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An automatic inversion using ridge regression algorithm is developed in the space domain to analyze the gravity anomalies of sedimentary basins, among which the density contrast decreases with depth following a prescribed exponential function. A stack of vertical prisms having equal widths, whose depths become the unknown parameters to be estimated, describes the geometry of a sedimentary basin above the basement complex. Because no closed form analytical equation can be derivable in the space domain using the exponential density-depth function, a combination of analytical and numerical approaches is used to realize forward gravity modeling. The depth estimates of sediment-basement interface are initiated and subsequently improved iteratively by minimizing the objective function between the observed and modeled gravity anomalies within the specified convergence criteria. Two gravity anomaly profiles, one synthetic and a real, are interpreted using the proposed technique to demonstrate its applicability.  相似文献   

北京地区基底磁性界面反演及断裂研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张先  赵丽 《中国地震》2007,23(3):276-285
在对北京地区1∶10万航磁异常进行定性分析、小波多尺度分解及功率谱计算的基础上,运用三维磁性层反演方法,计算了北京地区基底磁性界面的定量埋深。根据反演结果对北京地区几条重要的基底断裂及其地震危险性进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

Inversion of resistivity in Magnetic Resonance Sounding   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS, or Surface Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - SNMR) is used for groundwater exploration and aquifer characterization. Since this is an electromagnetic method, the excitation magnetic field depends on the resistivity of the subsurface. Therefore, the resistivity has to be taken into account in the inversion: either as a priori information or as an inversion parameter during the inversion process, as introduced in the presented paper. Studies with synthetic data show that water content and resistivity can be resolved for a low resistive aquifer even using only the amplitude of the MRS signal. However, the inversion result can be significantly improved using amplitude and phase of the MRS signal. The successful implementation of the inversion for field data shows that the resistivities derived from MRS are comparable to those from conventional geoelectric methods such as DC resistivity and transient electromagnetic. By having information about both the resistivity and the water content, MRS inversions give information about the quality of the water in the aquifer. This is of utmost interest in hydrogeological studies as this specific information cannot be determined solely by geoelectric measurements, due to the nonunique dependence of resistivity on water content and salinity.  相似文献   

南天山中西段位于塔里木块体与西昆仑之间,地震频发。本文利用基于波形反演的CAP方法对南天山中西段地震震源深度进行了反演,得到的震源深度与用到时定位得到的震源深度进行了对比,发现用到时定位得到的震源深度整体偏浅。同时,南天山中段山前地区震源深度比南天山中段中部地区震源深度浅,南天山由西往东呈现震源深度变浅的趋势。南天山中西段震源深度整体分布在15—23km,有明显的地震活动深度下界。  相似文献   

基于地震波反演的地震震源深度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于区域数字地震台网记录,利用CAP方法反演得到了2011年2月23日迭部MS4.0级地震的震源机制解和震源深度,然后利用深度震相sPg和参考震相Pg对震源深度进行了详细的分析。结果表明,迭部4.0级地震的最佳双力偶解为节面Ⅰ,走向110°、倾角57°、滑动角23°,表现为带少量逆冲分量的走滑型地震,震源深度为7 km。通过合作台上理论地震图与实际观测记录的比较,确认了震源深度结果的可靠性。  相似文献   

井地磁测可以提供井及周围一定空间范围内磁性地质体空间分布和空间磁场变化等资料,是勘探磁铁矿床和含磁性矿物多金属矿床的一种有效的井中物探方法。以板状体模型为研究对象,利用非线性遗传算法,对井地单层和多层板状体进行反演试验,不同模型试算结果表明:利用遗传算法反演井中磁测资料是可行的,而且反演结果较稳定,收敛速度较快。  相似文献   

