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The evolution of three close binary systems of total mass 20.4M in and after the phase of mode Br mass-transfer in caseA of mass exchange is investigated. In every case a secondary component evolves to interfere with the progress of primary's evolution and the system overflows the outer critical surface before the primary completes its nuclear-burning evolution. This strongly indicates the importance of simultaneous calculation of both components. A summary of evolution of the systems considered in this series of papers up to the stage ofL 2-overflow is given. The observational aspects of the numerical models are also discussed.  相似文献   

We present in this paper the evolutionary characteristics of the systems belonging to two evolution types, designated as 1C2COf and 1Nc2COf, among seven evolution types which were studied in the preceding paper of this series. These two types are most complicated and interesting in the evolutionary behaviour, which consists of repeated detached, semi-detached, and contact phases. We discuss observational aspects of the results. Evolutionary behaviour of the systems are also discussed, compared with the thermal relaxation oscillation model.  相似文献   

The caseA evolution of close binary systems with total mass of 20.4M is investigated by following the evolution of both components simultaneously. The evolution is followed up to the stage at which a system overflows the outer critical surface or evolves into the phase of modeBr mass-transfer. It is found that the evolution of the systems can be classified into six types. The ranges of initial parameters which lead systems to each type of evolution are shown on the initial-parameter plane. The evolutionary features of each evolution type are described in detail.  相似文献   

Matija ?uk  David Nesvorný 《Icarus》2010,207(2):732-743
About 15% of both near-Earth and main-belt asteroids with diameters below 10 km are now known to be binary. These small asteroid binaries are relatively uniform and typically contain a fast-spinning, flattened primary and a synchronously rotating, elongated secondary that is 20-40% as large (in diameter) as the primary. The principal formation mechanism for these binaries is now thought to be YORP (Yarkovsky-O’Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack) effect induced spin-up of the primary followed by mass loss and accretion of the secondary from the released material. It has previously been suggested (?uk, M. [2007]. Astrophys. J. 659, L57-L60) that the present population of small binary asteroids is in a steady state between production through YORP and destruction through binary YORP (BYORP), which should increase or decrease secondary’s orbit, depending on the satellite’s shape. However, BYORP-driven evolution has not been directly modeled until now. Here we construct a simple numerical model of the binary’s orbital as well the secondary’s rotational dynamics which includes BYORP and selected terms representing main solar perturbations. We find that many secondaries should be vulnerable to chaotic rotation even for relatively low-eccentricity mutual orbits. We also find that the precession of the mutual orbit for typical small binary asteroids might be dominated by the perturbations from the prolate and librating secondary, rather than the oblate primary. When we evolve the mutual orbit by BYORP we find that the indirect effects on the binary’s eccentricity (through the coupling between the orbit and the secondary’s spin) dominate over direct ones caused by the BYORP acceleration. In particular, outward evolution causes eccentricity to increase and eventually triggers chaotic rotation of the secondary. We conclude that the most likely outcome will be reestablishing of the synchronous lock with a “flipped” secondary which would then evolve back in. For inward evolution we find an initial decrease of eccentricity and secondary’s librations, to be followed by later increase. We think that it is likely that various forms of dissipation we did not model may damp the secondary’s librations close to the primary, allowing for further inward evolution and a possible merger. We conclude that a merger or a tidal disruption of the secondary are the most likely outcomes of the BYORP evolution. Dissociation into heliocentric pairs by BYORP alone should be very difficult, and satellite loss might be restricted to the minority of systems containing more than one satellite at the time.  相似文献   

