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This paper treats the prominence model of Low (1993) to examine more complicated sheet currents than those used in the original model. Nonlinear force-free field solutions, in Cartesian coordinates, invariant in a given direction, are presented to show the possibility of an inverse-polarity prominence embedded in a large twisted flux tube. The force-free solution is matched to an external, unsheared, potential coronal magnetic field. These new solutions are mathematically interesting and allow an investigation of different profiles of the current intensity, magnetic field vector and mass density in the sheet. These prominence models show a general increase in magnetic field strength with height in agreement with observations. Other prominence properties are shown to match the observed values.  相似文献   

Simple models for the MHD eruption of a solar prominence are presented, in which the prominence is treated as a twisted magnetic flux tube that is being repelled from the solar surface by magnetic pressure forces. The effects of different physical assumptions to deal with this magneto-hydrodynamically complex phenomenon are evaluated, such as holding constant the prominence current, radius, flux or twist or modelling the prominence as a current sheet. Including a background magnetic field allows the prominence to be in equilibrium initially with an Inverse Polarity and then to erupt due to magnetic non-equilibrium when the background magnetic field is too small or the prominence twist is too great. The electric field at the neutral point below the prominence rapidly increases to a maximum value and then declines. Including the effect of gravity also allows an equilibrium with Normal Polarity to exist. Finally, an ideal MHD solution is found which incorporates self-consistently a current sheet below the prominence and which implies that a prominence will still erupt and form a current sheet even if no reconnection occurs. When reconnection is allowed it is, therefore, driven by the eruption.  相似文献   

We analyse the magnetic support of solar prominences in two-dimensional linear force-free fields. A line current is added to model a helical configuration, well suited to trap dense plasma in its bottom part. The prominence is modeled as a vertical mass-loaded current sheet in equilibrium between gravity and magnetic forces.We use a finite difference numerical technique which incorporates both vertical photospheric and horizontal prominence magnetic field measurements. The solution of this mixed boundary problem generally presents singularities at both the bottom and top of the model prominence. The removal of the singularities is achieved by superposition of solutions. Together with the line current equilibrium, these three conditions determine the amplitude of the magnetic field in the prominence, the flux below the prominence and the current intensity, for a given height of the line current. A numerical check of accuracy in the removal of singularities, is done by using known analytical solutions in the potential limit.We have investigated both bipolar and quadrupolar photospheric regions. In this mixed boundary problem the polarity of the field component orthogonal to the prominence is mainly fixed by the imposed height of the line current. For bipolar regions above (respectively below) a critical height the configuration is inverse (respectively normal). For quadrupolar regions the polarity is reversed if we refer the prominence polarity to the closest photospheric polarities. We introduce the polarity of the component parallel to the prominence axis with reference to a sheared arcade. Increasing the shear with fixed boundary conditions can increase or decrease the mass supported depending on the configuration.  相似文献   

T. Takakura 《Solar physics》1982,113(1-2):221-228
Evolution of a filamentary magnetic flux tube emerging from the photosphere is investigated in the assumption that the magnetic field is force-free and unchanged during the evolution.If a characteristic radius of the flux tube is 3 km or less setting the field to 1000G, the temperature increases at first due to Joule heating up to about one million degree keeping the plasma density almost constant, and then the density decreases down to a critical value at which a current instability may occur. Thus, a.strong field-aligned electric field of 200 million volts or more is expected to be produced during the following anomalous Ohmic decay of the magnetic field as already shown by a numerical simulation.  相似文献   

The ideal MHD stability of the 2D twisted magnetic flux tube prominence model of Cartledge and Hood (1993) is investigated. The model includes a temperature profile that varies from realistic prominence values up to typical coronal values. The prominence is considered to be of finite-width and finite height. The stability properties of the prominence models are studied by using a method that generates a separate necessary condition and a sufficient condition. These conditions give bounds on the parameters that define marginal stability. In many cases these bounds are quite close so that further, more detailed, stability calculations are not necessary. A number of parameter regimes are examined, corresponding to different profiles of the prominence temperatures, densities, and magnetic field shear. It is found that the model admits realistic stable and unstable loop lengths for observed prominence parameters when the axial magnetic field component does not vanish.  相似文献   

A double current sheet forms when an opposite magnetic flux emerges into a background magnetic field which has a zero field-line in the corona. It consists of an upper sheet, resulting from the squeezing of field lines near the original zero field region and a lower sheet formed in the region between the new and old fields. We use a pair of linear dipoles to model the background and a pair of line charges to model the emerging field and discuss the formation and evolution of the double current sheet. Matter will condense onto the sheets during their formation. The matter in the lower sheet comes mainly from the transition region and the photosphere; it is further cooled by radiation, giving rise to a low-temperature prominence loop. The matter in the upper sheet comes from the corona and forms a high-temperature coronal loop.This scenario seems to be realized in the coronal transient of 1984 April 14.  相似文献   

