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The integration of geophysical data with direct hydrogeological measurements can provide a minimally invasive approach to characterize the subsurface at a variety of resolutions and over many spatial scales. The field of hydrogeophysics has attracted much attention during the last two decades. In this domain, the geophysical data inverted to geophysical models are interpreted in terms of the hydrogeology to serve as a basis for the definition of hydraulic models in the areas of interest. The hydraulic conductivity (K) value measured in a reference borehole has been combined with the electrical conductivity obtained from nearby geo-electromagnetic sounding data in the Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous) aquifer, central Sinai, Egypt. The resulting relation was interpreted with Dar Zarrouk parameters to infer the transmissivity variations at other vertical electrical sounding locations, where K values are unknown. Coincident transient electromagnetic data have been adopted to increase accuracy while interpreting the aquifer geoelectrical properties. The results indicate that the transmissivity values in the aquifer of interest vary from 2,446 to 9,694 m2/day, and K varies from 12.9 to 57.0 m/day throughout the studied area.  相似文献   

Alkaline rhyolitic and minor trachytic volcanics were erupted 580–530 Ma ago. They occur with their A-type intrusive equivalents in Sinai, southern Negev and southwestern Jordan. At Taba-Nuweiba district, these volcanics outcrop in three areas, namely, Wadi El-Mahash, Wadi Khileifiya and Gebel El-Homra. Mineralogically, they comprise alkali feldspars, iron-rich biotite and arfvedsonite together with rare ferro-eckermannite. Geochemically, the older rhyolitic volcanics are highly evolved, enriched in HFSE including REE and depleted in Ca, Mg, Sr and Eu. The rhyolitic rocks of Wadi El-Mahash and Gebel El-Homra are enriched in K2O content (5.3–10.1 wt.%) and depleted in Na2O content (0.08–2.97 wt.%), while the rhyolites of Wadi Khileifiya have normal contents of alkalis. Their REE patterns are uniform, parallel to subparallel, fractionated [(La/Yb)n = 5.4] and show prominent negative Eu-anomalies. They are classified as alkali rhyolites with minor comendites. The younger volcanics are classified as trachyandesite and quartz trachyte (56.6–62.9 wt.% SiO2). Both older and younger volcanics represent two separate magmatic suites. The overall mineralogical and chemical characteristics of these volcanics are consistent with within plate tectonic setting. It is suggested that partial melting of crustal rocks yielded the source magma. Lithospheric extension and crustal rupture occurred prior to the eruption of these volcanics. The rather thin continental crust (35 km) as well as the continental upheaval and extensive erosion that preceded their emplacement favoured pressure release and increasing mantle contribution. The volatiles of the upper mantle were important agents for heat transfer, and sufficient for the anatexis of the crustal rocks. A petrogenetic hypothesis is proposed for the genesis of the recorded potassic and ultrapotassic rhyolitic rocks through the action of dissolved volatiles and their accumulation in the uppermost part of the magma chamber.  相似文献   

