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A detailed ichnological study performed on the Bhuban Formation, Surma Group (Lower to Middle Miocene) of Mizoram, India reveals the occurrence of rich and diverse trace fossils. These have been collected from the two localities in Aizawl, i.e., Bawngkawn and Ropaiabawk, where sandstone—shale sequence is well exposed. Total 20 ichnospecies of 14 ichnogenera have been identified which include Arenicolites isp., Cochlichnus anguineus, Helminthopsis abeli, Laevicyclus mongraensis, Ophiomorpha borneensis, Palaeophycus tubularis, Palaeophycus heberti, Palaeophycus sulcatus, Palaeophycus alternatus, Pholeus abomasoformis, Pholeus bifurcatus, Planolites beverleyensis, Planolites annularis, Polykladichnus irregularis, Rhizocorallium isp., Skolithos linearis, Taenidium satanassi, Teichichnus rectus, Thalassinoides horizontalis and Thalassinoides paradoxicus. Ethologically these ichnogenera display dwelling and feeding activities of the infaunal organisms. Arenicolites, Ophiomorpha, Polykladichnus and Skolithos are the members of the Skolithos ichnofacies while Palaeophycus, Planolites, Rhizocorallium and Thalassinoides are the members of the Cruziana ichnofacies. The presence of Skolithos ichnofacies indicates sandy shifting substrate and high energy conditions in foreshore zone while the Cruziana ichnofacies indicate unconsolidated, poorly sorted soft substrate and low energy condition in the shoreface/offshore zone. These ichnogenera indicate foreshore to shoreface-offshore zone of shallow marine environment for the deposition of the rocks of the Bhuban Formation of Mizoram.  相似文献   

In Jabalpur area about 18 m to 45 m thick Lameta Formation is stratigraphically divisible into five lithounits namely, Green Sandstone, Lower Limestone, Mottled Nodular Beds, Upper Limestone and Upper Sandstone. Having differentiated lithofacies constitution and here grouped as facies associations, these units are intensively burrowed and sparingly fossiliferous. Ichnogenera including Arenicolites, Calycraterion, Fucusopsis, Laevicyclus, Macanopsis, Ophiomorpha, Paleomeandron, Rhizocorallium, Stipsellus, Thalassinoides and Zoophycos are recovered from the Lower Limestone, Mottled Nodular Beds and Upper Limestone associations of the Lameta Formation of Jabalpur area.Among these, Arenicolites, Calycraterion, Laevicyclus, Ophiomorpha, Rhizocorallium, Stipsellus and Thalassinoides belong to mixed Skolithos and Cruziana ichnofacies and indicate sandy backshore to sublittoral condition of deposition. Additionally rhyzocretes, some times chertified, are also present in different parts of the Lameta Formation. Ichnofacies assemblage supported by sedimentological information suggests that the Lameta Formation of Jabalpur area was deposited in coastal marine settings where sediments were subaerially exposed intermittently.  相似文献   

A detailed grain-size analysis of twenty-two sandstone samples from the uppermost Gondwana succession of Salbardi area has been carried out to interpret the depositional pattern. The sandstones are mainly medium to coarse grained, moderately sorted, near-symmetrical to fine-skewed and mesokurtic in nature. Inter-relationship of various parameters shows bimodal nature of sediments having dominance of medium sand. Based on the granulometric analysis, a fluvial environment of deposition is interpreted for the succession.  相似文献   

西藏吉隆地区白垩纪复理石相遗迹化石及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙立新  李金和等 《地质通报》2002,21(11):745-748
系统描述了西藏南部吉隆地区白垩纪甲不拉组和宗卓组首次发现的复理石相遗迹化石5属、7种。主要遗迹属有Chondrites,Cosmorhophe helminthoida,Muensteria,Phycosiphon,Phymatoderma。遗迹化石的形态、习性、水深分布等环境成因特征清楚地显示其为深海Nereites遗迹相的典型代表,反映复理石相深水沉积环境特征。  相似文献   

白忠凯  杨有星  韩淼  孙智超  焦扬 《地质通报》2017,36(2-3):285-292
通过对塔里木盆地柯坪露头志留系依木干他乌组中遗迹化石的研究,鉴别出6 属7 种。化石分子有Chondrites isp.,Gordia.isp., Helminthopsis aff. abeli, Ophiomorpha nodosa, Planolites beverleyensis, Planolites montanus, Thalassinoides isp.。这些遗迹化石具有较高的分异度和较低的丰度。按古生态或造迹生物的行为习性分类,可分为3 种生态类型:①居住迹(Domichnia),Ophiomorpha nodosa, Thalassinoides isp.;② 进食迹(Fodinichnia),Planolites beverleyensis, Planolites montanus, Chondritesisp.;③觅食迹(Repichnia),Gordia isp.,Helminthopsis aff. abeli。根据遗迹化石的古生态特征、沉积序列上的分布特点及围岩和沉积构造特征,依木干他乌组的遗迹化石可归为Planolites -Chondrites 遗迹组合,属于Cruziana 遗迹相,形成于泥坪沉积环境。  相似文献   

