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Environmental effects monitoring (EEM) identifies, quantifies, and compares predicted environmental impacts of a proposed industrial project to those observed after the project has been developed. Several EEM program structures exist, while the structure used by Environment Canada to monitor impacts of the pulp and paper industry has proven to be effective. The aim of this study is to provoke discussion on the development of an effective and coordinated petroleum EEM program structure for the offshore of Nova Scotia, Canada. A structure that supports development of a national EEM program for the petroleum industry is then proposed. Advantages of a coordinated EEM program structure include: (1) reduced cost of the EEM; (2) fewer gaps and less overlapping of responsibilities; (3) fewer calculated risks to the marine environment; and (4) improved environmental safeguards.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》2002,25(5):255-266
Tagging of Pacific pelagics (TOPP) is a pilot program of the Census of marine life (CoML) that will lead to understanding of pelagic habitat use by marine vertebrates and large squid in the North Pacific. Taking a multispecies approach, the TOPP project will use a range of electronic tag technologies to put the distribution and behavior of pelagic organisms in the context of the oceanography of the North Pacific. Tag-bearing animals will be used as autonomous ocean profilers to enhance sparse oceanographic observations for vast ocean regions. These autonomous ocean samplers will provide unprecedented coverage of the water column structure of the North Pacific. The temporal and spatial data generated by this project will provide an “organism-eye” view of several interactive oceanic regimes in the North Pacific. Twenty target species, including tunas, sharks, pinnipeds, cetaceans, seabirds, and marine turtles, will be monitored with electronic tags. Animal-collected oceanic data will be assimilated into global ocean databases, complement traditional methodologies and be used to help validate nearshore, regional, and basin scale ocean models. As more environmental information is gathered and delivered from the tagged animals, new insights will be obtained about their individual behaviors, as well as how diverse species have separately evolved to forage, reproduce, and survive in the vast pelagic environment. This multi-disciplinary approach will allow a novel merger of biological and physical data to provide a new understanding of the relationship between the movements and behaviors of marine organisms and oceanographic processes in the eastern North Pacific.  相似文献   

本研究以晋江盐场围填海项目为例,针对项目情况和区域环境特征,在收集现有资料和补充调查的基础上,分析评估了围填海工程建设的海洋生态影响,并提出了相应的生态保护修复方案。在此基础上,提出了今后工作的建议:(1)保护修复应推行整体保护、系统修复的有效机制,实现区域生态系统的恢复与良性发展。(2)围填多年已经形成相对稳定的生态系统的围填海项目,制定修复对策也应遵循现有的生态条件,充分考虑修复工程的成本与效益,增强修复方案的可操作性,做出最有利的决策。(3)生态修复模式应以自然恢复为主、人工修复为辅,最大程度恢复生态系统功能。本研究可为类似生态保护修复工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

It was common along China's coastal region to throw wastes, including domestic and industrial, to the sea at random and without care. This has caused severe environmental problems, not only harming the marine environment, but also damaging the residential habitats of the coastal region itself. Unfortunately, before 1982 offshore wastes dumping was not regulated in China. The actual regulations governing such dumping in China formally began in 1982 when the basic law on marine environmental protection, i.e., the Marine Environmental Protection Law came into being.The significance of the regulation of wastes dumping lies in the fact that it consists of an indispensable part of the comprehensive marine environmental protection system in China. What is more significant is that under the current circumstance that China has been building a harmonious society for its people, the reach of the harmony between Nature and human beings is critical. Thus effective control of wastes dumping at sea is a necessary component in the efforts towards that reach. Since China is the biggest country and has longest mainland coastal line in East Asia, its laws and practice in this regard concerns with the marine environmental protection of the whole East Asian seas.This paper will address the wastes dumping issue in a legal perspective, including analyzing and assessing the relevant laws and regulations, their implementation and enforcement in China. In addition, it will compare the Chinese regulations with relevant international laws to see whether the Chinese law and its implementation are in line with them. For the purpose of the better explanation of China's law and practice, some relevant cases regarding wastes dumping will be addressed.  相似文献   

