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分析了GIS的发展及Web Services的特点,讨论了Web Services的体系模型,提出了一个基于Web Services的分布式GIS的体系结构,并进行了模块分析。  相似文献   

我国在青藏高原开展了许多地质调查与矿产勘查工作,取得了大量的地质资料,但是这些珍贵的地质资料没有实现统一管理,不能实现共享,影响了为青藏高原经济社会发展的服务。因此,开展实测剖面数据库建设与数据Web发布系统的研究工作,可以全面摸清青藏高原地质资料数据分布情况,并通过基于WebGIS技术的实测地层剖面数据Web发布系统发布这些地质资料。通过这一系统,用户可以十分直观地了解已完成区域地质调查项目的实测地层剖面分布情况,了解每一条实测剖面的地理位置、所测地层、长度、生产单位、生产日期,观看剖面示意图,了解每一地层分段的岩石特征、化石种类、岩层厚度等,为用户提供地层剖面数据的检索与查询服务,以及地图查询、浏览、打印服务,同时还可以了解相关的地质背景知识。  相似文献   

随着我国经济快速增长、城市化加速推进,建设用地需求与土地资源可供量的矛盾将日益突出,若按目前的土地利用方式和利用水平,建设用地的供需矛盾将更趋尖锐。而强化建设用地批后监管,大力促进节约集约用地,则是化解土地资源要素制约矛盾的有效举措。但囿于现有的财税体系与考核制度,各地重审批轻监管行为依然存在,建设用地批而未供、闲置和粗放、低效利用现象时有发生。因此,在体制和机制改革难以一时突破的情况下,通过加强建设用地供应及集约利用状况的动态监测,及时快速地对区域土地供应和需求情况进行预警。以便及时做出应对措施,保证土地政策的实施并达到预期的效果已成为当前国土资源管理工作创新的重点。  相似文献   

黄河上游径流与太平洋海温场关系及其预测应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据北太平洋网格点月平均海温资料的统计分析,揭示了海面水温场与黄河上游年径流量丰枯的联系,并探讨了海温异常变化对径流的影响.同时建立了回归方程,利用海温资料对黄河上游年径流量作长期预测试验,效果良好.  相似文献   

结合山西省实际业务需求建设的"基于WebGIS的山西省地下水信息管理与应用服务系统",采用地下水分析先进技术及设计理念,解决了目前地下水信息化建设中存在的普遍问题,生产应用中运行良好,为全国地下水业务管理及分析系统建设进行了有益的探索和实践。对本信息系统设计及问题解决方案进行介绍,为地下水信息化系统建设提供参考。  相似文献   

基于插件技术的GIS应用框架的研究与实现   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
吴亮  杨凌云  尹艳斌 《地球科学》2006,31(5):609-614
为了解决传统GIS软件的行业化、专业化和开发成本较高的问题, 使GIS软件面向大众化、低成本化发展, 构建插件式GIS应用框架平台, 能提供一个具有良好的复用性和灵活的可扩展性平台, 同时为项目实施所面对的特定知识应用领域提供很好支持软件框架具有实际意义.在深入研究“平台+插件”模型的本质与实现机制后, 提出了基于插件技术的GIS应用框架的对象模型、消息机制和层次结构.同时将这一理论成果成功应用到了大型GIS平台---MAPGIS7.0的开发与实践中, 实现了全插件式的GIS应用框架, 使平台功能扩展和GIS的应用开发具有了可行性.   相似文献   

基于ArcEngine插件式GIS应用框架的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许巨平 《安徽地质》2011,21(1):60-62,73
为提高GIS软件的可重性和可扩展性,本文基于ArcEngine提出了一种插件式GIS应用框架模型,详细介绍了GIS应用框架的工作原理和所涉及的若干关键技术,并给出了部分代码辅以说明。最后,通过实例展示了这一成果的应用。  相似文献   

