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The aim of this study is to illustrate the soil conditions encountered at the proposed bridge sites to analyze and evaluate the test conducted, submit recommendations regarding foundation design. At first by field investigation, the required data was collected and after primary processing the acceptable data was selected. For nonlinear analysis of elastic and rigid half space bed rock, standard hyperbolic model was selected and performed, and the results were compared. The study clearly showed that the effect of bed rock on soil behavior during earthquake is one of the main factors controlling prediction of ground response. A critical aspect of this work was to develop and use a computer code “Abbas Converter” developed by the authors that has several advantages, such as quick installation, acting as a connecter function between the used softwares which can generate the input data corresponding to a defined format and finally, the results of this computer code can be easily exported to the other softwares used in this study. Moreover this code can make it easy to solve the problems encountered.  相似文献   

During the earthquakes, a number of earth dams have had severe damages or suffered major displacements as a result of liquefaction, thus modeling by computer codes can provide a reliable tool to predict the response of the dam foundation against earthquakes. These modeling can be used in the design of new dams or safety assessments of existing ones. In this paper, on the basis of the field and laboratory tests and by combination of several software packages a seismic geotechnical-based analysis procedure is proposed and verified by comparison with computer model tests and field and laboratory experiences. Verification or validation of the analyses relies to the ability of the applied computer codes. By using the Silakhor earthquake (2006, M s 6.1) as a basis in order to check the efficiency of the proposed framework, the procedure is applied to the Korzan earth dam of Iran which is located in Hamedan Province to analyze and estimate the liquefaction and safety factor. Design and development of a computer code by the authors which was named as the ??Abbas Converter?? with graphical user interface which operates as logic connecter function that can compute and model the soil profiles is the critical point of this study. The results confirmed and proved the ability of the generated computer code on the evaluation of soil behavior during earthquake excitations. Also, this code was able to facilitate this study better than previous ones have, taking over the encountered problem.  相似文献   

Earthquakes in Iran are major and chronic disasters, but there is a seemingly downward trend in the number of lives lost from earthquake disasters in the past five decades. This paper particularly examines whether factors such as urbanization, literacy rate, wealth, and retrofitting measures have contributed to the declining trend of fatalities over past decades. Data records of 1960–2010 have been used to demonstrate the fatalities trend and a shorter series of 1990–2010 has been used to carry out a statistical analysis due to limited availability of information on retrofitting practices in the country. Regression models run in two stages. The first stage consists of normalized fatalities of Iran’s earthquakes, regressed on urbanization, wealth, and retrofitting. The second stage involves the measure of retrofit as the dependent variable regressed over urbanization and/or wealth as explanatory variables. The resulted regression models clearly explain the importance of retrofitting measure in saving lives in earthquakes disasters, as well as providing economic advantages and robust environment to the population. The study provides significant guidance for public policy. Undoubtedly, retrofitting, started in the country from 1990, has decreased the number of deaths; nonetheless, the measure is found to be mostly enforced in the cities and not in rural areas. Decision makers can use the results of this study to prioritize retrofit in rural areas, more than ever, and as much as possible.  相似文献   