The present work was conducted in the Sinai Peninsula (1) to identify the recharge and flow characteristics and to evaluate the continuity of the Lower Cretaceous Nubian Sandstone aquifer; and (2) to provide information for the aquifer's rational appraisal. Isotopic and hydrochemical compositions combined with the geological and hydrogeological settings were used for this purpose. A considerable depletion in isotopic content (oxygen-18 and deuterium) and low d-excess values exist in the studied groundwater, reflecting the contribution of old meteoric water that recharged the aquifer in pluvial times. Modern recharge also occurs from precipitation that falls on the aquifer outcrops. The wide scatter of the data points around the two meteoric lines, the global meteoric water line (GMWL) and Mediterranean meteoric water line (MMWL), in the δ18O–δD diagram indicates considerable variation in recharge conditions (amount, altitude, temperature, air masses, distances from catchment, overland flow, etc.). The isotopic composition in the El-Bruk area is minimum (18O=–9.53‰), very close to the average value of the Western Desert Nubian Sandstone (18O=–10‰), where the local structural and lithologic conditions retard groundwater flow and the main bulk of water becomes noncyclic. The continuity of the aquifer in northern and central Sinai is evidenced by the isotopic similarity between samples taken from above and below the central Sinai Ragabet El-Naam fault, the distribution of potentiometric head, and hydrogeological cross sections. The combination of isotopic composition in terms of 18O and chemical composition in terms of TDS and salt contents is the basis for separating the studied groundwater into groups that reflect the recharge sources and isotopic and chemical modifications during flow. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The groundwater extracted from the unconfined Quaternary aquifer is the main source of water supply in El-Tur area. The area is bounded from the east by the elevated basement complex of Southern Sinai and from the west by El-Qabaliyat Ridge. The wadis dissecting these highlands form effective watersheds of the Quaternary aquifer. These wadis form areas of focused recharge. Recharge also occurs directly via the Quaternary sediments covering El-Qaa Plain. Subsurface lateral groundwater flow from the fractured basement contributes significant recharge to the aquifer as well. The aquifer sediment facies affect the type and quality of groundwater. In the eastern part where the aquifer is composed mainly of gravel and coarse sand with fragments of weathered basement, the Na-Cl-SO4 water dominates. In the west where the facies change is rapid and complex, many water types arise. The base exchange index (BEX) is positive in this part reflecting the role of clay minerals in changing the water types via cation exchange. In the east where clays are insignificant in the aquifer, the BEX is negative. In the western part next to El-Qabaliyat Ridge, the wells discharging from the calcareous sand zone have low groundwater salinities compared to the wells discharging from the alluvium. In general, the groundwater salinity increases in the direction of groundwater flow from the northeast to the southwest which reflects the dissolution of aquifer sediments. The concentration relationships between the major ions on one hand and chloride on the other reflect the dissolution of calcium carbonates, precipitation of K- and Mg-bearing minerals, and cation exchange of Ca for Na on clay minerals. The hydrochemical models support these reactions. In addition, they show that the effect of evaporation on the recharge water in the western catchment is about four times its effect on the eastern recharge water which reflects the rapid recharge through the wadis draining the fractured basement. Moreover, the contribution from the eastern catchment in sample No. 23 is more than four-folds the contribution from the western recharge area. The stable isotopes (2H and 18O) show that the Quaternary aquifer is recharging from recent rainfall. However, upward leakage of Paleogene groundwater (depleted in 18O) also occurs. The groundwater level map shows strong overpumping impact especially in the areas close to El-Tur city.  相似文献   

The Quaternary coastal plain aquifer down gradient of the Wadi Watir catchment is the main source of potable groundwater in the arid region of south Sinai, Egypt. The scarcity of rainfall over the last decade, combined with high groundwater pumping rates, have resulted in water-quality degradation in the main well field and in wells along the coast. Understanding the sources of groundwater salinization and amount of average annual recharge is critical for developing sustainable groundwater management strategies for the long-term prevention of groundwater quality deterioration. A combination of geochemistry, conservative ions (Cl and Br), and isotopic tracers (87/86Sr, δ81Br, δ37Cl), in conjunction with groundwater modeling, is an effective method to assess and manage groundwater resources in the Wadi Watir delta aquifers. High groundwater salinity, including high Cl and Br concentrations, is recorded inland in the deep drilled wells located in the main well field and in wells along the coast. The range of Cl/Br ratios for shallow and deep groundwaters in the delta (∼50–97) fall between the end member values of the recharge water that comes from the up gradient watershed, and evaporated seawater of marine origin, which is significantly different than the ratio in modern seawater (228). The 87/86Sr and δ81Br isotopic values were higher in the recharge water (0.70,723 < 87/86Sr < 0.70,894, +0.94 < δ81Br < +1.28‰), and lower in the deep groundwater (0.70,698 < 87/86Sr < 0.70,705, +0.22‰ < δ81Br < +0.41‰). The δ37Cl isotopic values were lower in the recharge water (−0.48 < δ37Cl < −0.06‰) and higher in the deep groundwater (−0.01 < δ37Cl < +0.22‰). The isotopic values of strontium, chloride, and bromide in groundwater from the Wadi Watir delta aquifers indicate that the main groundwater recharge source comes from the up gradient catchment along the main stream channel entering the delta. The solute-weighted mass balance mixing models show that groundwater in the main well field contains 4–10% deep saline groundwater, and groundwater in some wells along the coast contain 2–6% seawater and 18–29% deep saline groundwater.A three-dimensional, variable-density, flow-and-transport SEAWAT model was developed using groundwater isotopes (87Sr/86Sr, δ37Cl and δ81Br) and calibrated using historical records of groundwater level and salinity. δ18O was used to normalize the evaporative effect on shallow groundwater salinity for model calibration. The model shows how groundwater salinity and hydrologic data can be used in SEAWAT to understand recharge mechanisms, estimate groundwater recharge rates, and simulate the upwelling of deep saline groundwater and seawater intrusion. The model indicates that most of the groundwater recharge occurs near the outlet of the main channel. Average annual recharge to delta alluvial aquifers for 1982 to 2009 is estimated to be 2.16 × 106 m3/yr. The main factors that control groundwater salinity are overpumping and recharge availability.  相似文献   

