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A field-based intercomparison study of a(DOAS) instrument (OPSIS AB, Sweden) andcommercial Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopydifferent point-sample monitoring techniques (PM, basedon an air monitoring station, an air monitoring vehicle, and various chemical methods) was conducted inBeijing from October 1999 to January 2000. The mixing ratios of six trace gases including NO, NO2, SO2,03, benzene, and toluene were monitored continuously during the four months. A good agreement betweenthe DOAS and PM data was found for NO2 and SO2. However, the concentrations of benzene, toluene,and NO obtained by DOAS were significantly lower than those measured by the point monitors. Theozone levels monitored by the DOAS were generally higher than those measured by point monitors. Theseresults may be attributed to a strong vertical gradient of the NO-O3-NO2 system and of the aromatics atthe measurement site. Since the exact data evaluation algorithm is not revealed by the manufacturer ofthe DOAS system, the error in the DOAS analysis can also not be excluded.  相似文献   

The heterogeneous interaction of nitrogen dioxide with ammonium chloride was investigated in a molecular diffusion tube experiment at 295–335 K and interpreted using Monte Carlo trajectory calculations. The surface residence time (τsurf) of NO2 on NH4Cl is equal to 15 μs at 295 K, increases with temperature up to 323 K (τsurf = 45 μs) and probably decreases beyond 323 K. The same experiment also yields uptake coefficients, γ, which are derived from the absolute number of surviving molecules effusing out of the diffusion tube. The rate of uptake of NO2 on NH4Cl followed a rate law first order in [NO2] and the uptake coefficient γ is equal to 7 × 10−5 at 295 K, increases with temperature up to 323 K (γ = 2.1 × 10−4) and probably decreases beyond 323 K. Nitrous acid, water and nitrogen were detected as products. From these products, it is concluded that the reaction of NO2 with NH4Cl is a reverse disproportionation reaction where two moles of NO2 result in ammonium nitrite, NH4NO2, as an intermediate, and nitryl chloride, NO2Cl. NH4NO2 decomposes in two pathways, one to nitrous acid, HONO and NH3, the other to nitrogen and water. The branching ratio for the production of HONO + NH3 to that of N2 + H2O is approximately 20 at 298 K and increases with increasing temperature.  相似文献   

Products of the gas-phase reaction of the NO3 radical with thiophene have been investigated using different experimental systems. On the one hand, experiments have been conducted in our laboratory using two different methods, a Teflon static reactor coupled to a gas chromatograph combined with mass-spectrometry (GC-MS) and a discharge flow tube with direct MS spectroscopic detection. A qualitative analysis in these cases indicates that possible products for the reaction of thiophene+NO3 at room temperature include: sulphur dioxide, acetic and formic acids, a short-chain aldehyde, 2-nitrothiophene and 3-nitrothiophene. On the other hand, quantitative experiments have been performed in the European Photoreactor (EUPHORE) in Valencia, Spain. In this case, the major products were: HNO3 (≈80%), nitrothiophenes (≈30%), SO2 (≈20%), propanal (3%) and a fraction of particles (≈10%). The results obtained indicate that at least 70% of the reaction of NO3 with thiophene proceeds by an H-abstraction process at room temperature. The mechanism of the reaction studied is proposed on the basis of experimental results.  相似文献   

The air quality analyses for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) were conducted in Tehran, capital of Iran. Daily and annual variations in its average concentrations were calculated using measurements from four sampling stations. Multiple linear and nonlinear regression equations for relationships between concentration of pollutant and meteorological parameters were obtained from average data. The RMSE test showed that the stepwise model is the best option among the considered prediction models.  相似文献   

Satellite measurements of tropospheric column O3 and NO2 in eastern and southeastern Asia are analyzed to study the spatial and seasonal characteristics of pollution in these regions. Tropospheric column O3 is derived from differential measurements of total column ozone from Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS), and stratospheric column ozone from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) instrument on the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS). The tropospheric column NO2 is measured by Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME). A global chemical and transport model (Model of Ozone and Related Chemical Tracers, version 2; MOZART-2) is applied to analyze and interpret the satellite measurements. The study, which is based on spring, summer, and fall months of 1997 shows generally good agreement between the model and satellite data with respect to seasonal and spatial characteristics of O3 and NO2 fields. The analysis of the model results show that the industrial emission of NOx (NO + NO2) contributes about 50%–80% to tropospheric column NO2 in eastern Asia and about 20%–50% in southeastern Asia. The contribution of industrial emission of NOx to tropospheric column O3 ranges from 10% to 30% in eastern Asia. Biomass burning and lightning NOx emissions have a small effect on tropospheric O3 in central and eastern Asia, but they have a significant impact in southeastern Asia. The varying effects of NOx on tropospheric column ozone are attributed to differences in relative abundance of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with respect to total nitrogen in the two regions.  相似文献   

