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极化干涉SAR植被高反演复数最小二乘平差法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
付海强  朱建军  汪长城  解清华  赵蓉 《测绘学报》2014,43(10):1061-1067
提出一种PolInSAR植被高反演的复数最小二乘法。在考虑植被层时间去相干的条件下,将RVoG扩展为RVoG+VTD模型;之后,将模型解算问题概括为复数的实部、虚部联合平差问题,提出了该模型线性化的方法及参数解算方法;最后利用解算得到的更为准确的“纯”体去相干系数反演植被高度。采用覆盖德国Oberpfaffenhofen地区的2景E-SAR L波段数据进行试验并与经典的非线性迭代及三阶段算法进行对比分析。结果表明,本文提出的方法结果精度优于其他两种方法,运算效率方面明显优于非线性迭代算法,略低于三阶段算法。  相似文献   

机载X波段极化干涉SAR数据非监督分类方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对经典极化分类算法在处理机载X波段SAR数据时将过多地物分为体散射类型,并且容易受噪声影响,分类结果存在大量误分现象的问题,通过对机载X波段SAR数据非监督分类方法的研究,提出将极化干涉信息用于机载X波段极化干涉SAR数据的分类。通过运用极化干涉数据进行目标分解得到参数A1和A2对数据进行初始分类,然后结合改进的Wishart最大似然分类算法来进行地物的自适应分类。实验结果表明,该方法能有效避免平地效应的影响,抗噪性好,能正确区分三种典型散射类型,分类效果明显优于极化分类效果。  相似文献   

The reconstruction of digital surface models (DSMs) of urban areas from interferometric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data is a challenging task. In particular the SAR inherent layover and shadowing effects need to be coped with by sophisticated processing strategies. In this paper, a maximum-likelihood estimation procedure for the reconstruction of DSMs from multi-aspect multi-baseline InSAR imagery is proposed. In this framework, redundant as well as contradicting observations are exploited in a statistically optimal way. The presented method, which is especially suited for single-pass SAR interferometers, is examined using test data consisting of experimental airborne millimeterwave SAR imagery. The achievable accuracy is evaluated by comparison to LiDAR-derived reference data. It is shown that the proposed estimation procedure performs better than a comparable non-statistical reconstruction method.  相似文献   

极化干涉雷达遥感机制及作用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
极化干涉SAR是目前雷达遥感的前沿领域,它是集极化SAR和干涉SAR于一体的新型对地观测技术。通过对极化干涉的基本原理和物理机制,极化干涉SAR的数据处理及与常规干涉SAR数据处理的区别,以及极化干涉SAR当前的几个热点应用研究领域进行了阐述,对极化干涉SAR存在的问题也进行了讨论。  相似文献   

基于ESPRIT算法的极化干涉SAR植被高度反演研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于存在着去相干分量,利用ESPRIT(旋转不变技术)算法对植被区域的极化干涉SAR(PollnSAR)数据进行反演的结果有较严重偏差.针对这一问题,结合极化干涉相干最优理论及其物理散射机制,引入新的散射矢量——相干最优化散射矢量,提出一种改进的基于ESPRIT的植被高度反算法.最后,利用欧空局(ESA)提供的模拟L波...  相似文献   

The L-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry (InSAR) technique has a lower accuracy due to ionospheric phase distortions. Recently, a multiple-aperture interferometry (MAI)-based ionospheric correction method has been proposed. Using four types of ionosphere-distorted interferograms, the performance of the correction method was evaluated and then analyzed the feasibility of the correction method. The test interferograms contained severe azimuth streaking, low-frequency ionospheric phase distortion and drastic phase change due to the ionosphere. The results showed that (i) the existence and magnitude of ionospheric phase distortions can be recognized from MAI interferograms and (ii) the MAI-based ionospheric correction method efficiently reduced severe azimuth streaking and low-frequency distortion but did not mitigate the drastic phase change perfectly. It is allowed (i) to determine whether a given SAR interferogram has an ionospheric distortion and (ii) to predict whether the ionospheric distortion can be corrected by using the MAI-based ionospheric correction method.  相似文献   