Integration of calcareous nannofossil data, δ13C and δ18O values, and carbonate contents of the lower Paleocene–upper Paleocene sequence that crops out at the Misheiti section, East Central Sinai, Egypt, were used to denote the Danian/Selandian (D/S) and Selandian/Thanetian (S/T) stage boundaries. The study interval belongs to the Dakhla and Tarawan formations. Four calcareous nannofossil zones (NP4, NP5, NP6, and NP7/8) were recognized. The base of the Selandian Stage is tentatively placed at the lowest occurrences (LOs) of taxa ascribable to the second radiation of fasciculiths (i.e., Lithoptychius janii). This level is marked by a sudden drop of δ13C and δ18O values and carbonate content. No distinctive lithological changes were observed across the D/S boundary at the study section. A hiatus at the NP5/NP6 zonal boundary is indicated by the condensation of zones NP5 and NP6.The base of the Thanetian is placed at the base of Zone NP7/8 at the lithological change observed in correspondence to the boundary between the Dakhla and Tarawan formations. The δ13C and δ18O values abruptly decrease slightly above the base of Zone NP7/8. No consistent variations in the carbonate contents were recorded within Zone NP6 or across the NP6/NP7/8 zonal boundary.  相似文献   

The Sinai Peninsula has a triangular shape between the African and Arabian Plates and is bounded from the western and eastern borders by the Gulf of Suez and Gulf of Aqaba–Dead Sea rift systems, respectively. It is affected by strong and destructive earthquakes (e.g., March 31, 1969 and November 22, 1995) and moderate earthquakes (m b?>?5) throughout its history. After the installation of the Egyptian National Seismic Network (ENSN), a great number of earthquakes has been recorded within and around Sinai. Consequently, the seismogenic source zones and seismotectonic behavior can be clearly identified. Available data, including both historical and instrumental (1900–1997), have been collected from national and international data centers. While the data from 1998 till December 2007 are gathered from ENSN bulletins. The seismogenic source zones that might affect Sinai Peninsula are defined more precisely in this work depending on the distribution of earthquakes, seismicity rate (a value), b value, and fault plane solution of the major earthquakes. In addition, the type of faults prevailed and characterized these zones. It is concluded that the Gulf of Aqaba zone–Dead Sea transform zone, Gulf of Suez rift zone, Cairo–Suez District zone, and Eastern Mediterranean dislocation zone represent the major effective zones for Sinai. Furthermore, there are two local seismic zones passing through Sinai contributing to the earthquake activities of Sinai, these are the Negev shear zone and Central Sinai fault (Themed fault) zone. The source parameters, a and b values, and the maximum expected moment magnitude have been determined for each of these zones. These results will contribute to a great extent in the seismic hazard assessment and risk mitigation studies for Sinai Peninsula to protect the developmental projects.  相似文献   

Blasband  B.  Brooijmans  P.  Dirks  P.  Visser  W.  White  S. 《Geologie en Mijnbouw》1997,76(3):247-266
In the late Precambrian history of the Wadi Kid area in the Sinai, Egypt, two deformation phases are clearly recognized. The first phase, D1 (pre-620 Ma), produced a steep regional foliation, axial planar to upright F1 folds, in rocks of a lower-greenschist grade. This compressional phase of deformation is interpreted in terms of subduction in an island-arc setting. The second phase, D1 (post-620 Ma), is mainly expressed by the widespread development of sub-horizontal mylonitic zones with a total thickness of 1.5 km. Shear sense indicators give a consistent regional transport direction to the northwest, with local indications of reversal to the southeast. This event is associated with regional LP/HT metamorphism, indicative of high thermal gradients. Because of the LP/HT metamorphism, the change in geochemical nature of the granitoids, and the orientation of the dykes, we interpret the mylonitic zones as low-angle normal shear zones related to core-complex development during an extensional event with the transport reversal being induced by doming. We postulate that orogenic collapse was responsible for the transition from the D1 compressional phase to the D1 extensional phase.  相似文献   

