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Haryana has emerged as an important state for Rice & Wheat production in India contributing significantly in the central pool. Mechanized combine harvesting technologies, which have become common in Rice Wheat System (RWS) in India, leave behind large quantities of straw in the field for open burning of residue. Besides causing pollution, the burning kills the useful micro flora of the soil causing soil degradation. There is no field survey (Girdawari) data available with the Government for the areas where stubble burning is taking place. The present paper describes the methodology and results of wheat and rice residue burning areas for three districts of Haryana namely Kaithal, Kurukshetra and Karnal for the year 2010 using complete enumeration approach of multi-date IRS-P6 AWiFS and LISS-III data. In season ground truth was collected using hand held GPS and used to identify area of burnt wheat/rice residues, associated crops and land features. After geo-referencing the satellite images, district images were masked-out and multi-date image data stacks were created. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) of each date was generated and used at the time of classification along with other spectral bands. The non-agricultural classes in the image included: forest, wasteland, water bodies, urban/settlement and permanent vegetation etc. The vector of these non-agriculture classes were extracted from the land use, imported and mask was generated. During the classification non-agriculture area was excluded by using mask of these classes. From this the agricultural area could be separated out. The area was estimated by computing pixels under the classified image mask. In season multi-date AWiFS data along with available single-date LISS-III data between third week of April to last week of May are found to be useful for estimation of wheat residue burning areas estimation. The data between second week of October to last week of November is useful for estimation of rice residue burning areas estimation at district level.  相似文献   

基于卫星编队InSAR空间同步对系统性能影响的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据卫星编队条件下InSAR高程测量的要求,对空间同步的要求进行了研究。在此基础上,分析了空间同步对InSAR系统的高程测量精度和分辨率的影响。  相似文献   

介绍了研究空间VLBI在大地测量等领域应用的意义,探讨了空间VLBI的观测量类型、观测模型及其涉及的大地测量所关心的参数;并采用1980~2004年的VLBI观测数据进行了计算,对大地测量所关心的几种参数的计算结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

基于ArcIMS开发WebGIS的农业环境信息系统研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
揭示了ArcIMS的体系结构,阐述了在Internet/Intranet环境下,基于ArcIMS开发WebGIS应用系统的体系结构及关键技术。在此基础上着重论述基于ArcIMS开发农业环境信息系统的设计方案,并以天津市农业环境信息系统为例剖析了系统的主要功能模块。其中利用ArcSDE建立空间数据库和通过ArcIMS实现农业环境信息的发布是系统开发的关键。  相似文献   

以两台或多台电子经纬仪为主的交会测量系统是进行工业产品尺寸检测的重要系统设备之一,但其测量精度会受到环境条件、仪器精度、测站与被测对象的空间分布状况等的影响,尤其是测站与待测点形成的交会图形结构是影响其精度的重要因素。提出采用图形结构衰减因子(GDOP)来评价交会图形结构优劣,给出GDOP的计算方法及空间分布。通过仿真...  相似文献   

上海农业集成系统是基于JZ地理信息系统软件(精准农业信息公司开发的一套基于Web发布的地理信息系统发布引擎)开发的一套BS架构的农业系统。该平台采用了ASP.NET技术、SQL Server数据库管理技术以及地图发布引擎(JZ地图引擎)等技术,将传感器采集到的实时数据发布到网上,使各种不同目的的客户能够及时了解、分析和处理数据,并根据数据的实际情况及时应对农作物生长过程中的不良状态。本文对该平台的关键技术、数据管理、功能模块和安装步骤等方面作了详细的介绍。  相似文献   

基于GIS的城市绿地管理信息系统设计研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在GIS技术支持下,提出城市绿地管理信息系统的系统目标和功能设计,分析了建立数据库的方法,并就其应用进行讨论.  相似文献   

根据农用地估价的基本原理和方法,以ComGIS为系统开发平台,利用UML技术,从系统整体设计入手,提出了采用多层次用例描述法建立农用地估价信息系统(ALEIS)用例模型的过程,在此基础上介绍了ALEIS设计、编码与测试,最后提出了ALEIS的特点与发展趋势。在农用地估价信息系统开发过程中,利用UML对系统进行建模分析能够取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

根据冰川均衡调整(GIA)重力和垂直位移理论线性比值,联合利用GPS和卫星重力等空间大地测量数据估算了北美陆地水储量变化,并基于观测数据和理论比值的误差给出了所得结果的误差,避免了使用GIA模型引入的巨大误差。研究结果具有更高的空间分辨率;2003年1月至2011年3月期间,北美五大湖以西陆地水储量存在明显的增加趋势,速率为33±10 km3/yr;而五大湖以东地区的陆地水储量则基本处于平衡状态;研究结果与水文模型WGHM较为一致,相关系数达到57%,而与GLDAS模型的相关性较小。  相似文献   

As per the World Health Organisation, about 260 million people worldwide are infected with malaria and 1.5 to 2.7 million patients die annually due to this most significant infectious parasite. In this study two important species,Anopheles dints andAnopheles minimus, have been studied in North Lakhimpur and Dibrugarh districts of Assam in the North-Eastern India. Remote sensing has certainly provided a clue in identifying the symptoms of mosquito habitat and Geographical Information System (GIS) has helped us to analyse and identify two species with several environmental parameters. Remote sensing inputs have made a difference in understanding the presence of these species in two districts which are having similar meteorological conditions. It has been found that the nature of the breeding ground for mosquitoes and their spreading patterns are not so complex as generally expected.  相似文献   

首先简要论述了当前我国地下空间发展存在的主要矛盾,及利用3D GIS技术建设城市地下空间数字化系统的意义。在此基础上,提出了系统的总体架构及功能模块,并对各功能模块包含的内容和基本建设方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