测井技术是了解地下地质状况的一种有效技术手段,目前已经广泛应用于石油等相关行业中.这里讨论基于MapGIS开发测井数据预处理和成图软件,实现快速、方便地绘制多种格式测井柱状图,主要包括:基于MapGIS开发成图系统的可行性、软件系统结构,以及测井数据格式转换、检测与消除异常值算法、基于模板的多格式柱状图自动绘制技术,以及测井曲线数据库设计等关键技术.该软件在东海西湖凹陷测井数据处理与成图的初步应用中效果良好.  相似文献   

基于生态系统的海洋管理(MEBM)是一种跨学科的管理方法,该方法以科学理解生态系统的关联性、完整性和生物多样性为基础,结合生态系统的动态特征,以海洋生态系统而不是行政范围为管理对象,以达到海域资源的可持续利用为目标,对社会、经济和生态效益进行耦合以达到最大化的管理体系。在梳理国内外生态系统管理及相关研究进展的基础上,总结了基于生态系统的海域资源管理的基本理论、概念、原则、框架,对国外典型案例进行了介绍,并针对我国实际情况提出了建议,有利于我国海洋管理部门在海洋主体功能区规划等已有管理框架的基础上,强化生态科学与海洋管理的结合,推进我国海洋生态系统保护和海域资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   

VSP技术是近几年发展比较迅速的一种重要地震观测方法,如何有效地分离上、下行波,是应用VSP资料所要解决的首要问题。介绍了几种常用的VSP波场分离方法原理及其实现步骤,利用跨平台的C++图形用户界面库Qt,开发了VSP波场分离系统。系统操作界面友好、功能强大,已在实际资料处理中得到很好的应用。  相似文献   

This study investigated the decadal relationship between the East Asian (EA) summer precipitation (EASP) and global sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) patterns. Maximum covariance analysis (MCA) was used to identify the coupling relationship between EASP and global SSTA. Four leading coupling modes were identified by MCA and they explained 27.7%,12.5%,8.9%,and 7.3% of the total variance, respectively. The spatial pattern of EASP of the first leading mode exhibited more-than-normal precipitation in most regions of EA. The second mode of EASP depicted a north-south “-+-” tripole pattern. The third one showed a “wet south and dry north” pattern, and the fourth mode exhibited a north-south “+-+” tripole pattern. The four coupling modes were suggested to be modulated by the global warming, Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), and North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO), respectively.The atmospheric processes and mechanisms underlying such modulations were also investigated. In the first coupling mode, global warming was favorable for increasing water vapor and precipitation over most parts of EA. In the second mode, PDO weakened the EA summer monsoon circulation, and it decreased precipitation in northern and southern EA regions and increased precipitation in the central EA region. The third mode was affected by AMO, which displaced the EA trough southward and weakened the convective activity over the northern EA region, thus leading to deficient precipitation in northern EA region. In the fourth mode, the EA summer monsoon was strengthened by NPGO, thus increasing precipitation in the northern and southern regions and decreasing precipitation in the central region.  相似文献   

在冲绳海槽北部B-3GC孔高分辨率地层年代框架的基础上,利用多种分子生物标志物和生源组分指标,重建了该地区全新世以来表层海水温度和生产力的变化历史.研究发现,U37K-表层海水温度和生产力的变化指示了全新世黑潮及对马暖流分支的变迁.10.6~7.3 ka BP期间,冲绳海槽北部主要受东海陆架冷水团影响,陆源物质输入量增加,初级生产力比较高,表层海水温度较低.7.3~4.6 ka BP期间,黑潮暖流对该区的影响迅速增强,表层海水快速增温,陆源物质输入减少,但是各种生产力指标显示出上升趋势,与该区上升流的出现和迅速发育有关.4.6~2.7 ka BP期间,即全新世普林虫低值事件(PME)期间,表层海水温度明显降低了0.8~1.4℃,陆源物质输入增加,初级生产力和各种生源组分的含量也达到较高水平,说明此时黑潮强度减弱,或者黑潮主流轴向太平洋方向发生偏移,该区再次受到陆架冲淡水的影响.2.7 ka BP以来,虽然黑潮暖流再次影响到该海区,但初级生产力和生源物质输出量继续大幅增高,可能与该地区上升流的持续发育有关.  相似文献   