The magnetic map of Slovakia used in the paper was compiled as part of a project titled Atlas of Geophysical maps and profiles in 2001. The residual magnetic data were analyzed to produce Curie point estimates. To remove distortion of magnetic anomalies caused by the Earth’s magnetic field, reduction to pole transformation was applied to the magnetic anomalies using the magnetization angle of the induced magnetization. Anomalies reduced to the pole tend to be better correlated with tectonic structures. We applied a 3-km upward continuation to the residually compiled magnetic anomalies in order to remove effects of topography. The depth of magnetic dipoles was calculated by an azimuthally averaged power spectrum method for the entire area. Such estimates can be indicative of temperatures in the crust, since magnetic minerals lose their spontaneous magnetization according to Curie temperature of the dominant magnetic minerals in the rocks. The computed Curie point depths in the Slovakia region vary between 15.2 km and 20.9 km. Heat flow higher than 100 mWm−2 occurs at the central volcanics and eastern part of Slovakia, where the Curie point depths values are shallow. The correlation between Curie point depths, heat flow and crust depth was investigated for two E-W cross sections. Heat flow and Curie point depth values are correlated with each other however, these values could not be correlated with crust depth. The Curie point isotherm, which separates magnetic and non-magnetic parts of the crust, is represented in two cross sections.  相似文献   

考虑沉积层重力改正的中国西部Moho面深度反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜永涛  张永志  王帅  焦佳爽  槐岩珂 《地震研究》2015,38(2):257-261,333
首先研究了大型沉积盆地对地表重力异常的影响,然后基于Parker-Oldenburg迭代算法,利用经过沉积层改正的布格重力异常数据反演了中国西部的Moho面深度。结果表明,地壳浅层密度异常对地表重力异常和Moho面深度结果的影响较大,利用简化的三层沉积层模型,计算出的中国西部沉积盆地的重力异常改正最大可达25 m Gal,由此引起的Moho面深度可达2.2 km,Moho面深度最终计算结果与区域最新研究成果相符合,因此,利用重力异常反演Moho面深度时,应考虑沉积层的影响以提高反演精度。  相似文献   

传统的单程波动方程偏移算法对大倾角成像困难,本文基于时空域任意广角单程声波方程,通过对时间变量进行傅立叶变换得到其频率-空间域形式,利用有限差分进行离散化,设计并实现了频率-空间域有限差分叠后偏移成像算法。模型试算表明,该方法能够通过参数优化使得低阶数算子适应较大倾角地层的偏移成像。  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - IGRF-12 model data have been used to analyze the change in the global structure of internal sources of the Earth’s magnetic field. A decrease in the dipole...  相似文献   

对11炮宽角地震反射/折射的Pg波走时数据进行了反演,结果表明:阿尼玛卿缝合带东段基底速度结构整体呈低速带分布,两侧的速度分布相对均匀;缝合带内基底界面剧烈下凹,最深达5.5 km,不存在稳定的基底界面;松潘-甘孜微块体基底界面整体埋深达3.5 km,相对平坦,其中部略微下凹;从缝合带过渡到西秦岭褶皱带,基底界面急剧抬升至1.8 km,之后迅速下降至4.7 km,然后趋于平坦;缝合带的地壳变形存在挤压和走滑两种形式,在缝合带及邻近地区,上部地壳物质曾有过向北方向逃逸的迹象.  相似文献   

在材料和模型实验中,试样内部位移场的精确量测对于加载过程中试样力学性质的研究有着十分重要的意义。提出基于能量最小化原理的弹性波CT成像频域有限元反演算法,并在波动方程的基础上通过有限元数值实验,利用估计位移场和实际位移场的偏差,得出包括密度ρ和拉梅常数λ在内的单元材料参数的更新梯度,进一步经过若干次正负反馈的迭代,实现试样参数的反演。该算法避开已有方法中求解参数更新梯度Jacobi矩阵的过程,计算效率得到极大的提高。计算结果表明,在已知位移场的情况下,迭代更新λ的效率和准确性较高;在已知部分节点实际位移的情况下,参数迭代效率与观测网格密度正相关。  相似文献   

全波形反演利用波场的运动学和动力学信息重建地下物理参数,是建立高精度速度模型的有效手段,巨大的计算量是制约其实用化的瓶颈之一。本文针对全波形反演中频率域正演的复杂计算问题,采用粗细结合的并行策略,将MPI技术应用于多炮间并行计算,同时利用GPU技术加速正演过程中大型稀疏线性代数方程组的求解,以提高频率域全波形反演的计算效率。通过理论模型验证本文方法的正确性和有效性,给出不同数据量与GPU计算效率的相关分析结论,提出频率域全波形反演CPU/GPU协同并行计算的制约瓶颈和发展方向。  相似文献   

