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副热带高压对登陆台风影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国登陆台风多发于夏季,尤其对于登陆后继续北上深入内陆的热带气旋,逐渐与其所处的中纬度环境场发生相互作用,强度衰减缓慢甚至再次发展,且伴随有台风动力、热力结构的转变(ET过程).同时,夏季多伴有副热带高压的活跃与西伸趋势,然而该系统与台风之间相互作用的物理机制仍不十分清楚,这已成为提高台风预报能力的主要障碍之一.文中选取1997年第11号台风"温妮"为研究个例,通过中尺度模式MM5模拟再现了该台风登陆后经历初期减弱、变性及变性后再次发展的演变过程.采用Davis等提出的片段位涡反演方法,改变模式积分初始时刻台风东部副热带高压强度,通过数值模拟与诊断分析的方法,深入研究不同强度副热带高压系统对台风陆上维持、变性和发展的影响.研究表明,副热带高压强度的加强加快了台风中心的北移速度,冷空气提前下沉入侵台风中心,加快台风的变性,配合暖气团的强迫抬升激发强烈的对流层中高层锋生,台风变性后冉次加强幅度增大.副热带高压强度的改变直接影响台风中心上空高空形势,而后者与台风强度的变化有较好的相关性.  相似文献   

This paper analyzed the variations of latent heat flux (LHF) over the tropical Pacific in the period 1978-1988 by using COADS (Comprehensive Ocean and Atmospheric Data Set). It has been founded that the interannual variabili ty of LHF exhibits strong ENSO signal, with the significant increasing LHF during the recent two warm events, i.e., 1982 / 83 and 1986 / 87 and decreasing LHF in the cold episodes. However the longitudinal distribution of the LHF departures varies from event to event. In the eastern Pacific, the specific humidity difference at air-sea interface (qs -qa) makes a dominant contribution to the interannual variability of LHF ( r = 0.73 ), while in the western Pacific the surface wind speed, W and the qs - qa make nearly equal contribution to that of LHF.  相似文献   

The sensible heat flux density C and the latent heat flux density E are coupled in the case of a multi-layer model of vegetation. Therefore two linearly independent combinations of C and E, the enthalpy flux density H and the saturation heat flux density J, are introduced. Two electrical analogues, for H and J, are designed. They are equivalent to the resistance scheme for C and E, but uncoupled. Penman's formulas for C and E, which are applicable only to single-layer models, can be expressed equivalently in terms of H and J. This version of Penman's formulas can be extended easily to multi-layer canopies.  相似文献   

In HadGEM2-A, AMIP experiments forced with observed sea surface temperatures respond to uniform and patterned +4 K SST perturbations with strong positive cloud feedbacks in the subtropical stratocumulus/trade cumulus transition regions. Over the subtropical Northeast Pacific at 137°W/26°N, the boundary layer cloud fraction reduces considerably in the AMIP +4 K patterned SST experiment. The near-surface wind speed and the air-sea temperature difference reduces, while the near-surface relative humidity increases. These changes limit the local increase in surface evaporation to just 3 W/m2 or 0.6 %/K. Previous studies have suggested that increases in surface evaporation may be required to maintain maritime boundary layer cloud in a warmer climate. This suggests that the supply of water vapour from surface evaporation may not be increasing enough to maintain the low level cloud fraction in the warmer climate in HadGEM2-A. Sensitivity tests which force the surface evaporation to increase substantially in the +4 K patterned SST experiment result in smaller changes in boundary layer cloud and a weaker cloud feedback in HadGEM2-A, supporting this idea. Although global mean surface evaporation in climate models increases robustly with global temperature (and the resulting increase in atmospheric radiative cooling), local values may increase much less, having a significant impact on cloud feedback. These results suggest a coupling between cloud feedback and the hydrological cycle via changes in the patterns of surface evaporation. A better understanding of both the factors controlling local changes in surface evaporation and the sensitivity of clouds to such changes may be required to understand the reasons for inter-model differences in subtropical cloud feedback.  相似文献   

