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In a series of time dependent numerical simulations we have performed a parameter study of magnetised relativistic jets. We have found that the impact of the magnetic field on the morphology of a jet depends strongly on the configuration of the field.  相似文献   

The jets observed to emanate from many compact accreting objects may arise from the twisting of a magnetic field threading a differentially rotating accretion disk which acts to magnetically extract angular momentum and energy from the disk. Two main regimes have been discussed, hydromagnetic jets, which have a significant mass flux and have energy and angular momentum carried by both matter and electromagnetic field and, Poynting jets, where the mass flux is small and energy and angular momentum are carried predominantly by the electromagnetic field. Here, we describe recent theoretical work on the formation of relativistic Poynting jets from magnetized accretion disks. Further, we describe new relativistic, fully electromagnetic, particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations of the formation of jets from accretion disks. Analog Z-pinch experiments may help to understand the origin of astrophysical jets.  相似文献   

The possibility that the deceleration parameter q might be a null constant is discussed; such possibilitiy is interesting because solves the horizon problem and the flatness problem with no need of inflation. A simple way to get q = const = 0 is explored: the way assumes Einstein's field equations without cosmological term and introduces a massless scalar field V with negative energy density. Both in the early and in the present universe one finds the Whitrow-Randall relation Gut2 = const 1 G gravitational coupling, u mass-energy density, t cosmic time). The interaction between the V-field and the ordinary matter is briefly discussed; as possible consequence of this interaction the true value of the Hubble parameter might be one half the observed value. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

I summarize here recent work on the physical conditions in blazar jets including the comparison between emission regions at subparsec scales (1016−17 cm) and at very large scales (1022−24 cm) recently detected in X-rays by Chandra. The jet properties at both scales together with those of the presumed associated accretion disk (1014−15 cm) suggest the possibility of a unified scenario for the origin and propagation of jets in strong radio sources.  相似文献   

Using steady, axisymmetric, ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) we analyze relativistic outflows by means of examining the momentum equation along the flow and in the transfield direction. We argue that the asymptotic Lorentz factor is γ ~ μ ? σ M , and the asymptotic value of the Poynting-to-matter energy flux ratio—the so-called σ function—is given by σ/(1 + σ) ~ σ M /μ, where σ M is the Michel's magnetization parameter and μc 2 the total energy-to-mass flux ratio. We discuss how these values depend on the conditions near the origin of the flow. By employing self-similar solutions we verify the above result, and show that a Poynting-dominated flow near the source reaches equipartition between Poynting and matter energy fluxes, or even becomes matter-dominated, depending on the value of σ M /μ.  相似文献   

Concepts of gravitational and electromagnetic structures of astrophysical objects is introduced. The two structures have different properties and stationary states. In some cases the electromagnetic structure appears to be dominating. Relativistic jet is a typical attribute of electromagnetic structure. In particular, high degree of the jet collimation is explained freely as a phenomenon of the electromagnetic structure, and hardly can be explained in terms of magnetohydrodynamcs. Interaction between the gravitational and electromagnetic structures is considered and estimated. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

High resolution studies of circular polarization allow us see where it arises in a jet, study its local fractional level and spectrum, and compare these results to local measures of linear polarization and Faraday rotation. Here we not only review past results from Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) circular polarization studies, but we also present preliminary new results on two quasars. In the core of PKS 0607–157, we find strong circular polarization at 8 GHz and much weaker levels at 15 GHz. Combined with the linear polarization data, we favor a simple model where the circular is produced by Faraday conversion driven by a small amount of Faradayrotation. In the core of 3C 345, we find strong circular polarization at 15 GHz in a component with distinct linear polarization. This core component is optically thick at 8 GHz, where we detect no circular polarization. With opposite trends in frequency for PKS 0607–157 and 3C 345, it seems clear that local conditions in a jet can have a strong effect on circular polarization and need to be taken into account when studying inhomogeneous objects with multi-frequency observations.  相似文献   

Some aspects about the stability of relativistic flows against Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) perturbations are studied by means of relativistic, hydrodynamical simulations. In particular, we analyze the transition to the fully nonlinear regime and the long-term evolution of two jet models with different specific internal energies.  相似文献   

High-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio, blue-violet spectra of three red giant branch tip stars in M15 have been obtained with the Keck I High-Resolution Echelle Spectrograph. These spectra have been analyzed to determine the abundances of several neutron-capture elements, including the radioactive chronometer element thorium. There are two principal results of this study. First, the abundances of the heavier (Z>/=56) elements for each of the three stars is well matched by a scaled solar system r-process abundance distribution. Second, a weighted mean-observed Th/Eu ratio for the stars implies an age for the neutron-capture material in M15 stars of 14+/-3 Gyr, in reasonable agreement with other recent age estimates for Galactic globular clusters.  相似文献   

