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Photobleaching of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in rainwater   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Significant photodegradation of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in rainwater was observed after exposure to simulated sunlight. Fluorescence excitation emission spectra (EEMS) of precipitation revealed the presence of four major peaks all of which degraded upon photolysis with the greatest loss in the region characteristic of marine CDOM. Photobleaching of absorbance also occurred in the wavelength region between 250 and 375 nm with the greatest loss of absorbance in the upper end of the UV-A region near 275 nm. There was a strong positive correlation between absorbance loss and total integrated fluorescence loss suggesting these optical properties and the degree to which they are photobleached in rainwater are directly related. The quantum yield of CDOM photodegradation in rainwater decreased dramatically with increasing wavelength and decreasing energy of incoming radiation with the average quantum yield at 325 nm approximately an order of magnitude greater than at 460 nm. The similarity of photolytic response between rainwater and Cape Fear estuarine CDOM indicates that some fraction of the compounds that make up rainwater CDOM may be derived from surface sources and/or that the processes that produce or modify humic-like substances in the atmosphere result in similar types of compounds as non-atmospheric processes.  相似文献   

Significant quenching of fluorescence by Cu in rainwater samples from southeastern North Carolina demonstrates that chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) is an effective ligand for Cu in rainwater. A strong inverse correlation between the decrease in fluorescence upon Cu addition and CDOM abundance suggests the presence of excess binding sites for Cu in high CDOM samples. Electroanalytical studies indicate that CDOM extracted from C18 cartridges formed Cu complexes with concentrations and conditional stability constants similar to ligands found in ambient rainwater. When authentic rainwater samples were photolyzed with simulated sunlight both photoproduction and photodestruction of ligands were observed, suggesting the photochemical response of Cu-complexing ligands in rainwater is the result of two competing reactions. The rate of CDOM photobleaching was directly related to changes in strong ligands (KCuL ∼ 1015) whereas weaker ligands (KCuL < 1013) were not correlated, suggesting the photolabile CDOM resides in the strong ligand class. A photolysis study comparing filtered and unfiltered rainwater samples indicated that Cu-complexing ligands adsorbed onto or otherwise associated with particles are photodegraded much more rapidly than dissolved ligands. Photolysis with UV radiation appears to be most effective at engendering changes in Cu ligands, however a significant photochemical response was also observed when samples were exposed to photosynthetically active radiation with wavelengths greater than 400 nm. Results from this study demonstrate that complexation of Cu by CDOM has important ramifications for controlling both the speciation of the metal and the reactivity of CDOM in rainwater.  相似文献   

The regional climate changes in the arid regions in the south of West Siberia for the period of 1936–2010 are estimated by means of the statistical analysis of the series of climatic parameters and complex hydrothermal indices. Revealed is the close correlation between the above characteristics. The periodicity of variations of some climatic parameters and corresponding indices amounting to 8–12 years on average is revealed using the Welch’s method of spectral analysis.  相似文献   

Williamson  Daniel  Blaker  Adam T.  Hampton  Charlotte  Salter  James 《Climate Dynamics》2015,45(5-6):1299-1324
Climate Dynamics - We describe the method of history matching, a method currently used to help quantify parametric uncertainty in climate models, and argue for its use in identifying and removing...  相似文献   

