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Gilles Fontaine Elizabeth M. Green Pierre Brassard Stéphane Charpinet Pierre Chayer Malvina Billères Suzanna K. Randall Ben Dorman 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2004,291(3-4):379-386
We briefly review the recent advances that have been made on the front of pulsating subdwarf B (sdB) stars. The first family of sdB pulsators, the EC 14026 stars, was discovered a few years ago and consists of short-period (~100?200 s) p-mode variables. The second type of pulsating sdB’s consists of the PG 1716+426 stars, a group of variables showing long-period (~1 h) g-mode pulsations. The existence of the latter was first reported less than a year ago. While the two types of sdB pulsators differ markedly in their observational characteristics, we recently found a unifying property in the sense that the observed modes in these objects are excited through the same driving process, a classic kappa mechanism associated with the radiative levitation of iron in the stellar envelope. 相似文献
Roy H. ØStensen 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2004,291(3-4):263-266
An interactive database interface to the subdwarf catalogue has been designed and prototyped. The implementation is still under development, but is already fully functional. More than 2300 stars from an updated edition of the subdwarf catalogue have been loaded into the database, and additional photometric data from many other sources have been included. The database tools include advanced search capabilities in coordinate, magnitude and colour space. Output tables can be generated in HTML with hyperlinks to automatically generated finding charts, the SIMBAD database, the Aladin viewer, as well as an internal data sheet generated for each database entry. Search results can be visualised automatically as interactive position, magnitude or colour diagrams. Access to the database is currently restricted to those who wish to contribute to the development of the project. 相似文献
C. Simon Jeffery 《Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy》2005,26(2-3):261-271
Subdwarf B stars play a significant role in close binary evolution and in the hot star content of old stellar populations,
in particular in giant elliptical galaxies. While the question of their origin poses several problems for stellar evolution
theory, one of their most fascinating properties is the presence of multi-periodic 2–3 minute oscillations. Interpreting these
oscillations optimally requires the correct identification of the modes. Partial identifications can be obtained using high-speed
observations of radial velocity and colour variations. We review some of the several attempts to make such observations, most
recently with the Multi-Site Spectroscopic Telescope campaign and withULTRACAM. 相似文献
Elizabeth M. Green Keith Callerame Ivo R. Seitenzahl Brooke A. White Elaina A. Hyde Melissa Giovanni Mike Reed Gilles Fontaine Roy Østensen 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2003,284(1):65-68
During the course of an ongoing CCD monitoring program to investigate low-level light variations in subdwarf B (sdB) stars, weserendipitously discovered a new class of multimode pulsators withperiods of the order of an hour. These periods are a factor of tenlonger than those of previously known multimode sdB pulsators (EC14026 stars), implying the new pulsations are due to gravity modes rather than pressure modes. The iron opacity instability that drives the short period EC 14026 stars is effective in hot sdB's. Thelong period pulsators are found only among cooler sdB stars, wherethey are surprisingly common. The mechanism responsible for excitingthe deeper g-modes in cool sdB's is currently unknown, but thetemperature and gravity range in which these stars occur must be animportant clue. We present the first observational results for thisnew class of pulsating sdB stars, and discuss some possible implications. 相似文献
Adela E. Ringuelet 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1969,5(4):459-468
Measurements of the Paschen discontinuity in stars withT
eff104K leads to the conclusion that theD
P/DB ratio increases with temperature faster than expected. The increase ofD
P/DB with (logg)–1 is also steep.
Résumé Les mesures de la discontinuité de Paschen dans les étoiles deT eff104K nous montrent que le rapportD P/DB augmente avec la température plus rapidement que prevu. L'augment deD P/DB avec (logg)–1 est aussi remarquable.相似文献
We discuss whether the hypothesis that “all (or most) subdwarfs are in close binaries” is supported by the frequently reported observations of photometrically or spectroscopically composite character of many hot subdwarf stars. By way of a possible counter-argument, we focus on resolved companions (optical pairs) of hot subdwarf stars. On a statistical basis, many of these are physically associated with the hot subdwarfs, i.e. they are common proper motion pairs. These resolved pairs make a several percent contribution to the catalog of hot subdwarf stars per decade in projected separation. If they are just the relatively wide members of a binary population similar to the local G-dwarf binary population (A&A, 248, 485), which has a very wide distribution of orbital separations, then many of the unresolved but composite hot subdwarf binaries may not be “close” in the astrophysical sense. In that case, binary channels for hot subdwarf formation may be less important than expected, or must involve companions (white dwarfs) that do not result in a composite spectrum system. 相似文献
