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Slake durability is an important geotechnical parameter and is a measure of degradability of rocks due to the process of mechanical and chemical breakdown. It is closely related to the mineralogical composition and the texture of the rocks. In this paper, mineralogical examination along with slake durability tests under variable pH conditions, both in acidic and alkaline environments, on the limestone, shale and siltsone were evaluated to understand the relationship between mineralogy and the degradability of rocks. The study revealed that rocks rich in calcium carbonate and or magnesium carbonate are adversely affected in the acidic environment, whereas, the rocks rich in quartz, feldspar and muscovite are independent of the pH of the slaking fluid, which in turn, is more influenced by the texture of the constituent minerals. It has also been observed that fine grained rocks are more susceptible to degrade in comparison to the coarse grained rocks.  相似文献   

Effect of the various concentrations of NaCl and CaCl2 on the four different soil-bentonite mixtures has been evaluated. The results show that the liquid limit of the mixtures decreases with an increase in the salt concentration. Liquid limit decreased significantly with an increase in CaCl2 concentration from 0 to 0.1 N. However, a further increase in the concentration did not produce any significant decrease in liquid limit. A quite opposite trend was observed for the NaCl solution. An increase in NaCl concentration from 0 to 0.1 N did not produce any major decrease in the liquid limit, but a further increase in concentration from 0.1 to 1 N decreased the liquid limit significantly. Consolidation tests were carried out on the mixtures to evaluate the effect of mineralogical composition of the bentonite on the hydraulic conductivity (k) of the mixture in the presence of various salts concentrations. The k for any mixtures was found to be decreasing with decrease in the salt concentration. At relatively low concentration, Ca2+ had more effect on the k in comparison to the same concentration of Na+. However, at 1 N of NaCl and CaCl2 almost an equal value of k was observed. A comparison of the performance of four bentonites showed that the mixture with bentonite having highest exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) exhibited the lowest k when permeated with de-ionized (DI) water, however, k increased with an increase in the salt concentration. Similarly, mixture with a bentonite of lower ESP exhibited a higher k with DI water but with the increase in the salt concentration alteration in the k, compared to all other mixtures, was relatively less.  相似文献   

A hydrodynamic threshold between Darcian and non-Darcian flow conditions was found to occur in cubes of Key Largo Limestone from Florida, USA (one cube measuring 0.2 m on each side, the other 0.3 m) at an effective porosity of 33% and a hydraulic conductivity of 10 m/day. Below these values, flow was laminar and could be described as Darcian. Above these values, hydraulic conductivity increased greatly and flow was non-laminar. Reynolds numbers (Re) for these experiments ranged from <0.1 to 7. Non-laminar flow conditions observed in the hydraulic conductivity tests were observed at Re close to 1. Hydraulic conductivity was measured on all three axes in a permeameter designed specifically for samples of these sizes. Positive identification of vertical and horizontal axes as well as 100% recovery for each sample was achieved. Total porosity was determined by a drying and weighing method, while effective porosity was determined by a submersion method. Bulk density, total porosity and effective porosity of the Key Largo Limestone cubes averaged 1.5 g/cm3, 40 and 30%, respectively. Two regions of anisotropy were observed, one close to the ground surface, where vertical flow dominated, and the other associated with a dense-laminar layer, below which horizontal flow dominated.  相似文献   

郝立波  马力  赵海滨 《地球化学》2004,33(2):131-138
对大兴安岭北部区域性中生代火山岩和残积土壤化学成分的研究结果表明,岩石风化成土过程中元素存在明显的均一化作用.元素含量高的岩石风化形成的土壤中元素含量相对降低,反之则相对增高,导致残积土壤中元素含量差异明显小于基岩.不同元素的均一化能力不同,在主元素中,Al2O3和SiO2的均一化能力相对较弱,微量元素的均一化能力普遍较强.元素的均一化能力受元素晶体化学性质、元素存在形式、矿物抗风化能力、气候、水动力条件及生物等因素影响.  相似文献   

