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The inlet dividing Little Folly Island and Big Folly Island was relocated through the use of Union Navy and Army maps and a global positioning system device. Identification of the inlet was confirmed through foraminiferal analysis of marsh sediments retrieved with gouge‐auger cores. The inlet was 1.8 km closer to Confederate batteries on Morris Island than previously believed. In addition to identifying the inlet, sedimentary structures were used to differentiate anthropogenic and natural sand mounds and dunes, resulting in the identification of four previously undocumented Union gun parapets. The results of this study suggest foraminifers are a useful tool for reconstructing coastal military landscapes from the Civil War and potentially earlier conflicts. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional model for a tidal inlet-barrier island depositional system was constructed through examination of 37 vibracores and 10 auger drill holes on Capers and Dewees Islands, South Carolina. Two cycles of southerly inlet migration and subsequent abandonment resulted in beach ridge truncation on the northern ends of both barriers. Historical evidence indicates that these tidal inlets migrated 1.5 km to the south owing to a dominant north-south longshore transport direction. The hydraulic inefficiency of these over-extended inlet channels caused shorter, more northerly-oriented channels to breach through the ebbtidal deltas. After inlet reorientation, large wave-formed swash bars migrated landward closing former inlet channels. Weakened tidal currents through the abandoned channels permitted clay plugs to form thick impermeable seals over active channel-fill sand and shell. Price and Capers Inlets formed during the onset of the Holocene transgression following submergence of the ancestral Plio-Pleistocene Santee River drainage system. Coarse, poorly sorted inlet-deposited sand disconformably overlies Pleistocene estuarine clay and is capped by a dense clay plug. Shoreline reorientation and landward retreat of a primary barrier island chain occurred between the first and second cycles of inlet-channel migration and abandonment. Beach ridges prograded seaward over the first inlet sequence. A second cycle of inlet migration truncated the northernmost portion of these beach ridges and scoured into the clay plug of the earlier inlet deposit. Abandonment of this channel resulted in deposition of a second abandoned inlet-channel clay plug. Abandoned tidal inlet channels exhibit U-shaped strike and crescentic- to wedge-shaped dip geometries. Basal, poorly sorted inlet sands are sealed beneath impermeable, abandoned-channel silt and clay, washover deposits, and salt marsh. Multiple episodes of inlet migration and abandonment during a rising sea-level deposited stacked inlet-fill sequences within the barrier islands. The resultant stratigraphy consists of interlayered, fining-upward, active inlet-fill sand overlain by thicker abandoned inlet-fill clay plugs. These clay plugs form impermeable zones between adjacent barrier island sand bodies. Shoreline transgression would remove the uppermost barrier island deposits, sealing the inlet-fill sequences between Pleistocene estuarine clay and shoreface to shelf silt and clay.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of historic aerial photographs provided the data for determining the magnitude and importance of oceanic overwash on Masonboro Island, southeastern North Carolina. Overwash, which is both temporally and spatially distributed, produces a suite of physiographic features on the subaerial portion of the island. Four physiographic types are recognized including: A) small coalescing loosely vegetated dunes, B) intact, well-vegetated dunes and terraces, C) individual, isolated washover fans, and D) washover terraces. Vegetation patterns, including shrub thickets and black needle rush marshes are related to old fan sites. Sites dominated by saltmeadow cordgrass and goldenrod are associated with recent overwashes. A process-response model, which synthesizes the physiographic types and vegetation patterns, provides input for a management program for the island. Five sections on Masonboro Island are delineated on the basis of washover history and potential for future washovers. The response of Masonboro Island to overwash is similar to that observed on Core Banks, North Carolina; however there are several differences, probably because of the rapidity with which dune ridges redevelop after washovers.  相似文献   