This paper is the second part of an investigation into the mechanism for the origin of X-rays in early-type stars. Archival X-ray observations of 25 B stars, obtained by the XMM-Newton satellite, are analysed. We check two hypotheses on the origin of X-ray emission: the Magnetically Confined Wind Shock Model(MCWS) and Pollock's paradigm. For all studied stars, the mean ratio of the half widths at half maximum to the terminal velocities appears to be R ≈ 0.15-0.20 in contradiction to Pollock's hypothesis that R ≈ 0.5. We checked three possible consequences of the MCWS model: correlations between the hardness of the X-ray spectra for B stars and terminal wind velocities, mass loss rates and magnetic fields.It was shown that such correlations are marginal or even absent both for magnetic and non-magnetic B stars. 相似文献
在考虑引力对星风物质损失的制约效果及辐射压与湍流压对其扰动效果的同时,通过引入可压缩流机制,考虑了恒星外壳对流区对星风物质损失的促进作用,从而建立了新的星风物质损失公式.之后,通过对3~5 M_⊙恒星理论模型的星风物质损失率计算,发现:从主序直至中心氦核燃烧结束阶段,新的星风物质损失公式计算所得星风物质损失率与经典星风物质损失公式计算结果几乎一致;而在TP-AGB阶段,应用新的星风物质损失公式计算的恒星模型则不受光度影响产生了持续的较大的星风物质损失,比较符合实际观测结果. 相似文献
A. Ahmad C.S. Jeffery J.-E. Solheim R. Østensen 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2004,291(3-4):435-439
We present results of the pulsation monitoring of helium-rich subdwarf B (He-sdB) stars using high-speed differential photometry observations made with the SAAO (1.0m), NOT (2.6m) and the IAC80 (0.8m) telescopes. Although we did not find a pulsator in our sample of He-sdB stars, some of the stars show hints of pulsations which need further investigation. 相似文献
Joseph P. Cassinelli 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1994,221(1-2):277-285
Recent observations of the X-ray and EUV emission of non-supergiant B stars are summarized. As compared with O stars, the X-rays of most of the near-main-sequence B stars are soft, and the stars show a departure from theL x = 10?7 L bol relation. Using line driven wind models to provide an estimate of the density distribution, it is concluded that a major fraction of the wind emission measure is hot, whereas in shocked wind theory less than 10 percent of the wind emission measure should be hot. The X-ray observations suggest that all of the B stars are X-ray emitters with a basal X-ray luminosity of about 10?8.5 L bol . A hard component dominates the X-ray emission of τ Sco, and possible causes are discussed. For the Be stars, the X-ray emission is that which is expected from a normal B-star wind coming from the poles, as in the Wind Compressed Disk (WCD) model of Be stars. None of the stars, including theβ Cep stars, show noticeable variability in their X-rays.EUVE observations of∈ CMa B2 II, find it to be the brightest object in the EUV sky at 500 to 700 Å. It shows a Lyman continuum flux that is a factor of 30 higher than line blanketed model atmospheres. The continuum is seen on both sides of the He I 504 Å edge, and the discrepancy with model atmospheres is even greater shortward of 504 Å. TheEUVE spectra show emission lines both from high stages of ionization ( Feix to Fexvi) and from low stages (Heii and Oiii). The Heii Lymanα results from recombination following X-ray photoionization in the wind, and the Oiii resonance line is found to be present because of the Bowen fluorescence mechanism. Thus, there is and interesting coupling between the wind production by the EUV photospheric emission, the production of X-ray and line EUV emission by winds, and the production of fluorescence by recombination in the wind; all of these processes are now observable in B stars. 相似文献
We apply a multilayer feed-forward back propagation artificial neural network to a sample of 380 subdwarf spectra classified by Drilling et al. (Drilling, J.S., Moehler, S., Jeffery, C.S., Heber, U., and Napiwotzki, R.: in press in: R. Gray (ed.), Probing the Personalities of Stars and Galaxies), showing that it is possible to use this technique on large sets of spectra and obtain classifications in good agreement with the standard. We briefly investigate the impact of training set size, showing that large training sets do not necessarily perform significantly better than small sets. 相似文献
R. S. Levenhagen N. V. Leister † 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2006,371(1):252-262
Spectroscopic monitoring of 141 southern field B-type stars, 114 of them known to exhibit the Be phenomenon, allowed the estimation of their projected rotational velocities, effective temperatures and superficial gravities from both line and equivalent width fitting procedures. Stellar ages, masses and bolometric luminosities were derived from internal structure models. Without taking into account the effects of gravity darkening, we note the occurrence of the Be phenomenon in later stages of main-sequence phase. 相似文献
P. F. L. Maxted T. R. Marsh U. Heber L. Morales-Rueda R. C. North W. A. Lawson 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2002,333(1):231-240
We present light curves of four binary subdwarf B stars (sdB), Ton 245, Feige 11, PG 1432+159 and PG 1017−086. We also present new spectroscopic data for PG 1017−086 from which we derive its orbital period, P =0.073 d , and the mass function, f m =0.0010±0.0002 M⊙ . This is the shortest period for an sdB binary measured to date. The values of P and f m for the other sdB binaries have been published elsewhere. We are able to exclude the possibility that the unseen companion stars to Ton 245, Feige 11 and PG 1432+159 are main-sequence stars or subgiant stars from the absence of a sinusoidal signal, which would be caused by the irradiation of such a companion star, i.e. they show no reflection effect. The unseen companion stars in these binaries are likely to be white dwarf stars. In contrast, the reflection effect in PG 1017−086 is clearly seen. The lack of eclipses in this binary combined with other data suggests that the companion is a low-mass M-dwarf or, perhaps, a brown dwarf. 相似文献