龚壁卫  周丹蕊  魏小胜 《岩土力学》2016,37(Z2):323-328
膨胀土是一种高塑性、强亲水的黏性土。由于黏土矿物含量较高,膨胀土颗粒的交换阳离子含量也较高,总比表面积较大,在电导率测试指标上反映是膨胀土的导电性随膨胀性的增大而增强。选取强、中、弱3种不同膨胀等级的代表性试样,采用无电极电阻率测定仪和便携式电导率探头,测试了膨胀土泥浆和孔隙水溶液电导率测试,采用原子吸收光谱仪检测了膨胀土孔隙水溶液中的离子种类、含量等。研究表明,膨胀土孔隙水溶液的导电性与膨胀土泥浆的导电性均随膨胀性增大而增大,膨胀土的电导率和自由膨胀率具有良好的线性关系,工程中可以利用这一原理进行膨胀土的快速判别。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the physical, chemical, and mineralogical characteristics of rain forest soils derived from late Quaternary basaltic rocks in Leyte, Philippines. Four sites along a catena were selected at an elevation of 75–112 m above sea level with an average annual rainfall of 3,000 mm and an average temperature of 28°C. Results indicate that the soils are deep, clayey, and reddish in color, which is indicative of the advanced stage of soil development. They also posses excellent physical condition (friable and highly porous) although they are plastic and sticky when wet as is usual for clayey soils. In terms of chemical characteristics, the soils are acidic with low CEC values and generally low in organic matter and nutrient contents. The clay mineralogy of the soils is dominated by halloysite and kaolinite with minor amounts of goethite and hematite, and they also have generally high dithionite-extractable Fe contents confirming the advanced stage of their development. The soils in the more stable slope positions (PL-1, PL-2, and PL-4) have generally similar characteristics and appeared more developed than the one in the less stable position (PL-3). The most important pedogenic processes that formed the soils appear to be weathering, loss of bases and acidification, desilification, ferrugination, clay formation and translocation, and structure formation. The nature of the parent rock and climatic conditions prevailing in the area as well as slope position appear to have dominant effects on the development of the soils.  相似文献   

 Three carbonate core samples from an oil and gas reservoir of the NW German basin were chosen to study the correlation between rock fabrics and physical properties of reservoir rocks. Detailed fabric analyses and texture investigations were carried out as well as laboratory measurements of different physical properties, e.g. density, porosity, permeability, electrical conductivity, seismic compressional and shear wave velocities. Although the three core samples come from a similar depositional facies, they show great differences in the occurrence and three-dimensional distribution of the rock fabric elements. These heterogeneities are the result of various diagenetic and tectonic processes. For the correlation between the rock fabrics and the physical properties four main rock fabric types have to be considered: (a) major constituents, e.g. fossils, ooides, peloides and crystals; (b) pore space with different pore types; (c) fractures; and (d) stylolites. The results of the correlation clearly show that the values and anisotropies of the petrophysical properties are fairly related to the observed fabric elements, with their different arrangements, spatial distributions and preferred orientations. These results also provide a fundamental understanding of the petrophysical responses, such as seismics, to the different geological features (e.g. fractures) and their dynamic changes with pressure, which can be converted to different depths. The knowledge gained from such correlations may lead to an improved interpretation of geophysical data for hydrocarbon exploration and production and therefore to an advanced reservoir characterization. Received: 28 January 1999 / Accepted: 21 June 1999  相似文献   

The Republic of Djibouti (23,000 km2; 500,000 inhabitants), located within the Horn of Africa, undergoes an arid climate with an average annual rainfall less than 150 mm. Water resources are provided up to 98% by groundwater. Two types of aquifers are encountered: volcanic and sedimentary aquifers. This paper focuses on the assessment of their hydraulic properties, which is necessary for future tasks regarding the management of these aquifers. To this end, a data base consisting of all available pumping test data obtained since the 1960s was compiled. Pumping tests have been interpreted to determine transmissivity. Solely for volcanic aquifers, transmissivity also has been estimated through an empirical relationship using specific capacity corrected for turbulent well losses. The transmissivity of each type of aquifer can span up to four orders of magnitude, pointing out their strong heterogeneity. For the various volcanic rocks, the younger the rock, the higher the transmissivity. The transmissivity of volcanic rocks has therefore decreased in the course of geological time. At present, a much better understanding of the hydraulic properties of these complex aquifers has been obtained, which should enable optimal management of their groundwater resources through the use of numerical modeling.
Resumen La República de Yibuti (23.000 km2, 500.000 habitantes) está situada en el Cuerno de África, donde se han formado diversas unidades volcánicas—basaltos y riolitas—y rocas sedimentarias desde la expansión de los continentes acaecida al inicio de la deriva continental (hace 30 millones de años). La precipitación media anual es inferior a 150 mm. Las rocas volcánicas y sedimentarias, con dimensión inferior a 2.000 km2, constituyen acuíferos locales. Los basaltos estratificados forman un acuífero regional que se extiende a más de 9.000 km2. La multitud de datos existente ha sido almacenada desde los años 1960 en una base de datos. La transmisividad de estos acuíferos ha sido determinada mediante datos de ensayos de bombeo y una relación empírica que usa la capacidad específica corregida con las pérdidas turbulentas en el pozo. La transmisividad de estos acuíferos se comporta como una variable lognormal, hecho importante para los trabajos previstos de modelación con métodos estadísticos. La transmisividad de cada acuífero puede variar hasta en cuatro órdenes de magnitud, manifestando su gran heterogeneidad. Para los materiales volcánicos, la transmisividad es mayor cuanto más joven es la roca. La permeabilidad de las rocas volcánicas ha evolucionado por tanto con el tiempo geológico. Actualmente, se posee un mayor conocimiento sobre las propiedades hidráulicas de estos acuíferos complejos, de manera que se puede hacer una gestión óptima de sus recursos hídricos subterráneos con la utilización de modelos numéricos.