The Middle Triassic–Lower Cretaceous (pre-Late Albian) succession of Arif El-Naga anticline comprises various distinctive facies and environments that are connected with eustatic relative sea-level changes, local/regional tectonism, variable sediment influx and base-level changes. It displays six unconformity-bounded depositional sequences. The Triassic deposits are divided into a lower clastic facies (early Middle Triassic sequence) and an upper carbonate unit (late Middle- and latest Middle/early Late Triassic sequences). The early Middle Triassic sequence consists of sandstone with shale/mudstone interbeds that formed under variable regimes, ranging from braided fluvial, lower shoreface to beach foreshore. The marine part of this sequence marks retrogradational and progradational parasequences of transgressive- and highstand systems tract deposits respectively. Deposition has taken place under warm semi-arid climate and a steady supply of clastics. The late Middle- and latest Middle/early Late Triassic sequences are carbonate facies developed on an extensive shallow marine shelf under dry-warm climate. The late Middle Triassic sequence includes retrogradational shallow subtidal oyster rudstone and progradational lower intertidal lime-mudstone parasequences that define the transgressive- and highstand systems tracts respectively. It terminates with upper intertidal oncolitic packstone with bored upper surface. The next latest Middle/early Late Triassic sequence is marked by lime-mudstone, packstone/grainstone and algal stromatolitic bindstone with minor shale/mudstone. These lower intertidal/shallow subtidal deposits of a transgressive-systems tract are followed upward by progradational highstand lower intertidal lime-mudstone deposits. The overlying Jurassic deposits encompass two different sequences. The Lower Jurassic sequence is made up of intercalating lower intertidal lime-mudstone and wave-dominated beach foreshore sandstone which formed during a short period of rising sea-level with a relative increase in clastic supply. The Middle-Upper Jurassic sequence is represented by cycles of cross-bedded sandstone topped with thin mudstone that accumulated by northerly flowing braided-streams accompanying regional uplift of the Arabo–Nubian shield. It is succeeded by another regressive fluvial sequence of Early Cretaceous age due to a major eustatic sea-level fall. The Lower Cretaceous sequence is dominated by sandy braided-river deposits with minor overbank fines and basal debris flow conglomerate.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of the diatoms from the sedimentary sequence exposed in Abu Qada basin, west central Sinai, was used to determine the palaeoenvironmental changes during the Lower to Middle Miocene. A total of 85 diatom species and varieties belonging to 37 genera were identified from 154 samples collected throughout the stratigraphic succession. The lithological characters of the studied samples varied between sandstone, silty interbeds, sandy shales, shales, and terminated with anhydrite and limestones. These rock units are included in two lithostratigraphic formations (Rudies and Kareem), which are separated by a marked unconformity. The distribution and preservation of fossil diatoms in the sedimentary record are examined with the aim of outlining the temporal and spatial variation in the composition of the diatom assemblages, in order to estimate the changes in depositional environments during the Lower to Middle Miocene. The distributional pattern of the recorded diatom taxa distinguished four diatom eco-zones. The environment of each eco-zone is deduced and a proposed paleobathymetric change and depositional history of the Miocene sediments in the studied area are given.  相似文献   

The first detailed biostratigraphic analyses of the Coniacian-middle Campanian shallow-marine carbonate successions exposed in the Mitla Pass, west central Sinai, Egypt have revealed the stratigraphic distribution of diverse calcareous nannofossil and planktonic foraminiferal species. Thirty-six calcareous nannofossils and thirty-two planktonic foraminifera are identified, indicating a Coniacian to middle Campanian age and four Tethyan planktonic foraminiferal and five calcareous nannofossil zones. A comparison of these bioevents from different palaeolatitudes shows considerable variation in age.Three sequence boundaries coincident with the Turonian/Coniacian, Coniacian/Santonian and Santonian/Campanian stage boundaries are recognized. A fourth sequence boundary is marked by a major upper Campanian to early Ypresian (early Eocene) unconformity. These sequence boundaries are primarily related to regional tectonism associated with the Syrian Arc Fold System and secondarily to eustatic sea-level fluctuations.  相似文献   

