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An algorithm has been proposed for assessing the hydrological role of the main anthropogenic factors governing the formation of Moskva R. runoff both separately and in total. The effect of landscape transformations, hydroengineering structures, and water use on the runoff in the Moskva R. basin has been analyzed for characteristic periods in the recent 150 years (the middle XIX century, the early XX century, 1960–1980, and the first decade of the XXI century, the period of calculation of the average long-term runoff). The main hydrological effect of urbanization in the Moskva R. basin on river runoff formation in recent decades has been demonstrated. The shares of the anthropogenic and climatic factors in the overall changes in Moskva R. runoff in the early XXI century have been evaluated.  相似文献   

梯级筑坝对河流水环境演化的影响是国内外关注的热点.小型山区河流高密度梯级开发对水体生源要素的空间格局以及水环境演化的累积影响特征尚不清楚.以重庆市五布河为研究对象,对流域内8个“河流—水库—下泄水”交替系统中表层水体理化因子及碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)形态组成进行季节性监测,探讨了梯级筑坝对小型河流生源要素空间格局及水体富营养化风险影响的累积特征及驱动机制.结果表明:梯级水电开发对五布河流域水生生境和生源要素空间分配的影响具有潜在的累积效应,各库区水体碳氮磷浓度均呈逐级增加的空间规律;水库段的有机碳及不同形态的氮、磷浓度均高于入库河流,因此水体养分浓度呈现出河段尺度(即单个河流—水库—下泄水系统)和流域尺度(即上游至下游)耦合的空间变异模式.上游水库中溶解性氮、磷的再释放及下泄输移能够补给下游库区,加之下游水库泥沙对氮、磷的吸附—沉积作用的减弱,导致水体氮、磷总量及溶解性氮、磷的占比沿程增加,呈现梯级筑坝对水环境演化的累积影响.梯级筑坝影响下河流碳氮磷总量的相关性减弱,而溶解性养分间的相关性增强,形成了特殊的养分协同演化;水库群之间水力滞留时间的差异与水体碳氮磷浓度具有较好的线性关系...  相似文献   

In a sub-alpine river, the Asse, with an unpredictable discharge regime, chlorophyll, density and taxonomic diversity of both drifting and periphytic communities were studied from a methodical approach. The investigations based on stamping two close cross-sections to know their spatial distributions in a heterogeneous bed substrate showed a heterogeneous pattern of colonization mainly influenced by hydrological variables as the current velocity, the size of the substrata (gravel-pebble-boulder). For the drifting algae, mainly composed with benthic species temporarily unhooked to the substrata, the heterogeneity of the distribution was reduced in fast flow which induced a mixing of the whole mass of water. For the periphyton, some results indicated that the greatest diversity and the highest chlorophyll concentration were found on pebble substratum where the current velocity was moderate. These results have also shown that the classical methods used to day for investigations were inadequate for most Mediterranean rivers. It was really difficult to estimate the water quality from classical index created for use in regular large plain rivers.  相似文献   

流域场镇式发展是三峡地区城乡统筹发展的重要模式,通常形成河流两岸串珠状的场镇分布格局,这种人类活动的点状聚集特征对入库河流水环境的综合影响并不清楚.选择三峡库区流域场镇发展特征明显的黑水滩河及主要支流为研究对象,于2014年9月至2015年6月期间对流域内分布的主要场镇前后的水体进行碳、氮、磷浓度的监测分析,探讨场镇分布对流域水体生源要素时空格局的影响.研究结果表明,黑水滩河干、支流水体总有机碳(TOC)和溶解性有机碳浓度为4.5~39.2和3.2~31.4mg/L,总氮(TN)、铵态氮和硝态氮浓度范围为1.12~6.96、0.87~5.00和0.073~0.881mg/L,总磷(TP)、溶解性总磷和正磷酸盐浓度范围为0.078~0.454、0.049~0.310和0.025~0.222mg/L,不同形态的碳、氮、磷含量变化幅度较大;黑水滩河干、支流流经不同场镇区前后,水体各形态碳、氮、磷浓度均不同程度增加(其中TOC、TN和TP的增幅范围分别为4.7%~61.3%、26.7%~144.7%和12.8%~50.7%),而在无场镇分布的干流河段,水体碳浓度变化不大,氮、磷浓度明显降低,表...  相似文献   

