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用地基激光雷达提取单木结构参数——以白皮松为例   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
以白皮松(Pinus bungeana Zucc)为研究对象,针对地基激光雷达TLS扫描的3维点云数据在单株木垂直方向的分布特征,提出了一种基于体元化方法的树干覆盖度变化检测方法,获取单木枝下高;然后根据获取的枝下高引入2维凸包算法获取垂直方向分层树冠轮廓,并计算树冠体积和冠幅;同时获取的单木参数还有胸径与树高。结果表明:单木枝下高的估测精度较高,R2与RMSE分别为0.97 m和0.21 m;胸径估测结果的R2与RMSE分别为0.79 cm和1.07 cm;采用逐步线性回归方法建立单木树冠体积与其他单木参数的相关关系,模型变量包括冠幅、叶子填充树冠长度和胸径,样本数为20,模型的R2与RMSE分别是0.967 m3和2.64 m3。本文方法能较准确地估测枝下高,TLS数据具有对树冠结构3维建模的潜力。  相似文献   

Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) can record a large amount of accurate topographical information with a high spatial accuracy over a relatively short period of time. These features suggest it is a useful tool for topographical survey and surface deformation detection. However, the use of TLS to survey a terrain surface is still challenging in the presence of dense ground vegetation. The bare ground surface may not be illuminated due to signal occlusion caused by vegetation. This paper investigates vegetation-induced elevation error in TLS surveys at a local scale and its spatial pattern. An open, relatively flat area vegetated with dense grass was surveyed repeatedly under several scan conditions. A total station was used to establish an accurate representation of the bare ground surface. Local-highest-point and local-lowest-point filters were applied to the point clouds acquired for deriving vegetation height and vegetation-induced elevation error, respectively. The effects of various factors (for example, vegetation height, edge effects, incidence angle, scan resolution and location) on the error caused by vegetation are discussed. The results are of use in the planning and interpretation of TLS surveys of vegetated areas.  相似文献   

地面三维激光扫描技术在公路建模中的应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
为解决传统技术获取公路数据效率低,数据不够精确与详细的问题,本文提出了将地面三维激光扫描技术应用于公路建模的数据采集方案和数据处理方法。根据地面激光扫描的特点和公路建模要求,设计出按最佳扫描距离进行分段设站、分块扫描的数据采集方案。经过点云配准和滤波等预处理后,利用点云几何信息进行了数字表面模型、等高线、纵横断面等模型生成。本文以Trimble GS200地面三维激光扫描仪为例对高速公路路面进行数据采集,以Realworks Survey5.0作为建模工具进行路面建模。结果表明采集方案能提高获取原始数据的效率,并且保证了数据质量,降低了数据处理的复杂程度。  相似文献   

面向露天矿山生产对于矿车装载量核算的需求,本文提出了一种利用单线激光雷达扫描的矿车装载量自动核算方法.该方法首先采用固定式单线激光雷达对目标车辆进行俯视扫描,基于车辆形态特征分割出载荷物顶部点云;然后经时态校正,并与预先构建的车辆信息数据库进行匹配,重建出载荷物的三维表面模型;最后通过对载荷物表面模型的切片积分实现方量...  相似文献   

利用地面激光扫描数据提取单木结构参数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对现有提取单木结构参数的方法精度不高的现状,文章研究利用地面三维激光扫描数据提取单木的高度、胸径和冠幅,特别是将RANSAC算法用于圆拟合,提高了胸径的反演精度。最后利用野外实测数据进行验证,并比较分析了Hough变换和RANSAC算法在提取胸径中的差异。结果表明,本文方法提取的单木参数精度较高;并且无论从相关系数、平均残差还是均方根误差等方面,RANSAC算法提取的胸径精度均高于Hough变换方法。  相似文献   