The evolution of massive stars is investigated in the phases of hydrogen and helium burning, taking into account the mass-loss due to light pressure in optically thick media. The evolution in the stage of hydrogen burning near the Main Sequence occurs without mass loss. The large inverse density gradient appears in the outer layers of a 30 M star after it goes into the domain of red super-giants in the helium-burning stage. This effect appears as a consequence of an excess of luminosity of the star the ciritical one in sufficiently extensive outer layer, where convection is not so effective. In this way, the conditions for outflow of matter are formed. The sequence of selfconsistent models is constructed, with the core in hydrostatic equilibrium and hydrodynamically outflowing envelope. The amount of mass loss is not a given parameter, but it is found during the calculations as a characteristic number of the problem. The amount of mass loss is very high, of the order of 0.5M yr, the velocity of the flow is 20 km s–1. The star loses about 7.2M during 15 yr. The amount of mass loss must rapidly decrease or finish altogether when matter near the hydrogen-burning layer begins to flow out, and a transformation of stellar structure must occur.The evolution of a 9M star is calculated. The density in the envelope of this star is sufficiently large and the outer convective zone, which develops on the red giant stage, prevents the outflow of matter. The intensive mass outflow from such star can take place at the carbon burning, or heavier element burning stages. The formation of infrared stars and Wolf-Rayet stars can be possibly explained by such a mechanism of mass loss, so that the infrared stage must precede the Wolf-Rayet stage.  相似文献   

The time sequence of 105 spectra covering one full orbital period of AA Dor has been analysed. Direct determination of   V  sin  i   for the sdOB component from 97 spectra outside of the eclipse for the lines Mg  ii 4481 Å and Si  iv 4089 Å clearly indicated a substantially smaller value than estimated before. Detailed modelling of line-profile variations for eight spectra during the eclipse for the Mg  ii 4481 Å line, combined with the out-of-eclipse fits, gave   V  sin  i = 31.8 ± 1.8 km s−1  . The previous determinations of   V  sin  i   , based on the He  ii 4686 Å line, appear to be invalid because of the large natural broadening of the line. With the assumption of the solid-body, synchronous rotation of the sdOB primary, the measured values of the semi-amplitude K 1 and   V  sin  i   lead to the mass ratio   q = 0.213 ± 0.013  which in turn gives K 2 and thus the masses and radii of both components. The sdOB component appears to be less massive than assumed before,   M 1= 0.25 ± 0.05 M  , but the secondary has its mass–radius parameters close to theoretically predicted for a brown dwarf,   M 2= 0.054 ± 0.010 M  and   R 2= 0.089 ± 0.005 R  . Our results do not agree with the recent determination of Vŭcković et al. based on a K 2 estimate from line-profile asymmetries.  相似文献   

We derive a simple analytical solution for the evolution of a close binary with nuclear time-scale driven mass transfer from a giant. This solution is based on the well-known fact that the luminosity and the radius of a giant scale to a good approximation as simple power laws of the mass M c of the degenerate helium core. Comparison with results of numerical calculations by Webbink, Rappaport & Savonije show the analytical solution and the power-law approximation to be quite accurate. The analytical solution presented does also allow (in parametrized form) for non-conservative mass transfer. Furthermore, it is shown that the near constancy of the mass-transfer rate over most of the mass-transfer phase seen in the results by Webbink, Rappaport & Savonije is not a generic feature of this type of evolution but rather a consequence of a particular choice of parameters. The analytical solution also demonstrates that the level of mass transfer is largely set by the core mass of the giant at the onset of mass transfer. Finally, we show that the model is self-consistent and discuss its applicability to low-mass X-ray binaries.  相似文献   

A total 91 binary systems of systemic mass less than 6.5M have been studied. It is found that binary systems obey the relation: logH=C–1.8 logM whereC is constant having values –1.18, –2.12 and –2.27 respectively for detached, semi-detached and contact binary systems. It is inferred that during evolution, the systemic orbital angular momentum decreases.  相似文献   

Stochastic fluctuations were superimposed on the rate of mass loss as determined according to the radiation-pressure stellar-wind theory to evaluate the effects on the evolution of a 60-solar masses star.If the variations in the rate are of the order of those observed, there are no significant modifications of the stellar parameters, and the agreement between theory and observations cannot be improved taking into account stochastic fluctuations.  相似文献   