崇明岛"闸控型"河网水体富营养化特征及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为研究崇明岛"闸控型"河网水体富营养化特征及其与环境因子的相互作用,以2010年各季节崇明岛河网水质数据为基础,探讨了环境因子与藻类的变化规律及其相互作用机制.结果表明:崇明岛河网水环境中营养盐水平较高,氮污染尤为严重.长江引水进入岛内河网水环境后,营养盐(除SiO3-Si)、Chl.a含量和营养状态都出现了明显的升高.与长江引水相比,河网内藻类群落Chl.a贡献比例的变化主要表现为硅藻比例的下降以及蓝藻和绿藻比例的上升.尽管水温、pH、浊度以及营养盐中的TN、TP、NO3--N、DOC的变化均与Chl.a含量显著相关,但藻类群落对环境因子的响应关系存在较大差异.蓝藻的增加主要与水温和TP含量的升高有关;绿藻与TN、NO3--N的关系最为密切;硅藻的变化只与浊度存在明显正相关,营养盐并不是硅藻生长的促进因子.  相似文献   

Discrete location of large flares near zero Carrington longitude results in artificial breaks within physically related flare clusters. This effect is eliminated by using the data presentation algorithm, which results in the conclusion that drifting zones of intensified sunspot formation (concentrated cores of activity complexes) and energetic flare generation exist in either hemisphere. The indicated L zone is hypothetically related to a non-asymmetric relic solar magnetic field or to the regions where large-scale convective cells, extending to the convective zone bottom, originate.  相似文献   

Razumov  V. A.  Tyutyunova  F. I. 《Water Resources》2001,28(3):324-334
The hydrochemical data on the Moskva River basin for the past 120 years are analyzed. The river self-purification capacity is found to have been severely damaged by heavily polluted wastewater. The transaqual landscapes are subject to permanent anthropogenic nitrite contamination. The causes, environmental effects, and the main ways of control of this contamination are considered.  相似文献   

河口是连接陆地-海洋的一个关键区域,具有重要的生态系统服务价值。然而,随着经济快速发展,河口接纳了越来越多来自于流域等地的营养物质,导致河口生态系统的富营养化潜力大大增加。本研究利用沿海富营养化潜力指数(index of coastal eutrophication potential,ICEP)量化河流输入对九龙江河口所产生的影响,特别是对富营养化指标的年度和季节性变化动态进行了分析。结果表明,九龙江河口区溶解性无机氮(DIN)和溶解性无机磷(DIP)浓度年均值均呈波动性增长,自1980s以来九龙江河口营养负荷发生了较显著变化,1980s—2006年期间DIN通量平均值为3.967×103 t/a,而2006—2020年期间增加到2.924×104 t/a,增长了637.14%,其中最高值达8.279×104 t/a。两个时期DIP通量平均值分别为1.131×102和2.282×102 t/a,增长了101.87%,其中最高值达6.128×102 t/a...  相似文献   

The evolution of Lake Ladoga ecosystem under the effect of a long period of critical anthropogenic phosphorus load is analyzed. It is shown that relatioships between organic matter accumulation and mineralization with considerable predominance of destruction over autochthonous production have formed in the lake by the moment when the input of P of anthropogenic origin dropped to the estimated admissible level. Studying the transformation of aquatic organic matter of tributaries in the water of Lake Ladoga suggest that a considerable portion of it, primarily, the conservative humic fraction, is now involved in turnover and serves as an additional source of C and P both for producer and destructor organisms. The processes taking place in Lake Ladoga suggest the allochthonous variant of ecosystem evolution.  相似文献   