Accurate forest biomass mapping methods would provide the means for e.g. detecting bioenergy potential, biofuel and forest-bound carbon. The demand for practical biomass mapping methods at all forest levels is growing worldwide, and viable options are being developed. Airborne laser scanning (ALS) is a promising forest biomass mapping technique, due to its capability of measuring the three-dimensional forest vegetation structure. The objective of the study was to develop new methods for tree-level biomass estimation using metrics derived from ALS point clouds and to compare the results with field references collected using destructive sampling and with existing biomass models. The study area was located in Evo, southern Finland. ALS data was collected in 2009 with pulse density equalling approximately 10 pulses/m2. Linear models were developed for the following tree biomass components: total, stem wood, living branch and total canopy biomass. ALS-derived geometric and statistical point metrics were used as explanatory variables when creating the models. The total and stem biomass root mean square error per cents equalled 26.3% and 28.4% for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), and 36.8% and 27.6% for Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.), respectively. The results showed that higher estimation accuracy for all biomass components can be achieved with models created in this study compared to existing allometric biomass models when ALS-derived height and diameter were used as input parameters. Best results were achieved when adding field-measured diameter and height as inputs in the existing biomass models. The only exceptions to this were the canopy and living branch biomass estimations for spruce. The achieved results are encouraging for the use of ALS-derived metrics in biomass mapping and for further development of the models.  相似文献   

基于罗德里格矩阵的三维激光扫描点云配准算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张东  黄腾  陈建华  李桂华 《测绘科学》2012,(1):156-157,173
本文提出了一种基于罗德里格矩阵的激光扫描点云配准直接计算方法。利用反对称矩阵和罗德里格矩阵的性质,用3个独立参数代替3个旋转角参数建立一种新旋转矩阵解算模型,推导出旋转变换误差方程,确定平移参数的计算公式。通过实验分析了坐标转换模型的精度和点云配准效果,结果表明该算法精度高,计算过程简单,可以准确地解算出三维坐标转换参数。  相似文献   

This paper proposes an automatic method for registering terrestrial laser scans in terms of robustness and accuracy. The proposed method uses spatial curves as matching primitives to overcome the limitations of registration methods based on points, lines, or patches as primitives. These methods often have difficulty finding correspondences between the scanned point clouds of freeform surfaces (e.g., statues, cultural heritage). The proposed method first clusters visually prominent points selected according to their associated geometric curvatures to extract crest lines which describe the shape characteristics of point clouds. Second, a deformation energy model is proposed to measure the shape similarity of these crest lines to select the correct matching-curve pairs. Based on these pairs, good initial orientation parameters can be obtained, resulting in fine registration. Experiments were undertaken to evaluate the robustness and accuracy of the proposed method, demonstrating a reliable and stable solution for accurately registering complex scenes without good initial alignment.  相似文献   

Non-destructive and accurate estimation of crop biomass is crucial for the quantitative diagnosis of growth status and timely prediction of grain yield. As an active remote sensing technique, terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) has become increasingly available in crop monitoring for its advantages in recording structural properties. Some researchers have attempted to use TLS data in the estimation of crop aboveground biomass, but only for part of the growing season. Previous studies rarely investigated the estimation of biomass for individual organs, such as the panicles in rice canopies, which led to the poor understanding of TLS technology in monitoring biomass partitioning among organs. The objective of this study was to investigate the potential of TLS in estimating the biomass for individual organs and aboveground biomass of rice and to examine the feasibility of developing universal models for the entire growing season. The field plots experiments were conducted in 2017 and 2018 and involved different nitrogen (N) rates, planting techniques and rice varieties. Three regression approaches, stepwise multiple linear regression (SMLR), random forest regression (RF) and linear mixed-effects (LME) modeling, were evaluated in estimating biomass with extensive TLS and biomass data collected at multiple phenological stages of rice growth across the entire season. The models were calibrated with the 2017 dataset and validated independently with the 2018 dataset.The results demonstrated that growth stage in LME modeling was selected as the most significant random effect on rice growth among the three candidates, which were rice variety, growth stage and planting technique. The LME models grouped by growth stage exhibited higher validation accuracies for all biomass variables over the entire season to varying degrees than SMLR models and RF models. The most pronounced improvement with a LME model was obtained for panicle biomass, with an increase of 0.74 in R2 (LME: R2 = 0.90, SMLR: R2 = 0.16) and a decrease of 1.15 t/ha in RMSE (LME: RMSE =0.79 t/ha, SMLR: RMSE =2.94 t/ha). Compared to SMLR and RF, LME modeling yielded similar estimation accuracies of aboveground biomass for pre-heading stages, but significantly higher accuracies for post-heading stages (LME: R2 = 0.63, RMSE =2.27 t/ha; SMLR: R2 = 0.42, RMSE =2.42 t/ha; RF: R2 = 0.57, RMSE =2.80 t/ha). These findings implied that SMLR was only suitable for the estimation of biomass at pre-heading stages and LME modeling performed remarkably well across all growth stages, especially for post-heading. The results suggest coupling TLS with LME modeling is a promising approach to monitoring rice biomass at post-heading stages at high accuracy and to overcoming the saturation of canopy reflectance signals encountered in optical remote sensing. It also has great potential in the monitoring of other crops in cloud-cover conditions and the instantaneous prediction of grain yield any time before harvest.  相似文献   