Groundwater of an aquifer located in the vicinity of a large coal washery near Zarand City, Iran consists of two hydrochemically differing facies, which have been informally designated as groundwater (A) and groundwater (B). Groundwater (A) is native, brackish in composition and is characterized by Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+ and SO4 2? > HCO3 ? > Cl? > NO3 ?. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient matrices, factor analysis data, and values of chloro-alkaline indices, C ratio and Na+/Cl? molar ratio indicate that in the groundwater (A), the ionic load of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, SO4 2? and HCO3 ? is derived essentially from weathering of both carbonates and aluminosilicates and direct cation and reverse cation–anion exchange reactions. Groundwater (B) is the polluted variant of the groundwater (A), brackish to saline in composition, and unlike the groundwater (A), consists of HCO3 ? as the dominant anion. In comparison with the groundwater (A), the groundwater (B) contains higher concentrations of all ions, and its average ionic load (av. = 59.74 me/L) is 1.43 times higher than that of the groundwater (A) (av. = 41.54 me/L). Additional concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, SO4 2?, Cl? and HCO3 ? in the groundwater (B) are provided mainly by downward infiltrating water from the coal washery tailings pond and reverse cation–anion exchange reaction between tailings pond water and exchanger of the aquifer matrix during non-conservative mixing process of groundwater (A) and tailings pond water. Certain additional concentrations of Na+, K+ and NO3 ? in the groundwater (B) are provided by other anthropogenic sources. Quality wise, both groundwaters are marginally suitable for cultivation of salt-tolerant crops only.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new optimization model to help cities in seismically active developing countries decide (1) How much to spend on pre-earthquake mitigation versus waiting until after an event and paying for reconstruction or simply not rebuilding damaged buildings? (2) Which buildings to mitigate and how? and (3) Which buildings to reconstruct and how? It extends previously developed optimization models to consider the particular issues that arise in such countries. First, the model allows for the possibility that some damaged buildings will not be reconstructed immediately and keeps track of any lost building inventory. Second, buildings can be mitigated to, or when damaged, reconstructed to, any appropriate structural type and seismic design level. Finally, the model objectives include minimizing the chance of an extremely high death toll in any one earthquake and minimizing the average annual death toll across earthquakes. The model is illustrated through a case study analysis for Tehran, Iran.  相似文献   

A preliminary study targeting to evaluate the local seismic response was performed in the eastern flank of Mt. Etna (southern Italy) using ambient noise measurements. The obtained spectral ratios were subdivided through cluster analysis into different classes of fundamental frequency permitting to draw an iso-frequency contour map. The analysis set into evidence the extreme heterogeneity of lava sequences, which makes difficult to identify a single seismic bedrock formation. Another important outcome, concerning the local seismic effects in terms of frequency and azimuth, is the important role played by the fracture fields associated with the main structural systems of the area. The existence of two zones with strong directional effects striking WNW–ESE and NW–SE, nearly orthogonal to the orientation of the main fracture fields, corroborate such hypothesis.  相似文献   

Panzera  F.  Lombardo  G.  Longo  E.  Langer  H.  Branca  S.  Azzaro  R.  Cicala  V.  Trimarchi  F. 《Natural Hazards》2016,86(2):385-399

A preliminary study targeting to evaluate the local seismic response was performed in the eastern flank of Mt. Etna (southern Italy) using ambient noise measurements. The obtained spectral ratios were subdivided through cluster analysis into different classes of fundamental frequency permitting to draw an iso-frequency contour map. The analysis set into evidence the extreme heterogeneity of lava sequences, which makes difficult to identify a single seismic bedrock formation. Another important outcome, concerning the local seismic effects in terms of frequency and azimuth, is the important role played by the fracture fields associated with the main structural systems of the area. The existence of two zones with strong directional effects striking WNW–ESE and NW–SE, nearly orthogonal to the orientation of the main fracture fields, corroborate such hypothesis.


The study of landfill sites is one of the most important studies in landfill engineering, and the landfill site selection involves combination of engineering, science, and politics. This paper describes a comprehensive hazardous waste landfill site selection methodology with the combined utilization of geographic information system and multiple criteria analysis methods, as applied to the Zanjan province in Iran. The six main data categories that were used are geological/engineering geological, geomorphological, hydrological/hydrogeological, climatological, pedological, and social/economical criteria, which included 31 input layers in total. A suitability map for hazardous waste landfilling was prepared for study area with five classes from most suitable to completely unsuitable. Finally, out of the three sites, one site was selected which was chosen by the local authorities. Our work offers a comprehensive methodology and provides essential support for decision-makers in the assessment of hazardous waste management problems in Zanjan province in I.R. Iran and other developing cities in other countries.  相似文献   