The probability distributions of different values of water quality indices have been shown theoretically to follow a two-parameter lognormal law with season-dependent parameters. The obtained distribution law was checked against data of many-year water quality monitoring in the Moskva R. (at Rublevo Settl.). The distributions of several hydrochemical and microbiological indices have been studied. The seasonal dependence of parameters have been shown to cause the splitting of water quality index distributions predominantly into two lognormal branches, one corresponding to low-water seasons and the other corresponding to floods. Exceptions are water turbidity and color index: the former splits into three lognormal branches (corresponding to periods of winter low-water period, summer period with moderate rains, floods, and high rain floods), while the color index has only one branch, embracing all seasons.  相似文献   

Current study presents the application of chemometric techniques to comprehend the interrelations among sediment variables whilst identifying the possible pollution source at Langat River,Malaysia.Surface sediment samples(0-10 cm)were collected at 22 sampling stations and analyzed for total metals(~(48)Cd,~(29)Cu,~(30)Zn,~(82)Pb),pH,redox potential(Eh),salinity,electrical conductivity(EC),loss on ignition(LOI)and cation exchange capacity(CEC).The principal component analysis(PCA)scrutinized the origin of environmental pollution by various anthropogenic and natural activities:four principal components were obtained with 86.34%(5 cm)and88.34%(10 cm).Standard,forward and backward stepwise discriminant analysis effectively discriminate 2variables(84.06%)indicating high variation of heavy metals accumulation at both depth.The cluster analysis accounted for high input of Zn and Pb at LA8,LA 10,LA 11 and LA 12 that mergers three(5 cm)and four(10cm)into clusters.This is consistent with the contamination factor(C_1)that shows high Cd(LA 1)and Pb(LA 7,LA 8,LA 10,LA 11 and LA 12)contaminations at 5cm.These indicate that Pb and Zn are the most bioavailable metals in the sediment with significant positive linear relationship at both sediment depths.Therefore,this approach is a good indication of environmental pollution status that transfers new findings on the assessment of heavy metals by interpreting large complex datasets and predicting the fate of heavy metals in the sediment.  相似文献   

Wind-driven processes exert an important impact on aquatic ecosystems, especially on shallow reservoirs. Flow and heat transport under wind in the Douhe reservoir in China were simulated by a two-dimensional mathematical model. Areas corresponding to different temperature rises were calculated for different wind speed conditions with high frequency. It is shown that high temperature rise areas increase for maximum wind speed conditions while low temperature rise areas keep constant for various wind speed conditions. The concentration of Chl.a decreases with the increase of wind speed, indicating that low wind speed is suitable for algae blooming in the Douhe reservoir. The effects of wind on Bacillariophyta biomass growth become more obvious with the increase of temperature rise areas. The influenced areas of lower temperature rise (0.2–1.49 °C) and higher temperature rise (1.5–2 °C) zone are 8.57 × 106 m2 and 5.18 × 106 m2, respectively, and corresponding total variation amounts of Bacillariophyta biomass are 2.24 × 105/m2 and 0.42 × 105/m2, respectively. Results show that wind has a significant impact on ecological effects due to thermal discharge from thermal power plant into shallow reservoirs.  相似文献   

罗晓春  杭鑫  曹云  杭蓉蓉  李亚春 《湖泊科学》2019,31(5):1248-1258
利用2004-2018年卫星遥感解译的太湖蓝藻水华信息构建蓝藻综合指数,采用随机森林机器学习算法分析同期气象因子与蓝藻水华综合指数的关系,定量评估影响蓝藻水华的主要气象因子特征变量的重要性度量和贡献率.结果表明,在光、温、水、风等主要气象要素中,气温对蓝藻水华综合指数起着主导的作用,其次是风速和降水,日照时间的影响或可忽略.其中气温条件中重要性度量最大的是年平均气温,其次是冬、春季节的平均气温;风速因子中影响较大的是7月份的平均风速;水分条件中主导因子是9月累计降水量.优选的随机森林模型模拟值与实际蓝藻水华综合指数的变化趋势基本一致,拟合优度为0.91,通过0.01显著性检验,随机森林模型模拟效果较好.用随机森林模型模拟值对太湖蓝藻水华分等级评估,模型模拟精度达到了86.7%,其中5个重度等级年份模型模拟结果完全一致,中度等级的6个年份模型模拟值有5年与之相符,中度以上等级的模拟精度达90.9%,模型能够反映气象因子对蓝藻水华综合指数的综合影响,对中、重度蓝藻水华的模拟效果更好.随机森林模型有助于理解富营养化状态下影响蓝藻水华的主导气象因子,利用气象因子的可预测性可以促进蓝藻水华预测预警能力的提升.  相似文献   

