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万响 《天文学报》2006,47(3):268-274
研究和比较了熊大闰的非局部对流和局部对流太阳包层模型的本征振动频率,观测与理论振动频率之间的差别小于1%.它们分为两个分立的群:对l≥60的模,其观测与理论本征振动频率的差完全分布在一条狭窄的倾斜带状区域之内,这说明理论太阳对流区模型大致反映了太阳在r=(0.70-0.95)R⊙这一区域的真实结构,理论与观测频率误差来自外层区域;对于l<60的模,理论的振动频率要比观测的振动频率小,这意味着在对流不稳定区上部的区域温度偏低.另一方面局部对流包层模型的频率差比非局部对流包层模型的频率差更为弥散,中低频端(v<3000)两者差别不大;而在高频端(v≥3000)局部对流包层模型的频率比非局部的频率要高,这意味着局部对流模型在对流区之下的辐射区的温度比非局部对流模型温度要高,非局部对流模型比局部对流模型更接近观测.  相似文献   

对于足点被日面边缘遮挡住的耀斑的观测研究是诊断日冕硬X射线辐射的一个重要方法.通过统计分析RHESSI (Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager)卫星观测到的71个此类耀斑硬X射线源发现,前人提出的两类源,即日冕X射线辐射中热辐射与非热辐射源区空间分离较小的源和分离较大的源,在能谱、成像、光变曲线以及GOES持续时间等方面都没有显著的区别,其中辐射区的面积、耀斑总热能以及GOES持续时间与分离距离之间有很好的相关性.这些结果支持近年来提出的一些耀斑统一模型.同时也表明Masuda耀斑只是一类非常特殊的事件,不具有日冕硬X射线辐射的一般特征.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionThesolaractivecycleisusuallydescribedwiththerelativesunspotnumbers.Analysesofhis toricaldataontherelativesunspotnumbershaverevealedawealthofinformationaboutthesolaractivecycle (HongQinfang 1 990 ,1 994;ZhongShuhua 1 991 ,1 995 ) .Theso called 1 1 yearpe rio…  相似文献   

太阳总辐照在23和24太阳活动周的显著周期分别为35 d和26 d,进而推断太阳的准旋转周期在23和24太阳活动周也分别为35 d和26 d.太阳总辐照在24周极小期的值可能与蒙德极小期的值相近.在一个太阳旋转周到几个月的时间尺度上,太阳黑子是引起太阳总辐照变化的主要原因,但不是唯一的原因;在几天到一个太阳旋转周的时间尺度上,太阳总辐照的变化与MgⅡ特征指数是不相关的.  相似文献   

Sympathetic coronal mass ejections (CMEs) usually occur in different active regions connected by interconnecting magnetic loops, while homologous CMEs occur within the same active region with an almost the same background magnetic field, and so are similar in shapes. Two sympathetic CMEs erupted within 3 hours on 2002 May 22, originating from the same active region, AR 9948. Their multi-wavelength data were collected and analyzed. It is suggested that emerging flux triggered the occurrence of the first CME and the corresponding flare, the reconnection inflow of which in turn triggered the eruption of the second CME. Based on the fact that the two sympathetic CMEs have many similarities, in their shapes, their low-lying dimming areas, etc., we tentatively propose, for the first time, the phenomenon of sympathetic homologous CMEs.  相似文献   

1 ObservationsandDataProcessing1 1 RadioObservationsAparticularradiomicroflarewasobservedduring 0 6 4 5~ 0 72 0UTonJanuary 5 ,1 994bytheYunnanObservatoryhightimeresolutionsolarradiotelescope .Itoccurredat 1 42GHzdur ingasmall4S/Ftypeburst.Theobservationwasalsomadebyth…  相似文献   

Observational studies on solar ?ares with footpoints partially occulted by the solar limb provide an important method for diagnostics of coronal hard X-ray emissions. The statistics of hard X-ray sources in 71 such ?ares observed by RHESSI (Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager) show that the two kinds of hard X-ray sources proposed in previous studies (i.e., the sources with respectively a smaller and larger spatial separations between the thermal and non-thermal sources of coronal hard X-ray emissions) have no evident difference in the aspects of their photon spectra, images, light curves, GOES durations, etc. The area of the radiation region, the ?are's total thermal energy and GOES duration are well correlated with the distance of separation. These results support some uni?ed models of solar ?ares proposed in recent years, and indicate that the Masuda ?are is only a kind of special event, which does not possess the general features of coronal hard X-ray emissions  相似文献   