The Yangtze River Delta (YRD), China’s main cultural and economic center, has become one of the most seriously polluted areas in the world with respect to nitrogen oxides (NOx), owing to its rapid industrialization and urbanization, as well as substantial coal consumption. On the basis of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) density data from ozone monitoring instrument (OMI) and ground-based observations, the effects of industrial fluctuations due to the financial crisis on local NO2 pollution were quantitatively assessed. The results were as follows. (1) A distinct V-shaped fluctuation of major industrial products, thermal generating capacity, electricity consumption, and tropospheric NO2 densities was associated with the global financial crisis from May 2007 to December 2009, with the largest anomalies 1.5 times more than standard deviations at the height of the crisis period from November 2008 to February 2009. (2) Among all industrial sectors, thermal power plants were mainly responsible for fluctuations in local NO2 pollution during the crisis period. Thermal generating capacity had its greatest decrease of 12.10% at the height of the crisis compared with that during November 2007–February 2008, leading to local tropospheric NO2 density decreasing by 16.97%. As the crisis appeased, thermal generating capacity increased by 29.63% from November 2009 to February 2010, and tropospheric NO2 densities correspondingly increased by 30.07%. (3) Among all industrial sectors in the YRD, the thermal power sector has the greatest coal consumption of about 65.96%. A decline in thermal power of about 10% can induce a decrease of about 30% in NOx emissions and NO2 densities, meaning that a relative small fluctuation in industrial production can lead to a large decrease in tropospheric NO2 densities over industrially developed areas like the YRD region. Since electricity is mainly obtained from local coal-burning thermal plants without NOx-processing equipment, installing NOx-removal devices for all thermal power plants is an important and feasible way of controlling local NOx pollution at present.  相似文献   

We present comparisons of the NO2 regional Chemical Transport Model (CTM) simulations over North-eastern North America during the time period from May to September, 1998 with hourly surface NO2 observations and the NO2 columns retrieved from the GOME (Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment) satellite instrument. The model calculations were performed using the Mesoscale Meteorological Model 5 (MM5), Sparse Matrix Operator Kernal Emissions (SMOKE), and Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling systems, using the emission data from the National Emissions Inventory (NEI) databases of 1996 (U.S.) and 1995 (Canada). The major objectives were to assess the performance of the CMAQ model and the accuracy of the emissions inventories as they affected the simulations of this important short-lived atmospheric species. The modeled (NcMAQ) and measured (NGOME) NO2 column amounts, as well as their temporal variations, agreed reasonably well. The absolute differences (NcMAQ-NGOME) across the domain were between ±3.0×10^15 molecules cm^-2, but they were less than ±1.0×10^15 molecules cm^-2 over the majority (80%) of the domain studied. The overall correlation coefficient between the measurements and the simulations was 0.75. The differences were mainly ascribed to a combination of inaccurate emission data for the CTM and the uncertainties in the GOME retrievals. Of these, the former were the more easily identifiable.  相似文献   

A 3-D chemical transport model (OSLO CTM2) is used to investigate the impact of the increase of NOx emission over China. The model is capable to reproduce basically the seasonal variation of surface NOx and ozone over eastern China. NOx emission data and observations reveal that NOx over eastern China increases quite quickly with the economic development of China. Model results indicate that NOx concentration over eastern China increasingly rises with the increase of NOx emission over China, and accelerates to increase in winter. When the NOx emission increases from 1995 to its double, the ratio of NO2/NOx abruptly drops in winter over northern China. Ozone at the surface decreases in winter with the continual enhancement of the NOx level over eastern China, but increases over southern China in summertime. It is noticeable that peak ozone over northern China increases in summer although mean ozone changes little. In summer, ozone increases in the free troposphere dominantly below 500 hPa.Moreover, the increases of total ozone over eastern China are proportional to the increases of NOx emission.In a word, the model results suggest that the relationship between NOx and ozone at the surface would change with NOx increase.  相似文献   

