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The planetary dynamics of 4/3, 3/2, 5/2, 3/1 and 4/1 mean motion resonances is studied by using the model of the general three body problem in a rotating frame and by determining families of periodic orbits for each resonance. Both planar and spatial cases are examined. In the spatial problem, families of periodic orbits are obtained after analytical continuation of vertical critical orbits. The linear stability of orbits is also examined. Concerning initial conditions nearby stable periodic orbits, we obtain long-term planetary stability, while unstable orbits are associated with chaotic evolution that destabilizes the planetary system. Stable periodic orbits are of particular importance in planetary dynamics, since they can host real planetary systems. We found stable orbits up to 60° of mutual planetary inclination, but in most families, the stability does not exceed 20°–30°, depending on the planetary mass ratio. Most of these orbits are very eccentric. Stable inclined circular orbits or orbits of low eccentricity were found in the 4/3 and 5/2 resonance, respectively.  相似文献   

Reference periodic orbits are determined accurately for the planets of the solar system, using a restricted problem model with the Sun and Jupiter as the two primaries. The prediction is verified that stability of the planetary orbits should imply stability of those reference orbits that are simple-periodic.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the use of doubly-symmetric, eight-shaped orbits in the circular restricted three-body problem for continuous coverage of the high-latitude regions of the Earth. These orbits, for a range of amplitudes, spend a large fraction of their period above either pole of the Earth. It is shown that they complement Sun-synchronous polar and highly eccentric Molniya orbits, and present a possible alternative to low thrust pole-sitter orbits. Both natural and solar-sail displaced orbits are considered. Continuation methods are described and used to generate families of these orbits. Starting from ballistic orbits, other families are created either by increasing the sail lightness number, varying the period or changing the sail attitude. Some representative orbits are then chosen to demonstrate the visibility of high-latitude regions throughout the year. A stability analysis is also performed, revealing that the orbits are unstable: it is found that for particular orbits, a solar sail can reduce their instability. A preliminary design of a linear quadratic regulator is presented as a solution to stabilize the system by using the solar sail only. Finally, invariant manifolds are exploited to identify orbits that present the opportunity of a ballistic transfer directly from low Earth orbit.  相似文献   

In this paper, distant quasi-periodic orbits around Mercury are studied for future Mercury missions. All of these orbits have relatively large sizes, with their altitudes near or above the Mercury sphere of influence. The research is carried out in the framework of the elliptic restricted three-body problem (ER3BP) to account for the planet’s non-negligible orbital eccentricity. Retrograde and prograde quasi-periodic trajectories in the planar ER3BP are generalized from periodic orbits in the CR3BP by the homotopy algorithm, and the shape evolution of such quasi-periodic trajectories around Mercury is investigated. Numerical simulations are performed to evaluate the stability of these distant orbits in the long term. These two classes of orbits present different characteristics: retrograde orbits can maintain shape stability with a large size, although the trajectories in some regions may oscillate with larger amplitudes; for prograde orbits, the range of existence is much smaller, and their trajectories easily move away from the vicinity of Mercury when the orbits become larger. Distant orbits can be used to explore the space environment in the vicinity of Mercury, and some orbits can be taken as transfer orbits for low-cost Mercury return missions or other programs for their high maneuverability.  相似文献   

Cosmogonical theories as well as recent observations allow us to expect the existence of planets around many stars other than the Sun. On an other hand, double and multiple star systems are established to be more numerous than single stars (such as the Sun), at least in the solar neighborhood. We are then faced to the following dynamical problem: assuming that planets can form in a binary early environment (I do not deal here with), does long-term stability for planetary orbits exist in double star systems.Although preliminary studies were rather pessimistic about the possibility of existence of stable planetary orbits in double or multiple star systems, modern computation have shown that many such stable orbits do exist (but possible chaotic behavior), either around the binary as a whole (P-type) or around one component of the binary (S-type), this latter being explored here.The dynamical model is the elliptic plane restricted three-body problem; the phase space of initial conditions is systematically explored, and limits for stability have been established. Stable S-type planetary orbits are found up to distance of their "sun" of the order of half the periastron distance of the binary; moreover, among these stable orbits, nearly-circular ones exist up to distance of their "sun" of the order of one quarter the periastron distance of the binary; finally, among the nearly-circular stable orbits, several stay inside the "habitable zone", at least for two nearby binaries which components are nearly of solar type.Nevertheless, we know that chaos may destroy this stability after a long time (sometimes several millions years). It is therefore important to compute indicators of chaos for these stable planetary orbits to investigate their actual very long-term stability. Here we give an example of such a computation for more than a billion years.  相似文献   

