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At a utility service center, gasoline from an underground storage tank had leaked into subsurface vadose zone soils for several years. To remediate the site, a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system was installed and operated. At the completion of the SVE operation, gasoline-containing residues in several confirmation soil borings exceeded agency-mandated cleanup levels. Rather than continue with SVE, a risk-based approach was developed to evaluate what levels of gasoline-containing residues could be left in the soil and still protect human health. The risk-based approach consisted of simulating the fate of chemical residues through the vadose zone and then into both the ground water and atmosphere. Receptor point concentrations were predicted, and health risks were assessed. The risk assessment concluded that ingestion of contaminated ground water and inhalation of air while showering were the largest potential contributors to risk, and that risks associated with inhalation of vapor-containing ambient air are small. However, all predicted risks are below the acceptable risk levels of 10−6 individual cancer risk probability and 1.0 hazard index. Therefore, the lead agency accepted the recommendation that the site requires no further remediation. The service center continues normal operations today.  相似文献   

Perchlorate was detected in a municipal wellfield in Evart, Michigan in April 2015. Perchlorate concentrations were detected initially in six of the City's wells at concentrations ranging up to 20 μg/L. An investigation to identify the source determined that the perchlorate was from fireworks launched during the annual 4th of July show held at the fairgrounds located upgradient from the wellfield. The use of approximately 600 kg of fireworks during the annual display resulted in an annual loading of approximately 4 kg of perchlorate to groundwater. An aggressive groundwater extraction system began operation in June 2016 to restore water quality in the affected aquifer, and the 2016 fireworks display was relocated to a location outside the capture zone of the water supply wells. Within 18 months average perchlorate concentrations in the water supply wells had been reduced to about 0.6 μg/L. The extraction system continued to operate through the end of 2019, by which time the average perchlorate concentrations in the water supply wells were reduced to 0.2 μg/L. In 2019, approximately 0.4 kg of perchlorate were removed from the aquifer, about one-half of the amount removed in 2018, reflecting the slow leaching of perchlorate of fireworks residuals from vadose zone soils.  相似文献   

Semianalytical transient solutions have been developed to evaluate what level of fractured porous media (e.g., bedrock or clay) matrix cleanup must be achieved in order to achieve compliance of fracture pore water concentrations within a specified time at specified locations of interest. The developed mathematical solutions account for forward and backward diffusion in a fractured porous medium where the initial condition comprises a spatially uniform, nonzero matrix concentration throughout the domain. Illustrative simulations incorporating the properties of mudstone fractured bedrock demonstrate that the time required to reach a desired fracture pore water concentration is a function of the distance between the point of compliance and the upgradient face of the domain where clean groundwater is inflowing. Shorter distances correspond to reduced times required to reach compliance, implying that shorter treatment zones will respond more favorably to remediation than longer treatment zones in which back‐diffusion dominates the fracture pore water response. For a specified matrix cleanup goal, compliance of fracture pore water concentrations will be reached sooner for decreased fracture spacing, increased fracture aperture, higher matrix fraction organic carbon, lower matrix porosity, shorter aqueous phase decay half‐life, and a higher hydraulic gradient. The parameters dominating the response of the system can be measured using standard field and laboratory techniques.  相似文献   

Capture-Zone Type Curves: A Tool for Aquifer Cleanup   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Site coefficients suitable to China site category   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Introduction Site effect on strong earthquake ground motion is an important problem for seismologists and earthquake engineers. The direct approach to study site effect is to use data from a vertical array of seismometers, which is called borehole station…  相似文献   

1土层对地面反应谱的影响 不同场地条件对地震动参数的影响非常大.同一地区基岩峰值加速度反应谱基本上一致或相差不大,但是由于基岩上不同的覆盖土层或不同的覆盖厚度对基岩反应谱的放大作用是不一致的,因而同一地区不同场点的地面反应谱也会有差别,甚至相差很远.以成都地区为例,基岩上土层厚度是城西厚而城东薄,河道两旁软弱砂土较厚,即使地勘中相邻场点也会因土层的差异而实际计算的地面反应谱相差很大,地面反应谱的形状也有较大差异.一般情况,填土、淤泥、砂等软弱土层对反应谱的图形形状影响较大.  相似文献   

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