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在切仑柯夫线发射理论的框架下,本文统一地讨论了类星体HI谱线的切合柯夫红移与线强比I(Lyα)/I(Hβ)之间的内在关系。忽略类星体宽线区气云外层光薄区中HI复合线的贡献,利用观测到的Lyα线相对于CIV线的相对红移,即切金柯夫红移,定出第二能级上粒子数布居R_2~0.02,利用观测的〈I(Hα)/I(Hβ)〉值定出参量x_β~14.0。在给定参量T~11000K时,HI的巴尔末线的切仑柯夫红移与线强比I(Lyα)/I(Hβ)同时与观测值相符甚佳,这对切仑柯夫线发射理论是一个有力的支持。  相似文献   

溉幻2年1月日 开始S以滚r(UT)任恢廿州”)仓和(户) 斗姚任认 叨JLF娜(”)从(dB) -一4。O -一1., ~一5.8 一一,.0,十1.7 -一4.8 -一0 .7 一一6.2,+1.1 一一5.0 -一3 .1 -一1 .07尸0 4 240 .1门1 004一一一一一72‘12口」 ..…八U,几..几产O月」 一一︸︸︸优匕50317加55俐乃优岛5给束级别END协企(UT)优拼9卜O洲010110UI伙刃53+03102心曰4几U叹甘心口0 7 2.几n甘一︸︸一︸47心J八U心曰n甘心J .工L,人n﹄一︸︸一︸︸.且飞甘‘.二..几一1 .7一0 .5·2.2一0 .6一3 .5+0 .4︸十一口.人..山‘.‘闷甘﹃洲︸nU OU,盛,产O口丙J月了Q︼…  相似文献   

洲IMP琳END(Ur)2加2年 U月 日 开始51共Rr(UT)任伙1万任叭班认协万1万匆(尸)鲡(户)娜(户)从(dB)n,n﹄0 770 2 44‘.孟一一一一一7 2 8 93E几U‘.二4月J4一一一一一心J只U口O夕07曲“﹄nU傀甘2‘.二 一一一一一一一,孟,二2 2203匀0455O乃505330813创加U0515033604fe秘0523恻2121盆翻2425 05350弘925 0559伽成抖29 02540303一1 .3一0.5一0 .7一2.1一0.6一0。9一3 .0一1 .3一1 .3+一一‘工‘.二,几哪姗姗﹄06280330I.低频甚低频传播突然扰动(续1)~~…  相似文献   

20(犯年4月日 开始SrA又rSPA1万(UT)级别l侧田仰(脾)鲡(户)班认廿△A(dB)一4 .3一1 .1一2.1一1 .5一10.4一+4 .1一+4 .4一一2.0,+2.0一+2 .3一一气·0,+3·8Zn甘护00矛产O4,A‘.几n甘7一一一一一 ++2 .1‘i‘.几内」0313045203510458065907450015045ZD05160734D0820D0145月呼7 20矛O沙月峙.且,且2沪6一一一一一,孟7 QO门了内」月峙,几n甘2咤砂一一一一一 +一,︸‘.人J.几曰.几内」0248031202480447003902550洲10222051900450312D05220250U06250130一1 .9,+3.0 +4 .4 一1 .8一3 .8,+0.9 一1 .7O汉00825034907010911一1 .0一10.5一3…  相似文献   

2加3年 10月 日任伙LF班伙SFAVl万1万匆(娜)鲡(娜)如(娜)△A(dB)一’1 .8一1 .0一1 .1一11.5一4 .5 +1 .6 +6 .6 +0 .7一8 .4,+3.1 +7 .0…5 2.5--1--0--0--8.--3 开始极大结束级别SrARI.侧叭X END】洲[P(UT)(UT)(甘1,) 03U 03290《刃1 0410 04170科51一 仪犯3以)U侧芳巧Ul 加肠0110 03(X)3+ 以加0430 0435D20435 05150148 02160149 01570235仪巧O0430 04370615 062006530510一6 .3一0 .7 +9 .9 +7 .8 一2.1 一3.3一9 .3,+15.8O沙,几内J‘l。:,勺一。口j 72二几6一1.1+5.7++++,‘几J月1,1两J,l﹃0340﹄064528 28 29 29 29 29 3…  相似文献   

任俄1万班叭.班认W万1万仰(户)畅(户)鲡(娜)从(dB)4心J Zn己心」,几‘.二,二‘且0一一一一一一0.8一1 .5一0.8一0.8一0.5一石月J只︶O夕心」nU‘.二0 nU nU一一一一一户0 nU nUO口6 ..…2 2 2 24一一一一︸‘︺n︸00︵鱿甘nU ..….几,几八甘nU,A一一一一一1‘O沙7门了0 ..…,几nU nU nU,l一一一一一‘.二n,O口心J月f‘且nU nU‘.二2︸︸︸一+一0.7一0 .5一0 .5一0。4一2。4一0.7一0 .5一0.6一0 .8一7 .gE 一0 .5 ~0 .7 一2.3一3.2,+2.4 一1 .4口、甘俄甘口且ZC甘0 nU‘1 42 ︸一一一一,产4‘10口矛O ..…nU八U‘.盆2‘11 ︸一︸…  相似文献   