We explore the periodic orbits and the regions of quasi-periodic motion around both the primaries in the Saturn-Titan system in the framework of planar circular restricted three-body problem. The location, nature and size of periodic and quasi-periodic orbits are studied using the numerical technique of Poincare surface of sections. The maximum amplitude of oscillations about the periodic orbits is determined and is used as a parameter to measure the degree of stability in the phase space for such orbits. It is found that the orbits around Saturn remain around it and their stability increases with the increase in the value of Jacobi constant C. The orbits around Titan move towards it with the increase in C. At C=3.1, the pericenter and apocenter are 358.2 and 358.5 km, respectively. No periodic or quasi-periodic orbits could be found by the present method around the collinear Lagrangian point L 1 (0.9569373834…).  相似文献   

The rectilinear elliptic restricted three-body problem (TBP) is the limiting case of the elliptic restricted TBP when the motion of the primaries is described by a Keplerian ellipse with eccentricity \(e'=1\), but the collision of the primaries is assumed to be a non-singular point. The rectilinear model has been proposed as a starting model for studying the dynamics of motion around highly eccentric binary systems. Broucke (AIAA J 7:1003–1009, 1969) explored the rectilinear problem and obtained isolated periodic orbits for mass parameter \(\mu =0.5\) (equal masses of the primaries). We found that all orbits obtained by Broucke are linearly unstable. We extend Broucke’s computations by using a finer search for symmetric periodic orbits and computing their linear stability. We found a large number of periodic orbits, but only eight of them were found to be linearly stable and are associated with particular mean motion resonances. These stable orbits are used as generating orbits for continuation with respect to \(\mu \) and \(e'<1\). Also, continuation of periodic solutions with respect to the mass of the small body can be applied by using the general TBP. FLI maps of dynamical stability show that stable periodic orbits are surrounded in phase space with regions of regular orbits indicating that systems of very highly eccentric orbits can be found in stable resonant configurations. As an application we present a stability study for the planetary system HD7449.  相似文献   

We study the generation of three-dimensional periodic orbits of the general three-body problem from special generating plane orbits, the vertical-critical orbits. The bifurcation process is examined analytically and geometrically. A method of obtaining numerically continuous sets of vertical-critical orbits is outlined, and applied for the determination of 16 monoparametric sets including all possible types of such orbits corresponding to all possible types of symmetry of the bifurcating three-dimensional orbits. The stability of all bifurcation orbits is assessed. Examples of three-dimensional periodic orbits generated from the bifurcation orbits are given.  相似文献   

A numerical study of asymmetric periodic solutions of the planar general three body problem is presented. The equations of variation are integrated numerically and the algorithms for the numerical determination of families of such periodic orbits are given. These orbits refer to a rotating frame of reference. The linear isoenergetic stability is examined through the stability parameters while the results are given in tables and figures.  相似文献   

A systematic and detailed discussion of planar periodic orbits, of a charged particle moving under the influence of an electromagnetic field of three celestial bodies, is given for the first time. In this problem the periodic orbits are all asymmetric. Numerical procedures are applied to find the families of these orbits and to study their stability. Moreover, the bifurcations of these families with families of three dimensional asymmetric periodic orbits are given.  相似文献   

We consider the bifurcation of 3D periodic orbits from the plane of motion of the primaries in the restricted three-body problem with oblateness. The simplest 3D periodic orbits branch-off at the plane periodic orbits of indifferent vertical stability. We describe briefly suitable numerical techniques and apply them to produce the first few such vertical-critical orbits of the basic families of periodic orbits of the problem, for varying mass parameter and fixed oblateness coefficent A1 = 0.005, as well as for varying A1 and fixed = 1/2. The horizontal stability of these orbits is also determined leading to predictions about the stability of the branching 3D orbits.  相似文献   

Resonant orbits in the vicinity of asteroid 216 Kleopatra   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This investigation examines the resonant orbits in the vicinity of asteroid 216 Kleopatra using a precise gravitational model, with emphasis on their crucial role in determining the global orbital behaviors. Three-dimensional Monte Carlo simulations of test particle trajectories are launched to find the condition and probability distribution of resonance. It is revealed the resonant orbits are rich and concentrated in the near-field regime, which provides a short-term mechanism to clear the vicinal ejecta away from the asteroid. The unstable boundary predicted in our calculations is consistent with the observed mutual orbits of satellites S/2008 (216) 1 and S/2008 (216) 2. The probability distribution of resonance is considered as an indicator of the stability of vicinal orbits, and the results are identical to the previous analysis by Scheeres et al. (Icarus 121:67, 1996) for the stability of retrograde orbits around asteroid 4769 Castalia.  相似文献   