Evolution of massive stars losing mass with the rateM H L/V C is computed (for =1,2,7). It is shown that observed mass loss rates correspond to 0.3 and, therefore, mass loss by stellar wind cannot play any significant role in the evolution of normal massive stars. However, for several types of massive stars (WR, OH/IR, X-ray sources) enhanced mass loss explains their peculiar features. Computations of evolutionary sequences of massive stars with convective overshooting taken into account (as a formal increase of the convective core) show that a significant broadening of the hydrogen-burning band in the H-R diagram may be obtained.  相似文献   

By use of the fluctuation theory the mass of the massive stars can be calculated from the ‘observed’ luminosity, effective temperature and mass-loss rate. These masses differ from those obtained by fits to the ‘conventional’ evolution-tracks and they are used to construct alternative evolution-tracks.  相似文献   

A new method is presented to precisely deduce the orbital eccentricity of an eclipsing binary from observed epochs of its light minima. Application to the system V526 Sagittarii givese=0.2220±0.0016.  相似文献   

We present a simple, novel method for determining the orbital parameters of binary pulsars. This method works with any sort of orbital sampling, no matter how sparse, provided that information on the period derivatives is available with each measurement of the rotational period of the pulsar, and it is applicable to binary systems with nearly circular orbits. We use the technique to estimate precisely the hitherto unknown orbital parameters of two binary millisecond pulsars in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae, 47 Tuc S and T. The method can also be used more generally to make first-order estimates of the orbital parameters of binary systems using a minimal number of data.  相似文献   

We report the results of a spectroscopic and polarimetric study of the massive, hydrogen-rich WN6h stars R144 (HD 38282 = BAT99-118 = Brey 89) and R145 (HDE 269928 = BAT99-119 = Brey 90) in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Both stars have been suspected to be binaries by previous studies (R144: Schnurr et al.; R145: Moffat). We have combined radial-velocity (RV) data from these two studies with previously unpublished polarimetric data. For R145, we were able to establish, for the first time, an orbital period of 158.8 d, along with the full set of orbital parameters, including the inclination angle i , which was found to be   i = 38°± 9°  . By applying a modified version of the shift-and-add method developed by Demers et al., we were able to isolate the spectral signature of the very faint line companion star. With the RV amplitudes of both components in R145, we were thus able to estimate their absolute masses. We find minimum masses   M WRsin3 i = 116 ± 33 M  and   M Osin3 i = 48 ± 20 M  for the WR and the O component, respectively. Thus, if the low-inclination angle were correct, resulting absolute masses of the components would be at least 300 and  125 M  , respectively. However, such high masses are not supported by brightness considerations when R145 is compared to systems with known very high masses such as NGC 3603-A1 or WR20a. An inclination angle close to  90°  would remedy the situation, but is excluded by the currently available data. More and better data are thus required to firmly establish the nature of this puzzling, yet potentially very massive and important system. As to R144, however, the combined data sets are not sufficient to find any periodicity.  相似文献   

We present a simple method for determination of the orbital parameters of binary pulsars, using data on the pulsar period at multiple observing epochs. This method uses the circular nature of the velocity space orbit of Keplerian motion and produces preliminary values based on two one-dimensional searches. Preliminary orbital parameter values are then refined using a computationally efficient linear least-squares fit. This method works for random and sparse sampling of the binary orbit. We demonstrate the technique on (i) the highly eccentric binary pulsar PSR J0514−4002 (the first known pulsar in the globular cluster NGC 1851) and (ii) 47 Tuc T, a binary pulsar with a nearly circular orbit.  相似文献   

Using Eggleton's stellar evolution code, we carry out 150 runs of Population I binary evolution calculations with the initial primary mass between 1 and 8 M, the initial mass ratio     between 1.1 and 4, and the onset of Roche lobe overflow (RLOF) at an early, middle or late Hertzsprung-gap stage. We assume that RLOF is conservative in the calculations, and find that the remnant mass of the primary may change by more than 40 per cent over the range of initial mass ratio or orbital period, for a given primary mass. This is contrary to the often-held belief that the remnant mass depends only on the progenitor mass if mass transfer begins in the Hertzsprung gap. We fit a formula, with an error less than 3.6 per cent, for the remnant (white dwarf) mass as a function of the initial mass M 1i of the primary, the initial mass ratio q i and the radius of the primary at the onset of RLOF. We also find that a carbon–oxygen white dwarf with mass as low as 0.33 M may be formed if the initial mass of the primary is around 2.5 M.  相似文献   