We have applied numerical simulations and modeling to the particle acceleration, magnetic field generation, and emission from relativistic shocks. We investigate the nonlinear stage of theWeibel instability and compare our simulations with the observed gamma-ray burst emission. In collisionless shocks, plasma waves and their associated instabilities (e.g., the Weibel, Buneman and other two-stream instabilities) are responsible for particle (electron, positron, and ion) acceleration and magnetic field generation. 3-D relativistic electromagnetic particle (REMP) simulations with three different electron-positron jet velocity distributions and also with an electron-ion plasma have been performed and show shock processes including spatial and temporal evolution of shocks in unmagnetized ambient plasmas. The growth time and nonlinear saturation levels depend on the initial jet parallel velocity distributions. Simulations show that the Weibel instability created in the collisionless shocks accelerates jet and ambient particles both perpendicular and parallel to the jet propagation direction. The nonlinear fluctuation amplitude of densities, currents, electric, and magnetic fields in the electron-positron shocks are larger for smaller jet Lorentz factor. This comes from the fact that the growth time of the Weibel instability is proportional to the square of the jet Lorentz factor. We have performed simulations with broad Lorentz factor distribution of jet electrons and positrons, which is assumed to be created by photon annihilation. Simulation results with this broad distribution show that the Weibel instability is excited continuously by the wide-range of jet Lorentz factor from lower to higher values. In all simulations the Weibel instability is responsible for generating and amplifying magnetic fields perpendicular to the jet propagation direction, and contributes to the electron’s (positron’s) transverse deflection behind the jet head. This small scale magnetic field structure contributes to the generation of “jitter” radiation from deflected electrons (positrons), which is different from synchrotron radiation in uniform magnetic fields. The jitter radiation resulting from small scale magnetic field structures may be important for understanding the complex time structure and spectral evolution observed in gamma-ray bursts or other astrophysical sources containing relativistic jets and relativistic collisionless shocks. The detailed studies of shock microscopic process evolution may provide some insights into early and later GRB afterglows.  相似文献   

Despite its title, this paper is mainly concerned with some of the latest theoretical work on the Herbig-Haro (HH) objects associated with stellar jets. Recent measurements of the proper motions of HH objects show that even those near the source are moving at about the same speed as the jet fluid. This means that they cannot be due to steady shocks in the jet and the only obvious explanation is that the source is varying.  相似文献   

Vršnak  Bojan 《Solar physics》2001,202(1):173-189
Decelerated motion of 12 coronal eruptions is studied. It is found that the measured decelerations and deceleration rates depend on the events' plane-of-sky velocities and heights. The dependence of deceleration on the velocity is described better by a quadratic function then by linear fit. Results are interpreted in terms of a viscous drag. An empirical relation expressing the decrease of the drag effectiveness with the projected height is established. The interplay between the Lorentz force, viscous drag, and gravity is discussed. Several examples are considered to illustrate the relative contributions of these forces under various circumstances.  相似文献   

Some recent developments in the study of relativistic jets in active galactic nuclei and microquasars are reviewed. While it has been well established for some time that extragalactic jets found in radio galaxies, quasars, and BL Lac objects are the site of ultrarelativistic particle acceleration, the recent identification of the Galactic jet source and microquasar LS~5039 as a source of very-high-energy gamma-ray emission has underlined the striking similarity between the two types of astrophysical jet sources. In this paper, I will present an overview of the dominant radiation and particle acceleration processes and observational tests to distinguish between such processes. The wide-ranging analogies between Galactic and extragalactic jets, but also their distinct differences, in particular those caused by the presence of the companion star in Galactic microquasar systems, will be exposed.  相似文献   