太阳耀斑伽玛射线能谱是加速粒子与太阳大气介质原子碰撞的结果,它是研究太阳耀斑中加速粒子和高能电子最为直接的手段.通过分析伽玛射线能谱,可以获得耀斑过程中加速粒子的成分、能谱、角分布及太阳大气元素丰度等重要信息.TALYS程序是一套模拟核反应的软件,对核反应过程中的所有信息均能完整地描述.利用TALYS计算得到了完整的太阳耀斑伽玛射线的核反应截面数据,开发了一套新的耀斑伽玛射线谱计算程序.详细介绍了耀斑伽玛射线计算的理论模型,并简单探讨了耀斑伽玛射线的特性,为未来的耀斑伽玛射线能谱分析奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   

Solar gamma-ray lines, produced from nuclear reactions of accelerated particles interacting with the solar atmospheric medium, are the most direct diagnosis for the acceleration and transportation of energetic electrons and ions in solar flares. Much information about composition, spectrum, and angular distribution of the accelerated ions, as well as the elemental abundances of the ambient solar atmosphere can be derived from solar gamma-ray line spectra. A new gamma-ray calculation program has been developed by using an efficient nuclear code − TALYS. The theory of gamma-ray production in solar flares is treated in detail. The characteristics of gamma-ray spectrum are also presented.  相似文献   

利用色球Hα、TRACE/WL、SOHO/EITEuV单色像观测资料及SOHO/MDI光球磁场观测资料,对2003年10月22日太阳活动区AR0484内发生的日浪事件进行了研究.发现:(1)在Ha线心观测上,日浪包含有亮、暗2个分量,这2个分量先后出现而且并不共空间.日浪的亮分量与UV和EUV波段上观测到的喷发具有较好的同时性和共空间性.(2)日浪喷发物质沿着EUV环运动。(3)在光球层,日浪足根处的黑子和磁场有明显的变化.这些观测结果支持日浪的磁重联模型。  相似文献   

The Solar Magnetism and Activity Telescope (SMAT) has been operational at Huairou Solar Observing Station since the end of 2005. Its scientific projects are the observational study of full-disc vector magnetic field and Hα chromospheric activities. In this paper, the Fourier low-frequency passing filter and the large-scale polynomials fit methods have been employed to analyse and remove the non-uniform pattern (NUP) in the full-disc Stokes V image. These methods are useful to effectively improve the quality of SMAT's data. The following main results have been obtained. (1) An intrinsic large-scale spatial distribution of NUP appears in SMAT's full-disc Stokes V image and its average amplitude accounts for 2 per cent of sunspots' field of kG. (2) NUP is testified as instrumental polarization through data reduction and observational explanation (passband shift). There are pseudo-passband shift in the wide field of view of SMAT due to NUP, and the maximum shifting value from the solar disc centre to the solar disc limb is 0.12 Å. (3) As an example, after removing SMAT's NUP in the Stokes V image, the correlation coefficients of the magnetograms become 78 per cent between SMAT and MDI (Michelson Doppler Imager project) on the SOHO ( Solar and Heliospheric Observatory ) satellite, and 92 per cent between SMAT and the SMFT (Solar Magnetic Field Telescope) at Huairou.  相似文献   

利用Wilcox天文台1975年到2010年间的太阳磁场数据,分析了太阳平均磁场在太阳活动极大和极小时期的短时周期性.结果显示太阳磁场主要具有9 d、13.5 d、27 d左右的周期.在太阳活动极大时期,27 d左右周期最为显著,而在太阳活动极小时期最显著的周期为13.5 d左右(1984~1986年间的太阳活动极小时期除外).这些结果说明太阳的活动区域在活动极大和极小时期具有明显不同的分布.  相似文献   

The solar flares, the speeds of shocks propagated in the solar-terrestrial space and driven by coronal mass ejections (CMEs), the heliographic longitudes and Carrington longitudes of source regions, and the geomagnetic storms, which are accompanied by the super solar proton events with a peak ?ux equal to or exceeding 10 000 pfu, have been studied by using the data of ground-based and space observations. The results show that the heliographic longitudes of source regions of super solar proton events distributed in the range from E30? to W75°. The Carrington longitudes of source regions of super solar proton events distributed in the two longitudinal belts, 130°∼220° and 260°∼320°, respectively. All super solar proton events were accompanied by major solar flares and fast CMEs. The averaged speeds of shocks propagated from the sun to the Earth were greater than 1 200 km/s. Eight super solar proton events were followed by major geomagnetic storms (Dst≤−100 nT), except that one super solar proton event was followed by a geomagnetic storm with the geomagnetic activity index Dst=−96 nT, a little smaller than that of major geomagnetic storms.  相似文献   