The Western Arctic Shelf–Basin Interactions (SBI) project is a 10-year Arctic environmental change program. A major field campaign occurred in the spring, summer and fall seasons between 2002 and 2004. The SBI program was developed to investigate the production, transformation and fate of carbon on shelf and slope regions of the Chukchi and Beaufort seas and shelf–basin interactions with the Arctic Basin. This 2nd special issue documents many of the key findings, ranging from sea ice and hydrographic changes to water column and sediment dynamics and trophic level interactions during the core Phase II field program. The integration of these results with ongoing synthesis and modeling activities within the SBI program are illustrating the critical importance of this continental shelf environment to understand shelf–basin interactions and the ongoing changes being observed and forecasted in the marine Amerasian Arctic.  相似文献   

本文介绍海洋环境要素的声光集成测量原理和测量方法。文中以作者主持的海洋863项目“声光悬浮沙粒径谱测量仪”为例,列举了声速、声衰减、悬浮泥沙粒径谱的测量结果。海洋声速、声衰减、温度、盐度、悬浮物等都是海水的重要参数。这些参数的测量,对海洋开发、海洋环保、海洋军事有重要的意义。  相似文献   

相比陆上油气开发工程和其他海洋工程而言,海洋油气开发工程有其自身的特点,海洋油气开发工程环境影响评价应关注的内容与其他工程有所不同。文章通过分析海洋油气开发工程的特点以及对环境影响的特点,提出海洋油气开发工程环境影响评价要点,即包括施工期悬浮泥沙及钻井液钻屑排放对海洋生态环境的影响、运营期含油生产水排放对海洋生态环境的影响、工程建设对海洋环境敏感目标的影响、溢油事故环境风险分析、污染防治及生态保护措施,并针对目前海洋油气开发工程环境影响评价存在的问题提出改进建议。  相似文献   

文章基于层次分析法建立了包括3项一级指标和15项二级指标的评价指标体系,采用资料分析为主的评价方法,对珠海、阳江和汕头海域3个海上风电场开展了施工期的海洋环境影响跟踪评价,是该领域的首次实践。评价内容涵盖了对海上风电项目施工期环境管理状况和环保对策措施落实情况的定性分析以及生态环境影响定量评价,得出了综合评价结果,并阐明了存在的问题和对策措施。同时建议探索推行海洋环境影响全过程评价体系,进一步减小工程建设对海洋环境的影响,协同推进经济高质量发展和生态环境高水平保护。  相似文献   

Robust environmental management of deep-sea mining projects must be integrated into the planning and execution of mining operations, and developed concurrently. It should follow a framework indicating the environmental management-related activities necessary at each project phase, and their interrelationships. An environmental management framework with this purpose is presented in this paper; it facilitates the development of environmental information and decision-making throughout the phases of a mining project. It is based environmental management frameworks used in allied industries, but adjusted for unique characteristics of deep-sea mining. It defines the gathering and synthesis of information and its use in decision-making, and employs a conceptual model as a growing repository of claim-specific information. The environmental management activities at each phase have been designed to enable the implementation of the precautionary approach in decision making, while facilitating review of adaptive management measures to improve environmental management as the quantity and quality of data increases and technologies are honed. This framework will ensure fairness and uniformity in the application of environmental standards, assist the regulator in its requirements to protect the environment, and benefit contractors and financiers by reducing uncertainty in the process.  相似文献   