2002年 8月 日开始级别1仪[P驴ALF驴AVIFSFA1万(UT)△抓娜)△物(娜)△和(娜)△A(dB)n甘4 4 tz尸0..人n甘几U,1‘.人一一+一︸内吕月呻00 J6乙.一日︸n甘n甘,几1人 一一一一一QU月t月才内J丙」nU几Un甘,人,工 一一一一一一一一J.人j.几月.人月.人,工03160335040505500206032503420419060002150330U伙的050006430235 一1 .4 一0 .7一1 .3,+1 .1 一4 .1一3 .2,+1 .6n甘八洲︶︵封︺n︸R︺,几峭王月峥口、曰7一一一一一O砂产O心.︸,白QUn甘,人月峙,‘弓︺一一一一一一1人,人弓‘勺曰八」032703590123081006360331040502000834064103…  相似文献   

洲IMP锨END(UT)20(挽年开始2月日(Ur)任恢廿SPA班认VLFI万仰(脾)畅(户)△和(脾)△A(dB)OJ 40子,且久曰nU 4 24内‘一一一一+7自J夕0 72nU 44,A月t一一一一︸矛04口材20产nUZ泛甘,二2一一一一一一1玉22,1205加的加02150559肠龙061106320525价50U035006艺甲价邓 一4 .2 一1 .1一7.6,+2.1 一1 .5 一1 .3心公O子2‘.二22 nU尹O‘.几,‘ 一一一一一夕O护D,翻O夕7叼几nU叮甘n甘0一一一一一+一一,几‘.二月J‘﹄l‘.几哪06450337姗06250300061606200洲5伙呜8价1104550717051707367 00 40子22 .1 2 nU4一一一+︸矛O︵吕心JR甘内」4 …  相似文献   

2003年 7月 日 开始SrARr(UT) oo30 0323 0437 0150 0337绷吐1侧[P驴A1.万SPA班认Vl万1万铆(牌)。和(脚)△和(牌)从(dB) 勺曰n.,夕月,八“︸,孟1.︸八U‘.人 十一一十77内、︸曰j‘J2,l‘.1‘.‘,工 一一一一一月J7,曰月了弓甘2月l‘l‘1,l一一一一一+月且1人弓几,几,工以MO0332例呜8021104100210U例050515似40U0505内乙.“︸护O产On甘22八11︸n甘2++++一弓公︵吕哎甘n,内」 ..…2‘.几nVC,,且一一一一一只U内U咤口口O月」 ;…,几,几n︸n︸11一一一一一价070820以29054802370720083()043906000248价52O90()1+105031一06261一0320…  相似文献   

2002年开始8月日级别1人[P(U飞、)0140065600080049014603320552073203540445013402560457082500000034010203000416052806230705081500470540004605360145024704580714023704310007似幼03360147 02071一0703 072310015 0035UI0106 0125UI一0153 022010337 04502一0603 06301价46 083520405 041510450 05101一0146 0256D3+0300 04072一0504 0520D2一0835 09453+0008 0021UI0045 0100DI0112 02001+0304 0340U2一0423 05152一0550 0623D2一0626 06401一0715田301一0840 0920一1+0107 03003+0551 07351+0105 02221+0542 0623102180汉7DI…  相似文献   

2003年开始4月日级别1州[P任伙1万牙伙班认Vl刃廿铆(娜)△和(脾)△和(娜)△A(dB) +2 .6 一1 .9一2.5,+2.1 一1 .5沈甘n,6月1心JZ咤口nU︸一︸一︸U 7 .4 QU27 28 2930I.低频甚低频传播突然扰动(续1)~~  相似文献   

本文以W3(OH)为实例,建立了与OH脉泽成协的HII区气体-尘埃壳层的磁场模型,由此可见,致密HII区所在分子云核心中的磁场强度,与分子云核心的分子数密度之间存在指数α=1/2的幂律关系;而在HII区气体-尘埃壳层中,磁场强度与分子数密度之间存在α=1的正比关系,根据讨论可知,与OH脉泽成协的HII区,其气体-尘埃壳层的分子数密度为10~6cm~(-3)量级,磁场强度为几个mG;一旦分子数密度达10~7cm~(-3)量级,OH脉泽便将熄灭。  相似文献   

We have analyzed time series of H, H, and H line profiles taken from a 3B/X6.1 flare which occurred on October 27, 1991 in active region NOAA 6891. Each set of the spectra was taken simultaneously for the first 10 min of the flare event with a low and non-uniform time resolution of 10–40 s. A total of 22 sets of H, H, and H were scanned by a PDS with absolute intensity calibration to derive the dynamics and energetics of material in the flare region. Our results are as follows: (1) The Balmer line emitting region is accelerated downward to about 50 km s-1 for the first 50 s and then is decelerated to about 10 km s-1 for the next 150 s. (2) The radial velocity peak precedes the Balmer line intensity peak by about 40 s. (3) The total energy radiated from these Balmer lines is estimated to be 4.9 × 1029 erg.  相似文献   