Tepetates, altered indurated and sterile volcanic tuffs, are located among the neo‐volcanic belt in central Mexico. They are divided into three classes according to the erosion level: outcrop tepetates, discontinuous tepetates (in process of erosion), and underlying tepetates (related to fragile areas with high erosion risk). For local communities and peasants, the existence of tepetates is a heavy constraint, with the impossibility to cultivate the land as it is. In order to know the localization and extension of tepetates, we experimented with various classification techniques of a Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite image. Masking techniques were used, assisted both by a DEM and photo interpretation, in addition to radiometric segmentation to obtain a map of tepetates in a study area. The resulting map showed the location of outcrop tepetates well, in agreement with existing soil maps, but underestimated underlying tepetates and high‐risk erosion localities, due mainly to the heterogeneity of the classes at the scale used (30 m pixel).  相似文献   

针对SAR极化对比增强中存在计算复杂的问题,将粒子群算法应用到极化SAR目标增强当中,并通过数据实验,验证了其优越性。该方法将对比增强问题抽象成最优化问题,将统计得到的区域平均协方差矩阵作为粒子群优化算法的输入,计算每个粒子的适应度值,更新粒子群的个体最优和全局最优值,通过迭代得到最优对比度。实验结果表明,与传统的最优极化对比增强算法相比,基于粒子群优化算法的极化对比增强方法能达到更好的对比度,而且实现较为简单。  相似文献   

Co-seismic deformation associated with the Lushan (China) earthquake that occurred along the south-western segment of the Longmenshan Fault Zone (LFZ) on the 20th April 2013 has been estimated by differential interferometric SAR (DInSAR) technique using Radarsat-2 data. The Lushan earthquake resulted in the deformation of the Sichuan basin and the Longmenshan ranges in proximity to the LFZ. The line of sight (LOS) displacement values obtained from DInSAR technique mainly range between −4.0 cm to +3.0 cm. The western Sichuan basin shows oblique westward movement with predominant downward component in areas farther from LFZ and predominant westward component over the downward movement in areas closer to the source fault. Inversion modelling has been used to derive the seismic source characteristics from DInSAR derived deformation values using elastic dislocation source type. The linear inversion model converged at a double-fault source solution consisting of a deeper, steep, NW dipping fault plane-1 of 60 km × 16 km dimension and a shallower, gentle, NW dipping fault plane-2 of 60 km × 15 km dimension, with distributed slip values varying between 0 to 2.26 m. These fault planes (fault planes-1 and -2) coincide with the Dachuan-Shuangshi fault and the buried Range Front Fault, respectively. The inversion model gives a moment magnitude of 6.81 and the geodetic moment of 2.07 × 1019 Nm, comparable to those given in literature, derived using teleseismic body wave data. Thus DInSAR technique helped to quantify the co-seismic deformation and to retrieve the source characteristics from the estimated deformation values. The study also evaluated the distribution pattern of earthquake induced landslides (EIL) triggered fresh or re-activated during the Lushan earthquake and found that they show spatial association with the seismic source zone and also with various pre-conditioning factors of slope instability.  相似文献   

提出了一种新的基于Cloude-Pottier分解和极化白化滤波(PWF)的全极化SAR数据分类算法。该算法利用PWF的结果来代替反熵A对复WishartH/α分类结果进行进一步细化,按PWF的值将复WishartH/α分类结果由8类分为16类,然后再次进行Wishart迭代分类。实验结果表明,该算法能有效地提高分类精度,分类结果明显优于常规的复WishartH/α分类结果和复WishartH/α/A分类结果。  相似文献   