Sixteen groundwater samples collected from production wells tapping Lower Cretaceous Nubian Sandstone and fractured basement aquifers in Sinai were analyzed for their stable isotopic compositions, dissolved noble gas concentrations (recharge temperatures), tritium activities, and 14C abundances. Results define two groups of samples: Group I has older ages, lower recharge temperatures, and depleted isotopic compositions (adjusted 14C model age: 24,000–31,000 yr BP; δ18O: − 9.59‰ to − 6.53‰; δ2H: − 72.9‰ to − 42.9‰; < 1 TU; and recharge T: 17.5–22.0°C) compared to Group II (adjusted 14C model age: 700–4700 yr BP; δ18O: − 5.89‰ to − 4.84‰; δ2H: − 34.5‰ to − 24.1‰; < 1 to 2.78 TU; and recharge T: 20.6–26.2°C). Group II samples have isotopic compositions similar to those of average modern rainfall, with larger d-excess values than Group I waters, and locally measurable tritium activity (up to 2.8 TU). These observations are consistent with (1) the Nubian Aquifer being largely recharged prior to and/or during the Last Glacial Maximum (represented by Group I), possibly through the intensification of paleowesterlies; and (2) continued sporadic recharge during the relatively dry and warmer interglacial period (represented by Group II) under conditions similar to those of the present.  相似文献   

The Lower Cretaceous sections in northern Sinai are composed of the Risan Aneiza (upper Barremian-middle Albian) and the Halal (middle Albian-lower Cenomanian) formations. The facies reflect subtle paleobathymetry from inner to outer ramp facies. The inner ramp facies are peritidal, protected to open marine lagoons, shoals and rudist biostrome facies. The inner ramp facies grade northward into outer ramp deposits. The upper Barremian-lower Cenomanian succession is subdivided into nine depositional sequences correlated with those recognized in the neighbouring Tethyan areas. These sequences are subdivided into 19 medium-scale sequences based on the facies evolution, the recorded hardgrounds and flooding surfaces, interpreted as the result of eustatic sea level changes and local tectonic activities of the early Syrian Arc rifting stage. Each sequence contains a lower retrogradational parasequence set that constituted the transgressive systems tracts and an upper progradational parasequence set that formed the highstand systems tracts. Nine rudist levels are recorded in the upper Barremian through lower Cenomanian succession at Gabal Raghawi. At Gabal Yelleg two rudist levels are found in the Albian. The rudist levels are associated with the highstand systems tract deposits because of the suitability of the trophic conditions in the rudist-dominated ramp.  相似文献   

ALI M'RABET 《Sedimentology》1981,28(3):331-352
Combined field, sedimentological, mineralogical, isotopic and geochemical study of the Lower Cretaceous dolomites of Central Tunisia has demonstrated considerable diversity in origin. Environments of dolomite formation include deep phreatic, karst, lacustrine and evaporitic sabkha. All four groups of dolomite are composed of non-stoichiometric and/or disordered crystals which are more or less rich in calcium and in iron. Petrographic fabrics are of three types: replacement, recrystallization and cementation. These three fabrics are proposed among the various criteria for the different environments of dolomitization. Average isotope (δ18 O and δ13 C) contents for these four dolomite groups range from ?10·5 to +0·4%o (PDB) and ?3·9 to + 3·7%o respectively. The distribution of strontium is related both to the degree of recrystallization and to the palaeosalinity. Ferrous iron, also very common, is regarded as an indicator of relatively deep reducing conditions, mainly in meteoric groundwaters. Sodium distribution is related to inclusions within the dolomite, its distribution being relatively constant in all four groups; it cannot be regarded as a reliable criterion for palaeosalinity of dolomitizing fluids. This study confirms that dolomitization may occur under widely different palaeoenvironments, either at the surface or during burial. With the exception of the sabkha environment, dolomitizing fluids seem to have been essentially meteoric.  相似文献   