天津中心城区河网氮磷污染与富营养化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年底天津中心城区河道全部连通,形成中心城区河网.为了掌握河网形成后的水质状况,于2014年3月-2015年2月进行了为期1年的定点水质监测,并对其水体氮、磷时空分布及富营养化特征进行分析.结果表明,河网水体氮污染严重,以铵态氮(NH+4-N)为主;磷污染程度较轻,主要形态为磷酸盐(PO3-4-P);河网水体中氮、磷浓度顺水流方向均呈上游高、下游低的空间分布特征;氮、磷各项指标浓度时间变化趋势基本一致,3月均最高,10月均最低,冬季处于相对较低水平;与河网形成前相比,海河干流NH+4-N、总磷(TP)和PO3-4-P浓度年平均值分别下降6.5%、14.7%和16.4%,津河总氮、NH+4-N、硝态氮、TP和PO3-4-P浓度年平均值分别降低18.6%、34.5%、12.9%、31.6%和32.5%,表明河网形成后氮、磷污染程度较之前有所改善,其中津河改善较为明显;河网水体全年处于中度富营养状态,主要为磷限制性状态;河网富营养化防治应遵循以控制营养盐为主的控源、截污、水环境增容和生态补水策略.  相似文献   

Materials of structural-functional studies regarding the organization of the Moskva River ecosystem within the boundary of the city are presented, and the impact of the treated water discharged from Kur’yanovskaya Aeration Station onto aquatic biota is assessed. The conclusion is made that the structural-functional organization of biocenoses in different river reaches is related with the environmental factors that form under the effect of this water.  相似文献   

A hypothesis is offered to explain the causes for high Mn concentrations in Moskva River reservoirs in spring and summer.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is proposed to describe the urban reach of the Moskva River. The model allows estimating the stream characteristics for the period of spring flood passage, hydraulic washing of the channel with allowance for different regimes of water flow at overflow dams. It is shown that this model can be used to construct the curves of throughput capacity of overflow dams as well as the levels of water surface and the boundaries of inundation zones and the flow rates and velocities within the city.  相似文献   

钱奎梅  刘霞  陈宇炜 《湖泊科学》2021,33(1):102-110
着生藻类一般生长位置相对稳定,其群落分布主要受环境因素的影响,同时,着生藻类还是重要的水环境指示生物.本研究对鄱阳湖丰水期5个典型湖区(主航道、西部湿地、南矶湿地、撮箕湖和东南湖汊)着生藻类的群落结构特征进行调查,包括生物量、优势种及生物多样性,分析影响着生藻类群落区域分布的环境因子,以期为鄱阳湖水环境保护和水资源合理利用提供基础资料.结果表明:鄱阳湖着生藻类群落以硅藻、绿藻和蓝藻为主;鄱阳湖着生藻类总生物量有着明显的区域差异:主航道区域的生物量相对最高,平均为419 mg/m^2;其次是东南湖汊,平均为322 mg/m^2;南矶湿地和西部湿地分别为172和52 mg/m^2;而撮箕湖的总生物量相对最低,为9 mg/m^2.主航道的着生藻类优势种群为绿藻和硅藻,西部湿地、南矶湿地、撮箕湖和东南湖汊4个区域的优势种群为硅藻.冗余分析结果显示鄱阳湖丰水期着生藻类群落分布与总磷、电导率、pH值、总氮、硝态氮和悬浮物等理化因子关系较为密切.鄱阳湖主航道与长江连通,水体流速高;西部湿地、南矶湿地、撮箕湖和东南湖汊为季节性连通湖泊,丰水季节与主湖区水体连为一体,枯水季节独立蓄水.5个湖区的区域差异是导致其着生藻类群落结构差异的重要原因之一.着生藻类的多样性指数分析表明鄱阳湖水体处于中度污染状态.  相似文献   

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