Résumé La République de Djibouti (23,000 km2; 500,000 habitants), située dans la Corne de lAfrique, subit un climat aride avec une pluviométrie moyenne annuelle inférieure à 150 mm. Les ressources en eau sont fournies à plus de 98% par les eaux souterraines contenues dans des aquifères sédimentaires ou volcaniques. Cet article a pour objectif lévaluation des propriétés hydrauliques de ces aquifères, étape indispensable pour entreprendre par la suite des études en vue de la gestion de ces aquifères. Une base rassemblant les données dessais par pompage disponibles depuis les années Soixante a dabord été établie. Les essais par pompage ont été interprétés pour déduire la transmissivité. Concernant les aquifères volcaniques, la transmissivité a également été estimée à laide dune relation empirique reliant la transmissivité et le débit spécifique corrigé des pertes de charge anormales. La transmissivité pour chaque aquifère couvre jusquà quatre ordres de grandeur, montrant la forte hétérogénéité de ces milieux. Pour les roches volcaniques, on observe que la transmissivité est dautant meilleure que la roche est plus jeune. Leur transmissivité a ainsi diminué durant les temps géologiques. La compréhension des propriétés hydrauliques de ces aquifères complexes est à présent bien meilleure, ce qui permet denvisager une gestion optimale de leurs ressources à laide de modèles numériques.

青藏高原拉萨地块新生代超钾质岩与南北向地堑成因关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
青藏高原拉萨地块广泛分布有新生代超钾质岩,岩石地球化学和Sr-Nd-Pb同位素特征表明这些超钾质岩来源于与古俯冲环境有着密切联系的含金云母的富集地幔源区,它们主要喷发于25~10 Ma。同时在拉萨地块分布有多条南北向地堑(裂谷),且它们的切割深度可能到达下地壳的深部甚至岩石圈地幔,它们主要形成于23~8 Ma。拉萨地块大多数超钾质岩沿着新生代的南北向地堑(裂谷)分布,并且它们在形成时代和空间分布上存在着明显的耦合性,结合沿着印度-雅鲁藏布江缝合带分布的中新世埃达克质岩,笔者认为这些超钾质岩很可能与中新世早期北向俯冲的印度岩石圈沿着印度-雅鲁藏布江缝合带附近发生断离,以及由此而引起拉萨地块东西向伸展构造活动产生的南北向地堑(裂谷)系统有关。  相似文献   

D. Brown   《Tectonophysics》2007,433(1-4):39-51
Modeling of rock physical properties of the Uralide lower crust is carried out using the Physprops Excel worksheet, which calculates its P-wave (Vp), S-wave (Vs), Poisson's ratio (σ), and density (ρ). The mineral modal abundance and composition of mafic granulite, mafic garnet granulite, amphibolite, and gabbronorite is modeled, and the composition of each is determined by converting the aggregate mineralogy into wt.% oxides. The modeled wt.% oxide composition of mafic (+ garnet) granulite fit well with those estimated for post-Archean terrains, and all are within 1σ of the average of all lower crustal xenoliths. The modeled gabbronorite also shows a reasonable fit with these estimates. The modeled amphibolite compositions show variations in the wt.% SiO2, FeO and MgO with respect to the estimates of mafic granulite and amphibolite. The differences in the composition across the Uralide lower crust are largely due to the presence or absence of garnet in the mafic granulite, which may be a result of higher temperatures having been reached in the interior part of the orogen.  相似文献   

