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Since 1982, several modifications in the operational model in National Meteorological Center(NMC) of China have been made, such as the adoption of the lateral boundary condition formulated byHovermal, Shuman's economic time difference scheme in the 5-layer Northern Hemispheric Model,and the replacement of the convective adjustment scheme by Kuo's cumulus parameterization scheme1974) in the 5-layer FLM. Owing to these modifications, both the objective and subjective verificationsof the prediction show that the accuracy of operational NWP has been significantly improved.Finally, applications of NWP Products are briefly summarized and future prospects are given.  相似文献   

Review and analysis of NWP in China in the past decade have been made.Also comparisons have beendone between NWP ten years ago and that of today from different aspects.From them it can be seen howrapid the progress was made during that period.Finally the differences between the advanced world leveland ours in areas of NWP are estimated and the steps we should take are suggested.  相似文献   

The TOVS data are used to study the structure of a number of tropical cyclones for the year 2000. Differences are found to some extent between what is found and classic conceptual models in that (1) the horizontal structure is asymmetric and variable so that the low-value centers at low levels of the geopotential height field (or the high-value centers at high levels) do not necessarily coincide with the high-value centers of the temperature field; (2) the vertical structure is also variable in the allocation of the anomalies of the geopotential height field between low values at low levels and high values at high levels. It is especially noted that the centers of the anomalies are tilting at both high and low levels or the high level is only at the edge of a high-pressure zone. There is not any significant high-value anomalous center in a corresponding location with the tropical cyclone. The structure of tropical cyclone in the TOVS is also used as reference to modify the structure of typhoon BOGUS in the numerical prediction model system of tropical cyclones. It is found that the modified BOGUS performs better in coordinating with the environment and predicting the track of the tropical cyclone. The demonstration is two-fold — the structure of the typhoon BOGUS is such that it means much in the track prediction and the use of the TOVS-based tropical cyclone structure really helps in improving it. It provides the foundation for modification and evolution of typhoon BOGUS.  相似文献   

We investigate the role of clouds and radiation in the general circulation of the atmosphere usinga model designed for 30-day predictions.Comprehensive verifications of 30-day predictions for the 500 hPa geo-potential height field have been carried out,using the data from ECMWF objective analyses that cover theperiod from May 5 to June 3,1982.We perform three model simulations,including experiments with interac-tive cloud formation,without clouds,and without radiative heating.The latter two experiments allow us tostudy the effects of cloud/radiation interactions and feedbacks on the predicted vertical velocity,and themeridional and zonal wind profiles,averaged over a 30-day period.We demonstrate that the Hadley circulation is maintained by the presence of clouds.The radiative coolingin the atmosphere intensifies the vertical motion in low latitudes and,to some extent,also strengthens theoverall meridional circulation.The meridional winds are correctly reproduced in the model if clouds areincorporated.The zonal winds are significantly affected by clouds and radiative cooling.Without an appropriate incor-poration of these physical elements,the model results would deviate significantly from observations.Thepresence of clouds strengthens the westerlies in middle and high levels.In May,the northerly movementof the jet stream over eastern Asia is,in part,associated with the presence of clouds.  相似文献   

It is not only meteorological problems for the medium-range numerical weather prediction(NWP) research to be in operation,but also engineering and technological problems.Here we gener-ally described the results of research,engineering construction,operation information and testing,inthe course of set-up of medium-range NWP operation system in the China National MeteorologicalCenter.  相似文献   

In this paper,the correlation of meteorological elements at an interval of 5—7 months,i.e.,the alternate-seasonalcorrelation,is thoroughly analyzed.The results show that the alternate-seasonal correlation is an important phenome-non in the long-range weather process,and it has a significant latitude effect and seasonal variations.Furthermore,therelation between this phenomenon and SST in the North Pacific is discussed.  相似文献   

Case experiments of monthly predictions of eight winter months during 1976-1977 and 1982-1983 El Nino events are performed by using a three-layer anomalous filtered model (AFM), in which transient Rossby waves are filtered. The results show that this model predicts successfully the large-scale patterns of the monthly mean surface temperature anomalies. The correlation coefficients between observations and predictions are basically higher than those of persistence predictions. By comparison with the anomalous general circulation model (AGCM) the AFM gives almost the identical results, but the computation time required for running the AFM is nearly 100 times less than that required for running the AGCM. It is also shown that the results of the three-layer model are better than those of the one-layer model. In the meanwhile, four seasonal forecasts are also carried out by using the same model. It seems that the AFM possesses potential ability in predicting large-scale circulation anomalies.On the basis of  相似文献   