Clastic, depositional strandplain systems have the potential to record changes in the primary drivers of coastal evolution: climate, sea‐level, and the frequency of major meteorological and oceanographic events. This study seeks to use one such record from a southern Brazilian strandplain to highlight the potentially‐complex nature of coastal sedimentological response to small changes in these drivers. Following a 2 to 4 m highstand at ca 5·8 ka in southern Brazil, falling sea‐level reworked shelf sediment onshore, forcing coastal progradation, smoothing the irregular coastline and forming the 5 km wide Pinheira Strandplain, composed of ca 500 successive beach and dune ridges. Sediment cores, grab samples and >11 km of ground‐penetrating radar profiles reveal that the strandplain sequence is composed of well‐sorted, fine to very‐fine quartz sand. Since the mid‐Holocene highstand, the shoreline prograded at a rate of ca 1 to 2 m yr?1 through the deposition of a 4 to 6 m thick shoreface unit; a 1 to 3 m thick foreshore unit containing ubiquitous ridge and runnel facies; and an uppermost beach and foredune unit. However, the discovery of a linear, 100 m wide barrier ridge with associated washover units, a 3 to 4 m deep lagoon and 250 m wide tidal inlet within the strandplain sequence reveals a period of shoreline transgression at 3·3 to 2·8 ka during the otherwise regressive developmental history of the plain. The protected nature of Pinheira largely buffered it from changes in precipitation patterns, wave energy and fluvial sediment supply during the time of its formation. However, multiple lines of evidence indicate that a change in the rate of relative sea‐level fall, probably due to either steric or ice‐volume effects, may have affected this coastline. Thus, whereas these other potential drivers cannot be fully discounted, this study provides insights into the complexity of decadal‐scale to millennial‐scale coastal response to likely variability in sea‐level change rates.  相似文献   

Three lines of evidence based on data from more than 400 boreholes and vibrocores have been used to reconstruct the evolution of the barrier islands during the Holocene transgression in southern Long Island, New York: (1) the Holocene transgressive stratigraphic sequence behind the present barriers, (2) the stratigraphic patterns of the inner shelf, and (3) the morphology of the now-buried late Pleistocene coastal features. The extensive preservation of backbarrier sediments, radiocarbon dated between 7000 and 8000 yr BP, on the inner shelf of southern Long Island suggests that the barriers have not retreated by continuous shoreface erosion alone, but have also undergone discontinuous retreat by in-place ‘drowning’ of barriers and stepwise retreat of the surf zone. Such stepwise retreat of the surf zone has prevented the backbarrier sediments from being reworked. Based on the presence of submerged barrier sand bodies in seismic records, it is inferred that about 9000 years ago, when the sea stood about 24 m below the present sea level, a chain of barriers developed on the present shelf about 7 km offshore of the present barriers. With continued sea-level rise, the – 24 m barrier built upward until the sea reached about – 15 m MSL, just prior to 7000 yr BP. The barriers were then submerged by the rapidly rising sea, and the surf zone shifted rapidly landward to a position about 2 km from the present shoreline. The surf zone overstepped to the landward margin of the old lagoon, which had become fixed at the steep seaward face of mid-Wisconsinan (?) or Sangamonian coastal barriers. During the past 5000 or 6000 years, the shoreface has retreated continuously by about 2 km. Evidence from southern Long Island and elsewhere in regions of coastal submergence indicates that rapid sea-level rise and low sand supply seem to favour the stepwise retreat of barriers, whereas slow rates of submergence and a greater supply of sand generally favour continuous shoreface retreat. Stationary upbuilding, or seaward progradation of barriers may occur when supply of sand is great, and/or submergence is slowed or reversed. Morphologic highs on the pretransgression surface (such as old barrier ridges) tend to fix the migrating barrier shoreline during either continuous retreat, or stepwise retreat of barriers.  相似文献   

Aerial photographs, recording 12 positions of the shoreline and vegetation line over a 50-yr period, were used to investigate long-term ecotone displacement trends and the relationship between ecotone displacement and shoreline migration on Hog Island, Virginia. A robust regression modeling technique, originally developed for shoreline trend detection analyses, enabled examination of the direction, magnitude, and timing of changes in long-term ecotone displacement. Measurements were obtained at 277 shore normal transects spaced 50 m apart. The results show that long-term trends in ecotone displacement and shoreline movement are nonlinear for over three-fourths of the Hog Island coast. On average, the shoreline and vegetation line experienced reversals in 1972 and 1974, respectively. Rarely did the ecotones and shorelines move in tandem or synchronously. Concavity tests indicate that most of the shoreline and ecotone are currently moving seaward and the distance between the shoreline and vegetation line is decreasing through time. Evidence exists for a decennial time lag between the reversal of the shoreline and the ecotone and vice versa. The ecotone and shoreline trends apparently correspond to tidal inlet dynamics, individual storm events, storm climate, inherited topography (e.g., dune), and vegetation type.  相似文献   

