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This study aimed to quantify possible climate change impacts on runoff for the Rheraya catchment (225 km2) located in the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco, south of Marrakech city. Two monthly water balance models, including a snow module, were considered to reproduce the monthly surface runoff for the period 1989?2009. Additionally, an ensemble of five regional climate models from the Med-CORDEX initiative was considered to evaluate future changes in precipitation and temperature, according to the two emissions scenarios RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. The future projections for the period 2049?2065 under the two scenarios indicate higher temperatures (+1.4°C to +2.6°C) and a decrease in total precipitation (?22% to ?31%). The hydrological projections under these climate scenarios indicate a significant decrease in surface runoff (?19% to ?63%, depending on the scenario and hydrological model) mainly caused by a significant decline in snow amounts, related to reduced precipitation and increased temperature. Changes in potential evapotranspiration were not considered here, since its estimation over long periods remains a challenge in such data-sparse mountainous catchments. Further work is required to compare the results obtained with different downscaling methods and different hydrological model structures, to better reproduce the hydro-climatic behaviour of the catchment.
EDITOR M.C. Acreman

ASSOCIATE EDITOR R. Hirsch  相似文献   


The identification of the turbidity mechanisms in two karstic springs (Ribaa and Bittit) located in the Middle Atlas Plateau in Morocco was performed by means of correlation and spectral analyses applied to time series of rainfall, flow rates, and turbidity. Time series analyses of rainfall and discharges revealed high inertia and storage capacities of the karstic systems. However, the occurrence of turbidity in the springs proved independent of discharges. A causal relationship between rainfall and the occurrence of turbidity in the form of waves was established. Accordingly, turbidity was assumed to be related to the hydrodynamic conditions prevailing in the karst. Turbulent quickflows in the karst transmissive conduits, following heavy rainfall, are thought to provoke the resuspension of solid particles deposited in the conduits, as well as their transport towards outlets. An external origin has also been contemplated, concerning infiltration waters may be loaded with suspended matters washed from the watershed.  相似文献   

The 1960 Agadir earthquake (Mw 6.0) constitutes the most damaging earthquake event in Morocco. With the expansion of seismic networks during the last decade in Morocco, new seismic data have been collected in this region. The P and S arrivals at 19 stations located in Southern Morocco are used to investigate the lithosphere in the Agadir region. In this study, we use a linearized inversion procedure comprising two steps: (1) finding the minimal 1-D model and simultaneous relocation of hypocentres and (2) determination of local velocity structure using linearized inversion. The model parameterization in this method assumes a continuous velocity field. The resolution tests indicate that the calculated images give near true structure for the studied region from 0- to 45-km depth. The results show that the total crust thickness varies from 30 to 40 km in SW High Atlas and confirm the modest crustal tectonic shortening and thickening in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco. The inferred geological structure reconstructed from the calculated image illustrates the existence of fault-related folding. The evidence for coseismic ruptures in 1960 on the Kasbah anticline combined with the 1960 earthquake hypocentre located in the tomographic image determines the seismic potential of the active fault and related fold. The resulting tomographic image shows a high-velocity anomalies that could be associated with the location of deep active fault (10–30 km) associated with the fold structure. In the South Atlas, theses anomalies could be associated with the South atlas thrust front structure.  相似文献   