陆地表面温度(LST)是区域和全球尺度上陆地表面物理过程的一个关键参数,它综合了地表和大气相互作用以及能量交换的结果。研究地表温度对全球能量平衡的研究有着重要的意义。地表温度反演以地表热辐射传输方程为基础,直接求解辐射传输方程是不可能的,也就是说它是不适定的。因此要采用一系列的数值计算方法来求解。主要介绍了几种方程解算的非线性数值方法,并阐述了其大致过程及优缺点。  相似文献   

This study assesses retrospective decadal prediction skill of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) variability in initialized climate prediction experiments (INT) with the Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model (BCC_CSM1.1). Ensemble forecasts were evaluated using observations, and compared to an ensemble of uninitialized simulations (NoINT). The results show as follows: ①The warming trend of global mean SST simulated by the INT runs is closer to the observation than that in the NoINT runs.②The INT runs show high SST prediction skills over broad regions of tropical Atlantic, western tropical Pacific and tropical Indian Oceans. ③ In the North Pacific and the east-central tropical Pacific Ocean, the prediction skills are very weak, and there are few improvements coming from the initialization in the INT runs. ④ In the southern Indian Ocean, the prediction skills of the INT runs are significantly larger than that of the NoINT runs, with the maximum skill at the 3~6 and 4~7 years lead time. The above-mentioned conclusions are similar to the results of other climate models. However, the prediction skill in the North Atlantic Ocean is much lower than that of other models, especially in the subpolar region. The low skills in the Atlantic Ocean may be attributed to the misrepresentation of the lead-lag relationship between the Atlantic meridional heat transport and the SST in the BCC_CSM1.1.  相似文献   

渠道热量交换与冰盖表面温度的计算分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了精确计算预测南水北调中线工程冬季输水的冰情,进而确保冬季干渠安全定时定量输水,对热量交换计算和冰盖表面温度两个方面进行了分析,提出了通过强迫边界条件法求冰盖的表面温度.通过模拟表明,准确的气象资料、准确的冰盖表面温度的计算对渠道冰盖厚度的变化过程极其重要,将对渠道冰期输水的控制运行研究有重要意义.  相似文献   

南极海冰与温度变化关系的统计分析(英)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Temporal-spatial characteristics of Antarctic surface air temperature and sea ice variations have been statistically analyzed. Results show that, during the last 30 years there was an obvious warming trend in Antarctica, but there exists substantial difference in different sectors and different period. The most significant warming trend occurred in the Antarctic Peninsula, about 2-3 times greater than that in the whole east Antarctica. In recent 20 years the correlation between Antarctic mean temperature and mean sea ice area is low and insignificant, but its linear trends are found to be opposite related in each sector, that is, sea ice extent reductions when temperatures are high. The different climate sectors defined by cluster analysis clearly show a close relationship between two parameters on the inter-seasonal time scale. The most sensitive correlation sectors found are from south Atlantic to southwest Pacific ocean.  相似文献   