We present a 2-D potential-field model for the magnetic structure in the environment of a typical quiescent polar-crown prominence. The field is computed using the general method of Titov (1992) in which a curved current sheet, representing the prominence, is supported in equilibrium by upwardly directed Lorentz forces to balance the prominence weight. The mass density of the prominence sheet is computed in this solution using a simple force balance and observed values of the photospheric and prominence magnetic field. This calculation gives a mass density of the correct order of magnitude. The prominence sheet is surrounded by an inverse-polarity field configuration adjacent to a region of vertical, open polar field in agreement with observations.A perturbation analysis provides a method for studying the evolution of the current sheet as the parameters of the system are varied together with an examination of the splitting of an X-type neutral point into a current sheet.Program Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Pereslavl-Zalessky 152140, Russia.  相似文献   

We study the flux emergence process in NOAA active region 11024, between 29 June and 7 July 2009, by means of multi-wavelength observations and nonlinear force-free extrapolation. The main aim is to extend previous investigations by combining, as much as possible, high spatial resolution observations to test our present understanding of small-scale (undulatory) flux emergence, whilst putting these small-scale events in the context of the global evolution of the active region. The combination of these techniques allows us to follow the whole process, from the first appearance of the bipolar axial field on the east limb, until the buoyancy instability could set in and raise the main body of the twisted flux tube through the photosphere, forming magnetic tongues and signatures of serpentine field, until the simplification of the magnetic structure into a main bipole by the time the active region reaches the west limb. At the crucial time of the main emergence phase high spatial resolution spectropolarimetric measurements of the photospheric field are employed to reconstruct the three-dimensional structure of the nonlinear force-free coronal field, which is then used to test the current understanding of flux emergence processes. In particular, knowledge of the coronal connectivity confirms the identity of the magnetic tongues as seen in their photospheric signatures, and it exemplifies how the twisted flux, which is emerging on small scales in the form of a sea-serpent, is subsequently rearranged by reconnection into the large-scale field of the active region. In this way, the multi-wavelength observations combined with a nonlinear force-free extrapolation provide a coherent picture of the emergence process of small-scale magnetic bipoles, which subsequently reconnect to form a large-scale structure in the corona.  相似文献   

We present a new approach to the theory of large-scale solar eruptive phenomena such as coronal mass ejections and two-ribbon flares, in which twisted flux tubes play a crucial role. We show that it is possible to create a highly nonlinear three-dimensional force-free configuration consisting of a twisted magnetic flux rope representing the magnetic structure of a prominence (surrounded by an overlaying, almost potential, arcade) and exhibiting an S-shaped structure, as observed in soft X-ray sigmoid structures. We also show that this magnetic configuration cannot stay in equilibrium and that a considerable amount of magnetic energy is released during its disruption. Unlike most previous models, the amount of magnetic energy stored in the configuration prior to its disruption is so large that it may become comparable to the energy of the open field.  相似文献   

An eruption of opposite magnetic flux into a bipolar background field is likely to lead to the formation of a natural current sheet between the new emerging field and the background. A numerical study is made on this process, based on the ideal MMD equations, taking into account the interaction between the magnetic field and the coronal plasma. The result shows that a subsonic eruption will give rise to a four region structure; 1) a cool and dense prominence made of the erupting material in the innermost region; 2) a cool and tenuous region further out; 3) a hot and dense loop formed by the concentration of both the erupting material and the coronal material in the neutral current sheet; and 4) a forerunner region outside the loop with density slightly above the background, due to fast magneto-acoustic waves. This structure agrees with the observed features of typical loop coronal transients. Therefore the eruption of opposite magnetic flux into a bipolar background is probably an important mechanism for triggering off such transients.  相似文献   

当背景磁场在日冕中存在零磁场线时,反向新磁通量的喷发将会产生双重电流片,包括零场区附近的磁场受到挤压而形成的横向电流片和新喷发场、原背景场之间形成的拱形电流片、本文用一对线偶极子来模拟背景场,用一对线磁荷来模拟反向喷发场,讨论了上述双重电流片的形成和演变过程。在电流片形成过程中,物质将向电流片集中。拱形电流片物质主要来自过渡层和光球层,并通过辐射损失进一步冷却,形成低温日珥环;横向电流片的物质则全部来自日冕,从而形成高温日冕环。以上结果可用来解释1984年4月14日观测到的日冕瞬变。  相似文献   