A total of 11 PM2.5 samples were collected from October 2003 to October 2004 at 8 sampling sites in Beijing city. The PM2.5 concentrations are all above the PM2.5 pollution standard (65 μg m^-3) established by Environmental Protection Agency, USA (USEPA) in 1997 except for the Ming Tombs site. PM2.5 concentrations in winter are much higher than in summer. The 16 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) listed as priority pollutants by USEPA in PM2.5 were completely identified and quantified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with variable wavelength detector (VWD) and fluorescence detector (FLD) employed. The PM2.5 concentrations indicate that the pollution situation is still serious in Beijing. The sum of 16 PAHs concentrations ranged from 22.17 to 5366 ng m^-3. The concentrations of the heavier molecular weight PAHs have a different pollution trend from the lower PAHs. Seasonal variations were mainly attributed to the difference in coal combustion emission and meteorological conditions. The source apportionment analysis suggests that PAHs from PM2.5 in Beijing city mainly come from coal combustion and vehicle exhaust emission. New measures about restricting coal combustion and vehicle exhaust must be established as soon as possible to improve the air pollution situation in Beijing city.  相似文献   

Eleven vertical profiles of stratospheric NO3 have been obtained since 1992 using the AMON and SALOMON balloon-borne UV-visible spectrometers. The measurements are compared to the SLIMCAT 3D model and calculations based on the steady-state hypothesis for NO3. The calculations cannot reproduce some parts of the profiles which exhibit strong concentration fluctuations over few kilometres, as a consequence of the dependence of NO3 on local temperature variations. A statistical use of the data allows us to estimate the influence of the temperature dependence of the absorption cross-section on the data analysis, and the validity of the recommended reaction rates available in the literature. Discrepancies exist between the model based on recommended kinetics and observations at warmer temperatures. Nevertheless, the analysis is biased by local temperature inhomogeneities, and only a low-resolution vertical shape of the NO3 profiles can be retrieved.  相似文献   

Combining improved injector, gas line and valve-driving models, a gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with Hydrogen Flame Ionization Detector (FID) and Electron Capture Detector (ECD), can measure CH4, CO2, and N2O simultaneously in an air sample in four minutes. Test results show that the system has high sensitivity, resolution, and precision; the linear response range of the system meets the requirement of flux measurements in situ. The system is suitable for monitoring fluxes of the main greenhouse gases in a short-plant field since it is easy to use, efficacious, and constant and reliable in collecting data.  相似文献   

Two parameterization schemes for vertical eddy diffusivity were utilized to investigate their impacts on both the daily and monthly mean concentrations of ozone and NOy, which are the major fractions of the sum of all reactive nitrogen species, i.e., NOy=NO+NO2+HNO3+PAN. Simulations indicate that great changes in the vertical diffusivity usually occur within the planetary boundary layer (PBL). Daily and monthly mean concentrations of NOy are much more sensitive to changes in the vertical diffusivity than those of ozone and ozone and NOy levels only at or in (relatively) clean sites and areas, where long-range transport plays a crucial role, display roughly equivalent sensitivity. The results strongly suggest that a widely-accepted parameterization scheme be selected and the refinement of the model's vertical resolution in the PBL be required, even for regional and long-term studies, and ozone only being examined in an effort to judge the model's performance be unreliable, and NOy be included for model evaluations.  相似文献   