Williams Lake, Minnesota is a closed‐basin lake that is a flow‐through system with respect to ground water. Ground‐water input represents half of the annual water input and most of the chemical input to the lake. Chemical budgets indicate that the lake is a sink for calcium, yet surficial sediments contain little calcium carbonate. Sediment pore‐water samplers (peepers) were used to characterize solute fluxes at the lake‐water–ground‐water interface in the littoral zone and resolve the apparent disparity between the chemical budget and sediment data. Pore‐water depth profiles of the stable isotopes δ18O and δ2H were non‐linear where ground water seeped into the lake, with a sharp transition from lake‐water values to ground‐water values in the top 10 cm of sediment. These data indicate that advective inflow to the lake is the primary mechanism for solute flux from ground water. Linear interstitial velocities determined from δ2H profiles (316 to 528 cm/yr) were consistent with velocities determined independently from water budget data and sediment porosity (366 cm/yr). Stable isotope profiles were generally linear where water flowed out of the lake into ground water. However, calcium profiles were not linear in the same area and varied in response to input of calcium carbonate from the littoral zone and subsequent dissolution. The comparison of pore‐water calcium profiles to pore‐water stable isotope profiles indicate calcium is not conservative. Based on the previous understanding that 40–50 % of the calcium in Williams Lake is retained, the pore‐water profiles indicate aquatic plants in the littoral zone are recycling the retained portion of calcium. The difference between the pore‐water depth profiles of calcium and δ18O and δ2H demonstrate the importance of using stable isotopes to evaluate flow direction and source through the lake‐water–ground‐water interface and evaluate mechanisms controlling the chemical balance of lakes. Published in 2003 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

采用高通量测序技术,研究了内蒙古岱海流域入湖河流、湖水及沉积物细菌多样性及群落组成.结果显示,细菌多样性从高到低依次为:沉积物>河流>湖泊.聚类分析表明入湖河流、湖水和沉积物细菌群落可分为明显不同的3支,说明这3种生境中细菌群落结构有较大差异.物种注释结果表明,河流中优势细菌菌群为髌骨细菌(Patescibacteria)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)和放线菌门(Actinobacteria);湖水中优势细菌菌群为放线菌门(Actinobacteria);而沉积物中优势细菌菌群为变形菌门和绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi).典范对应分析及Monte Carlo检验表明,电导率和悬浮物含量对水体中(河流与湖泊)细菌群落影响显著,二者共解释了细菌群落变化的86.5%;而冗余分析及Monte Carlo检验表明,泥深、磁化率和总有机碳对沉积物中细菌群落影响显著,三者共解释了细菌群落变化的47.9%.近30年来,岱海地区气候变化和人类活动导致湖水咸化,沉积物碳氮指标显著增长.岱海水体及沉积物细菌多样性及群落组成的差异及其主要驱动因...  相似文献   

为了探求内蒙古呼伦湖上覆水体和沉积物间隙水之间溶质运移机制,对呼伦湖的1个沉积物柱芯的间隙水、3个湖泊水体以及湖周边7个地下水体中的氯离子(Cl~-),氢、氧稳定同位素(δD和δ~(18)O)分别进行分析测试,并利用其示踪性对沉积物中溶质运移特征进行研究.结果显示,δD、δ~(18)O和Cl~-浓度在不同水体中的分布具有相似的分布规律,整体上从底部沉积物到上部湖水浓度分布呈现逐渐递减的抛物线趋势,在间隙水中最大值位于所取沉积物柱芯的最深处,Cl~-浓度为306 mg/L,δD和δ~(18)O分别为-58‰和-5.9‰;最小值位于沉积物柱芯上层,并与上覆水体中的值相似,Cl~-浓度为159 mg/L,δD和δ~(18)O分别为-66‰和-7.3‰.为了明确沉积物柱芯中间隙水的高浓度Cl~-和偏正δD、δ~(18)O的来源,比较不同水体的δ~(18)O-δD关系点分布,表明含有偏正值的δD、δ~(18)O和高浓度Cl~-的间隙水与上覆湖水关系密切,可能是由于低水位时期湖水与间隙水相互发生扩散作用而产生的结果.一维对流扩散迁移模型证实扩散作用是控制着沉积物间隙水中溶质浓度在垂向上分布的主要机制,同时湖水水位的变化会影响沉积物间隙水与上覆水体的扩散过程,特别是在水位上升期,富集在沉积物中的溶质可能成为湖水的重要物质来源,影响上覆水体的水质.因此,对于封闭湖泊水位的控制和管理不仅在维持湖泊水量方面有着直接的作用,同时在稳定湖泊水质条件上也有着重要的意义.  相似文献   


