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Counterstreaming beams of electrons are ubiquitous in coronal mass ejections (CMEs) – although their existence is not unanimously accepted as a necessary and/or sufficient signature of these events. We continue the investigation of a high-latitude CME registered by the Ulysses spacecraft on 18?–?19 January 2002 (Dumitrache, Popescu, and Oncica, Solar Phys. 272, 137, 2011), by surveying the solar-wind electron distributions associated with this event. The temporal evolution of the pitch-angle distributions reveals populations of electrons that are distinguishable through their anisotropy, with clear signatures of i) electron strahls, ii) counter-streaming in the magnetic clouds and their precursors, and iii) unidirectionality in the fast wind preceding the CME. The analysis of the counter-streams inside the CME allows us to elucidate the complexity of the magnetic-cloud structures embedded in the CME and to refine the borders of the event. Identifying such strahls in CMEs, which preserve properties of the low β [<1] coronal plasma, gives more support to the hypothesis that these populations are remnants of the hot coronal electrons that escape from the electrostatic potential of the Sun into the heliosphere.  相似文献   

The twin STEREO and the Wind spacecraft make remote multipoint measurements of interplanetary radio sources of solar origin from widely separated vantage points. One year after launch, the angular separation between the STEREO spacecraft reached 45°, which was ideal for locating solar type III radio sources in the heliosphere by three-spacecraft triangulation measurements from STEREO and Wind. These triangulated source locations enable intrinsic properties of the radio source, such as its beaming characteristics, to be deduced. We present the first three-point measurements of the beaming characteristics for two solar type III radio bursts that were simultaneously observed by the three spacecraft in December of 2007 and in January of 2008. These analyses suggest that individual type III bursts exhibit a wide beaming pattern that is approximately beamed along the direction tangent to the Parker spiral magnetic field line at the source location.  相似文献   

We present a novel experiment with the capacity to independently measure both the electron density and the magnetic field of the solar corona. We achieve this through measurement of the excess Faraday rotation resulting from propagation of the polarised emission from a number of pulsars through the magnetic field of the solar corona. This method yields independent measures of the integrated electron density, via dispersion of the pulsed signal and the magnetic field, via the amount of Faraday rotation. In principle this allows the determination of the integrated magnetic field through the solar corona along many lines of sight without any assumptions regarding the electron density distribution. We present a detection of an increase in the rotation measure of the pulsar J1801-2304 of approximately 170 rad m2 at an elongation of 0.96° from the centre of the solar disc. This corresponds to a lower limit of the magnetic field strength along this line of sight of >41.8 nT. The lack of precision in the integrated electron density measurement restricts this result to a limit, but application of coronal plasma models can further constrain this to approximately 0.5 μT, along a path passing 2.7 solar radii from the solar limb, which is consistent with predictions obtained using extensions to the source surface models published by the Wilcox Solar Observatory.  相似文献   

We use dual-site radio observations of interplanetary scintillation (IPS) with extremely long baselines (ELB) to examine meridional flow characteristics of the ambient fast solar wind at plane-of-sky heliocentric distances of 24?–?85 solar radii (R ). Our results demonstrate an equatorwards deviation of 3?–?4° in the bulk fast solar wind flow direction over both northern and southern solar hemispheres during different times in the declining phase of Solar Cycle 23.  相似文献   

We use a kinetic collisionless model of the solar wind to calculate the radial variation of the electron temperature and obtain analytical expressions at large radial distances. In order to be compared with Ulysses observations, the model, which initially assumed a radial magnetic field, has been generalized to a spiral magnetic field. We present a preliminary comparison with Ulysses observations in the fast solar wind at high heliospheric latitudes. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

日食为射电天文提供了一维高空间分辨率太阳射电观测机会.日食射电观测在太阳射电物理的发展上起过重要的作用.文中对日食射电观测的若干重要因素作了介绍和分析.日食射电观测在我国太阳射电天文发展上也起了重要作用.文中简要介绍了在我国组织观测的1958年、1968年、1980年及1987年的太阳射电日食观测及其主要结果.  相似文献   

脉冲星的射电辐射与其他天体物理辐射源有很大的不同 ,因为它们有着极高的亮温度和高度的线或圆偏振。极高的亮温度意味着起作用的发射机制一定是相干的。至今尚无对这种辐射普遍接受的模型。本文讨论了关于脉冲星的射电辐射产生和传播研究中的新进展。  相似文献   

During the descent of Ulysses following the 2001 solar north pole passage, the SOHO LASCO C2 telescope recorded a particularly strong sequence of recurrent polarization brightness (pB) features at latitudes of around 55°. As Ulysses passed overhead, solar rotation swept the interplanetary extensions of these persistent coronal structures over the spacecraft. Comparison of solar remote sensing and Ulysses in situ observations through 2002 reveals the solar wind effects of very bright and recurrent K-coronal structures at high solar latitudes and of a steeply inclined heliospheric neutral sheet (HNS). Despite the high level of solar activity, the HNS at high latitude still organizes solar wind stream structure much as it did near the previous solar minimum. The recurrent coronal streamers originate slow solar wind and mark the northern extremity of a very tilted HNS whose passage at Ulysses is accompanied by slow, dense solar wind, enhanced temperature, depressed α abundance, enhanced magnetic fields, and magnetic field directional changes that evolve with spacecraft latitude.  相似文献   