小叶锦鸡儿是内蒙古灌丛化草原中最具代表性的景观植物,准确估算小叶锦鸡儿灌丛的地上生物量对研究灌丛化草原生态系统、监测草原灌丛化程度具有重要意义。地基激光雷达TLS(Terrestrial Laser Scanning)可通过获取高密度点云数据准确估算灌木体积,被广泛应用于反演灌木生物量,但在灌丛化草原中尚未得到有效应用。本研究首先在中国科学院灌丛化草地植被恢复试验区获取了5个样方(10 m×10 m)共42株灌丛的TLS点云数据及实测生物量信息;然后分别使用整体凸包法、切片凸包法、切片分割法、体积表面差分法、体素法5种方法计算灌丛体积并与实测生物量进行回归分析;最后,通过留一交叉验证对5种方法建立的生物量估算模型精度进行对比分析。结果表明:TLS可在不破坏植被的情况下实现快速、准确地小叶锦鸡儿灌丛生物量反演,是传统野外调查方法的可靠替代技术。研究中采用的5种方法均能较好地估算灌丛生物量,其中:(1)相比于整体凸包法(R 2=0.87, p<0.001, RMSE=30.50 g),切片凸包法(R 2=0.89, p<0.001, RMSE=28.01 g)与切片分割法(R 2=0.88, p<0.001, RMSE=29.03 g)可有效减弱离群点造成的体积高估,生物量估算精度有所提升;(2)格网大小为3 cm、高度统计变量选取标准差时,体积表面差分法计算的体积与实测生物量拟合度最好(R 2=0.89, p<0.001, RMSE=28.89 g),表明高度标准差是估算小叶锦鸡儿灌丛生物量的强预测因子;(3)体素法解释了生物量估计值90%的变化(R 2=0.90, p<0.001, RMSE=26.28 g),是适合小叶锦鸡儿灌丛生物量反演的最优模型。  相似文献   

Petroleum geoscientists have been using cores and well logs to study source rocks and reservoirs, however, the inherent discontinuous nature of these data cannot account for horizontal heterogeneities. Modern exploitation requires better understanding of important source rocks and reservoirs at outcrop scale. Remote sensing of outcrops is becoming a first order tool for reservoir analog studies including horizontal heterogeneities. This work used ground-based hyperspectral imaging, terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), and high-resolution photography to study a roadcut of the Boone Formation at Bella Vista, northwest Arkansas, and developed an outcrop model for reservoir analog analyses.The petroliferous Boone Formation consists of fossiliferous limestones interbedded with chert of early Mississippian age. We used remote sensing techniques to identify rock types and to collect 3D geometrical data. Mixture tuned matched filtering classification of hyperspectral data show that the outcrop is mostly limestones with interbedded chert nodules. 1315 fractures were classified according to their strata-bounding relationships, among these, larger fractures are dominantly striking in ENE – WSW directions. Fracture extraction data show that chert holds more fractures than limestones, and both vertical and horizontal heterogeneities exist in chert nodule distribution.Utilizing ground-based remote sensing, we have assembled a virtual outcrop model to extract mineral composition as well as fracture data from the model. We inferred anisotropy in vertical fracture permeability based on the dominancy of fracture orientations, the preferential distribution of fractures and distribution of chert nodules. These data are beneficial in reservoir analogs to study rock mechanics and fluid flow, and to improve well performances.  相似文献   