Chronological, sedimentological and geochemical analyses of a clastic infill from Kelly Hill Cave (5K1), Kangaroo Island, document a palaeoenvironmental record that spans from the Late Pleistocene to the middle Holocene. We AMS radiocarbon‐dated bone collagen and U–Th‐dated speleothem to determine that fossiliferous sediments were deposited between >20 ka and 7 ka ago. Most of the 15 sedimentary layers are dominated by sand‐ and silt‐sized quartz that is physically and geochemically comparable with surface soils in the Kelly Hill area. Late Pleistocene and Last Glacial Maximum strata are represented primarily by homogeneous, poorly sorted quartz‐rich sediments that contain little organic matter, but include a thin layer composed largely of silt‐sized clay pellets that resemble sediments deflated from playa lakes. Microstructures observed in petrographic slides indicate that, with the exception of one layer, all sediments experienced little reworking once deposited in the cave. Some layers display pedogenic microstructures such as redeposited clays and opaline silica infilling that indicate postdepositional modification; that is, cave‐floor soil development. Overlying Holocene‐aged sediments also consist mainly of quartz but have much greater organic matter content. Some of these sediments have been strongly influenced by re‐precipitated organic matter that appears to have been transported into the cave via vadose drip water. The presence of dissolved organic matter in soil/vadose waters suggests a high vegetation density and acidic soils, which are congruent with the more equitable climatic conditions characteristic of the Holocene. The sediments described here provide a valuable palaeoenvironmental record that will facilitate future interpretation of associated vertebrate fossils.  相似文献   

Barrier islands are found around the world and are important environmentally and economically. With accelerated sea level rise and relentless storms, their evolution is complex but important to understand, especially from a coastal planning and managing perspective. In this study, shoreline change estimates from aerial photography (1949, 1974, 2006), sedimentological and stratigraphic investigation, and analysis of geomorphic character were used to evaluate the hurricane response and decadal evolution of Ocracoke Island, NC. Between 1949 and 2006, the majority (>?65% of transects) of the entire island eroded at an average rate of ??0.54 m/year. Cross-island width decreased by as much as 40% (180 m) over the period. Hurricane Isabel (2003) represented up to 23% of the long-term net change in some regions of the island. The rate of narrowing of Ocracoke Island appears to have increased in the last half century and is due to a combination of natural and anthropogenic factors. Isabel overwashed a total of 9% of the island based on aerial photographic analysis with an average deposit thickness of 0.24 m based on trench investigation. Assessment with the Storm Impact Scale showed a direct relationship between overwash and the pre-existing dune conditions, which had been affected by long-term erosion. Sedimentological signatures interpreted from cores show up to four distinct stacked overwash deposits, potentially dating back as far as 1944. This multi-pronged analysis shows the complexity of barrier island evolution and highlights the necessity to examine and model a system response in four dimensions (i.e., spatially and with time).  相似文献   