航天试验中的指挥信息对于试验任务的成败起着至关重要的作用。应用国产地理信息系统软件Super-Map GIS,在基于国产中标麒麟操作系统平台上,设计并实现了航天试验指挥信息综合显示系统,以多种方式展示航天试验任务中的指挥信息。研究结果在提高航天试验能力,摆脱国外软件垄断,提高跨平台自主软件的应用水平方面提供了很好的借鉴。  相似文献   

GIS based land resource inventory (LRI) with fine resolution imagery is considered as most authentic tool for soil resource mapping. Soil resource mapping using the concept of soil series in a smaller scale limits its wide application and also its impact assessment for crop suitability is controversial. In this study, we attempted to develop LRI at large scale (1:10,000 scale) at block level land use planning (LUP) in Dandakaranya and Easternghats physiographic confluence of India. The concept of land management unit was introduced in this endeavour. The impact assessment of LRI based LUP was exercised to develop efficient crop planning with best possible management practices. The study area comprised six landforms with slope gradient ranging from very gentle (1–3%) to steep slopes (15–25%). The very gently sloping young alluvial plains occupied maximum areas (19.95% of TGA). The single cropped (paddy) land appears to dominate the land use systems (40.0% of TGA). Thirty three landscape ecological units were resulted by GIS-overlay. Eighteen soils mapping units were generated. The area was broadly under two soil orders (Inceptisols and Alfisols); three great group (Haplaquepts, Rhodustalfs and Endoaquepts) and ten soil series. Crop suitability based impact assessment of LRI based LUP revealed that average yield of different crops increased by 39.2 and 14.5% in Kharif (rainy season) and Rabi (winter) seasons respectively and annual net returns by 83.4% for the cropping system, compared to traditional practices. Productivity and net returns can be increased several folds if customized recommended practices are adopted by the farmers. Informations generated from the study emphasized the potentiality of LRI towards optimizing LUP and exhibited an ample scope to use the methodology as a tool to assess in other physiographic regions in India and abroad.  相似文献   

设计研发一种基于Android的农机作业监管系统。该系统综合运用GPS技术、无线通信技术、Web服务技术与数据库等技术,基于一个分布式、多层次的体系结构,通过扫描农机二维码备案机器信息,上传至系统实时分析农机作业情况。结果表明,该监测系统在不同环境、不同农机操作下表现良好,不仅有效记录相关农事操作轨迹,同时成功地实时监测农机工作状态。该系统为农技推广部门和生产大户农机操作监管提供了有力的技术支撑。  相似文献   

周林立  王儒敬  崔超远 《东北测绘》2012,(10):7-9,12,16
与工业品运输相比,农资运输的时效性更强,对运输环境的要求更为苛刻,如何对运输途中的车辆进行有效监控对农资企业来说尤为重要。本文根据农资运输的具体情况及特定要求,集成GPS,GIS,GPRS/3 G等技术,基于J 2 EE平台并采用Flex技术设计实现了WebGIS农资运输监控系统,实现了对农资运输过程的全程监控管理。目前,系统已在相关农资企业示范运行,为农资物流保障发挥了重要的作用。  相似文献   

Land suitability analysis is prerequisite for sustainable agriculture and it plays a pivotal role in the niche based agricultural planning in mountain regions. In this paper different parameters viz. climatic (precipitation and temperature), topographic (elevation), soil type and land cover/land use have been used in order to perform land suitability evaluation for cereals food-grain crops in Himachal Pradesh using Geographic Information System (GIS). The suitability analysis was performed by digital processing of geo-referenced data (elevation, climate, soil and landcover) and calculating potential production areas by combining different types of geographical data through decision rules framed for each crop in ArcView spatial analyst. Suitable areas have been delineated for cereal crops in the form of land suitability maps. In comparison to the actual area under cereal crops, the possibility of further expansion under each cereal crop was determined. These discriminated areas appear suitable for growing these crops and can be harnessed efficiently for achieving long term sustainability and food security.  相似文献   

从信噪比、伪距多路径效应、单差残差和非差观测值精度等方面对进入初始服务初期Galileo导航系统观测值的质量进行了对比分析,最后简要评估了Galileo导航系统的单点定位精度。结果表明:在信噪比方面,Galileo E5最高,E1、E5a和E5b次之且基本相当;在伪距多路径方面,Galileo E1最大,其次分别为E5b和E5a,而E5最小;在单差残差方面,Galileo导航系统单差相位残差基本在±4 mm内,单差伪距残差基本在±0.3 m内;在非差观测值精度方面,Galileo导航系统相位观测值精度E1最高,E5a、E5b和E5次之且基本相当,而伪距观测值精度E5最高,E5b最差;整体上而言,Galileo导航系统观测值的数据质量略优于GPS和BDS;Galileo导航系统单频伪距单点定位的水平精度约为2.2 m,与GPS和BDS的水平定位精度基本相当,而高程精度约为5.2 m,稍差于GPS和BDS,这与可观测卫星数和PDOP有很大的关系。  相似文献   

2010-10-03~2010-10-04,在嫦娥二号任务实时观测阶段进行了X波段测控体制试验。从定位归算角度对试验期间的S波段数传信号(S1频点)测量时延(S1时延)和X波段单程测距差分(DOR)信号测量时延(DOR时延)进行了比对分析。初步结果表明,DOR时延的实测资料精度与链路计算理论估值基本相符。而且由于信号的频带较宽,DOR时延弥散度和定位结果弥散度均优于S1,基线时延闭合差也小于S1。这表明此次试验观测是成功的,为后续探月任务储备了关键技术。  相似文献   

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