In North Wales, Cruziana semplicata (Salter) is recorded from three otherwise unfossiliferous localities and Teichichnus sp. (Seilacher) and Phycodes circinatum (Richter) are shown to be widely distributed within the lower Arenig (Didymograptus extensus zone) sediments. P. circinatum is also recorded from the otherwise unfossiliferous Upper Pennant Quartzite. From a discussion of the stratigraphic ranges of these trace fossils it is suggested that the rocks of the C. semplicata bearing localites are Upper Cambrian (Ffestiniog) in age while the Upper Pennant Quartzite is Ordovician, probably Arenig.  相似文献   

通过对钻井岩心的观察和遗迹化石的鉴定,在东濮凹陷古近纪沙河街组沙三段发现遗迹化石10属15种,包括:Skolithos vertivalis,Skolithos linearis,Skolithos isp.,Palaeophycus tubularis,Palaeophycus isp.,Planolites montanus,Planolites beverlegensis,Planolites isp.,Mermoides isp.,Taenidium isp.,Teichichnus isp.,Helminthoidichnites tenuis,Helminthopsis isp.,Beaconites isp.和Thalassinoides isp.。根据岩性特征、沉积构造和遗迹化石的组成、分布特征,研究区沙三段主要发育正常三角洲前缘亚相、前三角洲亚相,并划分了反映不同沉积环境和水体深度的2种遗迹组合,分别为Palaeophycus-Planolites遗迹组合和Planolites-Helminthoidichnites遗迹组合。  相似文献   

Sediments of Manaveli Formation (Palaeocene) are studied from the Thondaimanattam quarry section and Manaveli section of the Pondicherry area, which comprises of bioturbated arenaceous limestone-shale and shaly-sandstone sequences respectively. These sediments consist of high density and low diversity trace fossil genera which includes Lanicodichnus, Ophiomorpha, Planolites, Palaeophycus, Skolithos, Thalassinoides, and Polychaetes tubes. The abundance of horizontal structures of the Thondaimanattam quarry section indicate low to moderate wave and current energy in fully marine subtidal environments while the presences of vertical structures of the Manaveli section indicate moderate to high wave and current energy in the marginal marine environment of deposition for the Palaeocene sediments of the Pondicherry area.  相似文献   

根据2000年在西藏措勤地区1:25万区调中,在中二叠统中发现的菊石化石Popanoceras bowmani(Boese)、Paragastrioceras jossae(Vrneuil)和Timorites curvicostatus Haniel,对菊石相的中二叠统进行了划分对比。Paragastrioceras同冈瓦纳边缘区的特征化石,Timorites是赤道特提斯区的菊石代表,二者的共存,证实了西藏在二叠纪时位于邻近冈瓦纳边缘区的赤道特提斯区内,古气候已渐转为温暖。  相似文献   

本文首次报道太行山南段长城系赵家组中发现的大量后生动物遗迹化石,其主要为潜穴和爬行迹,顺层或近于垂直层面分布,类型丰富,保存良好,距今大约2000Ma,对研究后生动物的起源与进化有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

This study presents geochemical characteristics of glauconites in estuarine deposits within the Maastrichtian Lameta Formation in central India. Resting conformably over the Bagh Group, the Lameta Formation consists of ~4-5 m thick arenaceous, argillaceous and calcareous green sandstones underlying the Deccan Traps. The sandstone is friable, medium-to coarse-grained, well-sorted and thoroughly crossstratified, and contains marine fossils. Detailed petrography, spectroscopy and mineral chemistry indicates unique chemical composition of glauconite with high K_2O, MgO, Al_2O_3 and moderate TFe_2O_3. Glauconite is formed by the replacement of K-feldspars, initially as stringers in the cleavages and fractures of feldspars. Incipient glauconite subsequently evolves fully, appearing as pellets. Fully-evolved glauconite pellets often leave tiny relics of K-feldspar. XRD exhibits characteristic peak of 10A from basal(001)reflection of glauconite, indicating the "evolved" character. The K_2O content of glauconites in the Lameta Formation varies from 5.51% to 8.29%, corroborating the "evolved" to "highly-evolved" maturation stage.The TFe_2O_3 content of glauconite varies from 12.56% to 18.90%. The PASS-normalized-REE patterns of glauconite exhibit a "hat-shape" confirming the authigenic origin of glauconites. The slightly-negative to slightly-positive Ce anomaly value and the moderate TFe_2O_3 content of glauconite agree well with a suboxic,estuarine condition. The replacement of K-feldspar by the glauconite contributes towards the high K_2O content. Compositional evolution of glauconites in the Lameta Formation is similar to those observed in many Precambrian sedimentary sequences.  相似文献   