新的区域地质调查在海南岛东北部木栏头地区识别出一套从前未知的中级变质杂岩。木栏头变质杂岩主要沿林新—木栏头—虎威岭—赤坡—七星岭—新埠海—铺前海边沿岸呈基岩或不同尺度的无根岩块断续出露,其主体是钙硅酸盐岩和正、副片麻岩,含有少量斜长角闪岩、石英岩和大理岩,并按分布区域可进一步区分出林新片麻岩- 斜长角闪岩组合、木栏头变质火山岩- 钙硅酸盐岩组合、虎威岭- 七星岭片麻岩- 钙硅酸盐岩- 大理岩组合和新埠海- 铺前片麻岩组合等四套岩石组合。对30件变质基性岩、变质中酸性岩、变质碎屑沉积岩、钙硅酸盐岩以及花岗和伟晶岩脉等不同类型岩石的锆石U- Pb定年结果表明,木栏头变质杂岩的原岩主体是一套二叠纪火山- 沉积岩系,其内含有少量二叠纪花岗质侵入岩以及前寒武纪结晶基底的残留。前寒武纪结晶基底主要包括古元古代晚期(1670 Ma)碎屑沉积岩和中元古代早期(1460~1410 Ma)花岗质片麻岩,晚二叠世碱性花岗岩中还存在大量单一的中元古代晚期(1180 Ma)继承锆石。变质沉积岩中的早期碎屑锆石年龄峰值为2550~2490 Ma、1850~1780 Ma、1600~1560 Ma、1450 Ma和1100 Ma,表明其物源主要来自于海南岛中部的抱板群、石碌群和石灰顶组。二叠纪花岗岩的侵入时代主要为280 Ma和260 Ma,与陆缘弧前盆地环境下形成的火山- 沉积岩系的时代基本一致。这些沉积岩中的碎屑锆石除具有395~345 Ma和280~256 Ma两个年龄峰值外,部分样品还含有960~930 Ma和450~410 Ma两个重要年龄峰值,与前人在海南岛晚古生代地层中获得的年代学结果相似。木栏头变质杂岩经历了晚二叠世—中三叠世(254~235 Ma)高角闪岩相区域变质和深熔作用以及花岗和伟晶岩脉的大规模侵入,独居石U- Pb定年表明中侏罗世(159 Ma)花岗岩脉也侵入其中。结合近年发表的研究资料,我们认为海南岛应属于印支陆块的一部分,由中元古代结晶基底和早古生代盖层构成的琼南地体以及该地体演化而来的琼北构造混杂岩带两个次级构造单元组成,邦溪- 晨星构造带或昌江- 琼海断裂不能被视为华南和印支陆块间的构造边界,真正的古特提斯缝合带(即金沙江- 哀牢山- 马江缝合带的东延)应位于木栏头北部,大致相当于现今琼州海峡断裂的位置。华南和印支陆块间古特提斯洋盆的关闭始于石炭纪(340~300 Ma)洋壳的南向俯冲,形成北部的潮滩鼻榴辉岩和南部的邦溪- 晨星弧后盆地,二叠纪时期(280~255 Ma)洋盆持续俯冲形成海南岛主体大陆岛弧以及木栏头弧前盆地,而后洋盆最终关闭并进入到陆- 陆碰撞和碰撞后伸展阶段,从而形成木栏头变质杂岩以及海南岛内部其他三叠纪变质岩和同期花岗质岩石。  相似文献   

The deformation history of a monophase calcite marble shear zone complex on Thassos Island, Northern Greece, is reconstructed by detailed geometric studies of the textural and microstructural patterns relative to a fixed reference system (shear zone boundary, SZB). Strain localization within the massive marble complex is linked to decreasing PT conditions during the exhumation process of the metamorphic core complex. Solvus thermometry indicates that temperatures of 300–350°C prevailed during part of the shear zone deformation history. The coarse-grained marble protolith outside the shear zone is characterized by symmetrically oriented twin sets due to early coaxial deformation. A component of heterogeneous non-coaxial deformation is first recorded within the adjacent protomylonite. Enhanced strain weakening by dynamic recrystallization promoted strong localization of plastic deformation in the ultramylonite of the calcite shear zone, where high strain was accommodated by non-coaxial flow. This study demonstrates that both a pure shear and a simple shear strain path can result in similar crystallographic preferred orientations (single c-axis maximum perpendicular to the SZB) by different dominant deformation mechanisms. Separated a-axis pole figures (+a- and −a-axis) show different density distributions with orthorhombic texture symmetry in the protolith marble and monoclinic symmetry in the ultramylonite marble consistently with the observed grain fabric symmetry.  相似文献   

Lithofacies analysis is fundamental to unravelling the succession of depositional environments associated with sea‐level fluctuations. These successions and their timing are often poorly understood. This report defines lithofacies encountered within the north‐eastern North Carolina and south‐eastern Virginia Quaternary section, interprets their depositional environments, presents a model for coastal depositional sequence development in a passive margin setting and uses this understanding to develop the stratigraphy and Quaternary evolutionary history of the region. Data were obtained from numerous drill cores and outcrops. Chronology was based on age estimates acquired using optically stimulated luminescence, amino acid racemization, Uranium series and radiocarbon dating techniques. Geomorphic patterns were identified and interpreted using light detection and ranging imagery. Since lithofacies occurrence, distribution and stratigraphic patterns are different on interfluves than in palaeo‐valleys, this study focused on interfluves to obtain a record of highstand sea‐level cycles with minimal alteration by fluvial processes during subsequent lowstands. Nine primary lithofacies and four diagenetic facies were identified in outcrops and cores. The uppermost depositional sequence on interfluves exhibits an upward succession from shelly marine lithofacies to tidal estuarine lithofacies and is bounded below by a marine ravinement surface and above by the modern land surface. Older depositional sequences in the subsurface are typically bounded above and below by marine ravinement surfaces. Portions of seven depositional sequences were recognized and interpreted to represent deposition from late middle Pleistocene to present. Erosional processes associated with each successive depositional sequence removed portions of older depositional sequences. The stratigraphic record of the most recent sea‐level highstands (Marine Isotope Stage 5a and Marine Isotope Stage 3) is best preserved. Glacio‐isostatic adjustment has influenced depositional patterns so that deposits associated with late Quaternary sea‐level highstands (Marine Isotope Stages 5c, 5a and 3), which did not reach as high as present sea‐level according to equatorial eustatic records, are uplifted and emergent within the study area.  相似文献   