Four models of increasing complexity were tested and compared to simulate snow water equivalent at the local scale in the Moroccan High Atlas range. A classical temperature index model (TI) and three enhanced temperature index models that respectively include the potential clear-sky direct radiation (HTI), the incoming solar radiation (ETI-A) and net solar radiation (ETI-B), were subjected to annual and multi-annual calibration and cross-validated over the period 2003–2010. When calibrated yearly, the ETI models could be better transferred to other years, whereas all models, including the simple TI model, showed good transferability when calibrated over a longer period that includes inter-annual climate variability. No strong and recurrent relationships emerged between yearly calibrated model parameters and annual climate conditions. However, strong parameter compensation was observed for the enhanced models, which can be explained partly by the collinearity of air temperature and solar radiation causing equifinality of model parameters.  相似文献   

Ice duration has shortened and the ice-off date has become earlier for Lake Mendota from 1905 to 2000 as air temperatures have warmed and snowfall has increased. In addition, the ice record has cyclic components at inter-annual and inter-decadal scales. We examined the frequency domain relations between ice, local climate and the teleconnections, Southern Ocean Oscillation (SOI), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and Northern Pacific Index (NP), through a three-tiered analysis of coherence. The coherence results provide evidence of linear relations between the three levels at inter-annual and inter-decadal frequencies. Of the three local climate variables analyzed, namely temperature, snowfall and snow depth, temperature is the variable that most significantly affects ice duration and ice-off date, at both inter-annual and inter-decadal frequencies. The most significant effect of teleconnections on local climate are the effects of PDO on snowfall and snow depth, and SOI on temperature, at inter-annual frequencies, and the effect of NAO on snowfall at inter-decadal frequencies. The teleconnections that most significantly affect ice-cover duration and ice-off date, particularly at inter-decadal frequencies, are the PDO and the NAO. The influence of PDO on ice-cover appears to be transmitted through temperature, while the influence of the NAO appears to be transmitted through temperature and snowfall. A cascading set of links between teleconnections, local climate, and lake ice explain some, but not all, of the dynamics in these time series.  相似文献   

A. Issar 《Journal of Hydrology》1983,60(1-4):175-183
The chemical and isotopical (18O-deuterium) composition of the thermomineral water emerging around Lake Kinneret is shown to be similar to that of the saline water found in deep oil-exploration wells in the Coastal Plain of Israel, and different from the water found near the Dead Sea.

It is suggested that an ancient brine which is filling the deep non-flushed aquifers is driven from the south towards the Rift Valley by a piston action and is mixed with paleo and contemporaneous meteoric water before emerging as thermomineral springs.  相似文献   

新疆艾比湖主要入湖河流同位素及水化学特征的季节变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
朱世丹  张飞  张海威  张贤龙 《湖泊科学》2018,30(6):1707-1721
通过野外调查取样和室内测试分析,利用水文化学以及氢氧稳定同位素技术,分析艾比湖主要入湖河流氢氧同位素及水化学的组成特征,并探讨其季节性变化.结果表明:地表水水质指标高值多出现于博乐市、温泉市和精河县及艾比湖湿地附近,主要污染为水体富营养化、工矿业污染以及有机质污染,其污染程度夏、秋季高于春、冬季.河水的δ18O与δ2H存在明显的线性关系,其相关指数为夏季(R2=0.99) > 春季(R2=0.98) > 秋季(R2=0.96) > 冬季(R2=0.90),均沿当地大气降水线分布,受西北干旱区强烈的蒸发作用影响,各季节河流斜率均小于8,氘过量参数值多为正值.博尔塔拉河与精河地表水体δ18O值整体上表现为沿流程逐渐偏正的趋势,博尔塔拉河水体氢氧同位素与高程相关指数表现为春季(R2=0.70) > 冬季(R2=0.57) > 夏季(R2=0.45) > 秋季(R2=0.30),精河因其海拔差异不大,流程简短,与高程相关性低.博尔塔拉河和精河氢氧同位素与氯化物、硫酸盐、五日生物需氧量等指标间存在相关性,且在夏、秋季最大,相关系数R>0.75,与总磷、Cu2+、色度、浊度等指标基本都不显著相关,相关系数R<0.25.  相似文献   