Precipitation from the Eastern Sierra Nevada watersheds of Owens Lake and Mono Lake is one of the main water sources for Los Angeles’ over 4 million people, and plays a major role in the ecology of Mono Lake and of these watersheds. We use the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) hydrologic model at daily time scale, forced by climate projections from 16 global climate models under greenhouse gas emissions scenarios B1 and A2, to evaluate likely hydrologic responses in these watersheds for 1950–2099. Comparing climate in the latter half of the 20th Century to projections for 2070–2099, we find that all projections indicate continued temperature increases, by 2–5 °C, but differ on precipitation changes, ranging from ?24 % to +56 %. As a result, the fraction of precipitation falling as rain is projected to increase, from a historical 0.19 to a range of 0.26–0.52 (depending on the GCM and emission scenario), leading to earlier timing of the annual hydrograph’s center, by a range of 9–37 days. Snowpack accumulation depends on temperature and even more strongly on precipitation due to the high elevation of these watersheds (reaching 4,000 m), and projected changes for April 1 snow water equivalent range from ?67 % to +9 %. We characterize the watershed’s hydrologic response using variables integrated in space over the entire simulated area and aggregated in time over 30-year periods. We show that from the complex dynamics acting at fine time scales (seasonal and sub-seasonal) simple dynamics emerge at this multi-year time scale. Of particular interest are the dynamic effects of temperature. Warming anticipates hydrograph timing, by raising the fraction of precipitation falling as rain, reducing the volume of snowmelt, and initiating snowmelt earlier. This timing shift results in the depletion of soil moisture in summer, when potential evapotranspiration is highest. Summer evapotranspiration losses are limited by soil moisture availability, and as a result the watershed’s water balance at the annual and longer scales is insensitive to warming. Mean annual runoff changes at base-of-mountain stations are thus strongly determined by precipitation changes.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss how two interpretations of vulnerability in the climate change literature are manifestations of different discourses and framings of the climate change problem. The two differing interpretations, conceptualized here as ‘outcome vulnerability’ and ‘contextual vulnerability’, are linked respectively to a scientific framing and a human-security framing. Each framing prioritizes the production of different types of knowledge, and emphasizes different types of policy responses to climate change. Nevertheless, studies are seldom explicit about the interpretation that they use. We present a diagnostic tool for distinguishing the two interpretations of vulnerability and use this tool to illustrate the practical consequences that interpretations of vulnerability have for climate change policy and responses in Mozambique. We argue that because the two interpretations are rooted in different discourses and differ fundamentally in their conceptualization of the character and causes of vulnerability, they cannot be integrated into one common framework. Instead, it should be recognized that the two interpretations represent complementary approaches to the climate change issue. We point out that the human-security framing of climate change has been far less visible in formal, international scientific and policy debates, and addressing this imbalance would broaden the scope of adaptation policies.  相似文献   

Central Mexico contains a large number of lake basins offering opportunities for climatic reconstruction. The area has, however, also been the focus for human settlement since the time of the earliest occupation of the Americas, as well as being subject to tectonic and volcanic activity. A number of methodological issues arise including the susceptibility of common palaeoecological proxies (pollen, diatoms) to multiple forcing factors and problems of obtaining reliable chronologies. Published lake records indicate that the last 1,500 years have been marked by strong climatic variability, superimposed on continuing high levels of anthropogenic impact. Dry conditions, probably the driest of the Holocene, are recorded over the period 1400 to 800 14C yr BP (ca. AD 700–1200). Climatic change over the last 1,000 years is not well represented, but there are indications of drier conditions corresponding to the ‘Little Ice Age’ of mid- to high latitudes. A range of mechanisms (e.g. solar cycles, ENSO variability) have been proposed to explain climatic variability over the last 1,500 years, but current lake records are inadequate to test these. The developing dendroclimatology for the Mexican highlands and the rich historical archives of the Hispanic period (from AD 1521) offer new opportunities and challenges to palaeolimnologists.  相似文献   

Climate is an important driver of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) dynamics in boreal catchments characterized by networks of streams within forest-wetland landscape mosaics. In this paper, we assess how climate change may affect stream DOC concentrations ([DOC]) and export from boreal forest streams with a multi-model ensemble approach. First, we apply an ensemble of regional climate models (RCMs) to project soil temperatures and stream-flows. These data are then used to drive two biogeochemical models of surface water DOC: (1) The Integrated Catchment model for Carbon (INCA-C), a detailed process-based model of DOC operating at the catchment scale, and (2) The Riparian Integration Model (RIM), a simple dynamic hillslope scale model of stream [DOC]. All RCMs project a consistent increase in temperature and precipitation as well as a shift in spring runoff peaks from May to April. However, they present a considerable range of possible future runoff conditions with an ensemble median increase of 31 % between current and future (2061–2090) conditions. Both biogeochemical models perform well in describing the dynamics of present-day stream [DOC] and fluxes, but disagree in their future projections. Here, we assess possible futures in three boreal catchments representative of forest, mire and mixed landscape elements. INCA-C projects a wider range of stream [DOC] due to its temperature sensitivity, whereas RIM gives consistently larger inter-annual variation and a wider range of exports due to its sensitivity to hydrological variations. The uncertainties associated with modeling complex processes that control future DOC dynamics in boreal and temperate catchments are still the main limitation to our understanding of DOC mechanisms under changing climate conditions. Novel, currently overlooked or unknown drivers may appear that will present new challenges to modelling DOC in the future.  相似文献   

