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本文简要介绍了InSAR及其差分技术的基本原理,并以仲巴地震为例,采用已知DEM的二路差分法获取了仲巴地震的同震形变场。结果表明:仲巴地震为是一个以倾滑为主的浅源正断层型地震,断层面走向近乎南北方向。 相似文献
利用覆盖整个日本东北部的3个条带的Envisat/ASAR降轨数据和6个条带的ALOS/PALSAR升轨数据,通过二通差分干涉处理,首先得到了2011年日本Tohoku-Oki Mw 9.0级地震的初步同震形变干涉结果,然后,利用GPS同震观测值对InSAR结果进行校正和基准统一。在此基础上,采用弹性半空间矩形位错模型,联合GPS和InSAR观测结果对同震滑动分布进行反演,获取了发震断层的断层滑动分布。结果显示,此次地震的滑动分布主要发生在40~50km深度范围内,最大滑移量为50.3m,释放的能量为3.20×1022 N·m(相当于Mw 8.94级)。 相似文献
基于GPS速度场采用RELSM模型分析关中地区现今地壳形变特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用2001~2004年关中地区及周边区域GPS观测资料,运用整体旋转与线性应变模型(RELSM)研究了关中地区地壳水平运动及应变场特征,探讨了其与地震、地裂缝活动的关系。结果表明:彬县—西安—蓝田是关中地区地壳水平差异运动的分界带;泾阳—西安—咸阳—临潼—三原地区同时是最大剪应变、面膨胀高值区,也是地壳运动显著差异带,同时该区还发育多条深大活动断裂,具备发生中强地震的必要条件;甘青块体的向东挤压加之周围块体的运动,形成了关中地区西部表现为压缩,而东部表现为伸展的特点;泾阳—西安—咸阳地区地壳伸展运动强烈,地裂缝十分发育。 相似文献
汶川地震GPS形变约束的破裂分段特征及滑移 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为了解2008年汶川地震破裂分段特征及滑移,采用弹性位错模型和模拟退火算法,数值模拟汶川震区密集的GPS同震形变。结果表明,GPS同震形变场至少需要用铲状的映秀-北川五断裂加上灌县-江油断裂来模拟,该模型对GPS数据的符合程度与汶川地震滑动分布模型相当,基本反映了汶川地震破裂特征。映秀-北川断裂总长255~294km。南段以逆冲为主,分上下两层,最深达30km。中段右旋走滑和逆冲都很大,而北段以右旋走滑为主。映秀段地震周期最短为3000年。破裂上层深度14km可能是龙门山中央断裂的闭锁深度。汶川地震可能源于相邻块体的相对运动和挤压、深部滑脱或浅部闭锁,在薄弱构造处首先爆发地震。 相似文献
针对强震仪与GPS各自的优点与缺陷,以2016年意大利Mw 6.0级地震为例,探讨了利用Kalman滤波融合GPS与强震仪数据实时监测中等强度地震引起的瞬时地壳形变的可行性与优势。Kalman滤波获取的位移波形以GPS数据作为整体趋势,细节部分用强震仪数据进行描述,融合后的位移波形精度较高,能够准确和细致地描述地震引起的地表动态形变;与此同时,Kalman滤波位移波形也能够准确地探测中等强度地震引起的同震永久阶跃;Kalman滤波位移波形的功率谱在低频部分与GPS位移波形的功率谱密度相似,在高频部分与强震仪位移波形的功率谱密度相似,表明Kalman滤波结合了GPS与强震仪各自的优点;交叉小波分析表明,Kalman滤波获取的位移波形与GPS、强震仪数据呈现较强的正相关性,小波相似值均在0.8以上。以上结果表明,融合GPS与强震仪数据可以结合二者各自的优点,弥补各自的缺陷;融合GPS与强震仪数据可以有效探测中等强度地震引起的瞬时地壳形变。 相似文献
YU Xuexiang associate professor Ph.D Department of Resource Environment Engineering Anhui University of Science Technology Huainan China. XU Shaoquan GAO Wei LU Weicai 《地球空间信息科学学报》2003,6(4):51-56
A new similar singledifference mathematical model ( SS-DM) and its corresponding algorithm are advanced to solve the deformation of monitoring point directly in single epoch. The method for building the SSDM is introduced in detail, and the main error sources affecting the accuracy of deformation measurement are analyzed briefly, and the basic algorithm and steps of solving the deformation are discussed. In order to validate the correctness and the accuracy of the similar single-difference model, the test with five dual frequency receivers is carried out on a slideway which moved in plane in Feb. 2001. In the test, five sessions are observed. The numerical results of test data show that the advanced model is correct. 相似文献
利用基于抗差垂直向方差分量估计的GPS-InSAR数据融合方法反演三维形变场 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
GPS-InSAR数据融合解算三维形变场模型易受观测值粗差影响,且基于方差分量估计的定权方法不具备抵御粗差能力,计算效率低下。鉴于此,本文提出了一种基于抗差垂直向方差分量估计的GPS-InSAR融合解算模型,利用方差分量估计方法及抗差估计理论,通过对观测值最优化分类并进行选权迭代,精确分配权重,进而有效计算三维形变场。试验结果表明,该方法能有效抵御观测值粗差不利影响,提高三维形变场反演精度,提升逐点式计算的三维形变场效率。 相似文献
A new similar single-difference mathematical model (SS-DM) and its corresponding algorithm are advanced to solve the deformation of monitoring point directly in single epoch. The method for building the SSDM is introduced in detail, and the main error sources affecting the accuracy of deformation measurement are analyzed briefly, and the basic algorithm and steps of solving the deformation are discussed. 相似文献
Hanjiang Xiong Wei Ma Jianya Gong Douadi Abdelalim 《International Journal of Digital Earth》2019,12(5):525-543
