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A.M. Uralov 《Solar physics》1998,183(1):133-155
Possible scattering regimes of the emission from a solar radio source due to dielectric permitivity fluctuations of an extended coronal plasma co-rotating with the Sun are discussed. The exact and approximate expressions are given for the spectrum of temporal intensity fluctuations in the regime of weak scattering. The frequency, at which the spectrum shows a bend, is determined by the location of the effective scattering screen if the source size is not too large. In the regime of strong scattering of the emission from a broadbanded nonimpulsive radio source, the formation of random intensity spikes, namely millisecond, narrowbanded spike bursts is a possibility. Their apparent size can be quite significant. However, the sources with very small true sizes are required in order to produce strong spikes.  相似文献   

A review is given of the interplay between studies of compact radio sources and the scattering and scintillations that occur as the signals travel through the irregular refractive index of the interstellar and interplanetary plasmas. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We examine solar sources for 20 interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) observed in 2009 in the near-Earth solar wind. We performed a detailed analysis of coronagraph and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) observations from the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) and Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). Our study shows that the coronagraph observations from viewpoints away from the Sun–Earth line are paramount to locate the solar sources of Earth-bound ICMEs during solar minimum. SOHO/LASCO detected only six CMEs in our sample, and only one of these CMEs was wider than 120°. This demonstrates that observing a full or partial halo CME is not necessary to observe the ICME arrival. Although the two STEREO spacecraft had the best possible configuration for observing Earth-bound CMEs in 2009, we failed to find the associated CME for four ICMEs, and identifying the correct CME was not straightforward even for some clear ICMEs. Ten out of 16 (63 %) of the associated CMEs in our study were “stealth” CMEs, i.e. no obvious EUV on-disk activity was associated with them. Most of our stealth CMEs also lacked on-limb EUV signatures. We found that stealth CMEs generally lack the leading bright front in coronagraph images. This is in accordance with previous studies that argued that stealth CMEs form more slowly and at higher coronal altitudes than non-stealth CMEs. We suggest that at solar minimum the slow-rising CMEs do not draw enough coronal plasma around them. These CMEs are hence difficult to discern in the coronagraphic data, even when viewed close to the plane of the sky. The weak ICMEs in our study were related to both intrinsically narrow CMEs and the non-central encounters of larger CMEs. We also demonstrate that narrow CMEs (angular widths ≤?20°) can arrive at Earth and that an unstructured CME may result in a flux rope-type ICME.  相似文献   

Shishov  V. I.  Vlasov  V. I.  Kojima  M. 《Solar physics》1997,176(2):373-386
The distributions of scintillation index in the interior region of an interplanetary shock wave are obtained by using scintillation observations from Pushchino, Russia. The dependence of scintillation index m on the distance from a shock front surface r is strong and can be represented by a two-component structure of distribution of turbulence level Ne)2. The first component occupies a narrow layer with thickness of about 0.02 AU and size of about 0.3 AU, in which the relative enhancement of Ne is about 15. The second component occupies a layer with thickness r=0.1 AU and size of about 0.7 AU, in which the relative enhancement of Ne is about 2. The typical distance of the shock front from the Sun was on the order of 1 AU in the events that we investigated.  相似文献   