土壤溶解性有机碳测定方法与应用   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
溶解性有机碳是土壤圈中一种非常活跃的化学物质,它对土壤中化学物质的溶解、吸附、解吸、迁移和毒性等行为均有显著的影响。在现代土壤研究中,出现了与溶解性有机碳相关的众多术语,分析方法也各有不同。从溶解性有机碳、水溶性有机碳、活性有机碳、易氧化碳、微生物量碳、可矿化碳不同术语的角度,概述了这类碳分析意义和测定方法,以期对土壤有机质应用研究起到积极作用。  相似文献   

There is growing acknowledgement of the need for both quantitative and qualitative methods to unravel complex human-environment interactions and inform a more advanced move towards global sustainability. Nonetheless, qualitative methods still play an understated role in climate and ocean change research. One important reason for this are continuing tendencies in the natural sciences to value ‘hard’ and value-free quantitative approaches over ‘soft’ and value-laden qualitative approaches. This paper argues that to overcome such methodological reservations, it is necessary to inform not only about the key characteristics of qualitative research but also – and this has received little attention – about the concrete empirical insights that can be gained from qualitative as opposed to quantitative data, despite sharing the same research focus.The environmental literature still lacks relevant examples from fieldwork that explain in detail how exactly decisive information is elicited from specific qualitative datasets, thereby illustrating how qualitative approaches matter. This paper seeks to help fill this gap by demonstrating to sceptical quantitative researchers the necessity and added value of integrating qualitative data in global environmental change research and highlighting impeding factors. This is done by presenting empirical findings about climate and ocean change adaptation in Norwegian coastal fisheries and elucidating how different qualitative interview techniques reveal that fishers who initially state that they do not worry about climate change actually do worry, and vice versa. Self-categorisation theory from social psychology is used to better explain such contradictory statements. Detecting salient but masked climate concern and understanding the reasons behind it are crucial for avoiding misleading conclusions and effectively tailoring adaptation strategies to the requirements of specific audiences.  相似文献   

Role of soil freezing in future boreal climate change   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We introduced a simple scheme of soil freezing in the LMDz3.3 atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) to examine the potential effects of this parameterization on simulated future boreal climate change. In this multi-layer soil scheme, soil heat capacity and conductivity are dependent on soil water content, and a parameterization of the thermal and hydrological effects of water phase changes is included. The impact of these new features is evaluated against observations. By comparing present-day and 2×CO2 AGCM simulations both with and without the parameterization of soil freezing the role of soil freezing in climate change is analysed. Soil freezing does not have significant global impacts, but regional effects on simulated climate and climate change are important. In present-day conditions, hydrological effects due to freezing lead to dryer summers. In 2×CO2 climate, thermal effects due to freeze/thaw cycles are more pronounced and contribute to enhance the expected future overall winter warming. Impact of soil freezing on climate sensitivity is not uniform: the annual mean warming is amplified in North America (+15%) and Central Siberia (+36%) whereas it is reduced in Eastern Siberia (–23%). Nevertheless, all boreal lands undergo a strong attenuation of the warming during summertime. In agreement with some previous studies, these results indicate once more that soil freezing effects are significant on regional boreal climate. But this study also demonstrates its importance on regional boreal climate change and thus the necessity to include soil freezing in regional climate change predictions.
G. KrinnerEmail: Phone: +33-476-824241Fax: +33-476-824201