Nucleosynthetic yields and production rates of helium and heavy elements are derived using new initial mass functions which take into account the recent revisions in O star counts and the stellar models of Maeder (1981a, b) which incorporate the effects of massloss on evolution. The current production rates are significantly higher than the earlier results due to Chiosi & Caimmi (1979) and Chiosi (1979), and a near-uniform birthrate operating over the history of the galactic disc explains the currently observed abundances. However, the yields are incompatibly high, and to obtain agreement it is necessary to assume that stars above a certain mass do not explode but proceed to total collapse. Further confirmation of this idea comes from the consideration of the specific yields and production rates of oxygen, carbon and iron and the constraints imposed by the observational enrichment history in the disc as discussed by Twarog & Wheeler (1982). Substantial amounts of4He and14C, amongst the primary synthesis species, are contributed by the intermediate mass stars in their wind phases. If substantial numbers of them exploded as Type I SN, their contribution to the yields of12C and56Fe would be far in excess of the requirements of galactic nucleosynthesis. Either efficient massloss precludes such catastrophic ends for these stars, or the current stellar models are sufficiently in error to leave room for substantial revisions in the specific yields. The proposed upward revision of the12C (α,γ)16O rate may produce the necessary changes in stellar yields to provide a solution to this problem. Stars that produce most of the metals in the Galaxy are the same ones that contribute most to the observed supernova rate.  相似文献   

Since many or most galaxies have central massive black holes (BHs), mergers of galaxies can form massive binary black holes (BBHs). In this paper we study the evolution of massive BBHs in realistic galaxy models, using a generalization of techniques used to study tidal disruption rates around massive BHs. The evolution of BBHs depends on BH mass ratio and host galaxy type. BBHs with very low mass ratios (say, ≲0.001) are hardly ever formed by mergers of galaxies, because the dynamical friction time-scale is too long for the smaller BH to sink into the galactic centre within a Hubble time. BBHs with moderate mass ratios are most likely to form and survive in spherical or nearly spherical galaxies and in high-luminosity or high-dispersion galaxies; they are most likely to have merged in low-dispersion galaxies (line-of-sight velocity dispersion ≲90 km s−1) or in highly flattened or triaxial galaxies.
The semimajor axes and orbital periods of surviving BBHs are generally in the range  10-3–10 pc  and  10–105 yr;  they are also larger in high-dispersion galaxies than in low-dispersion galaxies, larger in nearly spherical galaxies than in highly flattened or triaxial galaxies, and larger for BBHs with equal masses than for BBHs with unequal masses. The orbital velocities of surviving BBHs are generally in the range  102–104 km s-1  . The methods of detecting surviving BBHs are also discussed.
If no evidence of BBHs is found in AGNs, this may be either because gas plays a major role in BBH orbital decay or because nuclear activity switches on soon after a galaxy merger, and ends before the smaller BH has had time to spiral to the centre of the galaxy.  相似文献   

The effects of formation of a binary black hole in a dense star cluster are found to have significant effects on the dynamics of the cluster. Tidal destruction of stars captured into bound orbits during the formation of the black hole binary provide a sizeable source of very high temperature thermal radiation as well as a source of radially outward moving clouds of gas. The efficiency of subsequently accreted matter onto the binary components as an energy source is investigated and suggestive evolutionary models of the dynamics of the binary system are presented. Lifetimes of the system are shown to be compatible with contemporary estimates. It is suggested that the high-density cluster core provides a suitable environment for the operation of a number of models for the core of active galactic nuclei.  相似文献   

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