Radio observations of some active regions (ARs) obtained with the Nobeyama radioheliograph at λ=1.76cm are used for estimating the magnetic field strength in the upper chromosphere, based on thermal bremsstrahlung. The results are compared with the magnetic field strength in the photosphere from observations with the Solar Magnetic Field Telescope (SMFT) at Huairou Solar Observing Station of Beijing Astronomical Observatory. The difference in the magnetic field strength between the two layers seems reasonable. The solar radio maps of active regions obtained with the Nobeyama radioheliograph, both in total intensity (I-map) and in circular polarizations (V-map), are compared with the optical magnetograms obtained with the SMFT. The comparison between the radio map in circular polarization and the longitudinal photospheric magnetogram of a plage region suggest that the radio map in circular polarization is a kind of magnetogram of the upper chromosphere. The comparison of the radio map in total intensity with the photospheric vector magnetogram of an AR shows that the radio map in total intensity gives indications of magnetic loops in the corona, thus we have a method of defining the coronal magnetic structure from the radio I-maps at λ=1.76 cm. Analysing the I-maps, we identified three components: (a) a compact bright source; (b) a narrow elongated structure connecting two main magnetic islands of opposite polarities (observed in both the optical and radio magnetograms); (c) a wide, diffuse, weak component that corresponds to a wide structure in the solar active region which shows in most cases an S or a reversed S contour, which is probably due to the differential rotation of the Sun. The last two components suggest coronal loops on different spatial scales above the neutral line of the longitudinal photospheric magnetic field.  相似文献   

The Rosse Solar-Terrestrial Observatory (RSTO; www.rosseobservatory.ie ) was established at Birr Castle, Co. Offaly, Ireland (53°05′38.9″, 7°55′12.7″) in 2010 to study solar radio bursts and the response of the Earth’s ionosphere and geomagnetic field. To date, three Compound Astronomical Low-cost Low-frequency Instrument for Spectroscopy in Transportable Observatory (CALLISTO) spectrometers have been installed, with the capability of observing in the frequency range of 10?–?870 MHz. The receivers are fed simultaneously by biconical and log-periodic antennas. Nominally, frequency spectra in the range of 10?–?400 MHz are obtained with four sweeps per second over 600 channels. Here, we describe the RSTO solar radio spectrometer set-up, and present dynamic spectra of samples of type II, III and IV radio bursts. In particular, we describe the fine-scale structure observed in type II bursts, including band splitting and rapidly varying herringbone features.  相似文献   

评述了射电脉冲星搜寻及观测研究的巨大贡献和重要意义,分析了影响脉冲星搜寻工作的几个关键因素(如灵敏度,色散,观测频率及设备等),着重介绍和分析了自发现脉冲星(特别是发现第一颗秒脉冲星)以来所进行的卓有成效的脉冲星搜寻工作(包括脉冲星的早期寻,毫秒脉冲星的初期搜寻,高银续脉冲星搜寻,定向搜寻以及进一步的广域深空搜寻等)的情况,结果,意义和进展。  相似文献   

Chiuderi Drago  F.  Alissandrakis  C.E.  Bastian  T.  Bocchialini  K.  Harrison  R.A. 《Solar physics》2001,199(1):115-132
In this paper we compare simultaneous extreme ultraviolet (EUV) line intensity and microwave observations of a filament on the disk. The EUV line intensities were observed by the CDS and SUMER instruments on board SOHO and the radio data by the Very Large Array and the Nobeyama radioheliograph. The main results of this study are the following: (1) The Lyman continuum absorption is responsible for the lower intensity observed above the filament in the EUV lines formed in the transition region (TR) at short wavelengths. In the TR lines at long wavelengths the filament is not visible. This indicates that the proper emission of the TR at the filament top is negligible. (2) The lower intensity of coronal lines and at radio wave lengths is due to the lack of coronal emission: the radio data supply the height of the prominence, while EUV coronal lines supply the missing hot matter emission measure (EM). (3) Our observations support a prominence model of cool threads embedded in the hot coronal plasma, with a sheath-like TR around them. From the missing EM we deduce the TR thickness and from the neutral hydrogen column density, derived from the Lyman continuum and Hei absorption, we estimate the hydrogen density in the cool threads.  相似文献   

A total of eight gamma-ray sources are identified with pulsars and these include some of the strongest gamma-ray sources in the sky. About 20 of the unidentified gamma-ray sources are very likely to be associated with currently known pulsars and there is little doubt that many of the others, at least those at low Galactic latitudes, will ultimately be identified with pulsars. How many of these and future gamma-ray detections will be detectable at radio wavelengths depends on the details of the radio and gamma-ray beaming. There is good evidence that the radio beams in young and millisecond pulsars are very wide, implying that most gamma-ray pulsars will be detectable in the radio band.  相似文献   