Ocean emissions of inorganic and organic iodine compounds drive the biogeochemical cycle of iodine and produce reactive ozone-destroying iodine radicals that influence the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere. Di-iodomethane (CH2I2) and chloro-iodomethane (CH2ICl) are the two most important organic iodine precursors in the marine boundary layer. Ship-borne measurements made during the TORERO (Tropical Ocean tRoposphere Exchange of Reactive halogens and Oxygenated VOC) field campaign in the east tropical Pacific Ocean in January/February 2012 revealed strong diurnal cycles of CH2I2 and CH2ICl in air and of CH2I2 in seawater. Both compounds are known to undergo rapid photolysis during the day, but models assume no night-time atmospheric losses. Surprisingly, the diurnal cycle of CH2I2 was lower in amplitude than that of CH2ICl, despite its faster photolysis rate. We speculate that night-time loss of CH2I2 occurs due to reaction with NO3 radicals. Indirect results from a laboratory study under ambient atmospheric boundary layer conditions indicate a k CH2I2+NO3 of ≤4 × 10?13 cm3 molecule?1 s?1; a previous kinetic study carried out at ≤100 Torr found k CH2I2+NO3 of 4 × 10?13 cm3 molecule?1 s?1. Using the 1-dimensional atmospheric THAMO model driven by sea-air fluxes calculated from the seawater and air measurements (averaging 1.8 +/? 0.8 nmol m?2 d?1 for CH2I2 and 3.7 +/? 0.8 nmol m?2 d?1 for CH2ICl), we show that the model overestimates night-time CH2I2 by >60 % but reaches good agreement with the measurements when the CH2I2 + NO3 reaction is included at 2–4 × 10?13 cm3 molecule?1 s?1. We conclude that the reaction has a significant effect on CH2I2 and helps reconcile observed and modeled concentrations. We recommend further direct measurements of this reaction under atmospheric conditions, including of product branching ratios.  相似文献   

A box model is used to explore the detailed chemistry of C2 and C3 organic compounds in the marine troposphere by tracing the individual reaction paths resulting from the oxidation of ethane, ethene, acetylene, propane, propene and acetic acid. The mechanisms include chemical reactions in the gas phase and in the aqueous phase of clouds and aerosol particles at cloud level under conditions resembling those in the northern hemisphere. Organic hydroperoxides are found to be important intermediate products, with subsequent reactions leading partly to the formation of mixed hydroxy or carbonyl hydroperoxides that are readily absorbed into cloud water, where they contribute significantly to the formation of multifunctional organic compounds and organic acids. Organic hydroperoxides add little to the oxidation of sulfur dioxide dissolved in the aqueous phase, which is dominated by H2O2. Next to acetaldehyde and acetone, glycol aldehyde, glyoxal, methyl glyoxal and hydroxy propanone are prominent oxidation products in the gas and the aqueous phase. Acetaldehyde is not efficiently converted to acetic acid in clouds; the major local sources of acetic acid are gas-phase reactions. Other acids produced include hydroperoxy acetic, glycolic, glyoxylic, oxalic, pyruvic, and lactic acid. The mechanism of Schuchmann et al. (1985), which derives glycolic and glyoxylic acid from the oxidation of acetate, is found unimportant in the marine atmosphere. The principal precursors of glyoxylic acid are glyoxal and glycolic acid. The former derives mainly from acetylene and ethene, the latter from glycolaldehyde, also an oxidation product of ethene. The oxidation of glyoxylic acid leads to oxalic acid, which accumulates and is predicted to reach steady state concentrations in the range 30–90 ng m−3. This is greater, yet of the same magnitude, than the concentrations observed over the remote Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

A detailed photochemical box model was used to investigate the key reaction pathways between OH, HO2 and RO2 radicals during the summer and winter PUMA field campaigns in the urban city-centre of Birmingham in the UK. The model employed the most recent version of the Master Chemical Mechanism and was constrained to 15-minute average measurements of long-lived species determined in situ at the site. The results showed that in the summer, OH initiation was dominated by the reactions of ozone with alkenes, nitrous acid (HONO) photolysis and the reaction of excited oxygen atoms atoms with water. In the winter, ozone+alkene reactions were the primary initiation route, with a minor contribution from HONO photolysis. Photolysis of aldehydes was the main initiation route for HO2, in both summer and winter. RO2 initiation was dominated by the photolysis of aldehydes in the summer with a smaller contribution from ozone+alkenes, a situation that was reversed in the winter. At night, ozone+alkene reactions were the main radical source. Termination, under all conditions, primarily involved reactions with NO (OH) and NO2 (OH and RCO3). These results demonstrate the importance of ozone+alkene reactions in urban atmospheres, particularly when photolysis reactions were less important during winter and at nighttime. The implications for urban atmospheric chemistry are discussed.  相似文献   