The level of Lake Tana, Ethiopia, fluctuates annually and seasonally following the patterns of changes in precipitation. In this study, a mass balance approach is used to estimate the hydrological balance of the lake. Water influx from four major rivers, subsurface inflow from the floodplains, precipitation, outflow from the lake constituting river discharge and evapotranspiration from the lake are analysed on monthly and annual bases. Spatial interpolation of precipitation using rain gauge data was conducted using kriging. Outflow from the lake was identified as the evaporation from the lake's surface as well as discharge at the outlet where the Blue Nile commences. Groundwater inflow is estimated using MODular three‐dimensional finite‐difference ground‐water FLOW model software that showed an aligned flow pattern to the river channels. The groundwater outflow is considered negligible based on the secondary sources that confirmed the absence of lake water geochemical mixing outside of the basin. Evaporation is estimated using Penman's, Meyer's and Thornwaite's methods to compare the mass balance and energy balance approaches. Meteorological data, satellite images and temperature perturbation simulations from Global Historical Climate Network of National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration are employed for estimation of evaporation input parameters. The difference of the inflow and outflow was taken as storage in depth and compared with the measured water level fluctuations. The study has shown that the monthly and annually calculated lake level replicates the observed values with root mean square error value of 0·17 and 0·15 m, respectively. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A geochemical study of thermal and cold springs, stream waters and gas emissions has been carried out in the Mt. Amiata geothermal region.The cold springs and stream waters do not seem to have received significant contribution from hot deep fluids. On the contrary, the thermal springs present complex and not clearly quantifiable interactions with the hot fluids of the main geothermal reservoir.The liquid-dominated systems in the Mt. Amiata area, like most of the high-enthalpy geothermal fields in the world, are characterized by saline, NaCl fluids. The nature of the reservoir rock (carbonatic and anhydritic), and its widespread occurrence in central Italy, favor a regional circulation of “Ca-sulfate” thermal waters, which discharge from its outcrop areas. Waters of this kind, which have been considered recharge waters of the known geothermal fields, dilute, disperse and react with the deep geothermal fluids in the Mt. Amiata area, preventing the use of the main chemical geothermometers for prospecting purposes. The temperatures obtained from the chemical geothermometers vary widely and are generally cooler than temperatures measured in producing wells.Other thermal anomalies in central Italy, apart from those already known, might be masked by the above-mentioned circulation. A better knowledge of deep-fluid chemistry could contribute to the calibration of specific geothermometers for waters from reservoirs in carbonatic rocks.  相似文献   