Surveying techniques such as terrestrial laser scanner have recently been used to measure surface changes via 3D point cloud (PC) comparison. Two types of approaches have been pursued: 3D tracking of homologous parts of the surface to compute a displacement field, and distance calculation between two point clouds when homologous parts cannot be defined. This study deals with the second approach, typical of natural surfaces altered by erosion, sedimentation or vegetation between surveys. Current comparison methods are based on a closest point distance or require at least one of the PC to be meshed with severe limitations when surfaces present roughness elements at all scales. To solve these issues, we introduce a new algorithm performing a direct comparison of point clouds in 3D. The method has two steps: (1) surface normal estimation and orientation in 3D at a scale consistent with the local surface roughness; (2) measurement of the mean surface change along the normal direction with explicit calculation of a local confidence interval. Comparison with existing methods demonstrates the higher accuracy of our approach, as well as an easier workflow due to the absence of surface meshing or Digital Elevation Model (DEM) generation. Application of the method in a rapidly eroding, meandering bedrock river (Rangitikei River canyon) illustrates its ability to handle 3D differences in complex situations (flat and vertical surfaces on the same scene), to reduce uncertainty related to point cloud roughness by local averaging and to generate 3D maps of uncertainty levels. We also demonstrate that for high precision survey scanners, the total error budget on change detection is dominated by the point clouds registration error and the surface roughness. Combined with mm-range local georeferencing of the point clouds, levels of detection down to 6 mm (defined at 95% confidence) can be routinely attained in situ over ranges of 50 m. We provide evidence for the self-affine behaviour of different surfaces. We show how this impacts the calculation of normal vectors and demonstrate the scaling behaviour of the level of change detection. The algorithm has been implemented in a freely available open source software package. It operates in complex 3D cases and can also be used as a simpler and more robust alternative to DEM differencing for the 2D cases.  相似文献   

激光强度作为地面三维激光扫描仪特有的测量值,在现有三维激光扫描仪中并没有得到有效利用.鉴于此,文章从理论上推导了激光强度值的影响因素,根据强度值的影响因素提出了一种强度值的改正方法,并通过实验对理论模型进行了验证分析.实验结果表明:本文提出的改正方法能较好地对强度值进行改正,对相关的硬件制造和应用具有一定的价值.  相似文献   

利用三维激光扫描系统,获得林木伐根的点云数据,使用Trimble Realworks软件提供的丰富的点云数据处理功能测量伐根直径,计算出林木的材积.将计算结果与传统方法测得的伐根直径计算出的材积结果进行比较.结果表明,三维激光扫描仪测量林木伐根直径得到的材积,符合材积测定的精度要求,测量效率远远高于传统测量的方法,并可...  相似文献   

李海亮  邓非  李刚 《测绘科学》2010,35(5):101-102
为修补三维激光点云中的复杂空洞,本文提出了一种基于摄影测量原理的修补算法。与常规利用空洞与空洞周围点云的关系修补空洞的方法相比,该方法对于复杂空洞的修补可靠性更高,通用性更强。实验结果表明,该空洞修补算法适用于大面积、复杂的点云空洞,能较好地保持原三维物体的细节特征。  相似文献   

Diameter distribution is essential for calculating stem volume and timber assortments of forest stands. A new method was proposed in this study to improve the estimation of stem volume and timber assortments, by means of combining the Area-based approach (ABA) and individual tree detection (ITD), the two main approaches to deriving forest attributes from airborne laser scanning (ALS) data. Two methods, replacement, and histogram matching were employed to calibrate ABA-derived diameter distributions with ITD-derived diameter estimates at plot level. The results showed that more accurate estimates were obtained when calibrations were applied. In view of the highest accuracy between ABA and ITD, calibrated diameter distributions decreased its relative RMSE of the estimated entire growing stock, saw log and pulpwood fractions by 2.81%, 3.05% and 7.73% points at best, respectively. Calibration improved pulpwood fraction significantly, which contributed to the negligible bias of the estimated entire growing stock.  相似文献   