Dumortierite an aluminium borosilicate mineral occurring as aggregates of fibrous, nodular and displaying variable colours is found at Girola hill of Bhandara district. It is associated with kyanite, sillimanite, andalusite, muscovite (sericite), quartz, topaz, rutile, tourmaline and pyrophyllite. It is pink, violet and blue (indigo blue) in colour associated with quartz veins. It shows strong pleochroism from colourless to light pink and pale blue to violet (azure blue).  相似文献   

Micofloral study of Lameta sediments and associated sauropod coprolites in the Nand-Dongargaon basin in Maharashtra was conducted to understand the diet and habitat of sauropods. The study revealed the presence of pollen, spores, algal and fungal remains, well-preserved cuticles of Poaceae, and testate amoebae. Vegetation during Lameta included tall arboreal taxa, such as conifers (Podocarpus and Araucaria), Cycads (Cycas), Euphorian and Barringtonia and herbs and shrubs, such as Cheirolepidiaceae (Classopollis), Arecaceae (Palmaepollenites), Poaceae (Graminidites), Asteraceae (Compositoipollenites), Caryophyllaceae (Cretacaeiporites and Periporopollenites), and Acanthaceae (Multiareolites). Data suggest that the sauropods ate soft tissues of angiosperms and gymnosperms. The intake of testate amoeba, algal remains, sponge spicules, and diatoms might be through water intake.  相似文献   

张德军  刘鹏举  尚晓冬  杨犇 《地质学报》2023,97(12):4006-4019
拉伸纪作为承接中元古代蓝菌时代以及成冰纪生物锐减的关键地质历史时期,是探索早期生命与环境演化最重要的时期之一。吉林南部地区地处华北板块东北缘,拉伸系发育完整、出露全,在燧石条带、燧石结核和泥页岩中富含微生物化石,是开展拉伸纪古生物学、生物地层学和古环境研究的理想地区。本次工作利用岩石切片法在吉林南部二道江地区万隆组顶部燧石中发现微生物化石6属9种,其中丝状蓝菌1属4种Siphonophycus robustum,S.typicum,S.kestron,S.solidum;球状蓝菌3属3种Eoentophysalis belcherensis,Gloeodiniopsis lamellosa,Scissilisphaera bistratosa;分类位置未定2属2种Glenobotrydion majorinum,Globophycus rugosum。这些微体化石的发现为开展万隆组古环境分析及生物地层对比研究提供了新的素材。研究显示,万隆组燧石相微生物组合以发育管鞘藻席(Siphonophycus mat)为主要特征,丝状蓝菌呈横向展布,长可达400μm以上,显示原地或近原地埋藏的特点...  相似文献   

辽西北票地区义县组古气候环境标志及其意义   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
野外地质调查及综合研究表明,包含中华龙鸟、被子植物等珍稀化石的热河生物群的主要赋存层位为义县组二段湖相沉积岩层。对产于不同地点沉积层中的植物、孢粉化石以及木化石进行了总结研究,分析了它们所反映的古气候环境,认为义县组沉积时期存在大量的喜温湿植物,总体指示温暖湿润的生存环境。同时,一些旱生的买麻藤类植物的普遍存在、本内苏铁类的膜质叶以及松柏类的鳞状叶等的特征反映了存在季节性干旱、半干旱气候的可能性。这种气候状况的出现可能与火山活动有关。  相似文献   