In a uniform granite gneiss study area in central Zimbabwe, lineaments oriented parallel to the maximum regional compressive stress orientation exhibit the thickest regolith development, while lineaments oriented perpendicular to the maximum compressive stress show the shallowest development of weathered regolith. The principal fracture set orientations were mapped using aerial imagery. The regional stress field, estimated from global stress maps, was used to determine the stresses acting on each principal lineament orientation. Multi-electrode resistivity profiling was carried out across fractures with different orientations to determine their subsurface regolith conditions. The results indicate that the 360 and 060° lineaments, which are sub-parallel to the principal compressive stress orientation (σ1) exhibit maximum development of the regolith, while 130° lineaments perpendicular to σ1 do not exhibit significant regolith development. Since regolith thickness has been positively correlated with groundwater resources, it is suggested that fractures with orientations sub-parallel to the principal compressive stress direction constitute favourable groundwater targets. Knowledge of the regional stress field and fracture set orientations can be used as an effective low cost tool for locating potentially higher yielding boreholes in crystalline rock terrains.  相似文献   

The Ordovician (Caradoc, Soudleyan) rocks of Montgomery, Powys are shales interbedded with locally conglomeratic volcaniclastic sediments composed of andesitic detritus. New formal lithostratigraphic units are proposed: Montgomery Volcanic Group comprising in ascending order: Castle Hill Shale Formation, Castle Hill Conglomerate Formation and Quarry Sandstone and Shale Formation. The volcaniclastic strata are reinterpreted as deposits of a submarine volcaniclastic fan system sourced by contemporaneous andesitic island volcanism. The observed diagenetic sequence is typical of marine volcanic sandstones and was dominated by hydration reactions related to the degradation of abundant unstable volcanic detritus. Diagenesis has resulted in the virtual destruction of original porosity in the volcaniclastic rocks.  相似文献   

This study is based on a set of coarse-grained igneous rockscollected from two zoned plutons located in the central partof Tahiti Nui and Raiatea. The Ahititera pluton (central depressionof Tahiti Nui) comprises a great diversity of rocks, rangingfrom ultrabasic to felsic in composition. It shows a concentriczonation with nepheline-free rocks in its periphery and nepheline-bearingrocks in its central part. The Faaroa pluton (central depressionof Raiatea) is entirely mafic and includes only gabbros andtheralites. The two plutons have variable Nd–Sr isotopicsignatures, especially the Ahititera rocks, which are subdividedinto three groups based on their mineralogy, geochemistry andisotope composition. The isotopic variability probably reflectslocal heterogeneities in the Society mantle plume. Petrographicand isotopic data have been used to define two magmatic suitesin Ahititera, identifiable from their degree of Si undersaturation.The evolution of the mildly Si-undersaturated suite is controlledby simple fractional crystallization, whereas the strongly Si-undersaturatedsuite requires additional H2O influx. The third isotopic groupincludes only theralites. The rare earth element (REE) compositionsof the mafic rocks from both plutons do not correlate with theirisotopic signature. The REE patterns of the most Si-undersaturatedrocks are systematically characterized by steeper slopes. Suchfeatures are also observed in lavas from seamounts located withinthe present-day hotspot area. It appears that REE concentrationsin Society lavas and intrusives are probably mainly governedby variable degrees of partial melting of a garnet-free mantlesource and are independent of their isotopic signature. KEY WORDS: cumulates; fractional crystallization; partial melting; French Polynesia; plutonic rocks; Society Islands; Tahiti; Raiatea  相似文献   




The San Ignacio Fm, a late Palaeozoic foreland basin succession that crops out in the Frontal Cordillera (Argentinean Andes), contains lacustrine microbial carbonates and volcanic rocks. Modification by extensive pedogenic processes contributed to the massive aspect of the calcareous beds. Most of the volcanic deposits in the San Ignacio Fm consist of pyroclastic rocks and resedimented volcaniclastic deposits. Less frequent lava flows produced during effusive eruptions led to the generation of tabular layers of fine-grained, greenish or grey andesites, trachytes and dacites. Pyroclastic flow deposits correspond mainly to welded ignimbrites made up of former glassy pyroclasts devitrified to microcrystalline groundmass, scarce crystals of euhedral plagioclase, quartz and K-feldspar, opaque minerals, aggregates of fine-grained phyllosilicates and fiammes defining a bedding-parallel foliation generated by welding or diagenetic compaction. Widespread silicified and silica-permineralized plant remains and carbonate mud clasts are found, usually embedded within the ignimbrites. The carbonate sequences are underlain and overlain by volcanic rocks. The carbonate sequence bottoms are mostly gradational, while their tops are usually sharp. The lower part of the carbonate sequences is made up of mud which appear progressively, filling interstices in the top of the underlying volcanic rocks. They gradually become more abundant until they form the whole of the rock fabric. Carbonate on volcanic sandstones and pyroclastic deposits occur, with the nucleation of micritic carbonate and associated production of pyrite. Cyanobacteria, which formed the locus of mineral precipitation, were related with this nucleation. The growth of some of the algal mounds was halted by the progressive accumulation of volcanic ash particles, but in most cases the upper boundary is sharp and suddenly truncated by pyroclastic flows or volcanic avalanches. These pyroclastic flows partially destroyed the carbonate beds and palaeosols. Microbial carbonate clasts, silicified and silica-permineralized tree trunks, log stumps and other plant remains such as small branches and small roots inside pieces of wood (interpreted as fragments of nurse logs) are commonly found embedded within the ignimbrites. The study of the carbonate and volcanic rocks of the San Ignacio Fm allows the authors to propose a facies model that increases our understanding of lacustrine environments that developed in volcanic settings.  相似文献   