崔旭  张兵  何明霞  夏文雪  王义东  赵勇 《湖泊科学》2021,33(6):1675-1686
生态补水是维持和改善白洋淀生态环境的重要途径.为研究生态补水对白洋淀水环境的影响,分别在补水前与补水后采集淀水、河水及地下水样品,分析区域地表水和地下水水化学特征.结果表明:(1)白洋淀补水前、后地表水与地下水的水化学组成中Na+为主要阳离子,补水后阴离子以HCO3-为主,淀区南部地表水电导率高;补水后地表水与地下水Ca2+、Mg2+和HCO3-浓度显著增加,水体电导率降低.(2)补水前地下水为Na-HCO3型水,地表水主要为Na-Cl·SO4及Na-Cl·HCO3类型;补水后地表水与浅层地下水向Ca·Mg-HCO3型演化,深层地下水水化学类型基本保持不变.(3)生态补水使白洋淀水位升高,淀区水面积增大,缓解了水资源短缺的问题;同时也使浅层地下水水化学组成发生改变,而深层地下水暂未受到影响.生态补水后,受稀释和混合作用的影响,水体Na+、Cl-和SO42-浓度显著下降,Ca2+、Mg2+及HCO3-浓度增加.在白洋淀生态补水中应"先治污,后补水",以减少补水过程中污染物向淀区的运移,还应注意区域地下水位上升过程中的阳离子交换及水岩相互作用,为合理调配生态补水及改善白洋淀生态环境提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Historical changes in the level of Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana, have been simulated using a catchment‐scale hydrological model in order to assess the importance of changes in climate and land use on lake water balance on a monthly basis for the period 1939–2004. Several commonly used models for computing evaporation in data‐sparse regions are compared, including the Penman, the energy budget, and the Priestley–Taylor methods. Based on a comparison with recorded lake level variations, the model with the energy‐budget evaporation model subcomponent is most effective at reproducing observed lake level variations using regional climate records. A sensitivity analysis using this model indicates that Lake Bosumtwi is highly sensitive to changes in precipitation, cloudiness and temperature. However, the model is also sensitive to changes in runoff related to vegetation, and this factor needs to be considered in simulating lake level variations. Both interannual and longer‐term changes in lake level over the last 65 years appear to have been caused primarily by changes in precipitation, though the model also suggests that the drop in lake level over the last few decades has been moderated by changes in cloudiness and temperature over that time. Based on its effectiveness at simulating the magnitude and rate of lake level response to changing climate over the historical record, this model offers a potential future opportunity to examine the palaeoclimatic factors causing past lake level fluctuations preserved in the geological record at Lake Bosumtwi. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrochemical and biogeochemical processes in Lake Khilganta were studied during more than ten years. The lake was shown to pass through periods of wetting and drying. This is accompanied by considerable changes in water chemistry and microbiological processes. During the passage from a wet to a dry period, lake water mineralization increases from 40 to 260 g/l and pH decreases from 9.9 to 7.1. At the same time, the isotope composition of organic matter carbon in bottom deposits becomes lighter (from −15.6 to −30.6‰), as well as that of carbon in carbonates (from +4.1 to −8.6‰), due to the lower rate of photosynthetic processes in lake bacterial mats. The order of salt precipitation during the passage from a wet to a dry period and the mechanism of maintaining water pH are considered. A possible similarity between the modern processes in Lake Khilganta and the processes in analogous Pre-Cambrian water bodies is discussed, and the hypothesis regarding the possibility of wider development of soda water bodies at early stages of Earth’s history is considered.  相似文献   

To investigate the interaction between cyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria under gradients of glucose and nitrate, a cyanobacterial strain of Microcystis aeruginosa was grown in microcosms with and without a freshwater bacterial mixture, which was collected from Lake Taihu. Concentrations of glucose (1350, 975, 600, 300, 150, and 37.5 μmol C L−1) and nitrate (150, 300, and 9000 μmol N L−1) were used in a range of combinations giving 9 different treatments of glucose:nitrate. In the microcosm without the bacterial mixture, M. aeruginosa abundance gradually increased with days in all treatments. However, M. aeruginosa had much lower density in some treatments with the bacterial mixture. The difference in M. aeruginosa growth could be explained by competition with bacteria in the cultures in which these were added. The abundance of M. aeruginosa and bacteria when grown together was nearly equal and the number of the bacterial species was highest in the treatment with 300 μmol C L−1 and 150 μmol N L−1. Our results suggest that at this glucose:nitrate ratio M. aeruginosa and the bacterial mixture maintain a balance, and bacteria maintain diversity. In conclusion, we propose that dissolved organic carbon and nitrate availability fundamentally affects the structure as well as stoichiometry of pelagic associations.  相似文献   