This study examines the time–height variation and structure of a tropical mesoscale convective system (TMCS). Convection experiments using VHF (53 MHz) radar aimed at improving the understanding of the vertical structure of TMCS occurred over Gadanki (13.5°N, 79.2°E), India during 21–22 June 2000 has been selected for the study. The time–height variations of reflectivity and vertical velocity exhibits four distinct patterns and have been used to classify four subjectively identified types of echoes; viz., formative, mature, transition zone and stratiform regions associated with TMCS. Average vertical velocity profiles were distinctive for each region. The mean vertical motion is upward at all levels in the troposphere during the formative phase. The vertical motion in the mature region is downward in the lower troposphere and upward in the middle and upper troposphere. The maximum upward motion is found in the middle troposphere and secondary maxima near the tropopause level. The transition zone is characterized by strong downdraft in the lower troposphere with local pockets of updrafts in the middle and upper troposphere. The magnitude of the mean vertical motion is considerably reduced in the stratiform region and is downward in the lower troposphere and upward in the upper troposphere. Time–height variation of reflectivity has been analyzed separately for each region. The observed diminished echo zone and tropopause break/weakening during the mature phase and two enhanced reflectivity zone in the stratiform region is also observed. A Cloud System Resolving Model (CSRM) simulation of the same event has been carried out. The CSRM simulations were able to capture the structure of the storm and are consistent with the observations. The model output in conjunction with observations has been used to validate the hypothesis.  相似文献   

Tropical cloud regimes defined by cluster analysis of International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) cloud top pressure (CTP)–optical thickness distributions and ISCCP-like Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) general circulation model (GCM) output are analyzed in this study. The observations are evaluated against radar–lidar cloud-top profiles from the atmospheric radiation measurement (ARM) Program active remote sensing of cloud layers (ARSCL) product at two tropical locations and by placing them in the dynamical context of the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO). ARSCL highest cloud-top profiles indicate that differences among some of the six ISCCP regimes may not be as prominent as suggested by ISCCP at the ARM tropical sites. An experimental adjustment of the ISCCP CTPs to produce cloud-top height profiles consistent with ARSCL eliminates the independence between those regimes. Despite these ambiguities, the ISCCP regime evolution over different phases of the MJO is consistent with existing MJO mechanisms, but with a greater mix of cloud types in each phase than is usually envisioned. The GISS Model E GCM produces two disturbed and two suppressed regimes when vertical convective condensate transport is included in the model’s cumulus parameterization. The primary model deficiencies are the absence of an isolated cirrus regime, a lack of mid-level cloud relative to ARSCL, and a tendency for occurrences of specific parameterized processes such as deep and shallow convection and stratiform low cloud formation to not be associated preferentially with any single cloud regime.  相似文献   

A set of 12 state-of-the-art coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation models (OAGCMs) is explored to assess their ability to simulate the main teleconnections between the West African monsoon (WAM) and the tropical sea surface temperatures (SSTs) at the interannual to multi-decadal time scales. Such teleconnections are indeed responsible for the main modes of precipitation variability observed over West Africa and represent an interesting benchmark for the models that have contributed to the fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC4). The evaluation is based on a maximum covariance analysis (MCA) applied on tropical SSTs and WAM rainfall. To distinguish between interannual and multi-decadal variability, all datasets are partitioned into low-frequency (LF) and high-frequency (HF) components prior to analysis. First applied to HF observations, the MCA reveals two major teleconnections. The first mode highlights the strong influence of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The second mode reveals a relationship between the SST in the Gulf of Guinea and the northward migration of the monsoon rainbelt over the West African continent. When applied to HF outputs of the twentieth century IPCC4 simulations, the MCA provides heterogeneous results. Most simulations show a single dominant Pacific teleconnection, which is, however, of the wrong sign for half of the models. Only one model shows a significant second mode, emphasizing the OAGCMs’ difficulty in simulating the response of the African rainbelt to Atlantic SST anomalies that are not synchronous with Pacific anomalies. The LF modulation of these HF teleconnections is then explored through running correlations between expansion coefficients (ECs) for SSTs and precipitation. The observed time series indicate that both Pacific and Atlantic teleconnections get stronger during the twentieth century. The IPCC4 simulations of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries do not show any significant change in the pattern of the teleconnections, but the dominant ENSO teleconnection also exhibits a significant strengthening, thereby suggesting that the observed trend could be partly a response to the anthropogenic forcing. Finally, the MCA is also applied to the LF data. The first observed mode reveals a well-known inter-hemispheric SST pattern that is strongly related to the multi-decadal variability of the WAM rainfall dominated by the severe drying trend from the 1950s to the 1980s. Whereas recent studies suggest that this drying could be partly caused by anthropogenic forcings, only 5 among the 12 IPCC4 models capture some features of this LF coupled mode. This result suggests the need for a more detailed validation of the WAM variability, including a dynamical interpretation of the SST–rainfall relationships.  相似文献   