By considering an area affected by a Ms 7.1 earthquake in Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, in 2010 as an example, this paper analyzed the public response level after an earthquake disaster and discussed the principal factors influencing public response behaviors using a questionnaire survey. The results showed that the local public’s response level is low in the studied area. The average response scoring rate is only 0.50. Gender, family income, experience and religion are the most significant factors influencing the public response level. Females or individuals with low family income and little education tend to have lower response capability and are more vulnerable during an earthquake disaster. Furthermore, on the whole, participants who had experience coping with unexpected safety events appear to adopt more reasonable response behavior during an earthquake disaster. The relatively undeveloped economy and low education level are the basic limiting factors for improving the public response capability in the studied area. Certain policies and suggestions to improve the response capability and disaster reduction were discussed.  相似文献   

High-resolution seismic surveys, including P- and S-wave studies, have been conducted in an area of the Ottawa River valley located 80 km east of Ottawa (Canada). Based on dating of paleolandslides, the existence of paleoearthquake activity has been postulated in this area. The target zone for the seismic survey is characterized by surface disturbance and sediment deformation. P-wave seismic imaging was used to map the overburden–bedrock interface as well as to indicate reflecting boundaries within the overburden. The area of surface disturbance was found to overlie a buried bedrock basin, 8 km in diameter, infilled with a maximum thickness of 180 m of unconsolidated Quaternary sediments. Preliminary results of core logging show the presence of sand overlain by deformed fine sediments within the disturbed area. Shear-refraction studies reveal differences in the velocity–depth profiles between the disturbed area and the surrounding undisturbed areas. The shear-wave reflection method was used to produce a fundamental resonant period map for the area. Surface sediment disturbance was probably due to a combination of ground-motion amplification due to the basin (thick soft sediments) and the presence of water-saturated sand at depth.  相似文献   

Earth dam site selection is one of the most important problems in water resources management. It depends on a set of qualitative and quantitative criteria, and they may even be in conflict with each other. This study aims to develop a multicriteria decision-making approach to locate the dam site and construct a multipurpose earth dam in Harsin City at the western part of Iran. For this purpose, firstly, the influential criteria for locating the earth dam site were determined using a comprehensive literature review and the experts’ opinions. Then, some watersheds in the surrounding areas of Iran’s Harsin City were studied and four feasible sites proposed. In the final stage, these sites, in order to construct a multipurpose earth dam, were prioritized using the analytic hierarchy process approach and the most optimal site was selected.  相似文献   

The reported study contributes to research on earthquake prediction. Between 2007 and 2009, changes were observed in two geothermal and mineral springs located in Eskipazar (~3–5 km to the north of the North Anatolian Fault Zone) in Turkey, in relation to small-magnitude earthquakes. During pre-seismic and post-seismic activities, variations were observed in the hydrogeological parameters of the spring waters. Temperature increases of 0.4–1°C were measured in one of the springs prior to three different earthquakes. There was a slight increase in the spring discharge with respect to the first earthquake, which occurred closest to the spring. This led to a reduction in electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), Ca, HCO3, δ13C, Al, Mn, and Fe concentrations in the spring water, whereas tritium and Se values increased. Several days before the third earthquake, which occurred at a shallower depth, a decrease was observed in the discharge, which led to a reduction in tritium, δ13C and Si concentrations. These variations could be explained by changes in the mixing ratio of waters of different genesis, depending on changes in permeability, pore pressure, and flow paths of the aquifer due to regional stress changes.  相似文献   