We locate members of an important category of periodic orbits in the Newtonian four-body problem. These systems perform an interplay motion similar to that of the periodic three-body orbit discovered by Schubart. Such orbits, when stable, have been shown to be a key feature and influence on the dynamics of few-body systems. We consider the restricted case where the masses are collinear and are distributed symmetrically about their centre of mass. A family of orbits is generated from the known (three-dimensionally) unstable equal masses case by varying the mass ratio, whilst maintaining the symmetry. The stability of these orbits to perturbation is studied using linear stability analysis, analytical approximation of limiting cases and nonlinear simulation. We answer the natural question: are there any stable periodic orbits of this kind? Three ranges of the mass ratio are found to have stable orbits and three ranges have unstable orbits for three-dimensional motion. The systems closely resemble their three-body counterparts. Here the family of interplay orbits is simpler requiring just one parameter to characterise the mass ratio. Our results provide a further insight into three-body orbits studied previously.  相似文献   

The orbits about Lagrangian equilibrium points are important for scientific investigations. Since, a number of space missions have been completed and some are being proposed by various space agencies. In light of this, we consider a more realistic model in which a disk, with power-law density profile, is rotating around the common center of mass of the system. Then, we analyze the periodic motion in the neighborhood of Lagrangian equilibrium points for the value of mass parameter $0<\mu\leq\frac{1}{2}$ . Periodic orbits of the infinitesimal mass in the vicinity of equilibrium are studied analytically and numerically. In spite of the periodic orbits, we have found some other kind of orbits like hyperbolic, asymptotic etc. The effects of radiation factor as well as oblateness coefficients on the motion of infinitesimal mass in the neighborhood of equilibrium points are also examined. The stability criteria of the orbits is examined with the help of Poincaré surfaces of section (PSS) and found that stability regions depend on the Jacobi constant as well as other parameters.  相似文献   

In the zonal problem of a satellite around the Earth, we continue numerically natural families of periodic orbits with the polar component of the angular momentum as the parameter. We found three families; two of them are made of orbits with linear stability while the third one is made of unstable orbits. Except in a neighborhood of the critical inclination, the stable periodic (or frozen) orbits have very small eccentricities even for large inclinations.  相似文献   

In this paper the existence of families of symmetric periodic orbits in the rectilinear three body problem with the middle mass much larger than the masses on the outside is rigorously established. A number of these families are continued numerically and their stability properties as orbits of the planar general problem of three bodies are studied.  相似文献   

We study the existence, linear stability and bifurcations of what we call the Sitnikov family of straight line periodic orbits in the case of the restricted four-body problem, where the three equal mass primary bodies are rotating on a circle and the fourth (small body) is moving in the direction vertical to the center mass of the other three. In contrast to the restricted three-body Sitnikov problem, where the Sitnikov family has infinitely many stability intervals (hence infinitely many Sitnikov critical orbits), as the “family parameter” ż0 varies within a finite interval (while z 0 tends to infinity), in the four-body problem this family has only one stability interval and only twelve 3-dimensional (3D) families of symmetric periodic orbits exist which bifurcate from twelve corresponding critical Sitnikov periodic orbits. We also calculate the evolution of the characteristic curves of these 3D branch-families and determine their stability. More importantly, we study the phase space dynamics in the vicinity of these orbits in two ways: First, we use the SALI index to investigate the extent of bounded motion of the small particle off the z-axis along its interval of stable Sitnikov orbits, and secondly, through suitably chosen Poincaré maps, we chart the motion near one of the 3D families of plane-symmetric periodic orbits. Our study reveals in both cases a fascinating structure of ordered motion surrounded by “sticky” and chaotic orbits as well as orbits which rapidly escape to infinity.  相似文献   

We study the equilibrium points and the zero-velocity curves of Chermnykh’s problem when the angular velocity ω varies continuously and the value of the mass parameter is fixed. The planar symmetric simple-periodic orbits are determined numerically and they are presented for three values of the parameter ω. The stability of the periodic orbits of all the families is computed. Particularly, we explore the network of the families when the angular velocity has the critical value ω = 2√2 at which the triangular equilibria disappear by coalescing with the collinear equilibrium point L1. The analytic determination of the initial conditions of the family which emanate from the Lagrangian libration point L1 in this case, is given. Non-periodic orbits, as points on a surface of section, providing an outlook of the stability regions, chaotic and escape motions as well as multiple-periodic orbits, are also computed. Non-linear stability zones of the triangular Lagrangian points are computed numerically for the Earth–Moon and Sun–Jupiter mass distribution when the angular velocity varies.  相似文献   

A part of the familyh of retrograde periodic orbits of the restricted problem (μ=0.5) is examined in relation to the families of periodic orbits of the second generation branching from it. Many such families are determined and the significance of the configuration of their characteristics for the determination of the boundary of the stability region around this part ofh is discussed.  相似文献   

Poincaré's continuation method is applied to the elliptic restricted problem for the computation of four families of doubly symmetric three-dimensional periodic orbits emanating from similar orbits corresponding to zero eccentricity. The results are given in four tables and the orbits are characterized in regard to their stability.  相似文献   

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