The magnitude of sheet flow in a small South Carolina salt marsh was evaluated by comparing the storage curve for the basin based on topographic data with that based on current measurements in the main channel. The results indicate that on spring tides more than 50% of the volume of water that enters the basin enters as sheet flow over the grassy flats of the marsh. The current data also suggest that the actual storage curve may be a hysteresis loop with separate flood and ebb segments.  相似文献   

The Gough Island lavas range from picrite basalt through tosodalite-bearing aegirine-augite trachyte. The basaltic lavasare predominantly nepheline normative alkali basalts, althougha group of hypersthene normative tholeiitic basalts does occur.The oldest lavas on the island, represented by the Lower Basaltseries, are approximately 1?0 m.y. old and the youngest arethe Upper Basalts with an age of {small tilde} 0?13 m.y. Relatively coherent variations are described by the basalticand trachytic lavas with respect to both bulk rock major andtrace element geochemistry and mineral chemistry, and quantitativepetrogenetic modelling suggests that most of the variation canbe attributed to crystal fractionation/accumulation processesacting on a number of geochemically distinct parental magmas.The Upper Basalts and Lower Basalts have (within the limitsof sampling) a relatively restricted composition compared tothe Middle Basalt series lavas, with the latter ranging frompicrite basalt through to trachyandesite. The picrite basaltsand coarsely pyroxene-olivine phyric basalts represent partialcumulates with varying proportions (up to 40 wt. per cent) ofaccumulated olivine and clinopyroxene. In contrast, the moderatelyphyric and aphyric/finely porphyritic lavas represent the productsof crystal fractionation with the most evolved lavas havingexperienced at least 40 per cent fractional crystallizationof clinopyroxene, olivine, plagioclase and minor Fe-Ti oxidesand apatite. The detailed abundance variations in these lavasindicate that a number of parental magma compositions have fractionatedto produce the overall variations in basalt geochemistry, andsome of the magmas have interacted through mixing processes. The trachytic lavas show a large range in trace element abundance,but have only a limited major element variation. Most of thisvariation can be attributed to extensive (up to 70 per cent)fractional crystallization of predominantly alkali feldsparwith minor clinopyroxene, olivine, biotite, titano-magnetiteand apatite. A number of genetically distinct trachytes canbe recognized which are probably not related to each other byany simple fractional crystallization process. The compositionof the least evolved trachytes can be adequately accounted forby relatively extensive (up to 60 per cent) fractionation ofthe more evolved Middle Basalt series lavas. The trace element and isotopic characteristics of primitiveGough Island basalts support the concept that the source region(s)giving rise to these lavas is extremely enriched in highly incompatibleelements relative to primordial or ‘undepleted’mantle of bulk earth composition. It is unlikely that the lavashave sampled undepleted mantle as might be suggested by thesimilarity of the Sr and Nd isotopic ratios to ‘bulk earth’values. Rather, a model is favoured whereby the lavas are derivedfrom previously enriched sub-oceanic mantle which was subsequentlyinvaded and further enriched, at some time prior to partialmelting, by melts or fluids highly enriched in incompatibleelements. The enrichment could have occurred as veining by smalldegree partial melts or by infiltration of metasomatic fluids.  相似文献   