The Sun is not only a source of energy but also a tremendous source of interplanetary disturbances. The continuous stream of plasma (solar wind) is propelled by a pressure gradient near the photosphere. The pressure gradient and the Sun's gravitational field drive the plasma to supersonic velocities at the Earth's orbit. Solar activity is discussed in terms of the characteristics of the origin, x-ray flare class, optical classification, radio emission, energy particle emission and geophysical effects. Solar activities during March–June 1991 and February 20–21, 1994 are but two activities in recent times which resulted in large scale Interplanetary Waves (IPW), medium-scale gravity waves and geomagnetic disturbances. The disturbances of these activities are also discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We present a summary of results from ten years of interplanetary scintillation (IPS) observations of stream interaction regions (SIRs) in the solar wind. Previous studies had shown that SIRs were characterized by intermediate-velocity solar wind and – in the case of compressive interactions – higher levels of scintillation. In this study we considered all cases of intermediate velocities in IPS observations from the European Incoherent SCATter (EISCAT) radar facility made at low- and mid-heliographic latitudes between 1994 and 2003. After dismissing intermediate-velocity observations which were associated with solar-wind transients (such as coronal mass ejections) we found that the remaining cases of intermediate velocities lay above coronal structures where stream interaction would be expected. An improved ballistic mapping method (compared to that used in earlier EISCAT studies of interaction regions) was used to identify the regions of raypath in IPS observations which might be expected to include interaction regions and to project these regions out to the distances of in-situ observations. The early stages of developing compression regions, consistent with their development on the leading edges of compressive stream interaction regions, were clearly detected as close to the Sun as 30 R , and further ballistic projection out to the distances of in-situ observations clearly associated these developing structures with density and velocity features characteristic of developed interaction regions in in-situ data in the cases when such data were available. The same approach was applied to study non-compressive interaction regions (shear layers) between solar-wind streams of different velocities where the stream interface lay at near-constant latitude and the results compared with those from compressive interaction regions. The results confirm that intermediate velocities seen in IPS observations above stream boundaries may arise from either detection of intermediate-velocity flow in compression regions, or from non-compressive shear layers. The variation in velocity about the mean determined from IPS measurements (representing the spread in velocity across that part of the raypath associated with the interaction region in the analysis) was comparable in compressive and non-compressive regions – a potentially interesting result which may contain important information on the geometry of developing SIRs. It is clear from these results that compressive and non-compressive interaction regions belong to the same class of stream – stream interaction, with the dominant mode determined by the latitudinal gradient of the stream interface. Finally, we discuss the results from this survey in the light of new data from the Heliospheric Imagers (HI) on the Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) spacecraft and other instruments, and suggest possible directions for further work.  相似文献   

Interplanetary scintillation (IPS) measurements of the solar wind speed for the distance range between 13 and 37 R S were carried out during the solar conjunction of the Nozomi spacecraft in 2000?–?2001 using the X-band radio signal. Two large-aperture antennas were employed in this study, and the baseline between the two antennas was several times longer than the Fresnel scale for the X-band. We successfully detected a positive correlation of IPS from the cross-correlation analysis of received signal data during ingress, and estimated the solar wind speed from the time lag corresponding to the maximum correlation by assuming that the solar wind flows radially. The speed estimates range between 200 and 540?km?s?1 with the majority below 400?km?s?1. We examined the radial variation in the solar wind speed along the same streamline by comparing the Nozomi data with data obtained at larger distances. Here, we used solar wind speed data taken from 327 MHz IPS observations of the Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory (STEL), Nagoya University, and in?situ measurements by the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) for the comparison, and we considered the effect of the line-of-sight integration inherent to IPS observations for the comparison. As a result, Nozomi speed data were proven to belong to the slow component of the solar wind. Speed estimates within 30 R S were found to be systematically slower by 10?–?15 % than the terminal speeds, suggesting that the slow solar wind is accelerated between 13 and 30 R S.  相似文献   

Das  T. K.  Nag  T. K. 《Solar physics》1998,179(2):431-440
The basal component of radio emission is the radio intensity obtained after subtracting the sunspot-dependent (magneto-active) component from the observed flux and finally deducting the steady part from this subtracted value. The periodicity of this basal component of solar radio emission in the frequency band 0.245–15.4 GHz was studied both for the solar maximum (1980 and 1991) and minimum (1975 and 1986) periods. A constant periodicity of 35 days was observed in the entire radio band under study during the periods of maximum solar activity, whereas the periodicity fluctuates harmonically with frequency during the minimum periods, giving rise to an average time period of approximately 54 days.  相似文献   

On 7 February 2008, the SOLAR payload was placed onboard the International Space Station. It is composed of three instruments, two spectrometers and a radiometer. The two spectrometers allow us to cover the 16?–?2900 nm spectral range. In this article, we first briefly present the instrumentation, its calibration and its performance in orbit. Second, the solar spectrum measured during the transition between Solar Cycles 23 to 24 at the time of the minimum is shown and compared with other data sets. Its accuracy is estimated as a function of wavelength and the solar atmosphere brightness-temperature is calculated and compared with those derived from two theoretical models.  相似文献   

Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) allows observation of the inner heliospheric response to corotating solar structures and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in scintillation level and velocity. With colleagues at STELab, Nagoya University, Japan, we have developed near-real-time access of STELab IPS data for use in space-weather forecasting. We use a 3D reconstruction technique that produces perspective views from solar corotating plasma and outward-flowing solar wind as observed from Earth by iteratively fitting a kinematic solar wind model to IPS observations. This 3D modeling technique permits reconstruction of the density and velocity structure of CMEs and other interplanetary transients at a relatively coarse resolution: a solar rotational cadence and 10° latitudinal and longitudinal resolution for the corotational model and a one-day cadence and 20° latitudinal and longitudinal heliographic resolution for the time-dependent model. This technique is used to determine solar-wind pressure (“ram” pressure) at Mars. Results are compared with ram-pressure observations derived from Mars Global Surveyor magnetometer data (Crider et al. 2003, J. Geophys. Res. 108(A12), 1461) for the years 1999 through 2004. We identified 47 independent in situ pressure-pulse events above 3.5 nPa in the Mars Global Surveyor data in this time period where sufficient IPS data were available. We detail the large pressure pulse observed at Mars in association with a CME that erupted from the Sun on 27 May 2003, which was a halo CME as viewed from Earth. We also detail the response of a series of West-limb CME events and compare their response observed at Mars about 160° west of the Sun – Earth line by the Mars Global Surveyor with the response derived from the IPS 3D reconstructions.  相似文献   

The LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) is a next-generation radio telescope which uses thousands of stationary dipoles to observe celestial phenomena. These dipoles are grouped in various ‘stations’ which are centred on the Netherlands with additional ‘stations’ across Europe. The telescope is designed to operate at frequencies from 10 to 240 MHz with very large fractional bandwidths (25?–?100 %). Several ‘beam-formed’ observing modes are now operational and the system is designed to output data with high time and frequency resolution, which are highly configurable. This makes LOFAR eminently suited for dynamic spectrum measurements with applications in solar and planetary physics. In this paper we describe progress in developing automated data analysis routines to compute dynamic spectra from LOFAR time–frequency data, including correction for the antenna response across the radio frequency pass-band and mitigation of terrestrial radio-frequency interference (RFI). We apply these data routines to observations of interplanetary scintillation (IPS), commonly used to infer solar wind velocity and density information, and present initial science results.  相似文献   

We investigate the relation between coronal hole (CH) areas and solar wind speeds during 1995?–?2011 using the potential field (PF) model analysis of magnetograph observations and interplanetary scintillation (IPS) observations by the Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (formerly Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory) of Nagoya University. We obtained a significant positive correlation between the CH areas (\(A\)) derived from the PF model calculations and solar wind speeds (\(V\)) derived from the IPS observations. The correlation coefficients between them are usually high, but they drop significantly in solar maxima. The slopes of the \(A\)?–?\(V\) relation are roughly constant except for the period around solar maximum, when flatter or steeper slopes are observed. The excursion of the correlation coefficients and slopes at solar maxima is ascribed partly to the effect of rapid structural changes in the coronal magnetic field and solar wind, and partly to the predominance of small CHs. It is also demonstrated that \(V\) is inversely related to the flux expansion factor (\(f\)) and that \(f\) is closely related to \(A^{-1/2}\); hence, \(V \propto A^{1/2}\). A better correlation coefficient is obtained from the \(A^{1/2}\)?–?\(V\) relation, and this fact is useful for improving space weather predictions. We compare the CH areas derived from the PF model calculations with He i 1083 nm observations and show that the PF model calculations provide reliable estimates of the CH area, particularly for large \(A\).  相似文献   

The 3D structure of the solar wind and its evolution in time are needed for heliospheric modeling and interpretation of energetic neutral atoms observations. We present a model to retrieve the solar wind structure in heliolatitude and time using all available and complementary data sources. We determine the heliolatitude structure of solar wind speed on a yearly time grid over the past 1.5 solar cycles based on remote-sensing observations of interplanetary scintillations, in situ out-of-ecliptic measurements from Ulysses, and in situ in-ecliptic measurements from the OMNI 2 database. Since in situ out-of-ecliptic information on the solar wind density structure is not available apart from the Ulysses data, we derive correlation formulae between the solar wind speed and density and use the information on the solar wind speed from interplanetary scintillation observations to retrieve the 3D structure of the solar wind density. With the variations of solar wind density and speed in time and heliolatitude available, we calculate variations in solar wind flux, dynamic pressure, and charge-exchange rate in the approximation of stationary H atoms.  相似文献   