Realistic texture mapping and coherent up-to-date rendering is one of the most important issues in indoor 3-D modelling. However, existing texturing approaches are usually performed manually during the modelling process, and cannot accommodate changes in indoor environments occurring after the model was created, resulting in out-dated and misleading texture rendering. In this study, a structured learning-based texture mapping method is proposed for automatic mapping a single still photo from a mobile phone onto an already-constructed indoor 3-D model. The up-to-date texture is captured using a smart phone, and the indoor structural layout is extracted by incorporating per-pixel segmentation in the FCN algorithm and the line constraints into a structured learning algorithm. This enables real-time texture mapping according to parts of the model, based on the structural layout. Furthermore, the rough camera pose is estimated by pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR) and map information to determine where to map the texture. The experimental results presented in this paper demonstrate that our approach can achieve accurate fusion of 3-D triangular meshes with 2-D single images, achieving low-cost and automatic indoor texture updating. Based on this fusion approach, users can have a better experience in virtual indoor3-D applications. 相似文献
Agustan Fumiaki KimataYoga Era Pamitro Hasanuddin Z. Abidin 《International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation》2012,14(1):73-82
One of the most violent volcanic eruptions in recorded history is the Krakatau eruption on August 27, 1883. This caldera-forming eruption destroyed two thirds of the Krakatau volcanic island in the Sunda Strait resulting in the remaining three small islands later known as the Krakatau complex. From 1927 to 1929, eruptions in the center of Krakatau complex have produced a new volcano named Anak Krakatau, which continuously builds its body through eruptions until now. One eruption event took place between 2007 and 2008 with several eruptions that lasted in total from the end of October 2007 to August 2008. Eruptions were characterized by Strombolian activity with ash columns 1 km high, as well as pyroclastic and lava flows. We monitored the ground deformation of Anak Krakatau Volcano by interfering PALSAR data from June 2007 to February 2009. The result of InSAR technique shows a complex pattern of ground deformation. Inflation up to 4 cm, together with subsidence around the crater, was measured for almost three months before the eruption with a volume increase of approximately 1 × 106 m3. After the eruption, the southwest side of the volcanic cone subsided by 18 cm, whereas the northeast side of the cone uplifted 12 cm in almost two years. The observed ground deformation after the eruption can be explained by 4 m of tensile opening along a dipping rectangular tensile dislocation buried in an elastic half-space, approximately 400 m below sea level. 相似文献
Single epoch GPS deformation signals extraction and gross error detection technique based on wavelet transform 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
WANG Jian GAO Jingxiang XU Changhui 《地球空间信息科学学报》2006,9(3):187-190
IntroductionGPS technique is widely used for deformationmonitoring thanks for the high precision. Usual-ly , there are three working modes associatedwith GPS deformation observation: periodicalGPS deformation monitoring net , GPS monito-ring array and rea… 相似文献
基于ARIMA模型的边坡变形分析与预测 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
详细论述了时间序列分析中的平稳性分析、模型识别、模型评价和模型预测的过程,建立自回归滑动平均求和(ARIMA)模型对2016年6月29日-2017年10月4日共计461 d的边坡监测数据进行时间序列分析和预测。结果显示:利用ARIMA模型对边坡观测数据进行时间序列分析具有可行性,并能取得较好的效果,研究成果可为工程施工和防灾减灾提供技术参考。 相似文献
IMU/DGPS辅助车载CCD及激光扫描仪三维数据采集与建模 总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10
三维信息快速采集是真实场景建模与三维虚拟现实技术的关键。本文提出了一种基于激光扫描仪、线/面阵CCD相机及GPS与IMU等多种传感器融合的车载移动式数据快速采集系统。各传感器安置在车内稳定平台上并随车保持一致的运动姿态。通过对GPS和IMU数据进行卡尔曼(Kalman)滤波,可推测出整个系统及各传感器的位置和最佳姿态估计;从扫描仪点云数据可提取出街道场景中事物的三维几何信息;线阵CCD相机用于获取路面带状地物等线性特征;面阵CCD采集街道两侧面状纹理信息,从而快速获得城市目标的地理坐标和三维建模信息,由此可重建城市路面街道的三维真实场景。 相似文献