Interbedded, organic-rich terrestrial and marine sediments exposed along the eastern coastal lowland of Vancouver Island contain an almost continuous record of middle Wisconsin vegetation and climate. The record has been interpreted largely from palynostratigraphic studies at three sites and supported by a study of modern pollen spectra from the three major biogeoclimatic zones of the extant vegetation. Radiocarbon dates from a variety of organic materials in the middle Wisconsin beds reveal that the fossil pollen spectra span an interval ranging from approximately 21,000 yr B.P. to more than 51,000 yr B.P. The spectra are divided into eight major pollen zones encompassing the Olympia Interglaciation and early Fraser Glaciation geologicclimate units of the Pacific Northwest. The Olympia Interglaciation extended from before 51,000 yr B.P. to ca. 29,000 yr B.P. and was characterized by a climate similar to present. During the early Fraser Glaciation, from 29,000 years ago to approximately 21,000 yr B.P., climate deteriorated until tundra like conditions prevailed. These pollen sequences are correlative with those of coastal British Columbia and partly with those from Olympic Peninsula, but apparently are not comparable with events in the Puget Lowland.  相似文献   

A 56 cm long core covering ca. 9,000 years was obtained from a small, unnamed lake (78°29.5'N, 4 76°46.8'W) at 295 m elevation, innermost Baird Inlet, Ellesmere Island. The vegetation is high arctic, but locally relatively rich, with areas of Cassiope tetragona–Empetrum–Vaccinium uliginosum heath on the steep slopes above the lake. Cores were taken from the basin centre through ca. 15 m of water. Basal sandy-silt is overlain by 51 cm of laminated silty-gyttja and fine detritus gyttja grading upwards to loose algal gyttja. Three radiocarbon dates indicate rates of sedimentation from 0.07 to 0.04 mm per year. Pollen concentration varies from 1,500 to 2,000 per cm3 in the lower part of the core to 100 to 200 in the upper part; calculated pollen influx is between less than one and 14 grains per cm2 per year. Four local pollen assemblage zones reflect an early pioneer phase (grass-sedge- Oxyria ) in the lowermost organic sediment, followed by the appearance and spread of Salix some 8,000 years ago and then, some 7,000 years ago, by a rise in Ericales. A period of vegetational stability with dwarf-shrub heaths follows, lasting for over 3,000 years. The topmost zone shows some increase in indicators of bare ground and fell-field vegetation ( Saxifraga, Ranunculus, Papaver , Caryophyllaceae, Dryas ) and decline in pollen influx, hence deterioration of local conditions during the last 3,500 to 4,000 years.  相似文献   

Ilha Comprida is a regressive barrier island located in southeastern Brazil that was formed essentially by Quaternary sandy sediments. Ilha Comprida sediments were analyzed to assess heavy mineral indices and grain size variables. The spatial variation of heavy minerals and grain size was interpreted in terms of the present barrier dynamics and the barrier’s evolution since the Middle Holocene. These analyses allowed for the identification of the main factors and processes that control the variation of heavy minerals and grain size on the barrier. Rutile and zircon (RZi) and tourmaline and hornblende (THi) are significantly sensitive to provenance and exhibit the contributions of the Ribeira de Iguape River sediments, which reach the coast next to the northeastern end of Ilha Comprida. In addition to the influence of provenance, TZi responds mainly to hydraulic sorting processes. This agrees with a sediment transport pattern characterized by a divergence of two resultant net alongshore drifts southwest of the barrier. The sediments from the Ribeira de Iguape River reach the barrier directly through the river mouth and indirectly after temporary storage in the inner shelf. The combination of grain size and heavy mineral analyses is a reliable method for determining sediment transport patterns and provenance.  相似文献   

The central part of the Carolina terrane in western South Carolina comprises a 30 to 40 km wide zone of high grade gneisses that are distinct from greenschist facies metavolcanic rocks of the Carolina slate belt (to the SE) and amphibolite facies metavolcanic and metaplutonic rocks of the Charlotte belt (to the NW). This region, termed the Silverstreet domain, is characterized by penetratively deformed felsic gneisses, granitic gneisses, and amphibolites. Mineral assemblages and textures suggest that these rocks formed under high‐pressure metamorphic conditions, ranging from eclogite facies through high‐P granulite to upper amphibolite facies. Mafic rocks occur as amphibolite dykes, as metre‐scale blocks of coarse‐grained garnet‐clinopyroxene amphibolite in felsic gneiss, and as residual boulders in deeply weathered felsic gneiss. Inferred omphacite has been replaced by a vermicular symplectite of sodic plagioclase in diopside, consistent with decompression at moderate to high temperatures and a change from eclogite to granulite facies conditions. All samples have been partially or wholly retrograded to amphibolite assemblages. We infer the following P‐T‐t history: (1) eclogite facies P‐T conditions at ≥ 1.4 GPa, 650–730 °C (2) high‐P granulite facies P‐T conditions at 1.2–1.5 GPa, 700–800 °C (3) retrograde amphibolite facies P‐T conditions at 0.9–1.2 GPa and 720–660 °C. This metamorphic evolution must predate intrusion of the 415 Ma Newberry granite and must postdate formation of the Charlotte belt and Slate belt arcs (620 to 550 Ma). Comparison with other medium temperature eclogites and high pressure granulites suggests that these assemblages are most likely to form during collisional orogenesis. Eclogite and high‐P granulite facies metamorphism in the Silverstreet domain may coincide with a ≈570–535 Ma event documented in the western Charlotte belt or to a late Ordovician‐early Silurian event. The occurrence of these high‐P assemblages within the Carolina terrane implies that, prior to this event, the western Carolina terrane (Charlotte belt) and the eastern Carolina terrane (Carolina Slate belt) formed separate terranes. The collisional event represented by these high‐pressure assemblages implies amalgamation of these formerly separate terranes into a single composite terrane prior to its accretion to Laurentia.  相似文献   