Efflorescence, case hardening, and granular disintegration represent common weathering features of Upper Cretaceous quartz sandstones exposed in the Bohemian Switzerland National Park (NW Bohemia, Czech Republic). Salt species (sulphates: gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O), potassium alum (KAl(SO4)2·12H2O), tschermigite (NH4Al(SO4)2·12H2O), alunite (K(Al3(SO4)2(OH)6), and alunogen (Al2(SO4)3·17H2O), minor nitrates: nitrammite (NH4NO3)) determined by X-ray diffraction exhibit vertical and geographic zoning. More soluble salts (chlorides, nitrates, tschermigite) crystallize preferentially on the cliffs exposed to the south, whereas the north face is characterized by the presence of less soluble phases: gypsum and K(Al3(SO4)2(OH)6. Vertical zoning of salt distribution on natural outcrops differs from the salt distribution in masonry. Salt distribution near the base of the cliff (profile to about 2–2.5 m above the ground) is affected by capillary rise from the ground level (first maximum of water-soluble salts at the level of 1–1.5 m above the ground) and by percolation of precipitation through the overhanging rock sequence (second maximum of 2–2.5 m above the ground). Percolation of salt solution from higher parts is affected by the asperity of the rock surface. The concentration of salts (determined by ion exchange chromatography) correlates to the changes of physical properties: bulk porosity, microporosity and water absorption. The porosity, microporosity, moisture content and absorption generally increase with the increasing volume of sulphates and nitrates.  相似文献   

A new marine reptile record for the Upper Cretaceous of the Chatham Islands is described from the Takatika Grit. Incomplete mosasaur and plesiosaur remains represent the first record of marine reptiles from the Chatham Islands and wider New Zealand. Present among the myriad bones are elasmosaurid plesiosaurs and mosasaurine mosasaurs. This assemblage is comparable to the New Zealand marine reptile record and represents apex predators that flourished in a zone of upwelling in a Late Cretaceous southern high-latitude ecosystem.  相似文献   

The relationships between petrographical and mechanical properties of rock aggregate raw materials from the hybridised, subvolcanic Jaala–Iitti complex, southeastern Finland, were investigated. Petrography was quantified from polished thin sections with a polarising microscope to determine the modal composition and grain size distribution, and resistance to fragmentation and abrasion were determined. Abundance of fine-grained minerals (especially of hornblende), fine grain size-dominated grain size distribution, uniform spatial dispersion of hornblende crystals, and intense micrographic intergrowth texture with interlocking grain boundaries were found to have the greatest positive influence on the mechanical properties. The results showed the potentiality of hybridised rocks as raw materials for high quality aggregates that can resist fragmentation and abrasion.  相似文献   

据香港九龙3个不同工程场地取得的149件不同级别的风化花岗岩样品的化学分析结果,用统计学方法,从反映岩石风化程度的18项化学指标中选取9项进行了分析计算.对其结果及其与风化程度分级的关系的研究表明有4种指标比较理想.通过对样品微观特征的观察研究和矿物成分、微孔隙率以及综合显微岩石指标(Ip)进行了描述和定量分析,发现其中一些指标有一定相关性.这些化学指标和微观特征相关的统计值在一定程度上可定量表征花岗岩的风化程度,即:随风化作用进行,碱、碱土金属组分逐渐淋失,脱硅、富铝铁化作用逐渐加强;相应地,先是钠长石风化成高岭石,其次为云母和钾长石的风化.粘土矿物所占体积百分比随风化程度增高而变大,至残积土(Ⅵ级)时已达50%左右;Ip指标值下降,微孔隙率增高.文章综合出各个风化级别的指标变化范围及平均值供花岗岩分布区花岗岩风化野外调查和研究工作参考.  相似文献   

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