Simultaneously measured line intensities of Ca+ K and H, H, H and He D3 are presented and compared with recent model calculations by Heasley and Milkey (1978). The model calculations are compatible with the observations. There is indication that the observed branching of the relation E(Ca+ K and H) E(H) depends on the widths of the Ca+-lines.  相似文献   

A sequence of images taken at different positions in the resonance lines of Ca ii, Mg ii, and H i was obtained over a quiescent prominence with the LPSP instrument on OSO-8. Ca ii K (and H) profiles are reconstructed at different locations in the prominence with a (10 × 5) arc sec2 resolution. Significant variations of FWHM and line shifts are found: FWHM range from 0.14 Å to 0.5 Å; blue shifts reach about 14 km s-1. The ratio of K to H absolute intensities shows a large spread around the average value of 1.2. The same ratio for the Mg ii lines in the whole prominence is higher (1.7), a fact already noticed at the edge of an active prominence (Vial et al., 1979). The ionization degree, as measured by the L/Ca K ratio, shows noticeable variations within the prominence. The L intensity is about 0.3 times the intensity measured in the quiet Sun, and the L/L ratio is less than one half the disk value. These results indicate important variations of the thermal conditions inside the prominence.DASOP, Observatoire de Paris, 92190 Meudon, France.  相似文献   

通过对 W3(OH)区域 22 GHz H_(2)O脉泽源的短时间跟踪观测,探测到速度为-52.8 km/s子谱的流量密度呈线性下降趋势,变化时标约为 19天.同时也观测到了整个脉 泽源的谱线宽度与该子谱的强度之间的相关变化.这些现象可能是由脉泽云之间的相 互碰撞导致脉泽抽运率的变化所引起的。  相似文献   

We present the results of magnetic field measurements in three active prominences, July 24, 1981, July 24, 1999, and July 12, 2004, obtained from observations with the echelle spectrograph of the horizontal solar telescope at the Astronomical Observatory of the Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University. The magnetic fields were measured from the Zeeman splitting of the I ± V profiles in the He I D3 and H?? lines in the atmosphere at heights from 3 to 14 Mm. Our measurements of the effective magnetic fields B eff from the shift of the profile centroids have shown that the magnetic fields averaged over the entrance slit area were within the range from ?600 to +1500 G. The amplitude values of the local fields have been estimated from the splitting of the bisectors of the central parts of the line profiles at 0.9 of the peak intensity. The corresponding fields B 0.9 have turned out to be approximately twice B eff and reached 4000 G in absolute value. Narrow (1?C2 Mm) height peaks at heights of 6?C11 Mm have been found in the height distributions of the magnetic field. We have found an interesting effect in two prominences-an anticorrelation between the magnetic field strengths measured from the D3 and H?? lines.  相似文献   

Using narrow-band H filtergrams, we develop a quantitative non-LTE approach to determine the physical conditions prevailing at the tops of (post)-flare loops observed against the solar disc. At temperatures 10000–15000 K, the tops of flare loops turn to emission at H line center when the gas pressure P g reaches 1 dyn cm–2 and should be clearly visible for P g 3 dyn cm–2, independently of the loop diameter. This situation corresponds to the electron density of the order 1012 cm–3. The contrast of flare-loops (in projection on the disc) at H line center is mainly the function of P g , while in the line wings (H ± 1 Å) the loop can be visible in absorption or emission only when rather strong microturbulence is present or for unrealistically high gas pressures. Finally, we briefly discuss our diagnostical results in frame of the latest (post)-flare loop model.  相似文献   

The directional hemispherical reflectance of ammonia and water frosts in the range from 1400 to 3000 Å was measured at 77K. Amorphous and cubic ammonia frosts and amorphous and hexagonal water frosts were studied. The amorphous frosts were grown on a liquid-nitrogen (LN2)-cooled stainless steel substrate until they were optically thick for 3000 Å radiation. For both gases, deposition at 77K and a pressure of 1.0 × 10?4 torr resulted in an amorphous frost. The cubic ammonia and the hexagonal water frosts were formed by warming their respective amorphous frosts to 180K. The frosts were then recooled to 77K before radiometric data were recorded. Following frost formation, the reflectance was measured for decreasing wavelengths until it fell below two percent. The amorphous and hexagonal water frosts had continuum reflectances above eighty percent for wavelengths between 2300 and 3000 Å and an absorption cutoff near 1800 Å. The hexagonal water frosts showed an absorption feature with a 100 Å half-width at 1959 Å which had not been previously observed. The amorphous and cubic ammonia frosts also had reflectances above 80% for wavelengths between 2300 and 3000 Å, but their absorption cutoff occurred near 2175 and 2075 Å, respectively. Frost thickness ranged from 2 to 5 mm.  相似文献   

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