Energy balance components obtained over five grass-covered sloping surfaces near Manhattan, KS, using the Bowen ratio energy balance technique with the instruments mounted horizontally were compared with calculated values when the instruments were mounted parallel to the surfaces. Hourly values of the components changed when the instruments were parallel to the surfaces. The changes were larger at low solar angles (spring and fall) and on steeper slopes. An area average of daylight totals, assuming that all aspects were equally represented, changed only 0.1% on June 6 and 2.3% on October 11. The calculations, extended to steeper slopes, indicated small changes in the daylight totals for slopes of less than 10 deg.Supported in part by a grant from NASA NAG 5-901.  相似文献   

Gao  Chuan  Zhang  Rong-Hua  Karnauskas  Kristopher B.  Zhang  Lei  Tian  Feng 《Climate Dynamics》2020,54(11):4605-4626
Climate Dynamics - Freshwater flux (FWF) at the sea surface, defined as precipitation minus evaporation, is a major atmospheric forcing to the ocean that affects sea surface salinity (SSS) and...  相似文献   

The performance of the general bulk formulation in estimating sensible heat flux at Nigerian Micrometeorological Experimental site was assessed. Reliable sensible heat flux was estimated with the use of accurate diurnal values of transfer coefficient of sensible heat. The performances of one α, two β and a modified α formulations in the estimation of latent heat flux were also assessed at the station. The Lee and Pielke (β), modified Kondo (α), Jacquemin and Noilhan (α) and Noilhan and Planton (β) parameterizations gave good estimation of latent heat flux. The coefficient of determination (R 2) of the models between measured and estimated values were greater than 0.7. Low diurnal mean absolute error and root mean squared error values were found between measured and estimated fluxes. All the parameterizations gave reliable latent heat flux when diurnal values of transfer coefficients of moisture were used.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the influence of tropical cyclones (TCs) on large-scale circulation and ocean heat transport in the South China Sea (SCS) by using an ocean general circulation model at a 1/8° resolution during 2000–2008. The model uses a data assimilation system to assimilate observations in order to improve the representation of SCS circulation. The results reveal an unexpected deep SCS circulation anomaly induced by TCs, which suggests that effects of TC can penetrate deeper into the ocean. This deep effect may result from the near inertial oscillations excited by TCs. The inertial oscillations can propagate downward to the oceanic interior. The analyses confirm that TCs have two effects on ocean heat transport of the SCS. Firstly, the wind stress curl induced by TCs affects the structure of SCS circulation, and then changes heat transport. Secondly, TCs pump surface heat downward to the thermocline, increasing the heat injection from the atmosphere to the ocean. Two effects together amplify the outflow of the surface heat southward away the SCS through the Mindoro and Karimata Straits. The TC-induced heat transports through the Mindoro, Balabac and Karimata Straits account for 20 % of the total heat transport through three straits. An implication of this study is that ocean models need to simulate the TC effect on heat transport in order to correctly evaluate the role of the SCS through flow in regulating upper ocean circulation and climate in the Indonesian maritime continent and its adjacent regions.  相似文献   

Four comparative experiments and some supplementary experiments were conducted to examine the role of meridional wind stress anomalies and heat flux variability in ENSO simulations by using a high-resolution Ocean General Circulation Model (OGCM). The results indicate that changes in the direction and magnitude of meridional wind stress anomalies have little influence on ENSO simulations until meridional wind stress anomalies are unrealistically enlarged by a factor of 5.0. However, evidence of an impact on ENSO simulations due to heat flux variability was found. The simulated Nino-3 index without the effect of heat flux anomalies tended to be around 1.0° lower than the observed, as well as the control run, during the peak months of ENSO events.  相似文献   