Observations of the solar full-disk were carried out by the Atmo- spheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) with the Fe IX 171 Å line on 16th October 2010. The obtained high-quality data permit us to elaborate on the coronal loop oscillations. It is found that a major flare of GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) class M2.9 occurred in the active region NOAA 1112 during this period, which triggered a number of coronal loops on the solar surface to oscillate. Among them, there are two coronal loops exhibiting oscillations with different physical features. The oscillation of the coronal loop located at W492/S170 is a simple harmonic oscillation with a period of 385s, which abides by the oscillating equation of x = 2.2 sin[2π/385(t–768)], while the other located at W559/S142 is a damping oscillation with a period of 449s, and the oscillating equation is expressed by x = 24.8e - 2π/343 t sin[2π/449(t–1128)], where t is the observational time in units of second.  相似文献   

The significant periods of total solar irradiance are 35 d and 26 d in the 23rd and 24th solar activity cycles, respectively. It is inferred that the solar quasi-rotation periods are also 35 d and 26 d in the 23rd and 24th solar activity cycles, respectively. The value of total solar irradiance around the 24th solar activity minimum may be close to the value of Maunder minimum. On the timescales from one solar rotation period to several months, sunspots are the main reason to cause the variation of total solar irradiance, but not the unique one, and the variation of total solar irradiance are not correlated with the Mg II index on the timescales from a few days to one solar rotation period.  相似文献   

By using the solar magnetic ?eld data of Wilcox Observatory from 1975 to 2010, the short-time periodicities of solar mean magnetic ?elds during solar maximum and minimum years are analyzed. The results reveal that the solar magnetic ?elds mainly exhibit the approximate periods of 9 d, 13 d, and 27 d. During maximal solar activity the period about 27 d is most conspicuous, while during minimal solar activity the most evident period is approximately 13.5 d (except the solar minimum in the years 1984-1986). These results imply that solar active regions exhibit evidently different distributions in the periods of maxima and minima of solar activity.  相似文献   

运用统计方法系统研究了1978-2002年太阳光球磁通量南北不对称性变化特征,发现其与太阳活动周有关.不对称值在太阳活动极小年要明显高于太阳活动极大年,并且磁通量变化总是由上升段的北半球占优逐渐过渡到下降段的南半球占优.另外运用小波变换方法详细讨论了这种不对称性变化可能存在的周期信息.  相似文献   

The X1- and X2- or higher class ?ares in solar cycles 21, 22, and 23 from 1986 to 2008 have been analyzed statistically in this paper. It is found in the statistical study that the number of the X1-class ?ares accounted for 52.71% of total X- and higher class ?ares, while, the number of the X2- and higher class ?ares accounted for 47.29% of total X- and higher class ?ares. No matter whether the X1- and X2- or higher class ?ares, most of them occured in the descending phases of the solar cycles. Moreover, the weaker the intensity of the solar cycle, the higher the ratio of the ?ares occurred in the descending phase of the solar cycle, and the stronger the intensity of solar ?ares, the higher the ratio of the ?ares occurred in the descending phases of the solar cycles. In addition, the phase difference between the peak of the smoothed monthly mean number of sunspots and that of the X-class ?ares has been calculated, which shows that the smoothed monthly mean number of the X1-class ?ares had a very noticeable time advance of 1 month with respect to that of sunspots in the cycles 21 and 22, but there was a time lag of 13 months in the cycle 23, while, for the X2- and higher class ?ares, there was a time lag of 9 months in the cycle 21, but a one-month time advance existed in the cycle 22, and again a time lag of 32 months appeared in the cycle 23.  相似文献   

Observations indicated that solar coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are closely asociated with reconnection-favored new flux emergence. By means of numerial simulations, a physical model of the emerging flux trigger mechanism for CMEs is proposed and explained well the observational results. Based upon this model, leaving the gravity and heat conduction out of consideration, the theoretical results of 2.5 dimensional numerical simulations indicate that whether a CME can be triggered depends on both the amount and the location of an emerging flux, besides its polarity orientation. Furthermore, the eruption and non-eruption regimes are presented in parameter space. By use of 15 filament eruption events in 2002 and 2003 and 44 non-eruption events in 2002, the results of a statistical study on the properties of emerging flux including its polarity orientation, its location and the amount of flux show that not all the emerging flux can make a filament to lose equilibrium and trigger the onset of a CME, The statistic results basically support the theoretical results of numerical simulations. This research provides useful information for the space weather forecast.  相似文献   

林元章 《天文学进展》2000,18(4):301-311
系统阐述了太阳中微子“亏缺”问题出现的背景,包括介绍标准太阳模型,太阳内部的相聚变反应,太阳中微子能谱和流量的理论估算,以及太阳中微子探测实验和结果。讨论了为解释太阳中微子“亏缺”而提出的各种非标准太阳模型以及近年来愈益受到重视的中微子振动问题。  相似文献   

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