The steepest descent(or ascent)search is employed for finding optimum diffusion coefficients in T42L9Gmodel,with a view to improving the model's computational stability or prediction accuracy.The method of thesteepest descent search is first described,in which the golden section search is chosen as the fundamental one-dimensional search used in the multi-dimentional steepest descent search,and then the optimization of the dif-fusion coefficients is described.  相似文献   

The article is to report some results of numerical experiments on the error growth and the atmosphericpredictability Experiments with two-level global baroclinic primitive equation spectral model have mainresults as follows.The magnitude of initial errors directly affects the error growth,but its distributionform has little effect on the growth.The loss of predictability resulting from small-scale error is much greaterthan that from large-scale error.The small-scale error rapidly grows and is transferred to the large-scaleerror by interaction between different scale waves,which stimulates the growth of error for the whole systemOrographic forcing restrains planetary-scale error(wavenumbers 0—3)but enhances the small-scale error(wavenumbers 8 or greater).Hence,orographic effects on the error growth closely depend on the characteris-tic scale of initial errors,and there may be a critical wavenumber between 4 and 7.The error growth is great-er in Northern Hemisphere than in Southern Hemisphere if initial errors are the same.In the end we givesome discussions about model,initialization scheme,etc.,to improve model prediction.  相似文献   

The most effective technique in long-range weather forecasting in China is teleconnection. Summer rainfall and temperatures are closely correlated to the preceding winter 500 mb heights over the Northern Hemisphere and sea surface temperatures over the North Pacific, so the former can be predicted from the latter. This kind of connection is called rhythm. In this paper, four examples of rhythm are outlined. The manifestation of rhythm and its universal significance is demonstrated. The mechanism of rhythm is discussed.  相似文献   

By employing a five-layer seasonal numerical weather prediction model and utilizing the National MeteorologicalCenter (NMC) objective analysis data on May 10,1991 as the initial field,three numerical experiments——diabatic withorography,adiabatic with orography and adiabatic without orography——have been carried out to investigate the dy-namic and thermodynamic effects of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau (hereafter the Plateau) on the seasonal transition inthe early summer in East Asia.The results show that the typical seasonal transition features such as the northward shiftof the subtropical westerly jet stream,the adjustment of the long-wave in middle and high latitudes and the changes ofthe circulation in the lower troposphere can be well simulated,if the dynamic and thermodynamic effects of the Plateauare both considered in the model as in the experiment adiabatic with orography.In other two experiments,it is failed tosimulate out the seasonal transition features.The results also show that the thermodynamic effect of the Plateau acts on the atmosphere as a gradually enhancedheating source in the early summer,which makes the air temperature in 500 hPa over the Plateau increase by nearly 10℃in a month and accelerates the northward shift of the subtropical westerly jet stream about seven latitudes more north-ward in twenty days and helps the shifted jet maintain at the northern periphery of the Plateau.It is also helpful to theformation and maintenance of the Lake Balchas trough and the northward and westward extension of the Pacificsubtropical high.On the other hand,the dynamic effect of the Plateau weakens the northward shift of the subtropicalwesterly jet stream and barricades the westward extension of the Pacific subtropical high.If only the dynamic effect ofthe Plateau is considered in the model without consideration of the thermodynamic effect of the Plateau,not only theshifted jet withdraws southward but also the simulated Lake Balchas trough is 10 longitudes more eastward than that inthe diabatic experiment,and the simulated Pacific subtropical high is more eastward and northward.However,the dy-namic effect of the Plateau strengthens the vertical movements in the west and east of the Plateau and makes thelow-level jet maintain in the southeast of the Plateau.The path of the cold air and the tunnel of the water vapor in thelower troposphere during the seasonal transition period in the early summer in East Asia are determined by the couplingof the dynamic and thermodynamic effects of the Plateau.  相似文献   

Considering from point of view of the dynamics,it is convenient to regard the field to be predictedas a small disturbance superposed on the historical analogous field,and thus the statistical technique can beused in combining with the dynamics.Along this line,a coupled atmosphere-earth surface analogy-dynamicalmodel is formulated and applied to making monthly prediction.This approach facilitated the utility of the useful information contained in both the historical data setand the initial field to improve the dynamic model based solo on the latter and show better skill in prediction.  相似文献   