Extremely rapid deposition of fine-grained sediment has been observed near an artificially created channel between the Edisto and Ashepoo Rivers in South Carolina. Accumulation rates on the order of 0.05 m mo−1 formed a region of fluid mud known as the Mud Reach that was present during a study carried out in May 1998. Subsequent surveys in March and May 1999 found no evidence of fluid mud in this area. Image analysis of photographs of the suspended sediment from 1998 showed that the water column was populated by flocs with a median diameter on the order of 0.3 mm which tended to remain in suspension over the tidal cycle, and flocs on the order of 0.8 mm which remained in the near bottom region except at maximum current speeds. In 1999, both the size and concentration of flocs at the surface remained the same, but the size and abundance of flocs near the bottom was reduced. Disaggregated inorganic grain size analysis of the suspension and samples from a core collected in the Mud Reach indicated that in 1998 the accumulation of material on the bottom was the result of floc settling and that in spite of highu s values, little sorting of this material was occurring. Grain size analysis of samples deeper in the core showed that the rapidly floc-deposited mud was underlain by coarser, well-sorted sediment, confirming that the Mud Reach was a transient feature. The observed flocculation processes may play a significant role in the trapping of fine-grained sediment throughout this region.  相似文献   

Surface accumulations of foam and flotsam as well as sharp salinity, density, turbidity gradients and regions of acoustic scatter were characteristic of ebb-tidal fronts in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. Surface convergence velocities at these fronts averaged 0.06 m s?1 into the front at an angle of 30° to 60° with respect to the frontal axis, indicating along-front transport during the ebb. These fronts are tidally-induced, forming on the late flood and ebb along the interfaces of water masses. Horizontal and vertical measurements of density revealed that the upper harbor fronts form along the margin of a freshwater lens produced by riverine input. The hypothesis that these frontal zones have higher densities of phytoplankton and zooplankton than adjacent water masses was tested using chlorophylla measurements and net collections. The fronts did not demonstrate any significant accumulations of phytoplankton or zooplankton during the ebb tide. The results of this study suggest that the physical characteristics of ebb-tidal estuarine fronts in Charleston Harbor are periodic in nature and may indirectly affect plankton transport in this coastal plain estuary.  相似文献   

A hydrogeologic model that has been used by many researchers and consultants to describe an area of South Lake Tahoe, California, USA impacted by MTBE contamination describes a relatively homogeneous unconfined aquifer comprised of poorly sorted glacial outwash deposits, within which water-supply wells are able to exert significant alteration in natural groundwater flow. A re-examination of the area’s hydrogeology is presented, which supports a layered heterogeneous aquifer system constructed of alternating fine and coarser-grained glacio-lacustrine depositional units. This re-evaluation was accomplished through a review of lithologic logs across an area of approximately 1 km2, combined with observations of significant hydraulic head differences and knowledge of the depositional environments controlled by Pleistocene Lake Tahoe high stands. Many of the fine-grained units observed at depths from 6 to 15 m, although relatively thin, are generally continuous and serve as significant barriers to groundwater flow. The vertical migration of contamination across these fine-grained units to deeper groundwaters was facilitated by cross-screened monitoring wells installed as part of site investigation activities. This conclusion highlights the importance of geologic characterization and proper monitoring well construction at contaminated site investigations.
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Michaela NovakEmail:

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