A short review is given of the different methods by which latent heat fluxes (or evaporation) over oceans are determined. In more detail, the applicability of the bulk aerodynamical formula is discussed. This formula is mainly used for climatological studies of heat fluxes and for the application of satellite data. As an example, for climatological studies we selected the work of Isemer and Hasse, who did a re-processing of the so-called Bunker data set to determine heat fluxes over the North Atlantic Ocean. In order to check their results, Isemer and Hasse calculated the annual mean heat budget for each latitudinal delt and derived from it the required ocean heat transport. With the aid of inverse modelling, the derived ocean transport was compared with the observed ocean transport and some of the used coefficients (e.g. bulk coefficients for latent and sensible heat flux) were altered. Though the ocean heat transport is changed by a large amount (at the equator 0.3 PW, original Bunker data; 0 PW, Isemer and Hasse; 0.76 PW, after inverse modelling (all northwards)) the overall patterns of the fields of the energy fluxes remain almost unchanged. The bulk coefficient for latent heat flux for example is altered by 5.6%.The geophysical parameters necessary for the bulk aerodynamic method can be determined from satellite observations: SST, q0, u0. Studies are described which used data from a microwave radiometer on SEASAT and NIMBUS7 to determine latent heat flux. An error calculation shows that the obtained accuracy is between 26 and 35 W m−2. This accuracy is adequate enough to allow reasonable estimates to be made of these fluxes. More satellites are planned for launch with microwave radiometers and scatterometers which will increase the possibility of determining geophysical parameters more accurately for use in the bulk aerodynamic formula. They will provide the database from which large-scale fieldsof latent heat flux (for time scales shorter than a month or even for actual situations) can be derived.  相似文献   

The influence of mean climate on the seasonal cycle and the El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the tropical Pacific climate is investigated using the Climate Community System Model Version 3 (CCSM3). An empirical time-independent surface heat flux adjustment over the tropical ocean is applied to the oceanic component of CCSM3. In comparison with the control run, the heat flux-adjusted run simulates a more realistic mean climate not only for the sea surface temperature (SST) but also for wind stress and precipitation. Even though the heat flux adjustment is time-independent, the seasonal cycles of SST, wind stress and precipitation over the equatorial eastern Pacific are more realistic in the flux-adjusted simulation. Improvements in the representation of the ENSO variability in the heat flux-adjusted simulation include that the Nino3.4 SST index is less regular than a strong biennial oscillation in the control run. But some deficiencies also arise. For example, the amplitude of the ENSO variability is reduced in the flux-adjusted run. The impact of the mean climate on ENSO prediction is further examined by performing a series of monthly hindcasts from 1982 to 1998 using CCSM3 with and without the heat flux adjustment. The flux-adjusted hindcasts show slightly higher predictive skill than the unadjusted hindcasts with January initial conditions at lead times of 7?C9?months and July initial conditions at lead times of 9?C11?months. However, their differences during these months are not statistically significant.  相似文献   

邓汗青  郭品文  于波 《气象科学》2011,31(3):282-289
通过运用NCEP/NCAR逐月的再分析资料,1975-2005年的高原东部夏季凝结潜热资料,西北太平热带气旋资料,初步研究了气候背景下高原夏季凝结潜热对西北太平洋区热带气旋(以下简称TC)活动的影响,发现夏季(7-9月)凝结潜热强度与TC生成频数相关系数达到-0.45,通过0.01信度的显著性检验.还进一步分析了与TC...  相似文献   

严蜜  钱永甫  刘健 《气象学报》2011,69(4):610-619
利用NCEP/NCAR的月平均再分析资料以及中国国家气候中心的西太平洋副热带高压(副高)强度资料,分析了西太平洋副高强度、500hPa环流场以及东亚地表感热、潜热通量场的年代际变化特征,发现各个季节的西太平洋副高强度及其环流形势均存在一定的年代际变化,变化发生的时间为1978年前后,20世纪70年代中期以后副高强度有所增强。副高强度在季节间的延续性也发生了一定的年代际变化,1978年以后季节间的延续性增强,全时段的延续性受后一时段的影响较大。东亚地表感热、潜热通量场也存在明显的年代际变化,感热通量的变化关键区在大陆上,主要为青藏高原东、西部,其发生年代际变化要早于西太平洋副高强度变化的时间(20世纪60年代中后期),但它们发生差异变化的时间则接近西太平洋副高强度发生年代际变化的时间,在20世纪60年代中后期以前,高原感热通量体现为稳定的西高东低,而20世纪70年代中期以后则转为稳定的东高西低,其中,近10年时间为调整过渡期,因此,它们各自的年代际变化所造成的影响会有所滞后。潜热通量的变化关键区则位于海洋上,主要是西太平洋地区,1978年以前春季地表潜热通量距平为南正北负,之后转为南负北正,而夏季潜热通量距平则...  相似文献   

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