The Mexican Array Radio Telescope (MEXART) consists of a 64×64 (4096) full-wavelength dipole antenna array, operating at 140 MHz, with a bandwidth of 2 MHz, occupying about 9660 square meters (69 m × 140 m) ( http://www.mexart.unam.mx ). This is a dedicated radio array for Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) observations located at latitude 19°48′N, longitude 101°41′W. We characterize the performance of the system. We report the first IPS observations with the instrument, employing a Butler Matrix (BM) of 16×16 ports, fed by 16 east?–?west lines of 64 dipoles (1/4 of the total array). The BM displays a radiation pattern of 16 beams at different declinations (from ?48, to +88 degrees). We present a list of 19 strong IPS radio sources (having at least 3σ in power gain) detected by the instrument. We report the power spectral analysis procedure of the intensity fluctuations. The operation of MEXART will allow us a better coverage of solar wind disturbances, complementing the data provided by the other, previously built, instruments.  相似文献   

Starting November 1999 we are carrying out simultaneous seeing observations with the Solar Differential Image Motion Monitor (S-DIMM) at the Fuxian Lake station of the Yunnan Observatory and a solar scintillometer of the type used in the recent site survey by one of us (Beckers et al., 1997). The purpose was to compare the two methods of assessing the daytime atmospheric seeing for a lake site. We report here the first results of this comparison. We find that the relation between the seeing as measured by the S-DIMM (the Fried parameter r 0) and the scintillation in the solar irradiance (I) differs greatly from the relation found by Seykora (1993) for NSO/Sac Peak. We conclude that the I measurements give a good indication for the amount of near-Earth seeing but that they are a poor proxy for the total atmospheric seeing. We interpret the simultaneous (r 0, I) observations in terms of an atmospheric seeing model and find good quantitative agreement with a model in which a fraction () of the seeing originated near the Earth (ground or water) and the rest (1–) originates at higher layers. For lake sites is small all day and the seeing is determined primarily by the refractive index variations at higher atmospheric layers. For land sites is small in the early morning but rapidly increases as the day progresses, near-Earth seeing dominating there most of the time.  相似文献   

GPS监测电离层活动的方法和最新进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
全球定位系统(GPS)可以快速、准确地提供电离层总电子含量(TEC)信息。简要介绍了GPS技术精确测量TEC、监测电离层的原理和方法,指出进行TEC绝对量估计时求解差分群延迟(DCB)的重要性,以及建立多层和实时电离层监测模型的必要性。分析了影响TEC估计的主要误差源,着重介绍了目前GPS监测电离层的最新成果和进展。  相似文献   

The solar modulation potential has been reconstructed from data on the 10Be concentration in south and central Greenland ice over more than 500 last years. These two reconstructions, along with fourteen others obtained by various authors from data on the cosmogenic isotopes 14C and 10Be, have been investigated in the time interval 1630–1840 encompassing the Maunder and Dalton minima. The information contained in these sixteen paleoreconstructions has been generalized. The available data on the concentration of cosmogenic isotopes in terrestrial archives suggest that the solar activity in the first part of theMaunder minimum (1645–1680) was lower than that at the Dalton minimum (1792–1827), while in the second part (1680–1715) it was considerably lower. At the same time, at the beginning of theMaunder minimum (1645–1660) the solar activity could reach levels exceeding noticeably the estimates based on telescopic observations. Possible causes of these discrepancies and the directions of further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Although solar ultraviolet (UV) irradiance measurements have been made regularly from satellite instruments for almost 20 years, only one complete solar cycle minimum has been observed during this period. Solar activity is currently moving through the minimum phase between cycles 22 and 23, so it is of interest to compare recent data taken from the NOAA-9 SBUV/2 instrument with data taken by the same instrument during the previous solar minimum in 1985–1986. NOAA-9 SBUV/2 is the first instrument to make continuous solar UV measurements for a complete solar cycle. Direct irradiance measurements (e.g., 205 nm) from NOAA-9 are currently useful for examining short-term variations, but have not been corrected for long-term instrument sensitivity changes. We use the Mgii proxy index to illustrate variability on solar cycle time scales, and to provide complementary information on short-term variability. Comparisons with contemporaneous data from Nimbus-7 SBUV (1985–1986) and UARS SUSIM (1994–1995) are used to validate the results obtained from the NOAA-9 data. Current short-term UV activity differs from the cycle 21–22 minimum. Continuous 13-day periodicity was observed from September 1994 to March 1995, a condition which has only been seen previously for shorter intervals during rising or maximum activity levels. The 205 nm irradiance and Mgii index are expected to track very closely on short time scales, but show differences in behavior during the minimum between cycles 22 and 23.  相似文献   

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