Regional climate models (RCMs) have been increasingly used for climate change studies at the watershed scale. However, their performance is strongly dependent upon their driving conditions, internal parameterizations and domain configurations. Also, the spatial resolution of RCMs often exceeds the scales of small watersheds. This study developed a two-step downscaling method to generate climate change projections for small watersheds through combining a weighted multi-RCM ensemble and a stochastic weather generator. The ensemble was built on a set of five model performance metrics and generated regional patterns of climate change as monthly shift terms. The stochastic weather generator then incorporated these shift terms into observed climate normals and produced synthetic future weather series at the watershed scale. This method was applied to the Assiniboia area in southern Saskatchewan, Canada. The ensemble led to reduced biases in temperature and precipitation projections through properly emphasizing models with good performance. Projection of precipitation occurrence was particularly improved through introducing a weight-based probability threshold. The ensemble-derived climate change scenario was well reproduced as local daily weather series by the stochastic weather generator. The proposed combination of dynamical downscaling and statistical downscaling can improve the reliability and resolution of future climate projection for small prairie watersheds. It is also an efficient solution to produce alternative series of daily weather conditions that are important inputs for examining watershed responses to climate change and associated uncertainties.  相似文献   

In this paper, the unfeasibility of producing “objective” probabilistic climate change scenarios is discussed. Realizing that the knowledge of “true” probabilities of the different scenarios and temperature changes is unachievable, the objective must be to find the probabilities that are the most consistent with what our state of knowledge and expert judgment are. Therefore, subjective information plays, and should play, a crucial role. A new methodology, based on the Principle of Maximum Entropy, is proposed for constructing probabilistic climate change scenarios when only partial information is available. The objective is to produce relevant information for decision-making according to different agents’ judgment and subjective beliefs. These estimates have desirable properties such as: they are the least biased estimate possible on the available information; maximize the uncertainty (entropy) subject to the partial information that is given; The maximum entropy distribution assigns a positive probability to every event that is not excluded by the given information; no possibility is ignored. The probabilities obtained in this manner are the best predictions possible with the state of knowledge and subjective information that is available. This methodology allows distinguishing between reckless and cautious positions regarding the climate change threat.  相似文献   

基于2005年4~10月盘锦湿地芦苇群落土壤不同土层土壤碱解氮及溶解性有机碳的观测资料,分析了盘锦湿地芦苇群落土壤碱解氮与溶解性有机碳(DOC)的季节动态。结果表明:不同土层碱解氮、溶解性有机碳的季节动态并不相同。0~10 cm土层碱解氮与DOC季节动态相似,6月土壤碱解氮与DOC含量均最高,分别为244.86 mg/kg和13.16 mg/L。8月碱解氮含量最低,为139.18 mg/kg;9月DOC含量最低。10~20 cm土层DOC的季节性动态变化与表土具有相似性,峰值均出现在6月,谷值出现在9月;10~20 cm土层碱解氮最低值出现在6月,与0~10 cm土层不同。20~30 cm土层内,4~7月DOC几乎无变化,8月DOC含量最低,9月增加;4~5月碱解氮波动较大,5月降到102 mg/kg,6月增加到151 mg/kg。研究表明,盘锦湿地芦苇群落土壤微生物活性与凋落物分解对DOC及碱解氮的季节动态有很大的影响,同时温度、降水量及冻融也影响着DOC及碱解氮的季节动态。  相似文献   

India is predicted to be one of the most vulnerable agricultural regions to future climate changes. Here, we examined the sensitivity of winter cropping systems to inter-annual climate variability in a local market and subsistence-based agricultural system in central India, a data-rich validation site, in order to identify the climate parameters to which winter crops – mainly wheat and pulses in this region – might be sensitive in the future. We used satellite time-series data to quantify inter-annual variability in multiple climate parameters and in winter crop cover, agricultural census data to quantify irrigation, and field observations to identify locations for specific crop types. We developed three mixed-effect models (250 m to 1 km scale) to identify correlations between crop cover (wheat and pulses) and twenty-two climate and environmental parameters for 2001-2013. We find that winter daytime mean temperature (November–January) is the most significant factor affecting winter crops, irrespective of crop type, and is negatively associated with winter crop cover. With pronounced winter warming projected in the coming decades, effective adaptation by smallholder farmers in similar landscapes would require additional strategies, such as access to fine-scale temperature forecasts and heat-tolerant winter crop varieties.  相似文献   