大型过水性湖泊——洪泽湖是南水北调东线工程重要的调蓄湖泊,在气候调节、防洪抗旱、旅游休闲、水资源和水产品供应等方面都有着重要的作用.为了解其浮游植物群落结构和水体健康状态,于2015年8月-2016年7月,对洪泽湖浮游植物进行了逐月野外采样.共鉴定浮游植物147种,隶属于8门,其中绿藻门、硅藻门、蓝藻门物种最多.浮游植物细胞丰度全湖年平均值为5.35×107±4.67×107 cells/L,生物量平均值为14.24±8.52 mg/L.洪泽湖浮游植物分布存在明显的时空差异,空间格局上,北部成子湖区浮游植物细胞丰度最高,绿藻门为优势门类;西部溧河洼湖区丰度次高,蓝藻门为优势门类;湖心区及南部丰度较低,大部分点位蓝藻门或绿藻门为优势门类.季节动态上,夏季浮游植物细胞丰度高,蓝藻门是主要的优势门类;冬季细胞丰度较低,硅藻门是主要的优势门类.与1980s的调查相比,近年来浮游植物种(属)数有所下降,丰富度、均匀度等也低于早期调查结果.利用浮游植物进行水质生物评价的结果显示,洪泽湖总体上处于β-中污带,与周边水体相比,洪泽湖富营养化水平低于骆马湖,但高于淮河、高邮湖.  相似文献   

Raul Primicerio   《Limnologica》2000,30(4):301-310
Zooplankton vertical distribution was studied in Lake Takvatn (69°07′ N) by discrete sampling of the water column during the open water season. Attention was focused on predation risk and competition to understand when, where and to what degree a given species should aggregate along the water column. Temperature profiles and phytoplankton abundance and composition were recorded to assess degree of heterogeneity and food availability in the pelagic zone. Vertical segregation was evident during thermal stratification. Rotifers partitioned the water column, with species less susceptible to predation (e.g. Conochilus unicornis) in the epilimnion, where they overlapped with the predators Asplanchna priodonta and Polyphemus pediculus, and species more vulnerable to these predators (e.g. Keratella cochlearis) in the hypolimnion. Cladocerans remained in the epilimnion, in a year when predation by fish was limited. The copepodites of Eudiaptomus graciloides and Cyclops scutifer maintained different depths staying respectively near surface and in the meta-hypolimnion. A broader distribution with increasing density was evident among rotifers and C. scutifer nauplii. Density-dependent habitat selection behaviour is considered as a mechanism explaining the observed distribution of predators and competing prey and promoting species coexistence.  相似文献   

Mineral and thermal water chemistry from the Azores archipelago was investigated in order to discriminate among hydrochemical facies and isotopic groups and identify the major geochemical processes that affect water composition. A systematic geochemical survey of mineral and thermal water chemistry was carried out, incorporating new data as well as results from the literature. The Azores are a volcanic archipelago consisting of nine islands and samples were collected at São Miguel, Graciosa, Faial, São Jorge, Pico and Flores islands. Hydrothermal manifestations show the effects of active volcanism on several islands. Discharges are mainly related to active Quaternary central volcanoes, of basaltic to trachytic composition, but also some springs are related to older dormant or extinct volcanoes.Multivariate analysis – principal component and cluster analysis – enables classification of water compositions into 4 groups and interpretation of processes affecting water compositions. Groups 1 and 2 discharge from perched-water bodies, and mostly correspond to Na–HCO3 and Na–HCO3–Cl type waters. These groups comprise of cold, thermal (27 °C–75 °C) and boiling waters (92.2 °C–93.2 °C), with a wide TDS range (77.3–27, 145.7 mg/L). Group 3 is made of samples of dominated Na–SO4 from very acid boiling pools (pH range of 2.02–2.27) which are fed by steam-heated perched-water bodies. Group 4 is representative of springs from the basal aquifer system and corresponds to Na–Cl type fluids, with compositions dominated by seawater.Results are used to further develop a conceptual model characterizing the geochemical evolution of the studied waters. Mineral and thermal waters discharging from perched-water bodies are of meteoric origin and chemically evolve by absorption of magmatic volatiles (CO2) and by a limited degree of rock leaching. Existing data also suggest mixture between cold waters and thermal water. Water chemistry from springs that discharge from the basal aquifer system evolves by mixing with seawater; although, processes such as absorption of magmatic volatiles (CO2), rock leaching and mixture with hydrothermal waters are not excluded by the data because the actual composition of these waters deviates from that expected considering only conservative mixing between fresh and seawater.  相似文献   

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