit zeigt die Ergebnisse einer Analyse der Schwefelisotopen-Verhältnisse von Sulfiden, Grundwasser- und Gips-Proben aus den mineralisierten Bereichen. Die für die Lagunen-Sulfide registrierten Isotopenverhältnisse sind ein Beispiel der für die Metallsulfid-Ausfällung auf Grund von bakterieller Sulfatzufuhr zu erwartenden Verteilung. Dieser Befund stimmt mit der Vorstellung, daß die Kupfersulfide während rezenter geologischer Zeiten in Grundwasserspeichern innerhalb des permeablen Gesteins unter der Lagune ausgefällt worden sind, überein. Die Sulfate aus dem Grundwasser und Gips der Lagune sind jedoch nicht mit dem Isotop S34 angereichert, woraus der Schluß gezogen wird, daß in den untersuchten Gebieten gegenwärtig keine wesentliche bakterielle Reduktion von Sulfaten stattfindet. Im Gegensatz dazu fallen die für die Off-Lagoon-Lagerstätten-Sulfide registrierten Isotopen-Verhältnisse in einen engeren Streuungsbereich. Sie können als Darstellung von Metall-Sulfid-Ausfällung durch bakterielle Reduktion von Sulfaten in einem ziemlich offenen System mit erheblichem Sulfat-Nachschub gedeutet werden, geben aber keine Auskunft über den Zeitpunkt dieser Präzipitation. Mineralogische Untersuchungen der Sulfid-Proben zeigen, daß die einzelnen Proben eine Mischung von Sulfid-Mineralien enthalten und daß gewöhnlich ein Mineral überwiegt. In Proben, die sowohl Kupferkies als auch Djurleit enthalten, scheint S34 vorzugsweise im Kupferkies angereichert zu sein.

The sediment-hosted Zn---Pb---Ag deposit at Dugald River is situated 87 km northeast of Mount Isa, NW Queensland. It is a mid-scale base metal accumulation restricted to a black slate sequence of low metamorphic grade. The orebody is tabular and consists of fine- to medium-grained sulphides with a dominant mineralogy of sphalerite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, galena, quartz and muscovite. Three different ore types have been recognized based on mineralization textures; laminated, banded and brecciated. The present reserve stands at 38 million tons of ore averaging 13.0% Zn, 2.1% Pb and 42 g/t Ag. A structural investigation has revealed that six stages of deformation have affected the metasediments in the Dugald River area. The first four (D1, D2, D3 and D4) are characterized by the extensive development of folds and associated axial plane cleavage. They were all generated in a ductile regime and are of considerable significance for the structural evolution of this region as well as for the emplacement and localization of the sulphide mineralization. D5 provides a transition towards brittle deformation developing strong kink folds with subhorizontal axial planes. D6 was a brittle event, producing E-W-trending open folds and major NE and NW strike-slip faults crosscutting all the pre-existing structural elements plus segmenting the orebody. Correlation between the development of deformation and the formation of mineralization can be observed from macro- to microscales. Relationships of mineralization with folds and cleavage indicate a post-D2 (dominant deformation event) and probably syn-D4 deformation timing for the Zn---Pb---Ag mineralization at Dugald River, as suggested by the ubiquitous truncations of D2 fabrics by ore mineral assemblages throughout the deposit.  相似文献   

Synorogenic veins from the Proterozoic Eastern Mount Isa Fold Belt contain three different types of fluid inclusions: CO2-rich, aqueous two-phase and rare multiphase. Inclusions of CO2 without a visible H2O phase are particularly common. The close association of CO2-rich inclusions with aqueous two-phase, and possibly multiphase inclusions suggests that phase separation of low- to -moderate salinity CO2-rich hydrothermal fluids led to the selective entrapment of the CO2. Microthermometric results indicate that CO2-rich inclusions homogenize between –15.5 and +29.9 °C which corresponds to densities of 0.99 to 0.60 g.cm−3. The homogenization temperatures of the associated aqueous two-phase inclusions are 127–397 °C, with salinities of 0.5 to 18.1 wt.% NaCl equivalent. The rarely observed multiphase inclusions homogenize between 250 and 350 °C, and have salinities ranging from 34.6 to 41.5 wt.% NaCl equivalent. Evidence used to support the presence of fluid immiscibility in this study is mainly derived from observations of coexisting H2O-rich and CO2-rich inclusions in groups and along the same trail. In addition, these two presumably unmixed fluids are also found on adjacent fractures where monophase CO2-rich inclusions are closely related to H2O-rich inclusions. Similar CO2-rich inclusions are widespread in mineral deposits in this region, which are simply metal-enriched synorogenic veins. Therefore, we argue that fluid immiscibility caused volatile species such as CO2 and H2S to be lost from liquid, thus triggering ore deposition by increasing the fluid pH and decreasing the availability of complexing ligands. Received: 28 April 1997 / Accepted: 4 January 1999  相似文献   

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