—We have developed a least-squares minimization approach to depth determination from magnetic data. By defining the anomaly value T(0) at the origin and the anomaly value T(N) at any other distance (N) on the profile, the problem of depth determination from magnetic data has been transformed into finding a solution to a nonlinear equation of the form f(z)=0. Formulas have been derived for a sphere, horizontal cylinder, dike, and for a geologic contact. Procedures are also formulated to estimate the effective magnetization intensity and the effective magnetization inclination. A scheme for analyzing the magnetic data has been formulated for determining the model parameters of the causative sources. The method is applied to synthetic data with and without random errors. Finally, the method is applied to two field examples from Canada and Arizona. In all cases examined, the estimated depths are found to be in goodagreement with actual values.  相似文献   

四川盆地及其西部边缘震区基底磁性界面与地震的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张先  陈秀文 《中国地震》1996,12(4):421-427
在对四川盆地及其西部边缘震区航磁资料进行分析研究的基础上,依据频率域磁性单界面反演方法对航磁异常进行了数据处理,求取了基底磁性界面的定量埋深,结合区域构造特征,地热分布及板块运动对地震的孕育环境进行了综合研究和讨论。  相似文献   

针对非线性方法对有限断层破裂时空过程反演中存在的不唯一性问题,应用随机加权方法对反演结果进行误差估计.通过数值模型计算,定量揭示了滑动量、滑动角、破裂时间及上升时间在断层面上的分辨率值分布.应用随机加权方法对台湾海峡地震及缅中边境地震的误差估计结果表明,对应两次地震破裂中心位置上的参数分辨率值最高,结果最可靠,而在边缘子断层处滑动量与上升时间的分辨率值较低.  相似文献   

利用地震波斜入射下水下地基场地地震动分析的一维化时域算法,推导了平面P波入射下,水下地基场地的位移、加速度和应力表达式,重点分析了水深变化对位移峰值、加速度峰值、剪应力峰值和孔隙水压力峰值沿土层深度的分布规律。数值结果表明:同一土层深度处,当水深不超过1倍的土厚时,竖向位移峰值随水深的增大而增大;当水深超过1倍的土厚时,竖向位移峰值随水深的增大而减小。水平位移峰值与水深的关系基本上与竖向位移峰值相反。同一水深下,竖向位移峰值沿土深不断减小,水平位移峰值呈先减小后增加的趋势。同一水深下,竖向加速度峰值沿土深是一个不断减小的过程,水平位移峰值是一个反复增大和减小的过程。在0.75倍的土厚到基岩的范围外,水深对剪应力峰值的影响均较小。孔隙水压力峰值沿土深的分布大致是先减小再增加最后减小。  相似文献   

赵韬  王莹  徐一斐  刘盼  刘春 《中国地震》2023,39(4):893-901
2018年9月12日19时6分,陕西省汉中市宁强县发生5.3级地震,不同机构给出的震源深度结果相差较大。为进一步确定宁强5.3级地震的震源深度,基于区域速度模型,首先利用CAP方法反演得到该地震的震源机制解,然后采用瑞利面波振幅谱和CAP深度误差函数联合反演,进一步测定了此次地震的矩心深度。结果显示:CAP方法得到的陕西宁强5.3级地震矩心深度约为12km,瑞利面波振幅谱测定的矩心深度为13km,结合引入的误差函数联合反演,最终确定陕西宁强5.3级地震的矩心深度为13km左右,表明此次地震仍属于发生于上地壳的地震。  相似文献   

Curie-point depth and heat flow values of the Erciyes region are determined to identify the thermal regime of the Central Anatolia by applying the spectral analysis method to the magnetic anomaly data. To compute the spectrum of the data, the magnetic anomaly of the region is transformed into 2-D Fourier domain to attain the average Curie depth. This method is useful in determining the top boundary of magnetic anomaly sources and reveals the Curie depth as 13.7 km in the study area. The obtained results imply a high thermal gradient (42.3°C km?1) and corresponding heat flow values (88.8 mWm?2) in the research area. Using the temperature value measured at borehole drilled by the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration of Turkey (MTA), the values for the thermal gradient and heat flow value were computed as 50.7°C km?1, 106.5 mWm?2. From the heat flow value, the Curie-point depth was determined as 11.4 km in this region. It is concluded from the obtained values that the region has very high geothermal potential caused by partial melting of the lower crust.  相似文献   

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