Three methods to correct for the atmospheric propagation delay in very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) measurements were investigated. In the analysis, the NASA R&D experiments from January 1993 to June 1995 were used. The methods were compared in correcting for the excess propagation delay due to water vapour, the “wet” delay, at one of the sites, the Onsala Space Observatory on the west coast of Sweden. The three methods were: (1) estimating the wet delay using the VLBI data themselves; (2) inferring the wet delay from water vapour radiometer (WVR) data, and (3) using independent estimates based on data from the global positioning system (GPS). Optimum elevation cutoff angles were 22 and 26 when using WVR and GPS data, respectively. The results were found to be similar in terms of reproducibility of the estimated baseline lengths. The shortest baselines tend to benefit from external measurements, whereas the lack of improvement in the longer baselines may be partly due to the large amount of data thrown away when removing observations at low elevation angles. Over a 2 week period of intensive measurements, the two methods using external data showed an overall improvement, for all baseline lengths, compared to the first method. This indicates that there are long-term systematic errors in the wet delay data estimated using WVR and GPS data. Received: 27 October 1998 / Accepted: 20 May 1999  相似文献   

全极化SAR获取的信息量远多于传统SAR,但信息量的增加并不能确保分类精度的提高,如何有效进行特征选择至关重要。针对自适应特征选择问题,提出一种顾及分类器参数的特征选择和分类方法。该方法以支持向量数为评估依据,结合遗传算法进行特征选择,并同时对分类器参数进行寻优;最后利用优选的特征集和模型参数进行分类。为验证算法的有效性,利用两组全极化数据进行了监督分类实验。实验结果表明,提出方法降低了SVM分类器对自身参数的敏感性,而且能在较少特征个数下具备良好的泛化性能,分类精度优于未经过特征选择和参数优化的方法。  相似文献   

基于SAR干涉点目标分析技术的城市地表形变监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interferometric point target analysis (IPTA) is one of the latest developments in radar interferometric processing. It is achieved by analysis of the interferometric phases of some individual point targets, which are discrete and present temporarily stable backscattering characteristics, in long temporal series of interferometric SAR images. This paper analyzes the interferometric phase model of point targets, and then addresses two key issues within IPTA process. Firstly, a spatial searching method is proposed to unwrap the interferometric phase difference between two neighboring point targets. The height residual error and linear deformation rate of each point target can then be calculated, when a global reference point with known height correction and deformation history is chosen. Secondly, a spatial-temporal filtering scheme is proposed to further separate the atmosphere phase and nonlinear deformation phase from the residual interferometric phase. Finally, an experiment of the developed IPTA methodology is conducted over Suzhou urban area. Totally 38 ERS-1/2 SAR scenes are analyzed, and the deformation information over 3 546 point targets in the time span of 1992-2002 are generated. The IPTA-derivecl deformation shows very good agreement with the published result, which demonstrates that the IPTA technique can be developed into an operational tool to map the ground subsidence over urban area.  相似文献   

提出了一种有效的MSTAR SAR图像分割方法。该方法首先对待处理图像进行过分割操作,得到过分割图像区域,然后对过分割后的图像进行图像区域级和像素级的特征提取,得到用于表示图像的特征向量,接着对MSTAR SAR图像使用空间隐含狄利克雷分配模型(sLDA)和马尔科夫随机场(MRF)建立本文所提出的模型,得到能量泛函,最后运用Graph-Cut算法和Branch-and-Bound算法对能量泛函进行优化,得到最终的分割结果。通过使用MSTAR SAR图像进行分割实验比较,仿真结果表明了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

提出了一种新的MSTAR SAR图像分割方法。该方法首先根据地物的散射机制进行属性散射中心(attributed scattering centers,ASC)特征提取,构造属性散射中心特征向量;然后使用马尔科夫随机场(Mark-ov random ficld,MRF)结合属性散射中心特征对MS\  相似文献   