B. C. Low 《Solar physics》1982,75(1-2):119-131
We present a simple magnetostatic theory of the thin vertical filaments that make up the quiescent prominence plasma as revealed by fine spatial resolution H photographs. A class of exact equilibrium solutions is obtained describing a horizontal row of long vertical filaments whose weights are supported by bowed magnetic field lines. A free function is available to generate different assortments of filament sizes and spacings, as well as different density and temperature variations. The classic Kippenhahn-Schlüter solution for a long sheet without filamentary structures is a particular member of this class of solutions. The role of the magnetic field in supporting and thermally shielding the filament plasma is illustrated. It is found that the filament can have a sharp transition perpendicular to the local field, whereas the transition in the direction of the local field is necessarily diffuse. A consequence of the filamentary structure is that its support by the Lorentz force requires the electric current to have a component along the magnetic field. This electric current flowing into the rarefied region around the prominence can contain substantial energy stored in the form of force-free magnetic fields. This novel feature has implications for the heating and the disruption of prominences.  相似文献   

In this paper, dynamic processes in the solar atmosphere are studied numerically from a complete set of MHD equations. Dynamic evolution of the non-linear magnetic field is produced by the finite amplitude of the azimuthai magnetic field at the base of the flux tube of the solar atmosphere. It is assumed that the initial configuration of the magnetic field is a force-free and potential field, the magnetic field is disturbed at the base, the plasma is driven and a part of the magnetic energy is transformed into the kinetic energy of the plasma.The compressed flow of the plasma has the features of fast MHD waves. The computation results give quantitatively the non-linear evolution of strong magnetic fields. These results could be used in an explanation of coronal transients, surge, spray and eruptive prominence events in the solar atmosphere, as well as in a modelling of plasma behaviour in high-β structure experiments in the laboratory.  相似文献   

The equilibrium shape of a slender flux tube in the stratified solar atmosphere is studied. The path is determined by a balance between the downwards magnetic tension, which depends on the curvature of the loop, and the upwards buoyancy force. Previous results for untwisted slender tubes are extended to include twisted tubes embedded in an external magnetic field.The path of an untwisted tube in an atmosphere with an ambient magnetic field is calculated. For a given footpoint separation, the height of the tube is lowered by increasing the strength of the external magnetic field. If the footpoints are slowly moved apart, the tube rises, until a threshold separation is reached beyond which there is no possible equilibrium height. This threshold width does not depend on the strength of the external field.The effects of twisting up a curved loop are studied, using an extension of results obtained for slender curved tubes with a straight axis. It is shown that for a twisted tube of given width, there can be two possible values of the equilibrium height. If, however, the tube is twisted more than a certain amount or if the footpoints are too widely separated there is no equilibrium. The critical footpoint separation for non-equilibrium is smaller for a twisted tube that an untwisted one.Twisting a tube or moving its feet apart is thus likely to result in non-equilibrium, causing the tube to rise indefinitely under the influence of the unbalanced buoyant force. It is suggested that this phenomenon could be important in the preflare stage of a large two-ribbon solar flare, by causing the initial slow rise of an active region filament. As well as being involved in the onset of an erupting prominence, this non-equilibrium may also be relevant to the formation of coronal loop transients.  相似文献   

Twisted magnetic flux tubes are of considerable interest because of their natural occurrence from the Sun’s interior, throughout the solar atmosphere and interplanetary space up to a wide range of applicabilities to astrophysical plasmas. The aim of the present work is to obtain analytically a dispersion equation of linear wave propagation in twisted incompressible cylindrical magnetic waveguides and find appropriate solutions for surface, body and pseudobody sausage modes (i.e. m = 0) of a twisted magnetic flux tube embedded in an incompressible but also magnetically twisted plasma. Asymptotic solutions are derived in long- and short-wavelength approximations. General solutions of the dispersion equation for intermediate wavelengths are obtained numerically. We found, that in case of a constant, but non-zero azimuthal component of the equilibrium magnetic field outside the flux tube the index ν of Bessel functions in the dispersion relation is not integer any more in general. This gives rise to a rich mode-structure of degenerated magneto-acoustic waves in solar flux tubes. In a particular case of a uniform magnetic twist the total pressure is found to be constant across the boundary of the flux tube. Finally, the effect of magnetic twist on oscillation periods is estimated under solar atmospheric conditions. It was found that a magnetic twist will increase, in general, the periods of waves approximately by a few percent when compared to their untwisted counterparts.  相似文献   

Quantitative data on the magnetic field structure at all levels of the solar atmosphere are of basic importance for our understanding of physical processes in active regions in general and in flares in particular. Because photospheric longitudinal magnetograms are the most reliable data available, one has to look for a method of theoretical extrapolation of such data to higher levels. Such a method has been developed for force-free magnetic fields, i.e., ∇ X B = αB , with α = constant, satisfying more realistic boundary conditions as compared with earlier papers; e.g., the net magneitic flux through the magnetogram area is not required to be zero. The method has been used to calculate the magnetic field vector and lines of force in the flare-active region of August 1972. Calculated fields are compared with other observations such as structures in H α . Results of August 3rd show that the loop prominence systems observed during the flares of August 2nd and 4th are represented by a force-free field with positive α rather than by a current-free field ( α = 0) The extractable energy supply of this force-free field is of the order of magnitude of maximum flare demand (1032 erg); the height dependence of the magnetic field strengths agrees with that from radio and X-ray estimates. Similar results are obtained for the August 7th magnetic field structure.  相似文献   