The sea surface temperature (SST) variations play a veryimportant role in the genesis and maintenance of meteorological and oceanographic processessuch as monsoon depressions and subsequent floods, large-scale sea level fluctuationsand genesis of tropical cyclones. Many low lying coastal regions of South Asia are adjacentto river deltas and have large population. The dense population, poor economy and severalother socio-economic factors make these areas most vulnerable to the impact of climate change.Variability of sea surface temperature (SST) is importantas the duration and intensity of SST provide the basis for studies related to climatic changescenario. In this study an attempt has been made to estimate the recent SST trends in the coastalwaters of some cities, which lie on the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. The annual andinterannual variability has also been studied. The SST variations have then been linkedwith the El Nino and La Nina events.The NOAA-NASA Pathfinder Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) SST fields from 1985-1998, created in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory(JPL), USA are used in this study. Here the quality of data is an important factor toobtain reliable estimates of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) trends and other related parameters.However, this is not possible with the conventional type data, due to low quality as wellas sparse data in the region. Though the satellite based SST climatologies have shorterobservation lengths, they can provide reliable estimates of recent SST variability overa large oceanic areas with sparse or no data.Increasing trend of SST is observed throughout all theseasons in the northern Arabian Sea extending from Oman to Karachi and Mumbai and furthersouth to Salalah and Colombo. However, in coastal islands stations further south ofIndia such as at Colombo the increment is not significant. Though the increasing trend in SSTduring winter is not significant, nevertheless it shows the increasing influence of coldspells on this Island. An interesting situation has been observed in the Bay of Bengal. On anaverage, increasing trends in the annual SST were observed in Visakhaputnam. But at thestations located in the northeastern part of Bay of Bengal, namely Hiron Point and Cox'sBazar reverse conditions are observed. In the Southern Bay of Bengal variations in SST isnot significant which reflects in the SST analysis of Chennai and Port Blair stations. Locationof these stations at lower latitudes (near by equator) probably is the reason for this insignificantchange. It has been found that the interannual mode of SST variations dominate the linear SSTtrends which is characterized by the El Nino Southern Oscillations (ENSO) scale cycle.  相似文献   

作为城市下垫面的最主要组成部分,城市不透水面是引发城市热岛效应的主要因素,但目前不透水面与地表温度之间的定量关系仍不明确,不同研究的结论也不尽相同。选取了上海、广州、北京、长沙、兰州、福州等6个代表我国不同区域的城市作为研究区来进一步研究城市不透水面与城市热环境的定量关系。采用Landsat ETM+影像和线性光谱混合分析法提取出各个研究区的不透水面,利用热红外波段反演出各研究区的地表温度,采用多种回归模型和大样本量对二者之间的相关关系进行定量分析;在此基础上讨论了不透水面对城市热环境的影响机制。结果表明:不透水面与地表温度呈明显的正相关关系,并且以指数函数为最佳拟合模型,回归方程的相关系数均为0.750以上,最高可达0.954 1;高不透水面盖度地区的升温幅度更大,比低不透水面盖度地区高出0.600~1.700 ℃,其原因主要是高不透水面盖度地区的植被覆盖率低,蒸腾蒸发作用小。  相似文献   

分析了中俄原油管道(漠河-大庆段)沿线自建站至2005年的月平均气温和地温观测资料,并通过插补建立了1961—2005年漠-大沿线各站各季及年平均温度资料完整序列.结果表明:各站年平均气温具有很好的相关性,近40多年年平均气温在20世纪60年代最低,70年代略有回升,80年代后气温逐渐升高,进入90年代后期升温有所减缓;沿线各站的年平均地表温度也是20世纪70年代最低,70年代进入80年代升温最明显.气温升温最显著的是冬、春季,升温率分别达到0.71℃.(10a)-1和0.48℃.(10a)-1,夏季升温率只有0.27℃.(10a)-1.年平均气温和地表温度的升温率分别为0.45℃.(10a)-1和0.27℃.(10a)-1,气温的升温比地表温度要快.年平均地表温度要比年平均气温高,深层地温的变化趋势与气温基本一致,在位相上有1~2a的差异.  相似文献   

It is essential to build a modern information management system to store and manage data of our circumlunar explorer in order to realize the scientific objectives. It is difficult for an information system based on traditional distributed technology to communicate information and work together among heterogeneous systems in order to meet the new requirement of Internet development. XML and Web Services, because of their open standards and self-containing properties, have changed the mode of information organization and data management. Now they can provide a good solution for building an open, extendable, and compatible information management system, and facilitate interchanging and transferring of data among heterogeneous systems. On the basis of the three-tiered browse/server architectures and the Oracle 9i Database as an information storage platform, we have designed and implemented a data archiving and retrieval system for the circumlunar explorer-LUNARINFO. We have also  相似文献   

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