A suitable model for the macroscopic behavior of accretion disk-jet systems is provided by the equations of MagnetoHydroDynamics (MHD). These equations allow us to perform scale-encompassing numerical simulations of multidimensional nonlinear magnetized plasma flows. For that purpose, we continue the development and exploitation of the Versatile Advection Code (VAC) along with its recent extension which employs dynamically controlled grid adaptation. In the adaptive mesh refinement AMRVAC code, modules for simulating any-dimensional special relativistic hydro- and magnetohydrodynamic problems are currently operational. Here, we review recent 3D MHD simulations of fundamental plasma instabilities, relevant when dealing with cospatial shear flow and twisted magnetic fields. Such magnetized jet flows can be susceptible to a wide variety of hydro (e.g. Kelvin-Helmholtz) or magnetohydrodynamic (e.g. current driven kink) instabilities. Recent MHD computations of 3D jet flows have revealed how such mutually interacting instabilities can in fact aid in maintaining jet coherency. Another breakthrough from computational magnetofluid modeling is the demonstration of continuous, collimated, transmagnetosonic jet launching from magnetized accretion disks. Summarizing, MHD simulations are rapidly gaining realism and significantly advance our understanding of nonlinear astrophysical magnetofluid dynamics.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the formation of two-shock working surfaces in Herbig-Haro (HH) jets. These working surfaces can be formed either at the leading edge of the jet flow, or inside the body of the jet beam (as a result of variabilities in the jet flow velocity), and depending on the parameters of the flow can be either massless or mass conserving. It is shown that observations might indicate that these two regimes actually occur in some HH jets. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The normal mode oscillations of thin accretion disks around black holes and other compact objects are analyzed and contrasted with those in stars. For black holes, the most robust modes are gravitationally trapped near the radius at which the radial epicyclic frequency is maximum. Their eigenfrequencies depend mainly on the mass and angular momentum of the black hole. The fundamental g-mode has recently been seen in numerical simulations of black hole accretion disks. For stars such as white dwarfs, the modes are trapped near the inner boundary (magnetospheric or stellar) of the accretion disk. Their eigenfrequencies are approximately multiples of the (Keplerian) angular velocity of the inner edge of the disk. The relevance of these modes to the high frequency quasi-periodic oscillations observed in the power spectra of accreting binaries will be discussed. In contrast to most stellar oscillations, most of these modes are unstable in the presence of viscosity (if the turbulent viscosity induced by the magnetorotational instability acts hydrodynamically).  相似文献   

We have studied a model of relativistic fireworks. In this model it is assumed that a series of explosions occur. In each explosion the fragments fly apart in arbitrary directions with a given velocity which is a parameter in the model.We have succeeded in obtaining an exact expression for the distribution of fragments in velocity space aftern explosions.We present an exact solution also in the limiting case of small velocity steps where the process turns into a diffusion in velocity space.The development in configuration space has been obtained through Monte-Carlo numerical simulations.The model has been applied to metagalactic cosmology. Although single explosions cannot reach the highest redshifts observed in the Hubble expansion the fireworks model offers a possibility to reach thesez-values in a few explosions.The model gives a density inhomogeneity of 20% over a tenth of the Hubble distance as seen from a typical position. Observations show a considerably greater irregular variation.The model gives a local velocity dispersion which is too great to comply with observations. A development of the model is suggested.  相似文献   

Jet research has long relied upon a combination of analytical, observational and numerical studies to elucidate the complex phenomena involved. One element missing from these studies (which other physical sciences utilize) is the controlled experimental investigation of such systems. With the advent of high-power lasers and fast Z-pinch machines it is now possible to experimentally studysimilar systems in a laboratory setting. Such investigations can contribute in two useful ways. They can be used for comparison with numerical simulations as a means to validate simulation codes. More importantly, however, such investigations can also be used to complement other jet research, leading to fundamentally new knowledge. In the first part of this article, we analyze the evolution of magnetized wide-angle winds in a collapsing environment. We track the ambient and wind mass separately and describe a physical mechanism by which an ionized central wind can entrain the ambient gas giving rise to internal shells of molecular material on short time scales. The formation of internal shells in molecular outflows has been found to be an important ingredient in describing the observations of convex spurs in P-V diagrams (Hubble wedges in M-V diagrams).In the second part, we present astrophysically relevant experiments in which supersonic jets are created using a conical wire array Z-pinch. The conically convergent flow generates a standing shock around the axis which collimates the flow into a Mach ~ 30 jet. The jet formation process is closely related to the work of Cantó et al. (1988) for hydrodynamic jet collimation. The influence of radiative cooling on collimation and stability is studied by varying the wire material (Al, Fe, and W).  相似文献   

A brief review is given of some results of our work on the construction of (I) steady and (II) time-dependent MHD models for nonrelativistic and relativistic astrophysical outflows and jets, analytically and numerically. The only available exact solutions for MHD outflows are those in separable coordinates, i.e., with the symmetry of radial or meridional self-similarity. Physically accepted solutions pass from the fast magnetosonic separatrix surface in order to satisfy MHD causality. An energetic criterion is outlined for selecting radially expanding winds from cylindrically expanding jets. Numerical simulations of magnetic self-collimation verify the conclusions of analytical steady solutions. We also propose a two-component model consisting of a wind outflow from a central object and a faster rotating outflow launched from a surrounding accretion disk which plays the role of the flow collimator. We also discuss the problem of shock formation during the magnetic collimation of wind-type outflows into jets.  相似文献   

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