Soil texture is a key variable that reflect a number of soil properties such as soil permeability, water holding capacity, nutrient storage and availability, and soil erosion. The main objective of this study was to produce the kriged maps of soils of the Shahrekord region, central Iran. One hundred four soil samples were collected on a 375-m2 sampling grid from the depths of 0–30, 30–60, and 60–100 centimeter, and their particle sizes were determined using hydrometer method. The results showed a moderately spatial correlation in the soil particles among sampling soil layers and across the study area. Moreover, increasing clay and therewith observation of heavier soil textures is evident from surface to subsurface layers of the soils in the studied area due to rainfall and/or irrigation agriculture. These findings indicated that study of the soil texture variation with depth can be used as a clue for site-specific management and precision agriculture. Moreover, we suggest further analysis by using other data layers like topographical parameters, land use, parent material, soil erosion, and any other information which might influence the spatial distribution of soil texture.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of low flow as a criterion for different objectives in water resource management, including drought is of crucial importance. Despite the complex nature of water deficits, univariate methods have often been used to analyze the frequency of low flows. In this study, low flows of Dez River basin were examined during period of 1956–2012 using copula functions at the upstream of headbranches’ junction. For this purpose, at first 7-day series of low flow was extracted at the studied stations, then their homogeneity was examined by Mann–Kendall test. The results indicated that 7-day low flow series of Dez basin were homogenous. In the next stage, 12 different distribution functions were fitted onto the low flow data. Finally, for Sepid Dasht Sezar (SDS), Sepid Dasht Zaz (SDZ), and Tang Panj Bakhtiyari (TPB) stations, logistic distribution had the best fit, while for Tang Panj Sezar (TPS) station, GEV distribution enjoyed the best fit. After specifying the best fitted marginal distributions, seven different copula functions including Ali–Mikhail–Haq (AMH), Frank, Clayton, Galambos, Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern (FGM), Gumbel–Hougaard (GH), and Plackett were used for bivariate frequency analysis of the 7-day low flow series. The results revealed that the GH copula had the best fitness on paired data of SDS and SDZ stations. For TPS and TPB stations, Frank copula has had the best correspondence with empirical copula values. Next, joint and conditional return periods were calculated for the low flow series at the upstream of branches’ junction. The results of this study indicated that the risk of incidence of severe drought is higher in upstream stations (SDZ and SDS) when compared with downstream stations (TPB and TPS) in Dez basin. Generally, application of multivariate analysis allows researchers to investigate hydrological events with a more comprehensive view by considering the simultaneous effect of the influencing factors on the phenomenon of interest. It also enables them to evaluate different combinations of required scenarios for integrated management of basin and planning to cope with the damages caused by natural phenomena.  相似文献   

Droughts are complex natural hazards that, to a varying degree, affect some parts of the world every year. The range of drought impacts is related to drought occurring in different stages of the hydrological cycle and usually different types of droughts such as meteorological, agricultural, hydrological, and socio-economical are the most distinguished types. Hydrological drought includes streamflow and groundwater droughts. In this paper, streamflow drought was analyzed using the method of truncation level (at 70 % level) by daily discharges at 54 stations in southwestern Iran. Frequency analysis was carried out for annual maximum series of drought deficit volume and duration. 35 factors such as physiographic, climatic, geologic and vegetation were studied to carry out the regional analysis. According to conclusions of factor analysis, the six most effective factors include watershed area, the sum rain from December to February, the percentage of area with NDVI <0.1, the percentage of convex area, drainage density and the minimum of watershed elevation, explained 89.2 % of variance. The homogenous regions were determined by cluster analysis and discriminate function analysis. The suitable multivariate regression models were ascertained and evaluated for hydrological drought deficit volume with 2 years return period. The significance level of models was 0.01. The conclusion showed that the watershed area is the most effective factor that has a high correlation with drought deficit volume. Moreover, drought duration was not a suitable index for regional analysis.  相似文献   

为确定地震条件下悬臂式挡土墙主动土压力,考虑假想坦墙墙背的可能不同位置,给出了墙后填土5种可能的失稳破坏模式;在此基础上,采用拟静力法,基于极限分析上限定理,推导了作用于坦墙墙背上的地震主动土压力计算公式,包括填土性质、填方坡面倾角、踵板长度、墙体高度、水平及竖向地震影响系数等多因素,其中除填土黏聚力与竖向地震影响系数与该土压力呈线性相关性外,其余因素呈非线性影响。实例分析表明,基于本方法地震土压力而计算的墙体抗滑与抗倾稳定系数,多数情况下均比经典的Mononobe-Okabe法略偏大;在填土中存在第二破裂面情况下,以踵板下边缘作为假想墙背端点的计算模式相对略偏不安全;竖直假想墙背模式相应的土压力计算值最小,但相应的墙体稳定系数却不一定最大。  相似文献   

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