Neoproterozoic marine dolomite cements represent reliable, albeit complex, archives of their palaeoenvironment. Petrological and high-resolution geochemical data from well-preserved fibrous dolomite and pyrite in the upper Ediacaran (ca 551·1 to 548·0 Ma) Dengying Formation in south-west China are presented and discussed here. The aim of this research is to reconstruct the redox state of late Ediacaran shallow seawater and porewater in the Sichuan Basin using early marine diagenetic fabrics. Based on crystalline texture and axis, four basic types of fibrous dolomite cements formed penecontemporaneously in a microbialite reef setting at the platform margin: (i) bladed dolomites (replacement from a high-Mg calcite precursor); (ii) fascicular fast dolomites (replacement from an aragonitic precursor); (iii) fascicular slow dolomites; and (iv) radial slow dolomites. The latter two fabrics are considered direct marine porewater precipitates due to their length-slow character, cathodoluminescent zonation, and enriched copper and cobalt concentrations. Marine cements yield rare earth element and yttrium patterns comparable to modern seawater and represent a refined set of archive data relative to previously published bulk dolostones. Redox-sensitive elements and cathodoluminescence indicate that the fascicular fast dolomites formed in suboxic seawater, while fascicular slow and radial slow dolomites formed in euxinic marine porewaters. Microbial sulphate reduction during the formation of fascicular slow and radial slow dolomites is recognized by nanometre-scale spheroidal ankerite and sulphur-containing dolomite, and intergrown pyrite grains with U-shaped δ34S transects. Data shown here suggest predominantly suboxic shallow late Ediacaran seawater and euxinic marine porewaters, with microbial activity promoting the direct precipitation of dolomite.  相似文献   

报道了宜昌官庄一带晚泥盆世黄家磴组的植物化石,共计6属6种(其中包括1个相似种和1个未定种),即纤原始鳞木(相似种)Prorolepidodendron cf. scharyanum Krejci,大拟鳞木Lepidodendropsis arborescens (Sze) Sze,平圆印木Cyclostigma kiltorkense Haught.,亚鳞木(未定种)Sublepidodendron sp.,斜方薄皮木Leptophloeum rhombicum Dawson和脐根座Stigmaria ficoides (Sternberg) Brongn。这些植物化石的发现,不仅丰富了黄家磴组植物组合的内容,为确定该组的时代提供了充分的古生物证据,而且表明以往归入中泥盆世的纤原始鳞木Prorolepidodendron scharyanum Krejci的地质时限可上延至晚泥盆世黄家磴期早、中期。  相似文献   

张永生    牛绍武  田树刚  邢恩袁    苏奎    曹洁    王俊涛 《地质通报》2012,31(09):1394-1403
前人对林西县上二叠统林西组和扎鲁特旗陶海营子组进行过长期研究,发现较多淡水双壳类和植物化石,而叶肢介化石仅在陶海营子组有所发现。本次研究在内蒙古林西县官地剖面林西组的中上部首次发现叶肢介化石,经初步鉴定为林西黄河叶肢介(新种)等3个属种。叶肢介化石的发现为林西组时代的进一步确定、地层对比和古地理重建提供了可靠的化石依据,具有重要的地层学和古地理古构造学意义。  相似文献   

The uppermost part of the Upper Bathonian Sponge Limestone member, Patcham Formation, of the Jhura Dome of Kachchh Mainland is a thickening-and shallowing-upward succession topped by medium-to thick-bedded hummocky cross-stratified grainstones deposited by storm waves. Occasionally, thin, commonly lenticular, intraclastic-bioclastic silty marl intercalations between the grainstones are highly bioturbated, in contrast to the grainstones, in which, for the most part, trace fossils occur scattered. Large exposures of bedding planes of the grainstones allow the detailed investigation of ichnological features, whereas the high density of traces in the soft marls precludes the identification of any ichnotaxa. Eighteen ichnotaxa have been recorded including Ophiomorpha, Thalassinoides, Taenidium, Gyrophyllites, Chondrites, Dactyloidites, Teichichnus, Bolonia, and Ancorichnus. Except for Ophiomorpha nodosa and Thalassinoides, which generally indicate moderate to high energy conditions and are the dwelling burrows of suspension-feeding to omnivorous crustaceans, the ichnotaxa represent a deposit-feeding behaviour of their producers and thus are characteristic of low-energy environments. The trace fossils form three ichnoassemblages characterized by(1) Ophiomorpha nodosa and Thalassinoides suevicus,(2)?Thalassinoides isp. A, Taenidium, and Bolonia lata,and(3) Ancorichnus. The dominance of traces of deposit-feeders in rocks indicative of high-energy events is counterintuitive and points to their non-contemporaneity. The sediments were deposited during brief highenergy events, whereas the trace fossils were produced when, after waning of storms low-energy conditions prevailed. This time-averaging is particularly pronounced in trace fossils that extend vertically downwards and may reach strata deposited under distinctly different conditions. Thus, environmental interpretations based on trace fossils should refer to colonisation surfaces rather than to the sediment surrounding the trace fossils. In the latter case, interpretations may be erroneous, especially when erosion subsequently destroyed sedimentary evidence of their original environment.  相似文献   

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