Terrestrial laser scanning has been widely used to analyze the 3D structure of a forest in detail and to generate data at the level of a reference plot for forest inventories without destructive measurements. Multi-scan terrestrial laser scanning is more commonly applied to collect plot-level data so that all of the stems can be detected and analyzed. However, it is necessary to match the point clouds of multiple scans to yield a point cloud with automated processing. Mismatches between datasets will lead to errors during the processing of multi-scan data. Classic registration methods based on flat surfaces cannot be directly applied in forest environments; therefore, artificial reference objects have conventionally been used to assist with scan matching. The use of artificial references requires additional labor and expertise, as well as greatly increasing the cost. In this study, we present an automated processing method for plot-level stem mapping that matches multiple scans without artificial references. In contrast to previous studies, the registration method developed in this study exploits the natural geometric characteristics among a set of tree stems in a plot and combines the point clouds of multiple scans into a unified coordinate system. Integrating multiple scans improves the overall performance of stem mapping in terms of the correctness of tree detection, as well as the bias and the root-mean-square errors of forest attributes such as diameter at breast height and tree height. In addition, the automated processing method makes stem mapping more reliable and consistent among plots, reduces the costs associated with plot-based stem mapping, and enhances the efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for using the intensity of returns from a scanning light detection and ranging (lidar) system from a single viewing point to identify the location and measure the diameter of tree stems within a forest. Such instruments are being used for rapid forest inventory and to provide consistent supporting information for airborne lidars. The intensity transect across a tree stem is found to be consistent with a simple model parameterised by the range and diameter of the trunk. The stem diameter is calculated by fitting the model to transect data. The angular span of the stem can also be estimated by using a simple threshold where intensity values are tested against the expected intensity for a stem of given diameter. This is useful when data are insufficient to fit the model or the stem is partially obscured. The process of identifying tree positions and trunk diameters is fully automated and is shown to be successful in identifying a high proportion of trees, including some that are partially obscured from view. The range and bearing to trees are in excellent agreement with field data. Trunk angular span and diameter estimations are well correlated with field measurements at the plot scale. The accuracy of diameter estimation is found to decrease with range from the scanning position and is also reduced for stems subtending small angles (less than twice the scanning resolution) to the instrument. A method for adjusting survey results to compensate for trees missed due to obscuration from the scanning point and the use of angle count methods is found to improve basal area estimates and achieve agreement within 4% of field measurements.  相似文献   

Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata), a dominant shrub species in the sagebrush-steppe ecosystem of the western US, is declining from its historical distribution due to feedbacks between climate and land use change, fire, and invasive species. Quantifying aboveground biomass of sagebrush is important for assessing carbon storage and monitoring the presence and distribution of this rapidly changing dryland ecosystem. Models of shrub canopy volume, derived from terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) point clouds, were used to accurately estimate aboveground sagebrush biomass. Ninety-one sagebrush plants were scanned and sampled across three study sites in the Great Basin, USA. Half of the plants were scanned and destructively sampled in the spring (n = 46), while the other half were scanned again in the fall before destructive sampling (n = 45). The latter set of sagebrush plants was scanned during both spring and fall to further test the ability of the TLS to quantify seasonal changes in green biomass. Sagebrush biomass was estimated using both a voxel and a 3-D convex hull approach applied to TLS point cloud data. The 3-D convex hull model estimated total and green biomass more accurately (R2 = 0.92 and R2 = 0.83, respectively) than the voxel-based method (R2 = 0.86 and R2 = 0.73, respectively). Seasonal differences in TLS-predicted green biomass were detected at two of the sites (p < 0.001 and p = 0.029), elucidating the amount of ephemeral leaf loss in the face of summer drought. The methods presented herein are directly transferable to other dryland shrubs, and implementation of the convex hull model with similar sagebrush species is straightforward.  相似文献   

Segmentation of mobile laser point clouds of urban scenes into objects is an important step for post-processing (e.g., interpretation) of point clouds. Point clouds of urban scenes contain numerous objects with significant size variability, complex and incomplete structures, and holes or variable point densities, raising great challenges for the segmentation of mobile laser point clouds. This paper addresses these challenges by proposing a shape-based segmentation method. The proposed method first calculates the optimal neighborhood size of each point to derive the geometric features associated with it, and then classifies the point clouds according to geometric features using support vector machines (SVMs). Second, a set of rules are defined to segment the classified point clouds, and a similarity criterion for segments is proposed to overcome over-segmentation. Finally, the segmentation output is merged based on topological connectivity into a meaningful geometrical abstraction. The proposed method has been tested on point clouds of two urban scenes obtained by different mobile laser scanners. The results show that the proposed method segments large-scale mobile laser point clouds with good accuracy and computationally effective time cost, and that it segments pole-like objects particularly well.  相似文献   

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