Groundwater in contact with ore deposits may acquire a chemical composition that could be used as a guide for exploration. Eight well-water samples are collected from a known uranium-mineralized area near Abu Zenima, west central Sinai to examine the applicability of using the hydrogeochemical technique in the search for uranium mineralization in similar arid areas. The analytical chemical data of the ground water is compared with ground radiometric measurements. The obtained results indicate that groundwater affected by uranium mineralization has a specific relativity of major anions expressed essentially as SO4>Cl>HCO3 and to a lesser extent as Cl>SO4>HCO3, associated as a rule with low magnesium content. This association constitutes a signature of uranium mineralization on the composition of groundwater in west central Sinai and could be used as an important exploration guide in the search for uranium deposits in similar areas. Anomalies in Ni, Fe, Zn and Cr and other pathfinder elements in groundwater can furnish geochemical guides to uranium ores. The immobile trace element anomalies, including Zn, Ni and Fe are strongly distributed near the orebody; whereas the relatively mobile trace elements, including Co, U, V and Cr, constitute the dispersion haloes away from the orebody. A new hydrogeochemical discrimination diagram is constructed to be used as a quick and cost effective exploration tool in the search for uranium occurrences in environmentally similar arid areas. Based on the obtained results, a new site for uranium occurrence, west of W. Baba, is delineated and recommended for future detailed geological and geochemical surveying.  相似文献   

Salt tectonic along offshore North Sinai was studied using seismic reflection data. The study revealed and identified various types of salt tectonics and structures in the study area. The triggering mechanism of salt tectonics was attributed to the pressure regime initiated from overloading sediments on the Messinian evaporites. The sediment load of 3,000?m exceeds the critical load (more than 1,000?m) and hence creates a pressure zone. The salt-generated structures resulted from thin-skinned extension that is driven by gravity gliding of the overloading sediments above the Messinian evaporite boundary, which acts as a detachment layer. These structures comprise normal growth faults and keystone grabens, trending roughly perpendicular to the slope of the continental margin. Salt tectonics in the study area were also triggered by the deformation of the movement of evaporite layer that causes stretching and fragmentation of the evaporite layer. Moving salt layer took place laterally and vertically, causing lateral and vertical pressures inside the Pliocene sediments. These movements of sediments led to the formation of salt rollers, salt weld, salt diapirs, rollover structures, and fault blocks. The interpretation of seismic data illustrates that the evaporite layer was switched off between the famous reflector M at its top and another reflector N at its base. M reflector is present and can be traced across the whole study area, while the N reflector pinched out in some parts of the study area.  相似文献   

The Lower Jurassic Mashabba Formation crops out in the core of the doubly plunging Al-Maghara anticline, North Sinai, Egypt. It represents a marine to terrestrial succession deposited within a rift basin associated with the opening of the Neotethys. Despite being one of the best and the only exposed Lower Jurassic strata in Egypt, its sedimentological and sequence stratigraphic framework has not been addressed yet. The formation is subdivided informally into a lower and upper member with different depositional settings and sequence stratigraphic framework. The sedimentary facies of the lower member include shallow-marine, fluvial, tidal flat and incised valley fill deposits. In contrast, the upper member consists of strata with limited lateral extension including fossiliferous lagoonal limestones alternating with burrowed deltaic sandstones. The lower member contains three incomplete sequences (SQ1-SQ3). The depositional framework shows transgressive middle shoreface to offshore transition deposits sharply overlain by forced regressive upper shoreface sandstones (SQ1), lowstand fluvial to transgressive tidal flat and shallow subtidal sandy limestones (SQ2), and lowstand to transgressive incised valley fills and shallow subtidal sandy limestones (SQ3). In contrast, the upper member consists of eight coarsening-up depositional cycles bounded by marine flooding surfaces. The cycles are classified as carbonate-dominated, siliciclastic-dominated, and mixed siliciclastic-carbonate. The strata record rapid changes in accommodation space. The unpredictable facies stacking pattern, the remarkable rapid facies changes, and chaotic stratigraphic architecture suggest an interplay between allogenic and autogenic processes. Particularly syndepositional tectonic pulses and occasional eustatic sea-level changes controlled the rate and trends of accommodation space, the shoreline morphology, the amount and direction of siliciclastic sediment input and rapid switching and abandonment of delta systems.  相似文献   

An amber-bearing lignitic layer of sandy clay from the Lower Cretaceous of Central Lebanon (Mderej-Hammana)yielded a well-preserved,moderately variegated palynoflora,which origin is mixed between land plants and marine microflora.Its detailed analysis led to fulfill its inventory,to propose a paleoenvironmental reconstruction,and to draw the paleoclimate which prevailed over the region:an estuarian area under a rather humid,temperate climate;a variety of ferns grew near the shore-side and in the inward l...  相似文献   

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