Climate is simulated for reference and mitigation emissions scenarios from Integrated Assessment Models using the Bern2.5CC carbon cycle–climate model. Mitigation options encompass all major radiative forcing agents. Temperature change is attributed to forcings using an impulse–response substitute of Bern2.5CC. The contribution of CO2 to global warming increases over the century in all scenarios. Non-CO2 mitigation measures add to the abatement of global warming. The share of mitigation carried by CO2, however, increases when radiative forcing targets are lowered, and increases after 2000 in all mitigation scenarios. Thus, non-CO2 mitigation is limited and net CO2 emissions must eventually subside. Mitigation rapidly reduces the sulfate aerosol loading and associated cooling, partly masking Greenhouse Gas mitigation over the coming decades. A profound effect of mitigation on CO2 concentration, radiative forcing, temperatures and the rate of climate change emerges in the second half of the century.  相似文献   

An instrument is developed for the measurement of peroxy radical using chemical amplification coupled with NO2-luminol chemiluminescence detection. The chain length of 147 ± 10 (1σ) is determined by an HO2 source that uses the photolysis of water vapor under 184.9 nm in air. A Nafion system equipped with a Nafion tube of ~2.2 mm external diameter and 350 mm length is employed in the PERCA instrument (Nafion-PERCA system). When flowing an air sample containing HO2 through the Nafion system, it is found that - 94.6 % of HO2 is removed. In contrast, only 17.8 % of RO2 radicals (a mixtures of CH3O2 and CH3C(O)O2 with a ratio of 1.1:0.9) are removed. The results indicate the Nafion system has a good selective removing performance of HO2 radical during the PERCA measurement. Therefore, the method could be applied to ambient and laboratory measurements of absolute concentrations of RO2 as well as the sum of HO2 and RO2.  相似文献   

Errors in the estimation of CO2 surface exchange by open-path eddy covariance, introduced during the removal of density terms [Webb et al. Quart J Roy Meteorol Soc 106:85–100, (1980) - WPL], can happen both because of errors in energy fluxes [Liu et al. Boundary-Layer Meteorol 120:65–85, (2006)] but also because of inaccuracies in other terms included in the density corrections, most notably due to measurements of absolute CO2 density (ρ c ). Equations are derived to examine the propagation of all errors through the WPL algorithm. For an open-path eddy covariance system operating in the Sierra de Gádor in south-east Spain, examples are presented of the inability of an unattended, open-path infrared gas analyzer (IRGA) to reliably report ρ c and the need for additional instrumentation to determine calibration corrections. A sensitivity analysis shows that relatively large and systematic errors in net ecosystem exchange (NEE) can result from uncertainties in ρ c in a semi-arid climate with large sensible heat fluxes (H s ) and (wet) mineral deposition. When ρc is underestimated by 5% due to lens contamination, this implies a 13% overestimation of monthly CO2 uptake.  相似文献   

The choice of stabilization target for CO2 concentration depends on the following: what is considered to be dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system; the forcings that might arise from non-CO2 gases; and the climate sensitivity. These three factors are specified here probabilistically, as probability density functions (pdfs), and combined to produce a pdf for the CO2 concentration target. There is a probability of 17% that the stabilization target should be less than the present level, and the median target is 536 ppm. The effects of reducing the emissions of non-CO2 gases and/or implementing adaptation strategies are considered probabilistically and shown to alter these figures significantly.  相似文献   

The notion is pervasive in the climate science community and in the public at large that the climate impacts of fossil fuel CO2 release will only persist for a few centuries. This conclusion has no basis in theory or models of the atmosphere/ocean carbon cycle, which we review here. The largest fraction of the CO2 recovery will take place on time scales of centuries, as CO2 invades the ocean, but a significant fraction of the fossil fuel CO2, ranging in published models in the literature from 20–60%, remains airborne for a thousand years or longer. Ultimate recovery takes place on time scales of hundreds of thousands of years, a geologic longevity typically associated in public perceptions with nuclear waste. The glacial/interglacial climate cycles demonstrate that ice sheets and sea level respond dramatically to millennial-timescale changes in climate forcing. There are also potential positive feedbacks in the carbon cycle, including methane hydrates in the ocean, and peat frozen in permafrost, that are most sensitive to the long tail of the fossil fuel CO2 in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

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