There is a pressing need to determine the relationships between driving variables and landscape transformations. Human activities shape landscapes and turn them into complex assemblages of highly diverse structures. Other factors, including climate and topography, also play significant roles in landscape transitions, and identifying the interactions among the variables is critical to environmental management. This study analyzed the configurations and spatial-temporal processes of landscape changes from 1998 to 2011 under different anthropogenic disturbances, identified the main variables that determine the landscape patterns and transitions, and quantified the relationships between pairs of driver sets. Landsat images of Baicheng and Tekes from 1998, 2006 and 2011 were used to classify landscapes by supervised classification. Redundancy analysis (RDA) and variation partitioning were performed to identify the main driving forces and to quantify the unique, shared, and total explained variation of the sets of variables. The results indicate that the proportions of otherwise identical landscapes in Baicheng and Tekes were very different. The area of the grassland in Tekes was much larger than that of the cropland; however, the differences between the grassland and cropland in Baicheng were not as pronounced. Much of the grassland in Tekes was located in an area that was near residents, whereas most of the grassland in Baicheng was far from residents. The slope, elevation, annual precipitation, annual temperature, and distance to the nearest resident were strong driving forces influencing the patterns and transitions of the landscapes. The results of the variation partitioning indicated complex interrelationships among all of the pairs of driver sets. All of the variable sets had significant explanatory roles, most of which had both unique and shared variations with the others. The results of this study can assist policy makers and planners in implementing sustainable landscape management and effective protection strategies.  相似文献   

黄立胜  王贞松 《遥感学报》2006,10(1):138-144
随着计算机技术的发展,实时成像处理器技术的成熟,不但处理数据量越来越大,而且对成像质量要求也越来越高,实时成像处理中需要有自动聚焦算法。但是由于实时成像处理器的特殊结构和实时性要求,需要算法的计算量不能太大、不能太不确定。因此并不是所有的算法都适合用于实时处理。 主要介绍Map Drift算法的原理和实现步骤以及在实时成像处理器中的应用。文中对适合于实时成像处理器中应用的公式进行了推导,得到频域二次相位误差系数和相关峰位置的线性关系,并利用该关系在频域进行相位补偿,有效缩减迭代次数。利用一种插值来计算相关峰位置的方法,消除了离散化计算相关峰位置所带来的量化误差的影响,并在迭代过程中改进二次相位误差系数和相关峰位置关系的系数,对减少迭代次数,提高估计精度有一定帮助。最后给出仿真结果,验证算法的正确性。  相似文献   

针对合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture radar, SAR)影像辐射定标中角反射器布设受限等问题,提出一种利用通讯信号塔辅助求解SAR影像绝对辐射定标常数的方法。首先根据信号塔独特的几何结构特征,分别对上下两部分建立等效简化模型;然后利用物理光学法求解两部分等效模型的雷达截面积(radar cross section, RCS),并叠加得到信号塔模型整体RCS;最后根据信号塔整体RCS,使用积分法求解SAR影像中信号塔脉冲响应能量及绝对辐射定标常数。为了验证所提方法的准确性,选取了4类常见类型的信号塔分别建立对应的等效简化模型并求解其对应RCS,同时利用FEKO软件仿真这4类信号塔。将所提方法实验结果与FEKO软件仿真结果进行对比,发现所提方法能够节约大量仿真所需时间,提升计算效率;对真实SAR影像进行绝对辐射定标常数求解,并与标称定标常数进行对比,结果表明,所提方法具有可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

殷明  刘卫  吴江敏 《测绘科学》2013,38(5):77-79,83
本文对SAR图像在引进加性模型的基础上,采用非下采样Contourlet变换,根据其系数、邻域系数及父系数3者之间的相关性,给出一个分类准则,把系数分为2类:重要系数和非重要系数,然后采用改进的Donoho阈值处理重要系数,估计出不含噪声的非下采样Contourlet变换系数,从而得到抑制了相干斑的SAR图像。对真实SAR图像进行相干斑噪声抑制实验,结果显示本文方法在抑斑效果和图像的细节保留上均优于目前的许多方法。  相似文献   

研究了一种基于雷达后向散射特性,从单张星载高分辨率SAR影像提取建筑物高度的方法。该方法通过检测建筑物二次散射强度,同时获取目标方位角、入射角等参数以及相关介质特性等信息,根据后向散射几何光学模型估算建筑物高度。实验验证了对于相当一部分典型建筑物都能够获得较为理想的高程估计值,进而证明了该方法提取建筑物高度的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

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