K. J. Li  Q. X. Li  T. W. Su  P. X. Gao 《Solar physics》2006,239(1-2):493-501
The periodicity of high-latitude solar activity has been studied with the use of the Carte Synoptique solar filaments archive. The Morlet wavelet is utilized to analyze the periodicity of the number of solar filaments at latitudes over 50° during Carrington solar rotations 876 – 1823. For solar filaments at latitudes over 50°, the most eminent periods are about 10.23 and 10.90 years, which correspond to the Schwabe period of high-latitude solar activity, and the these periods make-up a highly significant proportion of the time span considered. The periods of 1.3 and 1.7 years and the quasi-biennial 2 – 3-year oscillation often mentioned in the literature are not found to be a feature of every solar cycle but seem to appear only from time to time.  相似文献   

Deng  Yuanyong  Wang  Jingxiu  Harvey  John 《Solar physics》1999,186(1-2):13-23
Sequential observations at Huairou Solar Observation Station, China, and Kitt Peak, U.S.A., show that polar magnetic elements can live from several to more than 58 hours. This enables measurement of the solar rotation rate near the polar region by tracing magnetic element motions. With observations carried out on 8–15 July 1997, we identify and trace more than 1300 elements at north heliographic latitudes between 55°–85° using two methods, and fit the mean sidereal rotation rate as =14.0±0.54–(2.24±1.22)sin2–(1.78±0.79)sin4 deg per day.  相似文献   

The heliocentric orbits of the two STEREO satellites are similar in radius and ecliptic latitude, with separation in longitude increasing by about 45° per year. This arrangement provides a unique opportunity to study the evolution of stream interfaces near 1 AU over time scales of hours to a few days, much less than the period of a Carrington rotation. Assuming nonevolving solar wind sources that corotate with the Sun, we calculated the expected time and longitude of arrival of stream interfaces at the Ahead observatory based on the in situ solar wind speeds measured at the Behind observatory. We find agreement to within 5° between the expected and actual arrival longitude until the spacecraft are separated by more than 20° in heliocentric inertial longitude. This corresponds to about one day between the measurement times. Much larger deviations, up to 25° in longitude, are observed after 20° separation. Some of the deviations can be explained by a latitude difference between the spacecraft, but other deviations most likely result from evolution of the source region. Both remote and in situ measurements show that changes at the source boundary can occur on a time scale much shorter than one solar rotation. In 32 of 41 cases, the interface was observed earlier than expected at STEREO/Ahead.  相似文献   

The identification of solar-wind sources is an important question in solar physics. The existing solar-wind models (e.g., the Wang–Sheeley–Arge model) provide the approximate locations of the solar wind sources based on magnetic field extrapolations. It has been suggested recently that plasma outflows observed at the edges of active regions may be a source of the slow solar wind. To explore this we analyze an isolated active region (AR) adjacent to small coronal hole (CH) in July/August 2009. On 1 August, Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer observations showed two compact outflow regions in the corona. Coronal rays were observed above the active-region coronal hole (ARCH) region on the eastern limb on 31 July by STEREO-A/EUVI and at the western limb on 7 August by CORONAS-Photon/TESIS telescopes. In both cases the coronal rays were co-aligned with open magnetic-field lines given by the potential field source surface model, which expanded into the streamer. The solar-wind parameters measured by STEREO-B, ACE, Wind, and STEREO-A confirmed the identification of the ARCH as a source region of the slow solar wind. The results of the study support the suggestion that coronal rays can represent signatures of outflows from ARs propagating in the inner corona along open field lines into the heliosphere.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a comparison between observations of coronal holes in UV (SOHO EIT) and radio emission (17, 5.7 GHz, 327 and 150.9 MHz, from NoRH, SSRT and Nançay radioheliographs), and solar wind parameters, from ACE spacecraft data over the period 12 March?–?31 May 2007. The increase in the solar wind velocity up to ~?600 km?s?1 was found to correlate with a decrease in the UV flux in the central parts of the solar disk. A connection between the parameters of the radio emission from three different layers of the solar atmosphere and the solar wind velocity near the Earth’s orbit was discovered. Such a connection is suggestive of a common mechanism of solar wind acceleration from chromospheric heights to the upper corona.  相似文献   

毫秒脉冲星计时观测进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在评述国际上毫秒脉冲星长期计时观测成果的基础上,比较了由毫秒脉冲星自转定义的脉冲星时PT与原子时AT的长期稳定度。毫秒脉冲星PSR B1855 09 15yr的长期稳定度优于原子时TAI—USNO,而接近原子时TAI—PTB;其短期稳定度主要受到计时观测误差的限制。毫秒脉冲星PSR J0437-47 1yr以上的稳定度明显优于上述两原子时系统。毫秒脉冲星PSR B193T 21和PSR J1713 07的长期稳定度受到低频噪声影响,但仍能对综合脉冲星时PTens的建立与保持作出贡献。另外,介绍和评述了国际上脉冲星计时阵的现状及发展。随着脉冲星计时阵的实旅,在脉冲星时间标准研究、原子时误差、太阳系历表误差研究和引力波探测方面将会取得重要成果;展望了国际上平方公里望远镜(SKA)在毫秒脉冲星计时观测方面的发展前景。  相似文献   

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