海洋功能区划是海洋环境保护的一项基本制度,海洋功能区划生态环境目标实施效果评价对于总结实施经验、改进区划环境管控目标和完善区划环境保护制度具有重要的意义。文章系统地分析了我国新一轮海洋功能区划生态环境的主要目标、环境保护要求、保障措施等,界定了区划生态环境目标的评估范围。采用基于GIS技术的分析方法,设计了对应关系分析、区划生态环境目标实现程度分析、环境变化趋势分析及影响关系分析等关键环节,探讨了各区划生态环境目标在多个环节、不同情况时的合理性,构建了一套我国新一轮海洋功能区划生态环境目标实施效果评估方法和流程,为开展各级区划生态环境目标实施效果评价提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

在海洋开发利用活动日益增多,海洋环境保护压力日益增大的背景下,进行海洋生态环境状况科学评价方法的研究可以为开展海洋生态环境监测评估与海洋生态环境保护政策制定提供科学依据,促进改善海洋生态环境状况。本文首先基于贝叶斯网络基本理论,构建了海洋生态环境状况贝叶斯网络评价模型;再以山东省为例,充分融合专家经验知识与客观数据,从定性与定量两个角度评价了2013—2019年山东省近海生态环境状况,分析了各评价指标间关系及其对近海生态环境状况的影响程度。评价结果表明2013—2019年山东省近海生态环境状况保持一般状态,海洋环境质量与海洋生态灾害类指标对评价结果影响最大,山东省海洋环境保护工作初见成效。研究结果表明该评价模型能有效评价海洋生态环境状况,分析结果对于环境保护政策制定具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

- The ultimate strength analysis of offshore jacket platforms is a research project which has been developed in recent years. With the rapid development of marine oil industry, the departments of design and IMR (Inspection, Maintenance and Repair) in the offshore engineering have attached great importance to this project. The research procedure applies to both the stress check of new design platforms and the whole safety assessment of existing platforms. In this paper, we combine the pseudo non-linear technique with the linear analysis program and successfully analyze the ultimate strength of the space frame structure subject to the concentrated load and a real jacket platform subject to the dead load and environmental load.  相似文献   

为促进国际海底区域资源开发和环境保护的协调可持续发展,提高我国在相关领域的话语权和执行力,文章系统分析国际海底区域环境保护制度的发展特征及其存在的问题,总结我国对国际海底区域环境保护的实践和展望,并提出对策建议。研究结果表明:国际海底区域环境保护制度经历萌芽、成形、发展和充实4个阶段,发展特征主要包括理念的更新、原则的完善以及义务和责任的明确,然而至今在规章环境保护条款、《联合国海洋法公约》非缔约国的环境保护权责和相关利益平衡等方面仍存在问题;我国从参与制定相关制度和开展国内法探索等方面积极实践国际海底区域环境保护;未来应从制定环境保护标准、探索政策环境和平衡各方利益等方面完善国际海底区域环境保护制度,我国应继续参与相关国际法律制度的制定以及完善国内海洋环境保护制度。  相似文献   

初依依  马英杰 《海洋科学》2019,43(12):124-129
为了对无居民海岛的环境与自然资源进行更好的保护,作者通过对国家政策和学界相关文献的浏览和分析,发现将军民融合战略融入到无居民海岛的环保工作中,将有效弥补《海岛保护法》的缺陷,在促进军民融合发展战略的落实的同时,可以兼顾环境保护效的质量和经济发展的效益,更好地维护国家主权和国家生态安全。  相似文献   

季则舟 《海洋与湖沼》2022,53(4):830-837
对于海岸工程所遇到的自然灾害,仅以加大结构尺度与结构强度的传统方法应对是不可取的。改变传统理念,通过改善工程与环境的关系,提高工程韧性是较合理的选择。韧性海岸工程以工程系统与环境相协调,具有吸收和适应自然力、灾害情况下维持其功能以及灾后可快速恢复的能力为特征。针对港口工程、海岸及港口防护工程建设提出了韧性工程实施策略及方法。以韧性工程理念对港口规划与平面布置、复杂环境下的码头结构及航道工程设计提出优化原则与方案。海岸及港口防护工程可采用多重防护、吸收性防护、变形型防护及生态型防护等类型,以改善工程与环境的适应性,增强工程韧性。  相似文献   