The paper presents material on the most important problem of climate control. This paper is a slightly reduced report presented at the International Conference on Problems of Hydrometeorological Safety (Moscow, September 26, 2006) and at the Interdisciplinary Council-Seminar [4, 10]. It is noted there that the proposed method deserves to be considered as a way to resolve the problem of climate warming and an alternative to the Kyoto Protocol and the method proposed by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.  相似文献   

Processing of atmospheric organic matter by California radiation fogs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Considerable effort has been put into characterizing the ionic composition of fogs and clouds over the past twenty-five years. Recently it has become evident that clouds and fogs often contain large concentrations of organic material as well. Here we report findings from a series of studies examining the organic composition of radiation fogs in central California. Organic compounds in these fogs comprise a major fraction of total solute mass, with total organic carbon sometimes reaching levels of several tens of mg/L. This organic matter is comprised of a wide variety of compounds, ranging from low molecular weight organic acids to high molecular weight compounds with molecular masses approaching several hundred to a thousand g/mole. The most abundant individual compounds are typically formic acid, acetic acid, and formaldehyde. High concentrations are also observed of some dicarboxylic acids (e.g., oxalate) and dicarbonyls (e.g., glyoxal and methylglyoxal) and of levoglucosan, an anhydrosugar characteristically emitted by biomass combustion. Many other compounds have been identified in fog water by GC/MS, including long chain n-alkanoic acids, n-alkanes, PAH, and others, although these compounds typically comprise a total of only a few percent of fog TOC. Measurements of fog scavenging of organic and elemental carbon reveal preferential scavenging of organic carbon. Tracking of individual organic compounds utilized as source type markers suggests the fogs differentially scavenge carbonaceous particles from different source types, with more active processing of wood smoke than vehicle exhaust. Observations of high deposition velocities of fog-borne organic carbon, in excess of 1 cm/s, indicate that fogs in the region represent an important mechanism for cleansing the atmosphere of pollution.  相似文献   

Possible changes in temperature extremes and wildfires in the 21st century in the regions of Russia are analyzed using a regional climate model (RCM) with high space-time resolution. The IPCC A2 scenario of greenhouse gas and aerosol concentration increase in the atmosphere is used. It is shown that changes in extreme wildfires appear to be in the 21st century most pronounced relative to changes in moderate and high wildfires. In some areas, along with decreased moderate and high wildfires, a significant increase in extreme wildfires is expected. Further studies should be associated both with RCM development, aimed at improving simulation of the wildfire atmospheric condition, and with enlarging the parameter set for wildfire analysis. Not only seasonal mean, but also monthly mean wildfire conditions should be studied, along with the use of statistical methods of model data interpretation to analyze intraseasonal and interannual variability of wildfire characteristics.  相似文献   

The influence of sunlight and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) on the photochemically mediated cycling of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was investigated in rainwater samples collected in Wilmington, North Carolina USA. Upon exposure to simulated sunlight 14 of 19 authentic rainwater samples exhibited significant decreases in H2O2. The concentration of hydrogen peroxide did not change significantly in organic-free synthetic rainwater spiked with H2O2 in the light or in dark controls suggesting that the loss was not due to direct photolysis or dark mediated reactions. There was a significant correlation between pseudo-first order rate constants of H2O2 decay and initial H2O2 concentrations. There was also a significant correlation between the rate constant and the abundance of DOC suggesting that rainwater organic carbon plays an important role during photolytic decay either via direct reaction or indirectly through production of peroxide reactive species or scavenging of peroxide generating radicals. Several rain samples exhibited an initial increase in H2O2 during the first 2 h of irradiation. These increases were generally small and most likely do not represent a significant input of peroxide in precipitation. The photo-induced destruction of H2O2 is important because it may partly explain the late afternoon decrease of peroxide concentrations observed in earlier field studies and the substantial under saturation (<10%) of this oxidant in rainwater compared with gas phase concentrations.  相似文献   

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