In this paper, we review the progress made in the studies on general circulation and large-scale dynamics. We divide the advances in the studies on the atmospheric circulation and large-scale dynamics into 4 stages, i.e., the studies on atmospheric wave dynamics; the studies on the observational facts of general circulation; the numerical studies on general circulation; and the studies on planetary wave dynamics, wave-mean flow interaction and nonlinear dynamics. Moreover, the prospects of the studies on the atmospheric circulation and large-scale dynamics for the future are also made in this paper.  相似文献   

Filtering technique, extended empirical orthogonal function (EEOF), spectrum distribution function and correla-tion analysis have been employed to study the relationship between arctic ice cover (AIC) and monthly mean tempera-ture and precipitation in China. The function of power spectrum density shows that not only a semi-annual and an an-nual oscillation but also a quasi-biennial oscillation can be found in AIC area index series, especially in June, Septemberand November. During the period of analysis, it can also be found that there exists a good correlation between the ElNino events and the AIC area index. An analysis on the EEOF of AIC and the temperature over China exhibits somesignificant temporal-spatial patterns and a better time-lag interrelationship between them. The results from the correla-tion analysis indicate that the variation of AIC area has a significant influence on the temperature and precipitation insubsequent months over China. In addition, it experiences a quasi-biennial low-frequency oscillation and displays tocertain extent some features of propagation.  相似文献   

Three numerical experiments have been carried out by using a spectral barotropic primitive equation mo-del.It is found that the results obtained are quite similar to those with the barotropic filtered model.Themain results read as follows:(1)In the case with symmetric orography or without orography,if the motion is symmetric(with re-spect to the equator,the same is true hereafter)at the initial instant,then it would be symmetric afterwards.(2)The antisymmetric orography distribution could cause antisymmetric motion,and the original sym-metric motion might become asymmetric.In order to explain the above results,it has been proved that they are theoretically valid.And it is foundthat if the motion is antisymmetric at the initial instant,then it would become asymmetric.Therefore,nopure antisymmetric motion could be maintained.  相似文献   

A 6-layer,4°×5° horizontal resolution global ocean model has been designed and improved.After a 100-year in-tegration,an equilibrium state has been reached from the upper to lower layers.By taking the mean state of last l0 mod-el years as climatic state,we analyzed the characteristics of the seasonal variation in our model integration.The resultsshow that the simulated seasonal variation is similar to the observed.So the design of our model is successful.Then,us-ing the simulated climatic state of the seasonal variation as the initial state,and the observed stress and thermal state asthe atmospheric forcing,we simulated the process of El Nino in 1972—1973 successfully.The simulated results of sea-sonal variation using our model will be presented in part I.  相似文献   

An artificial neural network BP model and its revised algorithm are used to approximate quitesuccessfully a Lorenz chaotic dynamic system and the mapping relation is established between theindices of Southern Oscillation and equatorial zonal wind and lagged equatorial eastern Pacific seasurface temperature(SST) in the context of NCEP/NCAR data,and thereby a model is prepared.The constructed net model shows fairly high fit precision and feasible prediction accuracy,thusmaking itself of some usefulness to the prognosis of intricate weather systems.  相似文献   

The paper presents a review of the success and failure of the practical results from summer drought and flood forecasts and seasonal precipitation forecasts in the period from 1976 to 1985. An analysis is made on the anomaly of the general circulation wihch gives rise to summer precipitation and drought-flood occurrences in the country. It is proposed that the subtropical high over the West Pacific, the South Asia high and middle-latitude westerlies are the major synoptical regimes producing summer weather in China. The analysis focuses on the features of low-frequency oscillation and abnormality of the West Pacific subtropical high in the monthly 500 hPa mean charts, and on their interactions with the sea temperature of the North Pacific and the Equatorial Pacific. The result shows that there exist quasi-cycles of 3-4 years, 11 years and 19 years or so in the subtropical high with the feature of strong persistence and seasonal changes. There is a rather good correlation between the behaviour of the sub  相似文献   

By employing the T42L9 spectral model introduced from ECMWF and utilizing the FGGE-III_b datacovering the period from 14 June to 19 June 1979,the effects of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau on the medium-range weather processes of the rain during the onset period of the summer monsoon in Eastern Asia in1979 were studied numerically.According to the initial field of 12GMT 14 June 1979,five-day numericalexperiments with or without the orographic effects were carried out respectively.The results show that thePlateau can influence the precipitation significantly during the summer monsoon season.Although the summermonsoon is the result of the seasonal variations of the global circulation and the heating difference betweenland and sea,it is influenced evidently by the Plateau in medium-range processes.There are very complexinteractions between the mountain and diabatic heating effects so that both of them should be consideredcorrectly in the general circulation models in order to describe the nature of the atmosphere reliably.  相似文献   

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