海洋导管架平台的极限强度分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
许滨  申仲翰 《海洋工程》1994,12(3):8-16
海洋导管架平台的极限分析是一项较新的研究课题,随着海上采油事业的飞速发展,它已越来越受到海洋工程设计及维修部门的重视。其研究成果不仅能用于设计结构的应力校核,尚可用于现有平台结构的整体安全估算。本文利用非线性模拟技术及线性分析程序的完美结合。成功地分析计算了受集中哉茶作用的空间框架结构,及受静载荷和环境载荷作用下的真实导管架平台极限强度。  相似文献   

盐田港是深圳港三大集装箱主体港区之一,为增加港口泊位和用地,提出在东作业区正角咀以东实施围填海工程。因工程区位距城市和主要景区较近,须重点进行港城功能协调性论证。根据已有研究,文章在总结港城冲突主要来源的理论基础上,选取后方陆域用地、集疏运交通、港区景观和后方环境4个影响维度,进行现状分析、规划分析和围填前后对比分析,对围填海规划方案进行综合论证。研究结果表明:围填海工程的港城关系冲突主要集中于后方陆域用地、港区景观和后方环境影响上;港口扩张带来后方陆域用地需求增加,在目前规划条件下难以满足;围填海工程增加大梅沙景区的港口岸线可见长度,港口工业景观和自然滨海景观不相融;港口吞吐量增加导致集疏运交通量增加,虽然交通规划能基本满足运量需求,但有害气体污染将有一定幅度的增加。对此提出3点建议:进一步提升港口作业、存放和中转效率以及后方陆域土地的集约利用水平,加快内陆港建设;进一步开展城市设计工作,重点对港口商务景观区进行景观塑造;改进环保技术,加装环保设备,对机动车尾气进行清洁化处理,加强对尾气排放的环保监管。  相似文献   

文章对近10年来椒江口两岸主要的围填海工程进行了统计,利用基于围填海强度等级控制理念的围填海潜力评估方法,对椒江口海域的围填海强度及围填海潜力进行了定量评估,并对其造成的环境影响进行了分析。分析结果显示,椒江口海域虽然仍有一定的围填海潜力,但围填海压力较大,椒江口大规模的围填海工程对海岸带地形地貌、海域水文动力环境、滨海湿地生态系统、海洋水环境质量、海洋生物资源等均存在负面影响,为此提出了强化围填海管控、重视海岸带整治修复等建议,以期为椒江口的围填海管控和生态环境保护提供参考。  相似文献   

为规范水声环境资料质量检核评估工作,开展了水声环境资料质量检核评估标准规范研究,参照水声环境数据后期处理一般程序,梳理分析了原始数据、处理算法、模型运用及处理流程等数据质量误差来源;结合标准化水声环境资料处理程序及成果形式,研究了数据及数据处理全流程检核评估方法,给出数据文件、处理代码及配套文档资料应包含的内容及检查方...  相似文献   

我国将建成七大国家级石化产业园区,这些石化园区无一例外的位于沿海地区或海岛上,为此加强石化园区运营期海洋环境保护意义重大.环境影响后评估是运营期检验园区环境管理水平、查找园区环境问题的重要手段之一.目前,石化园区环境影响后评估主要以环境要素逐一分析法最为常见,而将石化园区作为一个整体从资源、环境、管理等角度综合评估的方法尚不多见.本研究在阐述我国海洋环境后评估和深入分析石化园区用海特点的基础上,结合PSR框架模型加以总结,提出了石化园区海洋环境影响后评估框架与指标体系,分为框架层、方案层和指标层,共25项考核指标,以期为今后沿海石化园区海洋环境管理研究提供思路.同时,本研究明确了各类评估指标赋值和权重等计算方案,并以大连某石化园区为案例进行了评估效果验证.  相似文献   

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