Using analytical approximations we study the effects of different external magnetic configurations on the half-width, mass, and internal magnetic structure of a quiescent solar prominence, modelled as a thin vertical sheet of cool plasma. Firstly, we build up a zeroth-order model and analyse the effects produced by a potential coronal field or a constant- force-free field. This model allows us to obtain the half-width and mass of the prominence for different values of the external field, pressure and shear angle. Secondly, the effects of these external magnetic configurations on a two-dimensional model proposed by Ballester and Priest (1987) are studied. The main effects are a change of the half-width with height, an increase of the mass, a decrease of the magnetic field strength with height and a change in the shape of the magnetic field lines.  相似文献   

I. Lerche  B. C. Low 《Solar physics》1977,53(2):385-396
We present a theoretical model of quiescent prominences in the form of an infinite vertical sheet. Self-consistent solutions are obtained by integrating simultaneously the set of nonlinear equations of magnetostatic equilibrium and thermal balance. The basic features of the models are: (1) The prominence matter is confined to a sheet and supported against gravity by a bowed magnetic field. (2) The thermal flux is channelled along magnetic field lines. (3) The thermal flux is everywhere balanced by Low's (1975b) hypothetical heat sink which is proportional to the local density. (4) A constant component of the magnetic field along the length of the prominence shields the cool plasma from the hot surrounding. We assume that the prominence plasma emits more radiation than it absorbs from the radiation fields of the photosphere, chromosphere and corona, and we interpret the above hypothetical heat sink to represent the amount of radiative loss that must be balanced by a nonradiative energy input. Using a central density and temperature of 1011 particles cm–3 and 5000 K respectively, a magnetic field strength between 2 to 10 gauss and a thermal conductivity that varies linearly with temperature, we discuss the physical properties implied by the model. The analytic treatment can also be carried out for a class of more complex thermal conductivities. These models provide a useful starting point for investigating the combined requirements of magnetostatic equilibrium and thermal balance in the quiescent prominence.  相似文献   

S. Régnier 《Solar physics》2012,277(1):131-151
In the last decades, force-free-field modelling has been used extensively to describe the coronal magnetic field and to better understand the physics of solar eruptions at different scales. Especially the evolution of active regions has been studied by successive equilibria in which each computed magnetic configuration is subject to an evolving photospheric distribution of magnetic field and/or electric-current density. This technique of successive equilibria has been successful in describing the rate of change of the energetics for observed active regions. Nevertheless the change in magnetic configuration due to the increase/decrease of electric current for different force-free models (potential, linear and nonlinear force-free fields) has never been studied in detail before. Here we focus especially on the evolution of the free magnetic energy, the location of the excess of energy, and the distribution of electric currents in the corona. For this purpose, we use an idealised active region characterised by four main polarities and a satellite polarity, allowing us to specify a complex topology and sheared arcades to the coronal magnetic field but no twisted flux bundles. We investigate the changes in the geometry and connectivity of field lines, the magnetic energy and current-density content as well as the evolution of null points. Increasing the photospheric current density in the magnetic configuration does not dramatically change the energy-storage processes within the active region even if the magnetic topology is slightly modified. We conclude that for reasonable values of the photospheric current density (the force-free parameter α<0.25 Mm−1), the magnetic configurations studied do change but not dramatically: i) the original null point stays nearly at the same location, ii) the field-line geometry and connectivity are slightly modified, iii) even if the free magnetic energy is significantly increased, the energy storage happens at the same location. This extensive study of different force-free models for a simple magnetic configuration shows that some topological elements of an observed active region, such as null points, can be reproduced with confidence only by considering the potential-field approximation. This study is a preliminary work aiming at understanding the effects of electric currents generated by characteristic photospheric motions on the structure and evolution of the coronal magnetic field.  相似文献   

The high degree of symmetry often assumed in studies of the structure and stability of coronal magnetic field configurations is restrictive and can yield misleading results. We have therefore developed fully three-dimensional numerical methods for constructing force-free equilibria and for examining their stability properties, which make no assumptions about symmetry. A test of the stability analysis has been performed by applying it to the Gold-Hoyle twisted flux tube, which is known to be kink-unstable if the helical field makes more than about one turn between the line-tying end-plates. Our preliminary result is that the critical number of turns is about 1.1, in good agreement with the previous best estimate. However, we find that the growth rate, which has not been discussed previously, is orders of magnitude smaller than expected, even when the flux tube is twisted far beyond the stability limit.  相似文献   

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